My Sustainable Living File 120923
My Sustainable Living File 120923
My Sustainable Living File 120923
Parcel Viewer Property Activity Report
Metro Working on Plan For More Sustainable Transpo Network - PlanningWatch Curbed LA transpo_network.php Metro has come out with a map of high density clusters they refer to as a Countywide Sustainability Policy. Your tax dollars at work, Measure R, SB375 and federal money.
Cluster A is moderate to high residential density, the South Bay Cities, eastern San
Fernando Valley to Reseda, Monrovia and the Newhall Metrolink station.
Cluster B will be housing density of lower than 7 units per acre. They consider this to
be low density.
Cluster C they say is 40 percent of the countys residents with residential densities
high enough to support local commercial activity.
Cluster D is their ideal, high density such as downtowns Los Angeles, Pasadena,
Century City, Glendale, Santa Monica and Warner Center. In some kind of twisted logic, we are supposed to feel smug if we give up our little piece of land and our car to live in high density apartments, walk, and take the bus.
WeHos Movietown Plaza shrinks to 7 stories and goes rental d_goes_rental.php 371 unit mixed-use apartments with 26,000 sq ft of commercial and 77 units of affordable senior housing.
Van Jones, Obamas Ex Green Czar: If we want to survive as a species, we will have to live in massive mega-cities. Living at one with nature is just crap idealism from the past, and the suburbs are nothing more than archaic residue of racist white flight patterns. Snip Sprawl is a response to racial fear and anxiety on the part of white elites. The 'burbs were designed as a vehicle to get away from people of color, investing more in the white infrastructure as they moved away from the city, and the neighborhoods where people of color live. Does that mean the only environmentally-sound, antiracist thing for whites to do is move back to the inner cities. Yes, it does.
SaMo Approves new housing on site of beloved trailer park oved_trailer_park.php Santa Monica Mixed-use East Village will replace 99 trailer spots with 377 units in three buildings. 161 apartments and 216 condos
South Parks 30 story Apex Tower Rents range from $1,900 to $10,000 per month
Multigenerational Homes: Real Estate's Next Big Thing as More Families Share a Space AOL Real Estate ^ | November 16, 2012 | Krisanne Alcantara Being roommates with your parents after age 21 sounds like a nightmare for most, but Jessica Bruno wouldn't have it any other way. Bruno, a 40-year-old mom, wife and DIY blogger, lives with her 62-year-old parents, Connie and Fred, in their Sutton, Mass., home. Oh, and there's Bruno's husband, Tony, and their 6-year-old son, Tony Jr. Think that's a lot of people under one roof? There's more. Bruno's grandparents, Grace, 80, and Fred, 82, live in the house, too. That's seven people from four generations living together in one home. Actually, make that nine: Bruno's two stepdaughters, 12-year-old twins Alexia.. Shipping Containers to Become Condos in Detroit ABC News ^ | Fri, Nov 23, 2012 | By Karin Halperin The first U.S. multi-family condo built of used shipping containers is slated to break ground in Detroit early next year. Strong, durable and portable, shipping containers stack easily and link together like Legos. About 25 million of these 20-by-40 feet multicolored boxes move through U.S. container ports a year, hauling children's toys, flat-screen TVs, computers, car parts, sneakers and sweaters. But so much travel takes its toll, and eventually the containers wear out and are retired. That's when architects and designers, especially those with a "green" bent, step in to turn these cast-off boxes into student housing in Amsterdam, artists'
Work starts on Little Tokyo mixed-user ave ixeduser_ava.php 280 apartments and 20,000 sq ft of retail
San Pedros huge Ponte Vista project is now more suburban re_suburban.php 61.5 acres and 1,135 units, 143 single-family homes, 14 townhouses, 120 condos, 514 flats and 218 apartments
Touring the Pricey new 8500 Burton apartments on La Cienega better_name.php 87 units, with rents starting at the mid $4,000s
High Line West Bringing Apartments, Retail, Elevated Park to Hollywood and Western - DevelopmentWatch - Curbed LA s_retail_elevated_park_to_hollywood_and_western.php
Two Huge WeHo Mixed-Users Arrive Late 2013/Early 2014 ConstructionWatch - Curbed LA ate_2013early_2014.php
Lawsuit Against Downtown NFL Stadium Dropped In Exchange For Parks and Affordable Housing - Farmers Almanac - Curbed LA ium_dropped_in_exchange_for_parks_and_affordable_housing_1.php
Simi Valley Wants to Keep New Housing Capped at 292 Units - Sprawling Out - Curbed LA sing_capped_at_292_units.php
First Plans Released For Huge Towers Next to Capitol Records - DevelopmentWatch - Curbed LA ers_next_to_capitol_records.php
Map Shows Exactly Where LA's Greenhouse Gases Come From - Cool Map Thing - Curbed LA reenhouse_gases_come_from.php
Now Building in Koreatown, Mid-City West, and Skid Row ConstructionWatch - Curbed LA hire_and_skid_row.php
Construction About to Begin on Venice's Troubled Lincoln Place - Unarrested Development - Curbed LA nices_troubled_lincoln_place.php 795 units built in 1951 will build another 13 new buildings. Units will cost $2,500 per month
Los Angeles's Sprawl is Denser Than New York's Sprawl Facts & Figures - Curbed LA n_new_yorks_sprawl.php
7 Proposals For Turning LA Parking Spaces Into Parks - Parks or Parking - Curbed LA g_spaces_into_parks.php
Jerry Brown from 1995 The conventional viewpoint says we need a jobs program and we need to cut welfare. Just the opposite! We need more welfare and fewer jobs. Jobs for every American is doomed to failure because of modern automation and production. We ought to recognize it and create an income-maintenance system so every single American has the dignity and the wherewithal for shelter, basic food, and medical care. Im talking about welfare for all. Without it, youre going to have warfare for all. Without a universal health care like every other civilized country, without a minimum level of income, this country will explode. You cant blame the guy at the bottom forever. At some point theres a reaction and well see that the real criminals are those calling the tune, making the rules, and walking to the bank. We have the money, we have the brain power. The United States now has the highest measured wealth of any nation ever in the history of the world. We could rebuild our cities, we could create the kind of buying power and community wellbeing that will provide for peace. The guaranteed income is one way. Another way is to have always the availability of work in a nonprofit, in community service. A third is to start giving people training to develop skills where they can be selfsupporting. You could come up with a cash supplement. Even conservatives have suggested a negative income tax to cut out the bureaucracy. If we were smart, wed get rid of welfare and give people a family assistance like they do in Europe The problem isnt even a problem. Automation and technology would be a great boon if it were creative, if there were more leisure, more opportunity to engage in raising a family, providing guidance to the young, all the stuff we say we need. America will work if were all in it together. Itll work when theres a shared sense of destiny. It can be done! Its all there! What isnt there is the leadership to create the kind of social network, the safety net, the distribution that would truly create a just and equal society We have to restore power to the family, to the neighborhood, and the community with a non-market principle, a principle of equality, of charity, of lets-take-care-of-one-another. Thats the creative challenge. First, expose relentlessly the big lie that comes over the tube every night-that if you just go out and find that job, and work harder, itll all be fine. It wont! Theres not enough work to go around and a lot of the pay is not fair. Unless you totally yank up that system and create a better one, unless the spirit changes, unless the heart opens, unless we confront power with the truth of our own unarmed but absolute fearless truth, were not going to overcome it. Evil is too embedded to be overcome by anything other than a spiritual challenge.
Developer Formerly Known as Meruelo Maddux Has Big Plans Spread All Across Downtown - DevelopmentWatch Curbed LA lo_maddux_has_big_plans_spread_all_across_downtown.php
Maurice Strong "developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class -- involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing -- are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns."
12 Condo Units at Venice and Ocean Avenue Stalling on Affordable Housing Questions - DevelopmentWatch Curbed LA n_avenue_stalling_on_affordable_housing_questions.php
Huge Hollywood Mixed-Use Blvd6200 Finally Breaks Ground Hooray for Hollywood - Curbed LA finally_breaks_ground.php
Reinventing Los Angeles: Seizing the Transit Opportunity | The Planning Report
Rep. Blumenauer Opines: Congress Terrible Transportation Bill | The Planning Report
CicLAvia's Aaron Paley on the Spectacle's Trajectory, Notions of Public Space | The Planning Report
Gas price spike encouraging people to use mass transit Wed Oct 10 2012 07:44:35 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) by BenLurkin 21 replies kabc ^ | Tuesday, October 09, 2012 | Melissas MacBride and Carlos Granda California drivers are paying the highest price in the nation. The increasing cost of gas has forced many to take a bus or train. Metrolink says Southern Californians are packing mass transit lines. They have reported a definite increase in ridership, even posting a record of nearly 23,000 riders this weekend. Regular passengers at Union Station said they have noticed new faces and fewer seats for their morning commute. "I would say it was a little more crowded than normal," said Homa Hashemi of Buena Park.
Anaheims Iceberg Looking bullet train station has begun _begun.php
Congressman Blumenauer and Supervisor Yaroslavsky Assess Recently Signed Federal Transportation Bill MAP-21 | The Planning Report
Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky: closing off major boulevards and turning them into pedestrian spaces
as has been done in Europe and South America to great success. It gives people an opportunity to ride their bikes, to walk, or to jog on boulevards that are never safely accessible to bikes or pedestrians. It also changes the environment of those boulevards. When you dont have cars driving down your streets, suddenly the ambient noise level drops precipitously, and you hear things that you would never hear on a normal workday. The response from the public, the tens of thousands of people who participate in CicLAvia, suggest that we are more willing to accept the burden of closing off streets than most politicians will give the public credit for. It suggests that people are eager to take advantage of alternative forms of transportation and recreation. Congressman Blumenauer: These are extraordinarily powerful examples coming from Los Angeles. When I was responsible for public works in Portland, we closed down some bridges for neighborhood bike rides. We continue to do that by closing streets off to vehicular traffic in certain neighborhoods one Sunday a month during the summer.
Metros David Yale on MAP-21: Its Shock Therapy for a Flatlining Gas Tax | The Planning Report
On July 6, 2012, President Obama signed into law P.L. 112-141, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). Funding surface transportation programs at over $105 billion for fiscal years (FY) 2013 and 2014, MAP-21 is the first long-term highway authorization enacted since 2005. MAP-21 builds on and refines many of the highway, transit, bike, and pedestrian programs and policies established in 1991.
Edmiston: LA Densification Must Offer Suburban-like Amenities - Green Spaces and Places | The Planning Report
Joe Edmiston kind of gets it, we like our yards. But Edmiston doesnt fight the high density, choosing to opt out for building parks.
Mercedes Marquez: LA Citys New Deputy Mayor for Housing | The Planning Report
The Mayor has asked me to be the person who focuses on the transfer of the redevelopment housing assets to the city, who focuses on possible new sources of funding, and who creates new strategies for affordable housing. Ill be looking at the citys consolidated plan (the new plan is due to HUD in February of 2013) to consider on how we integrated community development. I would say transit-oriented development and an integration of community development are the new possibilities that have emerged in Los Angeles with the passage of the Federal Transportation Bill and Measure R and its hopeful extension.
This is the mayors pressroom Mayor Villaraigosa announces Mercedes Maruez, Former LA housing department general manager and HUD assistant secretary, as deputy mayor for housing in Los Angeles.
According to a letter written by a Los Angeles County Housing Department employee obtained by RedState, Mercedes hired Norma and after the training was paid for Mercedes became a Priestess. After the next training, Mercedes was elevated to High Priestess. The whole purpose of the Zen training was to elevate Mercedes stature in the Buddhist Temple. After a half hour, the building management sent security guards out to the parking lot to stop the spectacle. But more so than the Zen training, there are some serious concerned raised by a former employee that need addressing. Marquez is alleged to have purchased a condominium for herself and her partner in a building Marquezs department financed.
Obamas Plan for Ohio : Making suburban taxpayers prop up failing Democratic cities National Review ^ | 10/08/2012 | Stanley Kurtz Suburbanites of Ohio, listen up. As swing voters in the ultimate swing state, you will have an outsized impact on this election. President Obama has pledged to govern in the interests of middle-class voters like you. With so much resting on your shoulders, that is a promise you should scrutinize with care. What exactly are Obamas plans for Ohios suburban communities? The answer may shock you. President Obama aims to help Ohios Democrats bail out your states struggling cities by forcibly transferring suburban tax money to urban treasuries. Its a bold plan to redistribute the wealth of Ohios suburbs. Social engineering is working in California gas market American Thinker ^ | 10/08/2012 | Thomas Lifson One of the great priorities of the left is to get Americans out of their cars and onto public transportation. When the masses no longer have access to cars, it clears the streets for the limos of the nomenklatura, just as it did in the old USSR, and still does in North Korea. The best way to accomplish this goal is to push up gasoline prices. Energy Secretary Steven Chu famously hoped that energy prices would double, and President Obama also admitted to wanting energy prices to rise, just not too quickly, lest the frog catch on the water is...
Fences Up at South Park Tower Site, Moby Hosts Arch Awards - CurbedWire - Curbed LA e_moby_hosts_arch_awards.php
Brentwood's the bw Rises, Party at Buster Keaton's Old Digs - CurbedWire - Curbed LA buster_keatons_old_digs.php
L.A. drivers have high rate of fatal pedestrian, cyclist crashes -,0,1117635.story
Drivers in Los Angeles kill pedestrians and bicyclists at a significantly higher rate than drivers nationally, according to a study by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.
In Los Angeles, pedestrians accounted for about a third of all traffic fatalities, or nearly triple the national average of 11.4%. About 3% of the fatalities were bicyclists. That compares with 1.7% nationally.
The Average LA Worker Still Can't Actually Afford to Live in LA - Facts & Figures - Curbed LA actually_afford_to_live_in_la.php
- Average rents are $1,797 per month, but the average household can only afford $1,325. -- Median income earners in LA County can afford a house worth $200,000, but the median housing price is something like $300,000. -- There's a shortage of new housing being built--the Southern California Association of Governments says the county needs 22,500 new units a year through 2021; only 13,100 units are being developed this year. -- "Only New York and San Francisco have lower levels of housing affordability than Los Angeles." -- Middle income earners--people making between $42,400 and $63,600 per year--"fall into a housing 'donut hole' by earning too much to qualify for subsidized affordable housing, but too little to afford the high-end market-rate housing preferred by developers."
If MacArthur Park Were a Mixed-Use Farm (With Cow Palace) - Architects Dreaming - Curbed LA use_farm_with_cow_palace.php
This one is just too weird. A vertical farm with 3 stories of retail and something about cows and capturing their farts.
25 LA Housing and Hotel Developments to Watch Right Now Curbed Map - Curbed LA nts_to_watch_right_now_1.php
Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and
wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling conventions. We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated. But this strategy alone couldn't provide the distance I wanted, from Joyce or my past. After all, there were thousands of so-called campus radicals, most of them white and tenured and happily tolerant. No, it remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going
to happen." "I dont believe it is possible to transcend race in this country. Race is a factor in this society. The legacy of Jim Crow and slavery has not gone away. It is not an accident that African-Americans experience high crime rates, are poor, and have less wealth. It is a direct result of our racial history." "It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks' greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere...That's the world! On which hope sits!" "You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a (flag) pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest..."
"You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or
preserves free markets "speaks to our rugged individualism" as Americans, such a system "doesn't work" and "has never worked" and that Americans must look to a more activist government that taxes more, spends more and regulates more if
they want to preserve the middle class. "'[T]here is a certain crowd in Washington who, for the last few decades, have said, lets respond to this economic challenge with the same old tune.
"Too many folks still don't have a sense that tomorrow will be better than today. And so, the question in this election is which way do we go?" President Obama asked at a fundraiser in Chicago on Sunday.
"Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?" Obama asked. "Or do we go backward to the same policies that got us in the mess in the first place?"
"I believe we have to go forward," Obama said. "I believe we have to keep working to create an America where no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, no matter who you love, you can make it here if you try. That's what's at stake in November. That's what is why I am running for a second term as president of the United States of America."
"If youve got a business -- you didnt build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didnt get invented on its own. Government
research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet."
Hopefully, more and more people will begin to feel their story is somehow part of this larger story of how were going to reshape America in a way that is less mean-spirited and more generous.
I mean, I really hope to be part of a transformation of this country. And the future of black people and of America generally? It depends on how good I do my job..
I lived in a country [Indonesia] where I saw extreme poverty at a very early age. Parts of my family in Kenya remain very poor. My grandmother still lives in a mud-walled house with no running water or electricityThats who I am, thats where I come from, not always literally, but at least emotionally.
The Gibson Mixed-User Breaks Ground at 7th/Arizona in SaMo - Century West Partners - Curbed LA d_at_7tharizona_in_samo.php
A 106 unit apartment project at Seventh and Arizona with two five-story buildings and 10,000 sq feet of retail
Mysterious Holding Pattern For 1960s NoHo Tower Set to Die For Mixed-Use Apartments - DevelopmentWatch - Curbed LA 60s_noho_tower_set_to_die_for_mixeduse_apartments.php
The Commonwealth office tower on Lankershim to become a 5 story 136 unit apartment complex with 14,000 sq ft of retail.
Opinion: Los Angeles' mass-transit gains win praise ... in New York - LA Daily News
A long article promoting the dense cities from the California Planning Roundtable
Let L.A. Be L.A. by Joel Kotkin, City Journal Summer 2012
We are not a cut-rate New York and dont want to be. The developers and the politicians want to take away all that makes us unique and get rid of us tomorrow. It wont be so easy.
The enhancement of environmental literacy between kindergarten and 12th grade and fostering of understanding, analysis, and solutions to environmental challenges. Just dont challenge what the teacher preaches.
A five year plan that will spend $5 billion to double the amount of affordable housing units built in Los Angeles. William J. Clinton Foundation Municipal art society of New York Dorothy Cullman Third Way New York Public Library Cullman Ventures Inc Hotchkiss School Museum of Modern art Neuroscier Research Foundation Orkin Exterminating Company At-a-Glance Edgar M. Cullman Sr. Environmental Defense Fund Metropolitan Museum of Art Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts General American Investors Co., Inc Enterprise Community Partners Hes not in here, but when trying to figure out who someone is, another great place to go is
lacityp_005875.pdf butor/documents/contributor_web_content/lacityp_005875.pdf
Orange County and neighboring Los Angeles County, the density is hovering just below 7,000 people per square mile. That makes the LA/OC megalopolis the most densely populated metro area in the country. San Francisco/Oakland is second, and San Jose is third. New York City is fourth, with a meager 5,319 people per square mile. Chicago is 25th. Of the 50 densest metro areas in the country, 20 are in California. Snip The tool of this latest round of madness is 2008s California Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act, or SB 375, authored by Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, now the Senate president protem. SB 375 stepped up Californias regulatory game from just controlling every aspect of how houses are built to dictating where they can be built. The law mandates regional sustainable growth plans, and definitely doesnt include suburbia in the sustainable column. The Brown administration is using it like a hammer in its Quixotic campaign to single-handedly free the world of global warming. For example, Attorney General Kamala Harris recently sued San Diego under SB 375 because its long-range plan did too much for highways, the transportation system that supports suburbia, and not enough for mass transit. More to the administrations liking is the Bay Areas Initial Vision Scenario for 2035, which proclaims that, by 2035, the Bay Areas population will grow by 2 million people, yet there will be fewer cars there than there are today. That will only happen if yards, tree-lined streets and a car commute to work are traded in for lofts by the train station.
Illegal Aliens Cost County $100+ Million in June-July SCV News ^ | September 26, 2012 | Mike Antonovich The Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services reported that more than $100 million in welfare benefits were issued to illegal alien parents for their native-born children in June and July alone, announced Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. The $100 million consists of nearly $40 million in CalWORKs (welfare) and $70 million in food stamps representing 22% of all CalWORKs and food stamp issuances in the County. At this rate, the projected annual cost is more than $625 million. With the $550 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to... Agenda 21: How will it affect you?
"Andy Stern, A Member of Obamas Fiscal Responsibility Commission, Says Worshipping the Market Has Failed America" Andy Stern, former head of Services Employees International Union (SEIU) and a President Barack Obama appointee to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, said on Monday that the free market has failed the country and American workers. He made his remarks at a conference of the Campaign for America's Future in Washington, D.C., on Monday. Andy Stern, the former head of the Service Employees International Union who now sits on President Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, said the United States needs an economic plan that does not include worshipping the free market. America needs a 21st century economic plan because we now know the marketworshipping, privatizing, de-regulating, dehumanizing American financial plan has failed and should never be revived, worshipping the market again, Stern said in remarks at the annual conference of the liberal activist group Campaign for Americas Future in Washington on Monday. It has failed America and everyone that works here, Stern said. Stern said the changes that Obama and Democrats in Congress have made are nothing short of a revolution that will move the American economy from national to international."
10 states stealing Californias population Marketwatch ^ | 9/24/2012 <p>A study released Monday finds that California, once the ultimate destination of millions of Americans dreaming of a better life, has been losing millions of its citizens to other states over the past 20 years.</p> <p>The report, by the Manhattan Institute, found that Californias net outflow of population has topped 3.4 million over the past two decades San Francisco To Vote On Apartments The Size Of Two Prison Cells [Hope and Change?] NBCNews ^ | September 24, 2012 San Francisco To Vote On Apartments The Size Of Two Prison Cells San Francisco may soon give new meaning to the word "downsizing." Supervisors are set to vote on Tuesday on a proposed change to the city's building code that would allow construction of among the tiniest apartments in the country. Under the plan, new apartments could be as small as 220 square feet (a little more than double the size of some prison cells), including a kitchen, bathroom and closet, the Los Angeles Times reported. Current regulations require the living room alone to be that size. Schematics for 300-square-foot... Alabama Adopts First Official State Ban on UN Agenda 21 N_Agenda_21/19864/0/38/38/Y/M.html ^ | June 8, 2012 | Alex Newman Alabama became the first state to adopt a tough law protecting private property and due process by prohibiting any government involvement with or participation in a controversial United Nations scheme known as Agenda 21. Activists from across the political spectrum celebrated the measures approval as a significant victory against the UN sustainability plot, expressing hope that similar sovereignty-preserving measures would be adopted in other states as the nationwide battle heats up. The Alabama Senate Bill (SB) 477 legislation, known unofficially among some supporters as the Due Process for Property Rights Act, was approved unanimously by both the state House and.. Los Angeles Times A San Francisco proposal would reduce the minimum size for a residence from 290 square feet to 220. Proponents tout affordability; opponents fear congestion and 'shoe box' living. San Francisco considers allowing nation's tiniest micro-apartments SAN FRANCISCO The tiny apartments are touted as "affordable by design."
Win a Super Bright "Densify or Die" LA Forum Poster - Free Stuff - Curbed LA _la_forum_poster.php
CAs Awful Prop. 31: Is This Your Future? [becoming second-class citizens in your own state] National Review Online - The Corner ^ | September 4, 2012 | Stanley Kurtz Wake up California. You are perilously close to ratifying Proposition 31, a sweepingly redistributionist and profoundly undemocratic transformation of your way of life, and you dont even know whats at stake. Suburbanites of California, you are the special targets of Prop. 31. Act now, or be turned into second-class citizens in your own state. Wake up America. Look toward the regionalist revolution on Californias horizon. In an era of looming municipal bankruptcies, this could be your fate: robbing the suburbs to pay for the cities. The regionalist transformation now being quietly pressed on California is exactly the sort of change. ng_requirements.php
change of use parking standards (i.e., if a building's use changes, parking requirements won't), use of a new Parking Reduction Permit (individual projects could request fewer parking spaces), buildings could move parking off-site to within 1,500 feet, decreased parking requirements, increased parking requirements, commercial parking credits, and maximum parking limits (each use within a district has a set maximum number of spaces). required
Century Plaza Double Towers Project Begins Fresh Approvals h_approvals.php Plans to renovate the Century Plaza Hotel by converting the top five floors to condos and adding two 46 story towers for a total of 353 condo units. They will add 105,000 sq ft of shops and restaurants. sure_j.php Now known as Measure J, would extend the current Measure R sales tax for 30 years to 2069. Metro would borrow against future taxes and build transit projects, the Purple Line to Westwood, the Eastside Gold Line to South El Monte or Whittier, the connector to LAX, the Green Line South Bay to Torrance, the West Santa Ana Branch Corridor project, the Sepulveda Pass Transit Corridor project, the Gold Line to Montclair.
The ballot language, from The Source: Accelerating Traffic Relief, Job Creation. To advance Los Angeles County's traffic relief, economic growth/ job creation, by accelerating construction of light rail/ subway/ airport connections within five years not twenty; funding countywide freeway traffic flow/ safety /bridge improvements, pothole repair; keeping senior/ student/ disabled fares low; Shall Los Angeles County's voter-approved onehalf cent traffic relief sales tax continue, without tax rate increase, for another 30 years or until voters decide to end it, with audits/ keeping funds local?
California renters are Obama fans | percent, renters, president - Business - The Orange County Register
Deadly trend of a cyclist killed a month continues | cyclists, killed, year - Home - The Orange County Register Villaraigosa orders new 1,680-mile bicycle lane system 7/1/2011 Villaraigosa: The bicycle plan will help improve the quality of life for every
Angeleno, by providing another clean transportation option for their daily commute, improving the quality of the air and make it more accessible to lead a healthy, active lifestyle,"
From the same article, city councilman Bill Rosendahl said: The city car culture has to change. Their green guru, Maurice Strong said: We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse. Villaraigosa is the Chairman of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Sustainability is focused on transportation strategies to reduce single occupancy autostrying to get them to change modes by: Creative ways to incorporate land use & transportation, such as, bikeways next to a transit corridor, bike parking at rail stations or car sharing/electrical vehicles or pedestrian enhancements Focus on Increasing bus ridership by improving service and amenities and offering reliable clean service. Here is your Agenda 21 primer: d_in_ktown.php Avant apartments A two building, 303 unit luxury apartment east of where the Ambassador Hotel was. la_and_ktown.php The Valencia, a proposed six story, 220 units and 10,000 square feet of groundfloor retail along Wilshire at the Home Depot site in Westlake.
City Wants More Time to Study Rent Effects Before Approving The Village at USC
Wednesday, September 19, 2012, by Neal Broverman ore_approving_the_village_at_usc.php USC promised to spend $8 million for affordable housing, the city wants $20 million. USC plans 1,200 dormitory beds, the city wants 4,000
Barry Shy's 40-Story 6th & Main Tower Could Start Work in April
Wednesday, September 12, 2012, by Neal Broverman _in_april.php 40 story apartment with 350 units on Sixth and Main. own_63_units.php South Parks Ritz-Carlton residences at LA Live are now 50 percent sold. 224 condo units are above the hotel. One third of the owners live there full time. Most buyers are from China and South Korea and the units range from $1.3 million to $9.3 million. n_november.php 19 stories tall with 271 apartments and 54 of the units will be low-income xeduse_hotel.php South Park Carwash Site Will Probably Birth Mixed-Use Hotel Tuesday, August 28, 2012, by Neal Broverman The carwash/restaurant/ticket place that sits dead-center in the LA Live/South Park action is this close to being sold, the Los Angeles Business Journal reports (sub. req.), One of the potential buyers is Ben Neman, a business guy who owns at least six other Downtown area properties--he has preliminary plans to build a 476,000 square foot mixed-use hotel, with retail and residences. double Marriott next door, a new Wilshire Grand hotel tower in the Financial District an Ace Hotel opening on Broadway opening_in_oct.php 8500, perhaps the first entirely post-boom luxury apartment project in the city, is officially set to open on October 20. The Beverly Center-adjacent project was developed by Caruso Affiliated (of the Grove and the Americana) The eight-story 8500 will have 49 one-bedrooms, 37 two-bedrooms, all with balconies, as well as a penthouse designed by Waldo Fernandez--sizes range from 801 to 4,000 square feet. Rents start "in the high $3,000's" residences.php Octogenarian Aussie developer Joseph Hellen is on a roll. After converting the Historic Core's Chester Williams building into apartments (leasing is underway), Hellen is now turning his attention to his long-discussed retail-fronted parking garage project on Spring Street, but he's changing things up. With his three Historic Core apartment buildings occupied to the hilt, the developer had a change of heart and now wants to build something like 90 residential units on top of the parking levels.
This is good
SCRUBBED : PHOTO OF PRESIDENT OBAMA REMOVED JUST DAYS AFTER BOOK EXPOSES AGENDA TO ELIMINATE SUBURBS Breitbart-Big Government ^ | 8-12-2012 | Lee Stranahan August 12, 2012SCRUBBED : PHOTO OF PRESIDENT OBAMA REMOVED JUST DAYS AFTER BOOK EXPOSES AGENDA TO ELIMINATE SUBURBS by Lee Stranahan A photo of President Obama was suddenly pulled from the website of the group Building One America, whose goals were documented extensively in Stanley Kurtzs book Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities. The book, which was released ten days ago, reveals what Kurtz refers to as Obamas plan to undercut the political and economic independence of America's suburbs. Kurtz connects current Obama administration policy with his personal history, and with groups.. How Obama Is Robbing The Suburbs To Pay For The Cities Forbes ^ | August 13, 2012 | Stanley Kurtz
Will AEG Nab Convention Center For South Park Domination? - Broke LA - Curbed LA r_south_park_domination.php
Businesses Ask Judge to Stop Work on Downtown Light Rail Lawsuits - Curbed LA _on_downtown_light_rail.php
Maglev Tube Transit Company Wants to Build Pilot in WeHo Mindblowing - Curbed LA _to_build_pilot_in_weho.php
State Supreme Court Will Hear Challenge to Expo Line to SaMo - Lawsuits - Curbed LA llenge_to_expo_line_to_samo_1.php
Union Station Master Plan Timeline, LA's First Fast EV Charger - CurbedWire - Curbed LA e_las_first_fast_ev_charger.php
You Can Be Half a Billboard, Larchmont Small Lots Site For Sale - CurbedWire - Curbed LA mont_small_lots_site_for_sale.php
The Paramount adjacent lot at Melrose and Gramercy will build a 49 unit project under the citys Small Lot Subdivision Ordinance that allows multiple small detached houses on a single lot Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities (9781595230928): Stanley Kurtz: Books
California has approved plans for a town that would eventually grow to nearly 40,000 people with enough businesses and jobs to support the residents. They claim it is the most sustainable planned city in the state. 16,000 homes and five million square feet of commercial space along with parks lining streets and low speed limits. The streets are designed as walkable even in triple-digit temperatures. The homes will be mixed, including affordable housing.
New Town Travertine Point Will Be Finished Around the Same Time Salton Sea (Maybe) Disappears - Deserting Curbed LA _finished_around_the_same_time_salton_sea_maybe_disappears.php
Huge Hollywood Mixed-Use Blvd6200 Finally Breaks Ground Hooray for Hollywood - Curbed LA finally_breaks_ground.php
First phase to include 535 apartments and groundfloor retail It will be six stories with five levels of underground parking on a 7.3 acre site
New law could relax parking requirements in San Fernando Valley, other areas of L.A. - LA Daily News
A good article from the LA Times David Zahniser and Kate Linthicum August 14, 2012
elegant density
Councilman Ed Reyes is pushing this, keep him in mind the next time your
sitting in traffic. They only council opposition came from Councilman deserves your backing.
Paul Koretz. He
Santa Monica and West Hollywood have already changed their parking requirements Relaxed parking rules made it easier to convert old downtown office buildings into living spaces. Tens of thousands of new residents moved into the area. The city decreased parking requirements around subway stations
Marlon Boarnet UC Irvine Feature: Rebuilding America He believes investing in crowded metropolitan areas should be a priority. We need to build cities differently so people drive less and walk more
The Whittier Affordable Housing Breaks Ground in Boyle Heights, New Playgrounds For Pueblo del Rio CurbedWire - Curbed LA reaks_ground_in_boyle_heights_new_playgrounds_for_pueblo_del_rio.php
DTLA Liquor License War Over Building With Recovering Addicts - Neighbor Beefs - Curbed LA ding_with_recovering_addicts.php
LA is Moving Beyond Its One Size Fits All Parking Requirements - Where to Park It - Curbed LA fits_all_parking_requirements.php