Images Dickson County, TN: 2012-13

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2012-13 | LiVabiLity.


dickson county, tennessee

Green day
Interstate Packaging focuses on environment

a WaLk in the park

Outdoor fun awaits at Montgomery Bell

street Wise
Downtown revitalization continues
sponsored by the dickson county chamber of commerce

City of Dickson
600 E. Walnut St. Dickson, TN 37055

Offering Small Town Values and Outstanding Opportunities

Building Inspector/ Enforcement Officer Cemetery City Administrator Fire Department Mayors Office Municipal Court Parks & Recreation Police (Emergency 911) Police Department Public Works Recorder Business Licenses/ Tax Collector Senior Citizens Ctr. Treasurer 441-9505 446-0147 441-9570 446-0390 441-9508 446-9249 446-1721 446-8041 441-9590 441-9506 441-9508 441-9503 446-9350 441-9504

Don L. Weiss Jr., Mayor

Council Members: Mike Legg, Vice Mayor Joey Turbeville Horace Perkins III R. Scott England Dwight E. Haynes Betty Lou Alsobrooks Jon B. Armstrong Michael Outlaw Rydell Wesson, City Administrator Jerry V. Smith, City Attorney J. Reese Holley, City Judge

2012-13 edition | VoLume 12

dickson county, tennessee

co nte nt s F e atu r e s
8 street Wise
Downtown revitalization continues

12 18

a WaLk in the park

Outdoor fun awaits at Montgomery Bell State Park

home on the farm

Farm life offers professional, personal and creative potential


Green day
Interstate Packaging focuses on environment

d e Pa r tm e nt s
4 almanac 26 biz briefs 28 chamber report 29 economic profile 30 see the county 36 Local flavor 39 health & Wellness 41 arts & culture 44 sports & recreation 47 education 49 community profile
on the coVer Downtown Dickson Photo by Staff photographer
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dickson count y, tennessee

content director LISa BattLeS proofreadinG manaGer Raven Petty content coordinator JeSSIca WaLkeR staff Writer kevIn LItWIn contributinG Writers nancy chRIStIe, JeSSIca MOzO, chRIS RuSSeLL, senior Graphic desiGners LauRa GaLLaGheR, JanIne MaRyLanD, kRIS SextOn, Jake ShOReS, vIkkI WILLIaMS Graphic desiGners eRIca LaMPLey, kaRa LeIBy, tayLOR nunLey, kacey PaSSMORe senior photoGraphers JeFF aDkInS, BRIan MccORD staff photoGraphers tODD Bennett coLor imaGinG technician aLISOn hunteR inteGrated media manaGer WILL zanetIS ad production manaGer katIe MIDDenDORF ad traffic assistants kRyStIn LeMMOn, PatRIcIa MOISan
By the Numbers
3,782: Acres that make up Montgomery Bell State Park 20: Miles of dirt mountain-bike trails at the park 18: Number of holes at the Frank G. Clement Golf Course 17.3: Miles of hiking trails available at the park

Digital Edition

chairman GReG thuRMan president/pubLisher BOB SchWaRtzMan executiVe Vice president Ray LanGen senior V.p./saLes tODD POtteR senior V.p./operations caSey heSteR senior V.p./cLient deVeLopment JeFF heeFneR senior V.p./business deVeLopment ScOtt teMPLetOn senior V.p./aGribusiness pubLishinG kIM hOLMBeRG V.p./business deVeLopment cLay PeRRy V.p./externaL communications teRee caRutheRS V.p./VisuaL content MaRk FOReSteR V.p./content operations nataSha LORenS

A WALK in the PARK



ontgomery Bell State Park puts the great in the great outdoors. As Tennessee State Parks celebrates its 75th anniversary, its Montgomery Bell and its growth over the last 69 years that has the folks in Dickson County buzzing. We are located near a very large population of surrounding cities and counties, says Park Manager Pat Wright. The variety of outdoor, recreational and educational experiences that people can get here is what makes Montgomery Bell State Park so appealing. At Montgomery Bell, it is easy for everyone to find something to do, from a family looking to enjoy

V.p./traVeL pubLishinG SuSan chaPPeLL

a relaxing day to an adventure seeker who is just waiting to hike a nature trail or experience a peaceful canoe ride. Several nature-themed programs are also available to teach park-goers about trains, reptiles, ecosystems, recycling and more. Wright says that new educational programs can be added based on visitor interest. Montgomery Bells Beginning Montgomery Bell State Park, located seven miles east of Dickson in Dickson County, was established in 1943. The area is named for Montgomery Bell, who purchased an iron works in northern Dickson

V.p./saLes RhOnDa GRahaM, heRB haRPeR, JaRek SWekOSky controLLer chRIS DuDLey senior accountant LISa OWenS accounts payabLe coordinator MaRIa McFaRLanD accounts receiVabLe coordinator DIana GuzMan saLes support coordinator aLex MaRkS saLes support project manaGer SaRa quInt
13 13

A father and son go canoeing on Lake Acorn at Montgomery Bell State Park.

12 12


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Images Dickson County is published annually by Journal communications Inc. and is distributed through the Dickson county chamber of commerce and its member businesses. For advertising information or to direct questions or comments about the magazine, contact Journal communications Inc. at (615) 771-0080 or by email at for more information, contact: Dickson county chamber of commerce 119 hwy. 70 east, Dickson, tn 37055 Phone: (615) 446-2349 Fax: (615) 441-3112 Visit Images DIckson county onLine at copyright 2012 Journal communications Inc., 725 cool Springs Blvd., Suite 400, Franklin, tn 37067, (615) 771-0080. all rights reserved. no portion of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent. Member the association of Magazine Media Member custom content council
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Member Dickson county chamber of commerce

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2012-13 |

dickson county, tennessee

Green day
Interstate Packaging focuses on environment

a WaLk in the park

Outdoor fun awaits at Montgomery Bell

Serving You Since 1905

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street Wise
Downtown revitalization continues
sponsored by the dickson county chamber of commerce

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236 Cowan Rd. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-9051

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Welcome to Dickson County

An IntrODuctIOn tO the AreAs PeOPle, PlAces AnD events

harvesting a community
every Saturday between May and October, fans of fresh produce in Dickson head to the Dickson county Farmers Market where they find several local vendors who sell craft items and home-grown fruits and vegetables, as well as meats, dairy and poultry. this market allows buyers to chat with the people who make their foods, and it enables local growers to bypass conventional distribution streams to provide customers with the freshest, best-tasting foods. the market has even become a venue where area restaurants can connect with local producers for fresh ingredients. Market fresh fare regularly shows up on menus at places like Farmers Family Restaurant, Donnas Place and Front Porch on center avenue. Learn more at

hosting history
Built in 1913, hotel halbrook in downtown Dickson is the birthplace of former tennessee governor and Dickson native Frank G. clement and now welcomes guests as the clement Railroad hotel Museum. the museum opened in June 2009 and features several exhibits about railroading and the civil War as well as general local and regional history. among these exhibits are several items that once belonged to Governor clement and his family. the state of tennessee owns the building, which is listed on the national Register of historic Places. Learn more about the museum at

Fair thee Well

each September, about 50,000 people from throughout the region head to the 50-acre fairgrounds in Dickson to enjoy the Dickson county Fair. along with many popular agricultural events, food vendors, a midway and other expected carnival offerings, the traditional event puts on one of the most popular demolition derbies in tennessee each year. about 12,000 spectators come just to see the car-wrecking competition.

DIcksOn cOunt y

Selling hope
thrift store shoppers have more to explore in Dickson county thanks to upgrades by two of the areas favorite charitable stores. the Goodwill Store, a member of Goodwill Industries of Middle tennessee, added 10,000 square feet of space, a larger career Solutions center and a covered, drive-through Donation express center in 2011. to learn more, visit then in February 2012, the Dickson county help center moved to a new facility on college Street that provides much larger space for its thrift store plus more room for its consultation services and larger food pantry. Opened in the late 1960s, the Dickson county help center is a nonprofit public corporation that offers food, clothing, medication and more to people in need. Find out more at

Gallery of Goods
looking for a chicken shaped purse? how about an eight-foot long necklace made from giant freshwater pearls or a vintage zodiac charm bracelet? Finding these and similarly offbeat items is a cinch at studio 123 in downtown Dickson, a small shop that features a big selection of fun merchandise. Works by local artists and craftspeople, from fine art and handmade jewelry to homemade soaps, garden dcor and paper goods line the shelves and storefront windows of this quirky boutique at 123 Main street. the shop also stocks a few selected lines of womens clothing.

culture of caring
Dickson county is home to three Rotary clubs: Dickson Good Morning Rotary club, Dickson high noon Rotary club and Rotary club of Dickson, tennessee. Dickson Good Morning Rotary club meets every thursday at Shoneys at 7 a.m.; Dickson high noon Rotary club meets every Wednesday at Greystone Golf club at noon; and Rotary club of Dickson, tennessee meets every tuesday at the Renaissance center at 6 p.m. all three of these clubs are part of Rotary International, which is a service-oriented organization consisting of more than 1.2 million members among more than 34,000 clubs around the world. these clubs hold several events to benefit their local communities such as the high noon clubs fundraiser and scholarship programs. visit for additional information.
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LY W learn how! F O or N
Flight Lessons Corporate Aircraft Facilities Full Service FBO P.O. Box 901 Dickson, TN 37056 (615) 446-5962

DIcksOn cOunt y

a tradition of Fun
Reaching its 50th year of operation in 2008, Old timers Day Festival features parades and pageants, live music, horse-drawn carriage rides and restored antique cars, as well as concessions and arts and crafts activities. the theme for the 2012 Old timers Day, held in May, was all Roads Lead home, and its grand marshal was Miss Pearl Johnson of Burns, tenn., an active member of the community who has hosted ice cream socials in her yard, taught Sunday school at her church and worked for 45 years at Red kap. For more information, visit

dickson county at a glance

popuLation (2010) Dickson county: 49,666 Dickson: 14,538, White Bluff: 3,206 charlotte: 1,235, Burns: 1,468 vanleer: 395, Slayden: 178 Location Dickson county is in Middle tennessee, 30 miles west of nashville and 30 miles south of clarksville. beGinninGs Dickson county was formally established in 1803 and named for Dr. William Dickson, a nashville physician who served as tennessee Speaker of the house of Representatives (1799-1801) and then as a u.S. congressman (1801-1807). for more information Dickson county chamber of commerce 119 hwy. 70 e. Dickson, tn 37055 Phone: (615) 446-2349 Fax: (615) 441-3112

Fast Facts
n the Dickson county courthouse in charlotte is the oldest courthouse still in use in tennessee. n Greystone Golf club opened in 1998 and was designed by PGA tour pro Mark Mccumber. n the renaissance center offers a yearround calendar of musical performances, plays, exhibits and classes. n Dickson is home to 17 century farms farms that have been family-owned and operated for at least 100 years.

Dickson County
48 49 24

Vanleer Charlotte

Nashville ashv l h hville White Bluff

48 46 96 6

Whats online

Take a virtual tour of Dickson County, courtesy of our award-winning photographers, at

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energizing the

DIcksOn cOunt y

soul of the city

reVitaLization in doWntoWn dickson benefits merchants

StORy By jessica mozo

hen husband-andwife team Jeremy and Holly Spencer opened House Blend Coffeehouse, Cafe & Gifts in downtown Dickson in 2002, the heart of Dickson was quite different than it is today. Weve seen a lot of businesses come and go and storefronts change. Its hard to be successful, Jeremy Spencer says. But in recent years, it seems like business owners are really invested in downtown. Many store owners also own their buildings, and this isnt a hobby for them its how they make their living. downtown dickson revitalization As House Blend celebrated its 10th anniversary in spring 2012, downtown Dickson also had a lot to celebrate. Phase one of the citys downtown revitalization project, first envisioned in 2007, was completed in November 2011. The project was funded by a $1.5 million grant from the Tennessee Department of Transportation and included new landscaping, infrastructure, bicycle racks, widening of sidewalks and a

parking lot renovation. City and business leaders hope the revitalization will not only make downtown more beautiful, but also create a pedestrian-friendly environment that encourages more shopping and dining downtown. Feedback post-construction has been very positive from citizens, and store owners are reporting a busier downtown district, says Rydell Wesson, Dickson city administrator. Some owners are testing new or extended hours of operation. ace diner Michael Curcio opened Ace Diner on Main Street with his father, Joe, in 2010. He says even in the last two years, downtown has changed dramatically. Its night and day from when we opened. The entire infrastructure has changed downtown, Curcio says. Before it had a cold and industrial appearance, but now, if you drew a picture of Main Street, USA, it would look like Dickson. Folks love the new sidewalks, green spaces and planters, and were getting a lot more foot traffic on nights and weekends now.
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jeremy spencer at house blend coffeehouse, cafe & Gifts

Ace Diner has quickly become a gathering place for the downtown community, serving breakfast all day (French toast, eggs and bacon anyone?), hand-patted burgers, pizza, pasta and a hugely popular roasted-veggie sandwich. You can eat as healthy or as unhealthy as you want at Ace, Curcio says with a chuckle. But even more than the great food, people love the way it makes you feel. Theres a real sense of community in here. downtown dickson community Spencer also appreciates downtown for its friendly atmosphere. We live and work and go to church all in a half-mile radius, he says. You see people you know on the street. Theres a neighborhood feel.

Several other locally owned businesses add color and flavor to downtown Dickson. Fussells Men & Boys Shop has been a mainstay downtown since 1936, offering clothing, shoes, formal wear and tuxedos. Then theres the Briar Rose Antique Mall, Reading Rock Books and a host of other merchants. The City of Dickson is applying for future grants to continue revitalization efforts even further. A downtown committee has been appointed by the mayor and a master plan has been developed. We hope to see a lot more shops and restaurants and urban residential space in the future, Curcio says. We want people to come walk around, eat and window shop. Downtown is the soul of the city. Its where youll find all things uniquely Dickson.

clockwise from top left: A woman window shops in downtown Dickson; three generations enjoy smoothies at house Blend coffeehouse; Gift section of house Blend coffeehouse; A server helps guests at Ace Diner.


DIcksOn cOunt y

decades of memories
Linnie Gibbs reminisces about doWntoWn dicksons past
If you have a question about the way downtown Dickson used to be, just ask Linnie Gibbs. the 90-yearold Dickson native is a familiar face to most Dickson residents, having worked at hodges Jewelers on Main Street for the past 25 years. She continues to work at the jewelry store two days a week. I just like downtown its my life, Gibbs says. everybody on Main Street knows me. Gibbs graduated from hampton high School in 1940 and then moved to chicago, where she lived for 20 years. When her mother got sick, she moved back to Dickson and never left again. She spent several years as a nanny for the Fussell family, owners of Fussells Men & Boys Shop downtown. they were just babies back then, she recalls. While Gibbs appreciates the recent revitalization efforts, she longs for the way downtown used to be when she was growing up. I miss those times when there were dry-goods stores, grocery stores and even movies downtown, she says. I used to love going to the five and dime store fountain and getting ice cream sodas. and the Jackson Drugstore used to be on the corner across from hodges Jewelers. Gibbs remembers her mother working many a day at the clement Railroad hotel Museum when it was the hotel halbrook. trains would run through town, she recalls. It was a different place. When she isnt working, Gibbs attends new hope Baptist church, where she has been a member for 60 years. She likes to eat at Shoneys and treats herself to smoothies at house Blend coffeehouse. Jessica Mozo


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a WaLk in the PaRk

outdoor fun aWaits at montGomery beLL state park
StORy By chris russeLL

ontgomery Bell State Park puts the great in the great outdoors. As Tennessee State Parks celebrates its 75th anniversary, its Montgomery Bell and its growth over the last 69 years that has the folks in Dickson County buzzing. We are located near a very large population of surrounding cities and counties, says Park Manager Pat Wright. The variety of outdoor, recreational and educational experiences that people can get here is what makes Montgomery Bell State Park so appealing. At Montgomery Bell, it is easy for everyone to find something to do, from a family looking to enjoy

a relaxing day to an adventure seeker who is just waiting to hike a nature trail or experience a peaceful canoe ride. Several nature-themed programs are also available to teach park-goers about trains, reptiles, ecosystems, recycling and more. Wright says that new educational programs can be added based on visitor interest. montgomery bells beginning Montgomery Bell State Park, located seven miles east of Dickson in Dickson County, was established in 1943. The area is named for Montgomery Bell, who purchased an iron works in northern Dickson

A father and son go canoeing on lake Acorn at Montgomery Bell state Park.


DIcksOn cOunt y

By the numbers
3,782: Acres that make up Montgomery Bell State Park 20: Miles of dirt mountain-bike trails at the park 18: Number of holes at the Frank G. Clement Golf Course 17.3: Miles of hiking trails available at the park


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clockwise from left: Frank G. clement Golf course at Montgomery Bell state Park; A deer pauses on the 17th hole at Frank G. clement Golf course; A man fishes on a lake at Montgomery Bell state Park.

County in 1804 and turned it into one of Tennessees largest ironmaking operations, earning him the nickname Tennessees First Iron Master. The park was developed as Montgomery Bell Recreation Demonstration Area during the Great Depression. It is filled with the scenic beauty and enjoyable outdoor activities that have made Tennessee parks such a popular destination, even for the holidays. Several years ago, we decided to find a place close to Nashville where we could go and celebrate Thanksgiving as a family. We went to Montgomery Bell State Park, and its been a tradition ever since, says local resident Chase Ezell. Its just a wonderful place to be together as a family. outdoor activities Montgomery Bells 3,782 acres feature three lakes and enough outdoor activities to well, fill a state park. Fishing is available at the park year-round, and gasoline motors are not allowed on two of the lakes (Woodhaven and Acorn), helping to preserve the clean air and peaceful tranquility. The park features 17.3 miles of hiking trails for hikers of all experience levels including the 11.7-mile overnight trail. There are also 20 miles of dirt mountain-bike trails ranging from easy to difficult. The park feels very natural instead of building a park to feel like the wilderness, they seem to have planned the park around the existing wilderness, says Phil Casey, a frequent hiker in the park. Most of all, they have a lot to offer.

Whats online

For more stories on the people, places and events that define Dickson County, visit


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DIcksOn cOunt y

I have gone to Montgomery Bell State Park for quiet, solo hikes and also for a family fun trip with young kids as well. Getting back to nature isnt the only thing that draws approximately one million people to Montgomery Bell each year. Facilities include basketball courts, softball fields, tennis courts, horseshoes, volleyball, playground and exercise equipment. The Frank G. Clement Golf Course at Montgomery Bell allows golfers to enjoy a peaceful round of play and is operated to attain certification as an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary. It is also designated as a Groundwater Guardian Green Site. For tee times, call (615) 797-2578. facilities Montgomery Bell offers conference-style meeting facilities to accommodate up to 500 guests. The restaurant at Montgomery Bell, which is part of the Inn and Conference Center, seats up to 190 people. The park also has eight two-bedroom villas, campgrounds, RV camp sites and rustic cabins in addition to its 120-room, five-suite park inn. For more information, call the visitor center at (615) 797-9052.


Left: Montgomery Bell state Park right: the parks Inn and conference center overlooks lake Acorn.

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home on the Farm

farm Life offers professionaL, personaL and creatiVe potentiaL

the sanders home is situated on sanders spring forest farm, which spans 300 acres and is located in dickson.


DIcksOn cOunt y

StORy By nancy christie

anders Spring Forest Farm in Dickson was named the 2011 Heritage Farm of the Year, but, as Dan Sanders points out, this is not just a century farm its a two-century farm. Sanders is, by his calculation, the sixth generation to own the 300-acre property, which was started by John and Sarah West in 1808 and hasnt been out of the family since. While the size of the original farm has been substantially reduced over the years, many of the same buildings still remain, thanks to the hard-as-iron oak of which they were constructed. And in many ways, the timber is a fitting metaphor for Sanders and his wife, Lois, who, although in their early seventies, are still active members of the community. Lois, a licensed funeral director for a local funeral home, still goes to work every day and doesnt look like she has any plans to slow up, says her husband. Sanders, who retired after 40 years in the farmequipment business, spends his days as a full-time farmer tending to his 30 commercial cattle and their calves. I plan to keep on working until I cant get up on a tractor, Sanders says, adding, Ive gone full circle from a kid who resented having to work on the farm while my buddies
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the Ware family poses for a portrait on their farm in charlotte where they operate a dog-training business, razor sharp retrievers. owned by jody and Leigh Ware, razor sharp retrievers trains dogs for hunting and obedience.

played ball on weekends to an older man who fully appreciates every moment that Im given here to enjoy this. Outside my family and church, the farm is totally my life. arts on the farm For artist Kay Welton, her move back to the century farm where her father was born, combined with her recent retirement from a nearly 40-year teaching career, has brought a new dimension to her art. When she left her city home six years ago to embrace the rural lifestyle, she noticed her artwork changing from functional clay pieces to more sculptural forms. And now, thanks to the freedom of retired life, she is

learning how to make clay portraits and turn wooden bowls the last under the tutelage of her 91-yearold father. Welton says working in clay is like her version of farming. Its as elemental as farming youre dealing with fire, air, water and dirt and its labor intensive. But I feel a real rootedness, more in touch with nature. I feel blessed to be thriving as I watch the plants and animals around me thrive. dog days of farming Jody and Leigh Ware are also in touch with nature through their dog-training business, Razor Sharp Retrievers, based on their 300-acre farm situated in Charlotte. They

opened the facility in 1997 because of our great love for the dogs and passion for the sport. The most rewarding part of dog training is taking a puppy and turning it into a great dog, Ware says. As for their choice of location, although neither grew up in Dickson County, Leighs family bhas always owned a farm there. So we knew how great the people were here, Ware explains. We love living in a small town where you know your neighbors and who you are doing business with, and feel the biggest advantage for having our business here in Dickson County is the people.

Acres that make up Sanders Spring Forest Farm in Dickson, which was created in 1808

Approximate number of century farms in the Dickson County area

Acres that make up the Ware familys farm, where Razor Sharp Retrievers is based


DIcksOn cOunt y


clockwise from top right: a dog trains with razor sharp retrievers.; at sanders spring forest farm, dan and Lois maintain a herd of mixed, commercial black cattle.; dan sanders operates his tractor.; sanders spring forest farm

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Whats online
Pay a visit to to learn more about Dickson Countys business climate.


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interstate packaGinG continues its enVironmentaL efforts

An example of what we do is if you see a package of meat in the display case of a grocery store, we often produce the flexible plastic-wrap packaging and the artwork labeling for that item, says Doochin, who serves as co-president of Interstate Packaging. Our customer base includes many Fortune 500 companies and several other independent companies. Green and clean But perhaps more recognized than their business accomplishments are the longstanding environmental efforts initiated by Interstate Packaging. Our family ownership group has been thinking green long before it became popular, Doochin says. We established a greenhouse on our property when we first got started, and our company does an

StORy By keVin LitWin

ne of Michael Doochins biggest goals is to establish a grove of American chestnut trees on the Dickson County property where his family owns and operates Interstate Packaging. The White Bluff-based company was established in 1969 and today has approximately 300 employees who manufacture high-quality flexible plastic wrapping that is used to package a wide variety of products found in supermarkets, department stores and drug stores. In addition, the company produces labels, bags and pouches. Interstate Packaging is so successful that it is currently undergoing an expansion that will increase its manufacturing plant to 1/8-mile long upon completion.

Brands Packaged by iP:

Bounty Deli Express Calgon Thomas Products Fruit of the Loom CVS/pharmacy adidas Clairol Professional Emerald Nuts Little Debbie Snacks LA Weight Loss

randy Baker, Interstate Packagings groundskeeper, waters and trims plants inside the companys greenhouse.

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amazing amount of recycling. In fact, we have a full-time employee whose job is to find places where we can send our recyclable goods. Very little of our waste goes to the landfill. We believe it is wise, ecologically and economically, to go green. solar energy converters Interstate Packaging also has three solar energy converters on site that were designed by NASA and will eventually add more converters onto the roof of their expanded building. In addition, about 15 of the companys 20 rural acres adjacent to its Highway 47 North plant are designated as a national arboretum. Interstate Packaging is a member of the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council and is registered with the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, plus is even listed as an interesting attraction to see by the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development. Our arboretum has a greenhouse and botanical nursery along with a 25,000-square-foot lake with fish in it, Doochin says. There are also more than 60 species of shrubs and trees on our property, and several acres serve as a planting site for The American Chestnut Foundation. That is a cause close to my heart. american chestnuts Doochin says he has long advocated the restoration of the American chestnut tree, which is a large species that once thrived in the U.S. Eastern forests. However, the species was devastated in the early 1900s by an Asian bark fungus, and today there is a national effort to reinvigorate the American chestnut species for future generations. I wont see the planted trees on our property grow to full maturity, but my grandchildren will, he says. Its another way that this company respects the environment and is lowering our carbon footprint, all while maintaining our proven leadership role in the packaging industry.
from top: Interstate Packaging employees create packaging for copenhagen smokeless tobacco.; Interstate Packaging, which is headquartered in White Bluff, produces high-quality flexible plastic wrapping.


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Biz Briefs
BusInesses BOth lArGe AnD sMAll thAt helP DeFIne DIcksOn cOuntys ecOnOMIc clIMAte

business at a GLance

$606 million
annual retail sales

retail sales per capita

$61 million
annual hotel and food sales

total number of firms
source: u.s. census QuickFacts

yarn frenzy Biz: Yarn supply store Buzz: Open since 2009, Yarn Frenzy features a wide selection of yarns such as Euro Yarns, Plymouth Yarns, Berroco, Punta Yarns and Aslan Trends in more than 300 colors. The shop also offers classes and lessons for beginners, advanced beginners and intermediates in both group and private settings. Yarn Frenzy opens at 10 a.m. Monday through Saturday., (615) 446-3577 26
DIcksOn cOunt y

White bLuff buiLdinG suppLy Biz: Home improvement retailer Buzz: White Bluff Building Supply is a True Value retailer that offers building materials, hand and power tools, lumber, outdoor power equipment and more. Customers can also enjoy a variety of services such as computer paint matching, key cutting, screen cutting and chain-saw sharpening. In addition, a rental catalog is available, featuring lawn and garden materials, concrete equipment and other items. (615) 797-2092 farmers tri-county restaurant Biz: Restaurant Buzz: Farmers Tri-County Restaurant in Vanleer offers lunch and dinner in a casual setting, where diners select from buffets stocked with items such as fried chicken, sweet potatoes, corn and more. Entrees such as steaks, catfish and crab legs are available upon request. The restaurant also provides entertainment on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (615) 763-2020 GoaL post sportinG Goods Biz: Sporting goods store Buzz: Locally owned and operated, Goal Post Sporting Goods offers an array of affordable items and services for the sports enthusiast including custom screen-printing and embroidery, trophies, plaques, ribbons, uniforms, athletic equipment and more. The store is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (615) 446-9709 spunky monkey home interiors & Gifts Biz: Home furnishings shop Buzz: Spunky Monkey Home Interiors & Gifts offers both new and antique items including home decor, bridal gifts and more. Owned by Larry and Dianne Fiser, the store is known for its unique merchandise. (615) 441-8885

Your Hometown Energy Source

We sell and service both natural and propane appliances.


605 E. Walnut St. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 441-2830 (800) 903-8247 Member of the Council for Responsible Energy


chamber report
chAMBer turns 90 yeArs OlD

he Dickson county chamber of commerce has served the community for 90 years, and commemorated that accomplishment with a 90th anniversary celebration & Banquet in June 2012. Because the chamber was established in the early 1920s, the theme for the anniversary was a throwback to the Roaring twenties.

the event, which was held at the Renaissance center, drew approximately 200 attendees. We asked that people dress in 1920s attire, and decorated the place like a speakeasy because those were the days of Prohibition, says David hamilton, Dickson county chamber of commerce president. Guests had to knock on a door and were allowed

to enter, once a doorman gave them the okay. hamilton says vintage automobiles were on display for photo opportunities, then once dinner was served and eaten in the Renaissance centers rotunda, vaudeville and ragtime skits were staged in the performance hall. the chamber was originally formed when a small group of businessmen were just sitting around chatting, and they started talking about establishing a chamber, he says. that was one of the skits we presented, as well as many more with a 1920s theme. It was an eventful night that fittingly paid tribute to the many decades of membership and community service that the chamber has provided.

here to helP
as for what the chamber is all about, hamilton says a lot has happened over the past 90 years. the more recent accomplishments involve large relocation and expansion projects that the chamber helped bring to fruition including those that occurred at companies such as Bridgestone aPM, Metrican Stamping, nemak, Shiloh Industries and Odom tennessee Pride, which is now conagra, hamilton says. the chamber also played a big role in helping with the ultimate establishment of Dickson county Industrial Park and the William D. Field Industrial Park. hamilton adds that the key role for the chamber is to remain a business advocate for its 400-plus members. helping our membership succeed and grow is what we are all about, he says. Kevin Litwin

Wed be stretching the truth if we tried to tell you we werent pleased to have been named the best bank in Dickson. Its always nice to be appreciated especially by people you genuinely care about. And since opening back in 1954, caring about our neighbors in Dickson has been the whole idea. Its why we work so hard to make sure you can enjoy the same up-to-date banking options available in the worlds major financial centers. Its also why we take the extra time to greet customers by name. If by chance you dont yet bank with us, please stop by and let us show you why Bank of Dickson is still the bank in Dickson.

615.446.3732 Member FDIC


DIcksOn cOunt y

economic profiLe
business cLimate
the services and manufacturing sectors are some of the largest private-sector employers in Dickson county. the regions labor force is characterized by an eagerness to learn, a willingness to work and a high level of productivity. an excellent rural road system and a moderate climate allow employers to draw labor from a wider geographic area.


Average Annual household expenditure

7% 5%

Bachelors Degree

Dickson county Driver services center 114 West christi Drive Dickson, tn 37055 (615) 441-6218 Dickson Municipal Airport 2370 Sylvia Rd. Dickson, tn 37055 (615) 446-5962 nashville International Airport (615) 275-1675 About 50 miles from Dickson Mid-cumberland human resource Agency transit 880 hwy 70 West, Suite P1 Dickson, tn 37055 (615) 446-4943

Graduate Degree

major empLoyers
tennsco corp. 510 employees horizon Medical center 400 employees tennessee Quality Foods 320 employees Quebecor Gravure 300 employees Interstate Packaging 220 employees

economic resources
Dickson county chamber of commerce 119 hwy. 70 e. Dickson, tn 37055 (615) 446-2349 www.dicksoncounty tennessee Department of economic & community Development 312 Rosa Parks ave., 11th Floor nashville, tn 37243 (615) 741-1888


city sales and use tax

GoVernment offices
city of Dickson 600 east Walnut Street Dickson, tn 37055 (615) 441-9570 Dickson county clerk 106 north Main Street Dickson, tn 37055 (615) 446-2543 Dickson county sheriffs Department 140 county Jail Drive P.O. Box 177 charlotte, tn 37036 (615) 789-4130

county sales tax


state sales tax


White-collar Jobs

total sales tax


Blue-collar Jobs



Per capita Income


Associate Degree

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Montgomery Bell State Park spans 3,782 acres and features biking, hiking, swimming, fishing and boating. Staff Photo


DIcksOn cOunt y

See the county

Charlotte Cumberland Presbyterian Church, founded in 1837, is located just off the square in downtown Charlotte. Staff Photo

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See the county

Charles Woodard Goat Ranch is a Western-style ranch that is open to the public year round. Photo by Brian McCord


DIcksOn cOunt y

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Montgomery Bell State Park Staff Photo


DIcksOn cOunt y

See the county

A student at Tennessee Technology Center learns metal fabrication. Staff Photo

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Local Flavor

serves you right

cOMFOrt FOODs DelIGht DIners thrOuGhOut the cOunty

ood restaurants serve you right in Dickson and surrounding areas, with an emphasis on country comfort foods as well as some international options to keep things interesting. heres a sampling of options for dining in Dickson county.

dining in dicKson
ace Diner, located on downtown Dicksons Main Street,

is open Monday-Saturday for breakfast and lunch. all-day breakfast options include eggs, omelets, bacon, pancakes, sausages and hash browns. Lunch options include sandwiches, soups, salads and desserts. Lugos, an upscale restaurant in downtown Dickson, offers american cuisine with caribbean influences for lunch and dinner. Menu items include appetizers like plantain chips and pulled pork

entree at Lugos restaurant in downtown dickson

wontons, and entrees such as Louisiana sausage and carolina mountain trout. Located in a renovated historic home, Front Porch on center avenue offers country cooking including soups, salads, sandwiches, hot chicken casserole and a blue plate special. excelling at Southern cuisine, Sisters meat-and-three menu includes turnip greens, macaroni and cheese, white beans, and corn bread. customers can order plates of turkey and dressing every thursday, and catfish dinner specials on Fridays. Farmers Family Restaurant offers a buffet with choices such as fried chicken and catfish, and is open for lunch and dinner. For a quick meat-and-three meal, visit cindys cafe in Dickson, which is open for breakfast and lunch. country cooking favorites include the chicken and dumplings, banana pudding, and pie. Barbecue lovers can take their pick between two local favorites in Dickson, Whitts Barbecue or Barts Bar-B-que & catfish cooker. If youre craving an allamerican meal, try Buddys Restaurant, which is known for its burgers but offers other menu items like steaks and salads, too. For Mexican dishes, head south from Dickson on highway 46 to Las Fajitas Mexican Restaurant. Open daily, Las Fajitas has lunch specials from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. camino Real, also located on highway 46, is known for its margaritas and great values for delicious Mexican food. For example, its express Lunch


DIcksOn cOunt y

fresh flavors
neW restaurants dot the dickson county dininG scene
With the recent addition of several new restaurants, the Dickson county community has more options than ever when it comes to dining out. Read on to discover some of the areas newest eateries. nori sushi and Japanese Grill: Diners who choose nori Sushi and Japanese Grill can enjoy a meal straight off the hibachi grill or select from a wide selection of sushi rolls. the restaurant features a warm, calm atmosphere and opens daily at 11 a.m. Akoya of Dickson: akoya of Dickson provides a variety of asian-inspired dishes including teriyaki, chow mein, fried rice and more. the restaurant also offers sushi made with exotic ingredients such as eel, octopus, sea urchin and caviar. Dans Italian kitchen: Owned by Dan cesario, Dans Italian kitchen serves pizza, pasta, calzones, stromboli and more. Most menu items, including the dough and sauces, are created from scratch. Dans Italian kitchen is open tuesday through Saturday beginning at 11 a.m. Back Alley BBQ: Back alley BBq offers lunch and dinner in a casual atmosphere, serving up menu items such as ribs, chicken and barbeque, as well as made-from-scratch sides. Managed by Justin Reynolds, the eatery opens tuesday through Saturday at 11 a.m. Jessica Walker
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offerings include one entree with rice for less than $5.

dining in charlotte
For a deli-style meal and plenty of goodies to take home, check out country view Market in charlotte. the market stocks items such as baked goods, jellies, furniture, and a variety of Made in tennessee products.

for the giant catfish on the sign out front. Folks drive many miles for the farm-raised, fresh catfish. Donnas promises good home cooking, smiling faces and a fun atmosphere to diners dropping by for breakfast and lunch. Donnas offers a full grill menu plus a daily plate lunch special.

catering in Vanleer
Located in vanleer, Dutch country kitchen provides catered country classics such as fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits and baked goods. Kevin Litwin

Burns restaurants
the catfish kitchen on u.S. highway 70 east in Burns has been a Dickson county tradition since the early 1970s. Just look


a pesto grilled chicken pizza is available at front porch on center avenue.


Live Happier, Live HeaLtHier, Live Life on Your own terms

Physical, OccuPatiOnal & sPeech theraPy Out-Patient theraPy (adult & Pediatric)

Getting you back on your feet has never been easier than with NHC HealthCare Dickson. Our multidisciplinary focus extends to in-patient and out-patient services for all ages in a state-of-the-art setting. 812 n. Charlotte st. Dickson, tn 37055 (615) 446-8046

DIcksOn cOunt y

health & Wellness

healthy set of options

resIDents hAve Access tO WIDe vArIety OF heAlth-cAre FAcIlItIes

ickson countys health-care options have never been more plentiful. In addition to the areas community hospital, triStar horizon Medical center, residents can enjoy quick care at the countys walk-in clinics and can receive rehabilitation services at Baptist Sports Medicine and Life therapies clinic.

During 2012, two new physicians began treating patients at the facility: Dr. ehab kasasbeh, a cardiologist, and Dr. Brook adams, an orthopedic surgeon. the medical center plans to create an emergency department and an outpatient surgery center at natchez Medical Park.

urgent care and other Facilities

Dickson county has other medical facilities available to the public, including Dickson Medical associates, which opened an 83,000-square-foot multispecialty facility in 2009. Patients can receive immediate care at urgent Medical care, which is a walk-in clinic that treats various ailments. Wellnow urgent care also offers convenient care and administers immunizations and vaccinations.

tristar horizon medical center

Serving residents in Dickson, hickman, houston, humphreys and Williamson counties, triStar horizon Medical center provides 157 beds. annually, the medical centers emergency room treats more than 38,000 patients and delivers approximately 400 newborns.

the tristar sarah cannon cancer center

the triStar Sarah cannon cancer center is the nations largest community-based cancertreatment and -research program. Radiation oncology, medical oncology, imaging and surgery are available, and the center provides patients with access to clinical trials and research.

BaPtist sPorts medicine and liFe theraPies

Recently, Baptist Sports Medicine and Life therapies opened a new outpatient rehabilitation clinic in Dickson. the facility provides services such as orthopedic physical therapy, sports medicine and lymphedema therapy. Located in the crestview Office Park, Baptist Sports Medicine and Life therapies Dickson clinic enables residents to receive rehabilitation services at home.

nhc healthcare dicKson

nhc Dickson is a health center for senior citizens that helps residents remain independent. the staff includes nurses, therapists, a registered dietitian, social workers and specialists. Kevin Litwin


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Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC Certified Public Accountants

308 E. College St. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-5106

Hubert M. Mayes, CPA J. Kevin Rye, CPA Wm. Michael Walters, CPA


DIcksOn cOunt y

arts & culture

A woman looks through the selection of art at the tennessee Artisan Market, which is part of the renaissance center.

art smart
cOMMunIty hAs DIverse Arts, culture OPtIOns
tare all you want at the variety of interesting and entertaining art and cultural offerings available in Dickson county. here is a sampling:

local artists
Jeanette norman paints quilt patterns on barns, with 15 of her creations displayed at farms throughout Middle tennessee. her first pattern for Dickson county was painted and mounted in charlotte in June 2012 on a barn owned by Roy and Loretta Owen. I paint geometric quilt patterns on plywood in four sections, then they are mounted onto barns when my painting is completed, norman says.

Some are 8 feet by 8 feet, and others are 4 feet by 4 feet. I first saw paintings of barn quilts in Berea, ky., and then Gatlinburg, tenn., and was inspired to start painting myself. also in Dickson county is Michael Sloan, known as tennessees first artist-in-residence. he specializes in oils, watercolors and scratchboard, and paints outdoor nature settings as well as portraits of people and animals. Sloan has an art gallery in Dickson.

tennessee residents since 1999. the center offers visual arts, music, dance, theater and computer classes, plus produces film documentaries, live concerts and instructional videos. It also hosts the tennessees Wild Side weekly television program that airs throughout the state on PBS.

shoP For local art

the Renaissance center is also home to the tennessee artisan Market, a retail gallery featuring work by more than 100 artisans from all over the state. the center is open Monday through Saturday, and free artisan demonstrations are held every first and third thursday of the month. Studio 123
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the renaissance center

this performing-arts and learning facility in Dickson has entertained and educated Middle




DIcksOn cOunt y


is another great spot to find works by local artists and artisans.

liVe music
the Grand Old hatchery building in downtown Dickson was used for many years to hatch baby chicks, and today it hosts country music performances every Saturday night under the title of vance Smiths Grand Old hatchery Music Show. Smith purchased the building in 1997, and weekly attendance for his entertaining country-music show is 75-100 people. cant get enough country? the Wild country Jamboree puts on live country-music shows every Friday and Saturday. Dance lessons are offered on thursday nights at this hotspot on highway 70.

34 Anniversary
EstablishEd and trustwOrthy
We want to thank you for your continued support and trust as we have grown to nine agents and six auctioneers. We specialize in residential, commercial, farms, land and auction estate sales. 211 McLemore St. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-4508

Celebrating Our

old sPencer mill

visitors can step back in time when touring Old Spencer Mill, the only structure of its type in the state. nestled in the hills of Burns, the mill is powered by a 20-foot-tall waterwheel. the 1800s double-stone gristmill offers tours, camping, interpreters and demonstrations, and there is also a 4,000-square-foot banquet facility for a variety of functions.


moVies at the roxy

Film buffs enjoy the latest blockbusters at Dicksons retro styled but completely modern Roxy Movie theater, which has a superior sound system, plasma screens and comfortable seating with plenty of legroom. Kevin Litwin

clockwise from top left: the renaissance center; the tennessee Artisan Market; Jeanette norman poses with her barn quilt, corn and Beans, which is located on roy and loretta Owens barn in charlotte.

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Sports & Recreation

an outside interest
DIcksOn cOunty FeAtures OutDOOr ActIvItIes FOr the WhOle FAMIly
utdoor fun thrives in Dickson county, where residents and visitors can enjoy well-kept golf courses, water-based activities, a recreation complex and successful kids sports teams.

youth sPorts
In Dickson county, young people have plenty of opportunities to get out, play and have fun. the Dickson county youth athletic association (Dcyaa) offers 15 softball teams and 24 baseball teams open to individuals ages 4 through 18, while the Dickson county Soccer association (DcSa) provides six coed teams open to participants as old as 16. In both leagues, players are grouped together based on age. When it comes to football, the Dickson Dolphins and the Burns cowboys have boys ages 5 to 12 covered. a pee-wee league is available for ages 5 to 6, and

a junior league is open to ages 7 to 8. children ages 9 to 10 can participate in a minors league, while ages 11 to 12 can join the majors. In conjunction with the football teams, a cheerleading program is also available. In addition, a Summer Swim League is open to boys and girls age 6 and older. the competitive league forms teams based on swimming experience, and practices take place at Buckner Pool.

waterskiing classes on city Lake during the warm-weather months.

lester sPeyer community rec comPlex

this park off of highway 47 east hosts a wide range of activities. It is home to four adult softball fields, lighted basketball courts and a playground with the latest equipment. the Lester Speyer complex also houses the tennsco community center, a facility that can accommodate 300 people for dinner-style events or 700 for theater-style functions.

luther laKe
the spacious 14-acre man-made lake along highway 70 east is a popular haven for fishing and even features a fishing pier. Outdoor enthusiasts can also enjoy wildlife viewing, as well as walking and running, on scenic paved trails. the city of Dickson Parks and Recreation Department also oversees wakeboarding and

golF courses
Golfers can get into the swing of things at three nice venues in Dickson county. Open since 1998, GreyStone Golf club is an 18-hole public facility that features zoysia


DIcksOn cOunt y

Greystone Golf club


grass and was designed by PGa professional Mark Mccumber. the course hosted major tournaments during 2012 including the u.S. Junior Golf tour championship and the Ohio valley conference womens and mens golf championships. another popular local course, Montgomery Bell Golf course has been recognized by Golf Digest magazine as one of the top 100 public courses in america to play. today, the 18-hole destination has been certified as an audubon cooperative Sanctuary and also features a new golf clubhouse. Meanwhile, Dickson country club is a private 18-hole, 6,600-yard venue that has been around since 1940. Members also enjoy a swimming pool, tennis courts, a private lounge, the Main course Restaurant and other amenities. Kevin Litwin and Jessica Walker

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Bank of Dickson Blankenship CPA Charles Woodard City of Dickson Dickson County Municipal Airport Authority Dickson Electric System East Hills Bed & Breakfast Fight DMD First Bank Fuller Home Comfort Solutions LLC Greater Dickson Gas Authority Greystone Hampton Inn Horizon Medical Center Middle Tennessee Mortgage Nemak nFusion NHC Healthcare State Farm Insurance Sylvia Tennessee City-Pond Water Utility District Tennessee State Parks Tennessee Technology Center Tennsco TriStar Bank Water Authority of Dickson County

visit our


DIcksOn cOunt y


smart approach
eDucAtIOn systeM reMAIns strOnG

ive yourself a gold star for knowing that Dickson county has quality education opportunities along with a thriving school district. here is a brief background:

dicKson county school district

More than 8,500 students are

enrolled in this district, which is regarded as one of the highestachieving in tennessee. In fact, Dickson county students scored well in 2011 for the latest reading and math tests administered by the tennessee comprehensive assessment Program. the district employs 1,000 people, 550 of whom are

teachers, and there are 14 schools: eight elementary, three middle, two high schools and one alternative. the two high schools are creek Wood high and Dickson county high. the district also offers a virtual high School, which targets students who have fallen behind on coursework or are on the verge of dropping out. Dickson county School District is led by Dr. Danny L. Weeks, who earned an educational Specialist degree and a masters degree in education from austin Peay State university, as well as a doctorate in education from tennessee State university. Dr. Weeks became the Director of Schools in June 2012.

neW directions academy

this alternative school serves students in grades 3-12 who are having difficulties with coursework, attendance or behavior. the mission of new Directions academy is to help students not only graduate from high school, but then become fully functioning and thriving members of society. among the offerings at new Directions academy are two GeD programs for 17-year-olds a hardship program and a Jobs program. Kevin Litwin

students in the Dickson county school District enjoy classroom activities.


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Ad Index
28 Bank of Dickson 40 Blankenship cpa 43 charles WooDarD c2 city of Dickson 6 Dickson county Municipal airport authority 3 Dickson electric systeM 48 east hills BeD & Breakfast 40 fight DMD 46 first Bank 45 fuller hoMe coMfort solutions llc 27 greater Dickson gas authority 48 greystone 48 haMpton inn 38 horizon MeDical center 48 MiDDle tennessee Mortgage c3 neMak 48 nfusion 38 nhc healthcare 48 state farM insurance 48 sylvia tennessee city-ponD Water utility District 6 tennessee state parks 43 tennessee technology center 45 tennsco c4 tristar Bank 46 Water authority of Dickson county

Hampton Inn DICKSon 1080 E. Christi Rd. Dickson, TN 37055 (615) 446-1088 (615) 446-4388 Fax

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DIcksOn cOunt y

community profiLe
Dickson county is located in the north central portion of tennessee, and its a part of the eight-county nashville Metropolitan Statistical area. charlotte is the centrally located county seat, although the city of Dickson is the countys largest.

cost of LiVinG

maritaL status:

Median household Income


Median home Price


Median rent for a two-Bedroom Apartment




July high temperature

househoLd information


January low temperature

Median resident Age


Annual rain Fall (vs. national Average Annual rain Fall of 37)

19 and under




time zone

55 and Over

26 minutes
Median travel time to Work

Nemak Tennessee
(615) 446-8110 1635 Old Columbia Rd. Dickson, TN 37055
Automotive Supplier to Major Car Manufacturers. Products: World-Class Quality Aluminum Cylinder Heads.

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