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Journal of Hospital Infection 77 (2011) 193e198

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Journal of Hospital Infection

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Testing standards for sporicidesq

P.N. Humphreys*
School of Applied Sciences, University of Hudderseld, Hudderseld, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history: Received 23 February 2010 Accepted 3 August 2010 Available online 30 November 2010 Keywords: Clostridium difcile European standards Sporicides Testing standards

s u m m a r y
Sporicidal products are of considerable importance in healthcare environments due to the requirement for products that are capable of dealing with contamination with Clostridium difcile spores. Sporicidal testing standards to validate the claims of sporicidal activity are an important tool in the evaluation of commercial sporicides. Within Europe there are a number of sporicidal testing standards which are often used to validate the claims of commercial sporicides. However, the extent to which these standards reect the practical application of sporicides in healthcare settings is limited since they employ long contact times (!30 min) and do not involve surface contamination. Alternative international standards are available which employ contaminated carriers rather than spore suspensions, and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development is currently developing a unied set of standards which are more realistic in their design than the currently available European standards. This paper reviews the currently available testing standards for sporicides, highlighting the key procedural differences between them and the extent to which they reect the practical application of sporicidal products. Some of the common problems and errors associated with the application of the European sporicidal standard methods are also highlighted and discussed. Finally gaps in the currently available testing standards are identied and discussed. 2010 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction The emergence of Clostridium difcile as a major cause of nosocomial infections in the UK and worldwide has resulted in considerable focus on sporicidal disinfection products. Although a number of sporicidal chemical agents have been known for some time, the emergence of a wide range of products claiming sporicidal performance and/or activity against C. difcile has emphasised the need for standard methods to allow claims validation.1e3 The situation is complicated in the UK by the lack of any regulatory position on disinfection performance. This contrasts greatly with the position in the USA where the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers spores to be the most difcult form of microorganism to destroy and consequently considers the term sporicidal to be synonymous with steriliser, a steriliser being an antimicrobial pesticide that destroys or eliminates all forms of microbial life in the inanimate environment.4,5 This has led to a relatively small number
q Presented as part of a Sporicide Workshop, held on 4th December 2009 in London, UK. * Address: School of Applied Sciences, University of Hudderseld, Hudderseld, UK. Tel./fax: 44 (0)1484 472771. E-mail address: p.n.humphreys@hud.ac.uk.

of products with a limited number of active ingredients being considered sporicidal in the USA and clear guidance on the testing methodology and performance criteria required to demonstrate activity against C. difcile spores.6,7 The US EPA has also taken steps to prevent products claiming activity against C. difcile based on tests against vegetative cells rather than spores, pointing out that this is misleading since it is the spore rather than the vegetative cell that is the infective agent.8 In the absence of any UK regulatory position on sporicides the denition of a sporicide is left to the Technical Committee (CEN/TC 216 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics) of the European Committee for Standardisation, which denes a sporicide as a product which kills dormant bacterial spores of relevant test organisms under dened conditions.9 This denition leads to different specications of sporicidal performance depending on which European standard method is applied.9,10 For the purposes of this review a sporicide is an agent which renders a bacterial spore no longer able to germinate and produce viable, vegetative bacterial cells. It is not an agent which kills vegetative cells immediately after they have emerged from a germinated spore. This is an important distinction since one of the common sources of false-positive results in sporicidal testing is bactericidal agents that adhere to spores and then kill vegetative cells on spore germination.

0195-6701/$ e see front matter 2010 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2010.08.011


P.N. Humphreys / Journal of Hospital Infection 77 (2011) 193e198

This paper reviews the available standard methods for the determination of sporicidal activity, discusses key aspects of these standards and emphasises some of the shortcomings of those standards currently available. Sporicidal performance criteria When considering sporicidal agents for the disinfection of healthcare environments and associated surfaces it is possible to conceive of a range of desirable performance criteria. Namely: e fast-acting (<5 min); e able to deal with high levels of contamination (e.g. a log10 6.0 reduction)11; e able to deal with realistic levels of organic contamination; e compatible with construction materials; e safe to use. It may not be possible for any one product to meet all these criteria, but this list does provide a useful guide against which available products may be assessed. Test criteria An effective standard test method needs to meet a number of criteria. First, it needs to be accurate, and any inherent inaccuracy must be conservative, i.e. the chance of false negatives is greater than the chance of false positives. Tests also need to be reproducible, generating the same results under the same conditions when repeated both within and between laboratories. Finally an effective standard needs to be as close to realistic conditions as possible. Testing standards General approaches The majority of quantitative disinfection tests involve a number of common procedures, i.e.: e preparation of a test suspension of the target organism (e.g. bacterial spore) to a known concentration; e contact between the test suspension and the disinfectant under test for a known contact time at a designated temperature in the presence or absence of an interfering substance; e after the specied contact time the inactivation of the disinfectant using either a chemical neutraliser or via ltration; e determination of the number of target organisms surviving contact with the biocide over the specied contact time; e the calculation of some form of reduction factor. Disinfection tests fall into one of three categories, i.e. suspension tests, carrier tests or surface tests, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. Suspension tests are the simplest form of quantitative test involving the mixing of a known volume of test suspension with a known volume of product for a specied contact time; in some cases an interfering substance is also added.12 For commercial products the use of suspension tests results in a dilution of the product, 20% in the case of many European standard tests. The advantage of these tests is that there is good mixing between product and test suspension which improves the reproducibility of the test. The European standard sporicidal test BS EN 13704 is an example of a suspension test.10 In carrier tests, inanimate carriers (e.g. porcelain, steel, glass, silk) are contaminated by submersion in the test suspension and allowed to dry.12,13 Once dry the contaminated carriers are submersed in the disinfectant under test for

a specied contact time, after which the carriers are transferred to a neutraliser followed by a further transfer to a nutrient broth with both neutralisation and culture tubes being incubated. The presence or absence of growth indicates the efcacy of the product under test. The advantage of this kind of test is that large numbers of carriers (e.g. 30e607) can be used per test to increase the sensitivity of the test. For example, for registration with the US EPA as a sporicide/ sterilant, a product must return zero growth on 720 carriers utilising two organisms and two carrier types.13 The nal testing approach, surface tests, involves the drying of a known test suspension, e.g. 0.05 mL, on to an inanimate surface, e.g. 2 cm diameter steel disc, which once dry is challenged with a surface application of the biocide under test, e.g. 0.1 mL. After the specied contact time the number of organisms surviving the treatment is recovered from the surface using an appropriate neutraliser. Surface tests are more commonly used to determine bactericidal as well as sporicidal activity.14e17 The transition from suspension test to carrier test to surface test represents a reduction in the ratio of product to contaminant and a progression towards test conditions that more closely resemble actual product usage.11 Test organisms A range of test organisms is specied in various national and international standards. European standards specify the use of Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633), Bacillus cereus (ATCC 12826) and Clostridium sporogenes (CIP 7939) as a candidate anaerobe, whereas the US AOAC and ASTM tests employ different strains of the same species.9,10,13,17 In terms of C. difcile the US EPA recommends the toxigenic strains ATCC 700792, ATCC 43598 and ATCC 43599, although there is some evidence that C. difcile spores are more sensitive to some sporicides than candidate spores such as B. subtilis.7,18 In other studies, the relative sensitivity of C. difcile, B. subtilis and C. sporogenes changed with the sporicide under test and the culture conditions used to generate the spores investigated.19 The majority of sporicidal testing standards contain instructions regarding the preparation of the spores required.9,10,13,17,20,21 Key issues with the generation of spores are achieving the numbers required, ensuring that only spores are present in the suspension and that the spore stock does not contain signicant amounts of organic material originating from the growth media that may interfere with some sporicides such as chlorine release products. The carryover of media constituents has been implicated in variations in sporicidal performance observed between Bacillus and Clostridium test species.11 The generation of an appropriate spore inoculum is an issue particularly when C. difcile is being used as the test organism since achieving the required spore loading, e.g. 106 cfu/mL can be difcult with some strains.10,19 This may actually be due to spores clumping rather than to low levels of sporulation. Interfering substances Interfering substances are added to disinfection standards to provide a reproducible simulation of organic contamination. Given the origins of C. difcile contamination in healthcare settings, the effective assessment of a sporicide against C. difcile needs to consider the presence of organic contamination alongside the bacterial spores.22 The European sporicidal suspension tests are run either in the absence of interfering substance or under simulated clean conditions with low levels (0.3 g/L) of bovine serum albumin (BSA) used to simulate organic contamination.9,10 Other standards use more complex simulated soils which incorporate other proteins such as tryptone and mucin and in some cases milk.17,16 It is not clear whether the level of organic contamination simulated in the

P.N. Humphreys / Journal of Hospital Infection 77 (2011) 193e198


Log10 reduction in B. subtilis spores (cfu/mL)



Log10 reduction in B. subtilis spores (cfu/mL)

6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Contact time (min) 30 35

Product diluted below bactericidal concentration allowing spore germination and growth.


1.5 Product carry over resulting in cell death following spore germination.


Figure 1. Impact of organic contamination on the sporicidal activity of chlorine-based sporicides. Sporicidal activity was assessed using the approach outlined in BS EN 13704:2002 with the clean and dirty conditions outlined in BS EN 1276:1997.10,23 6, 1000 ppm available chlorine [dirty conditions, 3.0 g/L bovine serum albumin (BSA)]; :, 1000 ppm available chlorine (clean conditions, 3.0 g/L BSA).

0 No dilution 10-1 10-2 Dilution factor 10-3 10-4

standard European sporicidal tests accurately simulates soil levels associated with C. difcile contamination. However, the sporicidal activity of some commercial disinfectants can be signicantly reduced when tested under simulated dirty conditions (3.0 g/L BSA) as specied in the European standard tests for bactericidal activity (Figure 1).23 Neutralisation Effective neutralisation is an essential component of biocide testing since it ensures that the specied contact time is adhered to. However, neutralisation can be a signicant challenge in biocide testing in general since there are no generic neutralisers and the selection of neutralisers is often specic to the active ingredient under consideration.24 The need for effective neutralisation is particularly the case in sporicidal tests since ineffective neutralisation can lead to false positives due to carry-over of the active ingredient into the culture media. This carryover results in the test organism being killed post germination, giving the impression of a successful test. This is particularly an issue with products designed to adhere to surfaces to provide residual biocidal activity; this characteristic results in the biocide adhering to the spore surface, making neutralisation more challenging. The carryover of biocide into the culture media can be detected by diluting and plating out the test suspension. If biocide carryover has occurred, a characteristic pattern emerges as the biocide is diluted to a subinhibitory concentration (Figure 2). Problems with neutralisation can be avoided by using membrane ltration as an alternative to dilution neutralisation, an approach which is specied in some standard methods.10,11,25
Table I Comparison of the two European Standard sporicidal tests BS EN 143479 and 1370410 Standard BS EN 14347 BS EN 13704 Inoculum 3.0 108 to 1.0 109 1.5 106 to 5.0 106 Species

Figure 2. Impact of product carryover in sporicidal suspension tests. Sporicidal activity was assessed using the approach outlined in BS EN 13704:2002.10 ,, product 1; B, product 2.

Performance criteria There is a range of performance criteria specied by individual sporicidal tests. These criteria generally consist of a required reduction in the spore load, within a specied contact time in the presence or absence of an interfering substance (Tables I and II); or e as seen in the US carrier tests e where there is a requirement for the complete removal of spores from a specied number of carriers within a specied contact time (Table II).7 In the European testing standards, relatively long contact times are specied (Table I) that have limited relevance to the application of sporicidal products in environmental decontamination. This specication of long contact times is not necessarily a problem since these tests are easily modied to accommodate shorter, more relevant, contact times. Problems arise when products aimed at environmental disinfection are able to report compliance with European standards by virtue of the extended contact times these tests specify.9,10 European testing standards Disinfection testing in Europe was subject to rationalisation in the 1990s with the formation by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) of the Technical Committee CEN/TC 216 for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics.12 This saw the establishment of a range of standard disinfection tests drawn from those already in use within member states, the relationship between these tests

Contact time (min) 30, 60 or 120 60 None


Pass level !104 !103

Bacillus subtilis Bacillus cereus Bacillus subtilis (option for Bacillus cereus and Clostridium sporogenes)

Clean 0.3 g/L BSA

BSA, bovine serum albumin.

196 Table II International sporicidal standards

P.N. Humphreys / Journal of Hospital Infection 77 (2011) 193e198

European AFNOR T72-190 Phase 2.2 Contact time (min) MS Approach Surface Clean/dirty? Dirty Surface? US EPA recommended? MS, manufacturers specication; NA, not applicable. Steel, glass, plastic

American CEN AOAC 13704 2.1 60


ASTM 2008.05 2.2 MS Clean Glass Yes







966.04 2.2 2, 5, 10, 20 Carrier test Clean


E2197-02 2.2 MS Surface Dirty Steel Yes


E2414-0520 2.2 MS Carrier test Clean or dirty Steel, glass, rubber Yes

E2111-0530 2.2 MS Surface Clean or dirty Glass No

1 60 Suspension Clean NA

2.2 MS Surface Clean Steel

1 30, 60 or 120 Suspension Clean NA

Suture/Dacron loops, porcelain cylinders Yes

being outlined in BS EN 14885.12,26,27 These tests are arranged within a structured framework based on their eld of application (medical, veterinary and food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas e FIDI) (Figure 3), and applied in a hierarchical manner which aims to reproduce a progressive increase in complexity and practicality. This hierarchical structure has three stages: e Phase 1: suspension tests for the basic activity of the product; e Phase 2, step 1: suspension tests under conditions representative of practical use; e Phase 2, step 2: other laboratory tests, e.g. hand-wash, handrub and surface tests simulating practical conditions; e Phase 3: eld tests under practical conditions.27 BS EN 1488527 identies two sporicidal standards (BS EN 14347 and 13704) at phase 1 and phase 2.1 respectively (Table III), neither of which are specied for products for use in medical areas; with BS EN 14347 required for products for use in veterinary areas and BS EN 13704 for application to products for use in FIDI areas. It should be noted that Phase 1 tests are not required to support claims for products designed for medical or FIDI applications.27 Both of these standards are suspension tests with different protocols and performance

criteria (Tables I and II), with BS EN 14347 requiring the greater level of sporicidal activity and BS EN 13704 including low levels of interfering substance. Both of these standards specify relatively long contact times (Table I). Although there are no CEN sporicidal surface tests, there are bactericidal surface tests aimed at veterinary and FIDI applications, which have been applied to the evaluation of sporicidal performance.14,15,28 There are also French national standards which have similarities to the CEN bactericidal surface test and which employ glass, steel or plastic surfaces to evaluate the efciency of liquid and gaseous sporicides against dried bacterial spores utilising contact time specied by the product manufacturers (Table II).15,16,29 International standards The USA EPA recommends four sporicidal test procedures to underpin efcacy claims against C. difcile, namely AOAC methods 966.04 (2006 version), AOAC 2008.05 and the ASTM standards 2197-02 and 2414-05.7,13,21,17,20 These are carrier tests, with the exception of 2197-02 which is a surface test (Table II).17 In addition to these recommended standards there is also the ASTM sporicidal surface test E2111-05.30 AOAC 966.04 is a classical carrier test

Basic test methodology: bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal, virucidal

Phase 1

Medical: bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal, virucidal, mycobactericidal

Veterinary: bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal, virucidal, mycobactericidal

Food, industrial, domestic & institutional: bactericidal, fungicidal, sporicidal, virucidal

Phase 2 Step 1

Hand disinfection, general surface disinfection (clean & dirty), instrument disinfection, endoscopes

Hand disinfection, surface disinfection, footbath disinfection

Hand disinfection, surface disinfection various applications

Phase 2 Step 2

Field tests
Figure 3. European Disinfection Testing Framework.27

Phase 3

P.N. Humphreys / Journal of Hospital Infection 77 (2011) 193e198 Table III Status of European sporicidal tests according to EN 14885:200627 Field of application Type and purpose of product Phase No test anticipated Medical Surface disinfection Instrument disinfection Water treatment Veterinary Surface disinfection (clean/dirty) Contaminated objects 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 1 2.1 2.2 1 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 Status of test Test may be developed U U U U U U EN 14347 U U EN 14347 U U EN 13704 U EN 13704 U U Test under development


Test developed

Food, industrial, domestic and institutional

Surface disinfection (clean/dirty) Cleaning in place Wipes

where success is based on presence or absence of growth in multiple tubes containing carriers which have been treated with the sporicide under test.13 AOAC 2008.05 and ASTM 2414-05 are three-step carrier tests where surviving spores are recovered from the carriers through a sequence of physical recovery steps.20,21 This focus on carrier and surface tests contrasts markedly with CEN sporicidal suspension tests, suggesting that the US tests may be closer to realistic conditions than the available European tests.9,10 The AOAC tests employ clean conditions whereas the ASTM tests include assessment under simulated dirty conditions.13,17,20,21 The contact times for four of the ve tests is left to the manufacturers recommendations, with AOAC 966.04 covering a range of contact times from 2 to 20 min (Table II). This again contrasts with the CEN sporicidal tests where the obligatory minimum contact times are 30 and 60 min (Table I), although shorter contact times can be and often are used. Comparisons between AOAC 966.04, the quantitative three-step methods AOAC 2008.05 and ASTM E2111-05 demonstrated the ability of these tests to produce equivalent results when testing the same products.13,21,30,31 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is developing a range of testing standards for biocides to be used on non-porous, hard surfaces. The general approach is to produce unied testing for all target micro-organisms, i.e. bacteria, fungi and viruses. Draft guidelines are publicly available for bacteria,

fungi, mycobacterium and viruses, but not for sporicidal activity, although such testing against B. subtilis spores was included in the associated validation programme.32e36 The proposed OECD tests are based on the second tier of the ASTM sporicidal carrier 2197-02 and have similarities with the European surface test BS EN 13697.17,15,36 This approach has been chosen because it is considered to give a better indication of the potential of a given microbicide to perform under eld conditions.32 The general approach of the OECD tests is the contamination of 1 cm diameter brushed steel discs with the test organism (5.5e6.5 log10 per carrier) in the presence of a simulated organic soil (BSA, mucin and yeast extract). Contaminated carriers are then challenged with 50 mL of the test product for the required contact time. Alongside these test coupons, control coupons receiving 50 mL of phosphate-buffered saline are also prepared. After the prescribed contact time, the test product is neutralised using a validated neutraliser and the number of surviving organisms recovered from the carrier via vortexing and membrane ltration. Membrane ltration is used because it allows the complete recovery of organisms in a sample.32 The performance of the product is determined by calculating a log10 reduction factor using the number of organisms recovered from the test discs and the number recovered from the control discs. A key aspect of this test approach is the recovery of the test organisms from the control discs to allow a log10 reduction to be calculated. Highly

Figure 4. Scanning electron microscope images of brushed steel test coupons: (a) after cleaning but before contamination with B. subtilis spores, (b) after unsuccessful recovery of B. subtilis spores using the technique outlined in BS EN 13697:2001.14


P.N. Humphreys / Journal of Hospital Infection 77 (2011) 193e198 11. Springthorpe VS, Sattar SA. Carrier tests to assess microbicidal activities of chemical disinfectants for use on medical devices and environmental surfaces. J AOAC Int 2005;88:182e201. 12. Reybrouck G. The testing of disinfectants. Int Biodeterior Biodegr 1998;41: 269e272. 13. AOAC. Ofcial Method 966.04. Sporicidal activity of disinfectants. Maryland: AOAC International; 2006. 14. British Standards Institute. BS EN 14349:2007. Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics e quantitative surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in veterinary area on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2). London: BSI; 2007. 15. British Standards Institute. BS EN 13697:2001. Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics e quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas test method and requirements without mechanical action (phase 2/step 2). London: BSI; 2001. 16. AFNOR. NF T72-190. Water-miscible contact disinfectant used in liquid state. Germ-carrier method determining bactericidal, fungicidal and sporicidal action. Paris: AFNOR; 1989. 17. ASTM. ASTM E2197-02 Standard quantitative disk carrier test method for determining the bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, mycobactericidal and sporicidal activities of liquid chemical germicides. PA: ASTM International; 2002. 18. Votava M, Slitrov B. Comparison of susceptibility of spores of Bacillus subtilis and Czech strains of Clostridium difcile to disinfectants. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2009;58:36e42. 19. Perez J, Springthorpe VS, Sattar SA. Activity of selected oxidizing microbicides against the spores of Clostridium difcile: relevance to environmental control. Am J Infect Control 2005;33:320e325. 20. ASTM. E 2414-05: standard test method for quantitative sporicidal three-step method (TSM) to determine sporicidal efcacy of liquids, liquid sprays, and vapor or gases on contaminated carrier surfaces. PA: ASTM International; 2005. 21. Tomasino SF, Pines RM, Cottrill MP. Determining the efcacy of liquid sporicides against spores of Bacillus subtilis on a hard nonporous surface using the quantitative Three Step Method: collaborative study. J AOAC Int 2008;91:833e852. 22. Vonberg RP, Kuijper EJ, Wilcox MH, et al. Infection control measures to limit the spread of Clostridium difcile. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008;14:2e20. 23. British Standards Institute. BS EN 1276:1997, Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics e quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic, and institutional areas e test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1). London: BSI; 1997. 24. Russell AD. Factors inuencing the efcacy of antimicrobial agents. In: Fraise AP, Lambert PA, Maillard J-Y, editors. Russell, Hugo and Ayliffes principles and practice of disinfection preservation and sterilisation. 4th ed. Oxford: Blackwell; 2004. p. 98e127. 25. Association franaise de Normalisation. NF T72-230. Water-miscible and neutralisable antiseptics and disinfectants used in liquid state e determining sporicidal action e ltering diaphragm method. Paris: AFNOR; 1988. 26. Association franaise de Normalisation. NF T72-231. Water-miscible and neutralisable antiseptics and disinfectants used in liquid state e determining sporicidal action e dilution e neutralisation method. Paris: AFNOR; 1988. 27. British Standards Institute. BS EN 14885:2006. Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics e application of European Standards for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. London: BSI; 2006. 28. Block C. The effect of Perasafe and sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) against spores of Clostridium difcile and Bacillus atrophaeus on stainless steel and polyvinyl chloride surfaces. J Hosp Infect 2004;57:144e148. 29. Association franaise de Normalisation. NF T72-281. Methods of airborne disinfection of surfaces e determination of bactericidal, fungicidal, yeasticidal and sporicidal activity. Paris: AFNOR; 2008. 30. ASTM. E2111e05. Standard quantitative carrier test method to evaluate the bactericidal, fungicidal, mycobactericidal, and sporicidal potencies of liquid chemical microbicides. PA: ASTM International; 2005. 31. Tomasino SF, Hamilton MA. Comparative evaluation of two quantitative test methods for determining the efcacy of liquid sporicides and sterilants on a hard surface: a precollaborative study. J AOAC Int 2007;90:456e464. 32. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Quantitative method for evaluating bactericidal efcacy of biocides used on hard surfaces. Draft OECD guideline for the testing of chemicals. Paris: OECD; 2009. 33. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Quantitative method for evaluating virucidal efcacy of biocides used on hard surfaces. Draft OECD guideline for the testing of chemicals. Paris: OECD; 2009. 34. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Quantitative method for evaluating mycobactericidal efcacy of biocides used on hard surfaces. Draft OECD guideline for the testing of chemicals. Paris: OECD; 2009. 35. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Quantitative method for evaluating fungicidal efcacy of biocides used on hard surfaces. Draft OECD guideline for the testing of chemicals. Paris: OECD; 2009. 36. Uhlig S, Simon K, Antoni S, Kunath K. Validation of efcacy methods for antimicrobials used on hard surfaces. Draft report, quo data; 20 November 2009. Dresden: Gesellschaft fr Qualittsmanagement und Statistik mbH; 2009. 37. Majcher MR, Bernard KA, Sattar SA. Identication by quantitative carrier test of surrogate spore-forming bacteria to assess sporicidal chemicals for use against Bacillus anthracis. Appl Environ Microbiol 2008;74:676e681.

variable control results were observed in interlaboratory comparison studies on sporicidal performance carried out for the OECD validation programme.36 The successful recovery of spores from carrier surfaces can be a signicant issue with this approach to sporicidal testing (Figure 4). Peracetic acid inactivation curves constructed as part of the OECD validation programme also showed considerable variation between laboratories.37 Conclusion The currently available European standard test methods for sporicidal performance do not reect the current demands placed on sporicidal products in healthcare environments.9,10 The current standards are suspension tests performed over extended time periods in the presence of minimal organic loading. However, the practical application of sporicides is against surface contamination, where rapid sporicidal activity is desirable and signicant organic contamination may be present. This discrepancy could potentially lead to the application of sporicidal products that do not meet the performance needs of current healthcare environments. Although European surface tests are available for bactericidal activity, there do not appear to be any plans to extend these tests to sporicides.14,15,27 The proposed unied OECD biocide efcacy tests may ll this gap if the sporicidal standard becomes available alongside the draft tests currently available.32e35 The emergence in recent years of wipebased sporicides has generated additional demands on the available testing standards. Currently, there are no testing standards that reect the manner in which wipes are used to disinfect surfaces, making it difcult to determine the true efcacy of wipe-based sporicides. Acknowledgements The author would like to thank research and technical staff from the School of Applied Sciences, University of Hudderseld for their assistance in preparing this manuscript. Conict of interest statement None declared. Funding sources None. References
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