Marine Diesel Engine and Noise

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Diesel Engines and the Environment - Noise

Nowadays, more and more consideration is being given to environmental issues. Our efforts in this field have already led to our being awarded the Danish Environmental Prize for developing a plant for removing the poisonous nitric oxides from exhaust gases. Formerly, noise was considered a necessary, but harmless, evil. Today, excessive noise is considered a form of pollution which, in the long run, may cause permanently reduced hearing. As a consequence, authorities now demand that noise levels are kept below certain specified limits. One of the first countries to introduce a standard for noise limits was the Federal Republic of Germany which, in 1968, issued a code regarding the noise levels permitted on its ships. Today, there are numerous national and international codes which both recommend, and demand, maximum permissible noise levels in the various parts of a ship. The greater demand for noise limitation in the maritime area has, of course, aroused wide interest. Consequently, greater demands are now made on the engine designer to provide more detailed and precise information regarding the various types of noise emission from the engine. After a brief definition of what noise actually is, this paper will attempt to clarify noise as applied to MAN B&Ws two-stroke engines, and will then go on to discuss the primary noise sources and types of engine-related noise emissions, noise level limitation, and the current situation in relation to noise.

as to be damaging to health, it will normally be considered by one and all as undesirable and, therefore, as noise. Sound is the result of mechanical vibrations occurring in an elastic medium,e.g. air. When the air starts to pulsate, the variations in air pressure will spread from the source through the transfer of energy from molecule to molecule. The more energy transferred, the higher the sound level.

Intensity of Sound
The physical intensity of sound, I which expresses the volume of the sound is defined as the energy emitted per second, per m2 of a surface which is at right angles to the direction of propagation of the sound wave, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1.

Intensity of sound I = pu = cu2

and if we use k = , the corresponding mean effective sound c pressure (p) and the pulsation velocity (u) may be stated as follows: p where, I p u c

= k x I



1 x I k

= Intensity of sound = Mean effective sound pressure = Mean effective pulsation velocity = Velocity of sound in medium (air) = Specific mass of medium (air) = = 20 c 1.2 x 340 at normal ambient air temperature.

(W/m2) (N/m2) (m/s) (m/s) (kg/m3)

Reference for sound levels Reference sound intensity Io = 10-12 W/m2 Given a sound intensity Io = 10-12 W/m2 and using the above formulas, we can state the corresponding reference mean effective sound pressure (po) and mean effective pulsation velocity (uo) as follows: Reference sound pressure level po = 20 x = 2 x 10-5 Pa (Pascal = N/m2) 1012 Reference velocity level 1 uo = x = 5 x 10-8 m/s 1012 20

What is Noise?
A popular definition of noise is an undesirable sound. To what extent a sound can be characterised as noise is, of course, a personal evaluation. However, if the sound level is so high

Table 1: Sound wave formulas

Sound Level Measurement Units

The International Standards Organisation (ISO) has determined the following reference values for acoustics: Reference for sound intensity: Io = 10-12 W/m2 Reference for sound pressure : po = 2 x 10-5 Pa The above-mentioned reference values represent sound intensity and sound pressure at the lowest levels perceptible to the human ear. As the ear is not particularly sensitive and is just able to discern that a sound

has doubled in intensity, a linear division of the intensity would be impractical. For this reason, decibel (dB) has been introduced as a unit for measuring sound. This unit is logarithmic and is defined as 10 times the logarithmic relationship between the actual intensity of the sound and the reference value: Sound intensity level (dB): LI = 10 x Log10 (I/Io); re Io = 10-12 W/m2 As sound pressure squared corresponds to the intensity of the sound, the following corresponding values are

valid when we use sound pressure as a basis: Sound pressure level (dB): Lp = 20 x Log10 (p/po); re po = 2 x 10-5 Pa. Normally, it is the sound pressure level which is measured, and when nothing else is given, it will be re 2 x 10-5 Pa. On the basis of the above, a sound intensity of 10-12 W/m2 corresponds to a sound level of 0 dB, and a sound intensity of 1 W/m2 corresponds to a sound level of 120 dB. Incidentally, 120 dB is the level at which the ear begins to feel pain normal conversa-

Sound level at distance R2 compared to distance R1: Area of a sphere Intensity Sound level A = 4R I2 = I1 x (R1/R2)2 L2 = L1 - 20 x log10 (R2/R1)

dB 130 120 110

130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 NR10

In general, the sound level will be reduced by 6 dB for each doubling of the distance from the noise source

100 90 80 Spherical propagation 70 60 50 40 30 20 10

R Top of funnel

0 0 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k Hz Centre frequencies of octave bands

Bridge wing

Fig. 1: Spherically propagated sound waves far-field law Distance R from noise source (point source assumed)

Fig. 2: ISOs Noise Rating curves Octave band pressure levels, re 2 x 10-5 Pa

tion is usually conducted at around 55 dB. At the so-called far-field, i.e. where no sound is reflected and where sound waves can be assumed to be propagated spherically, a doubling of the distance will reduce the intensity of the sound to 1/4, corresponding to a sound reduction of 6 dB, see Fig. 1.

dB Attenuation -5 0 C 5 B 10


The Influence of Sound Frequency

The sensitivity of the human ear is closely related to frequency (Hz = vibrations per second). Sensitivity is low at low frequencies, so it is often necessary to take measurements at different frequency ranges. Normally, these measurements are made in the socalled octave bands. The octave bands are intervals between two frequencies where the upper frequency is twice as high as the lower. Octave band frequencies, which are named according to their geometrical average frequencies, 31.5, 63, 125, 250, etc. up to 16,000 Hz, are specified by ISO. The audible frequency range for young people with undamaged hearing is around 20-20,000 Hz. As a result of the ears varying sensitivity to combinations of different frequencies and sound levels, ISO has introduced special noise curves, and ISOs Noise Rating curve sheet is very often used, see Fig. 2. The groups of curves shown correspond, more or less, to the hearing characteristics of the ear with the sound level of the 1000 Hz octave band used as a reference. As an example, curve NR 60 shows that the sensitivity of the ear to 60 dB in the 1000 Hz octave band roughly corresponds to its sensitivity to 75 dB in the 125 Hz octave band. If the sound pressure levels of the various octave bands for a given noise measurement are drawn-in on the curve sheet, the octave band with the

15 20 A 25 30 35 40 45 31.5 63 4k 500 125 250 1k 2k Centre frequencies of octave bands 8k Hz

Fig. 3: Filtering (weighting) curves for sound level meters

highest NR-figure will give the resulting NR noise level for the measurement and, at the same time, show which frequency range(s) should be attenuated. Another, simpler method of compensating for the ears subjective perception is the use of sound level meters fitted with internationally standardised frequency weighting curves, i.e. electrical filtering curves, the so-called A, B, C, and now (for aeroplanes) also D filters. See Fig. 3. In principle, to compensate for the frequency-dependent sensitivity of the ear at various loudness levels, weighting curves A, B and C correct the actual linear (un-weighted) noise levels in relation to 1000 Hz corresponding to, respectively, the average Noise Rating

curves NR 0-55 for A, NR 55-85 for B, and higher than NR 85 for C. In particular, the A filter is often used to give the final results of a sound measurement as a single value. The measured A-weighted value, designated dB(A), is also regularly used, even in cases where the sound level is high and a B or C-weighting curve would have been more appropriate. A sound level obtained by linear measurement, i.e. without any correction for the sensitivity of the ear, is designated dB(Lin).

Primary Sources of Engine Noise

On the basis of engine noise measurements and frequency analyses, it can be ascertained that noise emissions from the two-stroke engine primarily originate from:
The turbocharger, air and gas

are mentioned above, will, as a result, generate various types of noise emission to the environment. The types of enginerelated noise emission will be discussed in the next section.

1. Exhaust gas noise Our constant-pressure turbocharged two-stroke diesel engines are, unlike the former impulse turbocharged engines, equipped with a large exhaust gas receiver located between the gas outlets of the cylinders and the turbocharger(s). Thanks to its ideal location, i.e. close to the noise source, this gas receiver also functions as an exhaust gas silencer, in particular attenuating the low-frequency gas pulsations. Fig. 6a curve 1 shows a 6L80MC engine, running at nominal MCR, where the calculated octave band analysis of the exhaust gas noise from an exhaust gas system without boiler and without silencer has been drawn in. The noise level calculation is based on a distance of 15 metres from the top of the funnel to the bridge wing. The curve sheet shows that the noise level in the octave band frequencies between 125 and 1,000 Hz is decisive for

Two-Stroke Engine Noise Emissions

On the basis of theoretical calculations and actual measurements, we employ computer models please refer to our paper: MAN B&W Computerised Engine Application System to provide our customers with data regarding the sound levels of the following enginerelated noise emissions, which are typical of our two-stroke engines: 1. Exhaust gas noise (gas pulsations) 2. Airborne noise (engine room noise) 3. Structure-borne noise excitation (vibration in engine feet)

pulsations Exhaust valves Fuel oil injection systems and, to a certain extent,
The chain drive.

The best way of reducing engine-related noise is, naturally, to reduce the vibrational energy at the source or, if this is neither feasible nor adequate, to attenuate the noise as close to its source as possible. The different noise sources of the diesel engine, of which the primary ones

Attenuation dB 40




0 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 4k 2k 8k Hz Centre frequencies of octave bands

Fig. 4a: Absorption silencer

Fig. 4b: Typical noise attenuation for a 25 dB(A) absorption silencer

the total noise level of NR 81, and that the A-weighted sound level corresponds to 86 dB(A). The dB(A) figure is calculated by accumulating the intensities of the octave band sound levels, including the A-weighted attenuation, as shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 6b shows the similarly calculated noise levels for a nominally rated 6S26MC engine where the distance from the funnel top to the bridge wing is 7 metres. To keep noise below a maximum permissible level of, for example, 65 dB(A) on the bridge wing, a relatively voluminous 25 dB(A) exhaust gas silencer of the absorption type will normally be adequate, as this attenuates the dominant frequency ranges in question. As the exhaust gas arrangement itself (for example the exhaust gas boiler) can generate noise, we recommend that the exhaust gas silencer is inserted as close to the funnel top as possible. The most frequently used absorption silencer is a flow silencer, i.e. a pipe with sound-absorbing wall material

(mineral or glass wool). Fig. 4a shows such a flow silencer which, apart from having good attenuating qualities in the high-frequency ranges can, by virtue of its size, also be used to attenuate some of the lower frequency ranges. The typical noise attenuation achieved with such a silencer type is shown in Fig. 4b as a function of the octave band frequencies. 2. Airborne noise Engine room noise is primarily generated by emissions from the individual engine components and their surfaces, which cause the air to pulsate. The average engine noise levels measured, for example according to CIMACs Recommendations for Measurements of the Overall Noise for Reciprocating Engines, or other similar standards, are used to express the typical airborne sound pressure level of the engine. The calculated average sound level corresponds to the average value of sound intensity measured at different

points around the engine. Measuring points are - depending on the engine size - located at two or three heights around the engine, and at a distance of approximately one metre from the engine surface. Along each side of the engine, the number of measuring points at each level must equal half the number of cylinders. Fig. 5 shows where these measuring points could be located. In general, depending, of course, on the type of engine, the average airborne noise level of a nominally rated engine will be around 104 dB(A), whereas the maximum level measured around the engine, and normally near a turbocharger, will be about 108 dB(A). Fig. 6a curve 2 shows the average airborne noise level calculated for a nominally rated 6L80MC engine with a noise level of approximately NR 101 and 105 dB(A) for an engine with highefficiency turbochargers, (curve 2A) and approximately NR 98 and 103 dB(A) for an engine with conventional turbochargers (curve 2B). The difference in noise levels originates from the difference in noise emission from the turbochargers themselves. In general, the higher the turbocharger efficiency, the higher the noise emission from the turbocharger and the engine. Fig. 6b shows the corresponding average airborne noise level calculations for a 6S26MC engine. Because of the reverberations of sound in the engine room, the sound pressure based noise levels measured in the vessel may be 1-5 dB higher than the calculated sound intensity based noise levels. Measurements show that the turbocharger noise has a dominant influence on the total average airborne noise level, an influence which has become greater and greater because of the increasingly efficient and high powered engines demanded by the shipyards and shipowners.

Fig. 5: Example of location of measuring points on a diesel engine in accordance with Cimac Recommendations of Measurement

The maximum noise level measured near a turbocharger will normally be about 3-5 dB(A) higher than the aver-

dB 130 120 110 100 90 80 80 70 70 60 50 40 0 10 20 30 NR50 40 60 1 3 8k Hz Average 100 2A 90 2B 130 120 110 Maximum 2A Average


ing noise reduction measures, see our paper Noise and Vibration Optimised 11-cylinder Diesel Engine for Propulsion of 4,800 TEU Container Vessel. It would be extremely difficult to meet stricter requirements with regards to maximum engine room noise level of, for example, 105 dB(A) instead of 110 dB(A), especially in view of the influence of sound reverberations and the noise emitted by other machinery. The possibility of reducing the noise from an existing engine is greatly limited because, as previously mentioned, the noise stems from many different sources, and because the noise transmission paths through which vibrational energy is transferred from one area to another through the engine are numerous. However, in principle, the transmission of airborne noise from the engine room to other locations, e.g. accommodation quarters, normally has no influence on the actual noise level in these locations. 3. Structure-borne noise excitation

Maximum 2B Average

31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k Centre frequencies of octave bands 1. Exhaust gas 2. Airborne 3. Structure-borne - distance 15 metres - average and maximum - engine feet, vertical

(re 2 x 10-5 Pa) (re 2 x 10-5 Pa) (re 5 x 10-8 m/sec)

Fig. 6a: ISOs NR curves and noise levels for a 6L80MC engine with A) high efficiency T/C and/or B) conventional T/C. MCR: 20,580 kW at 93 r/min

Vibrational energy in the engine is propagated, via the engine structure, to the engine bedplate flanges, i.e. the feet of the engine. From here, the energy is transferred to the ships tank top, and then outwards to the ships

age noise level of the engine, using the high figure for high efficiency turbochargers. Often it is the maximum noise level measured at an engine that has to meet the specified noise limit requirements. Especially in large diesel engines, it may sometimes to meet the noise limit requirements be necessary to introduce additional noise reduction measures, see Table 2. These measures may reduce the maximum noise levels by 3-5 dB(A) and sometimes more, depending on their extent. For further information regard-

1. Internal absorption material in scavenge air pipe 2. Ring diffusor absorption plate in the top of the scavenge air cooler 3. External insulation of the scavenge air cooler 4. Additional absorption material at the engine and/or at the engine room walls (yards responsibility) 5. Additional turbocharger intake silencer attenuation (turbocharger makers responsibility) 6. Additional attenuation material at the turbochargers inspection cover
Table 2: Additional noise reduction measures on diesel engines

dB 130 120 110 100 Average 90 80 80 70 70 60 50 NR50 40 0 10 20 30 40 60 1 3 90 2 130 120 110 100


and a 6S26MC engine, given as a vertical vibration velocity level in the engine feet. Incidentally, the vibration velocity level in a two-stroke engine is, on average, approximately 15-20 dB lower than in a four-stroke engine which, therefore, may sometimes have special vibration isolators (resilient mountings) built-in between the engine feet and the tank top of the ship. The structure-borne sound attenuation achieved is of some 15-20 dB, which means that the final result corresponds to the level of a solid-mounted two-stroke engine. The above-mentioned vibration velocity levels in the diesel engine feet can, with the aid of empirical formulas, be used to calculate the excitation velocities and, thus, the sound pressure levels in the accommodation quarters. The shipyards, or their consultants, normally have these formulas at their disposal.

Maximum 2 Average

31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k Hz Centre frequencies of octave bands 1. Exhaust gas 2. Airborne 3. Structure-borne - distance 7 metres - average and maximum - engine feet, vertical

Noise Limits
(re 2 x 10-5 Pa) (re 2 x 10-5 Pa) (re 5 x 10-8 m/sec)

Fig. 6b: ISOs NR curves and noise levels for a 6S26MC engine. MCR: 2,400 kW at 250 r/min

structure which starts to vibrate and thus emits noise. Among the sources which can generate vibrational energy are the pulses caused by the combustion process of the engine and the reciprocating movement of the pistons. The vibrational energy transferred between the contact surfaces of the engine bedplate and the ship is largely amplitude-dependent, so the velocity can normally be employed as a unit of measurement. Like the sound pressure level, the velocity is best expressed in dB, see also Table 1:

Velocity level (dB): Lv = 20 x Log10 (v/vo); re vo = 5 x 10-8 m/sec. The reference velocity used corresponds to the previously used intensity and sound pressure reference values and has therefore been selected by MAN B&W Diesel. According to the latest ISO Standard, the reference value 10-9 m/sec is now used in this norm. Figs. 6a and 6b (curve 3) also show the structure-borne noise excitation levels from a nominally rated 6L80MC

Limits for the maximum sound pressure level are either defined specifically between owner/shipyard and engine builder, or indirectly by referring to national or international legislation on the subject. Many owners refer to the SBG (See-Berufsgenossenshaft) specifications or the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) recommendations. The IMO noise (sound pressure) limits for different ship spaces are listed in Table 3. The appearance of national and international standards for noise levels in ships has, in general, resulted in a considerable reduction of the noise levels in newly-built ships.

Accommodation Structure-borne noise excitations For example, the introduction of a floating floor construction in the accommodation quarters has reduced the effect of the structure-borne noise excitation. Today, depending on the noise standard to be met, the noise limit requirements for accommodation are between 45 dB(A) and 65 dB(A), or lower, similar to those required in passenger ships. These noise requirements can, as a rule, be observed by taking adequate noise-attenuating precautions, e.g. the above-mentioned floating floor construction. Engine room Airborne noise On the other hand, it is apparent that the above-mentioned general noise

reductions have not been achieved in the engine room itself, where the airborne noise from the diesel engine dominates. The reason for this is that the acceptable noise limits for periodically manned engine rooms have, for many years, been set at around 110 dB(A), and the introduction of stricter requirements has not been realistic as the noise emission from a diesel engine has increased over the years because of the higher rated engines. The unchanged noise limit thus in itself seems to have constituted a serious limitation for the engine builders. However, it is a recognised fact that a noise level of over 110 dB(A) can, in the long term, cause permanent damage to hearing, and therefore this limit cannot be expected to be eased, rather on the contrary.

This means that as engine designers even though our engines generate no more noise than the engines of our competitors we must, in future engine designs, pay particular attention to the airborne noise emitted by our engines. Bridge wing Exhaust gas noise On the bridge wing, where it is the exhaust gas noise that predominates, there are also certain limitations, as the bridge wing is regarded as a listening post. The requirement here, depending on the noise standard to be met, is a maximum of 60-70 dB(A), which can always be met by installing a suitable exhaust gas silencer.

Generally, the noise emitted by the engines exhaust gas, and the structureborne noise excited by the engine, are so low that it is possible to keep within the noise requirements for the bridge wing and accommodation. On the other hand, the airborne noise emitted from the engine in the engine room is so high that in some cases there is a risk that the noise limits for the engine room cannot be met, unless additional noise reduction measures are introduced. In future, therefore, it must be expected that it will be very important, from a marketing point of view, to develop an engine with reduced airborne sound levels.

dB(A) Work spaces Machinery spaces (continuously manned) Machinery spaces (not continuously manned) Machinery control rooms Workshops Unspecified work spaces Navigation spaces Navigating bridge and chartrooms Listening posts, including navigating bridge wings and windows Radio rooms (with radio equipment operating but not producing audio signals) Radar rooms Accommodation spaces Cabins and hospital Mess rooms Recreation rooms Open recreation areas Offices 90 110 75 85 90 65 70 60 65 60 65 65 75 65

(1) Akustik & Buller, by Johnny Andersson, Stockholm 1974 (2) Ship Noise Criteria. Do they Reflect the Present Level of Noise Reduction Technology? by J. degaard, degaard & Danneskiold-Samse aps, 1986

Ear protectors should be worn when the noise level is above 85 dB(A), and no individuals daily exposure duration should exceed four hours continuously or eight hours in total.

Table 3: IMO noise limits (sound pressure level)

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