How To Size Current Transformers

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How to Size Current Transformers The IEC 60044 Method

The key to CT dimensioning is symmetrical short circuit current and transient dimensioning factors:

K ssc

- rated symmetrical short-circuit current factor - effective symmetrical short-circuit current factor - transient dimensioning factor


The factor Kssc is relatively easy to understand and relates to the liner portion of a CT characteristic. The voltage and current across a CT are linear only up till a certain value (normally specified as a multiple of the nominal rating), after which the CT will saturate and the curve will level off. A CT rated at say 5P20 will stay linear to approximately 20 times its nominal current. This linear limit is the Kssc (i.e. Kssc = 20). As a reminder, the 5 [in the 5P20] would be the CT accuracy class and the P signifies a protection class CT. Slightly more complicated is the effective factor, K scc. This is a calculated value which takes into account the burden (resistance) of the relay, resistance of the CT windings and resistance of the leads:

Rct - secondary winding d.c. resistance at specified temperature Rb - rated resistive burden of the relay R b - Rleads + Rrelay; this is thel connected burden

CTs need to be able to supply the required current to drive the relays during transient fault conditions. The ability of the CT and relay to operate under these conditions is a function of K scc and the transient performance of the relay, Ktd. The factor, Ktd is supplied by the relay manufacturer. Correct functioning is achieved by ensuring the following is valid:

Issc max - maximum symmetrical short-circuit current

Ipn - CT rated primary current That it. Once you have confirmed the above is ok, you know your CT is ok.

What the Manufacturer Wants

Time for an example but before that, there is a slight complication in the manufacturers know their relays better than we (or the IEC) do. You should always refer to the manufacturers information firstly it is the only way to get the factor Ktd. Secondly manufacturers sometimes have additional requirements; for example Siemens overcurrent, motor protection, line differential (non-pilot)and transformer differential are good to go with the above, while their line differential (pilot wire) and distance relays require the above and have additional limitations on K scc.

Example Calculation
Now for the promised example:

CT: 600/1 5P10 15 VA Rct = 4 (the VA is the output rating of the CT) CT Leads: 6 mm , 50 m long (use R=2 l /a to calculate = 0.0179 /m) Relay: Siemens 7SJ45, Ktd = 1 Iscc max = 30 kA

To find the lead resistance Rleads (two leads supply, return) we can use the standard formulae for resistivity: Rleads = 2 l /a = 2 x 0.0175 x 50 / 6 = 0.3 Numerical relays have low burdens, typically 0.1 (where possible the relay manual should be consulted). Plugging everything into the equations: R b = Rleads + Rrelay = 0.3 + 0.1 = 0.4 K scc = Kscc (Rct + Rb)/(Rct + R b) = 20 (4 + 0.1 / (4 + 0.4 = ) 19.7 Ktd x Issc max / Ipn = 1 x 30000/600 = 18.64, which is less than the K scc = 20 making the relay OK.

Thats CT sizing to IEC 60044. If anyone has any questions or comments, dont forget to add them below.

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