The Christian Messenger: September 2, 2012

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The Christian Messenger

115 W. Fifth Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130

740-654-0626 e-mail
Brad Seevers Senior Minister (740-550-9882) David Tingler Associate Minister Scott Brown Worship & Outreach Minister Sunday Services 1st Worship 8:00 a.m. 2nd Worship 10:30 a.m. Bible School 9:15 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.

September 2, 2012

Special Congregational Meeting

A special congregational meeting will be held at the end of each morning worship service on Sunday, September 16th for the purpose of following our Elders recommendation regarding the hiring of Hannah Martin as our part-time Director of Childrens Ministries. On September 9th, there will be an opportunity to get to know Hannah from 2-3pm in the Fellowship Hall. This is open to the entire congregation.


I am thankful that Hannah Martin has agreed to come and serve as our Childrens Director. I do hope you will support this decision that I and the Elders have made. We have searched and prayed for several months now and believe God has answered our prayers in His timing. May God be praised! I want to say thank you to all who provided refreshments each night of our August evenings of revival. I truly believe that each was blessed by the speakers. Max Lucado wrote in his book, Cure For The Common Life, When you transfer your trust into Christ, he not only pardons you; he places you in his family of friends. He continued to say, You didnt pick me. I didnt pick you. You may not like me. I may not like you. But since God picked and likes us both, we are family. Why not echo the words of the Psalmist who wrote: I am a friend to everyone who fears you, to anyone who obeys your orders. The church is to be Gods family of friends. It is my prayer that all FACC people will work diligently to speak with respect towards one another and towards this community who needs Christ. The world and the church do not need more people who are quick to pounce on others. Now lets go serve our Lord together and show the world that all of us can say Im so glad Im a part of the family of God. Brad


NEW HORIZONS RETREAT: You still have time to register for this senior event which is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11. Our seniors have been attending this fine event for the past several years. The program is hosted by the North Terrace Church of Christ in Zanesville. These folks have, always, provided an excellent program. The registration fee is $25 per person. This includes a continental breakfast and lunch. We will be departing the church at 7:30 am and returning around mid-afternoon. A sign-up sheet is posted, along with registration forms. See me if you have questions. WEDNESDAYS: Our 10:00 am & 6:30 pm study groups will be returning on September 12. Our topic, for the first several weeks, will be The Church Through The Centuries. This will be a condensed look at the birth and development of the church through the 20th century. I do hope you will plan to join us.

When we worship God continually and pour out our lives in service to Him, we are living out His Lordship in our lives. In a world that constantly points at the church with claims of irrelevance and hypocrisy, this is a refreshing and needed change. Among Christians the challenge is generally not discerning right and wrong, but having the faith to walk it out. If we wake every day with the awareness of the truth, that you are not your own, you have been bought with a price. (ICor. 6:19-20), walking with God becomes a clearer path and the only real option. Many times we read a passage, or hear a sermon and feel empowered in that moment, but soon after find ourselves tempted or allow ourselves to be lied to by the accuser of the brethren. God wants to do amazing things in us and few things are as encouraging as seeing someone you know walking in faith, trusting God and finding God is faithful and accomplishing great things in their lives because of their surrender. Great things are still being done and need to be done. Lord, help us to walk by faith and follow you in complete surrender, that those believers around us might be encouraged, and unbelievers might see faith lived out and you might be glorified.

You may mark your calendar for our return to these Sunday evening programs on September 9. Our study will come from the book of II Corinthians. The first message, in the new series, will be Living Comfortably (II Cor. 1:1-11). If you are not involved in a small group, on Sunday evenings, I encourage you to join us.
FINAL THOUGHT: Abraham Lincoln said, The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.


Sunday School 1st Morning Worship 2nd Morning Worship Total Morning Worship Evening Worship Weekly Budget Budget Received Teen Fund 93 99 78 177 45 $ 4,633.00 $ 4,974.83 $ 1.00

Blood Pressure Checks (in church office)

SERVING SCHEDULE September 2, 2012

At the Table 1st Serving 1st At the Table 2nd Serving 2nd Pastor of the week PM Deacon Fred Griffith and Charlie May Patrick Wersell, Carmel Marsh, Dick Shumaker, Don Taylor Fred Griffith and Ned Tomlinson Patrick Wersell, Nick Hinson, Jacob Neff, Tom Puckett Fred Griffith Patrick Wersell

Crafters Bee Saturday, September 8th 9am noon

Bring any craft you are working on and join this time of fun and fellowship!

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1st and 2nd Worship GREETERS 1ST Worship 2nd Worship NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship VISITOR CENTER 1st Worship 2nd Worship SECURITY 1ST Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

Sue Tingler

Dan and Janet Brown Dick and Marg Shumaker

Please note the change of address for military hero of the month. Sgt. Nathaniel J. Grabaskas is the grandson of Richard and Bertha Boyer. A list of goodies that can be sent to Sgt. Grabaskas is posted by the military bulletin board. Sgt. Grabaskas, Nathaniel 2909 Dellwood Circle Lynchburg, VA 24503

Hannah Ross and Reta Conrad Courtney Beiter and Cindy Cox

Mary Alice Coats Kelly Maffit

Dan Brown Ray Coats George Lambert Jim Puckett

Sympathy is extended to Dwight and Cindy Andrews and their daughter, Rikki, on the death on Cindys Mother, Eileen Raymer. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jeane Goldfarb Barbara Kerr Naressa Allen Irene Shelt Susanne Sullivan Martha Holbrook Jane King Gene Mattin DJ Cates Todd Logan Peggy Krieger

Ron Ogden Wib Sparks Our Troops Don Taylor Paul Ely

Sharon Britch Wanda Dickson Stacy Byers Leona Stokes Ashley Cates

Ed and Norma George Dorothy Herman Clifford Shelt Brooke Evans Bruno Depietrio Eileen Raymers Family

Prayer Requests

SERVING SCHEDULE September 9, 2012

At the Table 1st Serving 1

At the Table 2nd Serving 2nd Pastor of the week PM Deacon

Ralph Conrad and Dick Shumaker Larry King, Hank Wellman, Richard Boyer, Don Gardner Mike Cooper and Nick Hinson Larry King, Dale Thornton, Ned Tomlinson, Rod Troutman Mike Cooper Larry King

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1st and 2nd Worship GREETERS 1ST Worship 2nd Worship NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship

Sue Tingler

Ray and Margie Ayers Neal Rudolph

We are looking for volunteers to hand out flyers advertising the 64 2 Grayson concerts coming up next Sunday. We will be handing out flyers on Saturday, September 8th at 10:00 a.m. Meet at the church at 9:45 a.m. if you would like to help. If you have any questions, contact Scott at 740-475-7721.

Laura Wersell and Thea Kallenberg Samantha Hendricks and Jean Azbell

VISITOR CENTER 1st Worship 2nd Worship SECURITY 1ST Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

Address updates:
Becky Wellman Deb Cooper

Marianna Gall 241 Whittier Dr., Room 104 Lancaster, OH 43130 Elizabeth Lamparter 241 Whittier Dr. Room 138 Lancaster, OH 43130

Paul Alexander Bill Kelly Mike Bussey George Lambert

Ladies Holiday Extravaganza 2012

Saturday, October 6th ~ 9am 1:30pm
Continental breakfast, workshops, catered luncheon, and a presentation of opportunities to serve in Womens Ministries. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in the church parlor before Sunday School on September 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd. All ladies are welcome and encouraged to attend this gathering.

WELCOME TO FIFTH AVENUE! At FACC, we focus on loving God, loving people, and turning the world upside down. We are happy you chose to worship with us today. We hope you return next week and bring your friends with you. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out a Silent Roll Call Card, located on the back of the pew, you can then place it in the offering plate as it is passed. Thank you. For more information about our great church, contact our minister, Brad Seevers at or call him at 740.550.9882. Have a great week and may God bless your life.

Sunday School Classes for All Ages Classes at 9:15 unless noted
Nursery (Birth through 3 years old) Jesus Loves Me Room 102 Courtney Beiter, Coordinator Young Children (Ages 4 through 2nd Grade) Shaping Hearts With Gods Word Room 101 Deborah Will, Teacher Middle Elementary (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades) Be Wise and Trust God in His Power Room 106 Becky Hoagland, Teacher Junior and Senior High Acts of the Apostles Room 301 Nick Hinson, Teacher Young Ladies Class (8:00 a.m.) The Lies Women/Young Women Believe Room 214 Cassie Bull, Teacher Ladies Class Women of the Bible Room 209 Beverly Puckett, Teacher Mens Class Hearing Gods Word Room 205 Tom Puckett, Teacher Adult Class 1st Peter Room 214 Brad Seevers, Teacher Harmony Adult Class God Establishes a Faithful People Room 204 Dave Tingler, Teacher Philothean Adult Class Parables Room 108 Jim Love, Teacher

Small Groups
As the Fall months arrive, there is great excitement in the air. Football games have begun and bands are playing with pride. It wont be long until you can grab an elephant ear at the fair. I cant wait! But with the Fall also comes excitement about growth opportunities at FACC. I want you to know what you can chew on spiritually to help you grow in wisdom in the upcoming weeks. Beginning September 10th, Scott Brown will lead a LIFE group entitled: Joy in Christ at the home of Larry & Phyllis Bussey. This group will meet every Monday at 1:30 P.M. Beginning September 12th, Brad will lead a LIFE group entitled: Not a Fan. This challenging study will call into question the depth of your Christian life. It will meet every Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 P.M. in the Prayer room. Pick up your copy of the required reading from Brad. The book cost $5. Beginning September 16th, Brad will lead a LIFE Group entitled: Unquenchable Faith. There is no required book for this study. Simply bring your Bible! This group will meet every Sunday from 6:00-7:30 P.M. at Dan & Janet Browns home. Beginning September 18th, Brad will lead our Mens Fraternity group from 6:30-7:45 P.M. We will meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month for Bible study and will offer several mens fellowship & service events throughout the year. This Fall we will study: Authentic Manhood. Please make preparations to grow this Fall as you journey deeper with the Lord!

How Do You Know If Your Church Is Alive? Colossians 1:1-14

Brad Seevers preaching

Core Values...
Values central to the life, mission and vision of Fifth Avenue Church of Christ are:

Christ-Centered Worship
We make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus through our music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus on Jesus through grace-based preaching and teaching & understand the Bible is our authority (2 Timothy 3:16).

Sermon Notes _____________________________

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Church Health and Biblical Balance

Church health becomes reality when God's people seek harmony & live consistently. We expect every member to protect the unity of Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8)

Global Evangelism
We are constant to our founding call to worldwide evangelism, proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Healer, and Soon-Coming King (Acts 20:27).

Fellowship and Ministry

How Can I Respond Today?

At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on all issues. We believe that Gods Word is clear concerning what a person must do to become a Christian. Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation. Turn (repent) from the sin in your life. Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Be baptized (immersed) in water for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit into your life. To make this life decision for Christ, we ask that you come forward during our commitment song at the conclusion of the Sunday message. Baptized believers are welcome to become members at FACC by coming forward on Sunday morning or by seeing our Senior Minister to discuss this further. We ask that you complete a series of Curious classes to help you better understand what you are committing to as a member.

After people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equip them to find a ministry based upon their strengths. We want everyone to serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) We also want His church to be the living evidence of His love and power to the world.

We do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Avenue Church of Christ in Lancaster. We are all about teaching you that Jesus seeks a daily relationship with Him through a life of obedience. In other words, we want to see the things you are taught actually change your lifestyle & your daily decisions.

Social Conscience
We place high value on the sanctity of human life, of Biblical marriage and morality, and we welcome ethnic diversity (Isaiah 56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).


Exalt Gods Greatness; Evangelize Gods Work Equip Gods People Express Gods Love through Jesus Christ


To Love God and Love People!


Over the past several months, your Elders have prayerfully weighed the choice of a candidate for presentation as our Director of Childrens Ministries. We have now chosen to present Hannah Martin as our recommendation. You, the congregation, will be given opportunity to vote on this recommendation on Sunday, September 16, at the close of each of the morning worship services. We hope to have you meet her, personally, on Sunday, September 9. Hannah Martin is a twenty-one year old senior at Kentucky Christian University and will be graduating with a degree in Humanities with a Bible Major this spring. She graduated from high school in Corbin, Kentucky in 2009. Hannah is an excellent student and comes with excellent personal references from professors and colleagues. (One of those being our own Vickie (Bussey) Marshall). Hannah comes from a ministers family. Her father has been involved in new church work. A brother is in Youth/Childrens Ministry. Her ministry experience ranges from VBS, to camp teams, mission trips, college representative teams and as a volunteer in various service and outreach ministries. In 2009-2010, Hannah served as a Student Ambassador at Kentucky Christian University. She has served as a Resident Assistant at KCU and is a Special Needs Tutor in Ashland, Kentucky. As a result of contacts, personal interviews and much prayer, your Elders are pleased, and confident, to recommend Hannah Martin, for congregational approval on September 16. As Director of Childrens Ministries, Hannahs area of responsibility will be with children, birth through fifth grade.

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