Things To Come by E.W. Bullinger

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Main Index

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

July, 1897
August, 1897
September, 1897
October, 1897
November, 1897
December, 1897
January, 1898
February, 1898
March, 1898
April, 1898
May, 1898
June, 1898

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Things to Come

by E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

by E. W. Bullinger

Mr. Bullinger published this journal for over 20 years (1894-1915). Besides his own
extensive writings he had a host of additional contributors including:

Sir Robert Anderson W. H. Bacon E. J. Baldwin Horatius Bonar

William Tucker George
H. C. Bowker William G. Carr
Broad Chamberlain
Elder Cumming S. D. C. Douglas A. R. Fairfield Canon Fausset
H. W. Fry Thomas George Fuller Gooch A. J. Gordon
I. M. Haldeman A. B. Hutchinson A. E. Knoch Louis Liesching
F. E. Marsh James E. Mathifson Philip Mauro Thomas More
Thomas Neatby F. Newth Ivan Panin D. M. Panton
W. Graham
G. H. Pember Adolph Saphir John Sloan
James Christopher Col. G. T. Van
C. H. Spurgeon D. M. Stearns
Smith Someren
W. H. Griffith
Alexander Steuart Col. E. H. Thomas W. Hayes Topping
George F. Trench A. F. Watson Thomas Waugh Charles Welch.

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Things to Come

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

June, 1898


1. "Accepted" and "Acceptable"

2. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles

Fifth Paper. Chapter 19:21 to end.

Contributed Articles:

Biblical Study
By George Mill
Warwick, Ontario, Canada

Conference Addresses:

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Things to Come

God's Purposes in Israel

By the Rev. John Wilkinson
(At the Mildmay Prophetical Conference, Oct, 1896)

Selected Gleanings:

1. A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand

2. Are Afghans Israelites?

3. Man's Failure


The "Letter" and the "Spirit"

Questions and Answers:

1. 'Do this in remembrance of me.'

2. Benedicite

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs

Religious Signs:
1. The New Bible
2. How the Higher Criticism Strikes a Man of the World
3. "Easter in the Churches"
4. Ritualistic Blasphemy
5. "Music and the Higher Life"
6. Church or Stage?
7. "The Regeneration of London"
8. Hopeless Scotland

Spiritist Signs:
The Jubilee of Spiritism

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Things to Come

Editor's Table:

Review: A Commentary of the Revelation of St. John by Samuel Garratt, MA.

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

July, 1897


The Dispensational Parables

No. III. The Talents
Matthew 25:14-30

Contributed Articles:

1. The Flying Roll and the Ephah

Zechariah 5:1-11
By E. O. A. N. D.

2. The Divine Names and Titles

No. XIII The Son of Man
By the Rev. Dr. Bullinger

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Things to Come

Conference Addresses:

The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Are There Two Distinct Phases in His Second Advent?
By the Rev. M. Washington, MA, Rector of Staple Fitzpaine

Questions and Answers:

"Will you please explain the difference between 'the Gospel of the Kingdom'
and 'the Gospel of the grace of God'?"

Signs of the Times:

Political Signs
1. Political Economy
2. The Romish Conspiracy
(Oath of Allegiance)

Religious Signs:
1. The New Gospel
("Gospel of Social Duty")
2. Even the World is Astonished!
("Union of the Church and the Stage")
3. Ichabod!
(Romish conspiracy)
4. Arminian Tricks and Shifts

Jewish Signs:
1. Zionism and Nationalism
2. American Support for the Zionist Congress

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 - June 1898

August, 1897


1. The Dispensational Parables:

IV. The Marriage of the King's Son
Matthew 22:2-14

2. "By Me Kings Reign"

A Sermon on the 60th Anniversary of the Queen's Accession
By the Rev. Dr. Bullinger
Proverbs 8:15

Contributed Articles:

1. Israel's Hope
A Bible Study on Psalm 130

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Things to Come

By Rev. David Baron

2. "The Son of David"

By Rev. J. C. Smith, Hoylake

3. The Flying Roll and the Ephah

Zechariah 5:1-11
By E. O. A. N. D.

Examples of Bible Structure:

The Structure of Matthew 6:19-34

Questions and Answers:

1. The Inscriptions on the Cross

2. "How shall we reconcile such passages as Matthew 23:34-36

and Revelation 18:24 with Luke 23:34?
How was the prayer on the cross answered?"

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. Dr. Herzl on the Coming Zionist Congress
2. The Damascus Railway
3. Great Numerical Reduction and Increase of Israel

Religious Signs:
1. Jubilee Sermons
2. "New-Laid Egg Service!"
3. The Handel Festival
4. The World's Use of the Bible (Fireworks at the Crystal Palace)
5. Rome's Jubilee Tactics

Editor's Table:
"Obediential Righteousness"

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 - June 1898

September, 1897


1. Some Dispensational Parables

V. The Pounds
Luke 19:12-27

2. "The Logia (or Sayings) of Jesus"

3. "Russia's Destiny by the Light of Prophecy"

4. The Son of David

By the Rev. Jas. C. Smith, of Hoylake

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Things to Come

Contributed Articles:

1. Is the City of Revelation 21 the Church?

By. Geo. F. Trench

2. The Three Wells of Genesis 26

3. Mariolatry

Conference Addresses:

Are There Two Distinct Phases in the Second Coming of our Lord?
By John Wood, Esq.
(At a Prophetical Conference, 1897)

Selected Gleanings:

"The Teaching of Jesus"

Questions and Answers:

"Are we not misled when we apply Revelation 20:4-6 to the Church of this dispensation?

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs:
"The Advent of the New Moses"
(The Pall Mall Gazette Interview with Dr. Herzl)

Political Signs
The Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms

Religious Signs:
1. "The Facts of Science"
2. A Natural Man's View of Paul
3. Religious Competition

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

October, 1897


Notes on the Acts of the Apostles

Contributed Articles:

1. First and Last Words in Scripture

By Dr. Bullinger

2. The Structure of the Books of the Bible

By the Rev. Dr. Bullinger

3. The Peopling of the Renewed Earth

By E. O. A. N. D.

Conference Addresses:

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Things to Come

Fulfilled Prophecy and God's Word

Questions and Answers:

1. a. The translation of Enoch and Elijah

b. Was not Joseph taking to himself a wife of the Gentiles a type of the Church?
c. John 15:4, etc: 'Abide in Me."
d. John 14:3: 'I will come again and receive you unto Myself.'
e. 2 Corinthians 11:2: 'Husband.' Does this word refer to Christ?

2. Enoch

3. 'The breaking of bread'

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. The Late Zionist Congress at Basle
2. The Return of the Jews Opposed by the Pope
3. Palestinian Exhibition at Hamburg

Political Signs:
The Clay and the Iron

Social Signs:
Modern Millionaires

Religious Signs:
1. Another Reproof from the World
2. The World's View of Religious Burlesque
3. "The Old Jonah Story"
4. "The Nonconformists and the Poor"

Editor's Table
Protestant Infallibility

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

November, 1897


1. The Apostolic Testimony to Jerusalem:

or the True Place of Pentecost

2. "The Silence of God"

Contributed Articles:

1. "Obediential Righteousness"
By Dr. Forster

2. The Structure of the Books of the Bible

By the Rev. Dr. Bullinger

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Things to Come

3. The Peopling of the Renewed Earth

By E. O. A. N. D.

Conference Addresses:

"The Hope of His Calling"

By Rev. E. W. Bullinger, D.D.
(At the Mildmay Prophetical Conference, Oct, 1896)

Selected Gleanings:


Questions and Answers:

1. "Why is Ezekiel given the title, 'Son of man,' and with such frequency?"

2. a. If Israel is to be the object of government according to Luke 22:30...

b. Are the 144,000 not an earthly company in sympathy with Christ's suffering...
c. Does John the Baptist include all the OT saints when he says that he is not the bride...

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. Basle Congress
2. Alarming Situation of the Jews in Persia

Religious Signs:
1. More Foreshadowings of Antichrist
2. A New Religious Society
3. Religion Versus Christianity
4. Rewriting the Bible
5. Scientific Catholicism
6. Papal Profanities in Venice

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

December, 1897


The Apostolic Testimony to Jerusalem

Contributed Articles:

1. A Sign and A Stumbling-Block

Matthew 12
By Rev. Jas. C. Smith, Hoylake

2. The Structure of the Books of the New Testament

By the Rev. Dr. Bullinger

Conference Addresses:

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Things to Come

The Hope of His Calling

By Rev. Dr. Bullinger
(At the Mildmay Prophetic Conference, Oct, 1896)

Selected Gleanings:

1. "A Zeal of God"

Romans 10:2-4

2. The Inspiration of Jeremiah

Questions and Answers:

1. A Lover of Music

2. "Will you explain the difference between the Sabbath and Sunday?"

3. "Will you please explain Acts 21:23-27? Why did Paul take a vow on himself?"

4. Question on Dr. Anderson's book "The Literal Interpretation of Scripture"

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. "The Zionists and Palestine"
a. Rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem
b. Material for the Temple Already Ordered
c. The Tomb of Moses

Religious Signs:
1. "Citizen Sunday"
2. "The New Orthodoxy"
3. Romish Bazaar in a Parish Church Hall
4. Wesleyans and Dead Ministers
5. Man-Made Churchmen and Backsliders
6. A Sensation in the Pulpit
7. The Latest Thing in Religions

Editor's Table:

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Things to Come

Three New Works by Dr. Bullinger

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

January, 1898


The Conclusion of Peter's Ministry in the Land of Israel

Acts 8-12

Contributed Articles:

1. "This is My Body"
By Rev. Dr. Bullinger

Conference Addresses:

A Personal Antichrist
By Robert Anderson, CB, LLD

Questions and Answers:

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Things to Come

1. "Will you kindly explain to me whether the 'one baptism' mentioned in Ephesians 4:5
refers to the baptism of the Holy Ghost or to believer's baptism?

2. "Do you think that Paul's term of 'adoption' is analogous to John's term of 'the new birth'..."

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. "Setting Up the Kingdom of Israel" (Will the Jews return to Palestine?)
2. "Preparing for the New Exodus" (Europe and the Jews/Russia and the Jews)

Religious Signs:
1. The New Gospel of Humanity
2. Fruits of the Higher Criticism
3. Christianity in London
4. The Church of Christian Science
5. Missions and Bazaars
6. No Hope from Education

Editor's Table:
1. Proposed Memorial to Toplady

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

February, 1898


1. A Real Blessing
Matthew 11:6

2. The Ministry of Paul in the Synagogues Among the Gentiles

Acts 13-19:20

Conference Addresses:

A Personal Antichrist
By Robert Anderson, CB, LLD

Illustrations of Bible Structure:

The First Epistle to Timothy

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Things to Come

Selected Gleanings:

1. Apocalyptic Interpretation
By Major-General Synge, RE

2. The New Testament Church

Questions and Answers:

1. "With reference to the statement in Luke 20:38; 'He is not the God of the dead, but of the living'..."

2. Already answered questions on genealogies and election.

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
The Time to Favour Zion
By Rev. A. C. Gaebelein

Religious Signs:
1. The Modern Minister
2. Modern Ministers
3. Modern Agencies
4. Raising the Masses
5. The Latest Fashion (Girls Pass the Plates in Church)
6. What is the Object of the Gospel?
7. An Item in the Conspiracy (Romish Conspiracy)

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

March, 1898


1. The Present Service of Christ

2. The Ministry of Paul in the Synagogues of the Gentiles

Acts 13-19:20

Contributed Articles:

By Major-General Synge, RE

Conference Addresses:

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Things to Come

The Bible - Not Tradition, the Rule of Faith and Life

By Pastor Fuller Gooch
(At the Mildmay Prophetic Conference, Oct, 1896)

Selected Gleanings:

Earth's Curse and Restoration

From the Late William Leask, DD

Questions and Answers:

1. "I shall be glad if you can throw any light on the chronological crux of the 480 years of 1 Kings 6:1."

2. "Three days and three nights" of Jonah 2:17 and Matthew 12:40.

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. "The Jewish Question" (Article of The Jewish World of December 31st)
2. Dr. Herzl on the Zionist Movement

Religious Signs:
1. A Contrast (Clergy then and now)
2. The Low Estate of the Churches
3. Infidels and So-Called Science
4. The Next Step (A Rector's Dancing Class)
5. A "Scrubbing" Service (Vicar Preached and Congregation Washed)
6. The Down-Grade in America

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

April, 1898


1. "What Wait I For?"

2. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles

Fourth Paper. Chapter 19:21 to end.

Contributed Articles:

Preparing for Antichrist

By Geo. A. B. Chamberlain, MA
(Vicar of Buttermere, Cumberland)

Conference Addresses:

The Bible - Not Tradition, the Rule of Faith and Life

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Things to Come

By Pastor Fuller Gooch

(At the Mildmay Prophetic Conference, Oct, 1896)

Selected Gleanings:

"The Secret of Christian Experience"

Questions and Answers:

1. "Thou sayest, instead of thou art Peter?"

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. Misc.
2. The Jews in Europe
3. "The Advance of Zionism"
4. Zionist Conference in London
5. Zionist Congress
6. Jerusalem Reviving
7. The Jewish Colonial Bank

Religious Signs:
1. "The Bible Story Re-Told"
2. "Realism" in Church and Theatre
3. The Manufacture of Religious "Flesh"
4. Church and Stage in England
5. Exploiting Religion
6. Is the World Getting Better?
7. The United Kingdom Drink Bill
8. Shutting God Out
9. The Increase of the Gradient

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Things to Come

E. W. Bullinger

Things to Come
A Journal of Biblical Literature,
with Special Reference to Prophetic Truth.

The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.

E. W. Bullinger

Vol. IV July 1897 June 1898

May, 1898


1. "A Castaway"

2. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles

Fourth Paper. Chapter 19 to end.

Contributed Articles:

1. The Fixing of Dates

By. Dr. Bullinger

2. "The Letter Killeth"

By Robert Anderson, CB

Conference Addresses:

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Things to Come

God's Purposes in Israel

By the Rev. J. Wilkinson
(At the Mildmay Prophetic Conference, Oct, 1896)

Selected Gleanings:

1. The Polychrome Bible

2. Perfection in Christ
By the Late Adolph Saphir
(Epistle to Hebrews, pp. 434-6)

Questions and Answers:

1. The "Year-Day" Theory

2. 480 years of 1 Kings 6

Signs of the Times:

Jewish Signs
1. The Zionist Federation
2. Catholics and Jews in France

Religious Signs:
1. A New God ("Moral Order")
2. "Expedients" For the Gospel
3. A Growing Evil (Music)
4. "A Parson's Pantomime"
5. The Roman Catholic University for Ireland

Editor's Table
1. Review: The Sun-Clothed Woman of Revelation 12

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