Decoupling OA and Space Thermal Control: Technical Feature

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Technical Feature

Copyright 2003, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. ( Reprinted by permission from ASHRAE IAQ Applications, Winter 2003. This article may not be copied nor distributed in either paper or digital form without ASHRAEs permission.

Using Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems

Decoupling OA and Space Thermal Control

By S.A. Mumma, Ph.D., P.E. Fellow ASHRAE

ignificant indoor air quality benefits can be achieved by decoupling the outdoor ventilation

air cooling and dehumidification from the space cooling and dehumidification functions. This has become an important topic in the current literature and emerging engineering design efforts. 1,2,3
Space relative humidity with current all-air variable air volume (VAV) system designs can fluctuate significantly at partload conditions leading to poor IAQ. To overcome the space humidity control fluctuations in all-air VAV systems, the case has been made for the use of separate air paths through the air handling unit (AHU), one path to condition the OA and the other path to condition the recirculation air. The two paths are then joined and the cooled and dehumidified air is delivered to the space through a single duct system. This has resulted in the emergence and use of new terminology, i.e., dual-path systems. The literature acknowledges, and then generally dismisses the concept that the two separate paths through the AHU could continue all the way to the conditioned spaces. The literature for the most part is also silent on the use of total energy recovery (TER) even though the following language from ANSI/ASHRAE/ IESNA Standard 90.1, Energy Standard for Buildings Except
OA Unit OA OA A B D E J Standard VAV AHU OA OA Unit With TER
VAV Radiant Panel Space 3, DOAS in Parallel with CRCP or FCU Space 2, DOAS in Parallel with VAV Space 1, VAV with Single Air Delivery Path

Low-Rise Residential Buildings, would require it in many cases: Exhaust Air Energy Recovery. Individual fan systems that have both a design supply air capacity of 5,000 cfm (2400 L/s) or greater and have a minimum outside air supply of 70% or greater of the design supply air quantity shall have an energy recovery system with at least 50% recovery effectiveness. Fifty percent energy recovery effectiveness shall mean a change in the enthalpy of the outdoor air supply equal to 50% of the difference between the outdoor air and return air at design conditions.* For that reason, in this article the dual-path terminology will be limited to those systems that use a dual-path through the AHU and a single supply air delivery system, but do not use
* TER is not required by Standard 90.1 where the design OA load is predominately sensible like Denver; however, sensible energy recovery is required!

OA Unit


OA Unit with TER

Standard VAV AHU

Figure 1: Air delivery combinations.

12 Comments/Letters:

Figure 2: Relative sizes of the equipment.

IAQ Applications/Winter 2003

Technical Feature
General Combination Path Letters TER. The literature also acknowledges Comments Description Numbers Combinations that achieving 0100% cooling coil (CC) Single path through VAV unit and on to capacity control in the OA path is a huge Conventional space: Low first cost but fails to meet re(1) challenge for small direct expansion Single Path B-E-H quirements for humidity control, prudent To Space 1 (DX) equipment, especially when humidVAV energy use, or the ventilation delivery requirements without an excellent DCV system. ity control is lost with on-off controls. It OA Path 1 in or Dual-path in or to the AHU with single can even challenge a chilled water CC to AHU A-D, air path to the space: Can meet humidwith modulating controls. Outdoor Air Recirc. Path 2 ity control requirements, and Ventilation Unit Without (2) A single duct supply air VAV system in AHU delivery with DCV, but does not provide TER To Space 1 can experience significant ventilation air B-E&J, Single prudent energy use and presents part load Combinations 4,5 distribution problems. To overcome path to the CC control problems. space H the distribution problem, large OA quan(3) OA unit path in series with the AHU tities must be introduced and condiA&B-E-H To Space 1 then to space: Not recommended. tioned with the associated large energy DOAS in parallel with VAV: Can meet use ramifications. Perhaps the most OA Path 1 to humidity control requirements, ventilation popular emerging method used in an atspace A-F, delivery with smaller OA quantities; but fails tempt to ensure that Standard 62 has (4) Recirculation to meet Standard 90.1 requirements for To Space 2 been met with VAV systems in an energyPath 2 to space TER, does not provide prudent energy use, efficient fashion is to use CO2-based depresents part load CC control problems, B-E&J-I and potential ductwork crossover issues. mand controlled ventilation (DCV). When properly applied, this approach DOAS in parallel with FCU or CRCP: can work well,6,7 provided the fundamenUses less fan energy, can meet humidity tal assumptions made with the approach control requirements, ventilation delivery (5) OA Path to are met. Those assumptions are: with smaller OA quantities. Fails to meet To Space 3 Space A-G That the OA CO2 concentration is Standard 90.1 requirements for TER, does not provide prudent energy use and preconstant; sents part load CC control problems. The CO2 generation rate per person is a constant; OA Path 1 in or Dual-path in or to the AHU with single The CO2 instrumentation is accuto AHU C-D, air path to the space: Can meet humidOutdoor Air Recirc. Path 2 ity control requirements, and ventilation derate and free of calibration drift; (6) Unit with TER in AHU livery with DCV, and provides prudent en There is sufficient CO2 instrumenTo Space 1 Combinations B-E &J, Single ergy use and minimizes part load CC contation to detect the critical space(s); path to the trol problems. The airflow through the spaces is space H well mixed; OA unit path in series with the AHU (7) C&B-E-H The occupancy is quite variable; then to space: Not recommended. To Space 1 That an OA flow measuring station OA Path 1 to DOAS in Parallel with VAV: Meets huis present to ensure that: space C-F, midity control requirements, ventilation de(8) OA flow rate does not drop below Recirculation livery with smaller OA quantities; provides To Space 2 Path 2 to space prudent energy use and solves the part 2050% of design flow so nonload CC control problems, but causes poB-E&J-I occupant contaminant sources do tential ductwork crossover issues. not reach critical levels; and DOAS in parallel with FCU or CRCP: With varying metabolic rates (i.e., Uses less fan energy, meets humidity control requirements, ventilation delivery with (9) OA Path to CO2 generation rates) and/or elsmaller OA quantities; provides prudent To Space 3 space C-G evated exterior CO2 levels, the OA energy use and solves the part load CC flow does not exceed design. control problems. An injection fan, complete with a Table 1: Path combinations possible in Figure 1. variable frequency drive (VFD), is required in most cases to ensure the required ventilation air is delivered under varying AHU supply mand savings. Some of the reasons for the superiority of the fan speed and wind conditions. DOAS are: Dedicated OA systems (DOAS) using TER, delivering the Standard 90.1 requires TER, thus reducing both design ventilation air directly to the spaces and working in parallel cooling plant capacity, peak demand, energy use, and the need with space conditioning systems (the parallel systems could be for preheating the OA; all-air, air-water, or all water) has been compared with single The volumetric flow rate of OA to be treated is reduced air delivery VAV systems using DCV.8 Those comparisons con- from 2070% over single path delivery systems since the mulclude that the DOAS offers superior control and operating tiple spaces approach of Standard 62 in an effort to ensure simplicity, first cost savings, operating cost savings and de- proper distribution in single supply air duct systems does not
IAQ Applications/Winter 2003 13

Technical Feature
apply to DOAS, where all of the 100% outdoor ventilation air is delivered to each individual space, reducing the size and energy consumption of the OA unit; Constant volume OA system, therefore no need for VFDs and associated controls; The function of space conditioning can be met with an alternative to VAV such as fan coil units (FCU) or ceiling radiant cooling panels (CRCP).
150 140 130 120 110 h = 26.0 Btu/lb h = 31.1 Btu/lb h = 3.5 Btu/lb h = 27.6 Btu/lb h = 17.1 Btu/lb h = 43.1 Btu/lb

W, grains/lb

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30

Decoupling Space Latent Cooling and Ventilation Air Delivery From the HVAC System

The configurations that will be presented 20 and briefly discussed are the combinations that 10 result from the use of the following major pieces 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 of equipment: Dry-Bulb Temperature, F An OA unit, Figure 3: Hourly Atlanta TMY weather data (12 hours per day, six days per An OA unit with TER, week), and the conditions after 80% effective TER equipment. A Standard VAV AHU with terminal VAV boxes, FCUs, tures of 55F (13C) or lower until the OA temperature drops CRCPs. below 25F (32C); and For ease and clarity of presentation, the OA units are illus Conforms to Standard 90.1. trated independent of the VAV AHU. However, when they are Hourly Atlanta Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) weather used together in new construction, the OA unit functions could data, starting at 7 a.m. Monday through Saturday, are plotted be physically integrated into the AHU. and presented in Figure 3. In addition, the influence of an 80% The major pieces of equipment illustrating the possible effective TER (enthalpy wheel) on the CC entering conditions combinations are presented in Figure 1, with the nine differ- is also shown by the small shaded area in the data. The small ent combinations summarized in Table 1. Each air path is shaded area assumes that the enthalpy wheel operates at full given a letter designation from A-J in both Figure 1 and Table speed for outdoor air conditions with a dew-point tempera1. In Table 1, as an example, a path designated A-D represents ture above 44F (7C) when dehumidification is required. Note a flow of air from A to D. B-E&J-I represent airflow from B to that, when dehumidification is not required for OA condiE where E&J mix and the mixture continues through I. The tions below a 44F (7C) dew-point temperature (DPT), on-off supply from any of the combinations terminates in one of the capacity control is acceptable. As can be observed, the variathree different spaces illustrated in Figure 1: tion in the CC entering air enthalpy without the use of an VAV with single air delivery path; enthalpy wheel is 26.0 Btu/lb, while the enthalpy variation with DOAS in parallel with VAV; and the enthalpy wheel is only 3.5 Btu/lb. DOAS in parallel with either FCUs or CRCPs. Assuming that the supply air condition required to comThe equipment illustrated in Figure 1 are not to scale, and pletely decouple the space latent and sensible loads is satucould give the impression that the outdoor air units are about rated air at 44F (7C),9 the load variation seen by the OA CC the same size as the standard VAV AHU. Figure 2 presents a is 75% to 100% of design capacity with the TER. Twenty-five more realistic perspective on the relative sizes of the equip- percent or less variations are easy to accommodate with both ment, assuming that the outdoor air equipment is supplying DX and chilled water systems. On the other hand, without the TER, the load on the CC must vary between 0% and 100% of about 20% as much air as the VAV AHU. design load. Such a wide range is a difficult task for the OA Units with TER CC to accommodate simply and inexpensively with either the The four major benefits of using TER are: DX or the chilled water systems, as is pointed out in the lit A major reduction in the variability of the thermody- erature on the dual-path systems. The reduced enthalpy varinamic state of the OA entering the CCsimplifying equip- ability after the TER equipment also reduces the peak OA ment sizing and controls; load on the CC. A significant reduction in the design OA load, hence a For example: to condition 10,000 cfm (4720 L/s) of OA reduction in both the chiller size and the peak demand; with an enthalpy of 43.1 Btu/lb takes 44 tons (155 kW) more A reduction in the annual energy consumed to cool and cooling than when the air is preconditioned with TER equipdehumidify the OA; ment to 31.1 Btu/lb, or a 46% reduction in the CC load. Heating of the OA is not required to achieve temperaThe annual energy required to cool and dehumidify the OA
14 Comments/Letters: IAQ Applications/Winter 2003

Conditions After TER Equipment and Entering CC

Technical Feature
is reduced by 2% compared to not using TER when the satu Resolves the difficult problem posed by the highly varirated supply air is assumed to be at 44F (7C) and the TER is able OA conditions and associated CC/plant controls; allowed to operate for all OA conditions with a dew-point Eliminates the need to use the sophisticated DCV contemperature above 44F (7C). Such operation substantially trols to meet the ventilation requirements; shrinks the variability of the conditions seen by the CC, result Reduces the first and operating costs of the system; ing in simple controls.10 If the TER equipment is off during all Reduces the size of the cooling equipment substantially; OA conditions with an upper boundary set by the return air and enthalpy and with a lower boundary of 44F (7C) DPT, the Allows overventilation of the spaces at off design with TER reduces the energy required by 20% compared to not lower operating costs. using TER. Clearly there is a trade-off available between enFor these reasons, the industry will almost certainly adopt ergy savings and control simplicity when using TER. one of the two arrangements illustrated in Figure 4 for both Finally, the TER will recover heat from the relief airstream new and renovation work. and heat the OA in the winter to avoid the need to use OA It is important to note that no single approach is best for heating energy. It can every application. The isalso be used effectively to sues discussed here are no humidify the OA, further exception. OA Economizer B-E reducing energy consumption for humidificaReferences J Std. VAV AHU 1. Murray, J. 2002. Dehution. Without the TER, simidification performance multaneous cooling of the OA F C I of HVAC equipment. recirculation air and ASHRAE Journal 44(4):23 G heating of the OA may OA Unit with TER 28. result during some seaVAV FCU 2. Khattar, M.K. and M.J. sons of the year. Brandemuehl. 2002. SepaRadiant
rating the V in HVAC: A Dual-Path Approach. ASHRAE Journal 44(5):37 42. The merits of the 3. Fisk, W.J. 2002. How IEA DOAS using TER over a affects health, productivity. single air delivery path to Figure 4: Recommended arrangements for decoupling both the venti- ASHRAE Journal 44(5):56 the space provide the fol- lation air delivery and the space latent loads. 60. 4. Mumma, S.A. and B.W. lowing added benefits: Lee. 1998. Extension of the 20% to 70% smaller Multiple Spaces Concept of ASHRAE Standard 62 to Include InfilOA units since the multiple spaces equation of Standard 62 tration, Exhaust/Exfiltration, Interzonal Transfer, and Additional does not apply, with associated first and operating cost savShort Circuit Paths. ASHRAE Transactions 104(2):12321241. ings; 5. Mumma, S.A. 2001. Fresh thinking: Dedicated outdoor air sys Simpler OA unit controls, with associated first cost tems. Engineered Systems 18(5):5460. savings; 6. Schell, M.B., S.C. Turner, and R.O. Shim. 1998. Application of CO2-based demand-controlled ventilation using ASHRAE Standard No VFD; 62: Optimizing energy use and ventilation. ASHRAE Transactions No flow stations required or associated flow controls; Overventilate the spaces at off design without any en- 104(2):12131225. 7. Mumma, S. A. 2002. Is CO2 demand controlled ventilation the ergy penalty compared to a single air delivery system. answer? Engineered Systems 19(5):5666. Low RH is maintained and occupant sense of well-being 8. Mumma, S. A. 2002. Using dedicated outdoor air systems: enhanced. Demand controlled ventilation ASHRAE IAQ Applications 3(3):1921. Improved IAQ and thermal comfort; Reduced plenum depth when using a CRCP parallel sys- 9. Shank, K. and S.A. Mumma. 2001. Selecting the supply air conditions for a dedicated outdoor air system working in parallel with tem; and distributed sensible cooling terminal equipment. ASHRAE Transac No ventilation air distribution problems. tions 107(1):562570. 10. Avery, G. 1996. Control of VAV systems with DX cooling: A Conclusion digital to analog conversion. ASHRAE Journal 38(6):5961.

Merits of DOAS with TER

Panel Space 3, DOAS in Parallel with CRCP or FCU

Space 2, DOAS in Parallel with VAV

A DOAS with TER delivers the synergies provided by a dual-path system of: Decoupling the OA thermal treatment from the space thermal treatment; and Eliminating the cases of heating the OA while cooling the recirculating air. In addition, the DOAS-TER system:
IAQ Applications/Winter 2003

S.A. Mumma, Ph.D., P is a professor of architectural engineering at .E., Penn State University, University Park, Pa. He is an ASHRAE Learning Institute trustee and serves on ASHRAE Technical Activities Committee, Integrated Building Design and Solar Energy Utilization. He can be reached at 15

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