CH 17 Sec 2 - The Northern Renaissance
CH 17 Sec 2 - The Northern Renaissance
CH 17 Sec 2 - The Northern Renaissance
Michelangelo, and Raphael showed the Renaissance spirit. All three artists demonstrated an interest in classical culture, a curiosity about the world, and a belief in human potential. Humanist writers expanded ideas about individuality. These ideas impressed scholars, students, and merchants who visited Italy. By the late 1400s, Renaissance ideas had spread to Northern Europeespecially England, France, Germany, and Flanders (now part of France and the Netherlands).
Following Chronological Order On a time line, note important events of the Northern Renaissance.
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German Painters Perhaps the most famous person to do this was the German artist Albrecht Drer (DYURuhr). He traveled to Italy to study in 1494. After returning to Germany, Drer produced woodcuts and engravings. Many of his prints portray religious subjects. Others portray classical myths or realistic landscapes. The popularity of Drers work helped to spread Renaissance styles. Drers emphasis upon realism influenced the work of another German artist, Hans Holbein (HOHLbyn) the Younger. Holbein specialized in painting portraits that are almost photographic in detail. He emigrated to England where he painted portraits of King Henry VIII and other members of the English royal family. Flemish Painters The support of wealthy merchant families in Flanders helped to make Flanders the artistic center of northern Europe. The first great Flemish Renaissance painter was Jan van Eyck (yahn van YK). Van Eyck used recently developed oil-based paints to develop techniques that painters still use. By applying layer upon layer of paint, van Eyck was able to create a variety of subtle colors in clothing and jewels. Oil painting became popular and spread to Italy. In addition to new techniques, van Eycks paintings display unusually realistic details and reveal the personality of their subjects. His work influenced later artists in Northern Europe. Flemish painting reached its peak after 1550 with the work of Pieter Bruegel (BROYguhl) the Elder. Bruegel was also interested in realistic details and individual people. He was very skillful in portraying large numbers of people. He captured scenes from everyday peasant life such as weddings, dances, and harvests. Bruegels rich colors, vivid details, and balanced use of space give a sense of life and feeling.
Summarizing What techniques does Bruegel use to give life to his paintings?
Peasant Life
The Flemish painter Pieter Bruegels paintings provide information about peasant life in the 1500s. Peasant Wedding (1568) portrays a wedding feast. The Bride The bride sits under the paper crown hanging on the green cloth. The Servers Men who may be her brothers are passing out plates. The Guests Several children have come to the party. The Musicians They are carrying bagpipes. One glances hungrily at the food.
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More wrote in Latin. As his work became popular, Mores works were translated into a variety of languages including French, German, English, Spanish, and Italian.
Womens Reforms During this period the vast majority of Europeans were unable to read or write. Those families who could afford formal schooling usually sent only their sons. One woman spoke out against this practice. Christine de Pizan was highly educated for the time and was one of the first women to earn a living as a writer. Writing in French, she produced many books, including short stories, biographies, novels, and manuals on military techniques. She frequently wrote about the objections men had to educating women. In one book, The Book of The City of Ladies, she wrote:
PRIMARY SOURCE I am amazed by the opinion of some men who claim that they do not want their daughters, wives, or kinswomen to be educated because their mores [morals] would be ruined as a result. . . . Here you can clearly see that not all opinions of men are based on reason and that these men are wrong.
CHRISTINE DE PIZAN, The Book of The City of Ladies
Analyzing Primary Sources What does de Pizan argue for in this passage?
Christine de Pizan was one of the first European writers to question different treatment of boys and girls. However, her goal of formal education for children of both sexes would not be achieved for several centuries.
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Summarizing What are two ways in which Shakespeares work showed Renaissance influences?
Shakespeares most famous plays include the tragedies Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, and King Lear, and the comedies A Midsummer Nights Dream and The Taming of the Shrew.
Shakespeares Popularity
Even though he has been dead for about 400 years, Shakespeare is one of the favorite writers of filmmakers. His works are produced both in period costumes and in modern attire. The themes or dialogue have been adapted for many films, including some in foreign languages. The posters at the right illustrate Othello (done in period costume); 10 Things I Hate About You, an adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew; a Japanese film, Ran, an adaptation of King Lear; and Romeo and Juliet in a modern setting.
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printed items reached Europe from China. European printers began to use block printing to create whole pages to bind into books. However, this process was too slow to satisfy the Renaissance demand for knowledge, information, and books. Around 1440 Johann Gutenberg, a craftsman from Mainz, Germany, developed a printing press that incorporated a number of technologies in a new way. The process made it possible to produce books quickly and cheaply. Using this improved process, Gutenberg printed a complete Bible, the Gutenberg Bible, in about 1455. It was the first full-sized book printed with movable type. The printing press enabled a printer to produce hundreds of copies of a single work. For the first time, books were cheap enough that many people could buy them. At first printers produced mainly religious works. Soon they began to provide books on other subjects such as travel guides and medical manuals.
Recognizing Effects What were the major effects of the invention of the printing press?
5 months 1 book
One man and a printing press could produce 500 books in the same amount of time.
Screw-type Press An adaptation of Asian olive-oil presses made a workable printing press.
5 months
Paper Using paper massproduced by Chinese techniques, rather than vellum (calf or lambskin), made printing books possible. Ink Oil-based inks from 10thcentury Europe worked better on type than tempera ink.
500 books
Movable Type Letters that could be put together in any fashion and reused was a Chinese idea.
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Art drew on techniques and styles of classical Greece and Rome. Paintings and sculptures portrayed individuals and nature in more realistic and lifelike ways. Artists created works that were secular as well as those that were religious. Writers began to use vernacular languages to express their ideas. The arts praised individual achievement.
Changes in Society
Printing changed society by making more information available and inexpensive enough for society at large. A greater availability of books prompted an increased desire for learning and a rise in literacy throughout Europe. Published accounts of new discoveries, maps, and charts led to further discoveries in a variety of fields. Published legal proceedings made the laws clear so that people were more likely to understand their rights. Christian humanists attempts to reform society changed views about how life should be lived. People began to question political structures and religious practices. Renaissance ideas continued to influence European thoughtincluding religious thoughtas you will see in Section 3.
TERMS & NAMES 1. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.
utopia William Shakespeare Johann Gutenberg
3. How did Albrecht Drers work
primary source quotation from Christine de Pizan on page 482. Write a one paragraph opinion piece about the ideas expressed there.
Use the Internet to find information on the number of books published in print and those published electronically last year. Create a pie graph showing the results of your research.