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GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT Prof. Dolores C. Maaliw PLM-CME Faculty Chapter 1: The Meaning of Public Administration What is Public administration?

Public administration refers to the cooperative human action to achieve the purposes of the government. What is government? The term government embraces the totality of all institutions through which the state carries out its will. What is administration? Basically an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and internal operating efficiency Waldos view of public administration: is cooperative group efforts in public setting covers all three interrelationships branches-executive, legislative and judicial and their

has an important role in the formulation of public policy and is thus a part of the political process is different in significant ways from private administration

What is Management? Management is the planning, deciding, or exercising of control and supervision on some functions of the organization Manager is someone who occupies a position or someone who performs a job Is Public Administration an Art? Art is the proficiency in the practical application of knowledge acquired through study, experience or observation. It is the use of talent for creative work 1. The art of administration is the direction, coordination, and control of many persons to achieve some purposes or objective. 2. It is the dynamic art, taking the human and physical resources available in a system of administration and bending them to the achievement of some required goal. 3. It is the central, over-all disposition of forces, bringing into focus and consistency of action elements often widely dispersed. 4. It is an art that pervades all levels of organization, binding together the many professions, crafts and specialists whose contributions although equally necessary are not those of management. Is Public Administration a Science? A science is the systematic accumulation of facts, their analysis and interpretation and their use to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion

Differences between Public Administration and Private Administration PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Broad filed of administration official actions are based on public trust carrying legal accountability relatively routine decision-making procedure maintenance of internal status quo actuations subject to public criticisms government corporations restricted by the requirements of fiscal accountability foreign to corporate device

PRIVATE ADMINISTRATION limited field of administration not necessarily base on public trust; limited legal accountability unlimited in decision making process dynamic entrepreneurship not normally subjected to public criticisms no such restrictions

Chapter 2: Public Administration and Modern Society The New Role of Public Administration: Change Agent in the task of nationbuilding 1. significantly contributed to the shaping of both the aspirations and expectations of the people in its efforts to improve the quality of life A public administrator is not expected to have any part in policy decisions. Classifications of Multi-function of government (Robert Maclever and Charles Page) 1. functions peculiar to the state maintenance of order attainment of justice protection of a system of property rights formation of administrative and foreign policies

2. functions for which the state is well-shaped conservation of natural resources control of monopoly

the maintenance of public services such as parks, playgrounds, schools and museums preservation of health

3. functions for which the state is ill-adapted this will vary with the conditions, but in general they are functions which do not serve the needs of the entire community such as religion and literary and artistic production and evaluation

4. functions which the state is incapable of performing control of peoples opinions regulation of morality

Policy making is the prerogative of the political or elected actors in government

Chapter 3: The Nature of Bureaucracy Basic concepts of Bureaucracy Bureaucracy (Max Weber) is a type of organization designed to accomplish large-scale administration tasks by systematically coordinating the work of many individuals

1. It is a specific form of social organizations for administrative purposes reflected in certain specific forms of organizational behavior: hierarchy, subdivision, specialization, fixed ways of doing things, and professionalization 2. In bureaucratic organized systems, authentic authority which binds the various levels together, originates at the top and passes through the organizations as managers delegate it downward Developments of Bureaucratic organizations Weber saw bureaucracy as the most efficient form of organization arising out of the needs of an industrialized society for the effective administration of its large and complex organizations The increasing complex organization can be simplified by breaking down its structure into manageable parts Bureaucracy offers both an efficient mechanism for reaching institutional goals and the danger of allowing the mechanism to appear more important then the service it is supposed to perform

Characteristics of organizations in order to apply bureaucracy

1. large and complex organization as measured by the number of people it employed 2. majority of those employed were performing semi-skilled and unskilled works 3. relatively simple mass production technology is applied and 4. relatively simple product is produced Ideal type model of bureaucracy Two preeminent characteristics in all formal organizations 1. division of labor and 2. centralization of authority

Chapter 4: Government and Politics in Public Administration Foundation of Government and Politics Culture-The totality of the elements and aspects of the environment of a people or a group which includes the family system, child-rearing and the language they speak and write. Politics-It is the whole range of mans endeavor to govern himself , to provide a structure and practice for the exercise of political power

Foundation of Government and Politics The citizens needs and demands made upon the government also contribute to the viability of the political unit. In all political communities, these are widespread expectations that government should pursue what is variously called public interest, the general welfare or the common good. A promising approach to public administration is for the administrator to have a fuller grasp of the emerging needs of his people, a better idea of the peoples psychology-going down to the roots while keeping a close view of the international matters. Public administration consists of all operations for their purpose the fulfillment or enforcement of public policy.

Politician Administrator Accord The viability of the public administrator depends to a great extent on the political stability of the country

The politician-administrator accord maybe fostered by: 1. social relations to the extent permitted by public duty and good sense 2. giving the due considerations to political recommendations and 3. intelligent discussion of the needs of public administration jointly by legislators and administrators

Implications to Public Administration Government policies set to achieve (two ends of good government): 1. maximum peace and 2. economic stability Chapter 5: The Ecology of Public Administration Ecology is the study of organism in relation to its environment Public administration as an organization is influenced by its environment, so administrators have to take full account of the companys environment before drawing up any plans

Two kinds of environment 1. internal (individual ) -relationship of the administrator with his organization 2. external (organizational)- everything outside the organizational structure of public administration The Administrators Attitudes on Environment The environment helps to determine the alternatives on the basis of which decisions are made and also affects the value systems which supply the criteria for choosing among these alternatives. (Gordon and Howell)

Ecology and Administrative Effectiveness An organization must be designed in full recognition of the rapid and dramatic changes in its environment The external environment contains influences that shape the behavior of those inside the company. The main way this occurs is through information coming into the organization from outside that helps it shape its goals (McFarland)

Factors of Environmental Constraints Educational constraints Legal-political constraints Socio-cultural constraints Economic constraints Religious constraints

Different management skills

Technical-understanding of and proficiency in a specific kind of activity involving methods, approaches, processes or techniques in dealing with education as an external constraints Theoretical-can be obtained through formalized schooling, experience in administering the programs of the organization practical

Conceptual- the ability to see the organization as a whole/ the ability to recognize and integrate the interrelationships of any various factors in the organization

Chapter 6: Nature and Development of Organizations Definition of Organization Organization is nothing but a mechanism by which administration directs, coordinates and controls its business

Organization as social form has four basic characteristics: 1. a set of individuals in office 2. individual responsibility for definite tasks-functional activities-which are parts of a division of labor 3. an organizational goal to which alternatives of the staff contribute 4. a stable system of coordinative relationships or structure Different Theories of Organization Scientific Theory (Machine Model)-Frederick W. Taylor Theory of Bureaucracy-Max Weber Human Relations Approach (Social Ethics Theory) Open System Concept-Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn Modern Theory-Chadwick J. Haberstroh

Functionalization as a system of organization-make maximum use of the specialization skills of individuals The Types of Organizations Classifications of government institutions: 1. those that perform purely governmental service functions-Dept of Public Works and Highways, The Postal Services Offices, etc 2. those that are organized for business-Development Bank of the Philippines, Philippine National Railways, etc

3. those that are organized to dispense justice-Supreme Court of the Philippines, Department of Justice, etc. 4. those that organized on a quasi- judicial basis which exercise administrative as well as judicial functions-Securities and Exchange Commission, Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Types of organization 1. The Line Organization The simplest and oldest form of structure with authority delegated from top to bottom, shown by an unbroken line 2. The Staff Organization The authority to decide is with the line executive 3. The Line and Staff Organization Pattern of most large and complex organizations

The Concept of Functionalization Conditions to full resolved conflict between line and staff executives

1. every executive must understand the purpose of the task-he should know whether he operates in a line or a staff capacity. This understanding of responsibility should be accompanied by accepting the reality that the line executives have the authority to make decisions and to act on them 2. the staff executives should be contented to exercise staff authority that is the right to advise and counsel the line executives 3. the staff executives should know that the effectiveness of their services depends primarily on their ability to make their recommendations complete enough to be accepted or rejected by their superiors. In short, they endeavor to submit a completed staff work. completed staff work The completed staff work requires the staff executive to present his recommendations in a clear manner based on full consideration of a problem with clearances with the persons significantly affected by it and the suggestions about avoiding difficulties involved The Committee Organization A committee is a staff group which meets for the purpose of affecting an integration of ideas leading to a meeting of minds concerning a solution for some problems. Best Use of Committees 1. where group deliberations and judgment are important 2. fear of improper use of authority

3. represent interested groups 4. motivation through participation 5. coordination of planning 6. policy development and interpretation 7. administrative communication 8. training 9. innovation 10.avoid action Chapter 8: The Contradictions in an Organization Conflicts may arise because of differences in goals, values, and experiences and culture (accumulation of ideas, beliefs, and skills that groups possess) Centralization may be considered necessary at particular times but then be gradually loosened Advantages of decentralization are stressed in the newer organization theories; decentralization is not thought of in absolute terms but depends on the situation

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