Installation Guide LEMON POS

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Installation Guide

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Jump to: navigation, search These are generic instructions to install lemonPOS. Some packages are available for (k)Ubuntu, OpenSuse, and Mandriva; and are maintained by the community. This packages provide binaries, so you will not need to compile.

For ubuntu 10.04, there is a package for 0.9.3 release candidate. Go to see the release note on the blog. and Download the package for 64 bits or 32 bits here. For ubuntu, activate the community repository and search for lemonpos. Other downloads here and here For OpenSuse, download here For Mandriva, download here for i586

For Archlinux, there is a PKGBUILD at AUR If you installed from packages (assumming provides the binaries) you can go directly to #Database Creation


1 Getting the source code o 1.1 From Sourceforge Download o 1.2 From Gitorious 2 Preparing to install 3 Compiling 4 Installing files 5 Database Creation 6 The default user and password 7 Congratulations

Getting the source code

You can get source code from sourceforge downloads.

From Sourceforge Download

You can download a tarball from here. This is the latest released version.

After downloading, untar it:

tar -jxvf lemonpos-0.9.2.tar.bz2

From Gitorious
The persa branch in GIT repository contains the latest version which contains new features and bug fixes. The master branch is in which development is going on and may be broken or buggy. To download you need to have the git utilities installed.

The first time, you have to do an initial clone:

git clone git:// cd lemonpos/ git fetch origin persa:persa

Now you have both branches, but you are on the master. To change to the persa branch :

git checkout persa

Later, you can update it with:

git pull

Preparing to install
Once you have the source code for lemonPOS, you need to be sure you have all requiered libraries. They are Qt4 and Kde4. The package names between distributions may be different. Once you have kde4 installed, try to compile it and watch for any error. Also, you must have CMAKE and GCC installed, these are developer tools. Also for compile the translations you need gettext package. For use -not compile-, you need mysql server installed and configured properly, also the qt mysql driver is needed -some distros have a separate package for this-. In this guide we assume you have mysql ready to be used. For (K)Ubuntu, read A kubuntu specific installation guide to install needed packages before compiling lemonPOS. When done, you can continue from here.


First, make a build directory inside the root directory:

cd lemonpos mkdir build cd build

Run CMake with your path to KDE4. This path depends on your distribution. Dont forget the two dots at the end ..
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`

Run make to compile lemonpos. This may take some time, but not so much.


Installing files

To install files, you must have permissions to write to system folders. Use the root user to do it with su or sudo.

If you have sudo installed -like ubuntu distros does- run:

sudo make install o

If you do not have sudo installed, try with su:

su make install

Database Creation
For the first time, you have to create a database. Database is used to store all things related to the operation of the POS, like sales and products.

To create database, run script included inside lemonpos/database_resources/ or on recent releases this file is located at /usr/share/kde4/apps/lemon/

cd lemonpos/database_resources/ cat lemon_mysql.sql | mysql -u root -p

Note:If you are updating lemonPOS, you may look in the release README and/or in the lemonpos/database_resources/README for instructions to update the database if needed. When a fix is provided the file looks like "fixme_VERSION.sql" where VERSION is the version you may have installed and will update, for example for 0.9.3rc2, the file is "fixme_0.9.2.sql", meaning that you must have 0.9.2 version installed and upgrading to 0.9.3rc2.

The default user and password

username: "admin" password: "linux"

without quotes. Remember that mysql should be running and cofigured before creating the database, and before running lemonPOS.

Now you have installed lemonPOS, you can start using it. There are two applications you can use:

lemon which is the POS. squeeze which is the administration backend.

You can go to the Users Guide to view how to use lemonPOS.

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