September 2012
September 2012
September 2012
Lochearn Elementary
We Excel
September 2012
When parents and schools work together, they make an unbeatable team.
Welcome back! Our first habit is Be Proactive! Your life doesn't just "happen." Whether you know it or not, it is carefully designed by you. The choices, after all, are yours. Proactive people focus their efforts on their Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about: health, children, problems at work. Have conversations with your child about ways that they can be proactive!
Thank-You to Tim Hortons for donating Coffee for back to school breakfast, also to School Council for the continued support for our Welcome Back Breakfast. Thank-You to our Recycling Club and School Council for providing the school with 23 computers with a cart for our classrooms! Reminder to pay $40.00 school fee by September 30 (cash or cheque payable to Lochearn School; sorry no debit machine!)
Before you can volunteer at our school, please get your Criminal Record Check (letter required from the office) and Child Welfare Check (no letter required).
2012-2013 Teaching Staff Pre-Kindergarten K4-Mrs. vanTol Kindergarten-K1-Miss VanSteenis, K2-Mrs. Milford and K3 -Mrs. vanTol, Grade 1: 1E- Mrs. Emms, 1C- Mr. Seely, 1S-Mrs. Soppit Grade 2: 2B- Mrs. Blish 2K-Mrs. Kalev, 2S: Mrs. Sinclair and Mr. Milford Grade 3: 3B Mrs. Brown, 3F-Mr. Foote, 3K Mr. Keough Grade 4: 4A Mr. Armitage and Mrs. Spencer, 4D Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Stockerman Grade 4/5D: Mr. Doan Grade 5: 5D Ms. Dueck, 5V-Mrs. Vonhollen Gym Teacher Mr. Milford Music Teachers Mr. Armitage and Mrs. Davies
Students are to arrive no earlier than at 8:30am as we have supervisors on the playground at that time. Lochearn CARES begins October 16! Lochearn CARES is an initiative to build relationships through businesses and community support through volunteers listening to all students at Lochearn School read. Members of our community volunteer their time one hour a week to read with students in one on one situations. They listen to students read on a consistent weekly basis and are beginning to develop relationships as they get to know one another. If you are interested please contact Liane Huson at Lochearn. Our school assembly will be Tuesday, September 25 at noon in the gym. Join us to Student Medication If your child requires that medication be administered at school, a Wild Rose Public School Permission/Request form must be completed and returned to the school office. Medication sent to the school must be in the original container dispensed by the pharmacist. Such requests for administering medication must: -be of a simplistic nature that a lay person could successfully perform (i.e. teacher,teacher assistant, secretary) -be in writing issued by a medical practitioner or pharmacist -specify the time(s) at which such medication should be administered -specify the exact dosage and method of administration
After School Arrangements Please ensure you establish and communicate your expectations for after school with your child in advance and then confirm changes by writing a note in your childs agenda. This way their teacher can reassure them as to the change in routine and assist them as needed.
School Council meeting will be Wednesday, September 12 at noon, in the art/science room. Please join us!