We Feel - Just Like You Do
We Feel - Just Like You Do
We Feel - Just Like You Do
Readers interested in the subject matter of this book are invited to correspond with the publisher at: SoulScienceUniversity@gmail.com +91 98490 95990
To order a copy write to chandra@rgbooks.co.in or buy online: at www.rgbooks.co.in First Edition: January 2012
Soul Science University Press expresses its gratitude to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International (BBT), for the use of quotes by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Copyright Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International (BBT)
ISBN 978-81-909760-7-7
Published by: Dr. Sahadeva dasa for Soul Science University Press Website by : E. Karnika Yashwant (Ens.org.in) Printed by: Rainbow Print Pack, Hyderabad
Dedicated to....
These so-called civilized people -- what is the difference between these rascals and vultures? The vultures also enjoy killing and then eating the dead body. "Make it dead and then enjoy" -- people have become vultures. And their civilization is a vulture civilization. Animal-eaters -- they're like jackals, vultures, dogs. Flesh is not proper food for human beings. Here in the Vedic culture is civilized food, human food: milk, fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains. Let them learn it. Uncivilized rogues, vultures, raksasas [demons] -- and they're leaders. ~Srila Prabhupada (Journey of Self-Discovery 6.5)
Oil - Final Countdown To A Global Crisis And Its Solutions End of Modern Civilization and Alternative Future To Kill Cows Means To End Human Civilization Cow And Humanity - Made For Each Other Capitalism Communism And Cowism - A New Economics For The 21st Century Cows Are Cool - Love Em ! Wondrous Glories of Vraja Modern Foods - Stealing Years From Your Life Noble Cow - Munching Grass, Looking Curious And Just Hanging Around Lets Be Friends - A Curious, Calm Cow (More information on availability at the back)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. All Creatures Great and Small How About That! Monkeys Beat The Trainer....With His Own Stick These Birdies Deserve A Traffic Ticket A Mothers Heart Rescued Snake Saves Chinese Family Twenty Inspiring Life Lessons LuLu - The Lifesaving Pig Reverence For Life - Even An Ant Is A Person A Polite Door Knocking Bear Mama, baby!' How Hero Parrot Saved Little Girl Money Sweeter Than Honey Gorilla Saves Boy From Being Attacked Art Is Universal - Not An Exclusive Human Domain To Whom It May Concern: An Investigation of the Art of Elephants Monkey Painting - Avantgarde Artist Pierre Brassau You Do Not Know The Process! Lions Free A Kidnapped Girl Little Tyke - True Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lioness
1 4 8 16 27 31 35 48 51 53 55 57 58 61 63 65 67 70
19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Why Should You Kill Animals? A Loyal And Loving Goat The Story of An Extraordinary Friendship A Girl Owes Her Life To A Whale The Fox With A Footwear Fetish Dolphins Save Surfer From Shark Parrot Arrested For Alerting Traffickers Thou Shall Not Kill A Tribute To Trillions of Chicken Buried in The Graveyards of Human Stomach If Chickens Could Speak Choice Is No Longer Violence or Nonviolence Its Nonviolence or Nonexistence The Author
79 83 85 88 90 92 93 95 98 106 109
am astonished that scientists are surprised that animals may actually have feelings and emotions. Perhaps the blinkers are at last beginning to come off - its long been the human animal that is devoid of emotion. I think that in 100 years, people will look back in wonder that we could not recognize animals feelings and view it as we now view historical figures who thought that Native Americans had no souls, or that slavery was Gods plan. This blindness is the same factor that prevents us from recognizing the humanity of those with whom we go to war. In order to continue to believe in a moral world (that conveniently works to our advantage), we have to devalue those whom we exploit or kill for resources. Of course animals are sentient beings! It is only the desire to maximise profit and fill the supermarket shelves which has led to animals being kept in abysmal concentration-camp style factory farms. Here they lead a bleak short life without natural sunlight, food pumped full of growth hormones and kept in unnatural conditions. The journey to the slaughter house entails further suffering - packed onto lorries, shamelessly squashed together and often, shipped abroad for slaughter in foreign abattoirs where their short lives are ended in barbaric ways... It is human arrogance which has led us to wrongly assume that only we are capable of emotions! Animals love, feel pain, joy and depression like us. What a shame that the meat industry chooses to ignore this fact in the name of profit. How egocentric of humans to think we are the only beings who can think, feel, bond with others etc. As the dominating species, we have a
responsibility to care for and protect the entire planet, including the other animals. Those who describe animals as not having any thoughts or feelings come closer to that description than the animals theyre trying to describe. I find it enormously puzzling that extreme suffering only gets widely questioned if it is the suffering of members of the human species. It is extraordinary how many people just accept the appalling treatment of such a vast number of animals. Animals have souls and we have a duty to respect them! Anything less is to deny ones humanity and ones own soul! Im afraid that our feelings of superiority are taught by our elitist religions. Fortunately, animals have no such absurd impediments.
very living thing is special and unique. No two living things are completely identical, even within the same species. They differ in appearance and disposition and thats how this creation is designed. Some of them fly, some of them swim, while others crawl or run. Some are herbivores, some are carnivores and some are omnivores. Some are active during the daytime and some, during the nighttime. But inspite of these obvious differences, all living things share many common traits. All of them search for food, protect their young, play, sleep, and fight. Despite the differences that exist in their material bodies, there exist significant similarities in how they think, feel, and will. This clearly points towards the universal equality of the consciousness within all material bodies. There is no need for us to become puffed up about our superiority as a species. We are polished animals at best. There is no justification for unleashing all this exploitation and cruelty on poor animals. Of course the animals may be less developed as far as intelligence and emotions are concerned. But so is with our children. Seen objectively, there is not much difference between our children and these animals. Both are Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. Edward O. Wilson
innocent, helpless and defenseless. God is the universal father of all living beings. Some children may be better situated but in the eyes of a loving father, all children are equal. This is the view of all traditional societies towards life and nature. Only some elitist religions preach otherwise. But this elitist view has resulted in unprecedented cruelty and callousness. Animals today are treated like bags of flesh who exist solely for the corporate profits. Their only rightful place is our dinner plate. Take the case of monkeys, the forefathers of Darwin. Would it be a sin of anthropomorphism if we were to ascribe feelings to them? Let the scientists debate if they want to but even a child knows that monkeys feel just like we do. Then why are millions of them kept locked up in laboratories and subjected to horrific tortures? Is it different in any way from the concentration camps we despise so much? For the people who are proud to possess a soul, we can refer to a story published in September 2010. Then, they can decide for themselves if monkeys have feelings or not. In the garrison town of Tezpur in northeastern India, A baby monkey strayed into the town and was hit by a car while trying to cross the road. Its hind legs were crushed and it lay listless on the road. In no time, This is the attraction of family life. When a small baby smiles, immediately the father, mother and relatives become attracted. When the child begins to talk broken language, they enjoy. Unless this attraction is there, it is not possible to raise the child with affection. That is natural. That affection is even in the animals. You'll find a dog, even a tiger, everyone. That affection is there in the every... Monkey. I have seen it practically. In Kanpur I was staying in a room, and one monkey came with a child, and the child somehow or other entered into the window through the bars and the mother became mad. She thought, "My child is gone." She became mad. So somehow or other, again I pushed that monkey out of the bars, and immediately she embraced the child and took away. Just see. The affection is there. Srila Prabhupada (Lecture, Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.22, Indore, December 13, 1970)
more than a 100 monkeys descended on the street from all directions and blocked off traffic. Onlookers described the monkeys as angry, while a shopkeeper said, It was very emotional, you could see the grief written on their faces and some of them massaged its legs. Finally after an hour of serious monkey protest, they left the scene, carrying the injured baby with them. Let the primatologists debate on whether monkeys have feelings or not but we can say only say only one thing that common sense is quite uncommon in this world. Primatologists like Dr Bill Sellers, at Manchester University, believe that monkeys may experience pain and loss in a similar way to humans, but of course its extremely difficult to prove scientifically. Or shall we suggest a scientific proof for these Primatologists? Beat them with shoes and ask how it feels !
You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. James D. Miles
street performer in Sizhou, in eastern China got the taste of his own medicine when he beat one of his monkeys with a stick for refusing to ride a bicycle. He was performing a road show with 3 of his monkeys and flew into a raze when one of them refused to perform the trick. He started beating the monkey and just then the other two decided to defend their mate. Although tied to the man with ropes attached to their collars, the monkeys decided to fight back. One of the trio snatched up his stick and began beating the trainer on the head until he broke the stick. Another one
bit him and pulled out handfuls of his hair, in full view of the shocked spectators. Another one pulled on his ears till they bled. As the police arrived on the scene, the dazed trainer told his audience: "They may have built up some feelings of hatred towards me." Local police registered a case of animal cruelty (against the man of course) and confiscated the monkeys from the man. Performances with monkeys are a common sight in markets and squares in China, but the treatment of the animals is frequently criticized by animal rights organisations. This incident, reported in the press worldwide in December 2008, brings up another interesting topic of change in human-animal relationship, noticed recently by world's leading ethologists (specialists in animal behaviour). They believe that a critical point has been crossed and animals are beginning to snap back. After centuries of being eaten, evicted, subjected to vivisection, killed for fun, worn as hats and made to ride bicycles in circuses, something is causing them to turn on us. And it is being taken seriously enough by scientists that it has earned its own acronym: HAC human-animal conflict. In an article on this disquieting pattern of animal behavior, Will Storr mentions that it's happening everywhere. Authorities in America and Canada are alarmed at the increase in attacks on humans by mountain lions, cougars, foxes and wolves. Romania and Colombia have seen a rise in bear maulings. In Mexico, in just the past few months, there's been a spate of deadly shark attacks with The LA Times reporting that, "the worldwide rate in recent years is double the average of the previous 50." America and Sierra Leone have witnessed assaults and killings by chimps who, according to New Scientist, "almost never attack people." In Uganda, they have started killing children by biting off their limbs then disemboweling them. There has been a surge in wolf attacks in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Russia and France. In Australia, there has been a run of dingo killings, and crocodile violence is up. In Beijing, injuries from cats and dogs have swelled If people were superior to animals, theyd take better care of the world. A A Milne, Winnie the Pooh
by 34%, year-on-year. In America, the number of humans killed by pet dogs has increased sharply since 2000. In Australia, dog attacks are up 20%. In Britain, nearly 4,000 people needed hospital treatment for dog bites in 2007, a figure that has doubled in the past 4 years. In Bombay, petrified residents are being slaughtered in ever-increasing numbers by leopards. J C Daniel, a leopard specialist, comments, "We have to study why the animal is coming out. It never came out before." In Edinburgh, in June, there was a string of bizarre fox attacks - a pensioner was among the victims. In Singapore, residents have been being terrorized by packs of macaques. Sharon Chan, a national parks official, told reporters, "It's a very weird situation." All over Africa, India and parts of southeast Asia, elephants have started attacking humans in unprecedented numbers. Not just killing - they're rampaging through villages and stomping crops, terrorizing local populations in any way they can. "What's happening today is extraordinary," Dr Gay Bradshaw, a world authority on elephants, told reporters in 2006. "Where for centuries humans and elephants lived in relatively peaceful coexistence, there is now hostility and violence. When you see reports of elephants running into crops or attacking people, they're highly stressed. And there are multiple stressors - violence, lack of food, lack of water; their families are being broken up; their society is collapsing. All of these things are human-derived." Bradshaw is the director of the Kerulos Centre for Animal Psychology and Trauma Recovery, in Oregon. Bradshaw describes the elephants as being "under siege" from the locals. But the violence against humans has increased so suddenly, and reached such levels, that these traditional factors aren't thought to be sufficient to explain it. Bradshaw and her colleagues now think that there's been a massive, pan-species psychological collapse throughout the world's pachyderms. In essence, we're witnessing the dysfunctional shenanigans of a generation of depraved elephants. These are individuals who have become psychologically fractured after being orphaned at a
Any religion or philosophy which is not based on respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy. Dr Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)
developmentally delicate age or are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after watching their families being slaughtered. The numbers are disturbing enough, but the menacing changes in behaviour are especially worrying to scientists. In Australia, the biologist Dr Scoresby Shepherd - who pointed out that in areas where shark attacks used to happen every 3 - 4 decades, they are now taking place at least once a year - has suggested that sharks are switching their prey to humans. In Los Angeles, Professor Lee Fitzhugh has come to the same conclusion about mountain lions. In San Francisco, a spate of sea lion assaults lead one local to comment, "I've been swimming here for 70 years and nothing like this has happened before." In Cameroon, for the first time, gorillas have been throwing bits of tree at humans. They're using weapons against us. Any sane person might decide that this theory, which posits that beasts are working in concert to take revenge on humans, is insane. But in the regions where the most research into HAC is being carried out, scientists have concluded that revenge for our myriad barbarities could indeed be a motive. According to Gay Bradshaw, we shouldn't be asking why they're turning on us. A more reasonable question would be, why aren't they attacking us more? Animals have the same capacity that we do, in terms of emotions and what we consider to be high-mindedness and moral integrity. In fact, it may be argued they have more, because they haven't done to us what we've done to them. That's a sobering thought. It's amazing that all the animals are as benign as they are. Their restraint is amazing. Why aren't they picking up guns?
ts not just apes that display advanced emotional and cognitive abilities. . Its the same with every living being. Take the example of birds. This species is one of the most abused one on this planet. Billions of chicken, geese, pheasants, turkeys, ducks, emus, ostriches, pigeons, grouse, quails, doves, woodcocks, songbirds, and others are slaughtered every year to embellish our dinner plates. Cruelly raised, transported and killed, these birds are treated in most inhumane ways imaginable. In last decade, several hundred million birds have been culled in the name of containing avian flu. Killing has become a fashion, the trendiest thing to do to impress the western consumer that the meat exported to them is safe. Such killing by burying them alive or by burning, strangulating or suffocating them has no scientific basis. In most cases inoculation can suffice. But in todays global economy, public relation concerns sideline scientific facts. Only man could justify such insanity and call it 'economics. So do these birds have any feelings at all? Lets have a look at a true story by Jan Fredericks. After hearing accounts of how "stupid" turkeys can be, a lady and her husband were surprised to see two wild turkeys walk out onto a busy two lane country road and spread out their wings. One turkey faced oncoming traffic in one direction, the other faced oncoming traffic in the other direction. Confused drivers came to a halt. Everyone waited to see what
would happen. Suddenly out of the trees came a whole family - mom, and six or seven baby turkeys The turkey family paraded across the highway in single file. When they had all reached the other side, the two "traffic guard" turkeys lowered their wings and followed them into the brush. Traffic resumed. Hundreds of millions of turkeys are slaughtered every year to give thanks. Yes, God needs to be thanked profusely for creating man, the most cruel, heartless and insensitive creature ever. This turkey story is not an isolated or freak incident. Any one who deals with pets or deals with animals in anyway can see that they feel just like we do. We can present another similar experience by Frank L. Hoffman to reinforce our contention here. Frank writes, Several weeks ago, while I was in Streetsboro, Ohio, an associate of mine was driving us to the job site of an assisted living facility which was still under construction. It's located near the Frost Road exit of Interstate 480. On the west side of the exit is a lake which has a population of Canadian Geese. And like so many of us humans, a Canada Goose seems to think that the grass is greener on the other side of the road, for several families of them were grazing in the grassy area between the Interstate and the local road that separated them from the lake. By the time we arrived on the scene, these families had decided to
return to the lake. They were all gathered together on the east side of the Hudson Aurora Road waiting for an opportunity to cross over to the lake side. During a short lull in the early morning traffic, just as we were arriving, a father stepped out onto the road and walked to the center with his wings spread out like a school crossing guard. We stopped, as did the car heading in the opposite direction. When this Canada Goose was convinced that it was safe for his family to cross the road, he signaled to his wife, while at the same time he dropped his wings and stood with his head held high. Mom started to cross the road with her children close behind, or at least most of them. During this time Dad kept alternately looking at us and the driver of the other car to make sure that we weren't going to move until his family was safely across the road. He didn't look at the cars. Instead, he looked us squarely in the eyes, knowing that we would signal our intentions before our cars ever started to move. Once Mom and most of the kids were safely on the other side, Dad left his sentinel position and hurried his straggling kids safely across the road. (By: Frank L. Hoffman - 2 July 2000) Unlike 50% of us humans, Canadian Geese mate for life. We have a lot to learn from these geese on how to raise and protect families, even though we consider ourselves to be a "higher" life form. New York Times columnist, Nicholas Kristof writes his experience as a farm boy in an article dated July 31, 2008 : Then there were the geese, the most admirable creatures Ive ever met. We raised Chinese white geese, a common breed, and they have distinctive personalities. They mate for life and adhere to family values that would shame most of those who dine on them. While one of our geese was sitting on her eggs, her gander would go out foraging for food - and if he found some delicacy, he would rush back
to give it to his mate. Sometimes I would offer males a dish of corn to fatten them up - but it was impossible, for they would take it all home to their true loves. Once a month or so, we would slaughter the geese. When I was 10 years old, my job was to lock the geese in the barn and then rush and grab one. Then I would take it out and hold it by its wings on the chopping block while my Dad or someone else swung the ax. The 150 geese knew that something dreadful was happening and would cower in a far corner of the barn, and run away in terror as I approached. Then I would grab one and carry it away as it screeched and struggled in my arms. Very often, one goose would bravely step away from the panicked flock and walk tremulously toward me. It would be the mate of the one I had caught, male or female, and it would step right up to me, protesting pitifully. It would be frightened out of its wits, but still determined to stand with and comfort its lover. We eventually grew so impressed with our geese - they had virtually become family friends - that we gave the remaining ones to a local park. (Unfortunately, some heartless thief took advantage of their friendliness by kidnapping them all - just before the next Thanksgiving!) Approximately 91% of all bird species are monogamous. Polygamy is found in 2% of all birds and polyandry is seen in less than 1%. In many cases, the individuals pair for life. Looks like birds are lot more faithful to their families then human beings. In bird society, male birds are just as adept at parental care as females. In most groups of animals, male parental care is rare, but in birds it is quite common; in fact, it is more extensive in birds than in any other vertebrate class. In birds, male care can be seen as 2important or essential to female fitness. "In one form of monogamy such as with obligate monogamy a female cannot rear a litter without the aid of a male" (Gowaty, 1983). In some species in which male incubation is common, females tend to select
An animals eyes have the power to speak a great language. Martin Buber
mates on the basis of parental behaviors rather than physical appearance. So it appears that birds have a happy married life. Of course in human society also all marriages are happy. It's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble. Therefore they say that a good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband. Divorce, the past tense of marriage, does not exist in bird society whereas in every human marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. But Ann and Andy are a happy couple. Well, they are a pair of Cockatoos that have lived together like an old married couple for the past 50 years. They live in Under My Wing Avian Refuge a non-profit no-kill bird shelter located in New Jersey, USA. They were used by a commercial bird breeder for more than 30 years and then discarded when they were no longer useful. Thats when the pair came to the attention of Under My Wing Avian Refuge. This story is true because Cockatoos may live upto 100 or even 120 years. Pet owners know how strongly they get attached to their new-found pets, within a short time. If their pet dies within a few years, they get into serious mental depression, for a long time. So, some people like to keep cockatoos as pets, expecting them to be with them for the rest of their life. Cockatoos are quite talkative and generally good at performing tricks. Because they are quite intelligent, they can master the tricks quite well. With the disintegration of family life, pets have become the family. In this world, all the living beings have loving and serving propensities which are normally expressed in a family environment. When someone has no family of his own, he keeps at least a dog or a cat because no one can live in this world without loving and serving some one. Another touching story that has been doing rounds on internet is about a swallow. In the picture below, the swallows wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.
Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.
He brought her food again, but was shocked to find her dead.
Aware that his mate is dead and will never come back to him again, he cries.
Finally aware that she will never return, he stood beside her body with sadness and obvious sorrow. A photographer took these pictures in France and sold these to a newspaper for a nominal fee. All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published. Millions of people cried after seeing these pictures on internet. And many people think animals dont have a brain or feelings! This slaughterhouse civilization is based on this very premise and it has no future. This killing business can not go on unrestricted forever. Natural laws of justice will come into play. Slaughterhouses need to close down if we want a peaceable kingdom on this earth. Everybody wants a loving, compassionate, and peaceful world but as long as this unrestricted killing of animals goes on, that would not be possible. When nothing is available to eat, animals can be eaten. But when so many eatables like grains, milk, vegetables, fruits and nuts are available, there is no justification in maintaining slaughterhouses. In jungle, one animal eats another animal but they dont maintain a slaughterhouse. And
also, human beings are supposed to be more advanced or civilized than jungle animals.
Regardless of whether human, animal, tree or plant, all living entities are sons of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (14.4): sarva-yonisu kaunteya murtayah sambhavanti yah tasam brahma mahad yonir aham bija-pradah pita It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seedgiving father. Srila Prabhupada
A Mothers Heart
here is a French story about motherly love. A rich boy falls in love with a girl of questionable character. His concerned mother tries to talk him out of this love affair but the boy is madly in love and eventually proposes to her. The girl is also madly in love, but with his riches and sees his mother as an impediment. She tells him that their union is not possible as long as his mother is living. And then she puts the condition - the mother has to die. Shocked but blinded by cupids arrows, the boy agrees. She then asks him to bring her heart as the proof of her death. The boy goes home, kills and dismembers his mother and rushes back to her with the blood-soaked heart in his hand. While rushing he stumbles and falls over. As he tries to getup, the mothers heart, lying on the curb cries out, did you hurt yourself Sonny? This is mothers love, steadfast and unfaltering, found in all life forms. All living things protect and care for their young. Every living being is in fact a spirit soul encaged in a particular body. Loving exchange is a function of soul which is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, God. Therefore this tendency to love is manifest in all types of bodies due to presence of the spirit soul. Even in an ants body, the soul displays loving tendency when the ant is rushing about with the eggs in its mouth to safer places.
How the soul lives in a body can be understood clearly from the following analogies.
Driver In The Car
Bhagavad gita declares the body to be like a car and the soul within the body to be like a driver. bhramayan sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya. Because of the driver, car moves or becomes functional. Similarly because of the soul, body is functioning. A car without a driver and a body without the soul are useless. Simply by taking care of the car like washing, polishing, filling gas etc. the driver can not be satisfied. Similarly the spirit soul is the active principle behind the functioning of this body and no amount of bodily comfort can satisfy the spirit soul. Spirit soul can only be satisfied by the process of spiritual communion with the Supreme Spirit.
Tenant In The House
In this example, body can be compared to a house and the spirit soul with a resident in that house. As according to ones paying capacity, one stays in a cheaper or more expensive house, similarly according to ones karma (actions) in the past, one gets superior (human or above) or inferior bodies (below human). Death is like leaving one house to enter another house. The resident (soul) is not destroyed. Simply the house is changed.
Person In The Dress
As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. (Bhagavadgita 2.22) In this example, Body has been compared to a garment. So a person simply washing and ironing his dress can not be happy. Dress requires to be taken care of undoubtedly, but the person inside the dress is more important. Similarly the soul deserves our more attention compared to the body. We wear two types of outfits - inner and outer. Similarly soul is covered in two bodies - subtle and gross. Subtle body consists of mind, intelligence
and ego. Gross body is composed of earth, water, air, fire and ether.
Bird In The Cage
Here body is compared to a cage and the spirit soul to a bird encaged within. Cleansing and washing of cage is required, but to feed the bird is more important. Modern civilization is simply busy polishing the cage (body) without any information of the starving bird (soul) trapped therein. No matter how much we paint and shine the cage, the bird inside will starve and die. Similarly, no matter how much we take care of material body, the soul will starve and we can not be happy and peaceful. This is the reason we find that many people in the developed countries lead a very miserable life.
Heart of A Mother - Duck Seeks Help for Her Children
So often we hear of so-called animal lovers speaking of how much they love animals, while at the same time they will be eating a hamburger or munching on a piece of fried chicken. There is an inconsistency in our mental attitude toward animals, and because of this we consider them to be inferior beings to us. The following article, which appeared in the Canadian Press, Friday, July 13, 2001, gives us an example of how wrong we are: VANCOUVER -- A civilian member of the Vancouver police has a new take on the term "bird brains" after a duck pestered him until he helped rescue her eight ducklings trapped in a storm sewer. Ray Petersen was walking directly under the Granville Bridge on Wednesday when the duck grabbed him by the pant leg. Then it waddled around him, quacking. "I thought it was a bit goofy, so I shoved it away," But the duck wouldn't give up. Making sure it still had Mr. Petersen's eye, it waddled up the road about 20 meters and lay on a storm-sewer grate. Mr. Petersen watched and thought nothing of it. "But when I started walking again, she did the same thing. She ran around and grabbed me again." So when it waddled off to the sewer grate a second time, Mr. Petersen followed. "I went up to where the duck was lying and saw eight little babies in the water below. They had fallen down between the grates."
Mr. Petersen phoned police Sergeant Randy Kellens, who brought in two constables. "When they came down, the duck ran around them as well, quacking," Mr. Petersen said. "Then she lay down on the grate." While Sgt. Kellens looked into the grate, the duck sat on the curb and watched. The two constables marshalled a tow truck that lifted the grate out, allowing the ducklings to be picked up, one by one, with a vegetable strainer. "While we were doing this, the mother duck just lay there and watched," Mr. Petersen said. Once they were safe, however, she marched down to False Creek, where they jumped in. This mother duck put her life on the line to save her eight children. Humans can not be trusted. Despite this, Mother Duck sought out human help to save her children, for she had no other option. This duck had the intelligence to understand and reason out her options and risks. She made an intelligent choice.
Rat Raised by Love Birds
A rat by the name Rottie thinks he is a bird... But it comes as no surprise when one realizes that two lovebirds are raising this rodent. This is a story from Florida. Owner of the lovebirds, Connie Viljoen one day realized the birds were carrying on as if they were breeding but there were no eggs. That's when she discovered the small pink rat in a nest. The birds apparently found him lying some where and brought him to their nest.
At that stage he was still very young and helpless - but the two lovebirds took over, with great enthusiasm. The birds initially fed him bird food but they soon realized his favourite food was spinach. When the rat got bigger, the birds taught him to eat from the bowls at the bottom of the cage. But the lazy rat doesn't do this often. He spends most of his time in the nest and the birds feed him. The birds are so taken with the newcomer that they clean his nest every day. They literally take everything out and then pack everything back neatly. The rat meanwhile believes he is all bird. When he does leave his nest, he sits on a narrow wooden perch imitating his foster parents. The owner Connie meanwhile set up a video camera in the nest so she can keep an eye on what's happening. Once Rottie the rat is all grown up, the owner hopes to find another baby rat for the lovebirds to raise. She would really like to see exactly how the birds raise such an animal. Of course Rottie the rat is assured of a home the owner has no plans to get rid of her "rat bird".
A Mother's Grief : Heartbroken Gorilla Cradles Her Dead Baby
This is the story of a female gorilla named Gana in the zoo in Munster, northern Germany. One morning in August 2008, a tragedy struck her when she suddenly lost her 3 months old son. Holding the lifeless body of her dead child like a rag doll, this female gorilla stared at the corpse in shock and bewilderment, unable to accept that her baby was dead. It was a picture of pure grief. Inconsolable, hers was the raw pain of any mother who had lost a child. While nature may indeed be red in tooth and claw, this moving image of Gana and her dead son Claudio seemed to show that members of the animal kingdom can feel the pain of loss just as deeply as we humans. The baby had suddenly died when the gorilla mother was holding him in her arms in her compound at the zoo.
Initially puzzled, Gana stared at the body, bewildered by its lifelessness. For hours the distraught mother gently shook and stroked the child, vainly seeking to restore movement to his lolling head and limp arms. Visitors to the zoo openly wept as they witnessed her actions. Hours passed, during which Gana continually prodded and caressed the dead child, to no effect. Baby Claudio is believed to have had a heart defect. But still she refused to give up hope. Gently placing it on her back and slowly walking around the compound, she stopped every few paces to look back and see if her much-loved son had returned to life. The day before the boy didn't seem well. He wasn't eating or drinking and was growing weaker. The zoo authorities were keeping a close eye on him but suddenly the next morning, he died. For days, zookeepers were unable to get to the body of Claudio, so fiercely was Gana guarding him. In the wild, a gorilla mother can keep hold of a dead baby for weeks. Gorillas usually have a strong attachment to their own kind. Like other apes with a well-developed social structure, gorillas mourn the death of loved ones. They exhibit both care for the dead and sadness at their passing - even keeping the body close until it begins decomposing. antar dehesu bhutanam atmaste harir isvarah sarvam tad-dhisnyam iksadhvam evam vas tosito hy asau The Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated as the Supersoul within the cores of the hearts of all living entities, whether moving or nonmoving, including men, birds, animals, trees and, indeed, all living entities. Therefore you should consider every body a residence or temple of the Lord. By such vision you will satisfy the Lord. - Srimad Bhagavatam 6.4.13
On occasion, gorillas have also been known to 'bury' their dead, by covering the body with leaves. But gorillas are not the only animals who mourn their dead. All animals are known to become 'depressed' by the death of their relatives, and dolphins have been known to spend weeks mourning the loss of a loved one. A few years ago in a facility in the U.S., two out of the centre's nine dolphins died within six months of each other. On both occasions, the other dolphins refused to eat for a period, would not play and would make distressed sounds, as if in mourning. The animal most profoundly affected by the death of their own is the elephant. They become highly agitated when they see other dead elephants and seem to demonstrate near ritual-like behaviour by swinging their trunk and prodding the bodies with We are all living beings. We are in different dresses. Just like you are European; you have got a different dress. I am an Indian; I have got a different dress. But dress is not consideration. You are a human being; I am a human being. Similarly, all the living entities, they are dressed in 8,400,000s of dresses. But they are living being. And all the living beings are part and parcel of God. jalaja nava laksani sthavara laksa vimsati krmayo rudra-sankhyakah paksinam dasa laksanam trimsal laksani pasavah catur laksani manusah There are 900,000 kinds of aquatics, 2,000,000 kinds of trees and plants, 1,100,000 kinds of insects and reptiles, 1,000,000 kinds of birds, 3,000,000 kinds of four-legged beasts, and 400,000 kinds of human species. Srila Prabhupada
their feet. And even when confronted by the bones of long-dead elephants, other elephants will pay a form of homage by gently touching the tusks and skulls with their trunks and feet. While such behaviour was once considered uniquely human, examples such as these and Gana's show that the gap between us and the animal world is not as wide as many believe. Munster zoo director, Joerg Adler said, Many of the visitors were terribly shocked. Gana lost a child, but I think in that loss, she taught people here so much. The whole of Germany is mourning with Gana. She is so sad right now." This, perhaps, is one of the greatest gifts that a zoo can bestow - to show "animals" are very much like ourselves, and feel elation and pain. But unfortunately, the cash registers at the Mcdonalds and other fastfood chains are ringing as ever before.
Scarlett - The Brave Cat
Scarlett was a former feral cat from Brooklyn, New York, whose efforts to save her kittens from a fire, attracted worldwide media attention and has been related in a number of non-fiction books. She has also become one of the animals featured by the shelter which treated her and her kittens, the North Shore Animal League, in its fund-raising and public relations efforts. On October 15, 2008, the League announced that Scarlett had died. She was probably born in June or July 1995. Female domestic cats are fertile from six months of age; their gestation period is about two months. As a stray cat, Scarlett probably had her first litter at about eight months old. If the kittens were her first litter, she was probably about nine months old, the equivalent of the early teens, when she became a heroine.
Perhaps the time has come to formulate a moral code which would govern our relations with the great creatures of the sea as well as those on dry land. That this will come to pass is our dearest wish. Jacques Cousteu
The Fire
On March 30, 1996, Scarlett was in an abandoned garage allegedly used as a crack house in Brooklyn, with her five kittens when a fire started for undetermined reasons. The fire department responded to a call about the fire and quickly extinguished it. When the fire was under control, one of the firefighters on the scene, David Giannelli, noticed Scarlett carrying her kittens away from the garage one by one. Scarlett herself had been severely burned in the process of pulling her kittens from the fire. Her eyes were blistered shut, her ears and paws burned and her coat highly singed. The majority of facial hair was found to be burnt away. After saving the kittens, she was seen to touch each of her kittens with her nose to ensure they were all there and alive, as the blisters on her eyes kept her from being able to see them, and then collapsed unconscious.
Firemen took the entire family to a veterinary clinic at the North Shore Animal League in Port Washington, New York, where Scarlett sarva-bhutesu yenaikam bhavam avyayam iksate avibhaktam vibhaktesu taj jnanam viddhi sattvikam That knowledge by which one undivided spiritual nature is seen in all living entities, though they are divided into innumerable forms, you should understand to be in the mode of goodness.(Bhagavad-gita 18.20) A person who sees one spirit soul in every living being, whether a demigod, human being, animal, bird, beast, aquatic or plant, possesses knowledge in the mode of goodness. In all living entities, one spirit soul is there, although they have different bodies in terms of their previous work. As described in the Seventh Chapter, the manifestation of the living force in every body is due to the superior nature of the Supreme Lord. Thus to see that one superior nature, that living force, in every body is to see in the mode of goodness. That living energy is imperishable, although the bodies are perishable. Differences are perceived in terms of the body; because there are many forms of material existence in conditional life, the living force appears to be divided. Such impersonal knowledge is an aspect of self-realization. Srila Prabhupada (Bhagavad-gita 18.20)
and her kittens were treated. After three months of treatment and recovery, Scarlett and her surviving kittens were well enough to be adopted.
International media
The story of this feline mother's heroic efforts to save her kittens attracted international media attention, and the clinic received approximately 7,000 letters offering to adopt Scarlett and her kittens.
The Scarlett Award
Scarlett died on October 11, 2008, while with her adoptive family in Brooklyn. She required ongoing care as a result of her injuries. She eventually died of multiple illnesses. The North Shore Animal League has formed an award named the Scarlett Award for Animal Heroism, in Scarlett's honor. This award is presented to animals that have engaged in heroic acts to benefit others, whether humans or animals
Lessons Not Learnt
America kills over 10 billion animals every year (1.14 million every hour) who are just like Scarlett in every way. They all have feelings and they all love their children just as much. We hope people learn some lesson from this example. Its not just cats and dogs that have feelings, all creatures do that, including trees and plants. To be nonviolent to human beings and to be a killer or enemy of the poor animals is Satans philosophy. In this age there is enmity toward poor animals, and therefore the poor creatures are always anxious. The reaction of the poor animals is being forced on human society, and therefore there is always the strain of cold or hot war between men, individually, collectively or nationally. Srila Prabhupada Srimad Bhagavatam 1.10.6
I am the voice of the voiceless; Through me the dumb shall speak, Till the deaf worlds ears be made to hear The wrongs of the wordless weak. And I am my brothers keeper, And I will fight his fight; And speak the word for beast and bird Till the world shall set things right. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox
sick snake which was rescued by a family in China and nursed back to health has repaid the familys kindness by saving their lives. Yu Feng, of Fushun, in Liaoning province found the dying snake outside his home a few weeks ago and decided to try and help it survive. Feng treated the snake with herbal remedies until it made a full recovery, he then released the snake back into the wild but to his surprise the reptile travelled more than a mile to return to his house. I then set it free another two times, but it always came back, Feng told the Liaosheng Evening Post. People around me said the snake had come back to repay my kindness, so I kept it he added. Feng named the snake Long Long and kept it as a pet, then he revealed how the serpent saved his life and the lives of his family one night. I was asleep when suddenly I felt something cold on my face. I opened my eyes and it was Long Long Feng explained. He had never woken me up before but I was so sleepy I went back to sleep. But Long Long grabbed my clothes with his teeth and whipped the
bed with his tail. Then he went to my mothers bed and whipped her bed with his tail. I woke up then and smelt something burning, and saw my mothers electric blanket was on fire so I leapt up and turned it off. But for him, we might have died.
Frog Hitches Ride With Snake During Oz Flood
When floods hit Queensland, Australia, it seemed as though frogs were out of luck. But one frog did in fact make it to safety when aid came from a most unlikely source, a snake! The snake let the frog hop right on top of him and brought him safely to shore. This unusual event seems to go against nature, but one onlooker says animals often help one another during natural disasters, even if it means going against their natural instincts. We cant help but smile when we think of this surprising friendship! Computer technician Armin Gerlach was visiting friends in the floodhit town of Dalby, located in the states south-east when he spotted this unlikely pair. He felt amazement and just couldnt believe what he saw. Animals in floods or fires or disasters, they actually get together and dont do anything. People have seen foxes and rabbits forget their hunting instincts during times of crisis. Haridasa Thakura, a great devotee of Lord Sri Caitanya, used to live in such a cave, and by chance a great venomous snake was a copartner of the cave. Some admirer of Thakura Haridasa who had to visit the Thakura every day feared the snake and suggested that the Thakura leave that place. Because his devotees were afraid of the snake and they were regularly visiting the cave, Thakura Haridasa agreed to the proposal on their account. But as soon as this was settled, the snake actually crawled out of its hole in the cave and left the cave for good before everyone present. By the dictation of the Lord, who lived also within the heart of the snake, the snake gave preference to Haridasa and decided to leave the place and not disturb him.Srila Prabhupada (Srimad Bhagavatam 2.2.5)
A quick-thinking pet rabbit, called simply Rabbit, saved an Australian couple from a fire that started in their house while they were sleeping. The rabbit woke the couple, Michelle Finn and her partner Gerry Keogh, by scratching on their bedroom door when smoke poured through the house in the Macleod area of Melbourne. Gerry went to investigate and after a while he discovered a fire in a back room and smoke spreading quickly through the house. Thanks to the smart rabbit, Michelle and Gerry were able to escape unharmed. The house completely burnt down to ashes. But all the rabbits are not as lucky as this one to have a loving home. Millions of rabbits are living in testing laboratories around the World where they undergo horrific tortures. Rabbits in these laboratories are routinely blinded by having various products forced into their eyes. This is called Draize Test. The Draize test does not guarantee human safety but protects companies from potential lawsuits by their customers. Their necks are stuck in wooden or metal traps, their eyes are kept open by clips and for days or weeks, harmful chemicals are poured in their eyes. Due to struggling to get free, they suffer broken necks and turn blind. Most of them die soon after. All other living entities think like yourself. That means your pains and pleasure that you feel, you should take others pains and pleasure. Not that you protect yourself from all danger and you cut the throat of the poor animals on the plea that it has no soul. This is not education. This is education, that whether the animal has soul or not soul, we shall consider later on. But when knife is on my throat I cry, and he also cries. Why shall I say that it has no soul and let me kill it? Srila Prabhupada (Lecture, Honolulu, May 22, 1976)
As many as 320 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories around the world every year. Experimentation means things like pumping chemicals into rats' stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs' thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers. Animal experimentation is a multibillion-dollar industry fueled by massive public funding and involving a complex web of corporate, government, and university laboratories, cage and food manufacturers, and animal breeders, dealers, and transporters. The industry and its people profit because animals, who cannot defend themselves against abuse, are legally imprisoned and exploited. Fortunately for animals in laboratories, there are people who care. Some of them work in labs, and when they witness abuse, they call PETA. Thanks to these courageous whistleblowers, PETA's undercover investigators and caseworkers, who sift through reams of scientific and government documents, have exposed what goes on behind laboratory doors.
Animal Experimentation Is Unnecessary
Medical Research on animals accounts for only 2% of medical advances in this century. At least 10 billion dollars are poured into animal experiments every year around the world. Modern life is characterized by a total lack of reverence towards life, both human and non-human. Cruelty has existed in human society since time immemorial but in modern times, it has become industrialized. Cruelty has taken the shape of a global industry and the world has never witnessed such institutionalization of barbarism. People always killed animals for food, entertainment or fur etc. but killing in mechanized industrial slaughterhouses is a modern invention. Animals were never transported thousands of miles for killing and neither ever existed global marketing networks in animal products. Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: Because the animals are like us. Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: Because the animals are not like us. Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction. Charles R. Magel
hanakya, an ancient Indian philosopher, recommends learning some important life lessons from various animals in his Sanskrit treatise, Chanakya Niti Darpana. Here we reproduce these extracts, taken from chapter 6th (verse 15-22) of the book, along with the Sanskrit transliterated verses. shimhad ekam bakad ekam sat suna trini gardabhat | vayasat panca sikseta catvari kukkutad api || Learn one thing from a lion; one from a crane; four a cock; five from a crow; six from a dog; and three from an ass. prabhutam alpam karyam va yan narah kartum icchati | sarvarambhena tat kuryat simhad ekam pracaksate || The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort. sarvendriyani samyamya baka-vat pandito janah | desam kalam balam jnatva sarva-karyani sadhaye || The wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.
pratyutthanam ca yuddham ca samvibhagam ca bandhusu | svayam akramya bhuktam ca sikset catvari kukkutat || To wake at the proper time; to take a bold stand and fight; to make a fair division (of property) among relations; and to earn ones own bread by personal exertion are the four excellent things to be learned from a cock. gudha-maithuna-caritvam kale kale ca samgraham | apramattam avisvasam panca sikset ca vayasat || Union in privacy (with ones wife); boldness; storing away useful items; watchfulness; and not easily trusting others; these five things are to be learned from a crow. bhavasi svalpa-santustah sunidrah sighra cetanah | prabhu-bhaktas ca suras ca jnatavyah sat suno gunah || Contentment with little or nothing to eat although one may have a great appetite; to awaken instantly although one may be in a deep slumber; unflinching devotion to the master; and bravery; these six qualities should be learned from the dog. avisramam vahed bharam sitosnam na ca vindati | sasantosas tatha nityam trini sikseta gardabhat || Although an ass is tired, he continues to carry his burden; he is unmindful of cold and heat; and he is always contented; these three things should be learned from the ass.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am. -Author Unknown
ya etan vimsati gunan acarisyati manavah | karyavasthasu sarvasu ajeyah sa bhavisyati || He who shall practice these twenty virtues shall become invincible in all his undertakings.
There will be no justice as long as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is. Isaac Bashevis Singer
The woods were made for the hunters of dreams, The brooks for the fishers of song; To the hunters who hunt for the gunless game The streams and the woods belong. -Sam Walter Foss
his is a story of a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig named LuLu. On August 4, 1998, Ann Altsman of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, had a heart attack in the bedroom of her vacation trailer at a Pennsylvania lake resort. Altsman's husband, Jack, was fishing on Lake Erie at the time. She yelled for help, for someone to come or call an ambulance, but no one was close enough to respond. After her collapse, her American Eskimo dog began to bark.
Enter LuLu.
Lulu can't bark, but she did something much more daring. Many say that pigs are smarter than dogs. A perplexed Lulu looked at her. She made sounds like she was crying, quite indescribable - of a crying Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. But suddenly the pig pulled herself together, and headed outside through a tight "doggie door," cutting her protruding stomach in the process. She came into the fenced-in yard. Never before had she left the confines of the
yard -- except for a leash walk -- but this was no ordinary day. She somehow pushed open the gate and walked into the road. There, LuLu gave new meaning to the phrase "hogging the road." Several times she returned to Altsman only to leave again and try to get help. Witnesses later told that LuLu waited until a car approached and then walked onto the road and lay down right in front it. One man stopped but he was so unsure of what the creature on the road was that he was afraid to get out. But another disbelieving motorist stopped for the prone pig and got out. LuLu knew just what to do. She led the man to the house and the rescue. Lulus mistress heard a man screaming through her window that her pig was in distress. She answered that, in fact, it was she who was in distress, and asked him to call an ambulance. Luckily, help arrived in time: doctors said that if 15 more minutes had elapsed she likely would have died. But when the pig tried to get into the ambulance with her mistress, medics gently let LuLu know she had done enough for one day. LuLu was purchased in August 1997 by the family as a 40th birthday present for the couple's daughter. And how did they thank LuLu? She got a jelly doughnut. She then made a sloshing type noise that pigs apparently makes when they devour pastry.
Four Legged Pigs - Better Than Two Legged Ones
Now look at the facts how pigs get treated in modern slaughterhouses and factory farms. With corporate hog factories replacing traditional hog farms, pigs raised for food are treated more as inanimate tools of production than as living, feeling animals. From beginning to end, this system is a nightmare from which the animals have no escape, and it all starts with the breeding sows. Modern breeding sows are treated like piglet-making machines. Living a continuous cycle of impregnation and birth, each sow has more than 20 piglets per year. After being impregnated, the sows are confined in gestation crates small metal pens just 2 feet wide that prevent sows from turning around or even lying down comfortably. At the end of their four-month pregnancies, they are transferred to similarly cramped farrowing crates to give birth. With barely enough room to stand up and lie down and no straw or other type of bedding to speak of, many suffer from sores on their
shoulders and knees. Numerous research studies conducted over the last 25 years have pointed to physical and psychological maladies experienced by sows in confinement. The unnatural flooring and lack of exercise causes obesity and crippling leg disorders, while the deprived environment produces neurotic coping behaviors such as repetitive bar biting and sham chewing (chewing nothing). Approximately 900 million pigs are raised and slaughtered in the world every year. As babies, they are subjected to painful mutilations without anesthesia or pain relievers. Their tails are cut off to minimize tail biting, an aberrant behavior that occurs when these highly-intelligent animals are kept in deprived factory farm environments. In addition, notches are taken out of the piglets' ears for identification. By two to three weeks of age, 10% of the piglets will have died. Those who survive are taken away from their mothers and crowded into pens with metal bars and concrete floors. A headline from National Hog Farmer magazine (from North America) advises, "Crowding Pigs Pays...", and this is exemplified by the intense overcrowding in every stage of hog confinement systems. Pigs will live this way, packed into giant, warehouse-like sheds, until they reach a slaughter weight of 250 pounds at 6 months old. The air inside hog factories is so polluted with dust, dander and noxious gases from the animals' waste that workers who are exposed for just a few hours per day are at high risk for bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Unlike these workers, the pigs have no escape from this toxic air, and roughly half of all pigs that die between weaning and slaughter succumb to respiratory disease. Poor air quality, extreme close-quarters confinement and unsanitary living conditions combine to make diseases such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, swine influenza virus (SIV) and salmonellosis a serious threat to animal welfare.
Mary had a little lamb. Alas her lamb is dead! She takes it still to school with her With mint jelly and bread.
The overcrowding and confinement is unnatural and stress-producing. If they are given sufficient space, pigs are careful not to soil the areas where they sleep or eat. But in factory farms, they are forced to live in their own feces, urine and vomit and even amid the corpses of other pigs. In addition to overcrowded housing, sows and pigs also endure extreme crowding in transportation, resulting in rampant suffering and deaths.
Story of A Devout Pig
A pig made headlines in Andhra Pradesh, South India with his unusual behaviour, proving once again that animals are like us in many ways. A tiny pig was found circumambulating dhwaja sthambam (holy pillar) of various temples. Temple priests tried to shoo away the pig but he refused to budge. The news attracted local media and crowds arrived on the scene. The pig was given a statewide coverage. Next day, the pig took bath in Godavari (a river considered holy) and again started the devotional chore. He was also reported to be putting his head inside the vermilion (kumkum) container as the regular devotees do. Owner of the pig said that he went missing from his herd few days ago and he noticed it only through media. The pig owner also said that there were no temples around where he lived and also that the pig never got exposed to any temple atmosphere.
South Korea - Burying Alive Millions, Insanity or cruelty?
South Korea has been heavily criticized for burying up to 1.93 million pigs and cows alive, in an ill-conceived effort to control foot-and-mouth disease. The first case of the disease was confirmed in November 2010 and any country that has cases of it is unable to export the animals' meat. According to Reuters this discovery of disease in just a few animals led to, Hundreds of thousands of authorities working day and night to bury the animals alive. They ordered farmers, soldiers and local officials to pile thousands of pigs into trucks and drop them into mass graves where
they were buried alive. Imagine getting buried alive if you got sick instead of getting a treatment. We'd like to think we'd be cured, not buried if we got sick! PETA obtained video footage of the killings, which shows workers as they toss live pigs on top of one another in a mass grave. Pigs are pushed out of trucks and into trenches, covered with dirt, and left to suffocate. Air pockets form in the soil, allowing some pigs to breathe, meaning that some may languish for days, injured and surrounded by dead pigs, before they die. The South Korean government refused to vaccinate the pigs and other animals against the disease and slaughtered them in record numbers despite appeals to stop. The government claimed the burial is for preventive purposes but the measure had already proved futile. Since FMD was first reported in late November 2010 in North Gyeongsang Province, preventive killing was done near and far, yet the disease spread to other Provinces. Still, the massive killing continued in the name of prevention. The government is insane and/or cruel, if not plain incapable. If humans are not affected by FMD and even infected meat is safe for human consumption as the health authorities say, why did the government kept on burying these animals to death? The estimated cost of the cull is believed to have reached around 300 when a mass vaccination programme would have cost an estimated 23m. Animal activists worldwide protested the atrocity, but Korean bureaucrats ignored their pleas. Groups such as PETA said that an inexpensive vaccine was available. I live in South Korea as an English teacher from America and I heard nearby residents complaining because they could hear the pigs screaming as they were eating each other. And now the ground water is contaminated. It is horrible. Nicole
The massive killings took a toll on the farmers, soldiers, police, health officials and other workers who were forced to end the lives of the animals. Many of the farmers and officials involved in the livestock massacre suffered from symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), insomnia, fearfulness, hallucinations and loss of appetite. The Ministry of Health and Welfare offered counseling and treatment through the 158 mental health centers across the country. Many workers often wake up in the middle of the night and hear the cries of cows and pigs. If people bury over a million innocent animals alive and feel unperturbed, they cant be humans, can they? Anyone who can sleep well while the animals struggled for life underground should be either cold-hearted or extremely overworked.
Korea - The Story Of A Nations Transition
By Kim Heung-sook In my childhood, my family lived in the port city of Gunsan on the west coast. Every winter, the whole city turned into a white canvas of snow on which everyone left marks of ones own. The most striking was the red dots left So the present situation of the human civilization is very, very dark, tamasa. They want to live in the city without working for producing their food. And there are butchers, they kill innocent animals. And in the city they eat the meat, and to digest they drink and work like hogs and dogs whole day and night. This is civilization. This is not civilization. This is darkness, darkness of life. Srila Prabhupada (Lecture, SB 6.1.50, Detroit, August 3, 1975)
by bicycles carrying fresh beef and pork from the slaughterhouse. Adults banned children from entering the red brick house and its precincts for obvious reasons, but we went there anyway. It was in the 1960s and we didnt have any factory farms in Korea. Cattle were taken to slaughterhouses after working through their lifetime, while pigs came from small family pens. While pigs entered into the compound noisily, cows usually refused to come in at the main gate. People whispered that cows knew they were doomed. When cows resisted at the gate, their original owners, who were farmers, were summoned. They would caress and coax the animals and the latter walked into the brick house without further ado. One day, I saw a farmer lead a cow into the house. He let the cow stand on a cemented podium. He rubbed her cheek with his chestnut hands. Then a man with an axe appeared from behind and planted it on top of the cows head. The animal collapsed with a thump and it echoed forever. That was the first and most impressive scene of betrayal and death I have observed in my whole life. I saw the teary eyes of the farmer, yet I couldnt forgive him for what he had done to the unsuspecting animal. It was much later that I came to remember the scene of death with less remorse and some inexplicable warmth. While the cows were destined to die at the slaughterhouse, people cared about their feelings. There was a proper ritual of parting and expression of appreciation and sorrow that spared the victim unnecessary pains. At that time, we ate beef and pork only on festive days like Chuseok and Seollal, and birthdays and death anniversaries of ancestors. There were few fat people though the word diet was never heard of. Our stomachs Years ago, I worked with a woman who had raised a pig whom she was intending to sell. She shared many stories about this young female pig, who had a sense of humor and was very affectionate. The pig would push my co-worker down in the mud when she felt her pen had not been kept properly clean. My co-worker was at home the day her pig was to be picked up. She had not realized the purchaser was going to slaughter her pig on-site, and she heard it. She vowed never to raise another pig. The woman was quite traumatized, and felt very guilty and ashamed. Enrique Lucas, Manchester, 2001
were not full most of the time, yet we shared whatever we came by. We believed we should share even a single bean. As the nation became richer, demand for meat grew. In 2008, the per capita meat consumption of Koreans topped 35.4 kg, more than three times the volume consumed in 1983. To meet the ever-growing appetite for meat, factory farming was introduced for beef, pork and poultry. Now, people eat meat all year round, constantly worrying about gaining weight. The Korean characteristic has also changed from quiet tenacity to palli palli or faster and faster. People buy beef, pork and poultry from supermarkets as they buy milk, cookies and Kleenex; they are oblivious to the creatures that provide their flesh. Few care about how they live and die. The governments burial of 1.93 million cattle and pigs since November 2010 showcases the widespread apathy towards the meat providers. I wonder if the high-ranking officials who ordered the burial of the livestock have ever been to the hell they are creating down there. If they havent, they need to go there once and for all.
Buried Animals Went To Heaven - Monks
Hundreds of South Korean Buddhist monks and believers offered prayers for more than 1.93 million cows, pigs and other animals that were put to death by alive burial. The Buddhists held the rite at Jogye Temple, the headquarters of the Jogye Order, South Korea's largest Buddhist sect. Some monks clad in gray-and-saffron robes offered white The executive head must always be alert to the safety of the prajas, both man and animal, and inquire whether a particular living being is harassed at any place by another living being. The harassing living being must at once be caught and put to death, as shown by Maharaja Pariksit. The people's government, or government by the people, should not allow killing of innocent animals by the sweet will of foolish government men. They must know the codes of God, as mentioned in the revealed scriptures. Srila Prabhupada (Srimad Bhagavatam1.17.10-11)
chrysanthemums -- a traditional Korean symbol of grief -- and bowed in front of photos of animals inside the temple in central Seoul. They also bowed toward two big golden statues of Buddha and chanted sutras before circling around a pagoda and burning mortuary tablets and incense. A monk named Hyechong said the temple held the rite to help guide the spirits of the animals to heaven. After praying at the temple, Park Young-hae, 74, wrote a message of condolence on a small, white banner and attached it to a bulletin board, "I hope that the dead animals will go to paradise." Another banner read: "It must have been painful and you cried a lot. I hope that you go to a good place and enjoy happiness." It is surprising that the religious leaders who are supposed to be the guiding brains in society can only do so much - condone this heinous crime, and give it a finishing touch with religious rites.
Exporting Factory Farms : The Global Expansion of Industrialized Meat Production From The Food Empowerment Project
The factory farming techniques that make the mass-production of meat, dairy and eggs possible cause incalculable harm and cruelty to animals, the environment and peopleso why would these countries choose to follow this path? It is frightening that our species now eats more than five times more meat than we did back then in 1950. These days, over 50 billion land animals are killed for food worldwide every year - and that number is
If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals. Leo Tolstoy
expected to double by 2030. Rising incomes in large, rapidly-developing countries are driving a major shift in global dietary patterns as those societies strive to emulate the West's eating habits. The factory farming techniques that make the mass-production of meat, dairy and eggs possible cause incalculable harm and cruelty to animals, the environment and people so why would these countries choose to follow this path? The main reason is that some multinational agribusiness companies see serious profit in expanding their operations to largely untapped emerging markets. These corporations have already saturated the Western world with their products, so in order to maintain their economic superiority, companies must break into countries where consumer demand for meat and animal products is rising, environmental and animal welfare regulations are lax, and labor is enticingly cheap. Namely, established agribusiness giants are actively advancing into Asia and nations in the Global South threatening to supplant traditional agrarian practices and wreak the very same kind of havoc they have done in the U.S. A brief look at the past provides a chilling glimpse into the planet's potential food future. Consider the historical precedent of Tyson Foods, the world's largest meat producer, which in the late 1940s essentially invented the system of vertical integration that now serves as the model for industrialized animal agriculture. The core principle behind vertical integration is to have a single corporate entity own and control every aspect of the meat production processfrom feed mills and hatcheries to slaughterhousesso that farmers solely raise animals on contract for the company at reduced prices. This domineering system now sets the standard for the nation's chicken industry, and can increasingly be found in cow and pig production. Six decades after its introduction, the economic efficiency of virtual integration now allows just four major companies to process over half the chickens, 80% of the cows, and 60% of the pigs consumed in the U.S. And now, this business model is enabling these same few massive corporations to expand into the consumer territories of developing societies. We can begin to understand what this means for animals, the environment and people in other parts of the world by examining Big Ag's recent commercial activities in some of these countries.
South America
In 2008, Tyson purchased two Brazilian poultry companies outright, and a 70% share in another, with a plan to use these acquisitions as a base for exporting chicken around the world. Brazil's status as a major beef producer means that they already have an extensive network of plantations in place encompassing vast pasturelands, making the transition to intensive poultry production a natural fit for Tyson's takeover. As poultry production rises rapidly in Brazil, beef production is simultaneously increasing in Argentina, where ranchers already raise approximately 5 million cattle a year in feedlots. Argentina was once the global marketplace's leading beef supplier, raising grass-fed cattle, but with other countries around the world using factory farming methods to raise animals for food, Argentina soon followed. Raising animals on pasture not only requires more time before they can be killed, but also requires more land. As grazing land in Argentina has become increasingly scarce, more farmers have switched from cattle ranching to the more financially stable enterprise of growing animal feed, leading to more and more of these animals being fed on high-protein grains in densely-concentrated feedlots. With Argentinians consuming more beef per capita than any other people in the world, Argentina's government is following the latest trends of factory farming by subsidizing the construction of new feedlots, each with the capacity to hold tens of thousands of cattle. Meanwhile, an estimated 97% of the world's soy supply is now fed to It took me 44 years to get it. I cant erase the past, but I can move forward. Perhaps the next time I find myself in the company of someone on a different timeline, I will speak without judgment and consider how best to nudge them in the right direction. Lastly to all the animals Ive eaten and worn throughout my life: Im sorry it took me so long to get it. Guilt. Its hard to shake. Lets confess and learn from each others mistakes. Its never too late to take action for animals. Are there relationships with animals or other encounters with animals that you regret from your past? Teresa Cooper, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
livestock, and Argentina is a major soy exporter. Their northern neighbor Paraguay is also among the world's top soy-producing nations, having dedicated 6.4 million acres to the crop, but their success in this field has not been without serious social costs. Cultivating feed for factory farmed animals in other countries has radically despoiled Paraguay's environment, displaced rural communities, and prompted labor riots in which people have been injured and killed by paramilitary squads working for industrial growers.
In 2008, Tyson also bought a majority share in Mumbai-based Godrej Foods Ltd. and expects to reap about $50 million a year in poultry sales throughout India. But the company may find that Indian society is less conducive to their vertical integration schemes than Brazil, because approximately 65% of Indians are employed in the agricultural sector, and vegetarianism is quite common. In a country where about 780 million people make a living producing food, Tyson's top-down domination strategy faces real challenges. However, meat consumption (especially chicken) is rising in India as incomes grow, and drive-through fast food franchises are spreading at an exponential rate, so company heads figure that increasing demand for meat and more convenient means of distribution will work in their favor over the long term.
Fast food is a $28 billion industry in China today, where there are already more than 900 McDonald's and 2,000 KFC restaurants. This is no surprise, given that China has one of the world's fastest-growing economies, with a burgeoning middle class that sees "meat" as a social status symbol signifying Since I suffer when pinched or killed by others, I should not attempt to pinch or kill any other living entity. People do not know that because of killing innocent animals they themselves will have to suffer severe reactions from material nature. Any country where people indulge in unnecessary killing of animals will have to suffer from wars and pestilence imposed by material nature. Comparing ones own suffering to the suffering of others, therefore, one should be kind to all living entities. Srila Prabhupada (Srimad Bhagavatam 7.15.24)
wealth and privilege (much like the upwardly-mobile consumers in many other developing countries). To feed this demand for animal foods, China has courted agribusiness investment from the likes of Tyson, Smithfield Foods and Novus International, and is well on its way to becoming one of the world's top meat-consuming countries. Yet, even as Chinese society increasingly emulates the Western-style diet, a legacy of ecological damage resulting from their currently unsustainable agricultural practices looms behind them, casting a dark shadow over a future that may prove even bleaker. That is, even though factory farming is not yet the main meat production method in China, almost a million acres of Chinese grassland are already reduced to desert annually as a result of overgrazing and intensive farming, and China surpassed the U.S. as the world's top emitter of greenhouse gasses in 2008. If factory farming becomes widespread in China, these problemsand many otherswill become more devastating, not only to this country of 1.3 billion people, but to the rest of the world as well. For decades, animals, people and the planet have suffered the severe consequences of factory farming as it is conducted in the Western world and the export of this corporatized method of mass-production can only exacerbate the ethical, ecological and social problems it causes. The implications of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations expanding across the globe are especially disturbing because most of the countries targeted by agribusinesses have even fewer animal welfare, environmental, health, and labor regulations than the U.S. or Europe, so the abuses inherent to factory farming would only worsen. Even as individuals we can make a positive difference by supporting activists in developing nations who proactively promote a diet free from animal products and work to prevent these industries from gaining a foothold in their countries.
The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but rather, Can they suffer? Jeremy Bentham
Reverence For Life
here was a holy man who had to go on a long journey. He packed a bundle, filling it with enough bread to last him for the trip. He traveled on foot and stopped at a temple to rest for the night. The next morning he set out again on the journey and walked quickly for about ten miles and then decided to stop for breakfast. He sat down and opened his bundle to take out the bread. When he opened the pack, he found that it was full of ants.
Although Jada Bharata was forced to carry the palanquin, he did not give up his sympathetic feelings toward the poor ants passing on the road. A devotee of the Lord does not forget his devotional service and other favorable activities, even when he is in a most distressful condition. While walking on the road, he could not forget his duty to avoid killing even an ant. A Vaisnava is never envious or unnecessarily violent. There were many ants on the path, but Jada Bharata took care by looking ahead three feet. When the ants were no longer in his way, he would place his foot on the ground. A Vaisnava is always very kind at heart to all living entities. Srila Prabhupada (Srimad Bhagavatam 5.10.2)
Oh, this is too bad, he thought, I have taken these poor ants a long way from their home in the temple. They must be missing their families, parents, and children. He felt so bad and he had so much compassion for the ants, that the holy man walked the ten miles back to the temple to take the ants back to their home. This story illustrates the high level of compassion that is available to us; a state where not only do we not want to kill animals for food, but we also dont want them to suffer in even the slightest way. Compassion toward animals has to start somewhere. For many, adopting a vegetarian way of eating is the next step on their journey toward living a more compassionate life.
So many gods, so many creeds, So many paths that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind Is all the sad world needs. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox
esidents in some parts of western Croatia are being advised to install a door viewer and not to answer a knock on the door without first checking the guest out. Animal experts in Croatia say a bear has learned how to trick people to let him in by knocking at the door. They believe the 250 kg. brown bear probably learned the trick while nudging a door to get it to open. Experts speculate that the bear, pleased by the outcome, is repeating the tactic. As soon as the unsuspecting host opens the door, the bear heads for the kitchen and the fridge. The Loknar family from Gerovo in western Croatia said the bear had knocked at their door three times and they were now refusing to answer the door. Nevenka Loknar says: "We jumped out the window as he came in through the door and raided the kitchen the first time. "I opened the door and saw him standing there and I didn't believe my eyes at first, then I ran for it as he walked in as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Bears are a common animal in the woods around here, but no one has ever heard of a bear that knocks at the door. "The bear is so intelligent it's incredible. We've tried to put up lots of obstacles to stop him coming in, like a wire fence but he still gets through. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew how to use wire cutters."
Play Ground For Kids...of A Different Sort
A family that lives in Anchorage, Alaska decided to build a sturdy, colorful playground for their 3 and 4 year old sons. They lined the bottom with smooth-stone gravel all around to avoid knee scrapes and other injuries. They finished building it one Friday evening and were very pleased with the end product. The following morning, as their mom was about to wake the boys and have them go out to play in their new play center, this is what she saw from the upstairs window...
Mama, baby!'
Hero Parrot Saves Little Girl
hero. Willie, a Quaker parrot, has been given the local Red Cross chapter's Animal Lifesaver Award. In November 2008, Willie's owner, Megan Howard, was baby-sitting for a toddler. Howard left the room and the little girl, Hannah, started to choke on her breakfast. Megan recalls, While I was in the bathroom, Willie started screaming like I'd never heard him scream before and he started flapping his wings. Then he started saying 'mama baby' over and over and over
parrot in Denver, USA whose cries of alarm alerted his owner when a little girl choked on her breakfast has been honored as a
To insult someone we call him bestial. For deliberate cruelty and nature, human might be the greater insult. Isaac Asimov
again until I rushed and looked at Hannah and Hannah's face was turning blue. Willie saved the day. Howard saved Hannah by performing the Heimlich maneuver. This first aid procedure involves dislodging an obstruction from a person's windpipe by applying a sudden strong pressure to the abdomen. Baby Hannah's mother, Samantha recalls, "The part where she turned blue is always when my heart drops no matter how many times I've heard it, My heart drops in my stomach and I get all teary eyed." Willie the parrot got his award during a "Breakfast of Champions" event which was attended by the Governor. Megan is pictured here with her parrot.
r. Bill owns the company, Magic Wand Car Wash Systems that manufactures and installs car wash systems in US. Bill's company installed a car wash system in Frederick, Maryland for a gentleman. These are a complete system including the money changer and money taking machines. The problem started when the new owner complained to Bill that he was losing significant amounts of money from his coin machines each week. He went as far as to accuse Bill's employees of having a key to the boxes and ripping him off. Bill just couldn't believe that his people would do that. So they set up a photo trap for the thief. Well, they caught the thief in the act! A bunch of starlings! The birds had to go down in the machine and back up to get to the money! At a time a bird could knock three quarters in his mouth!
It was amazing that it was not one bird; there were several working together. Once they identified the thief, they found over $4000 in quarters on the roof of the car wash and more under a nearby tree. Its thought that a starling was attracted to the coin that a person was putting into the machine, or when taking out his or her change. Seeing the place where the coins "appeared", the starling went to investigate, and discovered that he (males do this to attract a female) could remove the quarter and take it back to his nest or courting place. Not wanting to be outromanced, other starlings learned from the original "inventive" fellow how to get "their own" quarters, which shows the intelligence and learning ability of birds. Male birds like ravens, crows and starlings collect valuable shiny objects to impress the females. After all, girls dont come cheap!
n August 16 1996 in the Brookfield Zoo in US, a three-year old boy climbed the wall around the gorilla enclosure and fell eighteen feet onto the concrete below, rendering him unconscious. Binti Jua, a female Lowland Gorilla, walked to the boys side while helpless spectators screamed, certain that the gorilla would harm the child. Another larger female gorilla approached, and Binti growled. Binti then picked up the child, cradling him with her right arm as she did her own infant, gave him a few pats on the back, and carried him sixty feet to an access entrance, so that zoo personnel could retrieve him. During all this, Bintis seventeen-month-old baby, Koola, clutched her back throughout the incident. The boy spent four days in the hospital and recovered fully.
Art Is Universal
Not An Exclusive Human Domain
any elephants living in conservation centers in Asia love to paint. Some of these elephants have an amazing control of the paint brush and they can paint varieties of pictures. Yes, all these paintings shown in this chapter are actually painted by the elephants! These creatures are amazingly intelligent, and are actually earning their keep with their artwork.
Some of these elephants live in Thailand Elephant Conservation Center, which is about 90 km south of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. Here they train elephants and teach people about elephants. The sanctuary has many elephant shows where they show how elephants pull logs in the forest and how formerly they fought in the battles. There is also an elephant soccer game where elephants kick the gigantic ball in the goal and cheer by swinging their trunks and trumpeting loudly. The visitors can watch the elephant artists in action and buy their artworks on the spot. One has to watch out for the camera as young elephants babies think that everything is food. Some elephants are better than others in painting. One particularly good artist was rescued from her abusive owners in Burma. She picked up painting in no time after arriving in the sanctuary. Visitors are amazed at how her talent unfolds as she carefully completes each stroke. Her mahout talks to her throughout the process as his gentle touch gives her confidence.
She focuses on her work and seems to enjoy the approval of the audience and, of course, the sugar cane and banana treats. All of her training has been reward based. Check youtube for stunning videos of elephants painting with precision. Another elephant artist, Wanpen, has the creative style of paintings flower plants and trees. Wanpen began painting at the age of 3. Elephant painting measures 22" wide x 30" length. View Thai elephants from Gallery Maesa perform their painting artistry on youtube! You can order exquisite paintings done by elephants from mangonest.com for a price of $90 approx.
Book On Elephant Art
n 1982 James Ehmann (a journalist) and David Gucwa (a zoo keeper) showed to Jerome Witkin (a professor of art at Syracuse University and an authority on abstract expressionism) a set of drawings done by an elephant. They did not reveal to Prof. Witkin the identity of the artist and asked him to evaluate the pictures. The professor said "These drawings are very lyrical, very, very beautiful. They are so positive and affirmative and tense, the energy is so compact and controlled, it's just incredible... I can't get most of my students to fill a page like this." After learning the identity of the artist Witkin said: "Our egos as human beings have prevented us for too long for watching for the possibility of artistic expression in other beings." In 1984 they sent elephant drawings to the famous abstract artist Willem de Kooning. They did not intend to trick him and included with the paintings a letter explaining their origin. They received the following reply from his wife Elaine de Kooning: When Mr. de Kooning and I received your package, before we read
your letter, we looked at the drawings and were very impressed by them. We felt they had a kind of flair and decisiveness and originality. Needless to say we were dumbfounded when we read that they were made by an elephant. Mr. de Kooning said "That's a damned talented elephant." Meanwhile, every zoo keeper had noticed that every elephant from time to time picks up a stick or stone and draws something on the floor. Prior to this book by David Gucwa and James Ehmann, no one had brought to the public's attention that elephants like to draw, and will, without training or reward, doodle spontaneously on the ground with a pebble or stick. In the case of Siri, a 13-year old Asian elephant, her efforts were noted by David Gucwa, her caretaker, who provided drawing materials and collected the results of her endeavors. Her drawings (50 of them are reproduced in the book) have been admired by artists and their significance discussed by evolutionists and cognitive researchers, some of whom affirm artistic intent of the drawings. A variety of opinions about the drawings from artists, elephant handlers, developmental psychologists, and others are presented. The basic thesis is that the drawings represent real art that changed and improved over time, and that elephant intellect must therefore be accorded greater respect. This book is startling. The descriptions of human elephant interaction lead us to a deep and profound understanding of these majestic creatures. The art work shows both a stunning sense of design and a certain grasp of artistic metaphor. Critiques by artist etc. further validate this view. The culmination is a reevaluation not only of art but of personhood in general.
A Monkey Painter
Avantgarde Artist Pierre Brassau
n 1964 an art exhibition was held in the Swedish city of Goteborg. The work of previously unknown French painter, Pierre Brassau, attracted much attention. Art critic Rolf Anderberg wrote in the morning Posten: "Pierre Brassau paints with powerful strokes but also with clean determination. His brush strokes twist with a furious fastidiousness on the canvas ... Pierre is an artist who performs with the delicacy of a ballet dancer." One private collector bought Brassau's paintings. Pierre Brassau turned out to be an ape. Two pranksters, Ake Axelsson (a journalist) and Yngve Funkegard (an artist) gave a brush and paints to the chimp, named Peter, from local Boras zoo. The ape took to art like duck to water. The pranksters hung his work in a gallery under the brush name of Pierre Brassau. When the hoax was revealed, art critic Anderberg still insisted that Pierre's work, was the best painting in the exhibition. Not everyone was fooled by the monkey work however. Another
art critic wrote: "Only an ape could have done this." During the late 1950s biologists began to study the nature of art in humans. Of the theories proposed few had such a striking effect as those based on observations of primate paintings, hundreds of which were cataloged by Desmond Morris. Morris took these canvas paintings to indicate an intrinsic motivation for abstract creativity, expressed through an exploration of the visual field and color. Surprisingly, many of these painters progressed over time by expanding or contracting the area of paint coverage, the horizontal/vertical stroke relationships and even the development of content among those taught some English vocabulary. Monkey paintings were exhibited in many modern art museums and experienced a fad following in the early 1960s. Thats when the cultural and scientific interest in monkey painting peaked.
If an animal does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing for the same reason, we call it intelligence. Will Cuppy
hile Prabhupada and the devotees were walking on the beach in California, a large Doberman pinscher approached them, snarling and baring his teeth. Prabhupada continued walking peacefully, but Nanda-kumara stopped and tensely faced the dog. This challenge only provoked the dog into more threatening and growling until Nanda-kumara turned and ran to catch up to Prabhupada. As soon as he ran, the Doberman pinscher pursued him, barking and threatening to attack. Before the dog reached them, however, Prabhupada suddenly turned. He crouched with his feet somewhat apart, raised his cane high over his head, gave a loud Hut! and made a growling sound at the dog. At this display from Prabhupada, the dog turned and retreated quickly back to its house. Months later, Nanda-kumara recalled Srila Prabhupadas method and tried it on a large monkey in Jaipur. While Srila Prabhupada was staying at the Radha-Govinda temple in Jaipur, he and his party were being harassed by the monkeys there, who stole food and clothes. While the devotees were cooking, these monkeys would drop from the trees and steal capatis off the stove. Prabhupada had advised the devotees to take a neutral attitude toward the monkeys mischief, but one time, while with the devotees in Prabhupadas room, Nanda-kumara heard a monkey rattling the kitchen
door. He suddenly remembered the technique Prabhupada had used on the beach with the large Doberman pinscher and he decided to try it with the thieving monkey. Quietly excusing himself from the room, he picked up a club outside Prabhupadas door and walked toward a large monkey, who was just opening the kitchen door. Nanda-kumara raised the club over his head, crouched, and growled. The monkey, who had noticeably big biceps, growled back, bared his teeth, and advanced toward him. Nandakumara turned and ran back into Prabhupadas room, slamming the door behind him. Prabhupada had seen the whole incident through the window and burst out laughing. You do not know the process. (From Srila Prabhupada Nectar 2-2)
iteous crying of a kidnapped girl apparently moved the hearts of 3 lions in Ethiopia. This incident took place in June 2005. Police say three lions rescued a 12-year old girl kidnapped by men who wanted to force her into marriage, chasing off her abductors and guarding her until police and relatives tracked her down in a remote corner of Ethiopia. According to Sgt. Wondimu Wedajo from the provincial capital of Bita Genet, some 560 kilometers west of the capital, Addis Ababa, the men had held the girl for seven days, repeatedly beating her, before the lions chased them away and guarded her for half a day until her family and police found her. "They stood guard until we found her and then they just left her like a gift and went back into the forest," Wondimu says. If the lions had not come to her rescue then it could have been much worse. Often these young girls are raped and severely beaten to force them to accept the marriage. Stuart Williams, a wildlife expert with the rural development ministry, said that it was likely that the young girl was saved because she was crying from the trauma of her attack. The girl, the youngest of four brothers and sisters, was "shocked and
terrified" and had to be treated for the cuts from her beatings. Police later arrested four of the men, but were still looking for three others. In Ethiopia, kidnapping has long been part of the marriage custom, a tradition of sorrow and violence whose origins are murky. The United Nations estimates that more than 70 percent of marriages in Ethiopia are by abduction, practiced in rural areas where the majority of the country's 71 million people live.
These animals who live with us on our farms even they are satisfied. They are not afraid. If they are resting, and some of my students come near, they do not stir and become fearful. They have come to know, These people love us. Theyll not harm us. We are safe. We are at home. Any animal, be he bird or beast, can be taught this sense of safety and friendship. Take these cows. They know all of you are their friends. Animals can understand this. You can make friends even with lions and tigers. Yes. I have seen it. At the Worlds Fair in New York, a man was embracing a lion, and the lion was playing with him the way a dog plays with his master. Ive seen it. Disciple: Often you see that kind of thing at the circus, as well a man putting his head in a lions mouth. Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Disciple: If you havent fed him, then it is dangerous. But as long as you keep him well fed. you can even put your head into his mouth. Srila Prabhupada: Naturally. Animal means living being, spiritual being, not some dead stone. So he can understand, This man is giving me food hes my friend. The feeling of love, friendship everything is there, even in the animals. Disciple: Everything is there except God consciousness. Srila Prabhupada: Generally the soul can come to God consciousness only in the human form of life. But even in an animal form he can become God conscious, by associating with someone who is God conscious. Srila Prabhupada (Conversation, New Vrindaban, West Viginia, June 24, 1976)
Little Tyke is the name of this lioness, born in the zoo at Tacoma, Washington. Nursed for a broken leg, she became a ranchers house pet, enjoying perfume, flowers, her own bed, a diet of milk and cereal. She never touches meat-which may account for the complacency of her kitten friend From a vintage Readers Digest
Little Tyke
t four years old, the mature African lioness weighed 352 pounds. Her body stretched 10 feet 4 inches long and could run 40 miles per hour. Her skull, highly adapted to killing and eating prey, possessed short powerful jaws. Normally, African lions eat gnus, zebras, gazelles, impalas, and giraffes. This particular big cat, in her prime and perfect health, chose a more gentle way of life, vegetarian!
A Violent Birth
Georges and Margaret Westbeau, standing outside the thick steel bars of the cage, watched nervously. Inside, a vicious, raging beast baring razor claws and glistening fangs, roared. Flinging herself at the couple, who watched from barely three feet away, her suffering amber eyes defied their presence. Always, in the past, this lioness destroyed her offspring as soon as they were born. Four times in the last seven years, her powerful jaws had crushed her newborn cubs, furiously throwing them against her cage's bars where they tumbled, lifeless. Denying the normal instincts of motherhood, what possessed this lioness? Her life mocked its former freedom. She lived a caged animal, taken from the wild and tortured by those who captured her. Did she feel that by destroying her cubs they would be spared the humiliation that she endured? Suddenly, the newborn cub came flying towards the people anxiously watching. Georges quickly grabbed the cub through the bars before it could
be killed. Its right front leg dangled helplessly from its mother's brutal jaws. In the face of such fury the only thing the human could say was, 'You poor little tike'. The Westbeaus took the three-pound 'Little Tyke' to their Hidden Valley Ranch near Seattle and there it joined the menagerie of other animals including horses, cattle, and chickens. Curious peacocks lined the housetop, kittens peered through a picket fence, and two terriers danced with joy for the new addition to the household. Drinking bottles of warm milk, Little Tyke began the long road to recovery.
Mysterious Reaction
With the advice of experts the Westbeaus began weaning Little Tyke onto solid food at three months. Leaving only a favorite doll, they removed most of her rubber toys, replacing them with bones from freshly slaughtered beef. They carried the small cub to the bones. Unexpectedly, she violently threw up! Experts told them in no uncertain terms that lions couldn't live without meat. In the wild, lions ate only flesh - eleven pounds a day for an adult female. Alarmed at Little Tyke's strange behavior, they wondered at how they could introduce meat into her diet? In the meantime, they continued feeding Little Tyke baby cereal mixed with milk. A well meaning friend suggested mixing beef blood with milk, in increasing proportions. Given milk containing ten drops of blood, Little Tyke would have nothing to do with it. They mixed in five drops of blood, and hid that bottle. As she sucked on the plain milk they quickly switched bottles. Again she refused it. In desperation they added *one* drop of blood to a full bottle of milk, but Little Tyke refused this bottle as well, and they could only stare in amazement. Another friend suggested putting plain milk in one hand, and milk mixed with hamburger in the palm of the other hand. Little Tyke readily licked the milk from one hand, but when Georges changed hands, she
immediately turned away. Sensing her distress, Georges wiped his hands on a nearby towel and picked her up. Hissing in fear and cringing away, she looked sick from the danger-smell of meat on his hand. She only settled down when given a fresh bottle of milk held in washed hands.
Thousand-dollar Reward
At nine months old and weighing sixty-five pounds, Little Tyke had the splints and bandages on her leg taken off for the last time. She slowly learned to depend on the healed leg, and mingled with other animals on the ranch. Since the ranch didn't earn enough income to make ends meet, the Westbeaus ran a small cold storage plant in town. Little Tyke came with them when they went to work and word got around about this vegetarian lioness. When she was four years old, the Westbeaus advertised a thousand dollar reward for anyone who could devise a method tricking Little Tyke into eating meat. Numerous plans met with failure since Little Tyke refused to have anything to do with flesh.
The Answer
The caretakers of this gentle animal sought out animal experts, always asking them about diet. Finally, one young visitor set their mind at ease. With serious eyes he turned to them and asked, 'Read Genisis 1:30, and you will get your answer.' At his first opportunity Georges read in astonishment, 'And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have
given every green herb for meat: and it was so.' At that point, after four years, the Westbeaus finally stopped worrying.
Little Tyke's Meals
A typical meal consisted of various grains, chosen for their protein, calcium, fats, and roughage. Margaret always cooked a few days' supply ahead of time. At feeding time, a double handful of the cooked grains along with one-half gallon of milk, supplied Little Tyke a delicious meal. She had one condition before eating. Her favorite rubber doll had to be right next to her! For teeth and gums, the Westbeaus supplied rubber boots, since she refused bones. They attracted her to the boots by sprinkling them with perfume. One boot lasted almost a month. Little Tyke had many close animal friends. Her favorites were Pinky (a kitten), Imp (another kitten), Becky (a lamb) and Baby (a fawn). Her favorite and closest friend, however, was Becky, who preferred Little Tyke's company to any of the other animals.
National Publicity
You Asked For It, the popular television show hosted by Art Baker, once featured Little Tyke. The producers wanted a scene with chickens, which didn't bother Georges since Little Tyke roamed easily among chickens at Hidden Valley Ranch. When the film crew brought the chickens in, they turned out to be four little day-old chicks!
Slurp of The Tongue
Little Tyke's only previous experience with new chicks had been with a hen and her chicks who had wandered onto the lawns around their home on the ranch. Georges thought nothing of it until he saw Little Tyke acting peculiarly, slinking into the house, and looking guilty with lips tightly closed over obviously open jaws. He called 'Tyke! What have you got?' Instantly her mouth opened and a little chick popped out, unharmed. Flapping it's little down-covered wings, it almost flew back to its upset mother. Apparently Little Tyke had affectionately licked the tiny chick, as she was prone to do when, with one huge slurp of the tongue, the little chick had popped into her mouth, and she hadn't known how to fondle it further! With the amazed camera crew filming, Little Tyke strode over to the chicks, hesitated long enough to lick the chicks carefully and gently with
the very tip of her tongue, and moved away with a yawn. A moment later she came back to lie down among the chicks. They immediately made their way into the long silky hair at the base of her great neck where they peered out from the shelter of their great protector. Another scene saw a new kitten, after an introduction, walk over to Little Tyke's huge foreleg and sit down. Little Tyke crooked one paw around the tiny creature and cuddled it closer. In front of cameras, Art Baker picked up the Bible and read: 'The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock.' Mail poured into the producers, making this episode one of the most popular in the show's history.
Little Tyke's Death
Unfortunately, while spending three weeks in Hollywood for the show, Little Tyke contracted virus pneumonia, a disease that took her life a few weeks later. The sudden change in climate may have been a contributing factor. She succumbed quietly in her sleep, retiring early after watching television.
Inspiring To This Day
Her life is over, but her teachings live on. Of the many lessons she taught, not the least is that love removes fear and savagery. Little Tyke reflected the love and care shown to her after the first few moments of her precarious birth. Thousands saw photographs of her lying with her lamb friend, Becky, inspiring many to see the world a fresh way: two such diverse natures enjoying each other's love! One eminent attorney kept a huge enlargement of this photograph in his office, and pointed to it as he counseled couples on the verge of divorce.
Scientific Dilemma
Science is at a loss when it comes to Little Tyke. Felines are the strictest of carnivores. Without flesh she should have developed blindness, as well as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), a degenerative disease that turns heart muscles flabby and limits their ability to pump blood. This is because her diet didn't contain an adequate source of the amino acid, taurine. Taurine is non-existent in natural non-animal sources. But still, its the
milk that saved the day. In ancient India, many sages would maintain these big cats on a diet of milk and grains. Perhaps even more important, why did Little Tyke disown her species' instincts? Little Tyke is a curiosity to the public, aberration to zoologists, anomaly to scientists, and an inspiration to idealists. To condition her stomach, Little Tyke would spend an hour at a time eating the tall grass in the fields--another striking reminder of the prophecies of Isaiah 11:7 and 65:25, "the lion will eat straw like the ox." Little Tyke had an exceptionally gentle and loving nature, and all animal farms came to be petted by her without any fear. Little Tyke's story started to spread in the Great Depression-ravaged America, giving spiritual hope and renewed faith to people from all walks of life. She was taken on tour to be shown to a public desperately hungry for love and innocence. Her extraordinary story is related in the book written by George Westbeau, Little Tyke: The Story of a Gentle Vegetarian Lioness, published by the Theosophical Publishing House, IL, USA, 1986.
A Lioness Who Prayed
Little Tyke wasn't alone. A photograph taken at Allahabad, India in 1936 shows another awesome lioness. In Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahamsa Yogananda wrote: ...Our group left the peaceful hermitage to greet a near-by swami, Krishnananda, a handsome monk with rosy cheeks and impressive shoulders. Reclining near him was a tame lioness. Succumbing to the monk's spiritual charm
- not, I am sure, to his powerful physique! - the jungle animal refuses all meat in favor of rice and milk. The swami has taught the tawny-haired beast to utter "Aum" in a deep, attractive growl - a cat devotee! These vegetarian lionesses invite us to discover a less violent world, turning away from slaughterhouses. The article is from the book "Vegetarian Cats & Dogs" by James A. Peden.
Lea - The Spaghetti Lioness From Italy
Watched by camera-toting journalists, in January 2002 a very remarkable Lioness named Lea arrived at the Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve near Johannesburg, South Africa, after a 30-hour journey from Rome, Italy. Why 'very remarkable'? Because this seven-year-old female feline did not fit the 'ferocious carnivore' Lion stereo-type, having been raised not on meat but on a diet of potatoes, green vegetables and cheesy pasta. Lea had in fact been nicknamed the 'Spaghetti Kid' after her favourite food, spaghetti, which she especially loved flavoured with Neapolitan sauce. And now the caretakers at her new home in South Africa were facing 'the real challenge', for the first time in Leas life, of introducing this 'Spaghetti Kid' to meat and to the companionship of other Lions. Lea's mother lived in Naples Zoo, which had a policy of selling the Everyone has an obligation to feed whoever is hungry -- even if it is a tiger. Once a certain spiritual teacher was living in the jungle. His disciples knew, "The tigers will never come and disturb us, because our teacher keeps some milk a little distance from the asrama, and the tigers come and drink and go away." The teacher would call, "You! Tiger! You can come and take your milk here!" [Laughter.] And they would come and take the milk and go away. And they would never attack any members of the asrama. The teacher would say, "They are my men -- don't harm them. Srila Prabhupada (Journey of Self-Discovery 6.5)
cubs born there. So at the tender age of six weeks, Lea found herself in the Italian village of Nettuno in the care of a man called Antonio Vincenzo. The two seemed inseparable; Lea slept on Antonios bed at night and accompanied him everywhere by day, without any leash or restraint- across busy streets, among crowds and even to the local supermarket. No wonder that 'everyone in Nettuno knew Lea', and of her diet of spaghetti, vegetables and tomato sauce. But when Lea was a year old, Antonio's work circumstances changed and he could no longer look after his 'pet' at his home. A zoo on the outskirts of Rome agreed to accommodate Lea, provided Antonio supplied the zoo with her food. And so Lea continued to grow on her diet of pasta, ricotta cheese and vegetables. But, seeing her confined to a 4 m x 4 m (13 ft x 13 ft) concrete enclosure at the zoo, Antonio resolved to find Lea better living quarters. (Antonio visited her every Sunday- the Lioness would whimper and cry when it was time for him to leave. After years of fruitless searching, eventually the way was clear for Lea to be sent to South Africa- Antonio would accompany her on the journey and remain at Lea's new home for a few weeks to help her adapt. Given Lea's distinctive nickname ('Spaghetti Lioness') and the publicity associated with her move to South Africa, many people got to hear of what Lea had eaten for the first seven years of her lifeand were amazed. One journalist wrote: 'Not with standing her strange diet she thrived'. This Lioness had not only survived, but thrived on a meatless diet from infancy. But Lea is not unique, many other animals normally regarded as being meat-eaters (e.g. dogs, vultures), are known to be able to live on meatless diets. As Lea emerged from her transportation crate at her grassy new home, a crowd of camera-clicking reporters awaited the photo opportunity: Lea devouring her first South African meal of pasta, cheese and sliced tomato. But Lea took one sniff and walked away.
"No, no, no", said Antonio. "It has to be Italian pasta and cheese, and tomato sauce- never cut tomatoes". As they say- you can travel the world, but theres nothing like good old home cooking!
Following is a conversation with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, recorded in Los Angeles on December 27, 1968 Guest: If man didnt eat animals, theyd probably just die of starvation : or something. Srila Prabhupada: Why are you so anxious about the animals dying of starvation? You take care of yourself. Dont be altruisticOh, they will starve. Let me eat them. What is this altruism? Krishna is supplying food. If an animal dies of starvation, it is Krishnas responsibility. Nobody dies of starvation. That is a false theory. Have you seen any animal dying of starvation? Have you got any experience? Have you seen any bird dying of starvation? There is no question of starvation in the kingdom of God. We are manufacturing these theories for our own sense satisfaction. There are millions of elephants in the African jungle and Indian jungle. They require one hundred pounds at a time to eat. Who is supplying food? So there is no question of starvation in the kingdom of God. Starvation is for the so-called civilized man. Guest: If man wasnt meant to eat meat, why in nature do the other animals kill meat? Srila Prabhupada: Are you another animal? Guest: Well, were all animals. Srila Prabhupada: You count yourself among the animals? You classify yourself with the animals?
Guest: Well, were all animals Srila Prabhupada: No, not all. You may be, but we are not. Do you like to be classified with the animals? Guest: I dont feel that I am better than the animals. I have respect for all Gods creatures. Srila Prabhupada: You have respect for all, and you kill animals? Guest: Well, why is itif man is not meant to eat meatthat in nature the animals eat each other? Srila Prabhupada: When animals eat meat, they are following natures law. When you eat meat, you are breaking natures law. Guest: What? Srila Prabhupada: For instance, a tiger will never come to claim the grainOh, youve got so much graingive me some. No. Even if there are hundreds of bags of grain, he doesnt care. But hell pounce upon an animal. That is his natural instinct. But why do you take grain, fruit, milk, meat, and whatever you get? What is this? You are neither animal nor human being. You are misusing your humanity! You should think, What is eatable for me? A tiger may eat meat-he is a tiger. But I am not a tiger; I am a human. If Ive got enough grain, fruit, vegetables, and other things God has given, why should I go to kill a poor animal? This is humanity. You are animal plus human. If you forget your humanity, then you are an animal. [A brief silence.] So we are not simply animals. We are animal plus human. If we increase our quality of humanity, then our life is perfect. But if we remain in animality, then our life is imperfect. So we have to increase our human consciousnessthat is Krishna consciousness. If you can live very peacefully, very nicely, in good health by eating so many varieties of foodstuffs given by Krishna, why should you kill an animal? Besides that, scientifically, your teeth are meant for eating vegetables. The tiger has teeth for eating meat. Nature has made it like that. He has to kill another animal; therefore he has nails, he has teeth, he has strength. But you have no such strength. You cannot kill a cow like thatpouncing like a tiger. You have to make a slaughterhouse and sit down at your home. If somebody else slaughters the cow, you can eat very nicely. What is this? Do like the tiger! Pounce upon a cow and eat! You cannot do that. Guest: So you dont believe in natures law. I believe natures law applies equally to everybody. Srila Prabhupada: The tiger is made by natures law in that way, so
therefore he can do that. You cannot do ityour nature is different. You have discrimination, you have conscience, you are claiming to be a civilized human beingso you should utilize all this. That is Krishna consciousness, perfect consciousness. Human life is meant for raising oneself to the perfection of consciousness, and that is Krishna consciousness. We cannot remain in tiger consciousness. That is not humanity. Another Guest: Have we fallen from higher to lower, or have we come up from plants and animals? Srila Prabhupada: Yes, naturally you have fallen from higher to lower from the spiritual world to this material world, and then down to the lower species. Then you make progress, and you again come to this human form. If you utilize your higher consciousness, then you go still higher: you go to God. But if you dont use your higher consciousness, you again go down. So dont be misguided. Take to God consciousness, Krishna consciousness, and that will be proper use of this human form of life. Otherwise, if we indulge in meat-eating, like a tiger, we may get the body of tiger in our next life, but what is the use? Suppose I become a very strong tiger my next life. Is that a very good promotion? Do you know the life of a tiger They cannot even eat daily. They pounce upon one animal and keep it secretly, and for a month they eat the decomposed fleshbecause they dont always get the chance to kill an animal. God will not give that chance. It is natural: in the jungle wherever there is a tiger the other animals flee. Self-defense. So on rare occasions, when the tiger is too hungry, then God gives him a chance to pounce upon another animal. A tiger cannot get so many palatable dishes daily. It is in the human form of life that we have all these facilities. But if we misuse them, then go to the tiger life. Be very strong, with full pouncing capacity!
Little children, never give Pain to things that feel and live; Let the gentle robin come For the crumbs you save at home: As his meat you throw along Hell repay you with a song. Never hurt the timid hare Peeping from her green grass lair. Let her come and sport and play On the lawn at close of day. The little lark goes soaring high To the bright windows of the sky. Singing as if it were always spring, And fluttering on an untired wing Oh! Let him sing his happy song, Nor do these gentle creatures wrong.
hile doing his daily farm work, Farmer Noel Osborne in Benalla, Australia was accidentally knocked into a pile of manure, shattering his hip. The injury rendered him immobile in his isolated farm. He yelled and yelled for help, but no one was around. He might have died if not for his faithful pet goat who took care of him for five days until help arrived. According to the Herald Sun, Mr. Osborne, 78, endured storms, cold nights and hot days as he lay incapacitated in the open field with severe injuries. He was kept sheltered by huddling with his goat Mandy. For nourishment, he subsisted on milk from the goat. The only thing she didn't do was call for an ambulance. Mr. Osborne recalls, "That evening the goat came and I was able to get hold of an old bottle within my reach and I milked her into the bottle and Anyone who says that life matters less to an animal than it does to us has not held in his hands an animal fighting for its life. The whole of the being of the animal is thrown into that fight, without reserve. When you say that the fight lacks a dimension of intellectual or imaginative horror, I agree. It is not the mode of being animals to have an intellectual horror: their whole being is in the living flesh...I urge you to walk, flank to flank, beside the beast that is prodded down the chute to his executioner. J.M. Coetzee, The Lives of Animals
I was able to have a drink. She slept there beside me every night I was there." Finally after 5 days, some friends stopped by Mr. Osborne's remote property and found him weak and delirious but still alive thanks to his four-legged pal. Thanks to an ample supply of goat's milk, Mr. Osborne's bad experience did not end in fatality. He was taken by ambulance to Benalla and District Memorial Hospital and treated. (From Melbourne Herald-Sun, October 30, 2002)
e is nine years old and keeps a 5 meter long python snake as his pet. Oun Sambath from Cambodia and his snake Cham Roeun have been together since they both were babies. The family lives in Kandal province in Cambodia, just an hour south of the capital city of Phnom Penh. The father recalls that three months after Sambath was born they saw something moving under his mattress. It was a small python snake, about a meter in length. Sambaths father carefully put the snake baby back into the forest. But during the night it found its way back to their house. That made Koun Samang think about whether the snake was in fact meant to be with them. He started praying to the gods and came to the conclusion that the snake would bring them happiness. Since then the snake and the boy
always played and slept together. Only when Sambath was 8 years old the parents decided it was time that the snake slept somewhere else than with the boy. Now the 5 meter long snake has its own room in the house. In the snake room is also an altar. The family strongly believe that the presence of the snake has made life easier for them. Before we were always sick. After we got the snake, nobody has been sick in the family, claims Koun Samang. He tells that many people show up every weekend to pray to the spirit of the snake. Allegedly many of them have recovered from health problems after visiting the snake. A fortune teller even told Sambaths mother that the boy and the snake
Canakya Pandita has said, sarpah krurah khalah krurah sarpat kruratarah khalah mantrausadhi-vasah sarpah khalah kena nivaryate "There are two envious living entities. One is a snake, black snake, and one is a human being with the quality of black snake." He cannot see any good thing. Sarpah krurah. The snake is envious. Without any fault he bites. A snake is there on the street, and if you happen to pass by him he becomes so angry, immediately he bites. So this is the snake's nature. Similarly, there are persons like the snake. Without any fault they will accuse you. They are also snake. So Canakya Pandita says that "This black snake is less harmful than the man snake." Why? "Now, this black snake, by chanting some mantra or by some herb can bring him under your control. But this man snake you cannot. It is not possible." Srila Prabhupada (Lecture, Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.8, Mayapur, February 28, 1977)
had been husband and wife in a previous life. This is a story the boy himself strongly believes. I will never get married as long as I have the snake, he says. According to the family the snake has never shown any sign of being dangerous. The boy himself crawls and sit on the snake without taking any precautions. But it does get hungry, though. The snake is fed about 10 chicken every week, which is rather costly for a poor farmer family. Fortunately weekend visitors frequently give donations to help feed the snake. I can even talk to the snake. But only at night, I am to shy to do it during daytime, says Sambath. And what do you tell the snake? That I cannot tell you. It is my private secret!
drowning diver has told how she was saved by a whale that pushed her back to the surface when she suffered crippling cramps Yang Yun, from Harbin, north east China, thought she was going to die when her legs were paralyzed by arctic temperatures during a free diving contest without any breathing equipment. Competitors had to sink to the bottom of an aquariums 20 foot arctic pool and stay there for as long as possible amid the beluga whales at Polar Land in Harbin, north east China. But when Yun, 26, tried to head to the surface she found her legs were crippled by cramps. She explains, I began to choke and sank even lower and I thought that was it for me I was dead. Until I felt this incredible force under me driving me to the surface, she explained. Mila, the Beluga whale, had spotted her difficulties and using her sensitive dolphin-like nose guided Yun safely to the surface. An organiser recalls, Mila noticed the problem before we did. We suddenly saw the girl being pushed to the top of the pool with her leg in
Milas mouth. Shes a sensitive animal who works closely with humans and I think this girl owes her life. (From Telegraph.co.uk)
fox became famous for stealing hundreds of shoes from homes in the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate in 2009. The fox with the fetish, reportedly pilfered between 200 and 250 shoes near the town of Fhren, by plundering terraces, porches and garages. The canny creature took a particular liking to 55-year old Heidi Heinzs shoes, stealing a pair of red garden shoes that it had already taken in the previous year. She got her footwear back, along with seven others, when a forester discovered the foxs hoard in the woods and fished the shoes out of the burrow tunnels. The fox has been named Imelda, after the wife of former Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos; she notoriously amassed thousands of pairs of expensive shoes. People were advise not to leave their shoes outside. Many labelled the shoes with their names in hopes of getting them back again in case of these getting stolen. The wily fox was apparently not that shy. Often it would steal in broad daylight.
And some also spotted the bushy-tailed thief on numerous occasions from their living room window. But there was a confusion whether it is a guy or a lady. But many were certain the fox is a lady because No guy would own 250 shoes. As per latest reports, the fox has apparently kicked the habit. After a few more shoe disappearances earlier this year, residents have realised that it is safe again for them to leave their shoes outside.
Prabhupada: And you know better than me being police. There are criminality amongst rich men and poor men alike. Lt. Mozee: Oh, yes. Prabhupada: So our process is to cleanse the heart, not the opulence or poverty. No, that is not our... To cleanse the heart. If the poor man is cleansed in his heart he will not touch anybody's property. I heard that King, Emperor Edward VII, his habit was to steal. Lt. Mozee: Yes, he was a kleptomaniac. (laughter) Prabhupada: And I have known many instances. In Calcutta one very rich man's son in the evening he would take his bath and dress nicely, and he would go to the Howrah station and beg, cheat men: "I have lost my purse. Will you kindly help me?" And any gentleman: "He has lost..." And he will go to the restaurant and eat and go home. That was his habit. He was a very rich man, but his habit was this. So we have to change the habit by changing the heart. Srila Prabhupada (Room Conversation with Lt. Mozee, Policeman, July 5, 1975, Chicago)
ustralian Surfer Todd Endris needed a miracle. The shark, estimated at twelve to fifteen feet long, hit him first as Endris was sitting on his surfboard, but couldnt get its monster jaws around both surfer and surfboard. The second time, it came down and clamped on his torso sandwiched his board and his torso in his mouth. That attack shredded his back, literally peeling the skin back like a banana peel. But because Endris stomach was pressed to the surfboard, his intestines and internal organs were protected. The third time, the shark tried to swallow Endris right leg, and he said that was actually a good thing, because the sharks grip anchored him while he kicked the beast in the head and snout with his left leg until it let go. The dolphins, which had been cavorting in the surf all along, showed up then. They circled him, keeping the shark at bay, and enabled Endris to get back on his board and catch a wave to the shore where quick first aid provided by a friend saved his life. There is nothing new about this incident. Thousands of cases like this where dolphins have come to human rescue have been documented over the years.
parrot in the Colombian city of Barranquilla has been "arrested" for allegedly tipping off members of a local drug cartel during a police raid. Authorities say Lorenzo the parrot had been specially trained to alert narcotics traffickers. As it spotted uniformed officers, the bird reportedly yelled out, "Run, run -- you're going to get caught," in perfect Spanish. Drug cartels are often using these birds as lookouts because these birds know when someone is near long before the dogs even have a clue There are hundreds of such parrot in use by the drug cartels. Despite the guard bird's best efforts, officials seized more than 200 weapons, a stolen motorcycle and a large quantity of marijuana in the raid, according to AOL News. At least four men and two other birds were also arrested in the raids. As for Lorenzo himself, he's now in the hands of environmental authorities.
Another Parrot Spends Five Days Under Police Interrogation
A parrot spent five days under police interrogation in an Argentina prison The judge ordered Pepo the parrot to be held in custody until he told
police who was his real owner. Two neighbors, Jorge Machado and R Vega, were disputing ownership of the bird. Judge Osvaldo Carlos decided the parrot should be kept in prison until he said the name of his owner. After five days, Pepo said Jorges name, and the parrot also sung the anthem of his favourite football team San Lorenzo. Mr Machado, the real owner said: I knew he wasnt going to let me down, he is a real friend and we support the same football team.
Pigeon Arrested For Smuggling
Call it a case of high-flying criminal ingenuity: Colombia police captured a carrier pigeon trying to fly into a Bucarmanga jail with marijuana and cocaine paste strapped to its back, according to the BBC. Officers say they recovered the bird about 1 block away from the prison. Carrying a package with 40 grams of marijuana and 5 grams of a paste containing cocaine, the bird -- which police believe had been trained by inmates or accomplices -- was trying to clear the prison walls. The bird is reportedly now under the possession of the local ecological police unit. This is not the first time birds have been used by prisoners for smuggling or drug-related purposes. Local police say previous pigeons had been used to smuggle Sim cards for cell phones into the same jail.
Jailbirds Help Hardened Criminals To Reform
A notorious South African jail where Nelson Mandela spent six years as an inmate is rehabilitating criminals by giving them the responsibility to rear parrots and other birds. The Correctional Bird Project at Cape Town's Pollsmoor Maximum Security Prison tasks inmates to take care of chicks and young birds before they are sold as tame pets to bird lovers.
Following is a conversation between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and a Jesuit Priest recorded on July 25, 1973 in London. Srila Prabhupada: One commandment is, Thou shall not kill. So if somebody kills innocent animals and eats them, is he leading the good life? Priest: Father, youre being a bit unfair, Thou shall not kill means Thou shalt not unnecessarily take away life. How would we be able to live if we didnt eat meat? Srila Prabhupada: How are we living? We are eating nice foods prepared from vegetables, grains, fruits, and milk. We dont need meat. Priest: Look at it this way. You just said a few minutes ago that there are eight million or so different kinds of life. Would you agree that the potato, the cabbage, and other vegetables also have life? Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Priest: So when you boil those vegetables, youre taking away their life. Srila Prabhupada: What is your philosophy that killing a potato and killing an innocent animal are equal? Priest: You said, Thou shalt not kill, but you kill the potato. Srila Prabhupada: We all have to live by eating other living entities: jivo
jivasya jivanam. But eating a potato and eating some animal are not the same. Do you think they are equal? Priest: Yes. Srila Prabhupada: Then why dont you kill a child and eat it? Priest: I wouldnt for a second think of killing a child. Srila Prabhupada: But animals and children are alike in that they both are helpless and ignorant; Because a child is ignorant, that does not mean we can kill him. Similarly, although animals may be ignorant or unintelligent, we should not kill them unnecessarily. A reasonable man, a religious man, should discriminate. He should think, If I can get my food from vegetables, fruits, and milk, why should I kill and eat animals? Besides, when you get a fruit from a tree, there is no killing. Similarly, when we take milk from a cow, we dont kill the cow. So, if we can live in such a way without killing, why should we kill animals? Priest: Would you say that because I eat meat and bacon and so on does that make me sinful? If I didnt eat those, I would be less sinful? Srila Prabhupada: Yes. Priest: So if I give up eating meat and bacon and sausages, I would become a different person? Srila Prabhupada: You would become purified. Priest: Thats very interesting. Srila Prabhupada: Animal killers cannot understand God. I have seen this; it is a fact. They do not have the brain to understand God.
The same power formed the sparrow That fashioned man the King; The God of the whole gave a living soul To furred and to feathered thing. -Ella Wheeler Wilcox
In Memoriam
umberwise, chickens are probably the most eaten creatures in this world. They are also one of the most abused ones. Billion of chickens are killed for their flesh and eggs each year. More chickens are raised and killed than all other land animals combined, yet not a single law exists in any country to protects them from abuse. Chicken are conscious intelligent beings just like us. In the following paragraphs, this fact will be amply substantiated.
Individual Intelligence
Leading animal behavior scientists from across the globe now tell us that chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals whose cognitive abilities are more advanced than those of cats, dogs, and even some primates. (1) Chickens understand sophisticated intellectual concepts, learn from watching each other, demonstrate self-control, worry about the future, and even have cultural knowledge that is passed from generation to generation. Chickens comprehend cause-and-effect relationships [puts them above dogs in this respect] and understand that objects still exist even after they are hidden from view. (7) This puts the cognitive abilities of chickens above those of small human children. In one experiment that explored chickens understanding of causal relationships, researchers found that when injured chickens were offered the choice between regular food and food that contained a painkiller, the birds soon understood that the medicated food made them feel better, and they learned to seek it out it over the other
choices. The chickens will take the analgesic every time, says Dr. Joy Mench, a professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of California at Davis. They understood cause and effect and learned how to make the best decision. (11) Researchers also recently reported that chickens can anticipate the future and demonstrate self-control, something previously attributed only to humans and other primates. (12) Scientists made this discovery after they observed that when given the option between pecking a button and receiving a small food reward instantly or holding out for 22 seconds in order to receive a larger food reward, chickens in the study demonstrated self-control by holding out for the larger reward over 90 percent of the time. (13) Scientists are so impressed with what we now know about the intellect of chickens and other birds that a group of international experts recently called for a new naming system to reflect the complex, mammal-like structure of avian brains. (8) According to an article that appeared in The Washington Post, The new system, which draws upon many of the words used to describe the human brain and has broad support among scientists, acknowledges the now overwhelming evidence that avian and mammalian brains are remarkably similara fact that explains why many kinds of bird are not just twitchily resourceful but able to design and manufacture tools, solve mathematical problems and, in many cases, use language in ways that even chimpanzees and other primates cannot. (15) Christine Nicol, who studies chicken intelligence, reflected, They may be bird brains, but we need to redefine what we mean by bird brains. Chickens have shown us they can do things people didnt think they could do. There are hidden depths to chickens, definitely. (9) Dr. Chris Evans, administrator of the animal behavior lab at Australias Macquarie University, says, As a trick at conferences, I sometimes list [chickens] attributes, without mentioning chickens, and people think Im
talking about monkeys.(2) The intelligence and adaptability of chickens actually make them particularly vulnerable to factory farming because, unlike most birds, baby chickens can survive without their mothers and without the comfort of a nestthey come out of the shell raring to explore and ready to experience life.
Social Intelligence
When in their natural surroundings, not on factory farms, chickens form complex social hierarchies, also known as pecking orders, and every chicken knows his or her place on the social ladder and remembers the faces and ranks of more than 100 other birds. (10) Chickens are social animals who form complex social hierarchies and interact in complex ways that are indicative of what anthropologists call culture. For example, researchers have shown that chickens learn from observing the success and failure of others in their community. One experiment that demonstrated this finding involved teaching one group of chickens to peck red and green buttons a certain number of times to obtain a food reward. Researchers were surprised to find that when a new group of chickens watched those who had learned how to push the buttons for food, the new chickens quickly caught on by watching the others. Researchers have also found that chickens have a cultural knowledge that they pass down from generation to generation. John Webster, a professor at Bristol University in the U.K., set up a study in which he gave chickens a mixture of yellow and blue kernels of corn. The blue kernels were tainted with chemicals that made the birds feel sick, and they quickly learned to avoid the blue corn entirely (this is also another example of their understanding of cause and effect). When the chickens in Websters study had their young, he spread yellow and blue corn around the farm, and even though he made it so that both types were harmless, the mother hens remembered that the blue corn had previously made them sick, and they steered their young away from it. In
an article in the London Times, Webster explains, What this tells us is that the mother hen has learnt what food is good and what is bad for her, that she cares so much for her chicks she will not let them eat the bad food, and she is passing on to her young what she has learnt. To me, that is pretty close to cultureand an advanced one at that. Chickens are sentient creatures and have feelings of their own. (14)
People who have spent time with chickens know that each bird has a different personality that often relates to his or her place in the pecking ordersome are gregarious and fearless, while others are more shy and watchful; some chickens enjoy human company, while others are Just like one has committed murder, so by law he must be hanged. By law. That is the general law everywhere, all over the world: life for life. So similarly, in the Gods law there is no such thing that if you kill a human being youll be killed, and if you kill an animal you wont be killed. That is imperfect law, man-made law. Therefore Jesus Christ said, Thou shall not kill. No question of... They have modified, This killing means murdering. Christ does not say. What is your proof that if you committed mistake, a mistake, instead of writing Thou shall not commit murder, here is written, Thou shall not kill, general. Otherwise Christ has no intelligence. He cannot use the proper word. But you are misusing the order of Lord Christ. So you are suffering. You are maintaining so many slaughterhouses, and when it will be mature, there will be war, the wholesale murder. Finished. One atom bomb finished. Youll have to suffer. Dont think that Innocent animals, they cannot protest. Let us kill and eat. No. Youll be also punished. Wait for accumulation of your sinful activities, and there will be war, and the America will drop the atom bomb, and Russia will be finished. Both will be finished. Go on now enjoying. It takes time. Just like even if you infect some disease, it takes time. Not that immediately you infect, and immediately the disease is there. No. It takes a weeks time or so. What is called? A quarantine, quarantine... Devotee: Period of incubation. Srila Prabhupada (Lecture, Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.32, Honolulu, May 31, 1976)
standoffish, shy, or even a bit aggressive. Just like dogs, cats, and humans, each chicken is an individual with a distinct personality. Colorado State University Distinguished Professor Dr. Bernard Rollins notes, Contrary to what one may hear from the industry, chickens are complex behaviorally, do quite well in learning, show a rich social organization, and have a diverse repertoire of calls. Anyone who has kept barnyard chickens recognizes their significant differences in personality.
Chickens communicate with each other through their clucksMench explains, They have more than thirty types of vocalizations. (17) They have different calls to distinguish between threats that are approaching by land and those that are approaching over water. (18) A mother hen begins to teach these calls to her chicks before they even hatchshe clucks softly to them while sitting on the eggs, and they chirp back to her and to each other from inside their shells. (19)
Positive Emotions
They are very social and like to spend their days together, scratching for food, cleaning themselves in dust baths, roosting in trees, and lying in the sun. [For Christians] Mother hens care deeply for their babiesJesus even refers to the loving protectiveness of a hen toward her chicks in the Gospels, which were written almost 2,000 years ago. (20) Kim Sturla, the manager of Animal Place, a sanctuary for farmed animals near Sacramento, recounts a touching story of two chickens. We rescued an elderly hen, Mary, from a city dump and later an elderly rooster, Notorious Boy. They bonded, and they would roost on the picnic table. One stormy night with the rain really pelting down, I went to put them in the barn and I saw the rooster had his wing extended over the hen, protecting her. (21)
But the billions of chickens raised on factory farms each year never have the chance to do anything that is natural to them. (4)
Broiler Chickens
Chickens raised for their flesh, called broilers by the chicken industry, spend their entire lives in filthy sheds with tens of thousands of other birds, where intense crowding and confinement lead to outbreaks of disease. They are bred and drugged to grow so large so quickly that their legs and organs cant keep up, making heart attacks, organ failure, and crippling leg deformities common. Many become crippled under their own weight and eventually die because they cant reach the water nozzles. When they are only 6 or 7 weeks old, they are crammed into cages and trucked to slaughter. Chickens are slammed into small crates and trucked to the slaughterhouse through all weather extremes. Hundreds of millions suffer So the hunters, some of the hunters, they also kill the animal half. So they take pleasure. I have seen in my own eyes in Calcutta. One hotel man was cutting the throat of a chicken and half-cut, and the half-dead chicken was jumping like this, and the man was laughing. His little son, he was crying. I have seen it. He was crying. Because he's innocent child, he could not tolerate. He was crying. And the father was saying, "Why you are crying? Why you are crying? It is very nice." Just see. So without being devotee a man will become cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel, cruel, in this way go to hell. And devotee cannot tolerate. And in Western countries I think students are sometimes taken to slaughterhouse to see. Is it a fact? Yes. You see. They take pleasure. Doing something sinful, they take pleasure. We have studied in the life of Lord Jesus Christ. When he saw that in the Jewish synagogue the birds were being killed, he became shocked. He therefore left. He inaugurated the Christian religion. Perhaps you know. He was shocked by this animal-killing. And therefore his first commandment is "Thou shall not kill." But the followers, instead of following his instruction, they are opening daily slaughterhouse. Srila Prabhupada (Lecture, Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.52, Vrndavana, April 7, 1976)
from broken wings and legs from rough handling, and millions die from the stress of the journey.(6) At the slaughterhouse, their legs are snapped into shackles, their throats are cut, and they are immersed in scalding hot water to remove their feathers. Because they have no federal legal protection (birds are exempt from the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act), most are still conscious when their throats are cut open, and many are literally scalded to death in the featherremoval tanks after missing the throat cutter.
Laying Hens
Birds exploited for their eggs, called laying hens by the industry, are crammed together in wire cages where they dont even have enough room to spread a single wing. The cages are stacked on top of each other, and the excrement from chickens in the higher cages constantly falls on those below. Their sensitive beaks are cut off so that they dont peck each other out of the frustration created by the unnatural confinement, and farmers often deprive birds of food for as long as 14 days in order to shock their bodies into producing more eggs (the practice is called forced-molting).(5) After their bodies are exhausted and their production drops, they are shipped to slaughter, generally to be turned into chicken soup or cat or dog food because their flesh is too bruised and battered to be used for much else. Because the male chicks of egg-laying breeder hens are unable to lay eggs and are not bred to produce excessive flesh for the meat industry, they are killed. Every year, more than 100 million of these young birds are ground up alive or tossed into bags to suffocate.
References: 1. William Grimes, If Chickens Are So Smart, Why Arent They Eating Us? New York Times, 12 Jan. 2003. 2. William Grimes, If Chickens Are So Smart, Why Arent They Eating Us? New York Times, 12 Jan. 2003. 3. Behavioral Research, Chicken-Yard.Net, 30 Nov. 2001. 4. Wayne Pacelle, Mercy, Mercy: Chickens Deserve Same Humane End as Pigs and Cattle, Humane Society of the United States, 2005. 5. United Poultry Concerns, Forced Molting, United Poultry Concerns Online, 2005. 6. T.G. Knowles and L.G. Wilkins, The Problem of Broken Bones During Handling of Laying Hens: A Review, Poultry Science, 1998.
7. William Grimes, If Chickens Are So Smart, Why Arent They Eating Us? New York Times, 12 Jan. 2003. 8. Rick Weiss, Bird Brains Get Some New Names, and New Respect, The Washington Post 1 Feb. 2005: A10. 9. Ananova, Chickens Not Just Bird Brains, 2005. 10. Michael Specter, The Extremist, The New Yorker 14 Apr. 003.11. Specter. 12. Jennifer Viegas, Study: Chickens Think About Future, Discovery News 14 Jul. 2005. 13. Jennifer Viegas, Study: Chickens Think About Future, Discovery News 14 Jul. 2005. 14. Valerie Elliott, Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? London Times Online 18 Mar. 2005. 15. Weiss. 16. Bernard Rollin, Farm Animal Welfare: Social, Bioethical, and Research Issues, Iowa State University Press: Ames, Iowa, 1995: 118. 17. Specter. 18.Grimes 19. The Humane Society of the United States, Chickens, 2005. 20. The Bible, Matthew 23:37-38 (New King James version), BibleGateway.com 2005. 21. Alex Cukan, Chickens More Than Just Dumb Clucks, United Press International, 20 Sep. 2002.
taste. I experience pain, misery, loneliness, and happiness. I like to socialize and enjoy time with my family and friends. I am intelligent and follow a pecking order. I can recognize other chickens by sight and smell. I nest and nurture my young. I chirp dozens of vocalizations and speak my own language. I have a long term memory. I like to sit in trees. I run towards food because I enjoy eating. I am scared of loud noises. I have a purpose in this world just like you and yet I am the most disrespected and mistreated animal on the face of the earth.
I Am A Chicken.
am a chicken. I have the same five senses as you: I can see, smell, touch, hear, and
The majority of humans show no regard for my life. They ascribe no reason for my existence beyond being tortured and killed for food. They show me no mercy but ask for it for themselves and those they love, including their own animals they keep as pets. I wonder how they can say that they cant watch someone slaughter me
but can still bring themselves to pay someone to do it and eat me. I wonder if they will ever see the irony of calling themselves animal lovers while they eat animals. I bet if they met me and got to know me and held me on their lap, they wouldnt eat me.
I Am A Chicken.
They abuse me in ways that would shock you. Free-range or cage-free means that instead of putting me in a cage, I am packed on a sordid warehouse floor where I live with thousands of other chickens in less than a square foot of space for each of us. Youre told Im cage-free so you will feel less guilty and so the factory farmers can charge you more money and increase their profits. The cruelty is the same. They cut my beak off so when I go crazy, I dont fight with other chickens and kill them. It is not my nature to go crazy and kill other chickens any more than it is your nature to go crazy and kill other humans. Imagine the living conditions that would cause me to kill another chicken. I am filled with antibiotics to prevent my death before Im killed. You eat those antibiotics and your body develops an immunity to them which places you at risk to resist them when youre sick and need them. You think you know what I taste like but you do not. I am stuffed with preservatives and flavorings that create what you believe tastes like chicken. It isnt healthy for you to eat me. Youve been fooled by the meat industry into believing otherwise. Unsanitary living conditions cause us to die of thirst, overheating, infections, and diseases. It is common for 20,000 of us to be crammed in one broiler house in a factory.
The electrical current used to kill us is often set low so it doesnt ruin the meat on our bones. In many cases, it doesnt kill us and we are thrown into a scolding hot tank of water to remove our feathers while we are still conscious. You can hear us scream from a mile away. A mechanical blade is also used to slash our throats. Many times it isnt properly aligned and only partially slashes our throats, leaving us to die miserable deaths. These killing errors happen to millions of us.
I Am A Chicken.
The truth is I cant speak which is why this happens to chickens like me. But if I could speak, I would beg you not to eat me anymore. I want to be free like other birds. I want you to respect my life on this earth as you value your own. Your existence is only more important than mine in your mind. Simply because you believe it doesnt make it so. Knowing what you know now, that you dont need to eat me to survive, and that my life and death are cruel beyond your imagination, are you still going to pay someone to torture and kill me? Or will you make a humane decision and refrain and ask others to do the same? I was a chicken.
y name is John Dear, and Im a Catholic priest, a peace activist, a writer, and a vegetarian. Ive traveled the world promoting peace and nonviolence and served as the executive director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the largest and oldest interfaith peace organization in the United States. Id like to reflect with you about Christianity and vegetarianism. When I look at the world today, I see a culture addicted to violence. As I write, there are more than 30 wars being waged. There are more than 1 billion people suffering from malnourishment and its effects. There are more than 2 billion people without access to clean water, barely surviving in dire poverty. According to the United Nations, about 60,000 people, mostly women and children, die every single day from starvation and starvation-related diseases. Right here in the U.S., we see executions, rampant homelessness, and injustices of all kinds, including racism and sexism. And in the U.S. alone, we kill more than 9 billion land animals each year by slitting their throats, sometimes while theyre still conscious. We also kill more than 15 billion sea animals, generally by suffocation, bodily decompression, or crushing, every single year. I agree with Mahatma Gandhi, Dorothy Day of the Catholic Worker movement, and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that the only way out of this culture of violence is through the ancient wisdom of nonviolence. I remember what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated:
The choice before us is no longer violence or nonviolence; its nonviolence or nonexistence. Thats where we stand today, on the brink of a new culture of nonviolence or the brink of nonexistence. Nonviolence begins with the insights that all life is sacred, that all human beings are children of the God of peace, and that as Gods children, we are under certain obligations. Of course, we should never hurt or kill another human being, wage war, build nuclear weapons, or sit idly by while millions of human beings starve to death each year. Nonviolence invites us, also, to reevaluate the way we treat animals in our society. While we resist violence, injustice, and war, and while we practice nonviolence, seek peace, and struggle for justice for the poor, we are also invited to break down the species barrier, extending our belief in Christian compassion to the animal kingdom by, among other things, adopting a vegetarian diet. As I look at the world and reflect on this urgent question of violence and nonviolence, I turn, as a Christian, to Jesus. Gandhi said that Jesus was a great practitioner of nonviolence. If we know anything about Jesus, it is that he rejected and resisted violence and practiced nonviolence. As the soldiers were taking him away to torture and execute him, another victim of the death penalty, his last words to his community of friends were, Put away the sword. After his execution, God raised him from the dead, and he returned to his friends with the greeting of peace, inviting them to follow him into Gods reign of peace and justice. He invites us to follow him as well. Since 1982, I have been attempting to take seriously Jesus call of nonviolence. I have organized demonstrations, been arrested for acts of civil disobedience, and taken every opportunity to speak out, in books and articles and retreats, from college auditoriums and inner city streets to pulpits across the country, about nonviolence. Ive also traveled into the war zones of the Middle East, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti,
Northern Ireland, and Iraq, to learn about and speak out against the injustices that we inflict on so many people. When I began my journey of peacemaking 20 years ago, I read several books about Mahatma Gandhi, that great teacher of peace and leader of revolutionary nonviolence. Gandhi was seeking personal and spiritual wholeness. He had lived and worked for justice in South Africa, struggled nonviolently for Indias independence, and spent two hours of every day in meditation and prayer. He vowed to live simply, to speak the truth, and to practice nonviolence. And he refused to eat meat, declaring that the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being.
Vegetarianism As a Way to Help End World Hunger
While people suffer and die of starvation in Central and South America, these regions ship their grain to the U.S. to feed our cows, pigs, and chickens so that we can satisfy our desire for animal flesh, milk, and eggs. At about the time I was studying Gandhi, I read a powerful book by Frances Moore Lapp called Diet for a Small Planet. Lapp argued that we could help end world hunger by redistributing our wealth and resources to the poorer people of the world, cutting back on our militarism, and becoming vegetarians. She pointed out that more and more basic grains around the world, instead of going to local communities of malnourished people, are grown and given to animals who are used for their milk or eggs and later slaughtered, or who are raised only to be slaughtered for meat. In both instances, the animal products are consumed by the people of the developed First World and their few rich emissaries in the developing world, rather than by the starving masses. Ten years ago, China was a net grain exporter, and it seemed certain that it would continue to export grain. But instead, as a direct result of increasing consumption of animal products, primarily pigs, China is now one of the worlds top grain importers. The practical effect on people is only beginning to be felt in China. According to groups like the Worldwatch Institute, all developing countries that rely on animal agriculture will experience similar consequences, and the resulting increase in starvation and misery as well. It is profoundly disheartening to remember that during the famine in Ethiopia in the mid-1980s, and during the famine in Somalia in the early 1990s, those countries continued to export grains to Europe to feed its
cows, pigs, and chickens so that First-World people could eat meat. Likewise, while people suffer and die in Central and South America, the countries there ship their grains to the U.S. to feed our cows, pigs, and chickens so that we can satisfy our desire for animal flesh, milk, and eggs. Frances Moore Lapp argues rightly that we should all work to eliminate hunger and protect the environment and that one important step we can each take is to become a vegetarian. To me, working to abolish hunger, war, and violence is a basic moral and ethical duty for everyone. Furthermore, for me as a Christian, it is a basic religious and spiritual obligationa commandment, required by God. Frances Moore Lapp helped me to make the connection between justice, solidarity, and the life of nonviolence, and I quickly became a vegetarian. I hope that others will, too, and that we can all take another step toward a more nonviolent, more just world.
The Biblical Vision of Compassion and Nonviolence
There are other good reasons for becoming a vegetarian, and Id like to review a few of them, including the witness of the scriptures, a basic reverence and compassion toward Gods creatures, responsible stewardship of the Earth, and respect for ones own health. In Gods initial and ideal world, represented in the book of Genesis by the Garden of Eden, there was no suffering, no exploitation, and no violence at all. People and animals were vegetarians, as we read in the first chapter of Genesis: God said See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food.(1:29) Immediately after creating this beautiful, nonviolent, non-exploitative world, God, describes it as very good. This is the only time in the narrative that God calls creation very good instead of merely goodand this immediately follows Gods command with regard to vegetarianism. But after the Fall, people waged war, held one another as slaves, ate
meat, and committed every atrocity imaginable. After the flood, when the worlds vegetation was destroyed, we are told, God allowed humans to eat meat. Scholars argue that within the context of the story, this was only a temporary permission, based on human violence and sinfulness: God gives us free will and allows us the freedom to reject God and Gods way of nonviolence, but God tried to help us to become less violent by commanding people to observe Gods laws. In the Mosaic legal system, then, there are more than 150 laws regarding meat-eating, but the vision of Eden is still the ideal and the goal. Indeed, Leviticus strictly prohibits the eating of anything with fat or blood, and many argue that the law of Moses actually forbids the eating of flesh entirely, because its impossible to get blood totally out of meat. The best example of a vegetarian in the Bible is Daniel, the nonviolent resister who refuses to defile himself by eating the kings meat. He and three friends actually become much healthier than everyone else through their vegetarian diet. They also become 10 times smarter, and God rewards them with knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom. Throughout the marvelous stories that follow, we hear of someone who remains faithful to God, refuses to worship the emperors false gods and unjust ways, and practices a steadfast nonviolence. And this marvelous story begins with divine approval of vegetarianism. The book of the prophet Isaiah proclaims the vision of the peaceable kingdom, that new realm of God where everyone will beat their swords into plowshares, refuse to study war, enjoy their own vine and fig tree, and never fear again. Several passages condemn meat-eating and foresee a day when people and animals will adopt a vegetarian diet, when the wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid ... They do no violence, no harm, on all my holy mountain. (Is.11:6-9) Of course, Gods covenant is always with all flesh, animal and human, and in the conclusion to Isaiah, God speaks of those who kill animals in the same way as those who murder people and heralds the dawn of a new day of peace.
According to the prophet Hosea, God says, I will make a covenant on behalf of Israel with the wild beasts, the birds of the air, and the things that creep on the earth, and I will break every bow and sword and weapon of war and sweep them off the earth, so that all living creatures may lie down without living in fear. As I consider what it means to be a Christian today, reflecting on the radical, nonviolent life of Jesus, I believe that today Jesus sides with the starving, the homeless, the refugees, and the children of the world, who continue to be crushed by first-world greed and war making. If Jesus lived in our culture of violence, he would do everything he could to confront the structures of death and call for a new culture of peace and life. He would want us to change every aspect of our lives, to seek complete physical, spiritual, emotional, and ethical wholeness, to become people of nonviolence, children of the God of peace. Anglican priest, theologian, and Oxford professor the Rev. Dr. Andrew Linzey suggests that following Christ means casting our lot with the most oppressed. In his book Animal Theology, he says that today, no beings are more oppressed than the animals who are treated so badly by the meat industry. I conclude that, as Christians, we must side with the poor and oppressed peoples of the world and with animals. In fact, the Gospels are full of favorable references to animals and reveal that Jesus had a great reverence for animals and nature. As Lewis Regenstein points out in his book Replenish the Earth: A History of Organized Religions Treatment of Animals and Nature, Jesus calls his followers sheep. He compares his concern for Jerusalem with a hens caring for her brood. He likens himself to animals, such as a lamb and a dove, because of their innocence and meekness. Behold the birds of the air, Jesus says. They do not sow, they do not reap, nor do they gather into barns, yet your heavenly God feeds them(Mt. 6:26). Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Jesus later asks. And yet not one of them is forgotten by God.(Lk. 12:6) Indeed, in Johns Gospel, Jesus describes himself as a Good Shepherd and notes that a good shepherd lays down his life for his flock of sheep. Dare we conclude that Jesus supports the ultimate act of compassion and love, to die nonviolently, even to protect animals? Jesus embodied nonviolence and compassion. The rest of us are called to follow in his gentle footsteps. Yet few have approached him. I think of
St. Francis of Assisi, who walked among the poor, preached peace, and, in particular, loved and celebrated all of creation, including animals. Not to hurt our humble brethren, the animals, he said, is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission: to be of service to them whenever they require it. If you have people who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, he said, you will have people who will deal likewise with other people. Rev. Dr. Linzey suggests, like St. Francis, that human beings should act not as the master species, but as the servant species. Christ came as a humble servant and called us to love and serve one another and not to harm anyone. Linzey suggests that the Gospel call to service includes selfless service and justice not only to the poor and oppressed, but to all creation, including animals. In this, we become more Christlike. Many early Christians advocated vegetarianism, including Tertullian, the great advocate of nonviolence; St. John Chrysostom, the patriarch of Constantinople; and St. Jerome, a doctor of the church and an early translator of the Bible. The theologian Clement of Alexandria urged Christians to become vegetarians, saying, It is far better to be happy than to have your bodies act as graveyards for animals. It is clear that for the first three centuries after Christ, a Christian could not kill or participate in war. Christians were nonviolent. Some scholars argue that most early Christians were also vegetarians and that meat-eating was not officially allowed until the fourth century, when the church embraced Constantine and the Roman Empire. Then, just as Christians rejected Jesus nonviolence and devised the heresy of the so-called just war theory, they deliberately approved meat-eating. Regardless of this past practice, though, the question we Christians have to ask ourselves is how can we become more Christlike and more faithful to the nonviolent Jesus. Where in our lives could we be more merciful, more compassionate? In our own times, Christians around the world are waking up to the Gospel imperative to pursue peace and justice
for all people, to reject war, and to practice the active nonviolence of Jesus. They are also rethinking our mistreatment of animals and the rest of creation. Many are becoming vegetarians. In 1966, the Vatican newspaper wrote for the first time, To ill-treat animals, and make them suffer without reason, is an act of deplorable cruelty to be condemned from a Christian point of view. Other bishops began to include cruelty toward animals under the basic sin of violence. In December of 2000, the Vatican newspaper pointed out that the Catholic Catechism says it is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly. The article went on to question the way animals are raised and killed for food today. Paul McCartney is right when he says, If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would go vegetarian. Theologian Thomas Berry sums up the growing trend among Christians: Vegetarianism is a way of life that we should all move toward for economic survival, physical well-being, and spiritual integrity. In other words, one more way we Christians can welcome Christs reign of nonviolence is by becoming vegetarians. So, when we sit down to eat, when we say our grace and invoke the blessing of Jesus, we should also choose to adhere to his life of compassion and nonviolence by maintaining a vegetarian diet. And we know that as we practice mercy to one another and to all Gods creatures, we too shall receive mercy and blessings, as Jesus promised in the Beatitudes. Yet the reality today for Gods creatures is neither compassionate nor merciful. Our treatment of Gods animals is cruel and gruesome. Each year, the United States raises and kills about 9 billion land animals and slaughters another 15 billion sea animals. Laying hens, who are raised for their eggs, spend their entire lives crammed into wire-mesh cages not much larger than file drawers and stacked in warehouses with tens of thousands of other birds. Conditions are so horrendous that their feet often grow through and around the wire. One-third of the birds suffer broken legs on the packed and painful ride to the slaughterhouse, which often entails days without food and water, through all weather extremes. One egg represents 34 hours of suffering for a hen, not to mention the ride to the slaughterhouse and slaughter itself. Two hundred and fifty million male birds are suffocated or ground to death. They are useless for the egg industry and are a different strain of bird from those useful for meat.
Meanwhile, chickens, pigs, turkeys, dairy cows, and beef cows are genetically bred and fed drugs to make them grow faster, separated from their families at birth, and mutilated without any painkillers. Chickens have their beaks chopped off with a hot blade. Cows and pigs are castrated. Cows have their horns ripped out of their heads. Pigs have their teeth pulled out with pliers and their tails chopped off. They all suffer the mental and physical anguish of living in tiny spaces with no relief, no ability to act on any of their natural desires and needs, and no hope for escape. They are transported without food or water to a hellish death. Dairy cows and other animals who can no longer walk are dragged from the trucks, breaking more bones in the process. They are killed by being hung upside down and bled to death from a slit throat, often skinned and hacked to bits while still conscious. If these farmers, slaughterhouse workers, and truck drivers treated dogs and cats in this manner, they would undoubtedly be prosecuted for animal abuse. It is important to remember also that most animals raised for food are like Frankenstein animals. They have been genetically bred to grow so quickly that their hearts, lungs, and limbs often cannot keep up. Chickens, for example, now grow more than twice as quickly as they did just 30 years ago and are slaughtered before they are even 2 months old. On average, cows give about four times as much milk as they would naturally, and many give 10 to 13 times as much milk, their udders literally dragging on the ground. Turkeys have been genetically bred so that they cant even mate naturally anymore. In fact, a few years ago, The Washington Post published a Thanksgiving story about turkeys entitled, Techno-Turkey: Serving Up Science for Dinner. We are playing Dr. Frankenstein with Gods creatures. We are pursuing our demonic addiction to violence with our unimaginable cruelty not only to one another but to Gods creatures as well. Gandhi said you can judge a society by the way it treats its animals. And yet, every single day, we inflict pain, suffering, and death on millions of Gods animals. Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to humankind. Albert Schweitzer
Tolstoy insisted that vegetarianism is the taproot of humanitarianism. Vegetarianism proves that were serious about our belief in compassion and justice, that were mindful of our commitment, day in and day out, every time we eat. We are reminded of our belief in mercy, and we remind others. We begin to live the nonviolent vision, right here and now. Over the centuries, the human race has grown slowly in its awareness of and respect for human rights, including the right to life itself. It is now generally understood that oppression and exploitation of human beings because of their race, gender, religion, age, and physical ability are unacceptable. As we continue to grow in our moral consciousness, we will learn to abolish war, nuclear weapons, and violence itself. We will also learn to protect the earth and break down the species barrier while embracing our responsibility toward all creatures. Albert Einstein called human bigotry against other species an optical illusion of consciousness. Our task, he said, is to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures. The great humanitarian and theologian Dr. Albert Schweitzer, in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, stated, Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to humankind. Many Christians who agree that harming a dog or cat is wrong think nothing of harming cows, pigs, chickens, fish, and other creatures. We need to understand that if were eating meat, we are paying people to be cruel to animals. For the simple reasons that all animals are creatures beloved by God and that God created them with a capacity for pain and suffering, we should adopt a vegetarian diet.
Vegetarianism As a Way to Protect the Earth
Another reason for becoming vegetarian is to help protect the environment. Mainstream environmental groups such as the Sierra Club,
the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Worldwatch Institute, and the National Audubon Society are drawing attention to the environmental havoc generated by raising animals for food and commercial fishing. In fact, one cannot be a meat-eating environmentalist; its a contradiction in terms. The harsh reality is that raising animals for food is steadily polluting and depleting our land, water, and air. In the U.S., 20 times as much energy is required to produce a calorie of animal flesh as the amount needed to produce a calorie of vegetable food. We wastefully cycle 70 percent of all we grow, such as soy, corn, wheat, and other grains, through animals, rather than eating these foods directly. Likewise, more than half of all the water used in the U.S. is used to raise animals for food, which is why meateaters require at least 14 times as much water for their diets as do vegetarians. Also, the intensive production of animals for meat requires about 25 times as much land as the production of the same amount of food from vegetable sources. And thats not all. Its not just inefficient to eat animals. The 9 billion land animals that we raise for food in the U.S. excrete 130 times as much waste as the entire human population of the United States130 times! And there are no waste treatment systems for animals. That stuff is swimming with bacteria, hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides. Quite simply, its toxic waste, and it is the number one source of water pollution in the U.S. Meanwhile, the fishing industry is steadily ruining the worlds delicate marine ecosystems. The fishing industry drags driftnets that are miles long along the bottom of the ocean, destroying everything in their path. Factory trawlers are vacuuming the oceans of sea life at an alarming pace. Thirteen of the 17 major global fisheries are either depleted or in serious decline. The other four are overexploited or fully exploited. These same trawlers dump unprofitable, often dead, animals back into the oceans, along with massive debris and spent fuel. A former cattle rancher named Howard Lyman, now executive director
of EarthSave International, urges people to become vegetarians, arguing that, among other things, meat-eating is destroying valuable and irreplaceable topsoil. Hes the person who was sued, along with Oprah Winfrey, by Texas cattlemen after he discussed the possibility of mad cow disease in the U.S.the jury ruled in his favor. Lyman points out that our soil used to be teeming with life, but now it is lifeless brown dirt. In fact, 85 percent of topsoil erosion in this country is due to raising animals for food. So, if youre reusing bags, using a shower saver, turning off lights when you leave the room, and trying to walk and bicycle, rather than drive, thats great! But to become even better stewards of the earth and Gods creation, we also need to take the next step and become vegetarians. Recently, I asked a young Christian friend why he became a vegetarian. He said that the change took place when he learned of the environmental destruction caused by the corporate meat industry. He could not in good conscience and good faith continue eating meat knowing that he was supporting the destruction of the planet. It went against everything he wanted his life to be about. He said: We are destroying the ecosystem by creating massive chicken, cow, and hog factories; poisoning the water; and tearing down the rain forestsall to produce meat. Were destroying the entire ecosystems of most poor countries. This whole corporate meat business is destructive. If millions of us become vegetarians, we will reduce the demand and help save the planet.
Vegetarianism As a Path to Health and Wholeness
Another basic reason to become a vegetarian is to promote good health. God has given us our bodies as gifts, and we need to treat them well, so that we can serve others and be instruments of Gods peace. Up until about 15 years ago, it was assumed by most physicians that human beings had to eat meat to survive. Nowadays, not only is everyone in agreement that our bodies thrive on a vegetarian diet, but medical groups like the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) have concluded that vegetarians are actually healthier. Vegetarians tend to weigh less and suffer at a fraction of the rate of meat-eaters from heart disease, cancer, and stroke Americas three biggest killers. Meat is entirely devoid of carbohydrates and fiber, the nutrients we need to keep our bodies in good working order. But meat does have heavy doses of artery-clogging
saturated fat and cholesterol. In particular, the only two researchers who have ever successfully reversed heart disease, by far Americas biggest killer, include an exclusively vegetarian diet as a part of their health programs. On the Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn programs, patients become heart attack proof, to quote Dr. Esselstyn, by getting their cholesterol levels lower than 150, the level below which no one has ever been documented as having had a heart attack. The average vegan cholesterol level is 128. Its also worth noting that vegetarians, on average, weigh 10 to 30 percent less than meat-eaters, and people on Dr. Ornishs program lose an average of 20 pounds in the first yearand they keep it off. People who consume animal products are 40 percent more susceptible to cancer and are more likely to suffer from stroke, appendicitis, arthritis, diabetes, and food poisoning. Additionally, meat contains pesticides and other chemicals up to 14 times more concentrated than those in plant foods. If we want to live a healthy, wholesome, full life, we are wise to become vegetarians. The Rev. George Malkmus, a Baptist preacher in North Carolina, argues that Christians should set an example of good health. What does it say about our faith when we Christians are dropping over dead from dietrelated, preventable diseases at the same rate as everyone else in this country, he wonders. He thinks that vegetarianism, because it makes us healthier, makes a good evangelical tool. I agree. God wants us to be healthy, to live life to its fullest. Likewise, Rev. Robert Schuller, pastor of the Crystal Cathedral and star of the Hour of Power, recommends what he calls the Garden of Eden diet. Its the diet God called us to in the Garden, he says, the diet intended for us, to help us lead long and productive lives. He cites vegetarian fitness superstar Jack LaLanne as one example of what a diet based on grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables can do for our vitality.
Vegetarianism As a Way to Support Human Rights
Nothing will benefit human health and increase our chances for survival as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. Albert Einstein Another reason for becoming vegetarian is simply to support basic human rights. A vegetarian diet is the only diet for people who care about the suffering of other people. Domestically, slaughterhouses are dens of
death not just for animals, but for the unfortunate people who work in them. Slaughterhouses have the highest rate of injury, the highest turnover rate, the highest repeat-injury rate, and the highest rate of accidental death of any industry in the country. In fact, slaughterhouse workers have nine times the injury rate of coal miners in Appalachia. A few years ago, the Center for Public Integrity, a Congressional watchdog group, released a report called, Safety Last: The Politics of E. Coli and Other Food-Borne Killers. This report points out that slaughterhouses are continually searching for replacement workers and have to bus people up from Mexico and Central America to slaughterhouses in Iowa, Minnesota, and elsewhere. Just as easily as the meatpacking companies court and transport immigrant labor to their Midwestern plants, the report says, they betray them, turning them and their families over to the immigration authorities. And in the ultimate act of cruelty and corruption, the companies then seek out the lucky ones that escaped the immigration raids to hire them back to stand on the killing floor. The same point was made in a more recent book called Fast FoodNation, by investigative journalist Eric Schlosser. Should Christians support this unjust treatment of workers? Of course not. Jesus put it simply: Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me. He insists that we side with the poor and oppressedand that includes the undocumented, the immigrant, the refugee, and the factory worker in their struggle for justice. We can and should withdraw our financial support for this violent and unjust industry by becoming vegetarians.
... the time will come, when [people] ... will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men [and women]. Leonardo da Vinci As we look back on very recent history, we see an astonishing array of positive social changes. Many good and thoughtful people of the 19th century did not recognize the basic human rights of women, children,
Native Americans, or African-Americans. Human slavery flourished until the end of the 1800s in the United States. Women were given the right to vote less than 100 years ago. The very first child abuse case was prosecuted in this country, also, less than 100 years ago. In each case, the Bible was used to bless and defend injustice. But, thank God, we have taken steps toward justice. Yet, unfortunately, we continue to use the scriptures to defend violence and justify war, executions, animal abuse, and nuclear weapons as if God, wanted us to be violent and kill. I am convinced that God is a God of peace and nonviolence and that Jesus wants us to be people of peace and nonviolence. We have come a long way in the last century, but we still have a long way to go. We need to abolish hunger, poverty, war, nuclear weapons, animal abuse, racism, sexism, and every other form of violence. I think that centuries from now, people of faith and conscience will look back at our times in shock and amazement that we ate meat, permitted people to starve, treated one another so unjustly, waged war, built huge nuclear arsenals, and remained hell-bent on destroying the planet. If we are to survive, as Dr. King said, we need to become people of nonviolence. One simple first step is to adopt a vegetarian diet. Despite all the problems of our times, I remain hopeful. More and more people are seeing the wisdom of nonviolence, including the wisdom of vegetarianism. In the U.S. alone, more than 1 million people adopt a vegetarian diet every year. As these trends gain momentum, they will have dramatic and positive consequences for our health, our environment, animal welfare, human rights, and, indeed, our disposition toward compassion and
nonviolence. I am convinced that society will look back on human arrogance and cruelty toward other animals with the same horror and disbelief that we presently reserve for atrocities committed against human beings. And as we stop eating meat and become vegetarians, we take another step into Gods way of nonviolence. We will be blessed. Let me conclude with a quote from author Lewis Regenstein: There are compelling moral, spiritual, and scriptural reasons to abstain from meat. The raising, transporting, and slaughtering of food animals entails enormous mistreatment and suffering of literally billions of creatures each year, in addition to the massive damage to the environment. Indeed, raising livestock is more destructive in depleting topsoil, groundwater, and energy resources than all other human activities combined, as well as causing enormous environmental damage such as clearing of forests, destruction of wildlife habitat, and pollution of rivers and lakes. And the consumption of meat and dairy products ... is linked to high rates of cancer, heart disease, strokes, and other potentially fatal health disorders. Therefore refraining Guest: Jesus Christ..., it is said that he made the miracle of the fish and ate. So why is it that one should not eat meat? Prabhupada: Jesus Christ said, "You shall not kill." Why you are killing? Guest : But then why did he eat fish? Prabhupada: He can eat the whole world, but you cannot do that. You must follow his instruction, "Thou shall not kill." Might have done so. One thing is Christ is powerful. Under certain circumstances, even if he had eaten some fish, that is not fault for him. Tejiyasam na dosaya [SB 10.33.29]. In the sastra it says, those who are very powerful, if they sometimes do something which is prohibited for common man, that is special case. On the plea that "Lord Christ sometimes took some fish somewhere; therefore we will have to maintain a big slaughterhouse," this is not very good logic. ... And he taught in the desert. Suppose there was no food and he had to eat some fish. But does it mean on that strength throughout the whole world the Christians will maintain big, big, up-to-date machinery for slaughterhouse? Srila Prabhupada (Lecture, Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.20 -- Los Angeles, July 10, 1974)
from eating meat helps prevent cruelty to animals and promotes protection of the environment and the health of ones body, the Temple of the Lord. For all these reasons, a vegetarian diet is one good way of maintaining a lifestyle consistent with the humane and ecological spirit of the Scriptures.
A Few Last Questions
Having said all that, Im sure there are a few questions hanging in the air, such as, But, John, didnt Jesus eat meat? Some biblical scholars conclude that Jesus didnt eat meat. All agree that Jesus wants us to practice perfect compassion throughout our lives. As weve seen, the world we live in today is a world of poverty, starvation, violence, and environmental destruction, and eating meat only entrenches these problems. So the real question is, what would the nonviolent Jesus want us to do today, in such a world of rampant violence? I believe that he would want us to do everything we can to help end violence and turn this into a world of nonviolence and compassion. That would include becoming a vegetarian. Others ask, But doesnt God condone animal sacrifice? The Hebrew scriptures are filled with stipulations about when and how to slaughter animals, but I do not think that this justifies eating animals. The Mosaic law was trying to reduce violence. The Bible is filled with laws permitting war, polygamy, slaveholding, and other forms of violence, but these laws mitigated evil practices that were already occurring. Gods laws about them were, at the time, intended to limit human sinfulness, to reduce our violence, and to hasten the advent of a new world without violence. When Jesus entered the picture, he insisted on radical nonviolence and compassion. He let us know that he prefers the sacrifice of our own hearts and lives for the sake of justice and peace. As Gandhi said, Jesus practices the revolution of nonviolence par excellence. He reveals that God is a god of nonviolence and wants us to enter that life of nonviolence. In a world of massive violence and suffering, why not take whatever steps we can to become more compassionate, more nonviolent and more faithful. Why not become a vegetarian, for the love of God and all Gods creatures? Your health will benefit. The environment will be better off. Animals will suffer less. And your spirituality will deepen and mature. The only reasons to keep eating meat are selfishness and gluttony, which are not exactly Christian ideals. We can all do better than that.
The time has come to take another step with Jesus on the road of nonviolence. The time has come to be a vegetarian.
(John Dear, S.J., received his Masters in Divinity from the Berkeley Theological Seminary, has served as executive director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the oldest interfaith peace organization in the United States, and has taught theology at Fordham University. The author of more than a dozen books on Christian discipleship, Fr. Dear resides in New York City. To explore the issue of Christian vegetarianism further, please read Animal Theology, by Rev. Andrew Linzey, Gods Covenant With Animals, by Rev. J.R. Hyland, The Lost Religion of Jesus, by Keith Akers, and Of God and Dogs, by Stephen Webb. For more information on vegetarianism in general, please visit GoVeg.com.)
Dr. Sahadeva dasa (Sanjay Shah) is a monk in vaisnava tradition. Coming from a prominent family of Rajasthan, Inida, he graduated in commerce from St.Xaviers College, Kolkata and then went on to complete his CA (Chartered Accountancy) and ICWA (Cost and works Accountancy) with national ranks. Later he received his doctorate. For close to last two decades, he is leading a monks life and he has made serving God and humanity as his lifes mission. He has been serving as the president of ISKCON Secunderabad center since last twenty years. His areas of work include research in Vedic and contemporary thought, Corporate and educational training, social work and counselling, travelling in India and aborad, writing books and of course, practicing spiritual life and spreading awareness about the same. He is also an accomplished musician, composer, singer, instruments player and sound engineer. He has more than a dozen albums to his credit so far. (SoulMelodies.com) His varied interests include alternative holistic living, Vedic studies, social criticism, environment, linguistics, history, art & crafts, nature studies, web technologies etc. His earlier books, Oil - A Global Crisis and Its Solutions (oilCrisisSolutions.com), End of Modern Civilization and Alternative future (WorldCrisisSolutions.com) have been acclaimed internationally.
This landmark book on cow protection delineates various aspects of cow sciences as presented by the timeless voice of an old civilization, Vedas. This book goes on to prove that the cow will be the making or breaking point for humanity, however strange it may sound. Science of cow protection needs to be researched further and more attention needs to be given to this area. Most of the challenges staring in the face of mankind can be traced to our neglect in this area. Pages-136, www.cowism.com For a copy, write to: soulscienceuniversity@gmail.com
This book discusses the vital role of cows in peace and progress of human society. Among other things, it also addresses the modern ecological concerns. It emphasizes the point that eCOWlogy is the original God made ecology. For all the challenges facing mankind today, mother cow stands out as the single answer. Living with cow is living on natures income instead of squandering her capital. In the universal scheme of creation, fate of humans has been attached to that cows, to an absolute and overwhelming degree. Pages-144, www.cowism.com For a copy, write to: soulscienceuniversity@gmail.com
This book deals with the internal lives of the cows and contains true stories from around the world. Cow is a very sober animal and does not wag its tail as often as a dog. This does not mean dog is good and cow is food. All animals including the dog should be shown love and care. But cow especially has a serious significance for human existence in this world. Talk about cows feelings is often brushed off as fluffy and sentimental but this book proves it otherwise. Pages 136, www.cowism.com For a copy, write to: soulscienceuniversity@gmail.com
If humanity and the planet have to survive, we have to replace our present day economic model. Its a fossil fuel based, car-centred, energy inefficient model and promotes over exploitation of natural resources, encourages a throwaway society, creates social injustice and is not viable any longer. This book presents an alternative economic system for the 21st Century. This is an economics which works for the people and the Planet. Pages 136, www.cowism.com For a copy, write to: soulscienceuniversity@gmail.com
Food is our common ground, a universal experience. But there is trouble with our food. Traditional societies had good food but we just have good table manners. A disease tsunami is sweeping the world. Humanity is dying out. This is the result of our deep ignorance about our food. If you dont have good health, the other things like food, housing, transportation, education and recreation dont mean much. This books lists out major killer foods of our industrial civilization and how to escape them. Pages 276, www.FoodcrisisSolutions.com For a copy, write to: soulscienceuniversity@gmail.com