Vaikunta Stavam - Word For Word PDF
Vaikunta Stavam - Word For Word PDF
Vaikunta Stavam - Word For Word PDF
Authors Notes 1. I have only attempted a word for word translation in English in this document. For the original verses in Sanskrit and English please search for Vaikunta Sthavam on the net. 2. Each of these words in Sanskrit has many meanings. Each line also can be interpreted in many ways and so also each verse. Thats the beauty of the Alwars poetry. 3. I have tried to keep the meanings as general as possible rather than strictly stick to the Ubhaya Vedanta Sri Vaishnava tradition, so as to bring out its universal appeal. I found that the Alwars verses are like the Lords eyes. The more one meditates on them, the broader the vision. 4. The subject of this poem of praise is the Lords supreme abode. Understanding this is very difficult (as pointed out by the Alwar himself) as its beyond the senses and hence beyond our limited vocabulary. In his commentary on the Brahma Sutras, the venerable Saint Ramanuja says that understanding the Vedas, which talk of that which is beyond the comprehension of the senses, needs a four fold approach 1. Read the text 2. Understand the meaning (literal) of the words 3. Contemplate on the literal meaning to understand as much of the inner/in-depth meaning as possible 4. Meditate on the concepts, again and again, till one day the true meaning dawns. PDF download The PDF copy of this document is available for download (in case you wish to read offline) at the URL below. Comments Please feel free to send any comments by e-mail to
1. Whose, always Lord twin pair of feet golden, passion for that, everything else valueless My preceptor, who is like the Lord himself, ocean of compassion His feat I seek refuge in Summary : I seek refuge in the feet of my preceptor 2. the three, learned of old, crown of Wealth, of the pure, always Who is, refuge, of the orphans, good deads Him, seek refuge, garland of vakula, twin feet Summary : I seek refuge in the twin feet of Namalwar, who is the crown of the three wise preceptors. 3. devotion, influenced by, extraordinary emotions, bound Kindled, affection summary, juice of, full Meanings of the Vedas, storehouse of gems, Lords blessed abode Takes birth, Parankusha, ocean, limitless territory Summary : Namalvar is full of devotion, born from understanding the meaning of the Vedas and is himself the highest abode of the Lord 4 By whom, welfare, the knowers, the world, dawns The three, also, their position, resort to, Salutations, one with lotus eyes, without a second Known only by the highest knowledge, ancient, greatest of the great. Summary : Salutation to one who is the greatness of the great and is known by the Vedas alone 5. Yellow clothes, confering cooling moonlike glance Long hands, extended auspicious ears Your wishes, long large chest Bearing Laxmi, always, dwelling place, appear before me. Summary : I request the one with large heart ( arms, eyes etc ) to confer me the wish of His presence. 6. whose nature, indestructible, invisible, formless, incomprehensible, unchanging, unclassifiable, undividable lord, salutations, world, who is the indweller His devotees position, benevolence, shower on me. Summary : I request the indweller, with many supreme qualities like immutability, to shower benevolence on me. 7. Vedas shines on, shines on the pure evolved souls He, who is the abode for his devotees, constant, illuminates His luster, even, people like me, words, I feel, this is his, compassion for refugees Summary: He who is the brilliance of the Vedas and the pure souls, who is the illumination of the unchanging abode of his devotees, shines in someone like me, enabling my speach. What better example of His compassion towards those who seek refuge in Him. 8 Knowledge, made unfit for drinking even, mine, undeserving, base The Lords abode, salutations, words, not existing Not beautiful, holy water becomes unholy Not finally, even, dog, feel shy Summary: I feel shy that being base and undeserving, I am describing that abode of the Lord which is beyond words. But pure water is not made inpure, even when a dog drinks from it.
9 the Lords, defeats the evil, good qualities Numbers, even, by word or mind comprehend, extraordinary Even a small quatity, nothing else, His, for my thirst, finding peace Insects thirst, body of water, covered with drops, sufficient Summary: The Lords qualities are too innumerable to be comprehended. But I seek only a small quantity of it, to find peace from my thirst. An insect needs but a little water to quench its thirst. 10 Full of love, shaking voice, eminent men, ancient Your satisfaction, slayer of Madhu, sweet words Words, boastful, mine, lowly Please be satisfied, about you, my lowly words even though Summary: The eminent men of the past have sung your praises with sweet words filled with love and a voice quivering with devotion, much to your satisfaction. I beg you to accept my words also, even though they be boastful and lowly. 11 Your commands become established as the three Vedas Those only, as proof, become, beyond senses, seekers Fallacy, most of them, engineered, in-surmountable errors These however, without mistakes, celebrated, ancient Summary: The seekers accept only the Vedas as proof, as the Vedas are your commands and hence are able to describe, without errors, that which is beyond the senses. All other proof is engineered and prone to fallacies and unexplainable errors. 12 inside treasure you are for the pure souls Attained by holy people, for others unattainable Vedas, are fortunate, who follow Who look outside, who roam outside, others, do not drink Summary: You are the inner treasure for those who are pure. You are attainable only through the Vedas. Anyone who looks outside the Vedas are unfortunate, as they will never know you. 13 Mysterious, Lord, sport yours, lowly position The evil, this alas, is even, the evil result These, even though have become, devoted to Vedas though Meaning, bad vision, lead into, destruction Summary: Those who accept the Vedas, but misinterpret its meanings, are led to decline. This is the unfortunate result for them. 14 Outside dwellers, wrong visioned, these two are similar Dreadful darkness comes to them, not seen, they Worlds mirage, who runs behind, thirsty of this mirage Like one, water impure, is killed, what is special Summary: Those who look outside the Vedas or wrongly understand its meaning are only groping in the dark. This is similar to the thirsty running behind a mirage. 15 law, history, Lord others, become authorities Vedas, make strong, made beautiful, as means Meaning of Vedas, meaning of these, makes luminous, makes distinguished Your devotion, who feel, without sin, the wise Summary: Law, history and other such texts give authority to the meanings of the Vedas. These are understood only by the wise, who are devoid of sin and are full of devotion. 16 they who, your feet, lotus like, without devotion Their sickness even, will not the meaning dawn Affiliated with disease, balm nourishing, will become eyes Not, light even, the white conch, know
Summary: The meaning of the Vedas will not appear to those who do not have any devotion to your lotuslike feet. This is similar to the light of a white conch not appearing to those whose eyes are afflicted by cataract and also do not have a nourishing balm, to remedy the same. 17 The meaning of the belief system, the capable, pure, statements of the Vedas The able, the works of history also, see thus You only, the truth supreme, the pure, the puranas holy The supreme among the gods, without doubt, the supreme Lord Summary: The Vedas, the pure and the capable, the works of history all declare that you are supreme among all the gods. 18 others even, refer, some, this is the Lord, words World popular, becomes, like You Their, popularity, glory, your, has roots Comprehend the Vedas, yours only, O Lord ! who face Summary: Those who come face to face with you (pray to you, are devoted to you) come to understand the Vedas as declaring you to be the root of (cause of) even those who are popularly know to be Lords (other gods like the creator-Brahma,the destroyer-Rudra,the first-among-the-gods-Indra etc.) 19 You are, only, atom smaller sized, big biggest Soul, people, the father, the worlds birth place The spirit of the Vedas, the beginning and the cause, classification statements You are, you even, we also, the supreme Lord, super human Summary: You are smaller than the smallest (in-dweller of all) and bigger than the biggest (covering all). You are the soul of the people (beings) and their father (protector). You are the birth-place (root) of the world. You are the cause and spirit of the Vedas (knowledge). We know you and only you, to be the supreme Lord. 20 Self, the Lord of, not, above you, you are the Lord of others Of the world, also, Lord, above these also Narayana Achuta ! beyond all you are, from all these Brahma, others also, become the target, obtain the substance Summary: You are the Lord of all, including Brahma and others, all of whom obtain an identity because of you. You, however, are above all of them and also beyond everything. 21 all the time, same as, higher, energy wealth Eternal, indestructible, abode of the gods, staying, the universal, ancient Pure, converter to, of the world, root There is no other, the bearer of the bearer, know by the Vedas Summary: You are eternal, the highest wealth, omnipresent, ancient, the root and support of the world, known only through the Vedas and your dwelling is divine. There is no one other than you who can make me holy. 22 you are, past future present, Lord, no one your Lord, is there End, ocean dwelling, yours innumerable forms His, the three worlds creator, Goddess, is Lakshmi He only, is, the Universal person, innumerable forms Summary: You are the Lord of the past, present and future, the creator of the three worlds in the form of the Goddess Lakshmi, the end of the world in the form of the one dwelling in the ocean. You are the Universal Person and have innumerable number of forms. 23 all the Vedas starts, firm, unassailable Lord Narayana, his lips, from, these spoken Hymn of praise, yours, valor, is this world, holy You are the highest being, the Lord, of the world
Summary: The Vedas have an unshakable foundation, as they are the Lords spoken word. The hymns of praise describing the valor of the Lord, the highest being, make this world holy. 24 happiness, prosperity, not within speech, mind thought Of beings, of pure state, increase, in order That also, your power only, you being inner soul You are the lotus eyed, of beings, the nourisher Summary: The happiness and prosperity of the pure beings increase in order of their purity and is beyond speech and thought. This is also your power alone, you being their indweller. You are also thus, the nourisher of all beings. 25 you are the root cause, understand, creation, statements Brahma also, as also Sath, Self statements, or, Tath Narayana, no other, Mahopanishad states Saubhalo, offers also, becomes, Him Summary: The Maho and Subalo Upanishads declare Him to be the statements (in the Vedas) of root cause, (of) creation, Brahma, Sath and Tath. 26 Consciousness supreme, supreme substance, and, supreme soul Brahman He is, also, Vedas His command is Narayana known as, He is, distinguished, also Vishnus position/abode, supreme, supreme to this, not known Summary: He is supreme consciousness, highest truth and universal spirit. He is Brahman, the Vedas are his commands. He is distinguished by the name Narayana. His abode is supreme, there is none above this. 27 There are like these, in the Vedas, very many Statements, proclaiming, Supreme Lordship, Of who, is His, no excuse, of insect-creator-distinction In order, world, swallowing, once again create, statements Summary: The Vedas proclaim Him to be the supreme Lord, the One who creates and terminates the world as per His wishes and the One who does not distinguish between the creator (Brahma) and an insect. 28 beauty wealth, many, divine abode Description, a little, become appropriate, stories/tales Signs, one who knows no here, some beyond, some not Beyond thought, your, the learned, Lordship Summary: The beauty and wealth of your divine abode are beyond thought. A little description is found in the stories (about you). A few (of the wise) are able to read the signs of those abodes, some within grasp and some beyond. 29 He whos, merciful glance, even for a moment, of the gods Prosperity, reason for, all-know, yours Your wealth, your devotion refugee, Lord, no other reason Your only, prosperity, wealth has, the wise declare Summary: The prosperity and wealth of the gods is bestowed by you, on account of their devotion towards you. The wise declare that all prosperity and wealth belong to none other than you. 30 Illusory power, yours, having good qualities, all your creation She, your, O all pervading, how thus, play not creation The doutful, Vedas wrong reasoning, reside where ? Truth hearing, also, the deaf, your, they, greatness Summary: Your illusory power, full of good qualities, is all your creation, for sport. Those who doubt or misinterpret the Vedas, do not know their bearings. They are like the deaf, who cannot hear the truth.
31 They, unmoving, insect-bird-elephant, belonging to the group Other creatures, always, brought forth/born You are, ever-pure, spotless, without flaws, auspicious Divine qualities deposit of ! you, thus stand right Summary: You are pure, auspicious and a deposit of good qualities. The rest belong to the class of creatures that are given to birth - like plants, insects, birds, elephants etc. Thus you stand differentiated from them. 32 your gracious eyes swept over this, comes into existence, all this Without this gracious glance, not be able, nature/behavior To stay, also, lives in this world, by your gracious eyes, rejuvenating By this, the Vedas, the Lord of the world, this world, You only Summary: It is your benovolant glance that creates and maintains this world. Hence the Vedas declare you and only you to be the Lord of the world. 33 They are, O Lord ! thus, become-a-dependant, of yours In name, in form, of the family of the sentient and the insentient Lordliness, thus found, this, in creation rising, your Sinner, I am, O ! your me-mindedness force, because of Summary: The sentient and non-sentient beings are dependant on you for their forms and names. Thus also is your Lordliness found in your creation. I am a sinner for assuming that some things belong to me.
34 they, your merciful glance, small aim, for a moment, yours Prosperity like this, gain, within short time, the great Your only, in union, peak, their Lordship They also, Vedas, your-glory, because of Summary : The Vedas declare that the greatness in the great is also because of Lords grace/dwelling in them. 35 Eternal things become, indepedant, thus That their nature this, some thus get deluded Prosperity theirs yours, say the wise words/Vedas They say the three also, unconditional Lord, theirs Summary : Even the eternal, depend on you for their prosperity and have you for their Lord, say the Vedas 36 By wish only yours, worlds things real Always, selection your, some eternal Always, your alone dependence, self nature Become auspicious qualities, thus Vedas say Summary : By the wish of the Lord, all things are real and a few of them eternal. They all, however, are dependants on Him as they owe their qualities to Him. 37 the worlds, well known reason, protector, you are Actions, yours all this, sentient and insentient nature You are unchanging thus, Vedas, the pinnacle of, declare No boundaries thus, your seen, Lordship Summary : You are the reason for the actions of all the sentient and insentient beings in this world and are hence their unchanging Lord. 38 what austerity, where resides, what instruments What are the fruits, creation, Lord, this everything This and others, not decided, by the wrong reasoning By your glory, the Vedas declare, the knowing, beyond reasoning
Summary : How and why creation, the Vedas say are beyond our reason and can be assigned to your glory alone. 39 His, not by purpose, ten-fold higher, seven elements Sphere fourteen-world, becomes, here abode Sphere, that, similar, more than hundred By play, your, personal property/external appendage, comes forth Summary : Hundreds of spheres of fourteen worlds come forth from Him, as sport 40 by wish roaming ruler, become other thinker In this your lordship only a little artistry This his not becomes because of abode of abodes that Above time your superiority greatness lordship Summary : For wish of roaming alone he thinks of this other showing a little art, as that abode is supreme, beyond change and time 41 your philosophy/devotion/devotee is the supreme abode the wise say What is than this higher the deluded say Luminous supremely pure residence yours Happiness sphere extremely beautiful wonderful this Summary : Your devotion is the highest abode full of purity and happiness 42 your Brahma-Rudra-invoked-by-many-Rishis difficult to attain All the time, salvation-steadfast-on, Sanaka and others, they Similar to, brilliant joy, your vision Your supreme, no abode blessed as, any Summary: Your supreme abode is difficult to attain for Brahma, Shiva, Indra and Rishis even. 43 By form, good qualities, supreme prosperity Feelings broad-visioned sweet also, your greatness Like that, like this, thus, covers off Words like this, the greatness, berate this. Summary: Words that describe the greatness as it is like this do not do justice to it. 44 of this, growth, destruction, free from, all changes There is no equal in praise, without decline, exists words His glory, the Vedas, worthless fruits, all actions Not fixed, in others, painful, not permanent, also Summary: His glory is without change as compared to fruits of all other actions which are painful and not permanent. 45 without doubts, without anger, birth, disease, changes like Attain devotion, glorious, without deficiency, the fortunate Others, not fortunate people, in mind also, not finding Vaikuntha the name of your abode that, the Vedas/wise declare Summary: Those who are fortunate, find devotion that leaves no sense of want and leads to the highest abode devoid of all painful changes like birth etc. 46 always, your, never otherwise, independent, greatness Endowed thus, without time limits eternal lordship Knowledge-giver, qualities-innumerable like-water-without-bounds Goddess Lakshmi liked by, other beings, lord of birds-leader Summary: Your greatness is independent and eternal and are liked by all including Laxmi, Garuda etc. 47 even one, who has, of these qualities, small amount part of Their a small amount, is also speech-thought beyond, wealth
These, in you stay, incomparable in numbers Your good qualities, your only without expectation wealth Summary: The innumerable good qualities are the Lords wealth and even a small portion of one of the qualities can give unimaginable wealth to anyone who has it. 48 for everything, its qualities is its uniqueness Prosperity theirs also, some respect, by this That opposite yours, O Lord, greatness of qualities Your relationship, are sung, their wellbeing Summary: Normally its the qualities that give an entity its fame but in the Lords case its He who gives His qualities their greatness. 49 far, your qualities, from pure action-loving and dark also They are called the three, known, your not-having-these-qualities Always O Slayer ! all good qualities ocean, these Youre, the Vedas say, supreme Lord among the Gods Summary: Your qualities are known to be pure who are without any influence of rajas and tamas. 50 those-who-know, your quality say Brilliance this, gem-quality like brilliance Of this, the world, glances rises, yours Protection your glances, O Lord, only, of everything Summary: Brilliance, one of your qualities, which when resides in your glances, creates and protects the world. 51 Vedas say your youth to describe qualities Happiness this is so much thus declare This they hundred thus in order increased Not His in purview of speech-thought thus declared Summary: His youth, happiness and other qualities are beyond the measure of speech and thought, say the Vedas 52 they Vedas, smartness, your youth All qualities along with Lordship Pre spoken in one voice not-describable Words thoughts greatness yours Summary: Your qualities like youth are indescribable, as they are beyond words and thought 53 during change making/epoch, everything, protects, without-consciousness creation while, state as was, O greatest, becomes Always, small creature, distinguishing, the distinguishing features as is Like-they-are makes, benevolent-glance blessing with Summary: His benevolent glance protects everything during the changing epoch and recreates as-is during the next creation. 54 sets where rises auspicious inauspicious also Lordship poverty living rises World strange indifferent by sight Seeing with fear saying ho ! your power Summary: Your power creates a world which though abundant, strangely has impoverished beings. 55 forms as per, result, made arrangements World is opposite, other exists and does Forgiveness by nature-by rule how rises yours Independence wealth beyond thought is there
Summary: This world is arranged to give results as per form, but acts per their nature. Your forgiving attitude, despite your wealth of independence, is difficult to understand. 56 epoch, collected, making all-brilliant-rays Shine diminishing, ever moving/mind slayer Ever in favor, on-your-side beings, supreme lordship Fearsome is your brilliance the wise declare Summary: Your brilliance though so fearsome that it makes even the brilliance of the rising epoch dull, is still favorable to those who favor you. 57 not enjoyed no-desire exists His Truth also theirs your graceful-vision Lord know Wealth also how others not describable In mind, your only some temple, Lord-of-Indiraa Summary: Both material enjoyments and knowledge of truth are due to your grace and hence you are the only one I pray to, as all wealth comes from you. 58 sins beginning-less feelings counter-feelings smells-of-desire Sorrows these some consideration slayer ! beings Your only compassionate glance/sight Their bad-deeds also non-deeds-like say the vedas Summary: Your compassionate glance slays the sins of the bad deeds, which rise from endless sensual desires. 59 they the three/Vedas no-beginning no-end Vedas your divine incarnations Stories/characters the holy only see Your greatness they small-epoch/liberation is there realization That is your grace, ocean excellent beautiful wealth Summary: It is by your grace only that beings attain liberation, declare the Holy. 60 you slay, of creatures, ever-present soul Sins, by name utterance, how their, unimaginable strength Of this your mercy-ocean-of, only excessive play Overstep, residence in hell, burning, inherit Summary: It is your grace and unimaginable strength that slay the sins of beings who utter your name while those who overstep the boundaries of your rule are bound to suffer. 61 whose epoch time-duration also easily That sins creates creatures in-seconds Their always all births crimes Pardon me O ! from whom union end by-this-itself Summary: The uncountable sins of all the births of creatures easily come to an end, by remembering the Almighty. 62 forgiveness is thus greatness how not Difficult-to-make-sense O ! your, indebted-joining of hands Thus by-self, all the beings, without-distinction Compassion guided-by, of-people, how their qualities Summary: Your compassion is because of your greatness alone, as it is bestowed on all who show reverence, irrespective of what qualities they have. 63 world godly created by-choice being moves with passion beings refuge in motherly-compassion Comes hence, your elephant-best-among, cry for Refuge supreme, with anger, also this how not, the great men
Summary: He is the supreme refuge as he has compassion alone for beings, as seen in the rescue of the elephant due to its cry for help. 64 he whos little even if palm-folding ends ! creatures Becomes/divine singer-of-praise the Lord without-other consciousness Your nature is thus, these thus, realize O this ! Garuda equal to greatness, make Summary: Those who realize that a little palm-folding and glory-singing can lead to end of their being creatures. They are now treated at par with even Garuda, by the Lord. 65 your equal sing-praises present-salutations to you That pure-deeds greatness-formed good-qualities your-servants Liberation his only supreme your equal-becomes His service-only the learned supreme belief that Summary: The good qualities, that are observed in devotes, are in service of the Lord. Hence the wise believe that though the devout, after liberation, is equal to the Lord, its the Lords service thats the highest. 66 your they you-are-thus how O i-will-know ! nature They how know qualities sing-praise become They thus know qualities thus simple natured mingle youre their equal righteousness Summary: Your nature is to appear with the same qualities as praised and thus mingle as per your devotees state of purity. How can I understand this simple nature of yours ! 67 blue-mountain-glow majestic nose long-eyes Broad-his-hands long-ears Prosperity/wealth distinguishing-feature broad deep navel See, O God ! many hundred thus, you Summary: May he always appear before me, one with blue majestic stature, broad vision, a benevolent heart, compassionate ears, all-embracing arms, ever-present wealth, deep-creative naval. 68 lotus like eyes lotus-hued halo two feet Lotus-like just-blossomed beautiful hands glow Eyebrows bees-like enchanting form brilliance Yellow hued body is thus your beauty Summary: Your beauty is brilliant in the form of lotus hued eyes, hands, feet ; enchanting-bees-like eyebrows and a yellow hue all-around. 69 Eyebrows-enchantment soft cool other-worldly/lovely Temperate-smile beautiful-worded also speech Compassion-excess showing growing also communicate how face-lotus-like Summary: I wonder at how effectively you communicate your divine love with your enchanting eyebrows, moderate smile, well-worded speech and your lotus-like face. 70 lightning restraining-staff flag lotus conch discus is there Nectar pot kalpaka made-of sign Your feet lotus-like twin imperfect-stay-away Becomes holy-bath how on-head mine Summary: How can your twin feet adorned by signs like conch, discuss etc. ever make holy my head, as they are kept away by my imperfection. 71 three-worlds-one-who-sized in order three-worlds High higher highest devotion classification Always wealth mine when this highest-way
Accepts head your feet lotus-like Summary: When will your lotus feet be the wealth of my head, the feet that sized the three worlds characterized by the increasing degrees of devotion. 72 blossomed leaf hundred-leaves family-of inner-beauty Joy-to the-senses Marked-by O ! hands-blossomed-lotus yours Will do when reality-desire mine Summary: When will I be blessed by your lotus hands, which are a joy to the senses. 73 armour gives-forth controlled your O shining Ever your-support these even that-also not-others Glory becomes waves of light their Is there nourishing all also becomes omnipresent Summary: The shine of your ornaments is also by your glory only, as you are omnipresent and nourish all. 74 wealth-baby-like how-brilliance-crown forehead halo How-this-necklace-pearl-best brilliant halo Waist tied with gems, bracelet ankles tied with Occurs, becomes your form, fill-up-the-eyes Summary: When will your form - with richly decorated crown, necklace, waist-band, ankle-bracelet fill my eyes. 75 a little dark, a little red hue Moon-like a little, also a little gold Brilliance your, different-parts, giving-each-other, wealth See-this as-result-of-observing-austerity, when, eyes me Summary: When will my eyes behold, the fruits of my austerities, in the form of one, who has hues of black, red, white and gold to adorn him, as he adorns them in turn. 76 your service one-on-water discus mace bow Your protection lord of the army become others also Lord goddess-of-wealth along with resides limitless pleasures Enjoys with-folded-palms without-closing eyelids Summary: With folded hands, I await the pleasure of the constant vision of the One who is served by the Goddess, the discus, the mace, the bow, the army-chief, the snake-bed and others. 77 service always continuing becomes only-enjoyment Always every-moment novel full-of-the-juice-of emotions Always devoid of dependant-on-each-other lowly desires You-as-deity your-devotees by-being-with-them Summary: May I have the company of your devotees, who have the only desire to be in constant service of you, whom they have accepted as their deity. 78 whose a little brilliance is this whose-description is-this Beauty-wealth this their greatness these Name-only of-these wealth rises this abode Your those-inclined who in-measure attainments Summary: The measure of attainment depends on the degree of inclination, as it is your brilliance, beauty, greatness alone that yields this wealth and also your abode. 79 these your water curd-churning effort are-attained These disappearing world afflicting thus came These also every-moment other-worldly-emotions bound by Emotions become salutations their always
Summary: I constantly salute Her, who afflicted the Lord by her disappearance and reappeared by the churning of the ocean of milk and who binds by her unparalleled devotion. 80 beauty-wealth groups of qualities greatness by abode Emotions excellent sweet clever stories Always your similar-to wealth lady-Lord yours Your shown following with pride Summary: May we follow with pride the path shown by you and your consort who is similar to you in beauty, qualities, greatness, cleverness, character etc. 81 she makes steady-movement-only world World-bearer supreme compassion itself also You are mother and father also become she Wrong-path night she give-relief me Summary: May she who bears the world and keeps it steady, who is the mother along with you who are the father deliver me from the darkness of the wrong paths followed. 82 emotions divine sweet many-different entertainments Eyebrows-intoxicating-smile compassionate-glance also Her in-you you also in her also these mine Mother-who-is-black-hued always accept you generous Summary: May the mother whos hue is black, emotions divine, eyebrows enchanting and smile sweet, glance compassionate, entertainments sweetly varied, who blends in Him and in whom He blends - be generous in accepting me. 83 becomes every-moment divine-emotions-full-of Excellent character-portrayal worthy-of-praise goddess Proclaim-itself how-appropriate-covering thus suiting According-to-merit on-all-sides O Lord ! becomes Summary: She portrays herself every moment, full of divine emotions, manifesting and hiding, in an excellent all round manner, worthy of praise as merited by the occasion. 84 O ! miserable-wretch bad-person fie-on-me ! I say O ! i-am-like-this what-can-i-say Your are how ! auspicious-quality-place-of is-there you-are O ! remembering-even what-is-my-worthiness my-treachery Summary: Fie on me, for I am a miserable, bad, worthless wretch for not remembering you who are the abode of all auspicious qualities. 85 i-have unbearable covering Evils mind Drive-away world inauspicious by-nature-bound Possess good-qualities also do-not-destroy Your feet how there long-time-integrate Summary: How can I achieve steady contemplation of your feet with a mind that is covered with unbearable evils, bound by an inauspicious nature and unable to possess good qualities. 86 know your how-i-am ! your relationship accept not this auspiciousness others-in-this they-are your they accept Know these Not upon this becomes dependant-on only a little Summary: There is nothing more auspicious and no better way, than for you to accept the relationship that I am yours. 87 they become your compassionate-glance-target-of Worldly-life deep-hole coverts into meaningless-decline Come-forth these a little very-many-sinking-only
By birth and body how then these-compassion Summary: Without your compassionate glance, I am destined, by nature of my birth, to a endless decline in the dark mire of worldly existence. 88 good deeds not even little acquired Knowledge-well-spoken-without not even know A little your adorned Feet devotion-without Receiver-of-grace become O Lord will-become with-compassion Summary: Your compassion alone do I depend on, as I do not have merit of good deeds, the right knowledge or devotion to your adorned feet. 89 what say lament about this a little Sins small big also others also Know not these hundreds thousands half-of doing Not-done these no-refuge compassion forgive Summary: Your compassion is my only refuge for how can I ask forgiveness for all the sins lamentable, small and big, in thousands, half of it done without even knowing. 90 O Lord your feet love proficient-in Ramanujas an-object-of take me Become show-as materialistic confusion-of-mind My-actions which-of these equal-to-worthlessness Summary: O Lord please make me who am materialistic, confused of mind, with worthless actions an object accepted by Ramanuja who is proficient in devotion to your feet. 91 from birth full-of oppressed fatigued Body pounded great also all the creatures future life also perceived more than a thousand I am so without doubt Fate-struck-down by living-being Summary: I am destined to continue being born - and living in fatigued, oppressed bodies of all the creatures thousands of times. 92 becoming births in-times-of difficult-to-answer Sadness sad other-than what-did-i-know Idiotic-attain again child-like-emotions Sadness-extreme mine character in-the-next-world service Summary: It is in my character to be foolish like a child and continue to endure indescribable grief in births. 93 becoming have become by-this-way many sufferings Others sadness-became happiness by-delusion Sadness-bound also sadness mixed of-low-value Poverty aversion happiness happiness-seeking Summary: Not only have I suffered sadness but have by delusion believed some of them to be happiness even though they were mixed with sadness and of low value, making me appear a poverty ridden happiness seeker. 94 swinging-to-and-fro by-senses paths guided Ill-attained ill-fated desires churned-from Knowledge-wealth knew by-birth-pride by-desires-anger Worthless no similar dearth Summary: Guided by pride, desires and anger I have been led to and fro, on paths, which have resulted in knowledge and wealth, which are worthless, ill attained and ill fated. 95 attained difficult even though desirous-of Becomes thousand-fold receiving also
Obstacles destroyed Of-these root-of-destruction Increasing only Not also come-to-end alas ! thirst Summary: The desire for things attained grows thousand fold, on receiving them. The desire for unattainable where obstacles have made it impossible also never ends, but goes on increasing. 96 your name-singing glory-singing palm-folding feeling Faith nor devotion powerful no desire Not-even-repentance-mindedness These-to-do a little not Become O ! helping-hand-of Opposite-factions Summary: I have been the helping hand of the factions, which are opposed to name singing, glory singing, palm folding, faith, devotion, repentance as I have neither the strength nor shown any desire for these. 97 any-of-these also as-per-proper-norms alas ! i-did Ill-fortuned averse-fated O supreme Lord Faint-feeling feet this-your-no-limits become compassionate-like-nector leading-astray gone !? Summary: The supreme Lord is without limits whose compassion is like nectar to me - who am ill-fated, with faint feet, done nothing as per norms and have gone astray. 98 prosperity courage compassion-highest forgiving O Lord ! without-reason good fortune that specially All good-qualities ones-subject your my limitless-fearsome-sins-full-of No-refuge no-protection come-together Summary: O Lord, your good qualities brilliance, courage, compassion, forgiveness without reason are a good match for my qualities limitless sins, one without refuge, one without protection. 99 your feet protection reason these-elligible endeavor by-character-result you they Your protection greatness not your theirs Mine these like-this no-other-refuge not protect Summary: Your protection for me shows your greatness alone, as I have no other refuge; unlike your protection for the eligible and the endeavoring by character, which shows their greatness also. 100 by actions-done merit-of They thus-are obtained their actions-carried-out their-this men By you not by-no-means possible-obtained Therefore their my is-there not that excellence Summary: Even though men attain merit by their actions, this would not be possible for them without your approval. However, I have not this excellence also. 101. without-bounds these how your like-without-other-thoughts-service-provide O granter of wishes ! protect no-other-than-you Liberate you only me power-merit devoid of Without-obstacles Peace others also without-body the-world Summary: O granter of wishes, one without a body, one who is the world ! Even though I am devoid of power or merit, I will provide service without any other thought. Hence, please protect me and liberate me, so I can attain peace which is without obstacles and without boundaries. End