2003 May

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June 7, 2003 Dear brothers and sisters, Greetings to you again in the name of Jesus.

God is so good that we are always under His care and protection. The one-month summer break (May) has quickly passed and the second semester of school has begun. The Freshmen Welcome Service was held on Sunday, June 1st. Approximately, 200 people were at the service. Our eight-day vacation in the Shan state and Mandalay division has renewed and revitalized our spirits and we are ready to go for another semester. First of all, I want to share with you how I have scheduled my daily activities. I get up every morning at 6:30 am. I leave home at 7:30 am to drop off the children at the school, which is a 30 minute drive from home. I usually arrive at my office at 8:30 am. I work at the office from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon on the days when I have no class to teach, but usually I teach during this time. I am mostly out of my office from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm to run daily errands. There are many errands to run everyday. Since we only have one car, I have to run every errand myself. At 3:00 pm I have to pick up the children at the school and sometimes, I forget to pick them up. (The dropping off and picking up of the children has been a big extra job I carry out. We wonder if we were to have another smaller car, these extra jobs could be taken care of by Acha and I will have more time for work.) After I drop off the children at home I return to work at my office the rest of the day from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, to prepare for class lectures, sermons, translation of Christian literature, writing articles for a magazine, etc. Everyday people interrupt my work by their surprise visit without having an appointment with me. According to our culture, we have to receive them regardless of how busy we are. If we dont, they will see us as unsociable. Quite different from the USA. I also praise God for improving my health. You might have noticed how thin I looked when I was in the USA. I was always unhealthy, never weighing more than 110 pounds. But now I weigh 137 pounds and feel very healthy. The rest of our family members are also healthy. Sarah is now taller than Acha and she is going into the ninth grade, Paul to the fifth grade, Rachel to the second grade and Elizabeth to Pre-school. Acha also keeps busy with her house keeping activities, daily chores, and taking care of the children. Secondly, I would like to tell you where we are now at this point in our ministry. We set goals and are now pressing on toward achieving them. The goals include: (1) to start the Christian college and seminary; (2) to set up the Christian gospel recording studio; (3) to establish the Christian literature ministry; (4) to produce the 15 minute Lisu radio program; and (5) church planting in Myanmar and China. To this point, three goals of the above; 1, 2, and 5, have been achieved as updated briefly as follows. The College and Seminary The Christian college and seminary, "YCCS - Yangon Christian College and Seminary" was established in January 2003 with 50 students. By the second semester, 34 more applications had been received. These applications came from different national groups and denominations. Of these 34 applications, we accepted 20. This involves 11 students for the undergraduate program and 13 for the graduate program. The total number is now 71 students at the YCCS.

We only accept those who passed the governments college entrance exam. Note that less than 30% of the high school students in Myanmar usually pass this exam. Other Bible colleges in Myanmar accept both those who pass and fail this exam. The news about the YCCS and other ministries of the MACM has spread quickly among the Christians in Myanmar. Many people are interested in our school and the ministry. We will be sticking to these 71 students for a couple of years. We will only consider new students in 2005. We have good teachers and school facilities with many ministry opportunities provided for our students; such as literature ministry, music ministry, weekend evangelism through conducting free tuition classes [1st thru 8th grade], personal witness to Christ wherever a relationship with people has been established, and Bible school classes on the weekend days. The students are actively involved in these soul-winning ministries. We regard every student as an evangelist, equipped to carry out a personal witness to Christ. This semester, our second, we plan to double our efforts for the weekend ministry. We usually conduct our weekend ministry in places where we have already established a relationship with the people. The free tuition class program is our first step toward an establishment of a relationship with the people. In short, the weekend ministry involves providing free tuition classes, an open air preaching program with contemporary Christian music, conducting weekend Bible classes, circulation of gospel tracts, etc. This second semester, we are planning to start two more free tuition classes in two different places in Yangon to be able to establish a relationship with the people there. Recording Studio The Christian recording studio was also started in January. Up to this point, six gospel albums have been produced from our studio which were in the Burmese, Lisu, Chin and Rakaing languages. We are currently recording another gospel album in Burmese language. We are also planning to record two Christmas albums; one in the Burmese language and another in the Lisu language for the coming Christmas. We need to produce more Lisu gospel albums for the Lisu radio program. We are tremendously blessed by this recording studio. May Gods name be praised and proclaimed among the nations through this recording studio. Church Planting We are very glad to tell you about the progress we have made with church planting. Since we returned last July, we have planted four churches in different places. The first church is the Yangon Christian Churchwhich meets at YCCS and I am the preacherstarted in September 2002 with 40 at the first service. We currently run over one hundred in every service. Of course, some are the YCCS students but there are many coming each week from outside. Every week at least two or three nonbelievers join us at the worship service. Sometimes, we even see a Buddhist monk at the service. I preach almost every service. During our stay in the USA, I did not speak Burmese for eight years (I spoke Lisu with Acha) so at the beginning I found it a bit difficult to preach in Burmese. But now I am doing much better and the people like the preaching. I collected good preaching material when I was there and Roger has also purchased some more preaching materials and shipped them to me. They are wonderful materials. Starting with this semester, I will start an adult Sunday class which will be conducted from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The worship service begins at 10:30 am. This Bible class will be conducted in English, especially for our children. My preaching at the service does not make sense to them because they do not understand Burmese. Of course, the YCCS students will also join this adult class. The second church we planted was the Maw Bi Christian church in northern Yangon. As reported to you before, the sanctuary is under construction and the construction will be completed this coming week. The building has bamboo walls and ceiling, a concrete floor and metal roof. It can hold approximately one hundred people. The cost is $1600. We are planning to hold a dedication service sometime in June. We will use the church building not only for the weekend service but also for some other purposes such as free tuition classes, weekend Bible classes, Sunday school programs, etc. The third church we started is in China among the Lisu people who settled along the Myanmar/China border. There is an estimated 400 unbelieving Lisu families living in that area. So far, seven families have accepted Jesus. Based on these families we began a church service last year. Currently they worship in homes and we are urgently needing $1000 to help build a sanctuary. Your consideration for this need will be greatly appreciated. We will continue to reach people in China with the gospel. -2-

Fourthly, we helped purchase a property of 200 X 200 feet in Tanai, a little town located along the Ledo road which was built by the American army in the Second World War. It is situated in the western portion of the Kachin state. In the past many Lisu Christian families moved to that area seeking a new start. This resulted in them living among non-Christians and having no church to attend. Isaiah has reached them and we are tying to bring them back to Christ. That is why we provided $300 to purchase the property. Our plan is to plant a church there targeting the Lisu families first and then, by Gods grace, reaching the non-Christians; i.e. Kachin, Burmese, Naga, and Shans by the newly committed Lisu. Literature and Radio Ministry We have already started the literature and radio ministry. However, we need capable people who can carry out this ministry effectively. Up to this point, the book entitled, "Creation Science" and the Lisu magazine are ready for publication and they are all in the computer. Currently, John Ah Khi, also known as Khi Khi (he is mostly known as Khi Khi), is the only one who works for both the literature and radio ministries. We had been searching for one more worker to work with Khi Khi in these two ministries. Recently we hired this second worker. His name is Moses. Moses worked for the Christian literature ministry in northern Myanmar for 12 years and has a great deal of experience in the literature ministry. Unfortunately, he knows very little about computers, but is diligently learning from Khi Khi. I have several video clips which I am anxious to edit and organize. It will surely be a time consuming project but I want to let you see what is going on with us. Shortly I will send pictures with short descriptions. We also plan to update the website with the help of Stephen Grooms, our webmaster and one of our MACM Board Directors. Dear brothers and sisters, we are very grateful to you for being such a wonderful blessing to the cause of Gods kingdom in Myanmar and China. It is unthinkable for us to be where we are now without your prayers and financial support. Your contributions to the cause of Gods Kingdom is beyond our description. The ministry is growing and many more things are to be accomplished in the future. We are grateful that up to this point no committed churches have dropped off except a couple of Sunday school classes which are no longer gathering. We are so thankful for your faithfulness in the service of the Lord. May God continue to bless you in His service. We will be faithful and continue to press on towards achieving our goals for His Kingdom. Thank you very much, WE LOVE YOU. In His service,

Lazarus and Acha Fish

Myanmar Agape Christian Mission Myanmar Needs 1. We need $1000 to help the first new church we planted in southern China. This will go to funding the construction of the sanctuary. 2. We still need $200 regular monthly support for the 15 minute radio program. [Presently, special gifts are bridging-the-gap!] 3. We also need $1000 for the China border training program. The training will last two months (July and August). We are expecting over 70 trainees this year and more from China. Prayer concerns 1. SARS has not reached Myanmar yet. In April Isaiah went to China and he said that every town in southern China has built a checkpoint where a medical team is examining travelers from outside to make sure that they do not carry SARS. Isaiah was examined six times at different checkpoints. Please pray for us to be free from this disease. 2. Pray for our country for freedom of religion.

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