Britannia Bridge Primary School

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Britannia Bridge Primary School


Britannia Bridge Primary School is a true community school, providing the very best for each and every one of our 3 to 11 year old children and their families. We are situated in the heart of Lower Ince, within easy reach of Wigan Town Centre. The main school building was completed on 27th June 1906 and has gradually developed ever since, building on the historic features and includes a purpose built Foundation Stage Unit which provides great learning opportunities for our nursery and reception children. From the moment our pupils join our school, they are encouraged to develop as life long learners through an excellent, enjoyable and challenging curriculum, complimented by a wide variety of exciting experiences. Every childs learning is supported through a range of facilities and resources including interactive smartboards and projectors in every classroom, fully wireless and seamless internet coverage, server technology and a bank of windows laptops, macbooks and desktop computers in order to fully prepare them for their future. Our distinctive core values of Happiness, Encouragement, Aspirations, Respect and Team-work, truly sit at the HEART of everything we do. Visitors to Britannia Bridge regularly comment on the warm and welcoming atmosphere. We encourage our prospective parents to come and see our friendly and caring school for themselves. We will take you into our exciting learning environments and the children will talk to you about how much they enjoy their learning, experiences and friendships. We are proud of our strong parent, school and community links, including an open door policy that encourages parents to come into the school at the beginning of each day and enjoy a short activity alongside their child. Our team of kind, friendly and professional teachers and staff always look forward to meeting you and are keen to share how each and everyone receives the very best Britannia Bridge has to offer. I hope you find all the information you require in our school prospectus. Alternatively please visit for a wealth of information, including our childrens perspective of their school. I look forward to meeting you, Damon Donaldson Headteacher

Headteacher Welcome ... Contents ... School Governors ... Admissions ... Meet the Staff Creative Curriculum ...... Foundation Stage ... Educational Activities and Visits School Uniform ... Healthy School Meals ... Child Protection and Safeguarding Attendance Illness, Absences and Appointments Medication ...... The School Day Breakfast Club and After School Clubs Break Times ... Healthy Snacks School Inclusion Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Gifted and Talented Pupils Parental Involvement Progress, Attainment and Achievement Homework Challenges Physical Education Sex and Relationship Education Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Behaviour and Safety Consideration of Complaints Public Access to Documents School Holidays Ince Childrens Centre School Partnerships Pupil Routes

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Britannia Bridge Primary School

Headteacher Chair of Governors

School Governors
Mrs Dorothy Harrison Mr Neil Darlington Mr Graham Ralphs Mr Robert Armstrong Mrs Annette Harrison Mr Shaun Field Mrs Beverley Atherton Mrs Samantha Cragg Mrs Nicola Fishburn Mrs Angela Hayes Mrs Diane Beeston Miss Anna Prior Mr Damon Donaldson Chair of Governors Vice Chair of Governors Community Governor Community Governor Local Authority Governor Local Authority Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Staff Governor Staff Governor Headteacher

Admissions to the school for children entering our Reception Class (4/5yr olds) to Year 6 (10/11yr olds) are organised by the Local Authority. Reception class application forms are available during the autumn and spring terms with placements being offered in the summer term prior to commencement in September. Each class has a maximum number of 30 children, with the exception of our Nursery.

Mid Year Admissions

We welcome new pupils into Britannia Bridge Primary School throughout the academic year from Reception to Y6, dependent on the availability. Please check our website for available places, links to applications forms, admission criteria and other admissions resources.

Our Nursery class (for our youngest children aged 3 or 4 years old) can accommodate a total of 52 children across the week, with a maximum of 26 children at any one time. We offer our Nursery children and their families a degree of flexibility to choose when their child enjoys their free 15 hours per week. Families can request the following options: A Mornings (Mon to Fri 9am to 12pm) B - Afternoons (Mon to Fri 12.30pm to 3.30pm) C - All day Monday (9am to 3pm), all day Tuesday (9am to 3pm) and Wednesday morning (9am to 12pm). D - Wednesday afternoon (12.30pm to 3.30pm), all day on Thursday (9am to 3pm) and all day on Friday (9am to 3pm). We will endeavour to accommodate each familys preferred choice of sessions. When initial preferences are unable to be accommodated, sessions will be allocated on a needs basis. A further information booklet is available for our Nursery parents. Parents of new starters are encouraged to visit the school before their child starts. This is a great opportunity to meet the Headteacher, Staff and to see the school in operation. Letters will arrive home at least six weeks before the start of term sharing starting dates and offering opportunities to visit our school, including our foundation stage unit for each child and their family.

Damon Donaldson

Deputy Headteacher

Anna Prior Jill Lucas

Assistant Headteacher

FSU Leader Reception Teacher

Laura Donaldson

Inclusion Leader Nursery Teacher / PPA

Karen Thornhill

KS1 Leader Y6 Teacher

Michelle Lever

Lower KS2 Leader Y3 Teacher

Anthony Concannon

Megan Lewis
Y1 Teacher

Maria Temel
Y4 Teacher

Kathryn Bold
Y5 Teacher

Hayley Federici
P/T Nursery Teacher

Brenda McChrystal
1 to 1 Teacher

Karen Morrell
Y2 Teacher

Graduate Teacher

Kat McGrail

Sharon Webb L. Mentor

Christine Weaver Nurture

Elaine Bailey Nursery

Jade Kearsley Reception

Claire Meadows RWInc

Ann Swift Y1

Susan Mason Y2

School Business Manager

Diane Beeston

Sheryl Makin Y3 & Y4

Brenda Armstrong Y5 & Y6

Carol Wilkinson 1 to 1

Ray Heyes
Breakfast Club

Lisa Bradbury

Administration Assistant

Claire Campbell Abigail Roach

Margaret Toms Welfare

Nicola Dorman Welfare

Joanne Green Welfare

Tracy Lack Welfare

Dawn Hickey Welfare

Deborah Hitchen Welfare

Ray Heyes Welfare


Ken Parr

Claire Meadows Welfare

Nicola Dorman Welfare

Sharon Johnson Welfare

Deborah Street Catering

Judith Walker Catering

Carol Topping Catering

Margaret Toms

Creative Curriculum
The school offers a broad and balanced creative curriculum, ensuring continuity and progression for each and every child in our care. This is based upon the understanding, acquisition and development of skills. A creative approach to the curriculum ensures that a meaningful, purposeful and exciting learning journey can be embarked upon by each and every one of our children. Lessons are tailored to meet the needs of our learners, ensuring that pupils achieve and make strong progress day by day and year by year, regardless of starting points or ability. All the statutory areas of the national curriculum are planned for and taught through purposeful themes that meet the needs of our children and are carefully tailored around our community. The practical application of skills and knowledge is utilised to develop our pupils into learners for life. Children are encouraged to develop inquisitive attitudes, self-esteem, responsibility and independence. Essential skills for learning and life and the development of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects run as a golden thread throughout Britannia Bridge School life. Celebrating pupils achievements and providing clear next steps is an integral part of each childs learning process and forms the bedrock of the quality teaching and learning our children enjoy.

Foundation Stage Nursery and Reception

Children in Nursery and Reception follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance for organisation and curriculum planning. The Foundation Stage Unit is a self-contained purpose-built building, set in the grounds of our school playground. It houses an area of continuous provision, two focused teaching rooms and a nurture room entitled The Poppy Room. Britannia Bridge Primary School prides itself on our strong parent partnerships, which encourage both school and our families to work together for the maximum possible benefit of the children.

Educational Activities and Visits

Throughout the academic year the school makes use of a vast array of educational activities that take place both in and outside school in order to enhance your childs excellent and enjoyable curriculum. These enrichment opportunities include visiting theatre companies, specialist providers, outdoor and adventurous residential trips and visits to a wide range of museums, zoos and habitats, to name but a few. All visits link carefully to planned themes and topics ensuring they are educationally beneficial experiences. To support and help sustain these rich opportunities a voluntary contribution is requested from parents to offset these costs. In the event that a family cannot contribute financially, no child will be excluded from these activities and trips.

School Uniform
Britannia Bridge Primary School encourages all children to wear uniform consisting of royal blue sweatshirts, grey or dark trousers with white or blue polo shirts. Girls have the additional opportunity to wear grey, navy blue or tartan skirts with white or blue blouses/polo shirts. All uniform is available to order directly from Slaters school Warehouse, at Eckersleys Mill near Wigan Pier. Parents are asked to ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with their childs name. Sensible and smart footwear, ideally shoes, are required for school wear. No jewellery is allowed except for small studs for pierced ears.

Healthy School Meals

Meals are cooked in the school kitchen enabling children to enjoy a healthy and nutritious choice of meals each day. School meals are served between 11.45am and 12.30pm in the school hall. Dinner money is collected on a Monday morning and should be given to Mrs Beeston in the office in a tin or envelope clearly marked with their CHILDS NAME, CLASS and AMOUNT ENCLOSED. Children who choose to bring a healthy packed lunch to school are supervised by our trained team of Welfare staff and enjoy them alongside their friends who choose to have a school meal. Sweets and chocolates are not allowed.

Families are encouraged to provide healthy packed lunches. For further advice and guidance please see any member of school staff.

Child Protection and Safeguarding

It is the legal duty of the designated person for child protection (Child Protection Officer, Headteacher Mr Donaldson) to seek support from relevant organisations and agencies should an issue of child protection be reported or a disclosure made by a child or adult. If anyone has any concerns with regards to child protection, please see Mr Donaldson at your earliest opportunity.

Attendance is an Ofsted (December 2007) priority area for improvement, due to rates of attendance sitting below the national average. Year Target
Set Inline with the National Average

Attendance Unauthorised Authorised

2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012

94.5% 94.5% 94.5% 94.9% 94.9%

91.8% 93.1% 93% 93.5% 95.1%*

3.0% 3% 2% 1.8% 0.8%*

5.2% 3.9% 5% 4.7% 4.1%*

*Autumn term 2011 and spring term 2012

Although whole school attendance has gradually improved over the last three years, it remains a focus to ensure each and every child makes the most out of every learning opportunity that is available. From the age of five it is every childs legal entitlement to attend school and remains as the responsibility of parents to ensure that their child has good attendance. All unauthorised, persistent and frequently absent pupils are monitored closely by the school with support from the Local Authoritys Education Welfare Team who will support the family in ensuring every child receives their entitlement.

Illness, Absences and Appointments

Parents are required to contact the school on the first day of their childs absence with a brief explanation of the reason. In the event that an absence lasts longer than 2 days we ask that parents contact school to provide an update.

If a child becomes ill at school, parents are contacted and asked to take the child home to recover. In the unlikely event that a serious accident was to occur, this situation would be dealt with in the same way unless hospital treatment is required. If parents are unable to be contacted, the Headteacher or Deputy Head will take the child to hospital. Your child is encouraged to be on time for register at 9.00am, with doors opening at 8.50am. If your child arrives after 9.05am, they will be marked as late, but after 9.30am their lateness will be marked as unauthorised.

The school has strong links with the local Health Service and our School Nurse Team are regular visitors to ensure the health and development of the pupils. Vision, hearing, height and weight checks are completed at key times as children progress through school. We are able to administer and store medicine in school. In the event your child requires medicine during the school day please contact Mrs Beeston, in the main school office.

The School Day

Britannia Bridges Foundation Stage Unit has a range of sessions available for Nursery children to enjoy their 15 hours of free nursery entitlement. Further information is available directly from school or our website. The school day for our children from Reception to Year 6 is organised as follows: Key Stage 1 Doors Open School starts Morning Break Lunch Afternoon Break School Ends 8.50am 9.00am 10.25am 10.40am 11.45am 12.55pm 2.15pm 2.30pm 3.30pm Key Stage 2 8.50am 9.00am 10.25am 10.40am 12.00pm 12.55pm 2pm - 2.15pm 3.30pm

Children are asked not to arrive at school before 8.40am, unless they attend our Breakfast Club or if absolutely necessary and prearranged with your childs class teacher, as we are unable to accept responsibility for them before this time. If this causes a problem, please contact Mr Donaldson at your earliest convenience.


Breakfast Club and After School Clubs

We currently run our very own Britannia Bridge Primary School Breakfast Club for children in Reception class to Y6. For a non profit making cost of 2 per day your child can enjoy a healthy breakfast and wide selection of activities. Unfortunately, at the present time there is not a sufficient need for wrap around care in the form of after school childcare. We regularly check the level of need with our parents and families and are keen to develop this service at cost price when it is required. A wide range of after school and lunchtime clubs are on offer throughout the year from fencing and football to sewing and Glee (our school choir). This is a great optional opportunity for children to develop their interests, skills and talents by engaging in a wide variety of different activities.

Break Times
With the exception of during bad weather, all children enjoy being active outside at break times. Please ensure that your child has adequate outdoor clothing, which is both warm and waterproof, in school each day. Our Foundation Stage pupils make the most out of their continuous outdoors provision even when the weather isnt ideal. We provide all-in-one rain suits and wellington boots when the weather requires them.

Healthy Snacks
As part of the National Fruit for Schools Scheme we have a variety of fruit and vegetables for our Key Stage 1 children to enjoy at break time. Regularly, free fruit is available to all children, including Key Stage 2 pupils, on a regular basis. Toast is available for children in Year 1 onwards and can be purchased for 20p per day. As an alternative, parents can provide fruit or vegetables of their choice. As we are a healthy school, sweets or crisps are not allowed at break times.


School Inclusion
Britannia Bridge Primary School is an inclusive school. We provide high levels of additional support catering for a full range of abilities, social and emotional demands and other factors. Tailor-made support packages and targeted intervention are carefully designed and regularly provided through a group and/or individual educational plan. Parents are involved every step of the way to ensure their childs needs are met. At Britannia Bridge we are very proud of the wide variety of support we can provide through our Foundation Stage Nurture Room, Learning Mentor and our very own Play Therapist. These strongly support our inclusive school nature that aims to be For Each and Everyone.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Britannia Bridge School supports a full range of Special Educational Needs. Work is differentiated within the class groups. Special arrangements are made where necessary and children may be supported within the classroom, withdrawn for small group work or benefit from one-to-one teaching. Outside agencies are consulted and brought in when needed. The Code of Practice is followed. Parents are encouraged to share individual education plans, and may make an appointment to visit school to discuss their childs statement and progress at times other than set review times. We support and encourage all children to develop to their full potential whatever their needs.

Gifted and Talented Pupils

At Britannia Bridge we actively encourage children to pursue their talents. We offer football and rugby coaching, hold theatre, music and dance workshops and have enjoyed working with a wide range of specialists. We identify children who have educational aptitude and proactively support their learning. All lessons and learning opportunities are carefully designed to provide a high degree of challenge, which enable all children, including the most gifted and talented pupils, to be challenged and make progress.


Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged to join in as many aspects of school life as possible. During the school year opportunities are arranged for parents and teachers to share and discuss the progress and achievements their child is making. There are also opportunities for parents to visit the school on open days, assemblies, special events and join our parent voice group to support Britannia Bridge Primary School in continual improvement. We also run a variety of courses and workshops for parents from Cooking for Fun, First Aid to Positive Parenting Programmes. Recently, eleven of our parents and local community in completed their Working and Volunteering in School course and helped them to attain a GCSE equivalence in English and Maths. Many have gone on to enjoy paid employment on their new career path! Parents can make appointments to see the Headteacher should the need arise at any time.

Progress, Attainment and Achievement

Throughout your childs school life their progress is continually assessed and monitored. Targets for pupils are set and shared to ensure they know what their next step is and to help them to make good progress or better. Targets / next steps are shared with parents at Parents Evenings in October and March. All parents receive a comprehensive school report reflecting their childs progress, attainment and curriculum coverage towards the end of the academic year.


Homework Challenges
Each half term each teacher provides a comprehensive set of Home Challenges for children to engage in. Children are expected to complete a minimum of one home challenge of their choice each week. Home challenges cover the overwhelming majority of curriculum areas and are designed to be completed either as a family, on a individual basis or with an adult. In addition to Home Challenges we actively encourage children to read at home at least five times a week. We ask family members to keep a record in their childs home reading journal. Please see our Home Reading Agreement for further information.

Physical Education
Throughout the school year, every child in Y1 to Y5 is given the opportunity to go to the local Swimming Pool and receive swimming lessons from professional swimming instructors. All children, with the exception of those in Nursery, are required to have a PE kit in a named bag available in school every day. This should consist of pumps or trainers, t-shirt and shorts. Children are encouraged to bring a tracksuit or appropriate leisure wear for outdoor lessons. All children have equal opportunity to participate in all sporting activities offered. A letter of explanation is required if a child is not able to participate.

Sex and Relationship Education

The objective of sex and relationship education is to help and support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development. By using a planned programme of progression, which is age appropriate and firmly embedded in Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship (PSHE+C), we aim to help young people to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood. They will be helped to develop the skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy and independent lives. Please see our Sex and Relationship Education Policy for further information.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

In all aspects of school life children enjoy a wealth of opportunities to develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural attitudes and understanding that are necessary to become part of and contribute to a caring community. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Religious Education.

Behaviour and Safety

As children mature they are encouraged to develop a sense of self-discipline through common sense and an understanding of the responsibility that comes with maturity. Certain rules do exist relating mostly to the safety and welfare of themselves and each other. All children are expected to develop respect for everyones needs and rights and to show a care and a willingness to share and help each other. At Britannia Bridge, our Behaviour Policy is consistently applied by all staff and is supported by clear rewards and sanctions. This is available in a separate booklet for parents.

Consideration of Complaints
Any complaint should initially be addressed to the Headteacher. In the event of the problem remaining unresolved the problem should be put in writing, sealed in an envelope and addressed to the Chair of Governors, C/O Britannia Bridge Primary School. The matter will then be dealt with in accordance with the procedure of the Local Authority that has been adopted by the Governing Body.


Public Access to Documents

Inspection copies or copies of any documents, which are required to be made available under the Freedom of Information Act, can be arranged by contacting the School Office.

School Holidays
School Opens Half Term School Closes School Opens Half Term School Closes School Opens Bank Holiday Half Term School Closes School Opens Half Term School Closes School Opens Half Term School Closes School Opens Bank Holiday Half Term School Closes Autumn 2012 Tuesday 4th September Monday 29th October Friday 2nd November Friday 21st December Spring 2013 Tuesday 8th January Monday 11th February Friday 15th February Friday 22nd March Summer 2013 Tuesday 9th April Monday 6th May Monday 27th May Friday 31st May Thursday 18th July Autumn 2013 Tuesday 3rd September Thursday 28th October Fri 1st November Friday 20th December Spring 2014 Tuesday 7th January Monday 17th February Friday 21st February Friday 4th April Summer 2014 Wednesday 23rd April Monday 5th May Monday 26th May Friday 30th May Friday 18th July

Ince Childrens Centre

Britannia Bridge Primary School has strong links with Ince Childrens Centre. The facility is located opposite Ince CE Primary School and is a fabulous resource for all children, young people and families within the Ince community. The Childrens Centre also organise and run many services and courses directly in our school.


The centre and our school are committed to: o The best start in life for every child o Better opportunities for parents o Affordable, good quality childcare o Stronger and safer communities The centre is coordinated and led by Nicola Cunningham, two Family Link Workers Michelle Chadwick and Penny Docherty and an Information Assistant, Caroline Bennett. Parents and families are always warmly welcome. Please visit or call on 01942 245218

School Partnerships
Britannia Bridge is a member, along with 9 other primary and 5 secondary schools, of the Kingsbridge Excellence Cluster. This initiative is to actively support schools in innovative practice and to raise standards. Britannia Bridge Primary School benefits greatly from a full variety of partnership working and inspirational activities for our children. Through the Kingsbridge Partnership we are also involved in training graduate teachers. We employ a graduate trainee teacher each year to work alongside one of our teachers to gain qualified teacher status. This provides us with the opportunity to train our teachers of the future to the highest standard and has proven very successful.

Pupil Routes
Many of the pupils at Britannia Bridge transfer to the following High Schools:o o o o Rose Bridge High School Deanery High School Golborne High School Byrchall High School

We work very closely with our feeder High Schools, including visits out Schools and projects within our school. This helps to ensure our Year 6 pupils have a very smooth and successful transition to Secondary School. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any advice, support or further information. Kindest Regards, at




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