Girder Launching
Girder Launching
Girder Launching
Course No. 9101
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The Chennai Central Gudur section is the `A Group Route identified for CC+8 loading. This route crosses the Bay of Bengal between Ennore-Attipattu stations There is a bridge of 30 Nos of 12.2 M. span of steel Girder. This bridge also serves for the navigational purposes as such the depth of construction was restricted.
The b ridge was constructed during the year 1899 and served more than its codal life. This is one of the major b ridge in MAS-GDR section The ab ove b ridge is stone masonry jacketed with cement concrete. Since, the sub structure is always in back water of Bay of Bengal, the sub structure is weathered due to low and high tide of sea. The superstructure is very badly corroded and knife edged. Hence, this b ridge was proposed to rebuild in view of safety. Reconstruction of this b ridge was sanctioned and included in the Green book No.283 of 2004.(SRSF) The cost of this b ridge works out to 10.38 crores. The new b ridge is constructed at 10 m. apart of Up line b ridge b etween the Up and Down Line.
The new Bridge has 17 spans out of which 13 x 24.43 m and 4 x 10.715 M. Each pier has been constructed over a group of four 1000 mm dia. Cast-in-situ bored piles. Total of 76 piles had been completed within a period of 6 Months.
a) Type piles. b) Casing (Per manent) c) M ethod of pile operation d) Spacing of piles e) Cement c ontent f) Slump g) Depth of pile h) Reinforcement Fe.415. C/C C/C i) Cover for reinforcement j) Method of concreting k) Environmental c ondition
: 6mm thic k M.S liner. : Bailer & c hisel method. : 3 and 4 metres . : 450 kg/cum. : 150mm : 32 to 36M. : Main 25 Nos. of 32mm dia Binder 16mmdia @ 1500 Rings 10 mm dia @ 300 : : : 75mm Tremie pipe method. RMC concrete. Very severe
The substructure consists of two Nos of 1200 mm dia. RCC columns and trestle beam over 1.5 m. depth of pile cap. (4.5m x 5.5 m. size)
First 4 spans of 10.715 m. were casted cast-in-situ over the respectiv e spans. Remaining 13 spans of 24.43 m. were casted at one end of approach. The superstructure has been designed as single PSC Box Girder of 24.43 m. clear span. The superstructure work has been taken up and completed in 12 months. : : : : : : : : : : Post tensioned Box 27.43 m. 24.43 m. 234 Tons 1650mm 90 m3 4.5 MT 12 Tons. 14 cables. 275 Tons.
a) Ty pe Girder. b) Ov erall length c) Clear span d) Weight of girder e) Depth of Girder f ) Qty of concrete g) Qty. of 12.7mm/7 ply strands h) Qty. of TMT steel i) No. of cables j) Max. pre stressing force
PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN DURING CASTING: Casting was done in a single pour by Ready Mixed Concrete. All cable ducts should be fixed firmly as per the profile. In end block portion, spacing of rods may be adjusted to avoid congestion and to ensure good concrete without any honey comb. Adequate number of side shutter vibrators shall be used to avoid honey comb. Side and end shutters should be fabricated in such a way that the same can be released without affecting beam concrete.
MOVING THE PSC GIRDER OVER THE TRACK UP TO THE SPAN WHERE LIFTING PORTALS ARE AVAILABLE. A winch operated by 20 HP motor with reduction gear box is used for pulling the trolleys with the PSC girder. The girder is pulled at a speed 0.5m/min.