Final GSM
Final GSM
Final GSM
SUBMITTED BY ARUSHI SURI Enroll No: 09410402809 Session: 2009-2013 Electronics & Communication Engineering AMITY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (G.G.S.I.P.U, NEW DELHI)
I would like to thank Mr. PANKAJ KULSHRESTHA (Head-training & Development) for providing me the opportunity to undertake training in ATC. I extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. SUNIL KUMAR (DGM & Head, RF), and Mr.ABHAY RATHORE (GM, Procurement, Passive Infra) for their indispensable guidance, and frequent suggestions incorporated together with long hours of their precious time to help me during the course of this project and for helping me learn and gain knowledge and making everything worthwhile and fruitful throughout the project. Besides, I would like to thank the authority of American Tower Corp. (ATC) for providing me with a good environment and facilities to complete this project. It gave me an opportunity to learn and gain knowledge about the working and role of Passive Infrastructure in Mobile Communication.
American Tower (NYSE: AMT) is a leading independent owner and operator of wireless and broadcast communication sites. Our global portfolio includes approximately 47,000 owned or managed sites and is experiencing steady growth. In addition to leasing space on towers, we provide customized collocation solutions through our Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) that support seamless in-building and outdoor wireless coverage. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, American Tower has local offices across the United States and in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ghana, India, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and the United Kingdom. American Tower's Vision To be the premier infrastructure provider in the eyes of our employees, customers and communities, enabling the deployment of advanced services that make wireless communication possible everywhere. Mission... Create a customer-focused team environment where employees are respected and innovation is a state of mind. Deliver the highest level of customer service while providing safe, compliant and quality tower sites. Exceed yearly performance goals to create enduring success. Pursue meaningful opportunities to grow and strengthen the company.
1.1.2.Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) OEM (original equipment manufacturer) REG was a company that supplied equipment to other companies to resell or incorporate into another product using the reseller's brand name. The term is most often used in the computer industry, where products such as Windows will be referred to as OEM. A company like Dell Computers will incorporate the Windows operating software into its computers and sell the computers to its customers with the Windows product installed. Some of the OEMs are : LG, Motorola, Philips among others.
The phenomenal growth in mobile subscribers in India over the last few years has created huge opportunities for the telecom infrastructure industry. The tower industry is growing continuously with the active support of the Government. During the early years, the mobile operators were directly involved in the installation and maintenance of the mobile towers. The intense competition in the telecom industry forced all the operators to look for opportunities to reduce the cost of operations by outsourcing network related activities which demand huge capital expenditure and operating expenditure. While some companies created their own captive tower companies (Active Infrastructure), a few others pooled the towers and formed joint ventures(Passive Infrastructure). Functioning of a Passive Tower Infrastructure Company: A tower infrastructure company provides passive infrastructure on a sharing basis to telecom operators. The role of a tower infrastructure company may be summarised as follows: - Site planning, keeping in view the network rollout plans of prospective customers. - Site acquisition, including entering into long-term agreements with land owners. - Obtaining of necessary regulatory approvals. - Erection and commissioning of tower and allied equipment. - Provision of support services such as back-up power, air-conditioning and security. - Provision of turnkey solutions to telecom companies such as sourcing of equipment, testing and maintenance.
A cell site is a term used primary for a site where antennas and electronic communications equipment are placed to create a cell in a mobile phone network (cellular network). A cell site is composed of a tower or other elevated structure regular and backup electrical power sources and sheltering. The working range of a cell site- the range within which mobile devices can connect to it reliably depends on the following factors:
The type of signal in use (i.e. the underlying technology), similar to the fact that AM radio waves reach further than FM radio waves. The transmitter's rated power. The transmitter's size. The array setup of panels may cause the transmitter to be directional or omni-directional. It may also be limited by local geographical or regulatory factors and weather conditions.
Site should be large enough for a cell towernormally (but not always) this is a parcel double the size of the height of the tower. So if a tower is 100 ft tall, the parcel must be 200' x 200'.
2.1. Microwave Antenna Microwave antennas are used for tower to tower communication. Microwave antennas are widely used for point-to-point communications because their small wavelength allows convenientlysized antennas to direct them in narrow beams. This allows nearby microwave equipment to use the same frequencies without interfering with each other.
Each radio frame, DC rectifier or any device consuming DC power will produce heat. DC current consumption and efficiency determines the amount of heat produced by a device (radio, power plant, etc). Therefore each shelter requires air conditioner.
Each shelter is equipped with two 1.75-ton units or two 2.0-ton units as the minimal standard. Even if one of the two units were to fail there is always a redundant unit available. It is a dual compressor with controller.
A diesel generator is the combination of a diesel engine with an electrical generator (often an alternator) to generate electrical energy. Diesel generating sets are used in places without connection to the power grid or as emergency power-supply if the grid fails, as well as for more complex applications such as peak-lopping, grid support and export to the power grid. Sizing of diesel generators is critical to avoid low-load or a shortage of power and is complicated by modern electronics, specifically non-linear loads.
Its capacity is in terms of Ampere hour. At a single tenant site 300 AH. Provides 48 V DC supply. Each cell of 2 volt Multiple tenant sites
All BTSs produce a broadcast channel (BCH) which is on all the time, and can be viewed as a lighthouse beacon. The BCH signal is received by all mobiles in the cell, whether they are on call or not, in order to: allow mobiles to find the GSM network. allow the network to identify which BTS is closest to a given mobile. allow coded information like the network identity (e.g. vodaphone, Mannesmann etc) to be known. allow paging of messages to any mobiles needing to accept a phone call, and a variety of other information. The frequency channel used by the BCH is different in each cell.
Mobile phone telephone masts are generally sited in areas that provide the maximum signal to the locality. They generally transmit in either 1 direction or 3 directions, (360 degrees or sector directed degrees). Each section is called as Azimuth. To best determine the radio coverage of these areas, a density map and a single cell predication map will be required, as this helps us understand the RF footprint of the coverage from the mast. If there are many masts in a particular locale, their controller, (a BSC Base Station Controller), will route them between the most efficient route of onward transmission.
2.6. TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED SHELTER SHELTER houses the AC , battery bank and BTS. These shelter provide resistance to thermal heat, rust and corrosion. These can withstand adverse weather conditions and are chemical resistant, water and fire resistant, dust and dirt proof.
2.7. CAPTIVE GENERATOR Captive power plants are associated with specific industrial complexes, and their output is almost entirely consumed by that industrial plant. Another term that may sometimes be synonymous is 'cogeneration' in which the power plant produces multiple forms of energy (e.g., electric power and steam), and where both are rawmaterials for a related industrial process. it is often the case that the demand of the industrial process exceeds the capacity of the captive plant, and power must be taken from the grid to make up the difference. Also, there must be some provision to 'bootstrap' the integrated process into operation - often this means relying on grid power to start-up the plant following an outage. And it is possible that there are times when the captive plant will produce more power than can be consumed in the industrial process.
2.8. TOWERS Towers installed at sites are steel structures of angular or tubular designs which are supplied by manufacturers in completely knocked down stage. Telecom towers are broadly classified on the basis of their placement as Ground-based and Rooftop. (i) Ground-Based Tower: Erected on the ground, ground-based towers (GBTs) are taller (typically 200 to 400 feet) and are mostly used in rural and semi-urban areas because of the easy availability of real-estate space there. GBTs involve a capital expenditure in the range of Rs. 2.4 to 2.8 million, depending on the height of the tower. These maybe Three or Four legged with either 30 or 40 or 50 metre height. It has 60 or 70 or 80 metre microwave Backbone towers.
(ii) Roof-Top Tower (RTT): Roof-top towers (RTTs), which are generally placed on the roofs of high-rise buildings, are shorter (than GBTs) and more common in urban and highly populated areas, where there is paucity of realestate space. Typically, these involve a capital expenditure of Rs. 1.5 to 2 million. It is the height of a telecom tower that determines the number of antennas that can be accommodated, which in turn determines the capacity of the towers, apart from factors such as location and geographical conditions (wind speeds, type of terrain, etc.). Hence, typically, while GBTs can accommodate up to six tenants, RTTs can accommodate two to three tenants.
Global System for Mobile (GSM) is a second generation cellular standard developed to cater voice services and data delivery using digital modulation based on Narrowband ISDN. It is a co-operative effort of international telecom industry, ETSI. The GSM standard originally described a digital, circuit switched network optimized for full duplex voice telephony. The standard was expanded over time to include first circuit switched data transport, then packet data transport via GPRS(General Packet Radio Services).
Short Message Service which allows you to send and receive 126 character text messages Ability to use same phone in a number of network-related countries Allows data and fax transmission and reception across GSM networks at speeds up to 9,600 bps currently Forwarding of calls to another number More capacity, ensuring rapid call set-up. Handsets also smaller and more robust. Talk to a number of other parties simultaneously Place a call on Hold while you access another call Notifies you of another call whilst on a call Encrypted conversations that cannot be tapped You can barr outgoing calls and incoming calls Allows location/cell-specific reception of text messages. Emergency Calls - In the majority of countries, the global 112 emergency number can be dialed free. No-static connections GSM also make sure that all the communication made between networks are secured and protected from intruders and fraud.
3.1. GSM SERVICES The services offered by GSM network are: Tele services Bearer/ Data services Supplementary services
3.1.1.TELE SERVICES A Teleservice utilises the capabilities of a Bearer Service to transport data, defining which capabilities are required and how they should be set up. Tele services provide voice and non voice services. These services enable voice communication via mobile phones. Some of the services offered under teleservices are : Voice calls: This includes Full-rate speech at 13 Kbps and emergency calls, where the nearest emergency- service provider is notified by dialing three digits. Video text and fax : These teleservices includes Videotext access, Teletex transmission, Facsimile alternate speech and facsimile Group 3, Automatic facsimile Group 3 etc. Fascimile Group 3 provide automatic fax service between mobile fax and fax machine within a PSTN or between 2 mobile fax terminals, at a maximum speed of 9.6 Kbps. Short Text Messages : SMS (Short Messaging Service) service is a text messaging which allow you to send and receive text messages upto 160 character alphanumeric data transmission on your GSM Mobile phone. Short messages can be received at any time, even during a call and are transmitted over signaling channels.
Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR), if the called party does not want to be identified by the caller.
Call Forwarding Unconditional (CFU) ensures that all incoming calls are diverted to a number specified by the customer, independent of the conditions of the call. Call Forwarding on mobile Subscriber Busy (CFB) diverts calls only if the called subscriber is making a call and the line is busy Supported by the Optimal Routing Service (SOR) - a GSM Phase 2+ feature -calls are routed directly to the subscriber's current location.
Call Waiting (CW) notifies the customer of an incoming call when no traffic channel is available, and the customer is engaged in an active or held call
The Call Holding Service (HOLD) permits the customer to interrupt communication on the active call for another call, without losing the connection to the first call
restriction services : Barring all outgoing and incoming calls Barring all outgoing international calls Barring all incoming calls except those coming from the country of the home network The calls can be barred manually by the subscriber, or by network configuration .
5) Multi Party Services: Multi Party Services, also called conferencing services, allow the customer to communicate with more than one party simultaneously. These can be initiated if a customer is in control of at least one active call and one call on hold. After it has been initiated, parties can be added, disconnected or separated. Thus the subscriber initiating the service can add more parties to the Multiparty Call and exclude others from conversation
6) Closed User Group: Closed User Group (CUG) gives a particular group of customers the opportunity to communicate with each other in PLMN or ISDN networks. The members of a Closed User Group can't communicate with subscribers outside the group. If desired, one or more subscribers in this group can be authorised to call subscribers outside, or to receive calls from them. Emergency calls are not subject to the restrictions of this service.
3.2 DETAILED ANALYSIS OF GSM 3.2.1 GSM RADIO FREQUENCY SPECTRUM GSM operates on two different frequencies ; 900MHz and 1800MHz. In the frequency range specified for GSM-900 System mobile radio networks, 125 frequency channels with a bandwidth of 200 KHz are available for both the uplink and downlink direction. The uplink (Transmission from Mobile to Radio Terminal ) uses the frequencies between 890 MHz and 915 MHz and the downlink (Transmission from Radio Terminal to Mobile) uses the frequencies between 935 MHz and 960 MHz. The duplex spacing, the spacing between the uplink and downlink channel, is 45 MHz.
In the frequency range specified for GSM-1800 System mobile radio networks, 374 frequency channels with a bandwidth of 200 KHz are available for both the uplink and downlink direction. The uplink uses the frequencies between 1710 MHz and 1785 MHz and the downlink uses the frequencies between 1805 MHz and 1880 MHz. The duplex spacing is 95 MHz.
3.2.2 MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES used in GSM A combination of FDMA and TDMA is used to divide the radio frequency spectrum between the cell site radios and the mobile stations:
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA): Frequency Division Multiple Access is the division of the frequency band allocated for wireless cellular telephone communication into many channels, each of which can carry a voice conversation or, with digital service, carry digital data. With FDMA, each channel can be assigned to only one user at a time. Each call is carried on a separate frequency channel. Uplink/Downlink bands divided into 200KHz bandwidth of 125 carrier frequencies. Mobile and BTS in a cell communicate in a particular carrier frequency. The allocation of radio channel can also be done on demand basis.
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA): Each frequency channel is further divided into a 8 timeslots; each timeslot carries the data of a voice call. Each user in TDMA multiple access scheme shares same carrier frequency but with non- overlapping time slots. Each mobile transmits data in a frequency, in its particular time slot Burst period = 0.577 milli secs. 8 time slots called a TDMA frame. Period is .577 * 8 = 4.616 milli secs
3.2.3 GSM- A CELLULAR STRUCTURE GSM uses cellular networking technology that breaks geographic area into cells shaped like honey comb. The cells are the area of coverage provided by one or more radio terminals.
3.3 GSM NETWORK ARCHITECTURE A GSM network is made up of multiple components and interfaces that facilitate sending and receiving of signaling and traffic messages. It is a collection of transceivers, controllers, switches, routers, and registers. Functional architecture is broadly divided into : Mobile Station (MS) Mobile Equipment (ME) Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Base Station Subsystem (BSS) Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Base Station Controller (BSC) Network Switching Subsystem(NSS) Mobile Switching Center (MSC) Home Location Register (HLR) Visitor Location Register (VLR) Authentication Center (AUC) Equipment Identity Register (EIR)
3.3.1 MOBILE STATION: Mobile Station is two distinct entities. Mobile equipment / terminal. SIM Card.
MOBILE EQUIPMENT: It is the actual Hardware hand portable unit having following features: Frequency and Time Synchronization Voice encoding and transmission Voice encryption/decryption functions
Power measurements of adjacent cells. Different terminals distinguished principally by their power and application. Fixed terminals 20W Portable terminals for cars 8W Handheld terminals 2W Sophisticated terminals 0.8W Every terminal has an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). This number is burned into the phone by the manufacturer.
SIM CARD: SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card, implemented as a portable smart card with memory which holds subscriber information that can be categorized into the following:
Personal Identification Number (PIN); used as a four-digit password protection number Secret key for authentication (Ki) Dynamic Information Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity(TMSI) Location Area Identity (LAI) Phone memories, billing information Ability to store Short Messages received SIM provides Personal Mobility. It provides user access to all subscribed services. SIM makes the terminal operational and allows user to send and receive calls and receive other subscribed services
Can be moved from phone to phone contains key information to activate the phone.
Base Station Subsystem connects the MS and NS. It is composed of two parts that communicate across the standardized Abis interface allowing operation between components made by different suppliers. 1. Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 2. Base Station Controller (BSC)
BTS (Base Transceiver Station): The BTS is the Mobile Station's access point to the network. It is responsible for realising the AirInterface between mobile and network.
Each BTS can support a number of transceivers depending on the density of subcribers in the cell. It consists of one or more radio terminals for transmission and reception. Each Radio terminal represents an RF channel.
Each BTS usually covers a single 120 degree sector of an area. Usually a tower with 3 BTSs will accommodate all 360 degrees around the tower. However, depending on geography and user demand of an area, a cell may be divided up into one or two sectors, or a cell may be serviced by several BTSs with redundant sector coverage.
BTS consists of: The antennas Output and input filters, which are band-pass filters. While the input filters are broadband and not tuneable, the output filters are wideband and tuneable Radio transmitter and radio receiver The Transmission/Reception-Module TRX which serves: i. Channel Coding and Decoding, ii. Ciphering iii. Voice encryption/decryption iv. Signal processing functions of the radio interface v. Slow Frequency Hopping vi. Burst formatting vii. Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) of all transmitted and received data, the generation and sending of the BCCH on Channel 0, the realisation of the protocol LAPD on the channel to the BSC. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Module. A BTS is assigned a Cell Identity. The cell identity is 16-bit number (double octet) that identifies that cell in a particular Location Area. The cell identity is part of the Cell Global Identification (CGI), which is discussed in the section about the Visitor Location Register (VLR). BSC (Base Switching Centre): The BSC controls and monitors multiple BTSs.
It establishes connection between the mobile station and the MSC. BSC performs the following functions: Manages channels on the radio interface for BTS. Assigns Frequency and time slots for all MSs in its area. Handles call set up. Handover for each MS. It performs inter-cell handover. External Interfaces i. ii. iii. iv. v. Abis interface towards the BTS A interface towards the MSC Alarm handling from the external interfaces Switching from Abis link to the A link Interface to OMC for BSS management
The MSC is a standard ISDN-switching system adapted to be used in Mobile Radio Networks. It is the central component of the NSS(Network and Switching Subsystem).
It performs the switching functions of the network. It manages communication between GSM and other networks. MSC does gateway function while its customer roams to other network by using HLR/VLR. It handles call routing and call setup. It is also responsible for: Billing information and collection Mobility management Registration Location Updating Inter BSS and inter MSC call handoff
VISITOR LOCATION REGISTER (VLR) The VLR is a database that contains a subset of the information located on the HLR. It contains similar information as the HLR, but only for subscribers currently in its Location Area. To avoid high signalling load between MSCs and HLR, subscriber data are downloaded at registration and held in a local database called VLR.
VLR Contains selected administrative information from HLR needed for call control and provision of subscribed services for each mobile located in the geographical area controlled by the MSC. In the canonical architecture, each VLR corresponds to one MSC, even though a VLR can hold data for one or several MSCs of the same PLMN. It Generates and allocates a Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI). When subscriber makes a call the Visitor location register-VLR will have required information for making call already and it will not required to connect to Home Register Location - HRL again. Hence it reduces number of queries to HLR thus reduces network traffic. It also controls those mobiles roaming in its area. GATEWAY MOBILE SWITCHING CENTER (GMSC) There is another important type of MSC, called a Gateway Mobile Switching Center (GMSC). The GMSC functions as a gateway between two networks. It is Interface of the cellular network to PSTN and routes calls between PLMN and PSTN.
It queries HLR when calls come from PSTN to mobile user. It performs the following functions: Inter-BSC handover Call switching Paging Billing
HOME LOCATION REGISTER (HLR) Home Location Register is a permanent database about mobile subscribers in a large service area(generally one per GSM network operator). The HLR maintains subscriber-specific information.
It is considered the most important database. HLR stores user data of all Subscribers related to the GMSC: International Mobile Subscriber Identity(IMSI) Users telephone number (MS ISDN) Subscription information and services VLR address Reference to Authentication centre for key (Ki)
HLR is referred when call comes from public land network. It contains all administrative information of each subscriber registered in an GSM network. Logically there is one HLR per GSM/PLMN network.Can be implemented as distributed database also. AUTHENTICATION CENTRE (AuC) It serves security purposes; it provides the parameters needed for authentication and encryption functions. These parameters allow verification of the subscriber's identity.
It stores Subscriber authentication data called Ki for each IMSI on the network. The AuC is responsible for generating the necessary cryptovariables for authentication and encryption on the network. AuC generates SRES using Ki of subscriber and RAND. Mobile generates SRES using Ki and RAND and transmits SRES to BTS which then compares received SRES with one generated by AuC.
Also , AuC : Generates security related parameters to authorize a subscriber (SRES) Generates unique data pattern called Cipher key (Kc) for user data encryption
Replicates the copy of the secret key (Authentication Key Ki) stored in each subscribers SIM card. Is considered to be part of HLR. Protects against intruders in air interface
EQUIPMENT IDENTITY REGISTER (EIR) EIR stores security-sensitive information about the mobile equipments. It maintains a list of all valid terminals as identified by their International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). The EIR allows then to forbid calls from stolen or unauthorized terminals (e.g, a terminal which does not respect the specifications concerning the output RF power).
There is only one EIR per network. It is composed of three lists. The white list, the gray list, and the black list. The gray list is a list of IMEIs that are to be monitored for suspicious activity. This could include handsets that are behaving oddly or not performing as the network expects it to. The white list is an unpopulated list. That means if an IMEI is not on the black list or on the gray list, then it is considered good and is "on the white list". OPERATION and MAINTENANCE CENTRE (OMC) OMC is the maintenance control point for all network elements in a GSM system. It must comply with TMN architecture.It performs the following functions: Office Data Management. Administration. Data and Software storage for network elements. Traffic reporting and analysis.
GSM divides up each ARFCN into 8 time slots. These 8 timeslots are further broken up into logical channels. Different time slots will carry different logical channels, depending on the structure the BSS uses. There are two main categories of logical channels in GSM: 4.1 Traffic Channels (TCH) Traffic channels are used to send speech or data services. There are two types of traffic channels which are distinguished by their transmission rates. They are divided as follows: 4.1.1 Traffic Channel Full Rate (TCH/F) : The TCH/F carries information at a 22. gross bit rate of 8kbps .The net bit rate at the TCH/F for speech is 13kbps and for data it is 12,6 or 8.6kbps . 4.1.2 Traffic Channel Half Rate (TCH/H) : TCH/H carries information at a gross bit rate of 11.4kbps .The net bit rate at the TCH/H for speech is 5.6kbps and for data is 6 or 3.6kbps . 4.2 Signaling Channels Types of signaling Channels are: 4.2.1 Broadcast Channels (BCH) Transmitted by the BTS to the MS. This channel carries system parameters needed to identify the network, synchronize time and frequency with the network, and gain access to the network. This is a downlink control channel that distributes general information to the MSs concerning the system configuration. The information may include number of common control channels, possible combinations of control channels, whether support for packet-switched traffic is enabled, among others. Bears information for call setup purpose One-way forward channel using normal burst format Information includes cell identity, network identity, control channel structure, list of channels in use, congestion status, details of access protocol Located at slot 0 of some specific carriers. These channels are divided as follows:
Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH) DOWNLINK This channel contains system parameters needed to identify the network and gain access. These parameters include the Location Area Code (LAC), the Mobile Network Code (MNC), the frequencies of neighbouring cells, and access parameters. Using this information the MS can choose the best cell to attach to.
Frequency Correction Channel (FCCH) DOWNLINK This channel is used by the MS as a frequency reference. This channel contains frequency correction bursts. It is a forward channel using frequency correction burst format. The FCCH transmits a constant frequency shift of the radio frequency carrier that can be used by the MS for frequency correction. Synchronization Channel (SCH) DOWNLINK This channel is used by the MS to learn the Base Station Information Code (BSIC) as well as the TDMA frame number (FN). This lets the MS know what TDMA frame they are on within the hyper frame.It is a one-way forward channel using synchronization burst format. SCH bursts are located at slot 0 of some specific carriers. The SCH is used to time synchronize the MS. Cell Broadcast Channel (CBCH) DOWNLINK The CBCH is for point-to-omnipoint messages. It is used to broadcast specific information to network subscribers; such as weather, traffic, sports, stocks, etc. Messages can be of any nature depending on what service is provided. Messages are normally public service type messages or announcements. The CBCH isnt allocated a slot for itself, it is assigned to the second subslot of the SDCCH. The mobile will not acknowledge any of the messages. The CBCH is used for the transmission of generally accessible information in a cell which can be polled by the MS.
4.2.2 Common Control Channels (CCH) Common control channels are specified as point to multi point channels which only operate in one direction of transmission ,either in up link or down link directions. These are used for signaling between the BTS and the MS and to request and grant access to the network. It corresponds to a set of common control channels that are used for implementing access management functions. These channels are divided as follows :
Paging Channel (PCH) DOWNLINK This channel is used to inform the MS that it has incoming traffic. The traffic could be a voice call, SMS, or some other form of traffic. PCH blocks are divided into groups. Terminals need only to monitor the group it belongs to save power. This is the principle of sleeping-mode operation. Random Access Channel (RACH) UPLINK This channel is used by a MS to request an initial dedicated channel from the BTS. This would be the first transmission made by a MS to access the network and request radio resources. The MS sends an Access Burst on this channel in order to request access. For call origination, short
message transmission, ack to paging message, location registration, IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) attachment, IMSI detachment. All successfully received RACH bursts are acknowledged to indicate the time slot number of the SDCCH. In other words, RACH is for establishing SDCCH. Base station use arrival time to determine the timing advance. It is sent to the terminal for subsequent transmission.
Access Grant Channel (AGCH) DOWNLINK This channel is used by a BTS to notify the MS of the assignment of an initial SDCCH for initial signaling. AG channels share the slots. Blocks of 4 frames are assigned to paging or AG as informed on the BCCH. It is sent to acknowledge the RACH channel send by the MS.
4.2.3 Dedicated Control Channel (DCCH) Dedicated control channels for full duplex ,point to point channels .They are used for signaling between the BTS and certain MS. It corresponds to a set of dedicated control channels that are used for measurements, signaling, among other functionalities. These channels can be used both in the uplink and downlink. MS. These channels are divided as follows:
carries all signaling between the BTS and MS when no TCH is allocated .The SDDCHs are used for service requests, location updates ,subscriber authentication ,ciphering initiation ,equipment validation and assignment to a TCH..The net SDCCH bit rate is about 0.8 kbps . A 2-way channel using normal burst format for signaling purpose related to registration, authentication and location update. It is established by using RACH and before the allocation of a TCH (traffic channel).
5.1 MOBILE ORIGINATED CALL (OUTGOING) A mobile originated call starts by the user entering the directory number digits, associated with the person to be called, on the MS handset. The user presses the "send" key after all digits have been entered.
1. MS transmits a channel request message over the Random Access Channel (RACH). Although unlikely, it is possible that the MS will have to retry this message several times. The message contains a field which indicates the reason for requesting the establishment of a connection (mobile originated call), and the MS identification. The mobile now waits for an assignment on the AGCH.
2. Once the BSS receives the Channel request message, it allocates aStand-alone Dedicated Control Channel(SDCCH) and forwards this channel assignment information to the MS over the Access Grant channel (AGCH) in a IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message. It is over the SDCCH that the MS will communicate with the BSS and MSC until a traffic channel is assigned.
3. The MS transmits a DTAP-MM (Mobility Management) Call establishment request message to the BSS over the SDCCH in order to request a service from the network. The BSS forwards the message to the MSC.
4. MSC transmits Authentication request to the BSC over SDCCH to check if the subscriber has been authenticated. BSC forwards the request message to BTS which then transmits it to the MS.
5. Network sends an Au request message consisting of a 128-bit RAND to mobile station. MS uses RAND, secret key Ki, stored in SIM and the A3 encryption algorithm to compute a 32 bit signed response called SRES. MS transmits SRES to BTS. AuC generates SRES using Ki of subscriber and RAND. BTS compares received SRES with one generated by AuC.
6. Since the subscriber has been successfully authenticated, the MSC initiates ciphering of the data being sent on the channel. The channel is ciphered so as to protect the call from eavesdropping. BSC replies to the MSC, indicating that ciphering has been successfully enabled.
7. The MSC allocates a traffic channel(TCH) on one of the digital trunks between the MSC and the BSC. MSC informs the BSC about the allocated TCH. The call is also switched from signaling to voice. The BSC notifies the Mobile about the changeover to voice mode. The MS user hears silence since the complete voice path has not yet been established . The MSC sends a network setup message to the PSTN requesting that a call be setup. Included in the message are the MS dialed digits (DD) and details specifying which trunk should be used for the call.
8. The local exchange will generate the ringing tone over the trunk, or series of trunks (if several intermediate switching exchanges are involved), to the MSC. At this point in time, the PSTN notifies the MSC with a network alerting message when this event occurs. The MSC informs the MS that the destination number is being alerted by sending a ALERTING message to the MS. At this point in time, the mobile subscriber will hear a ringing tone.
The tone can be generated by either the MS itself or by the destination local exchange. In the latter case the tone is transported through the established voice path. It depends on the signaling type used in between the different exchange in the speech path which entity generates the tone.
9. When the destination party goes off-hook, the PSTN will inform the MSC of this event. This event usually triggers the beginning of billing. At this point, the MS will be connected to the destination party. The MSC informs the MS that the connection has been established by sending a CONNECT message to the MS.
10. The call has entered the conversation phase. The speech path has been setup between the mobile subscriber and the land-line subscriber.
11. The mobile subscriber hits End to clear the call. The mobile sends the disconnect message to the MSC. The MSC initiates release on the PSTN side. The MSC disconnects the voice path and also releases the voice circuit between the BSS and the MSC. The MSC informs the Mobile that it has initiated call release. Call release has been completed, now the RR connection is released by the MSC.
5.2 MOBILE TERMINATED CALL (INCOMING CALL) It is assumed that the MS is already registered with the system and has been allocated a Temporary Mobile Identity Number (TMSI). It is also assumed that a land subscriber dials the directory number of a mobile subscriber and the call enters the GSM network via a Gateway MSC (GMSC). 1. The PSTN routes the call to the GMSC of this directory number. The directory number included in the message is referred to as the Mobile Subscriber ISDN number (MSISDN).
2. The GMSC, not knowing whether this MS is roaming in its own service area or not, sends a message, with the MSISDN in it, to the HLR in a MAP (request) message.
3. The HLR uses the dialed number to locate the HLR entry for the subscriber and then transmits to GMSC.
4. The call is routed from the GMSC to the visited MSC using the ISUP Initial Address Message (IAM) message.
5. The MSC uses the location area identity, provided by the VLR, to determine which BSSs should page the MS. The MSC transmits a BSSMAP PAGING message to each of these BSSs requesting that a page has to be performed. The message is sent in a connectionless SCCP message. The PAGING message includes the following fields: always the IMSI and if available the TMSI of the MS, and the cell identifier list.
6. Each of the BSSs broadcasts the TMSI/IMSI of the MS in a RIL3-RR PAGING REQUEST message on the paging channel (PCH).
7. The BSC will send the Page message to all the BTS that serve the subscriber's location area. All BTS in the location area will broadcast the Page message on the Paging Channel (PCH).
8. The network assigns a channel to the terminal and sends the assignment and time/frequency corrections in the immediate assignment message. The mobile tunes to the assigned channel and transmits the page response. The mobile acknowledges the receipt of the setup by sending the call confirmed message. Ring the subscriber. The call has now entered the conversation phase.
The mobile subscriber hits End to clear the call. The MSC initiates release on the PSTN side. The PSTN informs that call release has been completed at its end. Mobile indicates that the call has been released.
6.1 MOBILITY MANAGEMENT (MM) MM layer is built on the top of the RR(Radio Resource) layer and its aim is to track where the subscribers are, allowing calls, SMS and other mobile phone services to be delivered to them. The functions performed are: Handles authentication & security.
Concerned with the procedures to know the current location of the powered-on mobile. Hierarchical area for paging Page every cell Vs location update Reliability through periodic location updating procedure. Trade off between signalling load and speed of recovery. IMSI attach and detach procedure
6.2 RADIO RESOURCE (RR) Radio Resource layer allocated the channel for the setup of call and it also : Establish and Release stable connections between MS and MSC Manage Limited Radio and Terrestrial resources Handover process is the sole responsibility of the RR Layer Functions of RR layer are performed by MS and BSC and partly by MSC Frequency Hopping Power-level control Discontinuous Transmission Discontinuous Reception Timing Advance
6.3 TRANSMISSION LAYER Provide means to carry user information Means for carrying Signaling information Includes Link Layer functionality's Performs modulation, coding, multiplexing
Controls call setup Controls call management Call routing is its primary task Supplementary services management
In frequency hopping systems, the transmitter changes the carrier frequency according to a certain hopping pattern, allowing the use of more aggressive reuse patterns. Frequency Hopping makes it much easier to recreate any lost bits and so preserve overall call quality. The advantage is that the signal sees a different channel and a different set of interfering signals during each hop. This avoids the problem of failing communication at a particular frequency, because of a fade or a particular interferer and a more reliable communication might be achieved. Without frequency hopping, the links of some users would be subject to high interference for a long time. By hopping across different frequencies, the set of co-channel interferers seen by a user changes after
each hop and the MSs would experience periodically changing interference profiles, so that almost the same average interference would be perceived by all MSs. Within a given cell, some frequencies will have good propagation in a certain area and some will have poor propagation in that area. In order to take advantage of the good propagation and to defeat the poor propagation, GSM utilizes frequency hopping. GSM uses Slow Frequency Hopping (SFH). It is considered slow because the system hops relatively slow, compared with other frequency hopping systems. In GSM, the operating frequency is changed every TDMA frame. The device in a transceiver that generates the frequency is called a frequency synthesizer. On a MS, a synthesizer must be able to change its frequency within the time frame of one time slot, which is equal to 577 s. GSM does not require the BTS to utilize frequency hopping. However, a MS must be capable of utilizing frequency hopping when told to do so. A hop occurs before each time slot is transmitted (every 4.615 millisecond, or 217 hops per second). FH is described by: 1) HSN (Hopping sequence number) HSN is an algorithm on which the frequencies should be selected within the predefined group for hopping frequencies. There are 64 algorithm ( HSN ) i.e. 0-63 2) MAIO (Mobile allocation index offset) MAIO is the starting frequency of this algorithm. The value of MAIO can be N= number of allocated frequencies. Frequency hopping can be divided into the following: i. Synthesizer Frequency Hopping (SFH) This requires the TRX itself to change frequencies according to the hopping sequence. So, one TRX would hop between multiple frequencies on the same sequence that the MS is required to. Synthesized hopping allows the transmitter to change its frequency based on time slot, the output freq of the TRX changes and the calls will continue on the same Timeslot. Because of this process SFH is known as fast hopping. 0 to N-1, where
A single synthesizes TRX is used and the transmit frequency is exchange using a tuning controller set to the assigned hopping sequence. As the communication is not hopping between the carrier units but the carrier unit frequency itself is hopping, so many frequencies can be used as hopping frequencies.
Thus TCH remains on the same TRX but the frequency of that TCH hops. ii. Baseband Hopping Frequency(BFH) In this method there are several TRX and each one stays on a fixed frequency within the hopping frequency plan. Each TRX would be assigned a single time slot within a TDMA frame, a call hopping between different TRX of the same sector. For example, time slot 1 might be assigned to TRX 2 in one TDMA frame and in the next TDMA frame it would be assigned to TRX 3, and the next frame would be TRX 3. So, the data on each time slot would be sent on a different frequency each frame, but the TRXs on the BTS do not need to change frequency. The BTS simply routes the data to the appropriate TRX, and the MS knows which TRX to be on for any given TDMA frame.
The major advantage of the BBH is the time TS 1 to TS 7 of the BCCH frequency containing TRX is allowed to perform hopping. But frequency hopping performs best with at least 4 hopping frequencies. So, cells need at least 4 TRXs.
Time division multiplexing mapping is used in BBFH. BBFH is supported by a base station having a broadband transceiver. Physical channels are permitted by BBFH based upon mobile subscribers communication with the base station. In this, static transceiver frequencies are used
while operating with broadband transceiver. This method is an exclusive of switching communication signals between transceivers.
7.2 HANDOVER Handover is the process of automatically switching a connection in progress from one channel to another to neutralize the adverse effects of user movements. The switch can be made either to a channel within the same cell or in another cell i.e. to continue a call even when a mobile crosses the border of one cell to another. If the BSC has determined that a handover is needed, the BSC selects the best target cell. This is done by analyzing, comparing and ranking the received levels of the neighboring cells, which are reported by the MS in the neighboring cell list. Handover example As a mobile station moves away from its serving BTS towards the coverage area of neighboring BTSs, the measurement reports will show the following:
A gradual decrease in signal strength from its serving BTS. A gradual increase in measured signal strength from one or more neighboring BTSs .
7.2.1 HANDOVER CRITERIA The BSC has the possibility to decide that a handover is needed due to the following reasons: Distance (or propagation delay) between the mobile station and the BTS becomes too great Received signal level (or signal strength) on the downlink or uplink becomes too low Received signal quality on the downlink or uplink becomes too low The power budget is better in a neighboring cell Duration that the mobile station stays in a cell (only applicable in hierarchical cell structures).
Handover types The type of handover procedure executed depends on what level of switching must be performed in order to move the call from the serving BTS to the new candidate BTS. There are basically four types of handovers: Internal or intra-BSS handover, which remains in the same cell (Intra-cell handover) Internal or intra-BSS handover, which goes to another cell (Inter-cell handover) External or inter-BSS handover, which remains in the same MSC (Intra-MSC handover)
Message descriptions The following table shows which messages are sent to perform an intra-BSC handover: i. The MS is continuously measuring the strength of the currently used radio channel and the broadcast channel of the neighboring channels. The measurement results are reporting the to the BSS via Dedicated Channel Management Messages. Depending on the received results the BSC may decide to perform a handover. In this case the BSC decides to handover to another BTS which is connected to the same BSC. The BSC informs the new BTS, via a BTSM (BTS Management) CHANNEL ACTIVATION message, that a handover should be performed to this BTS. In the Channel Activation message the type of handover, handover reference, and channel number/type is defined. The new BTS acknowledges with a BTSM message that the requested channel activation has been completed correctly. The BSC sends a HANDOVER COMMAND via the old BTS to the MS. In the Handover Command the characteristic of the new cell, and the handover reference, are given. After having switched to the assigned channels, the mobile station sends the HANDOVER ACCESS message with the handover reference to the new BTS. The new BTS informs the BSC via a BTSM HANDOVER DETECTION message about the delay on the access burst.
ix. x. xi.
The PHYSICAL INFORMATION message from BTS to MS contains various physical layer related information, allowing a proper transmission by the mobile station. The MS sends a SABM message to the new BTS to switch to the multi-frame mode. The BTSM ESTABLISH INDICATION message informs the BSC of the establishment of a radio link layer connection, initiated by the MS. When the lower layer connections are successfully established, the mobile station returns a HANDOVER COMPLETE message. The sending of this message on the MS side and its receipt on the BSC side allow the resumption of the transmission of signaling layer messages other than those for RR management. The BSSMAP HANDOVER PERFORMED message informs the MSC of the handover. The BSC sends a BTSM RF CHANNEL RELEASE message to the old BTS to release the RF channel of the BTS. The BTS responds with a BTSM RF CHANNEL RELEASE ACKNOWLEDGE message to inform the BSC that the radio channel is released.
Message descriptions: The following table shows which messages are sent to perform an inter-BSC handover: i. The MS is continuously listening to the broadcast channel, measuring the strength of the currently used radio channel and the neighboring channels.
ii. iii.
When the old BSS, currently supporting the MS, determines that the MS requires to be handed over, it will send a BSSMAP HANDOVER REQUIRED message with a list of cells to which the MS can be handed over. On receiving the BSSMAP HANDOVER REQUIRED message, the MSC begins the process of handing over the MS to the new BSS. This message also contains the preferred channel type and if queuing is allowed. The MSC sends a BSSMAP HANDOVER REQUEST message to the selected BSS (new BSS). The new BSS takes the necessary actions to allow the MS to access the new radio resources and then sends the acknowledgment via a BSSMAP HANDOVER REQUEST ACK message to the MSC containing the Handover Reference Number (HRN). The MSC informs the old BSC, via a BSSMAP HANDOVER COMMAND, that the handover can take place. The old BSC sends a command to the MS to tune to the new radio channel. The MS accesses the new radio resource by sending the RIL3-RR message HANDOVER ACCESS containing the HRN. The HRN is checked by the new BTS to ensure it is as expected and the correct MS has been captured. If this is the correct MS, the new BSS sends a BSSMAP HANDOVER DETECT message to the MSC. When the MS is successfully communicating with the new BSS, it sends a RIL3-RR HANDOVER COMPLETE message to the new BSS. The new BSS forwards this message to the MSC. The MS is now served by a new BSS, and the trunk reserved for the communication between the MSC and the old BSS can now be released. The radio traffic channel is released.
Message descriptions The following table shows which messages are sent to perform an inter-BSC handover. i. ii. iii. The MS is continuously listening to the broadcast channel, measuring the strength of the currently used radio channel and the neighboring channels. When the old BSS (BSS-A), determines that the MS requires to be handed over, it will send a BSSMAP HANDOVER REQUIRED message with a list of cells to which the MS can be handed over. Upon receipt of this message from the old BSS, MSC-A sends a MAP PREPARE HANDOVER message to the MSC-B to perform the handover. This message will contain all information needed by the MSC to allocate a radio channel, plus the identity of the cell to which the call is to be handed over. MSC-B asks its VLR to allocate a Handover Reference Number (HRN). MSC-B retrieves the HRN via the MAP SEND HANDOVER REPORT message which will be used for routing the connection of the call to MSC-A. MSC-B asks the BSS-B to allocate a traffic channel via a BSSMAP HANDOVER REQUEST message. BSS-B returns the allocated traffic channel (TN) via a BSSMAP HANDOVER ACK. message. An MAP PREPARE HANDOVER ACK. message containing the new radio resources definition is sent by MSC-B to MSC-A. MSC-A asks MSC-B via an ISUP INITIAL ADDRESS message to establish a communication circuit. MSC-B establishes a circuit with MSC-A by sending an ISUP ADDRESS COMPLETE message. By completion of the handover, MSC-B informs MSC-A, via a MAP SEND END SIGNAL message, that the radio path has been established by MSC-B to the MS. MSC-A retains the main control of the call until it clears. MSC-B acknowledged the receipt of this message with an ISUP ANSWER message.
The radio traffic channel used earlier by the MS can also be released. MSC-A informs MSC-B, via a MAP MAP_SEND_END_SIGNAL message, that the old resources used by the MS are released. The network connection between MSC-A and MSC-B is released. The HRN which was used for the routing of the connection between MSC-A and MSC-B is no longer needed and can be de-allocated.
7.3 POWER CONTROL BS while performing measurement of timing also performs the measurement of the power level of each MS. Power control commands are send to mobiles to adjust the transmit power level of each mobile station so as to ensure that BS receives all the bursts almost at the same power. Power Control enables the mobile station and/or the BTS to increase or decrease the transmission power on a per-radio link basis. Power Control is separately performed for the uplink and downlink. In both cases the BSC is responsible for initiating Power Control; the mobile station and the BTS adopt transmit power according to the BSC Power Control commands.
7.3.1 MEASUREMENTS While a mobile station is active on a call, it has the responsibility of providing measurement data about the performance of the air-interface to its serving BTS so that the serving BSC can decide if a power control should be performed. Also the serving BTS measures the performance of the air-interface. Whereas the mobile station measures the performance of the downlink, the BTS measures the performance of the uplink. Parameter measured: (Both in uplink and Downlink)
1. Signal Strength in DBm 2. Signal Quality in terms of BER The mobile station measures periodically the performance of the downlink, and sends the measurements in the SACCH (Slow Associated Control Channel) via the serving BTS to the BSC every SACCH multi-frame. This corresponds to the transmission of data every 104 TDMA frames or 480 ms. The base station measures the quality of the uplink. Also, it transfers the measurements in the SACCH to the BSC every 480 ms. After the BSC receives the measurements from the MS and the BTS, it starts evaluating the quality and receive level of the air-interface and if needed the power of the MS or BTS is adjusted After calculating the average received levels by the BSC, these values are compared to a number of thresholds that are set for power control. If the average value exceeds one of these values, the power of the MS or the BTS is increased or decreased until an optimum is found the Optimum area of the figure, the area delimited by the different BSS parameters, no power control actions are taken. If signal quality and/or level are beneath the specified thresholds, power control will increase power (indicated by '+'). If signal quality and/or level are above the specified thresholds, power control will reduce transmit power (indicated by '-').
The downlink power control process and uplink power control process are the same but they are also independent from each other.
7.3.2 Comparison conditions For the comparison process the following conditions occur: Each decision caused by RXQUAL is based on the averaged measured result. Each decision caused by RXLEV is based on both the averaged measurement result (used for standard power control) and the latest received measurement result (used for emergency power control). The decision to increase the power during the power control process has priority to any other Power Control decision. Signal Strength When the BSC notices that the signal strength of a particular radio link measured on the uplink becomes below the lower pre-defined threshold because the mobile station moves away from the BTS, it sends a Power Control command to the mobile station to increase its transmit power (MS_TXPWR) by a pre-defined step (typically 2 dB). The transmit power of the mobile station can be increased until a maximum defined level is reached. The BSC can also send a Power Control command to the mobile station to reduce its transmit power when it notices that the signal strength measured becomes above the upper pre-defined threshold. The downlink Power Control process is similar to the uplink Power Control process.
7.3.3 Why MS power control? If power control is not activated for the MS, the MS always transmits at the maximum power level allowed in the serving cell. This reduces the lifetime of the battery and creates a higher chance of interference for other BTSs and MSs using the same and adjacent frequencies. Why BTS power control? If power control is not activated for the BTS, it will always transmit at maximum power level allowed in the cell. This results in a higher chance of interference for other BTSs in the neighborhood that use the same and adjacent frequencies.
GSM adopts DTX technology to stop signal transmission when there is no voice signal. DTX inhibits the transmission of the radio signal when not required from an information point of view. In the DTX mode, speech is encoded at 13 kbit/s when the user is effectively speaking, but in a speech pause information is transmitted at a bit rate around 500 bit/s. This low rate flow is sufficient to encode the background noise, which is re-generated to ensure that the listener does not think that the connection is broken (comfort noise). At the transmission side, the voice activity detection function detects whether speech will be transmitted on a particular radio link or not. When it detects that no speech has to be transmitted, transmission will cease after a defined period of time after speech activity has stopped. The transmitter will periodically send a signal called a Silence Indicator Block every certain period of time. The Silence Indicator Block provides the comfort noise level information to the mobile station or BTS. Why DTX? When DTX is applied, actual transmission on the radio path is reduced. This will cause a decrease of the interference level in co-channel cells (using the same frequency). Another advantage will appear when using DTX in the uplink mode: it saves battery power for the mobile station. However, a disadvantage of the DTX mode is that it slightly deteriorates the quality of transmission. Transmitting in DTX mode does not save timeslots on the air-interface.
i. ii.
GSM is mature; this maturity means a more stable network with robust features. Also less signal deterioration inside buildings. Ability to use repeaters; Repeaters possible at 35 km hard limit. Talktime is generally higher in GSM phones due to the pulse nature of transmission. The much bigger number of subscribers globally creates a better network effect for GSM handset makers, carriers and end users. The most obvious advantage of GSM is its widespread use throughout the world. According to, GSM has a harmonized spectrum, which means that even though different countries may operate on different frequency bands, users can transfer seamlessly between networks and keep the same number. As a result, GSM users essentially have coverage in over 218 countries. As GSM is used throughout the world, there is a greater variety of phones that operate on GSM. Therefore, consumers have more flexibility in choosing a handset that fits their specific desires, and they are not limited to purchasing phones only made in their respective country. As GSM is the same network worldwide, users are not charged a roaming fee for international calls. Under GSM services customers are able to roam internationally without changing their devices or their service plans. Messaging services and other advanced services, such as data, also remain available. Cellular companies make partnership agreements with providers overseas, so customers are able to roam internationally at reduced roaming rates. GSM services are highly secure, with technologies in place that can protect against both eavesdropping and service hacking. GSM devices and services cannot be cloned as easily as other technologies. The SIM card, or Subscriber Identity Module card which carries subscriber and contact information, secures customer information. These cards also allow customers to transfer their subscription information and phone book information from one handset to another at any time. GSM has simple protocol and power efficient chipsets.
8.2 Disadvantages
i. ii.
GSM has a fixed maximum cell site range of 35 km, which is imposed by technical limitations. Perhaps the greatest disadvantage of GSM is that multiple users share the same bandwidth. With enough users, the transmission can encounter interference. Therefore, faster technologies, such as 3G, have been developed on different types of networks than GSM, such as CDMA, in order to avoid such bandwidth limitations. GSM can interfere with certain electronics, such as pace makers and hearing aids. Such interference is due to the fact that GSM uses a pulse-transmission technology. As a result, many locations such as hospitals and airplanes require cell phones to be turned off.
India, the second largest mobile market in the world, is also among the fastest growing mobile markets globally. The total number of mobile subscribers in India (i.e., the subscriber base) has increased from 6.4 million in March 2002 to around 350 million in December 2008. The Department of Telecom has allowed passive infrastructure sharing among operators, which includes sharing of physical sites, buildings, shelters, towers, power supply and battery backup. In early 2008, it also allowed sharing of active infrastructure but it has been limited to antenna, feeder cable, node B, radio access network and transmission systems and not sharing of spectrum. Passive infrastructure being one of the most important components of a mobile network, the same has been a critical area of operations for telecom companies in the past. However, with increasing competition posing an urgent need for telecom companies to expand their coverage and sharpen their focus on core operations so that they can sustain and improve their market position, passive infrastructure has assumed the status of an independent industry during the past few years. Overall, sharing of infrastructure, passive as well as active, is beneficial for all parties involved as it brings along significant operational as well financial savings, thus enabling the companies to minimise duplication of efforts and costs and improve profitability. With sharing, the cost burden on operators reduces significantly, improving the rate of mobile services rollout. The main reasons why tower sharing is beneficial are: India has one of the highest MoUs in the world, which increases the number of base tower stations (BTS) required to handle the same subscriber base. Thus while on an average, a GSM BTS can handle around 1,100 subscribers, in the case of high usage areas the figure can be as low as 600-700 subscribers, which means a larger number of cell sites would be required for the same area. Moreover, the country has the problem of spectrum scarcity, which increases the requirement of towers to maintain a reasonable level of service quality. In the past, domestic telecom operators competed largely on the pricing plank. However, as mobile tariffs in India are currently one of the lowest in the world, the scope for further tariff reduction is low. Given this fact, going forward, quality of service (QoS) would become the prime distinguishing factor among the competing companies. Moreover, a rapidly increasing subscriber base and spectrum crunch would further add to the problem of telecom operators having to maintain the minimum level of QoS. Besides, with the likely introduction of mobile number portability, QoS will become more important as customers will then have a broader range of options available with limited switching costs. Thus to retain existing subscribers by preventing subscriber churn, operators will require additional infrastructure in their existing areas of operation to be able to offer better QoS. Tower sharing helps operators lower their operating costs and capital expenditure and thereby earn better margins and higher Return on Capital Employed (RoCE); the overall impact on Profit and Loss is also positive. Analysis suggests that there would be net annual cost savings for mobile operators if they opt to lease towers from a tower company rather than own them. 3G services are expected to be launched in the country in 2009-10. Moreover, in order to augment their services, various operators plan to launch Wi-Max services as soon as they receive additional spectrum from Government. This would further increase the demand for sharing of passive infrastructure. Infrastructure sharing can be used to build more cost effective coverage in rural areas.
Once a tower asset is rented out, it usually generates a stable and predictable cash flow in the form of tower rentals from occupants. India has the problem of spectrum scarcity, which increases the requirement of towers to maintain a reasonable level of service quality.
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