Physical Design
Electronic Design Automation (CAD Tools) Computational Geometry Design and Analysis of Algorithms
correctness of a VLSI design, i.e., testing is defined to be the process by which a defect in the digital system can be exposed.
Circuits are used in highly sophisticated applications A single failure may cause large deviation from the expected performance The world is rushing towards more and more precision in every level Example: 1995: Intel Pentium FP Bug Company took $450 M charge to cover replacement costs Some companies are spending millions of dollars every year in testing
Detection of Defects
Detection of defects may be done in three phases: Design verification involves ascertaining logical correctness and timing behavior of the circuit through simulation Manufacturing tests check for the specific types of defects produced during fabrication. Field test (day-to-day testing) detects the systems when the system is in the field.
Defect: refers to a physical imperfection in the circuit or system Fault : an actual defect that occurs in digital circuit or device. When a vector is applied to the faulty circuit which produces an incorrect response, an error is said to have occurred.
If a line in a chip breaks, a fault has occurred. When this fault is exposed at the circuit outputs by some input vector, an error results. This error is manifested as an incorrect logic value at one or more of the circuit outputs.
Test Vectors CUT Response
A fault which can change the logic value on a line in the circuit from logic 0 to logic 1 or vice versa is called a logical fault.
if the fault causes some parameters of the circuit to change, such as the current drawn by the circuit, then it is termed parametric.
Faults are classified into 3 types: a) Transient: A fault is called transient if it is only present for a small duration. b) Intermittent: A fault is intermittent if it appears regularly but is not present continuously. c) Permanent: If a fault is present continuously, it is called permanent.
Transient Faults
have been the dominant cause of system failures. may be caused by -particle radiation, power supply fluctuation, etc. No permanent damage is done by these faults. are hard to detect because of their short duration. With the possibility of reduced voltage levels for VLSI and the resultant decrease in noise margins, system susceptibility to transient fault is likely to increase.
Intermittent faults
are also difficult to detect and locate. can be caused by - loose connections, - bad designs, - environmental effects like temperature and humidity variations.
Permanent faults
are the easiest to detect. are predominantly caused by - shorts and opens in VLSI circuits.
Fault detection means the discovery of something wrong in a digital system or circuit. Fault location means the identification of the faults with components, functional modules, or subsystems, depending on the requirements. It is very difficult to locate a fault. Fault diagnosis includes both fault detection and fault location.
Verifies correctness of manufactured hardware. Two-part process: 1. Test generation: software process executed once during design 2. Test application: electrical tests applied to hardware Test application performed on every manufactured device. Responsible for quality of devices.
i1 i2 i3 . . . in . . . om o1 o2 o3
Apply all possible input patterns (2n) For n=50, a test equipment operating at 1 MHz will take about 9500 months!
i1 i2 i3 . . . in . . . om o1 o2 o3
So the solution is... Based on a Fault Model select a set of input vectors The patterns are called test vectors
Model Faults
large circuit Very difficult to detect a physical failure Many physical failures have the same effect on the logic We need to consider only the effect of physical failures on the logic Effects of physical failures are described at higher level : fault Model
Famous fault models Stuck-at Single and multiple Bridging - AND bridge and OR bridge Delay -Path delay, gate delay and Transition delay
1 0
a b
d e f
j h i k
0(1) 1(0) 1
Only one line is faulty. Faulty line permanently set to 0 or 1. Fault can be at an input or output of a gate.
Multiple stuck-at
26 possibilities
Bridging Faults
Bridging Fault
Improper masking or etching Loose or excess bare wires Defective printed circuit boards Shorting of pins of a chip
Delay faults
Failures that cause logic circuits to malfunction at the desired clock rate are modeled as delay faults Types of delay faults: a) Path Delay Fault b) Gate Delay Fault c) Transition Fault
Path-Delay Fault
A circuit is said to have a path-delay fault, if the total delay along some path exceeds the system clock interval Detection of a path-delay fault requires a twopattern test
0 0 1 z 1 1 0
* Disadvantage: Delay faults resulting from the sum of several small incremental delay defects may not be detected.
Detection of a stuck-open fault requires two vectors Detection of a stuck-short fault requires the measurement of quiescent current (IDDQ)
Stuck-open fault
permanent disconnection between source and drain of CMOS transistor is modeled as stuck-open fault.
It is a design technique in which parts of a circuit are used to test the circuit itself
X1 Xn
Signature Analyzer