Synthetic Fibers
Synthetic Fibers
Synthetic Fibers
Primarily used to reduce shrinkage cracking, polypropylene, nylon, and polyester fibers offer other benefits as well
By Anne Laning
ynthetic fibers are no substitute for structural (primary) reinforcement in concrete because they add little or no strength. But structural reinforcement doesnt provide its benefits until concrete hardens. Thats why some contractors add synthetic fibers to concrete as secondary reinforcement. Unlike structural reinforcement, synthetic fibers provide benefits while concrete is still plastic. They also enhance some of the properties of hardened concrete. Synthetic fibers are most commonly added to concrete for slab-on-grade construction to reduce early plastic shrinkage cracking and increase impact- and abrasion-resistance and toughness. The fibers also can be added to precast concrete to improve resistance to handling stresses, to pumped concrete to improve cohesiveness, and to shotcrete to reduce rebound and material waste.
How fibers control shrinkage cracking Shrinkage cracks are short, irregular cracks that can develop in concrete within the first 24 hours after concrete placement. Not to be confused with surface crazing, shrinkage cracks usually pass through the entire depth of the slab. The cracks are generally caused by either plastic or drying shrinkage. Plastic shrinkage occurs before concrete reaches initial set; drying shrinkage occurs after concrete sets. All concrete shrinks after placement due to a volume change caused by moisture loss. If the shrinkage could take place without any restraint, the concrete would not crack. But slab-on-grade concrete is always subject to at least some restraint by either the foundation, another part of the structure, or by reinforcing steel embedded in the concrete. Restraint also develops during differential shrinkage, when the concrete at the surface shrinks
faster than the underlying concrete. If the tensile stresses caused by restraint exceed the tensile strength of the concrete, the concrete cracks (Ref. 1). Taking precautions can minimize the possibility of shrinkage cracking. These include keeping the concrete moist during curing and protecting the concrete with temporary coverings or curing compounds to reduce moisture evaporation. But even when you take precautions, shrinkage cracks can occur. Manufacturers of synthetic fibers say their products can be used to minimize plastic and early drying shrinkage cracking. Mixing the fibers in the concrete at the recommended dosages (usually 112 pounds per cubic yard) results in millions of fibers dispersed evenly throughout the concrete matrix. This multidimensional reinforcement reportedly gives fresh concrete more tensile capacity to resist typical volume changes. It also helps distribute tensile stresses more evenly. If shrinkage cracks do form, fibers bridge these cracks, helping reduce their length and width. Various tests have been conducted on synthetic fibers to determine the effects of the fibers on plastic shrinkage cracking. Paul Kraai, a professor at San Jose University, compared early cracking behavior of slab samples made with plain concrete, concrete reinforced with welded-wire fabric, and concrete containing 34-inch fibrillated polypropylene fibers at a rate of 11 2 pounds per cubic yard (Ref. 2). The slabs were 2 feet wide, 3 feet long, and 2 inches thick with edges restrained by panels. Fans blew air at high velocities over the surfaces of the slabs to force rapid drying. The results showed plastic shrinkage crack reductions of 71.5% in the fiber-reinforced sample compared with the plain concrete sample. The sample containing welded-wire fabric showed crack reductions of only 6.5%.
Other ways fibers enhance concrete performance The effects of fibers on the behavior of plastic and hardened concrete varies depending on the concrete materials, mix proportions, fiber type and length, and quantity of fiber added. Research from various sources, though, generally agrees that adding synthetic fibers to concrete can improve the following properties: Impact resistance (increases of 10% to 50%) Abrasion resistance (increases of 20% to 52%) Permeability (decreases of 33% to 45%) Toughness, or post-crack integrity (increases of 15%) Most of the research also shows, however, that the fibers provide only slight if any improvement to concrete compressive, tensile, and flexural strengths; modulus of elasticity; and splitting tensile strength. Recognizing the performance characteristics of synthetic fiber-reinforced concrete, ASTM has established a standard test method for flexural toughness and first-crack strength of fiber-reinforced concrete (ASTM C 1018) and a standard specification for fiber-reinforced concrete and shotcrete (ASTM C 1116). Synthetic fiber types The number of synthetic fiber suppliers has grown in recent years, giving contractors a wide range of fiber products from which to choose. The primary types of synthetic fibers commercially available in the United States are polypropylene, polyester, and nylon. Though the fibers within each type come in various lengths, thicknesses, and geometries, synthetic fibers provide similar benefits when used as secondary concrete reinforcement.
4 -2 12
(or graded)
2 - 34 3 4 -2 3 4 -2
They also are comparable in cost (about 1.5 to 2.5 per square foot per inch of concrete depth). Table 1 shows typical properties of the various synthetic fibers. Most synthetic fibers also have excellent acid, alkali, mildew, and salt resistance, are noncorrosive, and have low thermal conductivity. Polypropylene. Of the synthetic fibers available in the United States, polypropylene is the most widely used in ready mixed concrete (Ref. 3). Polypropylene fibers are hydrophobic, so they dont absorb water and have no effect on concrete mixing water requirements. They come as either fibrillated bundles or monofilaments. To produce fibrillated fibers, manufacturers extrude the polypropylene in sheets that are stretched and slit. The result is a mesh of interconnected fiber strands rectangular in cross section. Manufacturers cut the strands to specified lengths and separate them into bundles. Fiber lengths range from 14 to 212 inches. When added to concrete during mixing, the fibrillated fibers open into a network of linked fiber filaments that mechanically anchor to the cement paste (Figure 1). One manufacturer offers a graded fibrillated fiber having various lengths, sizes, and fibrillation patterns. The graded fibers reportedly disperse more thoroughly into all areas of the cement paste during mixing. Monofilament fibers are fine, cylindrical strands that separate during mixing. Because monofilament fibers are smooth and have a small surface area, they dont anchor into the cement matrix as well as fibrillated fibers. With fibrillated fibers, cement paste penetrates into the network of fiber filaments resulting in better mechani-
cal anchoring to the concrete. Research shows that lower volumes of fibrillated fibers than of monofilament fibers are needed to improve the post-cracking loadcarrying capacity and ductility of concrete (Ref. 4). Some manufacturers recommend using monofilament fibers for relatively short-term benefits, such as plastic shrinkage crack control during the first few hours after concrete placement. Polyester. Though not as widely used as polypropylene fibers, polyester fibers are offered by several manufacturers. The fiber bundles come only in monofilament form in lengths from 34 to 2 inches. Like polypropylene, polyester fibers are hydrophobic. However, they have a tendency to disintegrate in the alkaline environment of portland cement concrete (Ref. 5). To retard this degradation, manufacturers of polyester fibers coat the fibers to resist alkali attack. But the long-term performance of the coated fibers has not been determined. Nylon. Like poly-ester fibers, nylon fibers come only in monofilament form. What primarily distinguishes them from polypropylene and polyester fibers is their hydrophilic nature. They retain a natural moisture balance of 4.5%. Because of this strong affinity to water, nylon fibers bond chemically to the concrete matrix. The bond of polypropylene and polyester fibers is only mechanical. Nylon fiber manufacturers also report that their fibers have higher aspect ratios (ratio of length to diameter) than those made of polypropylene. Therefore, they can be added in smaller dosages to produce the same reinforcing effects. Usually
no more than 1 pound per cubic yard is needed. Tips on using synthetic fibers Using synthetic fibers in concrete may require slight modifications to normal concreting procedures. Some fiber manufacturers recommend the following procedures for mixing, placing, and finishing fiber-reinforced concrete. Mixing. Fibers can be added with the coarse and fine aggregate at the batch plant or to the central or truck mixer at the jobsite. If adding the fibers with other mix ingredients, no extra mixing time is needed. If adding the fibers to mixed concrete, agitate the concrete an additional 3 to 7 minutes as recommended by ASTM C 94 to disperse the fibers thoroughly. Because synthetic fibers dont affect the chemical hydration of cement, they work with all concrete mixes and admixtures without changing required mix proportions. To eliminate measuring, most fiber suppliers package the fibers in the recommended dosage for a cubic yard quantity of concrete. Some fiber manufacturers package the fibers in cellulose bags that can be added unopened to the mixing drum. These bags disintegrate quickly in concrete, dispersing their contents. The disintegrated bag material has no effect on concrete properties. Ron Zollo, director of the International Fibrous Concrete Institute, says that uniform distribution of fibers was sometimes a problem years ago because the fibers would clump and form fiber balls in the mix. Manufacturers have eliminated this problem, though, by creating new fiber geometries that prevent fiber balls from forming.
Placing. Because synthetic fibers mix When finishing fiber-reinforced conInstead, the mesh holds cracks together into the cement paste, they dont interfere crete, use only steel or magnesium trowafter they have formed. with structural reinforcement systems and els and floats. Wood trowels and tools are From an economic standpoint, using they conform to unusually shaped forms, more abrasive to the surface and may refibers eliminates the costs of handling and such as those used for curved driveways veal more fibers. Also, dont use tined placing wire mesh. Also, wire mesh must or some precast products. However, syngarden rakes to move or place the conbe placed properly to be effective. This is thetic fibers can increase the stiffness and crete. The tines can disrupt fiber distribunot a concern with fibers, which disperse cohesiveness of the concrete mix. Workers tion. For textured or broom finishes, use a evenly throughout the concrete during may notice a slight decrease in workability broom with stiff bristles and broom in onmixing. And unlike wire mesh, synthetic when placing fiber-reinforced concrete. ly one direction. This will cause the fibers fibers are noncorrosive and wont rust. They also may notice a slump loss of up to at or near the concrete surface to align An ideal secondary reinforcement sys1 inch. The extent to which fibers affect within the ridges so they are not apparent. tem would use both fibers and properly slump depends on fiber design, length, placed wire mesh. But this approach is and concentration. not always practical Fibers only affect or cost-effective. If slump by increasing you must choose bemix cohesion. They tween fibers and wire do not affect conmesh, base the decicretes water-cement sion on the benefits ratio. If the mix is too and limitations of difficult to place, each product. workers should not Fibers in add extra water, shotcrete and which can weaken precast concrete the hardened concrete. Instead, a suThough synthetic perplasticizer should fibers are most combe used to improve monly used in cast-inworkability. One place concrete, their polypropylene fiber use in shotcrete and manufacturer even precast products is prepackages its fibers growing. Adding synwith a superplasticizthetic fibers to er in water-soluble shotcrete can reduce bags. The superplas- Figure 1. Fibrillated polypropylene fibers (left) consist of interconnected fiber rebound and material strands that open during mixing (right). ticizer reportedly waste, permit thicker maintains specified layers per pass, reslump or increases slump up to 11 2 If mixed into concrete thoroughly, duce sagging, and inhibit plastic shrinkinches. fibers should not float to the concrete surage cracking. Shotcrete reinforced with a face nor sink to the bottom. Still, fibers Finishing. Synthetic fibers are compathigh volume of fibrillated polypropylene may appear on or near the surface beible with all concrete surface treatments fibers was first used successfully in 1988 cause they are distributed throughout the and finishes, such as pattern stamping, exfor a tunnel lining project in Alberta, concrete. Any surface fibers that do apposed aggregate, brooming, and hand or Canada (Ref. 6). The shotcrete contained pear will wear off quickly under light trafpower troweling. The neutral fibers also 112-inch-long fibers at a minimum content fic. If a surface coating is specified, burn wont stain or discolor concrete. of 10.1 pounds per cubic yard. Even with off exposed fibers with a propane torch However, a fiber-reinforced concrete these high fiber volumes, the shotcrete before applying the coating. slab usually bleeds less and more slowly was easy to mix with standard equipment. than a plain slab because the fibers hold It also pumped easily and there was no reFibers vs. wire mesh the concrete together and reduce segregabound during application. tion. So its especially important when Both synthetic fibers and wire mesh Precasters use synthetic fibers in their finishing fiber-reinforced concrete not to used as secondary reinforcement can help products to add early strength, help restart too early. Make sure all bleedwater is control cracking in cast-in-place and preduce concrete breakage during handling, gone. Its even wise to start floating and cast concrete. The primary differences are and save on labor. They also report fewer troweling closer to final set than normal when and how they work. Fibers are most shrinkage cracks when using the fibers to help avoid fiber exposure on the slab beneficial soon after concrete placement (Ref. 7). Some precasters use synthetic surface. If any time during finishing, you by controlling the formation of plastic fibers in unusually shaped precast prodnotice the fibers being pulled up, you may shrinkage cracks. Wire mesh, on the other ucts, such as planters and urns, instead of be on the concrete too soon. hand, does not prevent crack formation. wire reinforcing. If not carefully placed,
wire reinforcing in these products is sometimes exposed when the products are removed from the forms.
References 1. ACI 224R, Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, American Concrete Institute, P.O. Box 19150, Detroit, MI 48219. 2. Paul Kraai, Crack Control Methods: Welded-wire Fabric vs. CFP Fibers, prepared for Fibermesh Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., 1985. 3. Gary L. Vondran, Plastic Fiber Reinforced Concrete, February 1989, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. 4. Fiber Reinforced Concrete, 1991, Portland Cement Association, 5420 Old Orchard Rd., Skokie, IL 60077. 5. Solomon Goldfein, United States Army Technical Report 1757-TR, 1963, U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Va. 6. High-volume Polypropylene Reinforcement For Shotcrete, Concrete Construction, January 1990, pp. 3335. 7. Martha Heine, Fibers in Precast Add Insurance Against Cracking, Aberdeens Concrete Trader, October 1991, The Aberdeen Group, 426 S. Westgate St., Addison, IL 60101, p. 1. 8. Polypropylene Fibers in Concrete, Concrete Construction, April 1986, pp. 363-368.
Dos and Donts For Using Synthetic Fibers Fibers can significantly enhance concrete performance, but they dont guarantee crack-free concrete. The guidelines below can help you decide when and when not to use fibers for a particular application. Do specify synthetic fibers for: Reducing concrete cracking due to plastic shrinkage Replacing or supplementing wire mesh as secondary reinforcement when inhibiting early shrinkage cracking is important Reducing concrete permeability Greater impact and abrasion resistance of concrete Areas requiring nonmetallic secondary reinforcement Cohesive mix designs for shotcrete Areas requiring secondary reinforcement that resists alkalies, chemicals, and chlorides Dont specify synthetic fibers for: Controlling cracking resulting from external stresses Replacing any structural steel reinforcement Higher structural strength Eliminating or reducing curling or creep Increasing the structural number of portland cement concrete pavements or slabs on grade Increasing the distance between control joints
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