C Pointers Struct Pointer, Function Pointer Made Simple

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C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 1


Pointers in C

Pointers in C can be very confusing and may cause frustration while programming in C.
Improper use of pointers often cause memory leak, coredump and system crush. The intend of
the document to make pointers as simple as possible. Pointers are not rocket science, any one
can gain in depth understanding about pointers easily.

A pointer is a variable that holds the address of other variable or constant value. Therefore, a
pointer must be initialized to a variable or a constant. A pointer contains garbage until it is
initialized. Since compilers cannot detect uninitialized or wrongly initialized pointers, the errors
may not be known until we execute the program. If a pointer points to the address of a constant
value, storage space must be allocated using malloc function so that the constant value has an
address. If a variable is declared, the storage space and address of the storage space is
automatically created by compiler. So there is no need to malloc. The following C program
demonstrates use of pointers:

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a = 50; /* a is a variable */
int *x, *y; /* x and y are pointers to integer */
int **pp; /* pp is pointer to pointer */

/* Method I: assign address of a variable to pointer x */

x = &a; /* x is assigned the address of a */
printf("The value of a: %d address of a =%p %X %X\n",a,x,x,&a);

/* Method II: allocate memory and assign the address to a pointer */

y = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*y = 60;
printf("The value = %d address of it =%p %X %X\n",*y,y,y,y);

/* pp can only be assigned the address of a pointer */

pp = &x;
printf("The value of a: %d address of a =%p %X %X\n",**pp,pp,pp,&x);

/* a pointer can be assigned to other pointer */

x = y; /* x and y point to the same variable */
printf("The value = %d address of it =%p %X %X\n",*y,y,y,y);
return 0;
The value of a: 50 address of a =2ff22720 2FF22720 2FF22720
The value = 60 address of it =20000648 20000648 20000648
The value of a: 50 address of a =2ff22724 2FF22724 2FF22724
The value = 60 address of it =20000648 20000648 20000648

Pointer to pointer

Pointer to pointer notation is **. A pointer to pointer can only point to another pointer or in
other words, a pointer to pointer can only be assigned a value via another pointer.
The following example illustrates this:
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 2

#include <stdio.h>
* pointer to pointer illustration
* +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
* | | | | | |
* | p |-->| *p |-->| 90 |
* | | | | | |
* +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
* p can only to a pointer (*p),
* *p can point to int
int main()
int **p;

p = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *));

*p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
**p = 90;
printf("Value=%d address of *p=%p and p=%p\n", **p,*p,p);
return 0;

C struct and Pointers

Whenever you use pointers make sure that you allocate memory first before using them, C struct
is not an exception. The following examples illustrate the use of pointers in C struct. The
examples are self explanatory.

In the example, address of the variable lineIndex is assigned to *index pointer, so there was no
need to malloc.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
/* Method 1: If a struct has a pointer member, memory must be allocated
* using malloc before assigning any value to it.
struct line
Int lineNumber;
char lineName[80];
int *index;

int lineIndex = 10;
struct line *linPtr;

linPtr = (struct line *)malloc(sizeof(struct line));

linPtr->index = &lineIndex;

printf("Line index=%d\n",*(linPtr->index));
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 3

If you assign a pointer to a pointer, make sure that you allocate memory, otherwise you get
memory leak (coredump). The following example illustrates that:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
struct line
int lineNumber;
char lineName[80];
int *index;

int lineIndex = 10, *pi;
struct line *linPtr;
pi = &lineIndex;

linPtr = (struct line *)malloc(sizeof(struct line));

linPtr->index = pi;

printf("Line index=%d\n",*(linPtr->index));

If you want to assign the address of a constant value to pointer member of the struct, you must
allocate memory first for both the struct, and the pointer member ( very important). The
following example illustrates that:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
/* Method 2: Allocate memory for both struct and pointer member.
struct line
int lineNumber;
char lineName[80];
int *index;

int lineIndex = 10;
struct line *linePtr;
linePtr = (struct line *)malloc(sizeof(struct line));
linePtr->index = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));

*(linePtr->index) = 10;

printf("Line index=%d\n",*(linePtr->index));

C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 4

The following example illustrates the dot and arrow notation of a struct pointer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
struct rec
int i;
float f;
char c;

int main()
struct rec *p;
p=(struct rec *) malloc (sizeof(struct rec));
(*p).i=10; /* *p.i does not work, . higher precedence, so use () */
printf("\nDot notation: %d %f %c\n",(*p).i,(*p).f,(*p).c);
printf("Arrow notation: %d %f %c\n\n",p->i,p->f,p->c);
return 0;

Nested struct Pointers

If you have nested struct make sure that you allocate memory for all of them. The following
example illustrates this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

struct line
int lineNumber;
char lineName[80];
struct line myline =
"This is my line."
struct page
struct line *linePtr;
int pageNumber;
struct page *pagePtr;
struct line *linePtr;
pagePtr = (struct page *)malloc(sizeof(struct page));
linePtr = (struct line *)malloc(sizeof(struct line));
pagePtr->linePtr = &myline;

printf("Line =%d %s\n",pagePtr->linePtr->lineNumber,

Line =10 This is my line.
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 5

Passing struct pointer as parameter

The following examples illustrate the struct pointer as parameter to a function. Pointer to
my_struct is passed to show_name function and pointer to pointer is passed to show_me

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct my_struct {
char lname[20];
char fname[20];
int age;
struct my_struct myStruct;
void show_name(struct my_struct *p);
void show_me(struct my_struct **p);
int main(void)
struct my_struct *st_ptr;
st_ptr = &myStruct;

myStruct.age = 25;

printf("\nN = %s ",myStruct.fname);
printf("%s ",myStruct.lname);

show_name(st_ptr); /* pass the pointer */

/* pointer to pointer passed */
show_me(&st_ptr); /* pass the pointer to pointer */
return 0;
void show_name(struct my_struct *p)
/* arrow notation */
printf("\n P1 = %s ", p->fname);
printf("%s ", p->lname);
printf("%d\n", p->age);
/* dot notation */
printf("\n P2 = %s ", (*p).fname);
printf("%s ", (*p).lname);
printf("%d\n", (*p).age);
void show_me(struct my_struct **p)
printf("\n PP1 = %s ", (*p)->fname);
printf("%s ", (*p)->lname);
printf("%d\n", (*p)->age);

printf("\n PP2 = %s ", &(*p)->fname);

printf("%s ", &(*p)->lname);
printf("%d\n", &(*p)->age);
printf("%d\n", (*p)->age);

printf("\n PP2 = %s ", (**p).fname);

printf("%s ", (**p).lname);
printf("%d\n\n", (**p).age);
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 6

Struct pointer to pointer as parameter.

The following example shows struct pointer as parameter to a complex nested struct:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
struct line
int lineNumber;
char lineName[80];
struct line myline = /* Assign some values to line struct */
" This is my line."
struct page
struct line *linePtr;
int pageNumber;
struct book
struct page *pagePtr;
int bookNumber;
int myfun (struct book **bPtrPtr, struct line *lPtr)
*bPtrPtr = (struct book *) malloc(sizeof(struct book));
(*bPtrPtr)->pagePtr = (struct page *) malloc(sizeof(struct page));
(*bPtrPtr)->pagePtr->linePtr = (struct line *) malloc(sizeof(struct line));

(*bPtrPtr)->pagePtr->linePtr = lPtr;

printf("Inside myfunc: Line %d %s\n",(*bPtrPtr)->pagePtr->linePtr->lineNumber,

struct book *bookPtr;
struct line *linePtr;
printf("In main: Line %d %s\n",bookPtr->pagePtr->linePtr->lineNumber,
Inside myfunc: Line 10 This is my line.
In main: Line 10 This is my line.

Function returns a pointer

A function can return a pointer. You ensure that you allocate memory for pointer, otherwise you
get coredump. The following example illustrates:
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 7

#include <stdio.h>

int *sum(int *i, int *j)

int *r;
r = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
*r = *i + *j;
return r;
int x=20, y=30;
int *result;

result = sum(&x, &y);

printf("Sum is %d\n", *result);


Function pointers
Function pointer sounds very complex, but it’s not. Please read the following phrase:

Never fear big long words.

Big long words mean little things.
All big things have little names,
Such as life and death, peace and war,
Or dawn, day, night, hope, love, home.
Learn to use little words in a big way.
It is hard to do,
But they say what you mean.
When you don't know what you mean,
Use big words--
That often fools little people.
-- Arthur Kudner

Function pointer is just like any other pointer but holds the address of a function. So the function
name can be changed run time. In the following example, we have two functions max and min
and a function foo which has one of the parameter called function pointer. So we can choose
max or min as parameter to foo function at run time. While calling replace the function pointer
with only the function name. So simple is that illustrated below:
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 8

#include <stdio.h>
/* returns max number */
int max(int a, int b) {
return (a > b ? a : b);
/* returns smallest number */
int min(int x, int y) {
return (x < y ? x : y);

/* foo takes two inputs and a function pointer as parameter

* and returns an integer. As a function pointer, you can
* pass either max or min */
int foo(int a, int b, int (*funPtr) (int p1, int p2)) {
return funPtr(a, b);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

int result;
if(argc < 3) { printf("Error: usage: fp max 22 52\n"); exit(0);}
int x = atoi(argv[2]);
int y = atoi(argv[3]);

if(strcmp(argv[1],"max") == 0)
result = foo(x, y, max);
printf("\nmax of %d and %d is =%d\n\n", x, y, result);
result = foo(x, y, min);
printf("\nmin of %d and %d is =%d\n\n", x, y, result);

return 0;
$ a.out min 400 55
min of 400 and 55 is =55
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 9

Here is an another example of Function Pointers. Although it looks complex in declaration, the
function pointer is simply replaced by the function name.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "worker.h"

void do_fiveTimes(int *job_vp)

printf("In do_fiveTimes input param = [%d]\n", *job_vp);
/* White whatever you want it to do */
/* for simplicity I just multiply 5 */
*job_vp = (*job_vp) * 5;
printf("In do_fiveTimes output = [%d]\n", *job_vp);

void do_twoTimes(int *result_vp)

printf("In do_twoTimes input param = [%d]\n", *result_vp);
/* White whatever you want it to do */
/* for simplicity I just multiply 2 */
*result_vp = (*result_vp) * 2;
printf("In do_twoTimes output = [%d]\n", *result_vp);

int run_input_output(
void (do_fiveTimes)(int *),
void (do_twoTimes)(int *),
int *context_vp)
int result_vp;


main(int argc, char *argv[])

int ret_val;
if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: a.out 9\n"); exit(0);}
int x = atoi(argv[1]);

ret_val = run_input_output(
do_fiveTimes, /* just write function name w/o param */
do_twoTimes, /* just write function name w/o param */
&x /* here is parameter */
if(ret_val < 0)

printf("In main result = [%d]\n", x);

} while (0);
printf("Program successfully completed.\n\n");
a.out 8
In do_fiveTimes input param = [8]
In do_fiveTimes output = [40]
In do_twoTimes input param = [40]
In do_twoTimes output = [80]
result = [80]
Program successfully completed.
C Pointer, struct Pointer, function Pointer Made Simple 10

All the programs in this document have been testing and working. However, author does not
take any responsibilities in any form either implied or written if any of the programs breaks your
hardware or software or both or your marriage or relationship. Use them at your own risk.

Yours comments are welcome. If you have destructive comment, re-direct it to else where. If
you have constructive comment or question, send it to me.

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