Survival of The Fittest
Survival of The Fittest
Survival of The Fittest
Fattest Cities list. Top Fattest Cities 1. Miami, FL 2. Oklahoma City, OK 3. San Antonio, TX 4. Las Vegas, NV 5. New York, NY 6. Houston, TX 7. El Paso, TX 8. Jacksonville, FL 9. Charlotte, NC 10. Louisville-Jefferson, KY 11. Memphis, TN 12. Detroit, MI 25. Kansas City, MO 13. Chicago, IL 14. Dallas-Fort Worth, TX 15. San Jose, CA 16. Tulsa, OK 17. Baltimore, MD 18. Columbus, OH 19. Raleigh, NC 20. Philadelphia, PA 21. L.A.-Long Beach, CA 22. Phoenix-Mesa, AZ 23. Indianapolis, IN 24. San Diego, CA
We cant walk or drive the streets of San Antonio without seeing a self-owned Mexican food restaurant, or a chain fast food location, where we know the food they
continue to serve has just been cooked with trans fats, unhealthy greases, and packed with insane amounts of calories and carbohydrates. Times have certainly changed since perhaps the 1950s. Portions have gotten exceptionally bigger, and not to mention people have become more sedentary and resistant to healthy lifestyles or exercise. These unhealthy lifestyles are becoming outrageous every year, and something needs to be done. Back then, mostly everyone was fit and diseases were rare due to being overweight. No one ever makes times for exercise or sit down dinners with whole hearted food including vegetables and other full courses that are healthy like steamed rice, grilled meats. Everyone is always on the go, so we eat whatever is fastest, like a Hot N Ready pizza, or a few McDoubles from the dollar menu from McDonalds. Furthermore, not only do we eat horrible foods for our bodies, it is also common to scrape off our own plate and maybe reach for seconds or thirds. It is truly disgusting how some people over eat and stuff their faces until they feel like they are about to explode. However, it is becoming easier to deal with rapid weight gain due to the amount of experiences doctors we have now a days. Being fat can now be taken care of with scientific weight loss. The lap band, gastric bypass, tummy tucks, all the easy ways out. These procedures are not only the first resorts for many, but are also very dangerous. Who is to say that the patients who are undergoing these procedures will make it out alive? Why would people want to risk their lives on a surgery table than just exercise, and eat smaller portions? Diet and exercise are the only keys to the door that opens us to a life filled with happiness and healthy ways. There are no ifs, ands, or butts, no special trick that gets it done quick. The United States has more overweight and obese people than any other nation, and that needs to change. I argue that the United States should decrease
portion sizes in order to maintain a high life expectancy age, to decrease the numbers of childhood obesity, and to control the yearly amount in which patients are diagnosed with obese related diseases. Overeating is a common mishap within the common American family. And who is to blame? Well the finger can be pointed in many directions at various people, but we can all agree that food is delicious, and it is communion. Food is a way people get to know one another and its way to bring the family together like at big holiday dinners or feasts. But most of the time, people overeat and they dont even know and just get carried away, day by day and choose the highest calorie choice at a local restaurant and fattiest snacks when theyre on the go and need something quick to chow down on. People can still enjoy all their same favorites, but not in bulk. Portion control needs to be taken into effect as soon as possible and in every way possible. The United States can implement this change by making treaties with restaurants and food distributors to decrease the amount of food they are allowed to put on the plates they serve and in the packages they distribute. The possible outcomes are endless, however the most obvious results would be the maintenance of a high average life expectancy, a decrease in the number of children who suffer from young obesity, and a decrease in the diabetic related mortalities per year. Not only will everyone end up healthier, more energetic, and less prone to being extremely lazy, but the United States will move up the social ladder and other countries wont be provoked into stereotyping us as fat and lazy. Decreasing portions permanently can be done, and will take some getting used to but it is only a matter of time. Although people may react negatively to portion control, it will ultimately be for the better. Everyone is just so used to getting more and
more, but its very unhealthy, and not to mention gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. Its depressing to see the younger generations sit around and be lazy all day, and then see the older people with more enthusiasm. Back then, when the older people were actually young, they ate smaller portions and healthier, and their life expectancy was significantly higher. However, as technology started to boom children were introduced to video games, and computer activities and addicting chat forums or friend sites, which requires a lot of sitting around. This is why the life expectancies are expected to disintegrate, because compared to fifty or sixty years ago, generations now are more disinclined to move around or be outside or be active in the least bit way. Change needs to take action as soon as possible, in hopes of rejuvenating the generations to come and to spread hearty and fit ways of life. A study of more than 1 million adults in the United States (457,785 men and 588,369 women), investigated the relation between body mass index and the risk of death from all causes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. In people who had never smoked, the lowest point of the mortality curve occurred at a body mass index of 23.5 to 24.9 in men and 22.0 to 23.4 in women. Above those points, the relative risk of death increased linearly with increased body mass indices in both men and women (Mortality Rate, Bariatric Surgery. Info). The increase in portion sizes over the past six decades is uncanny. They have, in some cases, more than tripled since the 1950s. Research shows that we've grown accustomed to the large portions served in restaurants and our perception of a serving size has changed (Portion Distortion). So, in reality if the change is planted in now, people will soon grow accustomed to the change, and look back and do nothing but realize how their lives and their childrens lives have changed for the better and lessened the risk of heart failure, diabetes, blood pressure, or cholesterol difficulties. It
is truly sad to see on the daily news or read in a newspaper that a young boy or girl died due to childhood obesity and diabetes. In an article published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, they state: Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. The prevalence of obesity among children aged 6 to 11 years increased from 6.5% in 1980 to 19.6% in 2008. The prevalence of obesity among adolescents aged 12 to 19 years increased from 5.0% to 18.1%. Just as I mentioned above, these statistics have more than tripled all in a few decades. Childhood is the root of all the possibilities life can take us. Growing up and being overweight is a big problem that lead to even bigger more psychological problems. It is hard to fit in when we are heavier than most, and studies show that, Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem (Childhood Obesity, CDC Healthy Youth). Another way to control portions at the root of all beginnings is to change what is serve in the schools of these children. There are always healthy and tasty alternatives to the sugary fatty snacks and meals that are usually dispensed in vending machines or served in the lunch lines. As mentioned before, distributors should take it easy on the amount distributed, especially to schools. Not only will kids start getting used to an easier way of life, but they will be more energetic. Sugary foods and high calorie meals do nothing but bring us down and hold us back. However, give a kid a low calorie Gatorade, and a granola bar and they will be good to go through classes. Their brain will be stimulated with good thoughts, they will be focused, and feel all around energetic.
According to a study done by Chris Chee, some diseases that are caused by bad eating habits are: cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal, renal and genitourinary, integument, musculoskeletal, neurologic, respiratory, and psychological.
While some people who are overweight may have all of these problems, some may only have one or two. Although some of these diseases can be mild, others are taken to the extreme, and honestly no one should have to suffer these awful discomforts especially if they are one hundred percent avoidable. Apparently being obese, just shows plain ignorance about a persons choice of food and lack of exercise (Chris Chee, 9 Types of Diseases Caused by Obesity). There will always be a statistic showing how many people are obese or overweight, and sometimes a sporadic statistic dealing with the different diseases cause from weighting so much. Little do people know though, obesity is a disease itself in that it is the door leading to other obstacles and things that will stop us from losing weight or becoming healthily satisfied with our own self. All of these awful avoidable diseases can be prevented at the root of where everything grows in the first place- the amount of calories we take in and workouts we put in. Studies do also show that exercising, even walking just for twenty minutes a day everyday can decrease our chances of ever getting these diseases.
As mentioned in various advertisements and commercials or weight loss ads on the radio, people living in America need to change their ways of life. All it takes is a minimum 30 minutes a day exercising, and eating significantly less. Whether it is walking, swimming, running, or taking a dance or kickboxing class, Americans need to be more active and start caring more about their well-being. Not only do people need to be more considerate about themselves, but they need to keep their offspring and their families in mind. Staying in shape and eating better will increase our chances of living a longer and happier life. Seeing our kids walk the stage, get married, have kids, are all events that one would love to witness in their lifetime, and they can if they just watch their lifestyle. Other factors that add up into the way we live our life are careers. As much as they hate to admit it, the job world is tough and appearance does factor in to corporate decisions when hiring employees. Therefore, taking care of ourselves is something to always keep in mind. Following through with this harmless proposal would change the lives of the entire nation, and change the way other nations view Americans. Although this proposal may be hard to get used to, it wont be hard to put into action. Not everyone will always be pleased, but in the coming years we will all look back and think nothing but how much of a blessing this action was.
Works Cited C h e e , C h r i s . " 9 T y p e s O f D i s e a s e s C a u s e d B y O b e s i t y. " V a l u e O u r B o d y . 06.27.2007. Web. 1 Aug 2011. < h t t p : / / o d yb . n e t / p h y s i c a l - h e a l t h / 9 - t yp e s - o f - d i s e a s e s - c a u s e d - b y o b e s i t y/ > .
"Obesit y in the world - definitions, sources and methods." Worldometers . Web. 1 Aug 2011. <>.
"Childhood Obesity." Healthy Weth . Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 06. 03. 2010. Web. 1 Aug 2011. < h t t p : / / w w w . c d c . g o v / h e a l t h yw e t h / o b e s i t y/ > .
"Mortality Rate Statistics." Bariatric Surgery .info. American Medical Association, Web. 1 Aug 2011. < h t t p : / / w w w . b a r i a t r i c - s u r g e r y. i n f o / o b e s i t y - m o r t a l i t y - r a t e . h t m > .
" O v e r w e i g h t a n d O b e s i t y. " M e a l P l a n n i n g M a d e S i m p l e . M e a l P l a n n i n g Made Simple, 07.19. 2011. Web. 1 Aug 2011. < h t t p : / / w w w . c d c . g o v / o b e s i t y/ d a t a / a d u l t . h t m l > .
"Top 25 fittest and fattest cities in the U.S.." Healthy Living. Shine, 01. 15. 2009. Web. 1 Aug 2011. < h t t p : / / s h i n e . ya h o o . c o m / c h a n n e l / h e a l t h / t o p - 2 5 - f i t t e s t - a n d - f a t t e s t - c i t i e s in-the-u-s-351934>.