Wake Up Muslim Ummah
Wake Up Muslim Ummah
Wake Up Muslim Ummah
all over the world, mostly from the West. This ordeal and adversity has gained a new momentum when the miscreants once again show their deep-rooted hatred by trying to disrespect our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). Muslims all over the world showed their deep anguish and anger, they objected, they protested, they marched to the ministries, they raised the banners, they blocked some websites, they banned some products..but thats what we are doing from so many years! Is this current blasphemy not linked to the existing evil chain, namely Salman Rushdie, the Danish cartoonist, and the US pastors who burned the Holy Quran..? (Unfortunately this is just a continuation of the evil chain) Why havent we reached a solution yet? Why is this profanity and blasphemy not ending??
Answer is that we are not cleaning the wound but cleaning the bandage
O Muslim Ummah! Was not there a glorious time when Islam was spreading vastly and Muslims, where ever they went, they flaunted beautiful Islamic teachings, laws, systems, morals, ethics and values not by words only but by their conduct and way of life. Today we may give lengthy lectures on beautiful Islamic values and teachings but unfortunately those are not at all reflected by our personalities, actions and life styles. We marvel the laws and systems of Western countries but in fact all the current ideal laws, norms and human rights of west are ISLAMIC which we have ignored and they have picked.
The Western world have just applied some of these laws in this modern age but the fact is that these glorious rules and principals were set forth by our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) more than Fourteen hundred years ago in the Dark age (bleak era of ignorance) and in the best form and manner and will remain relevant forever!!!
Our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) created an exemplary society where rich and poor, friend and foe, Muslim and non-Muslim, the Ruler and the ruled, Men and Women, Black and White, were all treated equally and all of them could count on receiving justice.
The core of Islamic values is morality, good conduct and love and care for everyone. He (Peace Be Upon Him) intensified the importance of good manners by declaring it as perfection of faith; The most complete in faith among the believers is he who has the best manners (Good deeds, good moral Characters) It was the good conduct and great character of Muslims that represented the true essence of Islam. Islam was NOT spread with swords or forcefully, rather it straightaway conquered the hearts with its beautiful values, civilized principles, and human rights. Islam is not just about verbal confirmations but its a complete way of life and immensely focused on how one person deals with the other. He (Peace Be Upon Him) very categorically defined everyones rights and duties, the rights of parents, the rights of children, the rights of husbands and wives, the rights of neighbors, the rights of senior citizens, the rights of teachers and students, the rights of pedestrians, the rights of customers, the rights of merchants, the rights of Non-Muslims, the right of convicts and prisoners, even the rights of enemies, even the right of Birds, Animals, Plants, trees!!! Thus, human rights in Islam are not optional rather they are religious obligations, a MUST to safeguard, meaning that it is obligatory for every Muslim to protect them and restore them if they are violated.
Who then defamed Islam? and Who then portrayed that Islam is all about cloth above ankles and size of beard only?
These are so-called Muslims that claimed themselves as experts and specialists of Islamic laws and Jurisdiction (Sahriat) but in reality they are continually destroying, distorting and manipulating Islam from within, and impeding the true Islamic essence. These black sheep too, are the miscreants who attacked the dignity of Islam and honor of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). O Muslim Ummah! Why no protest against them??? The blessed and honorable name MUHAMMAD of our beloved prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), has been removed from the grill of Mawajah Shareef (The Blessed chamber in Masjid Al-Nabawi Shareef). Originally engraved words YA ALLAH YA MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him)which were there for centuries have now been cleverly mutilated to YA ALLAH YA MAJEED. Is this not an act of profanity and blasphemy?
The mausoleum of the blessed mother of our Beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him); Hazrat Bibi Amina Bint-e-Wahab (RA) (Umm ul Ummhatul momineen, Mother of mothers of believers) at Abwa Shareef was bulldozed in 1998 and now they have totally wiped out the remains and traces of her grave so no one could pay respect and recite Fatiha at her resting place. Is this not an act of profanity and blasphemy? The blessed Birthplace (House of his Mawlid) of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) is now a library Maktabat Makka al-Mukarrama. Pilgrims who visit the holy site and offer prayers at the honorable Birthplace to seek blessings are insulted and ridiculed with the charges of IDOLATRY and POLYTHEISM. To discourage the pilgrims and to diminish the prominence of this sacred place, they have recently started to articulate that this is not the birthplace of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and even if it is, there is no blessings attached to it. Such wicked writings (which every Pilgrim is forced to read) are nothing but an attempt to lessen the light of love of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). Is this not an act of profanity and blasphemy?
They holy cemeteries of Jannat-ul-Baaqi and Janat-ul-Maala have many of beloved relatives (Ahl-eBait) and beloved companions (Sahaba-e-Karam) of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) but Alas! Today Muslims are dubious about recognizing their graves as the cemeteries were completely razed to the ground in 1925, with no sign or title left on any grave. Is this not an act of profanity and blasphemy? Several Holy Mosques and wells from the time of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) and houses including the house of our beloved mother Hazrat Bibi Khadijah (RA) have been demolished and no trace left now. Is this not an act of profanity and blasphemy? The valuable Islamic manuscripts are being tampered; the fanatic Wahhabis are continually expunging and changing sentences from the historic Islamic books that did not go with their creed. Even they are concealing Inscriptions on the walls of Masjid Al-Nabawi Shareef; i.e. the beautiful couplets and stanzas
in praise of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). Such poetry is called QASEEDA and Muslims all over the world recite it with great devotion and love. Originally the couplets were engraved in golden letters on green backdrop but now to hide the words/text they have replaced the golden color with green. Green text on green background which made it Impossible to read.
Is this not an act of profanity and blasphemy? The fanatic Wahhabis have covered almost all holy sites with huge blue bill-boards that show treacherous and devious messages to mislead pilgrims. One of such holy sites is UHAD SHAREEF where the martyrs of battle of UHAD and the chief of martyrs the beloved uncle of our beloved Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him); Hazrat Hamza bin Abdul Mutalib (RA) are resting. The bill-board at the resting site of martyrs explicitly regard them as DEAD which is clear negation and denial of verses of Holy Quran;
Translation: And those who have been slain in the way of Allah never think of them as dead; but they are alive with their Lord, get their subsistence. [3:169]
Could any Muslim negate and contradict with Holy Quran this directly and blatantly? Is this not an act of profanity and blasphemy?O Muslim Ummah!
Wake up; its high time for unity! The unity of Muslim Ummah is the only way to bring back our old glory. These so called Muslims are not only disrespecting our religion but also proliferating hatred and acrimony through their revolting strategies. It is because of their bogus and disgusting FATAWAS (religious rulings) that sectarian bigotry and intolerance have started taking roots. Their core focus is to change the beliefs of the rest of the Muslims to their own way of thinking and practice. These handfuls of Wahhabi miscreants openly deny all other school of thoughts to the extent they call them Kaffirs (Unbelievers). The suicide attacks in Mosques, Mausoleums, schools and Imam Bargahs are result of their hatred. They have strong control over media and Mosques, as funding is no problem for them. Thats why they are continually propagating their philosophies by all means and brain washing innocent Muslims. O Muslim Ummah! Do not ignore the orders of ALLAH (TWT);
Translation: And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah, and be not divided among themselves. And remember Allah's favour upon you. Remember when there was enmity among you, He joined your hearts together then, by His grace, you became brothers together and you were upon the brink of a pit of Fire, then He rescued you from it; Thus Allah explains to you His signs; that haply you may act guidance. [3:103]
Translation: And be not like those who were divided (in sections) and disagreed among themselves, after this that bright signs had come to them and for them there is mighty torment. [3:105]
Translation: Muslims are brothers, therefore make peace between the two brothers and fear Allah that the mercy may be shown to you. [49:10]
LOVE, PEACE, TRANQUILITY, TOLERANCE, PATIENCE AND FORBEARANCE !!! No one is asking a Sunni Brother to become Shia and no one is asking a Shia brother to became a Sunni but at least agree on unifying points, get united for the sake of NAMOOS-E-RISALAT(Honor of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). Our great unifying factor is DAROOD-O-SALAM (Salutations for our beloved Prophet) get united to recite Darood Shareef and fill the far and wide with the echo of Salutations in the majesty of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). Get united against hostile forces that are vandalizing the relics of our beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). These Wahhabis miscreants have defamed Islam in the whole world as violent a way of life. Its high time to safeguard and uphold Islam. Convey the whole world that Islam means PEACE not only for Muslims but for all mankind; O Muslim Ummah! Adopt the Islam completely; make your good manners and behavior an outstanding trait of your personalities, so that it became clear to the whole world that we are followers of our beloved glorified Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) who is MERCY for all the worlds. The current adversity distress and pain are lessons and signs for us. These are clear indications that something is wrong. These are warnings that we need to make a change by changing ourselves. This is also time for repentance and Invocation! O ALLAH! guide us to the straight path, O ALLAH, we humbly seek forgiveness for every sin, we have committed verily You are Most Forgiving; we are in great need of Your mercy, O the Most Merciful! Let us be true Muslims and let True Islam reign! O ALLAH! make us faithful servants of Your beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) and Grant us with the alacrity to follow his teachings so that we may follow the path that You have favored. O ALLAH! let good manners be a fundamental and most notable attribute of our Characters, to the extent that it became evident that we are followers of Your beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). He (Peace Be Upon Him), the Prophet for all the worlds, the MERCY for all the worlds, came for the Perfection of the best of morals. He (Peace Be Upon Him) completed what was started by the first messenger of ALLAH Hazrat Adam (AS) i.e. to bestow human beings with the sublime morality and good manners as the path towards perfection of humanity. O ALLAH! Let us follow this path by unity and solidarity of Muslim Ummah, by fortifying our love, affection, tenderness and compassion. Let us forgo our differences and disputes, let us be united, and let us share our happiness and sorrows together. O ALLAH! let us love not only each other but the whole humanity,
the whole of mankind, regardless of their countries, origins, colors, cultures, languages..let the love takeover the selfishness and hatred so that we may treat people gently, forgive their mistakes, deal compassionately and empathetically not only with human beings but with all living things, Birds, Animals, plants, even with nonliving things even with stones O ALLAH! You alone is the Creator of everything; let us treat all Your creations with humility, kindness and with loads of love. O ALLAH! make us love, care for, and see only the beautiful, for all Your creation is very beautiful. We are going astray from the right path because we are being controlled by our NAFS-E-AMARA (The Commanding Self/lower Self that polluted soul (Rooh) and inflicts temptations). O ALLAH! Give us piety and purify our souls. O ALLAH! Let us defeat our Nafs-e-Amara by the light of Love of Your beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). It is only with this light that we may differentiates between good and evil, right and wrong, truthfulness and falsehood (Haq and Batil). O ALLAH, great respect and reverence for all Prophets is part of our EEMAAN (religious beliefs) but the infidels are afflicting all Muslims and all humanity by their notorious manners. These miscreants are showing their Jealousy and blatant hatred towards Your religion and (its very difficult to write) towards Your Beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). O ALLAH Indeed such impudent transgressors have earned your wrath, for You may excuse all of our faults and sins but the slightest disrespect in the majesty of Your beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) is totally unforgivable and lead to very pain full Punishment and torment. O ALLAH! You even dislike the usage of the words with dual meanings for Your Beloved! As You have ordered in Verse # 104 of Surah AlBaqara;
O Men of faith do not say RAINA, but say humbly, respected Sir. "Look upon us" ('UNZURNA') and from very beginning listen carefully, and for the disbelievers is a grievous torment. [Verse 2:104] [Occasion of Revelation: Ibn Abbas, the leading commentator, is narrated to have said that the early Muslims, when the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was speaking and teaching them the divine verses and commandments, often asked him to speak slowly so that they could comprehend the material well and could have opportunity enough to ask their questions. For this purpose, then, they applied the phrase ra'ina derived from the root ar-ra'a' to give respite ', which means: 'give us respite, wait for us'. But the
Jews took the same word from the Arabic root ar-ra'unah used with the meaning of 'foolhardiness, thoughtlessness, foolishness', which means: 'make foolish of us' and suggests an insult. Here, the Jews had found something by which they could ridicule and make fun of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Muslims. (1) Aa-Durr-ul-Manthur, vol. 1, pp. 252-253 (2) Jami'-ul-Bayan, by Muhammad-ibn-Jarir Tabari, vol. 1, pp. 469-473] The above verse was revealed to prevent this derisive usage of the word by the Jews. It commanded the believers to use unzurna instead of ra'ina which had the same meaning, but was plain and unambiguous. Thus, the enemies could not misuse it. Even ALLAH (TWT) has ordered Wasmaoo i.e. from very beginning listen very carefully so that My beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) dont have to repeat it for you. SubhanALLAH!! O ALLAH, our sins are like the highest mountains, our good deeds are very few, We turn only to You, our hearts full of shame, our eyes full of tears, Bestow Your mercy upon us for the sake Your Beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) and his blessed progeny. O ALLAH, the Most Merciful! We are helpless and feeble; our hearts are full of grief and pain for today we are surrounded by evil forces that are trying to disrespect the glory of Your beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him). Some of them may be atheist, Jews, Christians, hypocrites (Munafiqeen) even Muslims O ALLAH! By your Mercy, give us knowledge, patience and make our speech eloquent, so that we may invite them towards truthfulness and HAQ not only by our words but primarily by our morals and characters. O ALLAH! Guide us to the best of deeds and the best of morals and make our hearts free from all types of hatred, malice, jealousy, pride, anger, envy, miserliness, vanity, greed, and all the other diseases of the hearts and replace it with love, purity, modesty, contentment, sincerity, compassion, gratitude and steadfastness. So that the unbelievers may see the goodness and integrity of our religion reflected by our conduct and by our personalities, So that they would discern that we pattern our behaviors and characters after the example of Your Beloved Prophet Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him); the most exalted standard of character and morals. O ALLAH! You have not confined the blessed remembrance of Your beloved;
O ALLAH! We believe that no one can lessen the glory of our beloved Master Hazrat MUHAMMAD (Peace Be Upon Him) because nobody can even be familiar with the elevations to which there is no limit! How this illumining prominence could be diminished when one cant event withstand the slightest gleam of it? O ALLAH! Unite our Religious scholars, political leaders, rulers and Head of states so that they may work together with other countries towards a mechanism that ensures respect and reverence for all Prophets(Peace be upon them) and for all religions.