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The first step is determining the methodology to be used in the intelligence process. A suggested methodology for a tactical or strategic assessment is encompassed in this nine-step model. Within the planning stage, there are four inter-related methodological components: 1)conductingan environmentalscan; 2)choosingatopic forinquiry; 3)definingtheproblem; and4)developing a collection plan. Information collected and formulated in each of the four planning steps should be presented in a detailed project proposal for approval by supervisors and management, prior to initiating the project. 1) Environmental Scan-Thefirst requirement oftheplanningactivity isdevelopinga wide-rangingawareness ofthe environment surrounding the intelligence function. This means focusing on the complete problem rather than zeroing in on specific matters at this early stage. A total problem-solving approach starts from the broadest practical base to understand the special and distinct characteristics ofthe issue to be examined (McDowell, Wardlaw and Schmidt., 1991, p. 11). An environmental scan includes identifying and examining factors such as demographic characteristics (age, population size, racial and ethnic composition of population, etc.), overall crime rate, general enforcementobjectives and strategies, and economic, socio-economic, and physical conditions. In all of these categories, trends shouldbe identified and extrapolated into the future. An environmental scan should also include identifying relevant national and international issues which impact on the police agency's constituency and intelligence or enforcement responsibilities. In general, within the intelligence unit, there mustbe acapacity foran ongoing and systematicscanning oftheenvironments that critically impact on the police agency's constituency. The results of scanning must not only be used as a basis for intelligence, but must also be articulated to management on a regular basis. 2) Choosing a Topic - Once the general parameters are laid out through the environmental scan, the next step is to choose a topic to analyze. Topics for analysis result from a variety of sources, including the environmental scan, executive management policy, recent events, analytical queries, or standard operating procedures (Peterson, 1991/92, p. 24). The inquiry should be answerable within the constraints ofavailable resources. Generally, the narrower the topic, the better. Limiting it to a specific crime type or group is wise. An even morefocused approach is concentratingon agiven group's involvement ina specific type ofcrime within aparticularjurisdiction (Sommers, 1986, p. 34).
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3) Problem Definition - Once a general topic has been chosen, a specific problem must be defined. According to Dintino and Martens, until law enforcementprecisely defines theproblem, therecanbe no strategy (1981, p. 58). What is involved at this point is an examination of the issues subsumed within the topic, considering it from several viewpoints and, ultimately, breaking it down into a set ofquestions or a working hypothesis tobe proved or refuted by the intelligence project (Sommers, 1986, p. 34). For example, an hypothesis for a strategic assessment might be: has organized crime infiltrated legitimate business in this community? The problem definition and hypothesis formation is critical for it will serve to guide the collection and subsequent analysis of information. 4) Developing a Collection Plan -Topreventthe intelligences system from becoming inundated with detailed and unimportant information, thecollectionprocessmustbeplanned, directed, andcoordinated (Wolf, 1978, p. 17). Accordingto Dintinoand Martens, acollectionplan isoneofthe most important phases in the intelligence process in that it represents the only rational mechanism to manage the intelligence officer's collection effort(1983, p. 77). The collection plan includes the analyst's research methodology. It serves as a tool that directs and focuses collection resources needed to prove or refute a hypothesis, thereby ensuring that the collection effort is suited to the requirements of the intelligence task. It establishes precise pieces of data necessary to accomplish the overall goal of the project and provides the intelligence officer with an understanding of how the data fits into the largerpuzzle (Dintino and Martens, 1983,p. 77). Without theemployment ofa collection plan, intelligenceofficers are left with their ownpredilections, collecting data that they believe are relevant to the organization and intelligence unit. The results are non-direction, misdirection, and a totally inefficient and ineffective utilization ofcollection resources (Andrews, 1990, p. 40). A collection plan should logically flow from the problem definition. It does not have to follow any prescribed format and can range from single worksheets to long, detailed plans (Andrews, 1990, p. 43). It mustbeflexible and responsiveto changingdevelopments in itsenvironmentand the intelligence process (McDowell, Wardlawand Schmidt, 1991, p. 13). However, a collection plan should minimally include: 1)a description of the data to be gathered, 2) the sources of the data; 3) the steps to be taken to obtain the data; and 4) the specification of the completion date for each stage of data collection(Sommers, 1986, p. 34).
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and ethical standards. Finally, this stage ensures that the data are, in fact, useful for an investigation, strategic planning and/or management decisions. The absence of this phase, or the lack of any standard of quality assurance, will result in the collection and filing ofraw data which can potentially result in misguided policies and enforcement efforts, a waste of resources, and serious privacy issues (Dintino and Martens, 1983, p. 90). According to Wolf, the verification of information must be based on its pertinency, reliability, and accuracy: Pertinency - New information should immediately be examined to determine the degree to which it is relevant, urgent, and valuable. The examination asks three questions: 1) Is this information relevant to the subject of a specific investigation(s), defined problem, orstrategic planning?; 2) Is this information needed immediately, and if so, by whom?; and 3) Is this information ofpossiblepresentorfuturevalue: Ifso, towhom? If the information is not substantially relevant toa specific analytical project, or future potential project, it should be discarded. Reliability - Information found to be pertinent is next judged on the reliability of the source of information and on the reliability of the agency and/or individual who collected and reported it. The source of the data, its past reliability, and the motives of the source (particularly if it is an informant) must be critically evaluated The principal basis for the determination of the reliability is previous experience with, or knowledge of, that source. Additional questions on the reliability of the source are: 1) Under the conditions existing at the time, was it possible for this information to have been obtained? and 2) Would the source have had access to the information reported? A reliability classification code should be applied to all reports. One set of reliability classification codes which could be applied is as follows: Reliability Code Substantiation Code Highly Reliable Reliable Unknown Reliability H R U Substantiated Unsubstantiated S U
These codes should follow the relevant information stored on file and be contained in an intelligence assessment or report. Accuracy - Information is also judged for its accuracy or its truth and completeness. Accuracy is judged by answering the following questions: 1) Is the reported fact or event at all possible? 2) Is the report consistent within itself? 3) Is the report confirmed or corroborated by information from different sources or agencies? 4) In what respects docs the report agree or disagree with other available.information, particularly information known to be true? and 5) If the information does not agree with information from other sources or agencies, which is more likely to be true? (Wolf, 1978, pp. 18-22) Dintino and Martens recommend that the verification task be assigned to a collator. Regardless of who performs this role, it is important that they be a senior, experienced individual. They should also be cognizant of the unit's goals and must ensure that the pre-established standards of quality control are being applied (1983, pp. 90-91).
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a) the kind of information which should be kept in intelligence files; b) the method of reviewing the material as to its usefulness and relevance; and, c) the method of disposing of material purged from intelligence files; 2) Systematic flow of pertinent and reliable information; 3) Uniform procedures for validation, evaluation, cross-indexing, and storing information; 4) A system for proper analysis of information; 5) A system capable of rapid and efficient retrieval of all information; 6) Guidelines for disseminating information from files; and 7) Security procedures (Harris, 1976, p. 16).
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- Sociology/anthropology/criminology(Cressey, 1969; Taylor, 1975; Ianni, 1972 and 1974) - Economics (Schelling, 1967;Anderson, 1979;Reuter, 1985;Kwitney, 1979; Block, 1991) - Psychology/linguistics (Miron, 1984; Shuy, 1990) - Political Science (Gardiner, 1967; Homer, 1974; Abadinsky, 1987) - History(Nelli, 1976;Block, 1980) - Operations research (Smith, 1980) - Business/finance/accounting (Fishman, etal., 1986; Lindquist and Bologna, 1987). Flowing from these disciplines, McDowell, Wardlaw, and Schmidt ( 991) arguethat intelligence is concerned with determining four major parameters in respect to any identified group: capabilities, intentions, limitations, and vulnerabilities. According to the International Association of Chiefs of Police, strategic intelligence should be used for the following: - to identify principalsand their associates,including current and emerging leaders; - to provide their descriptionsand activities within a givenjurisdiction; - to identify the extent to which organizedcrime has developed within a givenjurisdictionand its relationshipto organized crime participantsand activities in otherjurisdictions; - to assessorganized crime's capabilities,its direction, and its growth potentialwithin a given jurisdiction; - to determine the nature and extent of criminal infiltrationinto legitimatebusiness; - to identify those business enterprisesandpublicofficials which are controlledor directly influenced by criminalelements; and, - to identify the economic, social,andgovernmentalproblemscreatedby organizedcrimeandsuggestmethods by which these maybe impacted(1985, pp. 39-40). In particular, collection requirements and analysis which examine organized crime groups and activities should address the following issues: illegal activities; territorial allocation and control hierarchical structure ofcriminal group(s);
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the economics of legal and illegal market(s); financial flows/strength/net worth/ asset identification; allegiances and loyalties of participants in criminal networks - weak links in chain to exploit vis-a-vis informants/witnesses/undercover, * violence and corruption indicators, composition (ethnic or otherwise) of the group and/or network; recruitment and mobility practices, competitor/complementary criminal networks; psychological profile of boss/leader, * socio-cultural mores and values that govern ethnic crime groups and interpersonal relationships More specifically, Sommers (1986) providesa blueprint for analytical assessments which lists general questions tobe answered (and data to be collected) for the completion of an analysis. She recommends that questions be formulated with reference to criminal groups and categories of criminal activity. Under each subheading, the analyst should examine the issue vis-a-vis 1) past and present; 2) future; and 3) enforcement alternatives. This is seen in Appendix A. Analytical Assessments In order for intelligence to be used in a strategic or tactical manner, the analyzed information must be presented in a functional assessment package. An effective intelligence unit mustbe able to perform a number ofdifferent,yet inter-related, strategic intelligence assessments. These analyses can be disseminated separately, depending on the needs of the investigator or police management, or as a whole. Examples of standard assessments include premonitories, threat assessments, aggressiveness analysis, market analysis, vulnerability analysis, estimates and general strategic assessments. Premonitories are short-range assessments which bridge the gap between investigative and strategic intelligence; they use a strategic approach butarecompleted togenerate investigativetargets The distinctionbetween thisand othertypes ofstrategic analysis isthetime frame. Premonitoriesare generallydoneonpotential subjectsoflnvestigationimmediately priorto initiatingan investigation whereas other forms of strategic intelligence products are more long-range (Peterson, 1991/92, p. 18). Threat assessments analyzewhat organized crime groups and operations are costing the community, directly and indirectly, and what groupsand operations are mostthreatening tothe peaceand stability ofthecommunity. This typeofanalysiscanalsobe proactive when it attempts to predict the vulnerability of a community to organized crime (Lupsha, 1980; Miron and Douglas, 1975). Aggressiveness analysis studies the aggressiveness, adventurousness, and expansionist tendencies of organized crime groups and their operations. This includes examining the use of lethal violence by a group (Lupsha, 1980, p 38). Market analysis examines a market for a particular product or service (both legal and illegal). The objective is to determine the interactions within the market, its size and value, consumers, the involvement of organized crime groups, etc. It may also attempt to predict the potential market fora new illegal product or service. Central to analyzing illegal markets is the use of economic theory and analytical modelswhich centeraround the demand and supply ofa product or service (Peterson, 1991/92; Reuter andReubenstein, 1982. Schelling, 1967). Vulnerability analysis examines the internal characteristics of an organized crime group to identify the individual points of weakness and vulnerability to interdiction. Estimates are a compilation ofdata which measure thehistorical occurrenceofcriminal activity and include trends and forecasts based on that historical data (Peterson, 1991-92, p. 19). One example ofa strategic intelligence estimate is the RCMP National Drug Intelligence Estimate which includes information on drug supply, routes, prices, source country production, availability, and future trends. General strategicassessmentsare anoverviewofall known information on a criminal grouporcriminal activity with conclusions about the group and recommendations concerning possible enforcement measures against the group, network, or criminal activity (Peterson, 1991/92, p. 19). As the name indicates, these assessments are broad in nature and often summarize intelligence contained in other analyses. Organized Crime Analytical Models and Charting Techniques Intelligence analysis employs analytical models which detail information for tactical and strategic intelligence assessments. Thesetechniques allowcomplexassociations, activitiesand relationshipsexistingin a criminal networkor market tobedisplayed clearly and simply (Stockley, 1988, p. 299). Organizedcrime analytical models include the following. Telephone Record Analysis - Also known as telephone toll analysis, this technique involves the identification, recording, and compilation of telephone company, long-distance service, and/or dialed number recorder information to highlight the telephone contacts ofa suspect under investigation. It is also useful in identifying criminal accomplices and for future investigation or surveillance. The products of a telephone record analysis include a written report, charts, listings, and matrices (Peterson, 1990, p. 32 and 85-115). A telephone record chart is displayed in Figure 3. Flow Analysis-This includes event flow and commodity flow analysis. Event flow analysis views the chronology of the criminal
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activity while commodity flow looks at the flow of goods, services, or currency within a criminal network. A chart of the chronology or movement is usually completed. For example, a market analysis may use a flow chart to detail the flow of narcotics from its source to end users (Sommers, 1986, p. 28) or a commodity flow chart may be used to trace the movement of stolen or fenced goods (Peterson, 1990, p. 34). An event flow chart may show the events which led up to a mob murder, or the various substantiated crimes committed by a syndicate (Stockley, 1988, p. 299). A simplified commodity flow chart is displayed in Figure 4. Network Analysis - Network analysis is the "bread and butter" of intelligence units (Martens, 1986, p. 8). It consists ofdissecting the internal hierarchical structure, management, and roles of individuals within criminal organizations in order to arrive at a complete picture of an organized crime group. In addition, network analysis develops and lays out the linkages, associations, and interactions ofall known members of an organized crime groupwith the otherorganized crime groups and operations inthejurisdiction and elsewhere The connectionsbetween and interaction ofindividuals and organized crime groups is referred to as the criminal network (Lupsha, 1980; lanni and Reuss-Ianni, 1990; Sparrow, 1992). Linkcharting is a techniquewhich graphicallydisplaystheknown orpotential relationshipsand/or linksbetween subject(s). An example of a link chart is seen in Figure 5. Financial Analysis- Thisanalysis isused toassess the financial affairsofa suspect involved in illegal activity. A financial analysis may involve using fundamental accounting techniques such as balance sheets and income statements. One purpose of a financial analysis is the determination of a net worth statement which attempts to identify the illegal earnings ofan individual by demonstrating the discrepancy between legitimate earnings and net worth. This technique is particularly useful for proceeds of crime and money laundering investigations (Sommers, 1986, p. 28). In addition to net worth analysis, check analysis and business record analyses are important types offinancial analysis (Peterson, 1990, p. 36). Visual Investigative Analysis - Also called VIA, this is the step-by-step graphical depiction of the actions taken in investigations andtheresults oftheactions. It includesprimary, secondary, and even tertiary action lines with space foradditional dataas itis gathered It is.used in multi-jurisdictional investigations and can aid in the eliminating duplication in cases (Pelerson, 1990, p. 35). An example is seen in Figure 6. Content Analysis - Content analysis is used in the course of reviewing written or oral information which requires some summarization, interpretation, comparison, and conclusion drawing. It maybeperformed on transcripts, testimony, written documents, periodicals, or books (Peterson, 1990, p. 36). Crime Analysis Composite Table -A crime analysis composite table is produced by breaking down incident data into its elements and then performing frequency distribution analysis in reference to those elements. The incidents are reviewed for what elements are commontotheparticular typeofdatabeingtreated. Commoncrime analysiselements includedate, location, violator data, victim data, method of operation, use ofweapons, etc. The information is placed into a composite table for easy review and analysis An example can be seen in Figure 7. Suspect Chart - A suspect chart may be used to compare the possible suspects in an investigation. It can include the names of the suspects, potential motives, and their opportunities to commit the crime. It facilitates comparison among the suspects by arranging the data into a simple format (Peterson, 1990, p. 38). A suspect chart can be used to identify an individual (e.g , in the case of a homicide or robbery), or criminal organizations in cases such as large-scale importation and trafficking of drugs.
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imprecise, how accurate were those predictions 7 (Sullivan, 1980, pp 50-51 ) lf the intelligence information does not directly address the needs of the client or there is some doubt as to the analytical rigor used, the analysis or presentation of the intelligence estimate must be revised STAGE SEVEN: DISSEMINATION Oncethe information is analyzed, it isdisseminated totheclient The clentcanbe oneofmanydifferentusers including indix ldual investigators, prosecutors, management and other police or government agencies. Themanner inwhich intelligenceinformation ispresented whendisseminated iscritical. Intelligenceshould bedisseminated in a report or assessment which should be a logically structured product embodying strong writing skills (McDowell, Wardlax\, and Schmidt, 1991, p. 18). The report should be concise, while encompassing a thorough analysis of the issues and ensuring that all the details which either support or refute a particular hypothesis or argument are included. An intelligence report must be as objective as possible to encourage decisions which are based on accurate information and sound analysis. The report must distinguish between verified information and hypotheses, hearsay, or inferences. The writing style should be clear, avoiding "bureaucraticjargon" when possible. All sources of information should be noted in the report (Dintino and Martens, 1983, p. 128). It is also important that there be liberal use of analytical models and charting techniques in the report. The format and content of the report should cater to the interests and specific needs of the intended recipient (Wolf, 1978, p 28). To this end, specific assessments (threat assessment, market analysis, etc.) can form the framework and substance for specific intelligence reports. Emphasis should not be placed on producing quantity, but producing quality on which cases can be built and strategic plans made. Reports must be disseminated to clients in a timely manner. There are three types of intelligence reports: strategic (the result of the interpretation of certain data indicatnggeneral background information, trends, patterns, forecasts, or possible courses ofaction), tactical (pertaining to a specific event or situation which requi res
immediate or future action by a police department); and informational (intelligence which isnot immediately relevant to a tactical or
strategic project but which is to be retained in a file for future reference) (Wolf, 1978, p 28) Dintino and Martens suggest that a preliminary tactical assessment include 2) Historical overviewofthecriminal organization 1) Abstract of findings
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Flow of
Illicit Money
Source Beare and Schnieder, 1990, p. 318
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3) Biographies of the principal operatives 4) Network analysis 5) Financial analysis 6) Indicators of corruption or violence 7) Threat assessment 8) Vulnerability assessment 9) Conclusions/recommendations (1983, p. 129). A final tactical assessment should reflect the resultsof the intelligence assessment/utvestigation and the impact uponthe problem, and it should recommend future policy/strategy alternatives (Dintino and Martens, 1983, p. 129). The following report format is suggested when presenting a strategic assessment: I. Executive Summary II. Introduction/Background A. ObjectivesofAssessment B. Problem definition/hypothesis C. Research methodology/collectionplan D. Scope and limitationsof new assessments E Review ofprevious assessments/Literaturereview
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1ll. Analysis A Introduction: scope of analysis/analytical methods used B Descriptionoffindings C. Analysts offindings IV. Conclusions/Recommendations A. Conclusions B. Policy/EnforcementAllernatives C. RecommendedPolicy/Enforcementoptions D. Predictionof policy implications(on enforcement target andpolice resources) V References A. Primarysources (informants, data bases, investigators, etc). B. Secondarysources (newspapers, magazines, other intelligence assessments, etc.) Notwithstanding these standardized report formats, intelligence personnel must always exploreways to deliver their product in a form that will be mostuseful tothe purpose or situation at hand. In addition towritten reports, oral reports mustalso bewell-structured and delivered using effective briefing techniques (McDowell, Wardlaw, and Schmidl, 1991, p. 18). Prior to dissemination, the intelligence unit administrator should review the report to ensure that: 1)the information contained is reliable and accurate; 2) it does not divulge the identity of a source of information if confidential; 3) it is consistent with unit and agency guidelines; 4) itis legallypermitted(or not prohibitedby law); 5)ithasbeenproperlyclassified; and 6)it is appropriately recorded (DintinoandMartens, 1983, p. 130). To effectively control and standardize the process of safeguarding and disseminating intelligence information, a sensltivilt classification system should be adopted for all intelligence reports and documents. When possible, the time frame for the sensitivity code should be indicated. A date should be determined when the original sensitivity classification would no longer be binding as in
anactiveorpending investigation. A Security Control Officer should advise and represent the Commanding Officer ofthe agency about
safeguarding all classified information; recommend procedures for the proper instruction of all persons who are to handle classified material; maintain a program for declassification, downgrading and destruction; and supervising or conducting security inspections and spot checks to insure compliance with the procedures (Wolf, 1978, pp. 20-22.)
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Beyond the immediate client for whom the report is being prepared, two concepts should guide an intelligence unit in its dissemination of intelligence to other units of its police department or to other agencies: "right to know" and "need to know." These two criteria ensure that only those who possess the legal right to intelligence and demonstrate a need for this intelligence are allowed to get it (Dlntino and Martens. 1983, p 130). Further, all of the following factors should be kept in mind when evaluating requests for intelligence from members ofthe departmentor external agencies I) the natureofthe information 2) the source ofthe information 3) classificationof the information 4) the rank, assignment, and identity of the members of the department requesting the information, and 5) reason for the request and nature of the investigation being conducted by the requesting member of the department (Wolf, 1978, p. 30). This stage involves the use of the intelligence by investigators and police management It is the stage where the intelligence is applied for investigative, operational, or management purposes. Theintelligence unit should monitorthe application ofintelligence It must ensure that the intelligence estimates are thoroughly understood and applied to the objectives, investigations, and strategic plans to best ma\imize the value ofthe information Ideally, in thecaseoftactical intelligence, an analyst shouldbc workingactively with invcstigators, thercb) allots ing foradviceand the monitonlng of the application of intelligence. There must be constant feedback between those who use the intelligence and the anal st and intelligence unit manager. The final stage ofthe criminal intelligence process is the review This stage can be either the rev'ies and ex aluation of a specific intelligence project or the periodic review and evaluation of the general criminal intelligence function of the police agenc. Through a credible evaluation, an intelligence unit isable lo determine if it is accomplishing its objectives and identify its strengths and weaknesses. The outcome of an evaluation is the ability to continuously update an intelligence unit's operational and procedural requirements If the unit is found tobe deficient oroperating inefficiently, the unit administrator will be able to address these deficiencies anj redirect resources towards more productive and cost-efficient programs (Dintino and Martens, 1983. pp 13 1-132) Following the completion of a specific intelligence project, including the dissemination and application of intelligence to an investigation, strategic policy, or prosecution, a review is appropnate in order to determine if it met the tactical and strategic objectives of the investigator, manager, or prosecutor as well as the overall effectiveness of the intelligence process. To this end, the intelligence unit should develop a systematic mechanism to automatically review and evaluate an intelligence cycle A review often entails an assessment ofthe results of the intelligenceproject against the parametersoftheoriginal task. Strategic intelligence cannot be measured by the traditional "bodycount" such as number of arrests, number of successful prosecutions. etc Rather, police management should think in terms of capability, for example, testing the ability of the system to produce analyses with a minimum offile-search time The evaluationma) analyzethe operation in terms ofitsability todetect newoperations ofthe orgamzed criminal before they start or before anybody else detects them. This is difficult, but the function of intelligence is to warn of news developments and to suggest areas where organized crime groups rmght turn next (Harrs, 1976, p 133) In short, the proofofa strategic assessment's worth lies in its ability to predict the future (Peterson, 1991-92, p 27) and as such, it should be evaluated accordingly In addition to the evaluation of specific intelligence projects, a continual review of the effectiveness of the intelligence function and operation must be exercised (Wolf, 1978, p. 15). The evaluation should be a formal, directed, self-examination of the successes, failures, and general operation of the unit. It should result in a report on gains and losses, and suggestions for improvement. This evaluation report shouldbe reviewed andsteps taken to addressthe weaknesses inthe intelligence function (Harris, 1976, pp 133-134). The continuous self-evaluation program could include monthly meetings where the unit commander discusses various issues with all personnel, for instance Does the unit know more about crime activities and threats to public orderin its area ofjurisdiction than it did a month ago? If the answer is yes, then: What has been learned? How was it learned? Could more have been learned by better 7 approaches? What is being done to exploit the gain in knowledge? Ifit was strategic intelligence, can some specific casesbe developed Should there be a shift in the investigative effort? If the answer is no, then why not? Are analyses failing to keep track of activities of major criminals? Are investigators focused only on low-level operations? Are there reports of rumors of organized crime activities or other subversive elements that the unit itself has no other information about? What has been done to check out the rumors? What developments in major crime have been reported by neighboring (or other) jurisdictions? Have persons on patrol been responsive to the unit's request for information? Have the reports been followed up? Has the filing system been responsive to questions directed to it? Have there been questions that have not been answered because of the filing system? Have analysts noted the need for other categories? For more extensive cross-filing? Have the consumers been queried as to the usefulness and the material being on target? Have there been any leaks? What questions should be asked next month (Harris, 1976, pp. 133-134)?
The choice ofan evaluator is also critical. Hansen suggests that responsibilities for an external audit maybe entrusted to a local
prosecutor and/or delegated from a legislative body serving as an oversight committee (1977, p. 3). Whether an evaluation is carried out by an external auditor or from within the police agency, the auditor must: 1)be independent of command influence; 2) possess the skills and expertise to perform valid, reliable, and fair n-house evaluations; and 3) be required to submit a detailed report to the agency
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administrator (Dintino andMartens, 1983,p. 149). Finally, there isa needfor a ievel offreedom for the intelligence unit to develop and conduct its assessment activities separated from pressures related to information collection activities or operational urgencies that occur in existing law enforcement agencies (McDowell, 1991).
Organizational and environmental factorscritically impact upon thecriminal intelligencefunction. Indeed, Reutercontends that the failure of law enforcement to come to terms with the need for intelligence is a direct reflection of the inadequacies of the police environment (1983, p. 186). The following environmental and organizational factors are considered: intelligence unit structure, management, resources, analyst recruitmentand training, investigator/analyst relationship, technology, ethical standards,jurisdictional issues, legal environment, and support programs.
Police Management
Police management, including intelligence unit supervisors, operational managers, and police agency executives, represents a pivotal force in determining the effectiveness of the criminal intelligence function. It is up to the policy management to create an environment conduciveto the maximum effectiveness ofthecriminal intelligencefunction. The intelligencefunction mustbe legitimized within the organization in such a way that it has an obvious mandate to call upon organizational resources to gather and process information in pursuit of meeting the needs and expectations of its clients. Police management must demonstrate awillingness and a commitment to have intelligence guide them in their decision-making process and in policy making, especially in resource management and strategic planning (McDowell, Wardlaw, and Schmidt, 1991, p. 20). Among senior management, the intelligence function should be accorded equal parity in the development and implementation of organized crime control policy and strategy (Dintino and Martens, 1983, p. 77). Police managers must notonly provide adequatephysical andfinancial resources, but perhaps of greaterimportance, intellectual rigor (Martens, 1987, p. 131). There must be an environment that encourages the intelligence officer's imagination, creativity, and persistence (McDowell, Wardlaw, and Schmidt, 1991, p. 20). It is the responsibility of the intelligence unit supervisor to develop an environment which places greater incentives upon the skills for acquiring knowledge than the skills for acquiring arrests (Dintino and Martens, 1983,p. 67). Managers must be sensitive to the dynamics of the process, know the correct questions to ask, and acquire an appreciation for the need to base enforcement policy and practice on empirically-supported assessments and studies (Martens, 1987, p. 146). An intelligence unit supervisor must demonstrate a willingness to use intelligence as a reflective and critical questioning tool even when theprocesschallengesorrefutestraditional policewisdomorexistingpolicy(DintinoandMartens, 1983,p. 138). Itisalsothe manager's role to ensure that awareness of corporate activities (relevant to the intelligence topic) is communicated to the intelligence officers
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Figure Eight:
Intelligence Support Group Listening Devices & Telephone Intercepts Surveillance Section Tactical Assistance Tactical Intelligence Team Team Team Team 1 2 3 4
and efficiency, police management must seek to minimize the bureaucratic, operational, and authoritarian constraints that are prevalent in other phases of policing (Martens, 1987, p. 138). It is also the responsibility of the unit supervisor to construct standards and goals for intelligence units. Standards relate to the level of expertise, thoroughness, and professionalism used in the execution of all intelligence duties as well as the overall operation of the unit. Theyalso relatespecificallytoethical standards which an intelligence unit must uphold when carryingouttheirhighly intrusive activities. (For more detail on ethical standards, see below.) While these standards may be brief, they must be substantive, clearly articulated to unit staff, and assurances must be made that both the individual and the unit as a whole are committed to them. The unit supervisor also has responsibilityfor formulating goals and objectives forthe unit and the intelligence function in general. These goals should be expressed in clearly-defined terms and should be articulated to all staff They relate to both the achievement of standards, as well as specific products or output. These goals and objectives should be formulated in collaboration with unit personnel, senior police management, and the clients of the intelligence. In short, with respect to the criminal intelligence function, it is the responsibility of police management to: 1) channel police discretion in accordance with the real threat to society; 2) minimize the unnecessary intrusion of personal privacy through intelligence gathering; 3) provide for meaningful enforcement strategies and realistic policy; 4) set rigorous standards and provide a measurable indicatorofsuccess; 5) legitimize the intelligencefunction in a liberal democracy; 6) beproactive--operate not merelyona caseby case
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workingontheproject (McDowell, Wardlaw, and Schmidt, 1991,p. 21). Foran intelligenceunittoattainitsmaximum level ofeffectiveness basis, but in the long term; 7)generate intense critical dialog in a nonthreatening, constructive manner; 8)consistently challenge the accepted, obvious, or known, and 9) reward the free exchange of ideas (Dintino and Martens, 1983).
Worthwhile intelligence cannot be produced without a cost. The overall cost associated with intelligence work is potentially quite extensive and may include (but is not limited to):
* human resources * time
* informationcollection mechanisms training and development * dissemination and reporting resources * equipment (McDowell, 1991, n.p.). * administrative funds One ofthe most important organizational requisites for a successful intelligence function is that sufficient resourcesbe dedicated to an intelligence unit in order for it to operate effectively. However, in this age of shrinking police budgets, it is often unrealistic for the management of intelligence units to expect a full complement of resources. Because oflimited resources, an intelligence unit must be abletoprioritize. In arriving at a cost-beneficial approach to resource allocation, the unit supervisor must incorporate a number ofvariables. Dintino and Martens formulate some preliminary inquiries that will permit the administrator to arrive at a prudent decision with respect to allocating the unit's resources: * What is the tentative scope and dimension of the problem to be assessed? What resources are currently available to address the problem? * Are the priorities established consistent with those of the organization? - What are the apparent social, political, and/or economic implications ofthe problem? * What will be the projected impact upon theproblem? (1983, pp. 73-75).
Backaround Factors
broad range of interests developed research ability previous experience helpful to issue area
Mental Traits
intellectual curiosity rapid assimilation ofinformation keen recall ofinformation tenacity willingness and capacity to make judgements
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Work Style initiative and self-direction disciplined intellectual courage (Frost, 1985, pp. 5-8).
In addition to recruiting qualified candidates, there should also be comprehensive training programs specific to the criminal intelligence analysis field The training ofpersonnel for criminal intelligence isa highly specialized undertaking. These training courses should be a prerequisite for the issuing of a certification requirement necessary for all law enforcement intelligence analysis positions. Such a certification program should be offered nationally and encompass national standards. Analysts should be required to have completed a certified intelligence training course and be certified as bona fide intelligence analysts prior to being employed in an intelligence unit. These courses should impart the conceptual, technical and operational skills required of analysts (Peterson and Ridgeway, 1990, p. 16). In addition to the initial certification programs, there must also be an ongoing comprehensive training and education program in place for analysts, supervisors, and mid-level managers. These programs must be offered in-house as well as externally and offer training and education in the latest intelligence issues and techniques. Peterson and Ridgeway provided a listing of courses offered throughout North America (1990). Training should also be made available to patrol officers and police management. The former should emphasize a better understanding of what the intelligence process is and where the inputs of non-intelligence officers can be inserted in the process. Training ofpatrol officersis especially critical inthoseforceswhich emphasizecommunity-oriented policing. Forpolice management, the main objective should be to demonstrate what intelligence can do for management and whatassets the intelligence unit should have at its disposal to do the necessary job of strategic support for decision-makers (Godfrey and Harris, 1971, p. 74). Finally, it is argued that the analytical component of a police agency should not be integrated into the traditional promotional structure of the agency. Promotional incentives for analysts should be distinct from those for other personnel (Dintino and Martens, 1983,p. 127). :' In sum, the recruitment of candidates for analyst positions requires a sensible balance between knowledgeable, experienced, enforcement practitioners and others outside ofthe enforcement field who demonstrate the potential to bring intelligence and analytical professionalism into the craft. In any case, both groups ultimately need further development; the former needing advanced analytical training, and thelatterrequiringfamiliarization across theenforcementarena. As such, according toMcDowell, Wardlaw, and Schmidt, theultimate answer rests with providing training and development opportunities within the intelligence community (1991, p. 25). Investigator/AnalystRelationship -Therelationshipbetween the criminal investigator and the intelligence analyst iscritical for all stages ofthecriminal intelligence process, particularly in the context of tactical intelligence and criminal investigations. There must be a close, reciprocal relationshipbetween the intelligence analyst and the operational unit, in particular the criminal investigator. It is important that management encourage interaction and ongoing dialog between intelligence analysts and operational personnel (Dintino and Martens, 1983, pp. 124-125). While the analyst may be able to develop suggested avenues of investigation and research, itoften requires the services ofa trained investigator to obtain information (Godfre and Harris, 1971, p. 27). Ifa separate position isusedforthecollection of information (i.e, an intelligence officer), thisindividual must alsobe included inthiscloseworking relationship It has often been recommended that the operational unit include the analyst (and intelligence officer), in some form or another, in the active investigation. The most effective use of a tactical analyst is to have the analyst actually participate in data collection or theinvestigation asit develops. Thedatagenerated in thecourseofinformation gatheringoraninvestigation is managed bythe analyst, who monitors all the reports, subpoenaed records, laboratory analyses, and the like. Analyses are created as needed for the investigators charged with maintaining up-to-date case overviews(Sommers, 1986, p. 31). Using the investigator-analyst relationship as a basis for maximizing an effective tactical intelligence system, Metzdorff recommends the "Module Concept". This system of intelligence processing goes one step beyond Prunckun's intelligence team and is premised on the analysts and investigators working together as a regular unit (1975, pp. 52-53). This unit could potentially even go beyond a simple analyst-investigatorrelationship toone which encompasses an analyst, an intelligence officer (information gatherer), a criminal investigator, and a prosecutor. It is essential that the client of the intelligence unit articulate the requirements clearly in terms that identify the subject and scope for intelligence examination, at the same time indicating the use to which the intelligence assessment is expected to be applied. Both the client and the intelligence staff need to discuss and negotiate the issue (McDowell, Wardlaw and Schmidt, 1991, p. 12). Ways have to be found to orient the users of intelligence to convey their needs effectively to intelligence units and to orient their own staffs in the uses ofintelligence information (Edelhertz,Cole,andBerk, 1984, p. 43). However, ratherthan merelywaitforinquiries froman investigative unit, the intelligence unit must anticipate and ultimately direct the investigator and the course of the investigation (Martens, 1987, p. '132).
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Computer technology is increasingly provingtobe invaluableforcriminal intelligencecollection andanalysis Police departments utilize both personal computers and mainframes and a vast array of software which is both easily accessible and user-friendly This software should run the gamut from data bases, spread sheets, word processing, statistical analysis, graphics packages, and those more specifically suited to intelligence needs such as artificial intelligence programs. These computer systems mustalso maximize the ability of intelligence units to collect information from many different on-line information services, electronic Bulletin Board services, and government data bases (e.g., motor vehicle registry). One of the most productive uses of computers in intelligence work is in the collation stage. Artificial intelligence (Al) systems veproven especially useful tool for identifyingcriminals for targeting and to be an are often key forcriminal intelligence analysis and ha helping to predict criminal activity (Peterson and Ridgeway, 1990, p 16) Computers use AI to solve problems in a way that simulates the processes of human intelligence (Reboussin and Cameron, 1989, p. 13). Experience and information of investigators and analysts should be entered into a collective repository, such as an Al system, so that unique individual knowledge can become collective. transferable knowledge. In otherwords, intelligence units should actively seek to have their experts state, share, and record their years of tactical insights which then would be filed for future use as an AI application (Lupsha, 1980, p. 37). Computer software which makes the analyst moreeffective and efficient in presenting intelligence assessments is also important. This is especially true in creating charts and other types of graphics. Various commercial packages, generic and intelligence-specific, are available which turn the once-laborious chore associated with manually-drawn charts into an easy and efficient computer-driven application. Computer Assisted Graphics Evidence (CAGE) for example, allows the analytical staff to constructvarious typesof visual aids more effectively. CAGE increases charting efficiency and productivity which allows analysts to meet an increased workload. The Advanced Targeting, Analysis, and Graphics System (AdTags) is a program that allows an analyst to view all significant sub-groups in a criminal organization Morehouse ( 1991/92, p. 15) There should be a capacity within the unit to constantly scan the technological market for hardware and software appropriate its needs. However, despite the importance of computer and electronic technology for data collection and analysis, it will not take to the place ofthe analyst (Peterson and Ridgeway, 1990, p. 16). Indeed, computer technology represents only a part of the overall analysis, emphasis must continue tobe placed on the quality of the analyst (Lupsha, 1980. p 37).
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Legal Environment
The legal environment refers to lawsfacilitating thesurveillance ofsuspects, thecollection ofinformation, and the application of intelligence to a criminal investigation and court proceedings. Due to the contentious nature of this area, and the myriadjudicial decisions interpreting the use ofinformation collection for law enforcement purposes, it isbeyond the scope of this paper to provide a detailed explication of the ideal legal environment forthis area. The most important criterion is the balancing of the individual's right to privacy against the ability of law enforcement to effectively protect the public. In its most general and simplistic form, this point of equilibrium is a legislated requirement which stipulates that prior to any type of information collection which involves surveillance, a police agency must first receive authorization from a lower court judge who, in turn, bases his/her decision for authorization on the standard of "solid ground" for suspicion. Moreover, to maximize the use of information collection for intelligence purposes, this authorization should be applicable to both evidence-gathering surveillance (i.e., for tactical investigations where police must articulate a suspected offense before an interception is made) and intelligence-gathering surveillance (i e, where no specific crime is committed; often pejoratively referred to as a "fishing expedition").
Ethical Standards
Related tothe legal environment is the internal policy of police agencies with respect to the ethics of information collection The International Association of Chiefs ofPolice recommends that inorder to guard against the possibilityofallegations ofunetuhcal conduct, and to protect the rights of individuals not involved in criminal acts, a set of rules and standards should be adopted to deal with the recordingand purging ofintelligence information (1985, pp. 8-9). In general, these guidelines urge that when an individual's associationsare not criminal in nature, or criminally-related. the information should not be recorded. Likewise, in the case of organizations, unless an organization's ideology advocates criminal conduct and its members have planned, attempted, orperformed such criminal conduct, it isboth unnecessary and wrong to gather such information. Further, information about an individual's sexual, political, or religious activities, beliefs or opinions, or any dimensionofprivate lifestyle should not becollected or recorded in intelligencefiles unless that information is material to a criminal investigation orstrategic planning(Los AngelesPoliceDepartment, 1984, p.2;Prunckun, 1990, pp. 15-16). Hanson suggests that a police force must follow a number of steps that will lead to a public confidence in the cnminal intelligence function. These are: 1)the police executive must be in clear charge ofcriminal intelligence operations, 2) every local department should adopt specific guidelines for the conduct of criminal intelligence operations; 3) oversight by a local legislative body to review and make recommendations regarding operations and policy should be encouraged; 4) an outside audit procedure, perhaps conducted by a local prosecutor or other pertinent state official, should be established; and 5) the police executive must be willingto explain to the public the nature andfunctionofthe criminal intelligence unit (1977, p 3).
Support Programs
An effective criminal intelligence function must be part of an overall organized crime enforcement strategy. Criminal intelligence certainly feeds intosuch astrategy, but the relationship is alsoreciprocal Criminal intelligence isonly successful insofar as it supports general enforcement policy and strategy. These strategies must be forged at the local, regional, and national levels In addition to the importance of an overall organized crime control policy and strategy, there must be available specific programs which support the criminal intelligence function, particularly in the collection ofinfornation. An example of this type ofsupport program is witness protection.
Criminal intelligence isjust onepart oforganized crimeand drug law enforcement. Its ability to serve tle short and long tern objectives of government organized crime control strategy is contingent upon other aspects of enforcement policy and the interaction among all enforcementfunctions. However, in theface ofa growing power, sophistication, and globalizationof organized crime,juxtaposed against the limited budgetsof governmentlaw enforcementagencies, the role ofcriminal intelligence is arguably now more important than ever. Indeed, according to Dintino and Martens: The future of law enforcement in its role against organizedcrime Is dependent upon intelligence. Intelligence will permit an organization to meet future challenge with an awareness and allows for the development and implementalion ofviable controlpolicies. Without intelligence there is no strategy. The intelligence process is central to the development ofan effective organizedcrime controlprogram (1981, p. 59). In order for a criminal intelligence function of a police force to reach its true potential, management and operational perso nel mustbestow upon it a priority which is commensurate to its vital importance in organized crime enforcement and equivalent to the emphasis given to the operational and enforcement functions. Thecommitment toan effective criminal intelligence function must be accompanied by an appropriate institutional and legal environment which promotes this effectiveness. As importantly, a police force mustbe diligent in assuring thata criminal intelligenceproject encompasses all the essential stages ofthe intelligence process
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and that each stage is executed with the utmost professionalism and competence. The omission of or haphazard approach to any of these stages jeopardizes the true effectiveness of the intelligence function. The resources required for an effective intelligence function must be balanced against the fiscal restraint imposed on police agencies. However, it is crucial to note that a primary purpose ofintelligence, inparticular strategic intelligence, is to provide the capacity to prioritize enforcement functions and allocate resources in the most effective and efficient manner possible. Moreover, there is constantly a need fora periodic and systematic review of organized crime control policies and strategies. The intelligence process can contribute to this examinationby elevating the level of dialog, refining and clarifying the goals ofan organized crime program, and addressing the implications and consequences of its enforcement (Dintino and Martens, 1981, p. 64). In sum, the need for government to address organized criminal activities is clear and convincing. Until the criminal intelligence function can realize its true potential, organized crime law enforcement will irrevocably suffer
Stephen R. Schneider worked with the Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada between 1988 and 1993 as a researcher and policy analyst within the Drugs and Major Cnmes Section. He holds a B.A. in Political Science, an M Sc. in International Economic Development and is a Ph D. candidate in the School of Community and
Regional Planning at the University of British Columbia. He currently works on contract with the Canadian government participating in the evaluation of the RCMP's Integrated Anti-Drug Profiteering Units.
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Section B: Future
Based on data collection under Section A, predict 1) Future group membership; 2) Future geographical impact; 3) Growth potential for the direction of the criminal activity, 4) Growth potential for "legitimate" business activity, 5) Future financial position, 6) Possible future changes in relationships with other groups, 7) Potential for future relationships with or corruption of government officials For each of the above, estimate the probability of the prediction
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6) Connections to "legitimate" business: are businesses used as fronts for illegal activities? Are they used to launder illegal profits? 7) Financial. what is the estimated monetary value of this crime per year in this junsdiction? Are profits rsing or falling? What are the costs of doing business? Are the costs rising or falling? 8) Where do the profits go? Is there a criminal hierarchy to which a "tnbute" is paid? Have there been changes in this? 9) What is the market for this criminal product? What is the size of the market in human and economic terms? Who buys or uses the product? Is the market shnnking or expanding? 10) Connections to the government structure: are there government agencies or bodies that regulate the activity area in which the crime is being committed? Are there any known or suspected connections between perpetrators and persons involved in these government agencies or bodies? 11) What has been and is the social, economic, political, and criminal climate in the area in which the crime is occurring? Is there a strong enforcement presence there? 12) Has any agency conducted an investigation, tactical or strategic analysis on this criminal activity? If yes, what were the results 9
Section B: Future
Based on data developed in Section A, predict the future of this activity, including 1) Prevalence, '2) Geographic range, 3) Impact of evolving techniques; 4) Groups taking over, if any, 5) Potential profit structure; 6) Potential government corruption hazards. For each, estimate the probability of the prediction
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