Year 9 Parental Handbook 201112

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Year 9 Handbook

Year 9 Handbook


Miss V Matthews Mr Kevin Baker-OHaire Mr D Munro Miss Iona Elder Mrs Rachel Simpson HSLO Contact Number

Principal Assistant Principal (Key Stage 3) Head of Year Student Support Assistant Admin Support to Key Stage 3 Mrs J Eastman 01237 477611


Dear Students and Parents/Carers Year 9 is the final year of the Key Stage 3, and a very important one. Students make their option choices in preparation for their GCSE subjects. It is a time when careful and mature decisions will need to be made. Although SATs exams are no longer taken nationally at the end of Key Stage 3, internal examinations and Teacher Assessments will still take place to ensure students are correctly grouped in Year 10. With some students starting GCSE modules during Year 9 student performance in this year is, therefore, extremely important and I expect all students to be striving to achieve the very best results and take full advantage of all the opportunities presented to them. Yours sincerely

Mr D Munro Head of Year 9

Year 9 Handbook


Every student is in a mixed ability tutor group for registration purposes. In the Key Stage 3 years, some of the teaching is conducted in these mixed ability tutor groups. However, a number of departments choose to teach their subjects in ability groups for Year 9. Some students who have been identified as having a particular learning need work with staff in the Learning Support Service. This can either be in the form of in class support or through small group work or individual support. Students who are identified as being particularly able or talented within a subject area will receive differentiated work as part of the planned curriculum. A number of subject departments also provide additional tuition or suggestions for further activities to extend students understanding and abilities.


TEACHERS HAVE THE RIGHT TO TEACH teachers will provide a rich, varied and appropriate curriculum for all students teachers and support staff will challenge unacceptable behaviour and celebrate our successes students must make the right choice when teachers ask you to follow an instruction EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO RESPECT we will treat each others in the same way as we would like to be treated we will use good manners and respectful language to each other we will respect the individual differences of all at Bideford College STUDENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO LEARN students must stay focussed on their learning so that they are the best that they can be students must do their best in all their learning and have a positive attitude students must have the right equipment with them to be able to work effectively EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE SAFE bullying is unacceptable we must always act in a safe way some of the College rules are there to keep us safe, including rules on uniform

Everyone works better when the good work they do is recognised. Your childs teachers will praise enthusiasm, effort and achievement in a variety of ways; by speaking to the student in class, by writing comments on their work and by giving good marks. Recognition of achievement is open to all students of all ages and all abilities: it will reflect effort and achievement related to the students individual ability. To reward good effort and achievement on a particular piece of work, or over a period of time, teachers will use the College Award System. Recognition may also be earned for anything which is done that sets a new standard for the student personally, or for others to follow; for example: good conduct, helpfulness, leadership and other qualities which make a genuine contribution to College and community life. YEAR 8/9 REWARD SYSTEM The aim of this system is to ensure that the average student is recognised and rewarded for their positive approach to both learning and behaviour. In Years 8/9 every student will start each half-term with 20 reward points. The aim is to have at least 18/19 points by the end of each half-term to qualify for a particular event/treat.

Year 9 Handbook

Points are deducted for a variety of reasons (eg uniform issues, lack of equipment, lateness, lack of homework, detentions, lack of effort etc) and cannot be re-gained that half term. The beginning of every half term is a fresh start for ALL students within this system. Deductions are managed by each tutor. The rewards will vary every half-term and will include a film afternoon in the theatre, reward box/shop, activities. Yellow Slips For good standards of work or behaviour, any member of staff may complete a yellow slip which lets the form tutors know the positive contribution that the student has made. The Form Tutor will then be able to communicate this to the parents/carers, either by telephone or in person during a Progress day interview. All rewards will be recorded on the school information system and the Heads of Year may decide to use these as tutor based inter-form competitions. Key Stage 3 Award Presentation Evening At the end of key Stage 3, there is an Award Presentation Evening for Year 9 students who have been nominated for and received prizes under the following categories: Effort and progress in academic subjects Extra curricular endeavours Commitment to the Tutor group Attendance Citizenship Head of Year Award These are cumulative awards in recognition of their efforts and commitment during Key Stage 3 (3 years). Students and their families will be notified in writing if they are to receive an award. Students who have not received an award are NOT eligible to attend, even as a guest.

We hope that formal discipline procedures are not required, but if the informal warnings are not acted upon, students may be involved in more formal and recorded consequences. These are: Being on report to Subject Teacher, Form Tutor, Year Head or Principal. Being sent out of the lesson (withdrawal) to another classroom Isolation which will include the student losing their time at break or lunch or after college College detention Principals detention Fixed Period exclusion Permanent exclusion If it is necessary to remind students of the need for better behaviour or a better attitude to their studies, the College has a detention policy. Detentions are held after College from 3.15pm to 3.45pm. Parents/carers will be informed by letter of the reason and of the date of the detention at least 24 hours in advance. More serious punishments, involving temporary or permanent exclusion will involve parents/carers and Governors. We want to work closely with parents and carers in our efforts to improve the behaviour and attitudes of those students who are not making best use of their time here. Everyone has the right to work: students and teachers. Every teacher has the right to teach and every student has the right to learn. Parents/carers are invited to contact their childs Head of Year if they wish to discuss their childs progress. The Principal and members of the College Leadership Group are also available but it is usual for the first contact to be made with the Year Head or Form Tutor.


Bideford College has a large network of computers used for the education of all containing up-to-date software. In Key Stage 3, each student has one lesson entitlement to the system and so has access to the latest computer technology. Other subjects also make use of the network to enhance the teaching of their courses. Our intention is to increase the range of Information and Communication Technology provision for students and remain at the forefront of this technology. This will give our students up to date information and practical experience resulting in a thorough grounding in information technology.

Year 9 Handbook

The network obviously utilises a range of information. To ensure proper use of the system we maintain the following rules: Students and parents/carers support the College in ensuring that all students act responsibly with all computer equipment and treat it with respect. Students are expected to obey the rules in the use of computer equipment. Parents/carers permission is sought for students to access the Internet. The College will take all reasonable precautions to ensure students cannot access inappropriate materials, but cannot be held responsible for the nature or content of materials accessed through the Internet. The College is not liable for any damages arising from the use of Internet facilities. If selected, students work may be published on the College Website, with parents/carers permission. Photographs that include students may be published, with parental permission; such photographs will not clearly identify individuals and full names will not be used.


We have an extensive library based in the Geneva building. CD-ROM facilities are available to students and we encourage students to use the library as a resource for homework and private study, as well as reading for pleasure. Library staff are always pleased to give all students, and their parents/carers, advice on the most appropriate books and reference materials. Students also have access to networked computers that they may use to assist them with their studies.

Subject English Mathematics Science Design and Technology Art Information Communication Technology Languages History Geography Humanities (History/Geography rotation) Music Physical Education Drama Personal, Social and Health Education Religious Education Number of periods per week 4 4 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1

Homework is both important and necessary. Homework done regularly throughout secondary school can be equivalent to an additional year of study! The Student Planner is used to keep a check on what students have to do and by when it must be completed. Students should talk to their teachers and arrange when the homework will be set each week. The homework for each subject must be written in the subject space of the Student Planner. Please note: Students should try to do homework in a quiet place where they are free from distraction. Students are likely to achieve more by working regularly for relatively short periods (say 1 hour at a time) than in a single long session when concentration will fail. Please remember it is not the time taken to do the homework that is important, it is the quality of the work that is done. Above all, it is vital to plan ahead to make the best use of time and not to leave projects, coursework or homework until the last minute. In Year 9, students should expect to do homework for one to one and a half hours per night. The general guidance is that each subject should set one piece of homework per week. The subjects where there is more than one lesson a week may give a longer homework, split into two halves. History and Geography alternate:

Year 9 Handbook

one week, History has homework; the next week its Geography. Music, Drama and RE dont set weekly homework: they do longer projects at certain times of the year only. Young people with learning difficulties do not always follow the official homework timetable, as a more flexible approach may be necessary in these cases; these changes are discussed during the regular and routine review meetings with the College SENCO. We ask parents/carers to encourage their child to do the homework set and, as far as possible, to provide them with suitable facilities. If your child has difficulties with homework, please let the subject teacher or form tutor know. There are homework clubs and revision sessions available. The College subscribes to SAM Learning, a top quality online learning service that can be used at home and at College. The website address is SAM Learning usually costs home users 49.99 per year, but students now have full use of this service totally free of charge. It's useful for students to take a break from textbooks and try learning on the Internet instead. Learners need three details to login: School ID User ID Password EX39BC Date of birth followed by two initials; first name then last name. Example: 010885DJ is the User ID for David Jones born 1st Aug 1985. Initially same as User ID, you should change your password as soon as you login.

We hope you will take full advantage of this service. We wish all our students good luck with their studies. If any student has a problem accessing this website, they should see Mrs Meaker in the Burrough building.

Year 9 Handbook

In Year 9, students follow the National Curriculum requirements for Art and Design. They build both their practical and critical skills. Students will experience working in two and three dimensions and may work with drawing, painting, collage, textiles, clay, papier mache etc. Students will be issued with a sketchbook at the start of each year should the book be lost, students would be expected to contribute towards its replacement. Students are expected to bring pencils (2B), rubbers and pencil sharpeners to lessons. Students may be asked, on occasion, to provide an old shirt or apron if their lesson will involve clay, etc. Students have three lessons of Art per fortnight. Two lessons are project lessons where skills and ideas are developed over a more sustained period. One lesson each fortnight is a skills lesson where students are taught specific skills in art and design such as different drawing techniques.

Homework will be set once a term and will consist of an extended sketch-book project that supports the class work theme. The themes covered in Year 9 include Portraits, Architecture and Multicultural Art. The work will be checked as it progresses and support will be given to improve the standard of work. On completion the project will be given a National Curriculum level. Students will be given a list of artists each term that will help them with their projects and also guidance about the use of different art materials. The best sketchbook projects each term will be awarded with a prize. Students will be required to bring sketchbooks and a pencil to every Art lesson.


At Key Stage 3 all students follow a planned programme of careers education delivered mainly but not entirely as part of the taught PSHE programme. The programme has been constructed in line with the National Framework for Careers Education and Guidance. All students have lessons during which they will build on the work done in Year 8. They will also begin to look more closely at the world of work and the ways in which it is changing. Students will look at the skills that promote employability and identify and use a variety of sources of careers information. They will develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the options open to them and make realistic and informed choices of options available Post 14. On Progress Day students will review and set goals with their form tutor.

Citizenship encourages students to play a positive part in the life of their school and community. Citizenship is taught across the whole curriculum. It gives students the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an effective role in society. It helps them to become informed, thoughtful and responsible citizens who are aware of their duties and rights. Citizenship also teaches students about our economy and democratic institutions and values; encourages respect for different national, religious and ethnic identities; and develops students ability to reflect on issues, take part in discussions and considers other peoples views.

The Year 9 Drama course begins with The Circle of Life here students explore and focus upon a real life event and each lesson requires them to consider one significant factor in this story. We use role-play, thought- tracking, flashback, flash forwards to help us look closely at how the event unfolded. This work naturally moves on to the recreation of a Court of Law where all students are involved as Judges, Defence, Prosecution and Witnesses. Grease All Years 9s will be working on Grease Lightning. They rehearse all the parts of the song using choreography. Script-work Introducing Year 9 to a number of different scripts. As an art-form students rarely have the opportunity to understand how a script works. Here they will look at extracts from Blood Brothers, The Dumb Waiter, The Knight and the Troll, Bouncers and Shakers. Each script is very different and challenging and they will all be rehearsed and performed.

Year 9 Handbook

Stage Fighting Using carefully prepared exercises Year 9 students are shown how to create a stage-fight. With a very strong emphasis upon safety students are show the techniques and skills required for this work. Scripts are created or used from West Side Story to create tense moments in a scene. In addition we look at Soap-operas, Reality chat shows and X Factor/Britains Got Talent formats, engaging students in something familiar and contemporary.

Students in Key Stage 3 follow the National Curriculum for English. The curriculum is taught through objectives identified in the National Strategy Framework for teaching English. This provides continuity between Key Stages 2 and 3, and highlights progression in Key Stage 3. Students develop their skills and abilities in reading, writing and speaking and listening.

Students will focus on the following skills: Research and study skills: Synthesise information from a range of sources, shaping material to meet the readers needs. Reading for meaning: Compare the presentation of ideas, values or emotions in related or contrasting texts. Understanding the authors craft: Analyse and discuss the use made of rhetorical devices in text. Study of literary texts: Analyse ways in which different cultural contexts and traditions have influenced language and style.

Students will focus on the following skills: Plan, draft and present: Produce formal essays in Standard English within a specified time, writing fluently and legibly and maintaining technical accuracy when writing at speed. Imagine, explore and entertain: Explore different ways of opening, structuring and ending narratives. Inform, explain and describe: Integrate diverse information into a coherent and comprehensive account. Persuade, argue and advise: Make a counter argument to a view that has been expressed, addressing weaknesses in the argument and offering alternatives. Analyse, review and comment: Present a balanced analysis of a situation.

Speaking and Listening

Students will focus on the following skills: Speaking: Use Standard English to explain, explore or justify an idea. Listening: Identify the underlying themes, implications and issues raised by a talk, reading or programme. Group discussion and interaction: Discuss and evaluate conflicting evidence to arrive at a considered viewpoint.

Each student is issued with a homework booklet that has weekly homework tasks in it.


Students in Year 9 follow the framework of the National Curriculum, which has four main strands: 1. Geographical Enquiry and Skills 2. Place 3. Pattern and Process 4. Environmental Change and Sustainable Development Students gain knowledge and understanding through a study of several topics, which include both local and global examples. Topic title Threatening earth Unfolding Japan Threatening skies What this topic is about? What earthquakes and volcanoes can do to us! Life in this unique country. Tropical storms.

9.1 9.2 9.3

Year 9 Handbook

9.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9

Global warming Criminal actions People on the move An ageing population Shrinking earth India the next superpower

The causes and impacts of these controversial issue Mapping and prevention of crime. Migration of people around the world. A problem facing the UK Globalisation. Linking us up to the rest of the planet. A final study of this rapidly developing nation.

Students will be set homework based on the topics they are studying at that time. These might take for the form of: Additional/preparatory research if there are difficulties in performing these tasks, students can look in the library, or come and use department resources in breaks and lunchtimes Consolidation tasks Thinking tasks where there is little to write but a lot to think about! Completion of work started in class Reading as a preparation for the next lesson Literacy based work e.g. focused on poems, leaflets, persuasive writing, diaries etc. What have you learnt today? Give me 5 things you have learnt Recording information Translating information from one format to another As a department, we are keen to help ALL students reach their potential please ask your child to ask us for help if they are stuck or unsure!

In year 9, we continue with our over-arching themes of changing lives, power and conflict and Empire. In Autumn term, students look at Moving Stories which allow students to explore empathy and SEAL. We will consider the Black Death, workhouses and the Spring term looks at conflict and co-operation, the impact of World War One and Two and the atom bomb. Finally in the Summer term, students consider the wider world, for example, why Genocide continues to happen despite how informed we are about the Holocaust and as a result of the course being more political and hence, conceptual, students are loosely set in Year 9. E/W and N band are split into 4 groups with a top, two middle sets and a smaller literacy group. S band are split into three groups. There is no extracted support, but there is in-class support for those with statements of SEN. Students are assessed every term. Homework is set every half term and can be found in the student planner. Assessment is based on key skillsbased assessments and projects/presentations set over the course of the year. Students will be set targets for these and given support and guidance. Each assessment will focus on one specific skill. These will be marked and used to assess performance. We hope that parents/carers will support the department with this work. All homework projects and mark schemes can be found on CRL. Emphasis is placed on coming equipped for lessons. There is no specific equipment or resources required although an enquiring mind and an interest in current affairs does help. Suggested reading: The Horrible Histories series - Terry Deary Daily newspapers Anne Franks diary The Evacuees - Nina Bawden Please see the History pages on the College website for useful websites.


Students continue their studies of ICT during two lessons over the two week timetable. They continue to follow the scheme of work complying with the requirements of the National Curriculum as it applies to ICT. Students will be given the opportunity to begin work on the OCR Nationals course; this is a Level 2 course and will give the students the opportunity to begin to learn ICT in a Project based environment. Along with the necessary ICT skills base, they also develop independent working and project management skills that are applicable in a wide range of contexts.

Year 9 Handbook

Unit 1 ICT skills for business creating and storing files using different packages including word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software communicating effectively using email searching the internet efficiently for information. All coursework is assessed internally by teachers, and then moderated by an external moderator, grades are given as pass, merit or distinction.

Please log onto the Bideford College website and look for useful links in the ICT department pages.

In mathematics, students will begin their GCSE studies in Year 9. They will be studying for a double award in mathematics with the 2 GCSEs offered called Methods in Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics. Students will study mathematics from all the key areas such as: Number, Algebra, Shape and Space, Data Handling. Throughout the year, students will be given opportunities to develop problem solving skills and work on functional mathematics. Students are assessed regularly through formal exams and end of topic tests and their attainment is measured in GCSE grades rather than National Curriculum levels. At the end of the year, students will sit an exam paper in each qualification representing 40% of their GCSE grades. Students need to have their own mathematical equipment for lessons including pens, pencils, ruler, protractor, compass and a scientific calculator.


During Year 9, students continue their first foreign language either Spanish or French and will learn the necessary structures to understand speak and write about school, hobbies and their house. Students will continue with Voil 2/As 2. These textbook is published by Nelson Thornes should you wish to purchase your own copy. A dictionary is an essential piece of equipment for every student. Students will also receive a homework/workbook each half-term for the unit they are covering. The average level of attainment for a Year 9 student by the end of the year is Level 5.

Students perform and compose in a diverse range of musical styles. The modules chosen are from a wide range of musical conventions and processes. Two contrasting modules are normally studied each term. Students are encouraged to develop an awareness and recognition of musical notations and to employ these skills where appropriate. Computerised and electronic musical equipment may be used in addition to conventional musical instruments. Students are encouraged to employ a diverse range of technology in their work.

PSHE lessons in Year 9 are based on the Passport Framework. Students participate in activities, which further help them to: Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities Develop a healthy, safer lifestyle Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people Know and understand about becoming informing citizens. Year 9 Students complete six units of work, which cover Health and Safety, Sex Education, Citizenship and the Law, Drugs, Careers and Democracy in Action. Each unit of work will be assessed separately and graded as follows:

P*: Progress Excellent

The student has displayed an excellent ability to work with others, has good communication skills, and has understood the unit of work well and contributed to discussion work. They have consistently worked to the best of their ability.

Year 9 Handbook

PG: Progress Good

The student has worked well with others, communicated effectively, contributed occasionally to group discussion and has a sound comprehension of the issues raised. The student has concentrated well on the tasks in hand and has worked with continuous interest and enthusiasm.

PS: Progress Satisfactory

The student has worked satisfactorily with others and attempted to complete most tasks set to the best of their ability. Not all tasks have been completed. There have been occasional contributions to discussion. The student is not working consistently towards achieving their potential.

PU: Progress Unsatisfactory

The student has made little effort, finds concentration difficult and does not participate in class discussions. The student has not co-operated in the lessons, and has made very little effort to improve their work. Sex Education is covered in the autumn term of Year 9, building upon the knowledge they have gained in Years 7 and 8. The programme covered is called A Pause and it was developed by the University of Exeter, Child Health Department. Many of the lessons are led by trained nurses and trained Year 12 and 13 students, although a PSHE teacher is present throughout. The programme of work covers: Relationships: tolerance, respect and mutual understanding Risks and myths surrounding sexual issues Effective contraception Developing skills to resist unwanted pressure Sexually transmitted diseases We hope that all students will benefit from this course, and that you will have the opportunity to discuss with your son or daughter what they are learning in College. If you have any queries about the course, please feel free to contact Mrs Neill, Head of PSHE.

At Key Stage 3, the students will take courses in invasion games, striking/fielding games, net/wall games, athletics, cross-country, gymnastics, dance and health related fitness. Safety equipment such as gum shields and shin pads are required for certain activities and students are expected to have them. In the summer term the students will be given the opportunity to take a course which will give them the chance to gain the Young Leader Award.


All Yr 9 students cover the Religious Education entitlement by following the Devon Agreed
Syllabus. This is also incorporated as part of the first Yr of the OCR GCSE Philosophy and Ethics Course. All students will complete this course in Year 10. This will be 100% exam, which will be sat in the summer of Year 10. This is a fantastic subject for students who enjoy heated discussions, and are able to express strong opinions about topical and moral issues. Students will study the following modules; Religion and Human relationships Religion and Medical Ethics Religion and The Media Religion and Equality Religion, Poverty and Wealth Religion, Peace and justice

Philosophy and Ethics is taught by a small team of specialist staff. Clearly some of the issues may be sensitive, if parents, guardians and students have any concerns, please contact Mrs R Vowles.

In the Autumn term of year 9 the Science course enables students to carry out investigations using the skills they have developed in earlier years. There are further modules; Modules taught in Year 9 are: Biology Chemistry Physics

Year 9 Handbook

Inheritance & Selection Fit & Healthy Plants & Photosynthesis

Reactions of Metals Patterns of Reactivity Using Chemistry

Gravity & Space Speeding Up Moments & pressure

In January, those students taking Science at GCSE leve,l will begin the AQA Core Science course. We have chosen to begin teaching this course early as the structure of the exams has changed enormously this year. Exams are no longer multi choice, tick the box assessments but exams with longer answers required. In order for our students to have the best possible preparation for these new style exams we will be incorporating a scientific literacy course into the programme of study, hence the need for an early start. Students not following the GCSE path will continue with extra biology, chemistry and physics modules, a scientific enquiry module and a literacy project tailored to their needs as future BTEC students.

Students in Year 9 follow a course in Design and Technology, which is one of the foundation subjects of the National Curriculum. The course builds upon skills attained in Years 7 & 8. In Year 9 students specialise and spend more time developing their skills working on a few modules. Towards the end of Year 8 students opted for the year 9 modules they wished to take. Students will study three different modules between September and May. Students had the choice to opt for modules in Graphics, Food, Textiles, Product Design, Resistant materials, Electronics. The course allows students to develop their ability in both designing and making. Students work is assessed regularly using the different levels and sub levels of the National Curriculum. During the year students will be choosing which Technology subject area they wish to study at GCSE level. In June students will begin their GCSE course in the material area of their choice. This allows students to work within the discipline they most enjoy but will also allow some students to take their exam early, at the end of Year 10.

Year 9 Handbook

Autumn Term Autumn Half Term Holiday Staff Training Days 6 September 2011 Friday 16 December 2011 Monday 24 October Friday 28 October 2010 Friday 25 November 2011 Tuesday 3 January 2012 Wednesday 4 January Friday 30 March 2012 Monday 13 February Friday 17 February 2012 Monday 2 April Friday13 April 2012 Tuesday 16 April Friday 19 July 2012 Monday 7 May 2012 Monday 4 June Friday 8 June 2012

Spring Term Spring Half Term Holiday Easter Holiday Summer Term May Bank Holiday Summer Half Term Holiday


Tutor Parents Evening Reports to Parents/Carers Week commencing Monday 14 November 2011 Week commencing Monday 6 February 2012 Week commencing Monday 21 May 2012 Thursday 9 February 2012 Week commencing Monday 12 December 2011 Tuesday 31 January 2012 Week commencing Monday 27 February 2012

Progress Day Options Booklets issued Key Stage 4 Information Evening Options Choices Returned

Newsletters are issued every half term and contain up-to-date College news.

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