The Eight Temples Meditation Project

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The document discusses using meditation and structure as a way to achieve self-realization and understand the universe.

The document is structured with introductions and meditations for different topics organized using the Tree of Life.

Some of the topics covered include the elements, planets, sephirot of the Tree of Life like Malkuth and Tiphareth.


Eight Temples
Meditation Project

3 2

5 4
8 7


Rawn Clark
The Eight Temples Meditation Project.
by Rawn Clark.

Copyright © 2002 & 2005 All rights reserved.

Introduction . . . 15
Meditation #1: Malkuth . . . 17

Introduction . . . 31
Meditation #2: Yesod . . . 37

Introduction . . . 45
Meditation #3: Hod . . . 49

Introduction . . . 55
Meditation #4: Netzach . . . 59

Introduction . . . 67
Meditation #5: Tiphareth . . . 71

Introduction . . . 79
Meditation #6: Geburah . . . 89

Introduction . . . 101
Meditation #7: Gedulah . . . 107

Introduction . . . 115
Meditation #8: Binah . . . 125

EPILOGUE . . . 131
APPENDIX: Beneath an Astral Moon . . . 137
INDEX . . . 155
COLOR PLATES . . . 161
That ancient challenge, "know thyself", is the primary call to arms
for those seeking self-realization or initiation into the Mysteries. The
great error many make is in assuming that self-knowledge is just an
internal thing. But quite the contrary is true, for the 'self' we are try-
ing to discover is ultimately an infinite, all-encompassing, universal
being. To truly "know thyself" is to know that all is Self.
It is for this reason that a path of initiation seeks to correlate the
inner, personal world of the psyche, with the outer, physical world.
These all-too-often disparate realms are woven together by taking full
advantage of their commonalities in structure. With the tools of anal-
ogy and symbolism in hand, the initiate artfully traces the lines of
causality that naturally exist between what is experienced internally
and what is experienced externally.
The initiate achieves this by pursuing self-examination concur-
rent with a disciplined study of the external universe. Each is pursued
with the other in mind. In other words, universal principles are stud-
ied and applied to the work of self-examination. Likewise, personal
principles, learned from self-examination, are applied to the work of
understanding the external world. Joined in this way, the outer illu-
mines the inner and vise versa.
A classic example is the work with the Four Elements outlined by
Franz Bardon in his excellent book, Initiation Into Hermetics. Here,
the Elements are explored and employed in two ways. One is external
and involves certain meditational practices which lead to an experien-
tial understanding of the Elements as universal forces. The second,
concurrent way is internal, wherein the universal-Elements are used
as an analytic structure, a template which guides the examination of
the inner personality-self. This second usage correlates the universal-
Elements with the personal-Elements at a very practical, experiential
Throughout history, the essential process of self-realization has
been draped over a vast number of different philosophical structures,
each one symbolizing a specific understanding of the universe. It is
more the presence of structure, than the nature of the specific structure
chosen, that determines success. Thus a Catholic is just as likely to
achieve Self-realization as is a Buddhist or a Wiccan or a Qabbalist or
an Aboriginal Shaman, to name just a small few of the many options
manifest throughout the world.

This is not to say that the type of structure is unimportant. For
without a doubt, the philosophical specifics of any given structure will
influence the details of the process of self-realization. The point is that
a structure can either limit your experience or open it to expansion;
depending however, not so much upon the structure itself, as upon
how you approach that structure and what you do with it.
The eight meditations which follow serve as very practical intro-
ductions to the specific structure of Western Hermetic Qabbalah. Each
of the meditations is an experience that illumines both the inner and
outer significance of the realms explored. Here, the essentially inter-
nal process of meditation is focused upon factors which directly con-
cern the meditator's external life circumstance.
The eight astra-mental Temples outlined in the series are
designed to become lifelong tools. Each one has practical applications
for both the initiate's internal and external work. Once introduced to
the Temples, the initiate is free to return to them at any time and pur-
sue further, more detailed work. Thus the astra-mental Temples
themselves, as well as the initiate's relationship with them, evolve over
time. With repeated usage, their inherent structure aligns the initiate's
inner and outer worlds, and establishes the solid, integral foundation
which serves as the initiate's springboard to continual self-expansion.

Project Outline
The 8 Temples Meditation Project evolved out of an earlier proj-
ect in which a small group of us experimented with meeting regularly
at an astra-mental locale. That original experiment ran for two years
(Nov.'95 through Dec.'97), during which time we learned many valu-
able, and ultimately practical, lessons about the astra-mental realm
itself and about meeting there. [For more information along these
lines, see “Beneath an Astral Moon”, located in the appendix.]
As the experimental phase of our work together came to a con-
clusion, I considered instigating a new project, one based not upon
learning new lessons, but upon proving out and making good use of
the lessons we had already learned.
Around that same point in time, two different friends spoke of
their desire to learn more about the Qabbalistic Tree of Life and about
the practical meanings of the planetary symbols. So, I designed the
Project to incorporate both the aforementioned lessons about astra-
mental time-space, and my own knowledge of practical Qabbalah and

The 8 Temples Meditation Project ran for eight months -- starting
with the late-December, 1997 new moon and ending with the early-
August, 1998 full moon. Around the day of the new moon each of the
participants received a packet of information in the mail. These "New
Moon Packets" each contained an explanatory introduction and an
outline of the upcoming meditation.
The meditations were scheduled on or near each month's full
moon, so all the participants had two weeks to study the written mate-
rial. During those two weeks, I constructed the astra-mental Temples
and then I conducted the meditation ritual as scheduled.
Within a week after the meditation, each of the participants sub-
mitted a report detailing their experiences. Copies of these reports
were then forwarded to the participants in the following New Moon
Packet. This particular practice allowed for two things: 1) It allowed
each participant to see what others had experienced. 2) It allowed me
to gauge the effectiveness of what I was doing, as I was doing it. Each
month I analyzed the reports in receipt and used that information to
fine-tune the upcoming meditation.
The Project followed a standard "Path of Return" approach to the
Qabbalistic Tree of Life. The meditations began with sphere 10,
Malkuth/Earth, and worked up the Tree to sphere 3, Binah/Saturn.
Each meditation built upon the experiences of the one preceding it, so
there is a clear continuity throughout the series.
One desire I held for the Project was that it would achieve a bal-
ance between "script" and "spontaneity". On the one hand, the earlier
group work had taught me how powerful a focusing influence a pre-
determined structure can have upon an astra-mental meeting. But on
the other hand was the equally clear lesson that only spontaneity can
raise such a structure from the level of "theatrical delusion" to the
realm of true magic. Therefore, each of the meditations includes a
period of un-scripted, self-directed time, during which the participant
interacts spontaneously with the environment at hand.
I am a magician. For me, this Project is a work of magic. After
finalizing their design, each of these eight Temples were ritually con-
structed out of the astra-mental substance, using all the various mag-
ics I am familiar with. Their individual construction took anywhere
from an hour to several months to complete, varying radically from
Temple to Temple.
Not only the Temples themselves had to be constructed, but also
the connections between the Temples had to be established.
Furthermore, the Temples had to be truly joined with the realms that
they symbolize.
I used a specific structure in establishing the connections between
the Temples. For this, I designed a specific sequence of visualizations,
actions and spoken words, that unlocks the connections between spe-
cific realms. By following this induction sequence, one accesses the
chosen Temple. The first time that one pursues the induction, one is
led directly to an experience of the introductory meditation ritual.
This brings me to the issue of time. Astra-mental space-time is
not quite like physical space-time. It is a much more fluid, malleable
Physical time is a measurable constant -- we can clock its passage.
Astra-mental time however, is not constant in the same way physical
time is. For example, the passage of one hour's physical time can be
experienced anywhere between the poles of in-the-blink-of-an-eye and
ages-and-ages. This is the astra-mental component of time -- an
immeasurable, experiential thing defined not by a clock's ticking, but
by the quality and quantity of one's personal attention and intention.
It is possible to so enhance the astra-mental aspects of a specific
moment of physical time (working through the now-ness of the pres-
ent-moment) as to result in its preservation. What is preserved is that
moment's quality of real-time, present-moment now-ness -- a quality
that is generally lost as we move further away in time from the inci-
dents contained within any given past-moment of time-space. When
applied to a span of time (a connected series of present-moments) this
process of enhancement and preservation is called "encapsulation".
Yes, I know, that's a complex string of concepts I have just strung
for you! To simplify: I have so designed these meditations that the
real-time enactment of these rituals has been preserved astra-mental-
ly. Since I encapsulated the astra-mental component of each of the
Project's hour-long meditation rituals, by simply following the induc-
tion sequence of visualizations, etc., you will be led directly to the
encapsulated hour itself and actually participate in the outlined ritual
as it was originally performed.
This was born out in two different ways during the Project. The
first was that we perceived a nearly countless swarm of individuals
attending our meditation rituals from future points in time-space.
These were clearly folks, like yourself, who were reading these words
and pursuing these meditations from within a present-moment that
had yet to occur when the meditation rituals themselves were per-
formed. Nonetheless, your presences were all accounted for and
engaged during the real-time enactment of those rituals. In several
instances these "future-folk" played important roles in the shared,

group experience!
The second evidence that the encapsulation of each meditation
was successful, is the experience of those participants who, for one rea-
son or another, were unable to participate on the scheduled night and
ended up pursuing the meditation a few days or a week later. Without
fail, they were able to access a real-time experience of the original
meditation ritual.
The eight Temple meditations which follow are meant only as
introductions to these astra-mental realms. They merely acquaint one
with the terrain and with the tools available for working there. In light
of this fact, each of the meditation outlines is followed by suggestions
for future, solitary work.
The structure of these meditations is such that once introduced,
you are free to re-visit the Temples at any time you choose. An analy-
sis of the Project reports reveals that for each of the original partici-
pants, the eight Temples have become handy tools to which they
return frequently in pursuit of their ongoing, spontaneous inner work.
I pray that you too will find them of lasting value.

Overview of Symbols

The Qabbalistic Tree of Life originated over 2,000 years ago (some
say over 6,000 years ago) in the context of the Jewish mystical tradi-
tion, and has been a core part of the Western Hermetic tradition for at
least 500 years. Today, there are many variations of Qabbalistic sym-
bolism in use, ranging from the strictly Jewish Kabbalah, to the strict-
ly Christian Cabala.
The variation employed for this series of eight meditations will be
a fairly simple Western Hermetic approach -- heavy on the Hebrew
and Pagan, and light on the Christian, as is my way. However, the
emphasis here will be less upon magic per se, and more upon spiritu-
al growth.
The first step is to familiarize yourself with the following diagram
and table of correspondences. You needn't memorize them, just
acquaint yourself with them.

Qabbalistic Tree of Life
The 1
One Kether The Ultimate Unity of All Being
Self (Crown)

3 2 Greater
Binah Chokmah Self

Eternal Mind Vital Life Force

Individuality 5 4
Geburah Gedulah
(Strength) (Majesty)

Higher Will Higher Emotions

Tiphareth Lower Mental
(Beauty) Matrix

8 7 Personality
Hod Netzach
(Splendor) (Victory)

Rational and Lower Instinctual

Judgmenta l 9 Emotions
Intellect (Foundation) Lower Astra l

Physical 10
Body Malkuth

Table of Correspondences
Qabbalistic Astro God/dess Name 8 Planetary Color &
Sphere: Sphere: (Password): Temples: Stone:

#1 Universe Eheieh ---- White

Kether hyha Brilliance &
(Crown) Diamond.
“I am”
#2 Zodiac ----
Yah Pale Gray
Chokmah hy & Star
(Wisdom) Ruby.
“The One”
#3 Saturn IHVH Elohim Three-sided Black &
Binah ,yhla hvhy Temple of Obsidian.
(Understanding) “Supreme God” Limitation.

#4 Jupiter El Four-sided Bright Blue

Gedulah la Temple of & Lapis
“God” Mercy. Lazuli.

#5 Mars Elohim Gibor Five-sided Scarlet Red

Geburah rvbg ,yhla Temple of & Ruby.
“God of Might” Severity.

#6 Sun IHVH Adonai Twelve-sided Yellow

Tiphareth ynda hvhy Temple of the Gold &
(Beauty) “Supreme Lord” Sun. Topaz.

#7 Venus IHVH Tzabauth Seven-sided Bright

Netzach tvabj hvhy Temple of Green &
“Supreme Legions” Emotions. Emerald.
#8 Mercury Elohim Tzabauth Eight-sided Bright
Hod tvabj ,yhla Temple of Orange &
(Splendor) “God of Legions” Learning. Fire Opal.
#9 Moon Shaddai Nine-sided Violet or
Yesod ydw Temple of the Silver &
(Foundation) “Almighty” Personality. Amethyst.

#10 Earth Adonai Four-sided Mixtures &

Malkuth ynda Temple of the Smokey
“Lord” Elements. Quartz.

The Hebrew Alphabet
Letter Name Value Definition Equivalent
a Aleph 1 Ox or Bull A
b Beth 2 House B or V
g Gimel 3 Camel G or Gh
d Daleth 4 Door D or Dh
h He 5 Window H
v Vav 6 Nail V, O or U
z Zayin 7 Sword Z
x Cheth 8 Fenced Field Ch (glottal)
u Teth 9 Coiled Serpent T
y Yod 10 Finger or Hand Y
k; Kaph 20/500 Cupped Hand or Palm K or Kh
l Lamed 30 Oxgoad or Prod L
m, Mem 40/600 Water M
n ] Nun 50/700 Fish N
c Samekh 60 Tent Stake or Prop S
i Ayin 70 Eye or Spring O
p[ Peh 80/800 Mouth P or Ph
j/ Tzaddi 90/900 Fish Hook Tz or C
q Qooph 100 Back of Head Q
r Resh 200 Head or Face R
s Shin 300 Teeth Sh or S
t Tav 400 Cross T or Th

The Hebrew word Malkuth (pronounced "mal-cooth"), is gener-
ally translated into English as "kingdom", though in my opinion,
"queendom" would be just as accurate. It is the title given to the low-
est of the ten Qabbalistic spheres and corresponds to our mundane life
This is the realm of normal, waking consciousness and of our
day-to-day interactions with our physical environment. While its
planetary symbol is the Earth, Malkuth is not our physical planet itself.
Rather, it is the symbolic "zone girdling the Earth"; the lens through
which all the cosmic forces represented by the higher spheres are fo-
cused directly into physical reality.
Malkuth is thus the interface between the purely astral energy
matrix and the purely physical matter which naturally adheres to this
matrix. This point of intersection is very dynamic.
Malkuth itself, is not a place that has physical, material density;
but it is a place that has astral (emotional) and mental (essential mean-
ing) density. Over the millennia, humans have pondered this astral
realm and fashioned coherent symbols to express their findings.
The primary symbol that expresses the Malkuth interface of
astral-matrix with physical-matter, is the division of all things, into
Four Elements. This is depicted by the so called "Cross of Equated
Contrary to the com-
mon orientation of West=
Water and North=Earth, E
in the symbolic space of
Malkuth, Fire is the oppo- Wet Hot
site of Water, and Air is
the opposite of Earth. This
shifts the Elemental corre- Fire
spondences from the com-
mon West=Water to West
=Earth, and from the com-
mon North=Earth to Cold Dry
North=Water. Take care-
ful note of this Malkuth W
The circle, divided Earth
into quadrants, provides Cross of Equated Forces

the basic structure of Malkuth itself. Our Malkuth Temple however, is
a square that encloses the central intersection of these four quadrants.
When we enter the Malkuth Temple, we stand at the exact center of the
Cross -- the point where the Four Elements are united in perfect bal-
Each side of the Temple is an archway that leads outward to that
quarter's Elemental realm. Thus from within the Malkuth Temple, one
can survey all four Elemental realms equally. Or one has the option of
venturing out into the realms of the individual Elements.
The further details of the Malkuth Temple are designed to facili-
tate an exploration of this interface between astral-matrix and physi-
cal-matter. The medium of this exploration, is the language of sym-
Since Malkuth is a symbolic space, our meditation will begin with
a journey into the earth -- through a cave entrance and down a natural
tunnel. This tunnel eventually leads to the Malkuth Temple.
The Malkuth Temple will be our permanent rendezvous point, so
each meditation will begin with the same journey to the Malkuth
Temple. With our first meditation, we will explore Malkuth; but in the
7 Temple meditations which follow in the series, we will be using the
Malkuth Temple only as a launching point for our exploration of high-
er realms.


Reaching the Gateway

Find a private spot, where you are certain you will not be inter-
rupted, and situate yourself comfortably. Thoroughly relax your
body. Focus on the natural rhythm of your breathing and let go of all
mundane concerns.
Close your eyes and visualize a cave entrance. A curtain is drawn
across the entrance, bearing a specific symbol. Focus upon this sym-
bol and picture it as clearly as you can.


Reaching Malkuth
Now speak (with your inner voice) the phrase: "Adonai (pro-
nounced "ah-dough-nye"), please guide me to Malkuth."
In answer to your prayer, the Hebrew letters ynda (ADNI)
appear near the top of the curtain, as if written with light. The upward

pointing white triangle shines forth, as does the lowest of the ten
spheres, and a soft light glows within the cave.
When you see this illumination, draw the curtain aside and enter
the cave.

Before you stretches a rugged tunnel, hewn by natural forces

through the dark bedrock. It is ten feet wide and as many tall, and
extends for 30 paces. Before you proceed, take careful note of its fea-
tures and build a stable image.
Ten paces in, you come to a torch mounted on the tunnel wall to
your right. Pause here and examine the torch. Try to perceive it with
all your senses: see it, hear it, smell it, feel its heat. Before continuing
on, look around and reaffirm your visualization of the Tunnel from
your current position.
Another ten paces in and there is a torch mounted on the left wall.
Examine this torch as you did the first and similarly reorient your
visualization of the Tunnel's interior.
Another ten paces in and you come to a steep stairway that leads

directly upward through a perfectly circular opening in the tunnel
roof. Light pours down the steps from the circular opening above.
There are ten steps -- count them off to yourself as you climb.
When you reach the top of the stairs, you stand in the Malkuth
Temple, facing toward the eastern quarter. I stand in the southeast
corner (ahead, to the right), awaiting your arrival. [I'm a slender 5'11"
tall, have wavy red hair, and sport a short red-and-grey beard. I'll be
wearing a simple white ritual robe, cinctured with a blue-and-red belt,
and over this, a red, floor length vestment.]
The Temple is built of hewn stone, the floor is translucent marble.
At each quarter there sits a low altar, upon which burn two candles.
Behind the quarter altars, veiling each archway, hang curtains made of
gossamer silk.

Spend a few moments orienting yourself to the Malkuth Temple.
At the appropriate moment, I will gather the participants togeth-
er and cast a ritual circle. I will then lead the participants clockwise
around the circle, evoking each of the quarter Guardians, introducing
the participants personally to each Guardian, and briefly exploring
each of the Elemental realms.
The first realm we will explore is that of the Eastern quarter and
the Element Air.
The Guardian of the
Element is the archangel
Raphael. In Hebrew, Raphael
means "whom God heals".
The healing that Raphael con-
veys is that of balance -- the
essence of the Element Air.
I light the incense upon
the altar and say a few words.
As I evoke Raphael's pres-
ence, the silk curtain disinte-
grates and then resolidifies in
the image of Raphael.
[Dressed in white, with white
wings and a blaze of golden
hair. The rising sun hangs on
her/his breast.]
I introduce each partici-
pant to Raphael. The arch-
angel greets each and shares a
few private words.
Next we turn to the realm of Air which lies behind Raphael and
stretches as far as the eye can see. We step together through the arch-
way into this realm for a brief exploration . . .

Air is the joining and blending of the opposite qualities of Fire

and Water. It is said to combine Fire's heat with Water's moisture, but
to say that Air is "warm and moist" is an overstatement. Air, in fact, is
not "warm"; rather, it is "neither cold nor hot". For in Air, hot and cold
(expansion and contraction) cancel each other out, resulting in a "tem-
perate" neutrality. In comparison to Water, Air is warm; but when
compared to Fire, it is cold. Likewise, Air is not "moist" per se; rather,
it is a middle ground between sopping wet Water and bone dry Fire.

This mediating, synthesizing nature is the essence of the Element
Air. It is "weightlessness", mediating between the downward gravity
of Water and the upward urgency of Fire. It is the straight line, tend-
ing neither upward nor downward of its own accord.
This brings us to another prime aspect of Air -- its mutability.
While Air has no bias of its own, it readily accepts the impress of any
force it encounters. For this reason, the rational aspects of the human
mind are associated with Air.
The factor of Air's mutability combined with its tendency toward
mediation or balance, establishes Air as the symbol for all communi-
cations. Human speech, writing, etc., all fall under the domain of this
The anthropomorphic representations, or so called "beings of the
Element", of Air are the Sylphs. These are usually seen as very small,
elusive humanoids, possessing translucent wings. The Sylphs inhabit
what is usually seen as a vast misty region, with areas of pristine clar-
ity and other areas of murky obscurity.
I say "usually seen as" here because these symbols are not uni-
versal. For the most part they are cultural; but even within a single
culture, these symbols are clothed with infinite variety. Symbols are
ultimately personal, intimate things. No two of us will experience a
symbol in exactly the same way. A symbol, by its very nature, is an
interaction -- between the thing symbolized and the being perceiving
the symbol.
It is important to honor the essential uniqueness of our percep-
tions. We each see things in our own unique way. So if you don't see
little flying creatures, don't worry. Perhaps you are perceiving the
Sylphs as thoughts which gently brush against your awareness, or as
some other symbol more relevant to your personal experience and
temperament. This is simply Nature's way.
Mediating, communicating. Negative Principle: Ungrounding, dis-
persing. Bodily Sense: Smell. Astral Sense: Clairaudience. Body
Part: Chest. Color & Shape: Yellow Crescent. Tarot: Swords, Knights.
Misc. Symbols: Incense; feather; sword; sunrise; all things gaseous.
Temperament = Sanguine: (+) Optimism, penetration, joy, diligence,
kindness, independence. (-) Contempt, slyness, dishonesty.

. . . When we are done, we return to the archway (it is always

directly behind you -- simply turn around and there it is) and pass
back into the Malkuth Temple. We thank Raphael for his/her hospi-

tality and pass clockwise around the Temple.
The second realm we encounter is that of the Southern quarter
and the Element Fire.
The Guardian of the
Element is the archangel
Mikael. In Hebrew, Mikael
means "made in the image of
God". The image that Mikael
presents is one of radiant
power -- the essence of the
Element Fire.
I light the flame upon the
altar and say a few words. As
I evoke the Guardian's pres-
ence, the silk curtain disinte-
grates and then re-solidifies in
the image of Mikael. [Dressed
in scarlet red, with flaming
wings and bright red hair.
His whole appearance
I introduce each partici-
pant to Mikael. The archangel greets each and shares a few private
Next we turn to the realm of Fire which lies behind Mikael and
stretches as far as the eye can see. We step together through the arch-
way into this realm for a brief exploration . . .

Fire is the archetypal symbol for radiant energy. It causes expan-

sion, an upward and outward movement, and excitation, in whatever
it encounters. It also consumes whatever it touches; or rather, it trans-
forms whatever it touches into a higher state of being.
Fire is electric, hot and dry. It symbolizes the divine and the
human will, strength, power and passion. Its effects range from the
changeably severe, to the steadily nurturing. At whatever level one
encounters it, Fire is always active, and always communicates its heat
to its surroundings.
The "beings" of Fire are called Salamanders, and are usually
described as having a reptilian appearance. This stems from the angu-
lar nature of Fire which tends to manifest symbolically in elongated
salamander-like shapes. The Salamanders inhabit what is usually

seen as an exciting realm of dancing flames, erupting volcanoes, and
so on.
Energizing, empowering. Negative Principle: Consuming, burning.
Bodily Sense: Sight. Astral Sense: Clairvoyance. Body Part: Head.
Color & Shape: Red Triangle. Tarot: Wands, Kings. Misc. Symbols:
Flame; red candle; wand; high noon. Temperament = Choleric: (+)
Courage, enthusiasm, resolution. (-) Gluttony, jealousy, irritability,

. . . When we are done, we return to the archway and pass back

into the Malkuth Temple. We thank Mikael for his hospitality and
pass clockwise around the Temple.
The third realm we encounter is that of the Western quarter and
the Element Earth.
The Guardian of the
Element is the archangel
Gabriel. In Hebrew, Gabriel
means "whom God made
strong". The strength Gabriel
possesses is the power of so-
lidification -- the essence of
the Element Earth.
I speak a few words and
the great crystal upon the
West altar shines forth with
an inner radiance. As I evoke
the Guardian's presence, the
silk curtain disintegrates and
then re-solidifies in the image
of Gabriel. [Dressed in dark
browns and greens, with
black wings and jet black hair.
Her/his wings are not for
flight, but for enclosing us in a
gracious hug of greeting.]
I introduce each participant to Gabriel. The archangel greets each
and shares a few private words.
Next we turn to the realm of Earth which lies behind Gabriel and
stretches as far as the eye can see. We step through the archway into
this realm for a brief exploration . . .

Earth is the opposite of Air. Where Air is weightlessness, Earth is
weightiness. Where Air mediates between opposing influences, Earth
takes those influences to their extremes of manifestation. Earth is coa-
lescing, solidifying, crystallizing, grounding. It is the foundation from
which Fire moves upward, toward which Water descends, and over
which Air hovers.
Part of the mystery of this Element is that it does not exist in and
of itself. Which is to say, it is the product of the interaction between
Fire, Air and Water: When Fire meets Water, Air results. When Fire
and Water then interact through this medium of Air, the three-part
interaction is called Earth. The positive Fire and the negative Water
unite to form the neutral Air; together they form the dynamic positive-
neutral-negative electro-magnetism of Earth.
Some say that Earth is not a "true" Element, but this is a fine point
of philosophy and consequently not of much importance to practical
experience. In practice, Earth is every bit as much an Element as Fire
or Water.
Our overall consciousness itself (seen as a conglomeration of var-
ious Fiery, Airy and Watery aspects brought to singular manifestation)
and the physical organism which houses it, are both attributed to
Earth. As are all things heavy and solid.
The words solid and stocky, best describe the "beings" of Earth,
called Gnomes. They are usually seen as short, thick, dark, bearded,
clothed in simple utilitarian garb, and very friendly to humans. Their
realm is subterranean and they happily enact all of Nature's under-
ground mysteries.
Grounding, solidifying. Negative Principle: Blocking, halting, ob-
scuring. Bodily Sense: Taste. Astral Sense: Clairsentience. Body
Part: Legs, bones, flesh. Color & Shape: Black Square. Tarot: Disks,
Princess'. Misc. Symbols: Dirt; salt; cornucopia; pentacle; sunset.
Temperament = Phlegmatic: (+) Endurance, consideration, punctual-
ity, responsibility, objectivity. (-) Unreliability, unscrupulousness,
dullness, laziness.

. . . When we are done, we return to the archway and pass back

into the Malkuth Temple. We thank Gabriel for his/her hospitality
and pass clockwise around the Temple.

The fourth and final realm we encounter is that of the Northern
quarter and the Element Water.
The Guardian of this
Element is the archangel
Haniel. In Hebrew, Haniel
means "whom God made gra-
cious". Haniel expresses her
grace as a magnetic fluidity --
the essence of the Element
I speak a few words over
the Water chalice sitting upon
the altar, and a beautiful rain-
bow suddenly appears. As I
evoke the Guardian's pres-
ence, the silk curtain disinte-
grates and then re-solidifies
in the image of Haniel.
[Dressed in flowing bright
blues and watery greens, with
seafoam wings and seaweed
brown hair. Her embrace
feels cleansing, as if a refreshing current of water has passed through
one's entire body from head to foot.]
I introduce each participant to Haniel. The archangel greets each
and shares a few private words.
Next we turn to the realm of Water which lies behind Haniel and
stretches as far as the eye can see. We step through the archway into
this realm for a brief exploration . . .

Water is the polar opposite of Fire. It is cold, wet, constrictive,

magnetic , and downward tending. Where Fire is angular, Water is
curvilinear and fluid. Where Fire is brute force of will, Water is the
undeniable force of emotion, feeling and intuition, and of persistent
effort. Fire cleanses by burning-away: Water cleanses by washing-
away. Fire nurtures by exciting things to life: Water nurtures by calm-
ing things to a sustainable rhythm..
The Element Water is the archetypal ocean, mother of all life. She
is filled with potentialities, each pursuing their own path toward man-
ifestation. It is a beautiful and alluring realm, populated by "beings"
called Undines. These creatures are usually seen as half fish or dol-

phin, and half human. Usually the upper half is human, symbolizing
the evolution from primal-form into final-form. They speak the lan-
guage of emotions and communicate beauty in their form and actions.
They symbolize all of Nature's watery ways.
FURTHER CORRESPONDENCES: Positive Principle: Healing,
creating, flowing. Negative Principle: De-stabilizing, constricting.
Bodily Sense: Hearing. Astral Sense: Clairfeeling. Body Part:
Abdomen. Color & Shape: Blue Circle. Tarot: Cups, Queens. Misc.
Symbols: All liquids; chalice; seashells; midnight. Temperament =
Melancholic: (+) Compassion, respectability, modesty, calmness,
devotion. (-) Shyness, indifference, depression.

. . . When we are done, we return to the archway and pass back

into the Malkuth Temple. We thank Haniel for her hospitality and
pass clockwise, returning to the Eastern quarter.
When the astral ritual is complete and we have explored each of
the Elemental realms, I will release the circle casting. Participants will
then exit the way they came: down the stairs, along the tunnel, out the
cave entrance, ultimately returning to normal physical awareness.

Follow-up Work
Immediately write down a few notes outlining the key points of
your experience. This will help bring your more ephemeral astral
experiences, firmly into the grasp of your normal waking conscious-
ness. It will also greatly facilitate the integration of those experiences
into your daily life.
In the days immediately following your Malkuth meditation,
focus your attention upon perceiving the Four Elements as they man-
ifest in the world around you and within you. As you notice the
things in your environment, analyze them and try to discern their
Elemental composition. What Element predominates in this or that
thing? How are the other, less predominant, Elements manifest?
Don’t be too rigid in your analysis. Remember that all things
exist in combination. What seems at first glance to be pure Fire for
example, is in reality a combination of all four Elements. They must
all four be present for physical manifestation to occur.
Likewise analyze your interactions with other people. What
Element predominates in your exchange? How are the other Elements

And finally, turn this analysis inward and examine your internal
world of mental and emotional responses to the outer world. What
Element predominates in the personality you manifest? How are the
other Elements manifest? Again, I caution against being too rigid in
your analysis.
Return regularly to the Malkuth Temple and pursue a further,
more thorough exploration of the Elemental realms. Explore not only
their external, universal meaning and significance, but also search out
their internal, personal meaning. In other words, use the Elements to
connect your internal world with your experience of the external uni-
verse. The Elements can be a handy tool for understanding the inner
and outer worlds, and a powerful tool for effectively uniting these all-
too-often disparate realms.
As you become more familiar with each of the Four Elements,
focus your efforts upon the personality you manifest. Examine your
personality closely and analyze it with the tool of the Four Elements.
Determine which parts of it correspond with which of the Elemental
influences, and in this way, thoroughly catalogue the personality you
currently manifest. Do not, at this point, engage in changing your per-
sonality -- for now, you are only to catalogue it and come to know its
current parameters.
While working in the Malkuth Temple, be sure to carefully culti-
vate your friendship with the Quarter Guardians. Treat them always
with kindness, respect and with absolute honesty, and they will be-
come true friends.

Yesod (pronounced "yes-odd") is generally translated into
English as "foundation". Other uses of the word encompass the ideas
of secrecy, consultation and assembly.
The realm of Yesod is the hidden pattern to which matter
adheres. In Malkuth we witnessed the dynamic point of interface
between this underlying energy matrix and physical matter. Here in
Yesod though, we encounter the energy matrix itself.
In very universal terms, this energy matrix is the intermediary
state between mind and matter. If we symbolically posit mind as a
gaseous state and matter as a solid state, then the astral matrix is seen
as an intermediate, liquid state which shares features of both. Thus the
astral substance is shaped by mind and in turn, determines the shape
of matter.
The astral substance itself is caused by the passage of universal-
mind into specific-matter and exists only because of this passage. As
individual-minds pass through the astral substance, the astral crystal-
lizes, forming an energy matrix to which matter invariably adheres.
This is rightly called an "astral body" in that it is an organic structure
through which individual-mind becomes active within the astral
realm, and by extension, within the physical realm. Every material
thing is founded upon an astral body.
The moment mind releases itself from matter, the corresponding
astral matrix begins to decay. This happens because there is no longer
a flow of mind through the astral substance and therefore, no longer a
mental-matrix in place to determine and sustain the astral crystalliza-
During material incarnation, individual-mind (whether it be
manifest as a human being, a rock, a tree, or a bird does not matter) is
invariably provided with experiences which cause it to evolve and ma-
ture. As individual-mind is changed by its incarnation, those changes
will be reflected in the crystallization of the astral substance (and to a
lesser extent, they will be reflected in the crystallization of the material
substance or physical body).
All of these universal aspects of the astral substance become eas-
ier to comprehend when we consider our own human manifestation of
them. Indeed, personalizing one's experience of the astral is the first
step in learning how to work effectively with its more universal man-
ifestations. Thus, our focus in this meditation will be upon how Yesod
manifests within each of us individually.

In directly human terms, Yesod is the personality we manifest --
that unique combination of habits, idiosyncrasies, preferences, and
countless other factors, through which we express our inner selves,
externally. Generally, our personalities are not clear reflections of our
inner selves, but rather a compromise between the demands of our
inner and outer worlds.
Boiled down to its most basic elements, each personality contains
aspects that are sub-consciously motivated; others that are conscious-
ly intended; and still others that flow from super-conscious levels.
This points out an inherent three-fold nature of the personality, and
the astral substance in general, symbolized almost universally by the
three faces of the "triple-goddess": maiden, mother and crone.

Full Moon
(Summer Solstice)


1st Quarter 3rd Quarter

(Spring Equinox) (Autumn Equinox)
Maiden Crone
(Sub-conscious) (Super-conscious)


New Moon
(Winter Solstice)

Astrologically, the astral matrix is symbolized by the Moon with

her three faces: waxing crescent, full moon and waning crescent. The
Moon takes in the Sun's light (just as the astral matrix accepts the men-
tal influx) and then reflects it to Earth (just as the astral matrix reflects
the mental impress onto matter). But the Moon, like the astral body,
not only takes in the Sun's light, it also changes it once it's been
absorbed. Thus the light eventually reflected to Earth, has been
altered. In symbolic terms, it has been tuned by the Moon to a non-
solar rhythm -- which is to say, it's been personalized.

During the span of one solar year (the time it takes the Sun to cir-
cle the zodiac), the Moon will accomplish the same task 13 times. The
Moon moves around the entire zodiac (the equivalent of a solar year)
in approximately 28 days, making it the fastest and most versatile of
the planets. It constantly passes into, and quickly out of, aspect with
each of the other planets; and just like the personality, it weaves to-
gether all the various planetary influences.
The 13x12 rhythm of the Moon interlocks the 1x12 rhythm of the
Sun, with the 1x4 rhythm of the Earth, through its 3-faces (waxing, full
and waning). The lunation cycle mimics both the 4 seasons of the
Earth and the 12 zodiacal periods of the sun as it passes through its
four-phases (new, first quarter, full and last quarter). A lunation (pas-
sage from one new moon to the next new moon; a.k.a. "moonth" or
"month") is longer than a single lunar circling of the zodiac. Since the
lunation is a geo-soli-lunar cycle, the concurrent movement of the Sun
means that the Moon passes through 13 signs of the zodiac from one
new moon (conjunction of moon and sun) to the next new moon,
resulting in 12 lunations per solar-year (13x12 = 12x13).
Sound complex? Well, it is and this perfectly reflects the com-
plexity of the human personality! But just because a thing is complex,
doesn't mean that there are no simple ways by which to gain an under-
standing of it.
Earlier I stated that the
element Earth is really the Neutral
result of the interaction of Synthesis
Fire, Air and Water. In
Yesod, we are confronted
with this three-fold interac- AIR
tion itself and not with the
resultant Earth as we were in
Malkuth. Therefore the sym-
bol of the triangle is where we
will start in our path to un- FIRE WATER
Positive Negative
derstanding Yesod.
Thesis Antithesis
Yesod represents fluidi- Maiden Crone
ty, periodicity and reflection. "Child" "Elder"
Just as the four Elements of
Malkuth are self-multiplied resulting in the 16 sub-Elements, so also
the three faces of Yesod are self-multiplied and result in 9 aspects.
The following figure is one example of how the personality can be
analyzed into 9 aspects. This particular approach is, on the one hand,

simple enough to work with, while on the other hand, it's confusing
enough to sufficiently represent the complexities of the human per-

Air of Air
Adult Neutral
Water of Fire Fire of Water
Child Negative Elder Positive

Water of Wa ter Fire of Fire

Elder Nega tive Child Positive

Fire of Air Water of Air

Adult Positive Adult Negative

Air of Fire Air of Water

Child Neutral Elder Neutral

Though its complexity might seem a disadvantage, it is nonethe-

less intentional. It forces us to use more than just our rational minds
to reach an understanding of it -- we must also intuit the relationships
and dynamics it illustrates.
Yesod is seen as the combination (assembly) of Tiphareth/Sun
(mental matrix), Netzach/Venus (lower instinctual emotions), and
Hod/Mercury (lower rational intellect). As such, it is a realm that is
unlocked only when we employ ration in conjunction with emotion.
Approaching it only rationally will not get one any further than ap-
proaching it only emotionally -- either course will lead one to an
incomplete experience of this realm.
In the Malkuth meditation, I spoke of analyzing your personality
with the tool of the Four Elements. In Yesod, we see those Elemental
aspects of personality in action. Here they are joined as complexes.
Each of the nine faces of Yesod (e.g., ADULT Neutral, CHILD
Negative, etc.) represents a complex of several Elemental aspects,
working together in unison. So in Yesod, we can reach into the most
dynamic manifestation of these Elemental factors.
The titles of these nine aspects are meant to be very general
descriptions of very personal things. For example, the CHILD

Negative station is one we will all easily recognize. It is typified by
our urge to throw a tantrum when we don't get our way. While this is
an aspect of self we all manifest, it is manifest uniquely by each one of
us. My own CHILD Negative is a complex of specific Elemental influ-
ences -- your own CHILD Negative is a similar complex, but com-
posed of a slightly different set of Elemental influences.
The average human manifests a personality that is primarily emo-
tional, reactionary and sub-consciously motivated (i.e., instinctual).
We have all experienced this way of being: shaped by circumstances
and adrift with little true self-determination.
Yet, hidden within the foundation of the personality, are assem-
bled all the tools for self-crafting a conscious personality, one which
clearly reflects the individual-mind's influx. Since self-crafting of
one's own personality is, as I said before, the first step in learning to
work with the more universal facets of the astral substance, our task in
this meditation will be to familiarize ourselves with the intricacies of
our personalities as they are reflected to us in the Yesod Temple.
The Temple itself has nine
sides, each of which reflects
one of the nine aspects of the
At each station, you will
find a mirror, seated upon a
throne. The mirror symbolizes
the Moon's reflectivity and the
fact that the passage of sun-
light is what drives the whole
process. The throne has a
square seat and four legs, sym-
bolizing the four Elements. The
square platform the throne sits
upon, symbolizes the material
manifestation of this en-
throned personality-aspect.
The upright back of the
throne, mixes the mirror's
curvature and the Elemental
squareness below it. It is sur-
mounted by three phases of the
Moon which symbolize the
progression of the influxing

sunlight: from Super-conscious (Dark Moon) to Sub-conscious (wax-
ing Quarter Moon) to Conscious (Full Moon).
Behind the throne, forming a part of the Temple structure itself,
stands an archway supported by two pillars. The white pillar sym-
bolizes the polarity of force, and the black symbolizes that of form.
The arch which surmounts and unites these poles, is composed of 28
stones -- one for each of the days it takes the Moon to circle the zodi-
ac. [These are known as the 28 "mansions of the Moon".] This arch-
way opens to the star-filled infinity of deep space, symbolizing the
universal-mind's influx (each star an individual-mind) from higher
levels which sustains the astral matrix.
Though illustrated here in only black-and-white tones (pretty
much all that's visible on a moonlit night), the ray of light that strikes
the mirror is in reality tinged with color. That ray starts as sunlight,
but during its passage through Yesod, it is shifted to the spectrum of
reflected light (i.e., the pigment colors). The example illustrated above,
is meant to be the "ADULT Neutral" face, so the ray of sunlight might
reflect from the mirror as a bright, pure yellow.

Begin as in the Malkuth Meditation: pass through the Cave
Entrance, along the Tunnel passage, up the ten steps, and into the
Malkuth Temple where I stand awaiting your arrival.
When all the participants have arrived, I will gather us together
and cast a ritual circle.
Once our circle is cast, we will spend several moments together in
the center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle and bring-
ing our awareness of the presences of the other participants into focus.
As you look around the circle, try to sense the unique presence of each
participant. Look to your own uniqueness and honor the differences
and similarities you perceive in the others.
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus to the East
quarter altar -- our gateway to Yesod. Upon the altar there now sits a
mirror and behind it we see the same curtain and symbol we
encounter at the Cave Entrance.
As I light the
candles upon the
altar, we each see
our own face re-
flected back to us
from the mirror.
Then together, as
with a single voice, ydw
we speak the
phrase: "Shaddai
(pronounced "shuh-
dye"), please guide
me to Yesod."
In answer to
our prayer, the
Hebrew letters ydw
(ShDI) appear near
the top of the cur-
tain, as if written
with light. The
upward pointing
white triangle
shines forth, as does

the next-to-lowest of the ten spheres, and a soft light glows behind the
When we see this illumination, I reach forward and draw the cur-
tain aside. Hand-in-hand, we all pass through the archway. We are
immediately greeted by a flash of lightning and a resounding boom of
Our transition to the Yesod Temple is sudden and complete. We
stand, holding hands, at the center of the nine-pointed star mosaic.

Take a few moments to visually orient yourself to the Yesod Tem-

ple; and at the same time, notice the presences of the other participants
and your hand-held connection to them.
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus together and
we will then release the hands we have been holding. I will direct each
of you individually to the very center of the Yesod Temple and ask
you to call out your name. [Note: This will happen for you all indi-
vidually and simultaneously, so you needn't visualize yourself having
to stand in line, awaiting your turn, etc.]

As you speak your name, the Temple darkens and your aware-
ness of the other participants disappears. Suddenly, a ray of bright
sunlight descends from directly above you and strikes the crown of
your head. It passes down and into you, then bursts forth from your
heart center as nine differently colored rays. Each one of these rays
reaches out and strikes one of the nine darkened mirrors, illuminating
them all with your own refection.
These are the nine faces of your own unique personality. Take
your time now to investigate the image reflected in each of the nine
mirrors. I recommend that for your first experience of Yesod, you
work your way clockwise around the Temple and focus primarily
upon identifying each of these aspects of yourself. You will naturally
be tempted to deny certain parts of yourself and to embrace others, but
I urge you to avoid this sort of judgmentalism for the moment and
adopt a more objective attitude. You can always return to the Yesod
Temple and pursue a more thorough self-examination later. For now,
your objective is to begin the process by learning to recognize the faces
of your personality.
If you encounter something that either frightens you so much that
you feel yourself needing to escape, or pleases you so much that you
find yourself entranced, immediately distance yourself from it. Take
note of it and identify it, but nonetheless distance yourself from it.
Approach your first encounter with Yesod systematically and without
any dallying.
At the appropriate time, I will call everyone away from their pri-
vate explorations and back to a group focus at the center of the Yesod
Temple. We will take a moment to again join hands and to notice the
presences of the other participants.
Then together, as with a single voice, we speak the word
"Malkuth" and we find ourselves suddenly transiting back through the
archway into the Malkuth Temple. Again we stand together in the
center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle.
After a few moments of re-orientation, I will release the circle
casting. Participants will then exit the way they came: down the stairs,
along the Tunnel, and out the Cave Entrance, ultimately returning to
normal physical awareness.

Follow-up Work
As before, immediately write down a few notes outlining the key
points of your experience.
Then try to remember each of the nine faces you saw and write a
brief description of the ones you recall. This particular information
should not be shared with anyone else -- the exploration of your per-
sonality is to be conducted in privacy. This will foster a sense of se-
curity and will aid you in your work with your personality by provid-
ing you a safe space within which to exercise the radical self-honesty
such work will require of you.
In the days immediately following your Yesod meditation, take
note of the faces you recognized as they show themselves in your
actions. At different points during this time, something you say or do
will remind you clearly of one of the faces you saw during the medi-
tation. Take a mental note when this occurs and compare the real-life
manifestation with the remembered face. In this way, you will expe-
rience connection between the Yesodic symbol and the material reali-
Return regularly to the Yesod Temple and thoroughly familiarize
yourself with each of the nine faces mirrored there. Work your way
carefully past/through your natural self-judgmentalism till you come
to a place of self-acceptance and self-love.
This place of self-acceptance is a "place of great power". From this
dynamic place you can begin to safely and effectively change the per-
sonality you see manifest. When you can stand in the center of the
Yesod Temple, stare each mirror in the face, and accept with love
everything you see as the raw material you must work with, then you
are certainly ready to begin self-crafting.
In the Yesod Temple, I advise that you support your self-crafting
efforts by visualizing appropriately symbolic tools. For example,
when I work with self-crafting my personality in Yesod, I envision a
simple throne stationed at the exact center of the Temple. I sit myself
down in the throne and speak my name. As the ray of sunlight
descends into me, I accept conscious control of it. I then turn my
throne (it's on a lazy-susan sort of thing I guess) to the aspect/mirror
of my choosing and consciously emit the ray that emerges from my
heart center. I look at the reflection, ask myself how clearly it reflects
the incoming light, and decide the ways in which I desire to change it.
I visualize these changes occurring and I take very, very careful note
of what actions are required to manifest these changes in my day-to-
day life.

Please take note here: As I stated earlier, the astral is crystallized
only by the passage of mind into specific-matter. Modification of the
astral crystallization (i.e., astral-body/personality) can only be accom-
plished if specific changes are brought all the way down into material
manifestation. In other words, visualization alone (i.e., bringing the
mental down into the astral) does not suffice to effect genuine change
in your personality. You must consciously integrate those intended
changes into your daily life (i.e., bring the astra-mental down into the
material). Otherwise they will remain only aspirations, never becom-
ing fully permanent, reliable aspects of your manifest personality.
The goal of Yesodic self-crafting is to consciously crystallize the
astral substance -- to manifest a personality that clearly reflects the
individual mental influx. Yup, that is a never ending, lifelong process!
It is also the conscious use of Nature's own ways, so we are always
supported by the universe in such work.




Hod (pronounced either "hawd" or "hoad") translates into English

as "splendor; glory; majesty; beauty; and, brightness". To this realm is
attributed the bright, rapidly moving, hermaphroditic planet Mercury.
Astrologically, Mercury symbolizes communication of all kinds,
rational thought, and all systems dependent upon communication
between one part and another (bodies, machines, organizations,
philosophies, etc.).
In universal terms, as mind descends through the astral sub-
stance, it polarizes into force and form. These poles are symbolized by
the planets Mercury (form) and Venus (force). [At a higher mental
level, these same poles are symbolized by Mars (form) and Jupiter
In human terms, our emotions are the force represented by
Venus. Indeed, it is in Netzach that we will explore all the emotional
Our ability to reason and tie things together into logical order is
the form symbolized by Mercury. And here in the Hod meditation we
will be exploring Paul Case's statement, "#8: I look forward with con-
fidence to the perfect realization of the eternal Splendor of the
Limitless Light." [From his “Pattern on the Trestleboard.”]
Mercury represents our penetrating ability to connect one detail,
one train of thought, etc., with another. Again in universal terms, it
represents the descending mind organizing the raw Venusian force.
This organization results in the intricate complexity we easily observe
in the universe -- as well as in the infinite complexity of our ability to
observe complex things.
After polarizing, the descending mind rejoins the poles of force
and form in Yesod. In human terms then, our personalities (Yesod)
are a combination of emotion (Netzach / Venus / force) and rational-
ity (Hod / Mercury / form).
The Qabbalistic Tree of Life image provides one of the better illus-
trations of this:

Pillar of Equilibrium

Pillar of Form Pillar of Force

Saturn 3 2 Universal

Mars 5 4 Jupiter

6 Sun

Mercury 8 7 Venus

Moon 9

Here we see three vertical pillars: two are the polar extremes of
force and form; and one equilibrates between them.
There are also four horizontal levels: universal (1, 2, & 3); indi-
vidual (4, 5, & 6); personal (7, 8, & 9); and physical (10).
Following the numerical order of the spheres illustrates the
descent of the Unity into the plurality of matter. As the universal
descends into the individual level, it polarizes to right (4), then left (5),
and then equilibrates (6). The same is true as the individual descends
into the personal realm -- it polarizes to the right (7 / Venus / emo-
tions / force), then to the left (8 / Mercury / rationality / form), and
then balances those two in Yesod (9 / Moon / personality).
In this series of meditations, we're following the reverse-numeri-
cal order and working our way up the diagram. Thus far, our Temples
have been stationed along the pillar of equilibrium, but now we are
straying to the left hand pole of form.
It's important to keep in mind that Hod is polarized, for to expe-
rience the whole of Hod we must bring to it a balanced understanding
of our personalities. Without that balance, it is easy to get lost in the
minutia of Hod's complexity and conclude that the universe is a strict-
ly rational thing after all. Likewise with Netzach -- without a balanced
approach, it is easy to be swept away by the primal emotions encoun-

tered there and conclude that the universe is completely irrational
after all. Both of these polarized perspectives are correct and at the
same time incorrect. Only when joined together do they accurately
know that the universe is both rational and irrational.
The Hod Temple is known as the "Library of Hermes". This
library has eight (the number of Mercury) sides and is six (the number
of the Sun) stories tall. Each of the solar-six levels have 12 (the num-
ber of the zodiac) arched doorways paired with 12 bookcases.
Conversely, each of the mercurial-eight sides have nine (the number of
the Moon) archways and bookcases. There are thus 72 ( 6x12 = 8x9 =
72) archways with corresponding bookcases in total. [This illustrates
the Qabbalistic "72-fold Name of God" which, due to its overwhelming
complexity, I won't elucidate here.]
The intention is to symbolize that all of human thought is gath-
ered here in the library of Hermes. Each archway leads to a chamber
in which you can explore a rational understanding of a specific aspect
of the universe's complexity. The bookcase to the left, abutting the
black pillar of each archway, is filled with books relating to that arch-
way's explorable subject matter.
With familiarity, this library can become a busy, alive place for
you. Within each chamber you will find students and teachers pursu-
ing a specific subject. There is even a librarian who will help you find
your way around!
I say "with familiarity" because it usually takes several explorato-
ry visits before one connects with this level of Hod and accesses the
guidance that comes with it. My first visits to Hermes' Library were
solitary and somewhat confusing. I couldn't read the writing in any of
the books and didn't encounter either students or teachers, let alone a
librarian! Then one visit, I encountered a teacher and from that point
on, my awareness of other presences rapidly increased.
For our introduction to the Hod Temple, we will be choosing a
specific book from a specific bookcase and entering a specific archway.
The book will contain Paul Case's statement, "#8: I look forward with
confidence to the perfect realization of the eternal Splendor of the
Limitless Light." Within the chamber, we will encounter a teacher
who will lead us in a rational exploration of this statement's meaning.
This illustrates one way of working with the Hod Temple -- select
a book, pass through the archway with it, and access a rational explo-
ration of the book's topic. This works best if you know what book to
choose and where to find it, but in the absence of this knowledge, this
method can also be used to discover what an archway's subject matter

might be. For instance, you could select a book at random, pass
through the archway with it, and then try to read it while inside the
chamber. Ask aloud for guidance and visualize the presence of a
teacher to assist you.
An alternate approach, especially effective if you don't know
where to find something, is to seek guidance as to where to find the
archway and bookcase corresponding to your chosen subject matter.
Simply stand in the center of the library and state your need. Listen
for and then follow your intuition (this inner voice is the "librarian" I
mentioned) and you will be guided to the correct archway and book.
You can also search the library by teacher, asking for guidance to
a specific teacher instead of a specific subject matter.
Lastly, you can also just open yourself to the recommendations of
Hod's inner guidance and ask "Elohim Tzabauth, what do I need to
learn at this moment?" This can lead to some amazing experiences!


Begin as before: pass through the Cave Entrance, along the

Tunnel passage, up the ten steps, and into the Malkuth Temple where
I stand awaiting your arrival.
When all the participants have arrived, I will gather us together
and cast a ritual circle.
Once our circle is cast, we will spend several moments together in
the center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle and bring-
ing our awareness of the presences of the other participants into focus.
As you look around the circle, try to sense the unique presence of each
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus to the East
quarter altar -- our gateway to Hod.
Upon the altar there now sits a scroll and behind it we see the
same curtain and symbol we encounter at the Cave Entrance.

Upon the scroll

we see an eight-
pointed figure (rep-
resenting the com-
plex mercurial ex-
pression of the solar
influx) and, in tvabj ,yhla
Hebrew script, the
god/dess name at-
tributed to Hod.
I light the can-
dles upon the altar,
then together, as
with a single voice,
we speak the phra-
se: "Elohim Tza-
bauth (pronounced
"eh-low-heem ,yhla

please guide me to

In answer to
our prayer, the He-

brew letters tvabj ,yhla (ALHIM TzBAUTh) appear near the top
of the curtain, as if written with light. The upward pointing white tri-
angle shines forth, as does the lowest sphere on the left-hand pillar,
and a soft light glows behind the curtain.
When we see this illumination, I reach forward and draw the cur-
tain aside. Hand-in-hand, we all pass through the archway.
Our transition to the Hod Temple is gentle and causes no disori-
entation. We now stand, holding hands, at the center of the eight-
pointed-star floor mosaic. We take a few moments to examine our sur-
roundings . . .

At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus together.
Staying on the first floor level, we will then walk to the east wall of the
Temple and extract a single book from the bookcase to the left of the
archway. Together, we will step through the archway and enter the
hidden chamber.
Here we find a low table upon which I place the book and then
open it to a chosen page. Look closely at this page and do your best to
read the printed words there. These words are Paul Case's statement
-- "#8: I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the
eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light."
After we have each read these printed words, I will call forth a
teacher for us. Open yourself to perceiving this teacher in whatever
way comes naturally to you. For some the teacher will be seen as a
person you can converse with, but for others, this might manifest non-
visually as a feeling, an intuition, as something you hear, or as a train
of thoughts that just pops into your head.
Once the teacher arrives, we all sit down, holding hands in a cir-
cle, and silently meditate together upon the words we have read from
the book. The teacher will enter into and lead our meditations. As I
said, we may each perceive this somewhat differently so try to main-
tain an attitude of openness to whatever occurs naturally for you.
Feel free to probe and question and explore the various bits of
information you access. We will spend several minutes with this med-
itation on statement #8, so there is no rush.
At the appropriate moment, I gather our focus together and we
will thank our teacher for the lessons we've learned. I will gather up
the book, lead us back out into the Hod Temple, and return the book
to its case.
Then we will take a few minutes to walk around the whole
Temple, making our way up to the sixth floor and back down. [The
stairways connecting the floors are located on the west wall of the
Temple and have not been illustrated in my east-facing graphic rendi-
tion.] Along the way, we will poke our heads into three different arch-
ways and take a brief moment to get an idea of what subject matter
each one concerns.
When this exploration is complete, I will gather us together at the
center of the floor mosaic. We will join hands and then together, as if
with a single voice, we speak the word "Malkuth". This transits us
gently back to the center of the Malkuth Temple.
After a few moments of re-orientation, I will release the circle
casting. Participants will then exit the way they came: down the stairs,

along the tunnel, and out the Cave entrance, ultimately returning to
normal physical awareness.

Follow-up Work

Return regularly to the Hod Temple and use this asset to increase
your (rational) understanding of things. Choose subjects which inter-
est you and which are relevant to the self-crafting of your personality,
and try pursuing them by yourself within the Hod Temple. As you
refine your (rational) understanding, apply what you learn in Hod to
your work in Yesod and Malkuth.
Explore each of Hod's six floors and familiarize yourself with the
layout of the library. Use your imagination and discover also, the
many different methods of accessing the information available in the
Hod Temple.

Netzach (pronounced "netz-awk", with a back-of-the-throat glot-
tal "k" sound) translates into English variously as "truthfulness,
uprightness, faithfulness"; "permanency, perpetuity, eternity"; "excel-
lency, glory"; and, "completeness, entireness, perfection." Paul Case,
adding these meanings together, translated it as "victorious life".
Taken as a string of hieroglyphs, the Hebrew word ’Nun-Tzaddi-
Cheth’ combines the image of abundance (Nun="fish"), with that of
self-nurturance (Tzaddi="fishhook") and that of the personalized life
force (Cheth="fence"). Thus Netzach (the realm of Venus) is seen as
the embodiment of the abundant, self-nurturing life force -- with the
emphasis on force.
This force cannot be defined rationally. It cannot be dissected
with logic, written down, and communicated with exactitude from
one person to another. There is no second-hand, intellectual way of
grasping this force -- though in Hod, we could understand its form
through ration -- this force can only be understood by experiencing it
directly for oneself.
In human terms, Netzach is the realm of personal emotions. Or
rather, it is the realm wherein the universal emotional archetypes
intersect with personal expression. This intersection is pre-rational. It
happens at an immediate, spontaneous, illogical, experiential level. It
happens so quickly, there is no time for ration to interject itself. Ration
can only intercede after the fact.
For example, when we encounter something, our first reaction is
at an emotional gut level. It is immediate and spontaneous and we
have no conscious control over it. Our ration then takes over and
modifies the primary emotional response, crafting it into a more per-
sonal form. Generally, our ration focuses not on the something we've
encountered in and of itself, but upon the force of our own primary re-
sponse. Another way of putting it would be to say that the primary
emotional response is the force which, generally, ignites the ration to
action. The action of ration being the giving of form to emotion.
Netzach is the realm of the force of Nature; Hod, the realm of
Nature's form. With logic we can understand her form, but logic fails
us when we turn it toward the Mystery of her essential force. The
Mystery cannot be grasped intellectually, it can only be experienced at
a gut level. Our Netzach Temple is that gut level.
The Mystery is attributed to the number 7. Of the eight planetary
numbers (3 through 10), seven is the only one which does not divide

the 360 degrees of a circle with exactness. 360 divided by 7 equals
51.42857142857, with the last six digits repeating ad infinitum. This
means that a circle cannot ever be divided into seven exactly equal
parts. To draw a seven sided figure requires inexactitude, one has to
estimate and judge by how it looks, and eventually let go of rational
Hidden in this Mystery of 7 into 360, is the meaning of the pri-
mary manifestation of dimensional time-space: the point. The point
precedes the line. It has no other dimension than its singularity. It is
both infinitely small and infinitely large. If we follow the point
towards its smallness, we encounter an experience similar to dividing
360 by 7 -- since it is infinitely small by virtue of the infinity external
to it, and infinitely large by virtue of the infinity within it, we find that
it encompasses an infinite smallness which would take an infinite
amount of time and effort for us to define.
It is not till we posit a second point and draw a line between
them, that we are able to give the point real definition. Essentially,
definition is a contextual illusion built upon the observable relation-
ship of individually un-definable components.
Only through relationship is definition given to the point. And
such is the case with the force of Netzach: only through personaliza-
tion is it clothed in manifest form.
Love, loving-kindness, mercy: this is the primary force, at least in
human terms. It is the dynamism of the point which, in its singulari-
ty, both encompasses infinity and is simultaneously encompassed.
Thus we associate the goddess Venus with this realm, for here she is
taken as the archetype of the human understanding of love.
This force of love itself has no opposite. It is only in the transition
into form provided by the intercession of ration, that negative mani-
festations of this force occur. And these are found only in the hu-
manoid heart and mind. In the rest of Nature, in the realm where
specifically humanoid ration does not hold sway, the love force mani-
fests without negatively polarized form.
This is due to the nature of different kinds of ration. For example,
the type of ration encompassed by a tree or a rock as it gives form to
the force of Nature, does not allow said rock or tree to express that
force as mean-spiritedness. Human ration however, does allow such
an expression -- it alone can divert or block the flow of love with as
much ease as it can let love flow unhindered. A tree's ration does not
encompass this power to divert and block, so it has no power to do
anything but express the flow unhindered. But either result, be it

human or tree, represents the giving of unique personal form to the
same essential force.
While love itself does not have an opposite, it does, so to speak,
have brothers and sisters. So in this realm of Netzach we encounter
not only the primary force represented by Venus, but also all of the
other archetypes of humanoid emotion. Here also are Mars, Phoebe,
Jupiter, Artemis, Saturn, Astarte, Faunus, Pan, Kali, etc. Indeed, all the
mythological expressions of human emotions can be found in Net-
zach, though generally, one meets the archetypes one is culturally
most familiar with. This is another example of the 7 into 360 Mystery
-- of the infinite diversity of uniqueness that is naturally manifest as
force takes form.
Our Netzach Temple is unlike the Temples we've encountered
thusfar. We will not transit directly to it from the Malkuth Temple;
instead we will journey down a path which cuts through Nature's wild
outdoors, eventually leading us to the Netzach Temple. As we jour-
ney along this path, we will encounter a series of things which will
elicit responses from us. Each experience will be an exercise in look-
ing beyond the secondary rational form, and striving to perceive the
primary response in its unmodified state. When we reach the Netzach
Temple itself, we will strive to experience the even deeper level of the
thing itself which incites our primary, gut level response.
The form seldom matches the wholeness of the force. In other
words, our rational responses seldom look like our primary emotion-
al reactions, and even less like the things themselves to which we are
responding. This can lead to misunderstanding of the thing encoun-
tered, an understanding based more upon self's response than upon
the thing itself that we're trying to understand. The journey to the
Netzach Temple attempts to strip away these layers of rational obfus-
cation and brings one, step by step, from the rationally modified
response; to the deeper, emotional, gut level reaction; and on to the
final destination of a non-reactionary perception of the unmodified
force itself.
In the realm of Netzach, all roads lead to center, where the
Temple is located. The Temple, like all of Netzach, is itself alive and
evokes a strong emotional response by virtue of its lush, verdant beau-
The Temple expresses 7 levels:
1) Ground level -- across which our path leads us, from which all
life springs, and to which all life returns. As we journey along this
path, we encounter a series of beings. Each one will elicit a response

from us. Our task is to reach deeply into the mechanics of our faculty
of perception and let the rational form lead us to a perception of the
primary, gut level reaction. Then we follow the gut level till it leads
us to a perception of the thing itself, the unmodified force.
2 thru 6) Five steps upward, each a level of clearer understanding.
These steps echo the incidents of the journey along the path to the
Netzach Temple which strip away the rational obfuscations. The
number five implies willfulness -- these steps must be trod with con-
scious intention. The sixth (solar) level is the ground to which the
unmodified life force itself descends.
7) The seventh level is where we encounter the thing itself,
stripped of rational modifications. This seventh level is depicted here
as a seven-sided font covered by a cupola formed by seven trees, sup-
porting seven stained-glass heptangles, and surmounted by the sign of
the planet Venus.
If we have consciously stripped away the rational modifications
which obscure our understanding of the root force, we will be granted
a clear vision within the font's pool of water. We can then, as
Botticelli's famous painting suggests, call Venus forth from the water
and experience her meaning directly.

Begin as usual: pass through the Cave Entrance, along the Tunnel
passage, up the ten steps, and into the Malkuth Temple where I stand
awaiting your arrival.
When all the participants have arrived, I will gather us together
and cast a ritual circle.
Once our circle is cast, we will spend several moments together in
the center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle and bring-
ing our awareness of the presences of the other participants into focus.
As you look around the circle, try to sense the unique presence of each
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus to the East
quarter altar -- our gateway to Netzach. Upon the altar there now sits
a beautiful work in stained-glass and behind it we see the same curtain
and symbol we encounter at the Cave Entrance.
I light the can-
dles upon the altar,
then together, as
with a single voice,
we speak the
phrase: "I-H-V-H
Tzabauth (pro-
nounced "yawd-
tvabj hvhy
please guide me to
In answer to
our prayer, the
Hebrew letters
appear near the top
of the curtain, as if
written with light.
The upward point-
ing white triangle
shines forth, as
does the lowest

sphere on the right-hand pillar, and a soft light glows behind the cur-
When we see this illumination, I reach forward and draw the cur-
tain aside. Hand-in-hand, we all pass through the archway.
We find ourselves standing at the beginning of a path composed
of alternating black and white hewn stone. It is a dark night and our
only light comes from the stars which fill the sky. The starlight allows
us to see that our path cuts through a wild territory, full of dense
bramble and oddly shaped, menacing trees.
Together, we begin to walk down the path. Soon we hear the
noises of wild animals crashing through the underbrush. It sounds
like they are huge and that they are coming up behind us in rapid pur-
In fear -- for indeed these creatures are making fearsome grunts,
growls, and snarls that communicate to us a clear sense of personal
danger -- we try to out run our pursuers.
Oddly, each step we take down this path moves us forward, not
only in distance, but also in time. As we run, time passes quickly and
the sky begins to brighten with the rising full moon. We seem to have
come several miles very quickly, and in the moon's light we see that
before us looms an un-climbable wall. Behind us we see our pursuers
in the distance -- now in the moonlight, we can tell that there are two
of them, still running after us.
The path leads us to a heavy wooden door, the only way through
the wall. The wall seems to stretch as far as the eye can see to left and
right. We try to open the door but cannot. We pound on it loudly in
desperation, for our pursuers come closer and closer with each wast-
ed moment.
Finally, we have no where to go: no where to hide and no way to
make it past the wall which blocks our progress. So, we turn to defend
ourselves against our pursuers. Just as we turn, they arrive.
Growling, they emerge from the shadows and step into a beam of
Ha! In the bright moonlight, we see that they are only a couple of
tail-wagging dogs and not the vicious, man-eating creatures we had
imagined. Our fear changes to relief as we greet these animals and
find them friendly.
Just then the door in the wall opens and a tall, powerfully built
man, dressed in skins and holding a staff, emerges. He introduces
himself as the guardian of the gate and tells us about his dogs. They
are the guardians of the path who carefully herd travelers to the safe-

ty of the gate. While herding, they naturally bark and growl to keep
the wilder beasts away from their flock of travelers. At no time were
we in danger from his dogs, in fact they were there only to assure our
safe passage!
The guardian is friendly and guides us through the gate to the
other side of the wall. Here the path leads onward through a tamer
territory. The guardian of the gate sends his dogs with us as travelling
companions and guides -- there is no longer a need for them to protect
us now that we are on this side of the wall. The full moon is now very
high in the sky and we have plenty of silvery light to see our way.
With renewed vigor and joy, we continue down the path. Time
and distance pass quickly with each step. We cross over a hill and
descend into a great valley. The views are breathtaking in the moon-
Just as the moon is setting behind us and the sun dawning ahead
of us, the path leads us to the banks of a river. The color of the dawn
reflects golden upon the river's surface. We cannot see into the water
to gauge the depth of its crossing, but cross it we must since the path
disappears at the water's edge and reappears on the opposite bank.
To our left a few paces we notice someone in a dark overcoat,
crouched at the water's edge, crying. He wails that he is afraid to cross
so wide and deep a river for fear of drowning. Yet he mumbles about
his longing to cross, about his longing for the goal of journey's end,
which calls to him and causes him anguish. He confronts his fear but
does not penetrate it, and now he crouches weeping in frustration and
powerlessness, torn between two pressing needs: the safety of self-
preservation and the risk of self-growth.
To our right, we see another person, this one is bathing herself at
the water's edge. She squats naked, close to the river's ear, and sings
a prayer. She asks the river to cleanse her of her fear and to please,
please bless her crossing. At this, she dives into the river and swims
toward the opposite shore. It is a difficult swim but she is strong and
determined. She is blessed by the river and emerges safely to contin-
ue her journey. Perhaps we will see her again later.
As the sun peeks over the hills opposite and its first rays enter the
valley, our dog guides give a bark and lead us right into the water at
the end of the path. They splash along playfully and without fear. To
our surprise, the water is only up to their knees and gets no deeper the
farther out they go. A ray of sunlight reveals that the path is just under
the surface of the water and leads straight across with safety!
Realizing that there is no need for fear, we communicate this to

the weeping fellow. He arises and accompanies us across the river. As
we cross, we bathe ourselves in the water and sing our own prayers of
thanksgiving. The whole body of the sun crests over the hilltops just
as we step onto the opposite shore.
In the sun's fullness, the formerly weeping fellow reveals his true
self. His dark overcoat unfolds as pure white wings and there before
us stands our radiant friend, Raphael. S/He, the Guardian of the East
and the element Air, is guardian of the Water's crossing. As the weep-
ing fellow, he showed us a respect for caution; as the naked swimmer,
she showed us respect for faith. Together, they delayed us till the sun-
light revealed our true path. Here on the opposite shore, in the full
sunlight, the two rejoin and reveal themselves to be Raphael. We too
have been blessed by the river!
We continue our journey down the black and white stone path.
Now we walk in the full light of day and can see the Netzach Temple,
though it's still a fair ways off. Not far to left and right, we can see
other paths converging upon the Temple. Here and there, we can see
other beings. Some are walking determinedly along a path; others
seem to be wandering aimlessly between the paths; and still others
seem to be engaged in focused activity, as if enacting some sort of per-
sonal drama. Everywhere around us we see life and more than just
seeing it, we feel it.
At last we arrive at the Temple. The sun has progressed past its
zenith and now slants into the Temple from the west.
As you climb the five steps upward, review the lessons we
learned from the incidents of our journey along the path.
We gather to hold hands in a circle around the central seven-
sided font and I call out the name "IHVH Tzabauth". We look into the
font and there see Venus emerging from the water. She wears our own
faces, and yet she wears all faces at once. Venus stands in the font and
we bask reverently in the love she showers upon us.
We each have our private words with her . . .
At the appropriate moment, I will gather our focus together and
we will thank Venus for her graciousness. Then together, as with one
voice, we speak the word "Malkuth", which transits us gently back to
the center of the Malkuth Temple.
After a few moments of re-orientation, I will release the circle
casting. Participants will then exit as usual: down the stairs, along the
tunnel, and out the Cave entrance, ultimately returning to normal
physical awareness.

Follow-up Work

As always, write down some notes summarizing your experience.

In the days immediately following your Netzach meditation, pay
close attention to the incidents of your life. Try to see through their
surface appearance to their underlying meaning.
Return regularly to the Netzach Temple and seek counsel regard-
ing the meaning of specific events in your life and of specific aspects
of your personality. As you follow the path from the Malkuth Temple,
allow yourself to encounter whatever your journey presents.
Invariably, Netzach will speak to you through symbols in a manner
similar to -- though more spontaneous than -- this scripted meditation.
The Netzach Temple is an asset similar to the Hod Temple. Here
you can increase your emotional understanding of things. Use this
asset, just like you used Hod's rationality, to supplement your work of
self-crafting your personality. Pursue conversations with each of the
relevant emotional archetypes available in Netzach and thoroughly
explore this realm.

The Hebrew word Tiphareth (pronounced "tiff-uh-reth") is gener-
ally translated into English as "beauty". As a hieroglyphic construct,
the Hebrew word Tiphareth (trapt) depicts a radiant, expressive
thing, adorned on all sides with splendorous garments. Implied here
is an image of the Sun, clothed below by the inner planets of the per-
sonal-self (Earth, Moon, Mercury and Venus), and clothed above by
the outer planets of the more universal self (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn).
The image of the Sun, thus adorned, is indeed one of precious beauty!
The Sun represents balance, but this balance is not a static thing.
Here, it is that very dynamic state called equilibrium, the achieving of
which requires constant equilibration and micro-management.
Equilibration is the weaving together of many opposing forces, an act
which requires a constancy of attention.
The Solar-self, or Individual-self, is the part of us that has this
constancy of attention. It is the Individual-self who incarnates, mani-
festing the personalities and physical bodies necessary to material life.
Over and over, throughout eons of time, the essentially mental
Individual-self projects itself downward into the astral and physical
levels, shining through each incarnated personality as the link of
consistency tying them all togeth-
er. Through successive incarna- The One Self
tions, it learns and evolves, and 1
eventually it fully self-realizes.
Tiphareth brings us back to 3 2
Greater Self
the Middle Pillar of the Tree of
Life. This Middle Pillar defines
the rudimentary levels of self- 5 4
awareness. At the bottom lies Individual Self
Malkuth (sphere #10), represent- 6

ing our physical consciousness of 8 7

self. Yesod (#9) follows and rep- Personality Self
resents our astral personality, the 9
components of which are defined
by Hod (#8) and Netzach (#7).
Above the personality, lies the 10
Individual-self represented by
Tiphareth (#6). The components
of the Individuality likewise, are
Levels of Self

defined by the higher planets Mars (#5) and Jupiter (#4).
In the course of its existence, an Individual-self will manifest
many different, personalities and physical bodies, each limited to a
few decades duration. The Tree of Life diagram however, illustrates
what the connections between an Individual and only one of its incar-
nations looks like. It does not depict the fact that an Individual is
orbited by many, many such manifestations of itself. It is this multi-
tude of incarnations which forms the lower garment alluded to in the
hieroglyphic meaning of the word Tiphareth.
The upper garment of the Individual-self is the universal influx of
light in which we all partake. This is symbolized by the spheres num-
bered 1, 2 and 3. Only the lowest of which is given a planetary attri-
bution (Saturn, #3). By this we are to understand that only a small
portion of this higher influx can be symbolized -- the rest remains for-
ever incommunicable, forever incapable of symbolization. In other
words, the realm of Unitary consciousness hinted at by the uppermost
spheres, can only be understood by direct experience.
As the Tree of Life illustrates, the Individual-self is the level at
which we contact that higher influx directly. If we seek it directly from
the physical level, we look up and find that intermediary levels of self
stand between it and ourselves. Likewise, that higher influx must pass
downward through these same intermediary levels of expression
before it reaches the physical level.
The practical consequence here is that our consciousness must
rise from physical-self, to personal-self, and from there on up to
Individual-self, if we wish to experience the higher influx directly.
This fact of nature is used to advantage in a path of initiation (any
course of intentional self-realization). The initiate takes responsibility
for the personality and consciously self-crafts a personality and life cir-
cumstance that more clearly reflects the Individual level of self. In this
way, the flow of light from Individual to personal levels of self occurs
with less mediation.
When that same process is carried out upon the Individual-self
and the Individual consciously self-crafts an Individuality that more
clearly expresses the influx of higher light, then the flow of light
between the Greater and the Individual levels of self also occurs with
less mediation. The end result is that the connection between the high-
er influx and the physical manifestation becomes so clear as to be func-
tionally a direct connection.
Tiphareth has two basic faces. The first is its inward and upward
looking receipt of the higher light. The second face is its downward

and outward looking radiation of that light into personal and physical
manifestation. Our Tiphareth meditation will touch upon both these
To reach Tiphareth, we will first pass from Malkuth to our famil-
iar Yesod Temple, rising from physicality to personality. Then from
Yesod, we will rise to Tiphareth. This is called "rising on the planes"
and is a form of sphere-working which has very integrating effects
upon the internal structure of the self.
Once we reach Tiphareth, we will explore the Individual per-
spective. At first, the experience is one of looking down upon one's
personality and physical life circumstance with a surprising degree of
detachment. From Tiphareth, the petty concerns of daily life are seen
from a much broader perspective and one's relationship with the uni-
verse is fixed in a more inclusive context than the merely personal.
After examining our current radiation, we will then turn our
attention upward and examine the influx of higher light.
The Tiphareth Temple exists at the very center of a large city.
This city is none other than the fabled City of Gold, where the build-
ings are all built from bricks of solid gold and the streets are cobbled
with more of the same. Everything is decorated with the most pre-
cious jewels, but most especially, with perfect diamonds. In full sun-
light -- and the City of Gold always stands in the full sunlight -- it is a
nearly blinding sight.
The City has 12 sides (though some say it has 16), each of which
corresponds to one of the 12 signs of the zodiac. This 12-ness is reflect-
ed throughout all the City's structures, including the central Temple.
The Temple itself is the City's innermost chamber, its Holy of
Holies. It is the point of equilibrium and the place where equilibration
is enacted. At the center of the Temple, there floats an immense, radi-
ant diamond, suspended in mid air over a six-sided pool of absorbent
The diamond has 400 perfectly cut facets, each of which radiates
a clear brilliance far brighter than a hundred suns.
The six-sided pool is actually an opening in the floor through
which the diamond radiates its light into the relative blackness of
astral and material substance. Through this hole, we will look down
to our current personas (Yesod) and life circumstances (Malkuth).
The broadsword that lies upon the edge of the pool, represents
the power that the Individual-self wields over the personal and phys-
ical aspects of self. It is also a complex statement about the nature of
time, referring to the only place where power is truly wielded -- the
At the personal, physical level, we experience now only from a
present-moment perspective. Our present-moment is of immeasur-
ably brief duration and seems to move ever forward. It's that cutting-
edge where what-has-been meets the ever-new face of what-will-be.
The present-moment is thus a dynamic state of constant change -- it is
the only place where we can wield our power to self-craft.
The Individual however, has a broader experience of now, one
whose present-moment includes the whole portion of eternity that has
thusfar transpired for it. The Individual therefore wields power with-
in a now that includes all of its "past" incarnations. Its experience of
now is of the same quality as our personal experience, except that the
Individual's now is inclusive of a larger quantity of time. For the
Individual, what-has-been and what-is are intimately united in the
experience of the present-moment.
Thus the broadsword represents: #1) the Individual's power to
project its will (its light) down into the specificity of time-space and
personal incarnation; and #2) the Personality's power within its pres-
ent-moment now, to wield that higher light and self-craft.
Each of the 12 walls of the Temple are marked with one of the
signs of the zodiac. Below each, there is a curtained archway, through
which flashes the same sign. This is meant to symbolize the two
aspects of these archways.
Their first aspect is that they lead outward into the City of Gold,
each offering a different tour of the City. Since the City symbolizes the
Individual's entire body of incarnations, exploration of it opens the ini-
tiate to past memories and their attendant responsibilities.
Their second aspect, the aspect we'll be exploring in our medita-
tion, is that they are also doorways that let in the 12 zodiacal influ-
ences. The influx of these 12 universal influences combine to form the
white brilliance radiated by the central diamond.
There is no ceiling to the Tiphareth Temple. Instead, it opens
onto the star-filled depths of outer space. This is a paradox, consider-
ing that if you pass through one of the archways and step out into the
City of Gold, the sky above is filled by the light of a single sun.
This day-star symbolizes the constancy of the Individual's influ-
ence throughout the body of its incarnations. The stars seen in the sky
from within the Temple however, symbolize the Individual's context
within the greater universe. Each of those stars strewn across the infi-
nite depths of outer space, is a similar City of Gold -- each one of which
is equilibrated by a unique Individual-self.

Begin as usual: pass through the Cave Entrance, along the Tunnel
passage, up the ten steps, and into the Malkuth Temple where I stand
awaiting your arrival.
When all the participants have arrived, I will gather us together
and cast a ritual circle.
Once our circle is cast, we will spend several moments together in
the center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle and bring-
ing our awareness of the presences of the other participants into focus.
As you look around the circle, try to sense the unique presence of each
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus to the East
quarter altar -- our gateway to Tiphareth. Hovering over the altar, we
see a large cut diamond which seems to shine with an inner light.
Behind this we see the same curtain and symbol we encounter at the
Cave Entrance.
I light the can-
dles upon the altar,
then we speak the
phrase: "IHVH A-
donai (pronounced
hay ah-doh-nye"),
please guide me to
ynda hvhy
In answer to
our prayer, the
Hebrew letters
ynda hvhy (IHVH
ADNI) appear near
the top of the cur-
tain, as if written
with light.
The upward
pointing white tri-
angle shines forth,
as does the center-
most sphere on the
middle pillar, and a

soft light glows behind the curtain.
When we see this illumination, I reach forward and draw the cur-
tain aside. Hand-in-hand, we all pass through the archway.
There is a roll of distant thunder and we find ourselves standing
at the center of the familiar Yesod Temple. We rejoin into a circle and
orient ourselves.
At this point, please take a few moments to sense your separation
from your physical body, and consciously align yourself with your
personality-self. Once again, briefly note the nine faces mirrored back
at you, but don't tarry there.
At the appropriate moment, I will direct our attention upwards to
the ceiling of the Yesod Temple. At its center, we see a six-sided open-
ing and through it streams a ray of sunlight.

I call out the Name "IHVH Adonai" several times and this ray of
light first brightens, and then descends to engulf our circle. It grabs
hold of us, as if we've been pulled to heel by an irresistible magnet,
and then it whisks us upward through the hole in the ceiling. At the
speed of light, we are transported to the center of the Tiphareth
Temple . . .

Everywhere there are gold surfaces, flashing with the glint of dia-
mond-light. The Temple it seems, is composed solely of light, molded
into form by the force of the central diamond's gravity.


We take a few moments to orient ourselves and then we turn our
attention to the six-sided pool. We each kneel down at a separate side
and gaze into the pool's inky blackness. Look deep into the pool and
with your mind, follow the ray of diamond-light down to Yesod, see-
ing there your personality-self. Sense your separation from it.
Now follow that ray of light as it reaches further down to touch
Malkuth. See your physical body and your particular life circum-
stance, illumined below in Malkuth, and sense your separation from
them. Concentrate closely on this feeling of detachment from your
personal and physical selves.
When you succeed in achieving this detached perspective and are
relatively comfortable with it, turn your attention to your connection
with your personal and physical selves. In your mind, again follow
that ray of diamond-light downwards, but this time instead of focus-
ing upon your separation from the bodies it illumines, focus upon the
light's ability to connect these parts of yourself. Feel now how your
Tiphareth, Yesod and Malkuth are joined together by force of light and
Once you've experienced the light's downward permeation and
connection of your Individual, Personal and physical selves, turn your
attention upward and follow the diamond-light back to a detached
At the appropriate moment, when all have once again achieved
detachment from their personal and physical selves, I will gather our
attention upon the radiant Diamond, hovering over the pool. We will
then spend several minutes in private meditation upon this Diamond.
I suggest you focus first upon the Diamond's radiation of light.
Bask in its glow and feel how it's light permeates you through and
Second, focus upon becoming this light. Feel yourself composed
of this light, molded to your unique form by force of gravity. Let the
whole substance of your body be this light.
Third, focus upon merging your light-body self with the radiant
Diamond. Your light-body passes easily into the Diamond and you
look outwards from inside of it.
Finally, focus upon radiating the light of your conjoined light-
body/Diamond self. As you stand within the Diamond, looking out,
consciously radiate your unique, Individual Diamond-light. Gaze
below you and willfully permeate your personal and physical selves,
through and through, with your Diamond-light.
At the appropriate moment, I will call you each back from your

meditations and we will again join hands in a circle. I will then lead
us in a brief tour of the 12 archways.
At each archway, I speak the Name "IHVH Adonai". This causes
the zodiacal sign to appear, written in light upon the curtain. As I pull
aside the curtain, the influence of that sign enters the Temple, provid-
ing us the opportunity to sense its particularities of flavor. In this way,
we will gain a brief taste-sample of all 12 zodiacal influences -- these
are the universal influences equilibrated by the Individual, Diamond-
self, who essentially transforms influences into radiant light.
We will end our time in the Tiphareth Temple, holding hands in
a circle, basking in the Diamond's light, and joined together in a prayer
of thanksgiving. Our thankfulness is for this blessing of light which
permeates each of our lives, through and through.
Together, as with a single voice, we speak the word "Malkuth".
With a gentle sense of falling, we descend through the floor, pass
down through the Yesod Temple, and are deposited softly upon the
floor of the Malkuth Temple. The transit's feeling is one of gravity-
powered descent, of re-integration and of re-attachment.
After a few moments of re-orientation, I will release the circle
casting. Participants will then exit as usual: down the stairs, along the
tunnel, and out the Cave entrance, ultimately returning to normal
physical awareness.

Follow-up Work

As always, write down some notes summarizing your experience.

Return regularly to the Tiphareth Temple and examine both the
personality you manifest and the life circumstance you enact. Look
with an eye to see in what ways these reflect the Diamond-light of
your Individual-self. In what ways can you more clearly express that
inner light?
Apply what you learn to the process of self-crafting your person-
ality. Strive to express the Diamond-light of your Individual-self with
clarity and self-craft a personality that is a direct manifestation of that
When you have met with significant success in your efforts,
broaden your perspective and begin exploring the 12 zodiacal arch-
ways. First explore the zodiacal influences which enter the Temple
through them and then, pass through the archways and explore the
City of Gold.
Always apply what you learn to your efforts at self-crafting.
Constantly refine yourself.
Spend some time in Tiphareth meditating upon the subject of
time. Focus upon your experience of time: upon how we naturally
sequentialize it into past-present-future, and upon the essential now-
ness of the present-moment. Examine the nature of your connection to
the present-moment especially. This meditation upon time will better
prepare you for the upcoming Temple meditations.

Similar to our rise above Yesod, which took us to Form/Hod and
then to Force/Netzach, our rise above Tiphareth takes us again to the
polarized side pillars of Force and Form. At the level of the
Individual-Self, the pole of Form is represented by Geburah (pro-
nounced "gebb-you-ruh") which means "strength, might, power" and
corresponds to the red planet Mars. Force is represented by Gedulah
(pronounced "gedd-you-lah") meaning "greatness, majesty, magnifi-
cence", and corresponds to the planet Jupiter.
Above these, defining their orbits and representing a level of Self
still more subtle and vastly more inclusive than the Individual, stands
Binah/Saturn. Now even though Binah/Saturn (sphere 3) stands on
the side pillar of Form, it represents a non-polarized state of being.
This is a level at which all poles are reconciled and where all opposites
are united.
Pillar of Equilibrium

Pillar of Form Pillar of Force

Saturn 3 2 Universal

Mars 5 4 Jupiter

6 Sun

Mercury 8 7 Venus

Moon 9


In ancient astrology, Saturn was seen as the outermost planet and

thus it came to represent the boundaries of human experience. It's
orbit symbolically and factually contained, encompassed, included the
orbits and influences of all the inner planets. It represented the inter-

face between the Divine and the human -- that face of Divinity that we
humans could actually see (hence it's position here at the top of the pil-
lar of Form).
To understand the significance of Geburah/Mars and the mean-
ing of our Temple, I'll need to first establish a context for it and that
will require a little 'round-about explaining. You might have to read
what follows a few times for it to make sense . . .
Binah (pronounced "bee-nuh", means "understanding, discern-
ment, intelligence") exists outside the realm of sequence (i.e., space-
time). The experience of Binah consciousness brings with it an eternal
perspective, one from which the whole infinity of time-space-sequence
is seen simultaneously. The Binah experience is not broken down into
past-present-future or beginning-middle-end, instead it is non-
sequential. Beginning, middle and end are experienced/perceived as
things which exist simultaneously, instead of as separate things which
follow each other. Past, present and future are encompassed within a
single now and experienced non-sequentially with the same quality of
now-ness that we experience only with the physical present-moment.
Binah/Saturn holds within itself the non-sequentialized potential
for all things, but those things are not manifest -- at least not with final-
ity -- at the level of Binah itself. The first stage in the manifestation of
Binah's potential is the process of sequentialization, or the placement
of things into relationship and order.
This sequentialization of non-sequentialized potential passes
through two poles before it attains to an integral balance (Tiphareth).
The first pole is inclusiveness, symbolized by Gedulah/Jupiter (sphere
4). Here the factor of similarity is introduced and the potentials are
connected by virtue of the natural attraction that 'like' has with 'like'.
Sequence at this level/stage, is not based upon differentiation per se,
but upon commonality. Thus Gedulah/Jupiter is also given the title
Chesed, which means "mercy, compassion, loving kindness".
The second pole is that of exclusiveness, symbolized by
Geburah/Mars (sphere 5). Here the factor of difference is introduced
and the potentials, which have already been set into relationship based
upon their commonalities, are now separated by virtue of their differ-
ences. 'Like' is separated from 'unlike' -- 'self' defines 'other'. Sequence
at this stage/level, is not based upon attraction, but upon repulsion.
Thus we speak of severity, strength (Geburah), and fear (Pachad --
another title for sphere 5).
By the level of Geburah/Mars, the non-sequentialized potentials
of Binah/Saturn are fairly well defined as sequential, Individual

things. Each separate thing at the level of Geburah, is a manifestation
of a limited part of the infinite Binah-potential. Here the perspec-
tive/experience of existence is contextual and sequential. There is, at
this level, a division of experience into past-present-future, one
thought follows another, etc.
In the Western
Hermetic Tradition VII: The Chariot
of Qabbala, the Tarot
card VII: The Chariot
expresses the con-
nection between
Binah/Saturn and
Geburah/Mars. This
Tarot image depicts
the commonality
which links the
Geburian Individual
to the Binah-whole-
ness -- i.e., the now-
ness of conscious
VII: The Chariot
depicts the experi-
ence that a sequen-
tialized conscious-
ness has of space-
time-sequence. The
charioteer represents
the individual, se-
quentialized unit of conscious awareness itself. The chariot represents
the present-moment -- the only place where we experience now-ness.
The smallness of the chariot (present-moment) confines the charioteer
and symbolically defines the limits of a sequentialized consciousness's
Behind the chariot, back along the road it has followed, we see
buildings and hills. These represent the past which has crystallized
into a coherent form by its "passage" from present-moments into past-
The chariot faces forward and seems to emerge from the two-

dimensional card. This represents the sequentialized individual's rela-
tionship with the future. To the present-moment, the future stands as
a different dimension.
In fact, the present-moment is an illusion for it is a thing of infi-
nitely minute duration. It is not a thing, in and of itself, but is in real-
ity the knife-edge interface of past and future. The present-moment is
where the body-of-the-past (what is), is touched by the ceaseless force
of change (what will-be). That touching is continuous and is not itself
sequential -- never are past and future separate.
The sequentialized individual's experience of the present-
moment has a certain quality of now-ness to it. This quality of now-
ness is the same as the now-ness with which the Binah-consciousness
experiences past, present and future simultaneously. The difference is
that instead of encompassing only the present-moment interface of
past and future, Binah's now encompasses past AND present AND
future, simultaneously.
VII: The Chariot is telling us that the now-ness of our present-
moment is what connects the Individual to Binah. By expanding that
now-ness beyond the limits of the sequentialized present-moment, one
connects with the non-sequential, all-inclusive perspective of
Geburah/Mars implies action, power, decision and judgment. At
this level, the chariot seems to move ever-forward through the
sequence of time-space. In different versions of the Tarot image this
sense of motive power is expressed in different ways. In some, the
wheels spin and the chariot is drawn along the road by creatures,
clearly symbolizing the seeming forwardness of the present-moment's
movement through time; yet in others, the creatures rest and the
wheels are stationary.
This latter speaks to the illusory nature of the "passage" of time.
In a sense, the Individual does not pass through time; rather, the indi-
vidual is stationary and time-space moves around it. The sequential-
ized consciousness is always riding in the enclosure of the present-
moment and it is the sameness and constancy of the now-ness of that
experience which defines Individual consciousness.
As incarnate humans, we either "ride" the chariot of the present-
moment or we take up the reins and "drive" the chariot. Driving the
chariot is a Geburian act involving judgment, severity, decision, etc.
The Geburah Temple symbolizes our power to drive this chariot
of present-moment now-ness. The Temple's five-fold structure is
based upon the primary symbol of the human power to enact its own

Individual will -- the pentagram.
The pentagram's topmost point is attributed to Aethyr -- the sin-
gular Element of commonality. This corresponds to the Binah-poten-
tials which have been sequentialized by their descent through the
Force-pole of Gedulah (sphere 4) and arranged according to their
Jupiterian commonality. The Aethyr therefore, is the Force which con-
nects all things. In VII: The Chariot, the universal Aethyr is repre-
sented at the Individual level by the charioteer her/himself.
The pentagram's four lower points are attributed to the familiar
Four Elements. These represent the phases of differentiation through
which the unifying Aethyr passes as it descends into manifestation.
They correspond to the four-
sided enclosure of the chariot Elements and the Pentagram
itself in VII: The Chariot, Rotation of the Elements
implying that the Aethyr has Spirit/Aethyr
power only within the confines
of the present-moment's now-
Air Water
Another way of putting it
is to say that the Aethyr mani-
fests (an act of differentiation)
its potentials through the Four
Elements. This dynamic pas-
sage into differentiation is Earth Fire
what the pentagram symbol-
izes. Following the figure's
lines, Aethyr descends into
Ritual Uses of the Pentagram
Fire, passes to Air, then Water
Spirit/Aethyr Spirit/Aethyr
and finally Earth, at which
point it then returns to Aethyr. Air Water Air Water
This endless, sequential
cycling of the Aethyr through
the Four Elements and back to Earth Fire Earth Fire
Aethyr, is called the "rotation Invoking -- Wiccan -- Banishing
of the Elements".
Spirit/Aethyr Spirit/Aethyr
The pentagram is used in
modern ritual to effect either Air Water Air Water
the descent of the Aethyr/will-
Force into manifest Elemental-
Form, or conversely, to effect Earth Fire Earth Fire

the Aethyr's ascent from Form Invoking -- Hermetic -- Banishing

back to Force. In practical terms, the pentagram is employed to
"invoke" or to "banish" a specific Force.
There are several opinions about what constitutes an invoking
and a banishing pentagram. In the Wiccan tradition that I learned, a
witch invokes the Spirit by bringing the Aethyr down to Earth, then
up to Water, over to Air, down to Fire and back up to Aethyr.
Banishing takes an opposite direction and starts from Earth, banishes
toward Aethyr, descends to Fire, rises to Air, over to Water, and ends
in Earth.
The Hermetic tradition I learned employs the pentagram differ-
ently, following more closely the "rotation of the Elements" and a
clockwise=invoking, counter-clockwise=banishing approach.
These differences in the pentagram's usage illustrate the differ-
ences in basic philosophy between these two Traditions. Each way
represents a slightly different approach to the use of power/Force.
The Hermetic way is very rational, scientific and follows an archetyp-
al mental pattern, while the Wiccan way is very gut-level, intuitive
and earthy, following a very practical experiential pattern. To my
mind, the Hermetic way accords with the overtly masculine image of
the Roman god of war, Mars. The Wiccan way on the other hand,
accords with a broader, more inclusive feminist image of powerful-
For example, a witch invokes by drawing the Aethyr directly into
the physical vessel (Earth). Once planted (earthed), it
rises/evolves/matures upwards through the Elements, eventually
reaching Aethyr again. Its passage through the Elements changes it --
its return to Aethyr is thus a process of self-realization. Likewise, a
witch banishes directly from Earth toward Aethyr -- immediately
releasing the Force from its Form -- and then follows it back down into
the Earth. Its passage downward through the Elemental sequence
changes it, so it returns to Earth purified and assumes a more self-real-
ized Form. For the witch, both the invoking and the banishing are
blessings which empower a process of self-realization and growth.
The pentagram of the Hermetic is more goal oriented than
process oriented. The Hermetic magician invokes by drawing the
Aethyr/Force down into Earth/Form through the descending
Elemental sequence. This process is one of differentiation and of
accruing material form to a core inspiration. Once it reaches the den-
sity of Elemental Earth, the return/ascent to Aethyr merely reconnects
the Form with its internal Force. This establishes a closed, Individual-
ized form -- the goal, as it were.

The Hermetic likewise banishes with a goal-orientation. The ban-
ishing starts with Earth/Form and proceeds up the scale of Elements
till it reaches a rarified, purified Aethyr state. Once cleansed in this
way, the Aethyr/Force is brought back down directly into an
Earth/Form of the magician's choosing. Again, it establishes a closed,
Individualized form/goal.
The Geburah Temple is designed to accommodate either manner
of working and we will be exploring both approaches in our medita-
At each of the Temple's five sides, there stands an archway, across
which hangs a curtain embroidered with a corresponding Elemental
symbol. These symbols are the standard "Tools of the Elements" used
by the magician. Each one represents how we use the Elements to
enact/realize our Individual will.

Magical Tools

Aethyr Wheel Fire Wand Air Knife Water Chalice Earth Pentacle

Mars Sword

The Aethyr Wheel has five parts: one center for Aethyr; three
lines intersecting center for the Elements Fire, Air and Water (they
radiate from center, polarized into three positive and three negative
poles); and one circumference for the Element Earth. Thus it symbol-
izes the potential for differentiation. It is a wheel specifically because
it is a dynamic thing which we can set into motion.
Following the rotation of the Elements sequence, the motive
Aethyr is directed through the Fire Wand, giving it a specific, unified
direction and orienting it toward a specific goal with all one's force of
will. The Fire is directed through the Air Knife and differentiated by
virtue of what it is and is not to be, with all one's force of intellect. The
differentiated Air is directed through the Water Chalice and is per-

sonalized with all the passion of one's desire for this thing. The per-
sonalized Water is directed through the Earth Pentacle where all the
forces are bound together naturally into specific material form.
These tools also function in the opposite sequence: The
Earth/Form is unbound from the Pentacle and reduced to a Chalice-
held liquid. The Water is poured from the Chalice and the vapor of it
is gathered up by the Air Knife. The Knife disperses the Air, reducing
it to pure energy. The energy is drawn into the Fire Wand and
emerges as pure light. The light is drawn into the dark center of the
spinning Aethyr Wheel, etc.
The Elemental tools are wielded within the context of a ritual
Circle. The magical "casting" of that Circle is performed with the Mars
Sword. This is the same broadsword we saw resting upon the edge of
the pool in our Tiphareth Temple.
As before, the Sword represents two things: One, it represents
the Individual's ability to wield power over the personal and physical
aspects of self. In this sense, the Sword symbolizes several different
approaches to the use of that power -- a sword can be used to defend,
to attack, to incise, sever, divide, destroy, preserve, define, or even to
slice the ritual bread for feast. However it is used, due to its size and
weight, the Mars Sword takes two hands to wield. In other words, it
takes the whole of the Individual -- both poles of Mercy/Force and
Severity/Form -- to wield the Sword. Since it requires balance to hold
a broadsword and to flail it about without toppling yourself over in
the process, only the Individual-self, rooted in the Tiphareth equilibri-
um, can wield the Mars Sword effectively. This aspect of the Sword
also implies great responsibility, for it is hard to halt the swing of a
broadsword once you've started the motion. The weight of the thing
moves with its own momentum once you've set it into motion, so great
care must be taken in its wielding.
The second thing the Sword represents, is the now-ness of the
Individual's present-moment. The Sword defines the present-moment
as the cutting-edge interface of what-has-been (past) and what-will-be
(future). The Sword divides between the past and the future with the
sharpness of its cutting-edge now-ness, creating a micro-thin dimen-
sion of its own. In other words, the Sword has power only within the
confines of the present-moment's now-ness. Its function is to bring the
Jupiterian commonality or proto-sequentialization, into the highly
sequentialized realm of the now-ness of a specific present-moment.
This is a process of differentiation, definition, individualization, etc.
To introduce you to its use, we will magically "cast" a ritual Circle

within the Geburah Temple, using the Mars Sword. The Sword is held
with both hands, and the tip of it, pointing outward from the body, is
touched to the center of the Aethyr Wheel emblazoned upon the
Temple curtain. The Sword draws out the violet Aethyr-light and fills
with its power. The Aethyr is then projected outward from the tip of
the Sword and a Circle composed of Aethyr is drawn clockwise
around the Temple, beginning and ending at the exact center of the
Aethyr Wheel. This casting defines the specific present-moment with-
in which we will wield the Elemental power of our now-ness -- our
Circle is our Chariot's four-sided enclosure wherein we take up the
reins to drive.
The casting with the Sword is repeated as many times as the situ-
ation feels to need. If after one casting, you feel satisfied that the Circle
is well defined, then once is enough. But if after a single casting, the
Circle seems unfinished or not solid enough, then by all means repeat
the casting till it does attain a satisfying completeness. As you work,
visualize what comes most naturally and intuitively to you, and feel
your way through the casting.
Once our Circle is cast, we will explore the use of our power by
pursuing work with the two invoking and the two banishing penta-
grams outlined earlier. This is going to be an actual magical working
so I want you each to give some serious forethought to what you
would like to accomplish. For this meditation, you should choose a
specific aspect of yourself that you wish to strengthen and empower.
We will be working with Geburah's positive power of nurturance
and self-growth, and focusing it upon each of our Individual concerns.
We will draw this power down into manifestation through the four
Elemental Tools of our specific present-moment's now-ness.
Prior to the Geburah ritual, spend some time meditating upon
what aspect of yourself you would like to seriously advance. This
must be an aspect that already exists within you to some degree and
not just a separate, ideal thing you would like to become. Find some-
thing positive about your present self that you would see strengthened
and empowered. Once you've made your selection, spend more time
meditating upon it alone. Examine this aspect of yourself from as
many angles as possible and get to know it as thoroughly as your
available time allows.
As a final note, at the center of the Geburah Temple there is a five-
sided font of fire. This symbolizes the raw power of Jupiterian-com-
monality which fills the differentiated now-ness of the specific pres-
ent-moment. This fire does not burn and consume -- rather, here at the

level of Geburah, it warms and nurtures. It is more akin to the dynam-
ic center of the Aethyr Wheel, than to Elemental Fire.
We will be rising along this Geburian Aethyr-fire in our passage
from Malkuth to the Geburah Temple. At the end of our ritual, we will
follow a different route back to the Malkuth Temple.

Begin as usual: pass through the Cave Entrance, along the Tunnel
passage, up the ten steps, and into the Malkuth Temple where I stand
awaiting your arrival.
When all the participants have arrived, I will gather us together
and cast a ritual circle.
Once our circle is cast, we will spend several moments together in
the center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle and bring-
ing our awareness of the presences of the other participants into focus.
As you look around the circle, try to sense the unique presence of each
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus to the East
quarter altar -- our gateway to Geburah. Upon the altar, we see a five-
sided font of fire (the Aethyr-fire).
Standing with-
in this fire is the
Mars Sword from
the Tiphareth Tem-
ple (this is my per-
sonal Sword). Laid
about upon the altar
are four more rvbg ,yhla
swords. These four
are "blanks" -- un-
empowered, rough-
ly finished swords,
that have not yet
been tuned to the
vibration of a spe-
cific Individual.
These are my
gifts to each one of
you. There is a
sword for you and,
by symbolic exten-
sion, one for each
participant who
joins us from future

Behind the altar, we see the same curtain and symbol we en-
counter at the Cave Entrance.
As I light the candles upon the altar, we each grab hold of a
sword. Then together, we point our swords toward the Gateway sym-
bol, and with a single voice, we speak the phrase: "Elohim Gibor (pro-
nounced "eh-low-heem gib-boar"), please guide me to Geburah."
In answer to our prayer, the Hebrew letters rvbg ,yhla
(ALHIM GBVR) appear near the top of the curtain, as if written with
light. The upward pointing white triangle shines forth, as does the
middle sphere on the left-hand pillar, and a soft light glows behind the
When we see this illumination, I reach forward and draw the cur-
tain aside.
This reveals a realm of purest Aethyr-fire. The force of the
Aethyr-fire reaches out gently and, without exceeding our personal
limits of comfort, gathers hold of the blade-end of our outstretched
swords, drawing us through the archway and then upward. As you
are drawn, sword-first, upward through the Aethyr-fire, examine the
sword you hold.
Before your eyes, your sword will be refined by its passage
through the Aethyr-fire. The dull unfinished blade becomes a sharp
and shining thing; the drab handle becomes jewel encrusted; the
unadorned blade becomes etched with words and signs which identi-
fy it specifically and intimately as your own. This tunes your sword
to you Individually and henceforth it can be grasped by no one other
than yourself. As you use your Sword, it will continue to evolve and
will constantly reflect each one of your actions -- I pray that you create
through "right action" a Powerful Sword of Beauty and Loving
Our passage through the Aethyr-fire ends with our arrival at the
Geburah Temple. We stand before the Aethyr Wheel and take a
moment to orient ourselves . . .

Our first task will be to cast the Circle with our Swords. As you
raise your Sword and touch its tip to the center of the Aethyr Wheel,
focus your mind upon that aspect of yourself you have chosen to
empower. As you take the Aethyr into your Sword and then cast the
Circle with it, tune your Circle to your chosen concern. In this way,

the whole of the Geburah Temple is charged with a focus upon your
individual concern.
The Circle is always cast with a clockwise/deosil movement. The
natural flow of energy within the Circle is clockwise/deosil, so count-
er-clockwise movement around a cast Circle, tends to unbind and
defeat its power. Counter-clockwise movement is therefore reserved
for acts of "banishing" and for "releasing" the cast Circle.
Together, we will cast the Circle three times with a pause after
each casting. During each pause we'll examine the effectiveness of our
casting. After the third casting, we will set our Swords down upon the
edge of the central font of Aethyr-fire. There they will remain till we
are through with our work and ready to release our Circle's casting.
Moving clockwise around the Temple, we gather before the Earth
Pentacle and focus again upon the aspect of ourselves we wish to
strengthen. As you contemplate, cup your hands together in front of
you and visualize a smaller Pentacle materializing within them. The
Pentacle is inscribed upon a thick disk of solid lead and it fills your
hands comfortably. With your mind, make it intimately reflect
(through whatever symbols come naturally to you) the present state of
that aspect of yourself you've chosen to empower. Feel it and see it as
a clear representation of how this aspect currently manifests in your
day-to-day life.
Our next task will be the purification and clarification of our
Pentacle. For this we will employ the witch's banishing-pentagram se-
This is a two-fold act correspon-
ding to the witches phrase "I cast out #1: Witch's Banishing
all negativity and in its place, let har- Spirit/Aethyr
mony be." We cast out all the nega-
tivity residing within our Pentacle by Air Water
walking with it from the Earth
Pentacle archway, across the Temple,
to the Aethyr Wheel archway.
Earth Fire
We then unbind our Pentacle's
form by releasing it into the Aethyr
Wheel. The circumference of the Wheel draws the Pentacle from our
hands and absorbs it. We see our Pentacle's form broken down by the
Wheel's internal workings and watch as it's reduced to a force which
gravitates to the exact center of the Aethyr Wheel. This "casts out" all
the negativity associated with the form that this aspect of yourself cur-
rently manifests.

We "let harmony be" by drawing this Aethyr-force from the
Wheel's center and then guiding it through the Elements, back down
into our Earth Pentacle form. Cup your hands together in front of you
and draw your Pentacle's Aethyr-force out from the Wheel's center,
letting it fill your hands. Feel and see its fieriness -- this is the living
fire which warms and nurtures without burning or consuming.
Pass across the Temple with your handful of Aethyr-fire and
stand before the Fire Wand archway. Release your Aethyr-fire into the
lower end of the Fire Wand. Now reach up and grasp hold of your
own Fire Wand from the curtain. Feel and see it in your hand.
Visualize it as being decorated with symbols that clearly represent the
aspect of yourself you are concerned with. Fill your Wand with all the
intensity of purpose you feel regarding this aspect of yourself. Let the
Elemental Fire burn away from the Aethyr-fire, all that is extraneous
to this one focus.
Pass across the Temple with your Fire Wand and stand before the
Air Knife archway. Touch the upper tip of your Wand to the Air Knife
and cause the Fire to pass from Wand into Knife. As a consequence,
the Wand in your hand transforms into your Air Knife. Again, feel it
and see it. Your Knife is lightweight, razor sharp and fits perfectly in
your hand. Fill your Knife with all your thoughts which define this
aspect of yourself. With your Knife's sharp blade, trim away from the
Fire, all that is extraneous to this one focus. Let your Knife be covered
with symbols that intimately and clearly depict this aspect of yourself.
Pass across the Temple with your Air Knife and stand before the
Water Chalice archway. Plunge your Knife blade into the cupped
Water and pass the Aethyr-Fire-Air power from Knife to Cup. As
before, the Knife in your hand transforms into your Water Chalice.
Feel it and see it. Your Chalice is finely crafted from the purest silver
and decorated with symbols that correspond intimately with this
aspect of yourself. Fill your Chalice with all the emotions that bind
together your thoughts concerning this aspect of yourself. With your
Chalice's Water, wash away from the Air, all that is extraneous and
distill from it a singular focus.
Pass across the Temple with your Water Chalice and stand before
the Earth Pentacle archway. Hold your Chalice aloft and cast its
Aethyr-Fire-Air-Water upon the Earth Pentacle. Within your hands,
the emptied Chalice transforms into your heavy, solid Earth Pentacle.
Feel and see how your Pentacle has been changed, brightened and
clarified by this passage around the witch's banishing pentagram. Its
form now more clearly expresses its internal force.

Now that we have banished
negativity and established harmony, #2: Hermetic's Invoking
we will turn to the invocation of
greater power into our Pentacle. For
this task we will employ the hermet- Air Water
ic's invoking-pentagram sequence
and draw power into our Pentacle
from the Aethyr and then from each
Earth Fire
of the four Elements.
Holding your Earth Pentacle
before you, pass clockwise around the Temple, past the Air archway,
and stand before the Aethyr Wheel. With your mind, draw down a
stream of raw Aethyr-fire from the center of the Wheel and cause it to
permeate your Pentacle. Feel and see this addition of Aethyr-fire. See
how it moves about the lines of your Pentacle, following the
Hermetic’s invoking sequence 'round and 'round till it is fully inte-
grated into your Pentacle's form.
Pass across the Temple with your Pentacle in hand and stand
before the Fire Wand archway. Draw down a stream of raw Fire from
the upper end of the Wand and cause it to permeate your Pentacle.
Feel and see it circulate around your Pentacle's lines of power, ener-
gizing and strengthening all that is Fiery within this aspect of yourself.
Pass across the Temple and repeat this procedure with the Air
Knife. Then cross to the Water Chalice, and then to the Earth Pentacle.
After you have filled your Pentacle with raw Earth and have seen it
circulate and empower all that is Earthy within this aspect of yourself,
pass with it again to the Aethyr-Wheel. Hold your greatly empowered
Pentacle high over your head and present it as an offering to the
Our next task is to bless and mature the raw power we have
drawn into our Pentacle. For this we will employ the witch's invok-
ing-pentagram sequence.
Raise your empowered Pentacle
again to the Aethyr Wheel and ask #3: Witch's Invoking
the Divine to bless it. Feel and see Spirit/Aethyr
this blessing permeate your Pentacle
through and through. The raw Air Water
Aethyr-fire within it conforms to the
highest possible manifestation of
this aspect of yourself.
Pass across the Temple to the Earth Fire

Earth Pentacle archway and, holding your Pentacle aloft, ask Gabriel
(Guardian of the Element Earth) to bless it. Feel and see this blessing
permeate all that is Earthy within this aspect of yourself.
Pass across to the Water Chalice and ask Haniel for her blessing;
then across to the Air Knife and Raphael; then across to the Fire Wand
and Mikael; and then cross to stand once again before the Aethyr
Wheel. Take a few moments to study your Pentacle. Feel and see how
it has matured, how all its raw power has been lovingly tamed and
directed toward a singular focus -- upon the highest possible manifes-
tation of this aspect of yourself. Your Pentacle is a thing of beauty and
power, so offer it up once again as your gift to the Divine.
Our final task is to release from
our Pentacle, the power that we have #4: Hermetic's Banishing
so artfully bound to its specific focus Spirit/Aethyr
and specific form. For this we will
employ the hermetic's banishing- Air Water
pentagram sequence. With the ban-
ishing, we will cast this focused
power out of the Pentacle and into
manifestation within our Individual Earth Fire
With your Pentacle in hand, walk clockwise around the Temple,
past the Water and Fire archways and stand before the Earth Pentacle
archway. Face the curtain and kneel down. Take a brief moment to
fully see your Pentacle's perfection of form and then swiftly smash this
beautiful creation onto the stone floor. As you do this, release the
beauty and perfection from the Pentacle's form. Simultaneously cast
all its focused Earthiness through the archway, into manifestation
within your daily life.
The Pentacle rubble in your hands transforms into your beautiful
Water Chalice. Carry your Chalice across the Temple to the Water
Chalice archway and there pour out its contents upon the stone floor.
Release the beauty and perfection from the Chalice's form.
Simultaneously cast all its focused Wateriness through the archway,
into manifestation within your daily life.
The empty Chalice in your hands transforms into your gleaming
Air Knife. Carry your Knife across to the Air Knife archway and in
one swift motion, plunge it into the stone floor up to its hilt. Release
the beauty and perfection from the Knife's form. Simultaneously cast
all its focused Airiness through the archway, into manifestation.
The Knife hilt in your hands transforms into your radiant Fire

Wand. Carry your Wand across to the Fire Wand archway and proj-
ect all of its power through the archway. Release the beauty and per-
fection from the Wand's form and cast all its focused Fieriness into
The spent, empty Wand in your hands transforms into a small,
spinningly alive, Aethyr Wheel. Carry your Wheel across to the
Aethyr Wheel archway and offer it up to the Divine. Feel the reso-
nance between your small hand-held Wheel and the greater universal
Wheel. Your Wheel is a specific, focused manifestation of that greater
Turn now, with your Wheel in hand, toward the Earth Pentacle
archway. In one fluid movement, pass across the Temple to the Earth
archway and cast your Aethyr Wheel through the archway with all
your might. Feel and see it spinning into manifestation throughout
the Individual, Personal and Physical levels of your life. It gathers the
fibers of your life together and weaves them into its destined focus.
Now turn your back on the Earth Pentacle archway and return,
moving clockwise, to the Aethyr Wheel archway. Together, we will
say a prayer of thanksgiving to the Divine.
At the appropriate moment, I will direct us to pick up our Swords
from the edge of Aethyr-fire font. We will then "release" our Circle
casting. We begin by touching our Sword's tip to the center of the
Aethyr Wheel. Then, with our Swords extended, we pass counter-
clockwise around the Temple and draw the Aethyr-fire of our Circle
back into our Swords. We start from the point where we ended our
casting, and pass counter-clockwise till we return to the center of the
Aethyr Wheel. Thus our releasing's ending point is symbolically the
same point as our casting's beginning. Now project the Aethyr-fire
you've drawn up from the Circle, out the tip of your Sword and into
the exact center of the Aethyr Wheel (from whence it originally came).
Our Circle released and our work complete, I gather us together
and speak the word "Tiphareth". This transits us, Swords and all, to
the Tiphareth Temple. Here, we will each gently touch our Swords to
the central, radiant Diamond, and then place them reverently upon the
edge of the pool. Take a good look at your Sword and see how it has
been changed by your work with it. It is completely and intimately
yours, and yours alone. Remember that henceforth your Sword is only
a thought away, safely resting beneath the Diamond in Tiphareth.
At the appropriate moment, I gather us together and we speak
the word "Malkuth". This transits us gently downward, through the
Yesod Temple to the Malkuth Temple.

After a few moments of re-orientation, I will release the circle
casting. Participants will then exit as usual: down the stairs, along the
Tunnel, and out the Cave Entrance, ultimately returning to normal
physical awareness.

Follow-up Work

As always, write down some notes summarizing your experience.

In the days immediately following your Geburah meditation, go
out of your way to do things which promote the manifestation of this
aspect of yourself. Nurture what you've set in motion at the subtle
Geburian level by providing opportunities for it to manifest at the per-
sonal and physical levels of your life. The ultimate effectiveness of the
Geburah ritual rests upon how actively you manifest this aspect of
yourself in your daily life. In other words, you must consciously bring
it down into the highly sequentialized specificity of your current pres-
ent-moment's now-ness.
Return regularly to the Geburah Temple and explore the full
range of your powerfulness. Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the
Magical Tools and with the many methods of their use. Make practi-
cal use of what you learn and apply it directly to your efforts at self-
The work in the Gebruah Temple will test you and refine you like
a crucible full of metal set in the fire. Each use of your power will
teach you how to use it better the next time. You will learn some
painful lessons about yourself along the way and will undoubtably,
upon occassion, burn your fingers with your own fire. Do not fear this
(indeed, in Geburah you will face fear itself and you must overcome
it); instead, embrace these instances as opportunities to learn some
important lessons.
Your self-crafting efforts must now grow to encompass not only
your personality, but your Individuality as well. Examine the
Diamond-light of your Individual-self and compare it to the influx of
higher light that you perceive coming from within yourself. Note any
disparities between the two and seek to self-craft an Individuality that
more clearly expresses this influx of higher light. As you make
changes in your Individuality, these changes must also be reflected
down into your personality and your mundane life circumstance.
This initial self-crafting of the Individuality and consequent re-
crafting of the personality, is engaged from within Geburah and is
enacted upon Tiphareth.

From the Form-pole of Geburah-differentiation, we pass now to
the Force-pole of Gedulah-similarity. Gedulah (pronounced "gedd-
you-lah") means "greatness, majesty, magnificence" and is therefore
associated with the majestically large, gaseous planet Jupiter.
In the Hebrew Tradition, this sphere is also given the title Chesed
(pronounced "hess-ed" with a glottal, back of the throat 'h') which
means "mercy, compassion, loving kindness". Associated with
Gedulah/Chesed is the god-name EL, which translates simply as
"god". This EL-god is masculine and singular, unlike the ELOHIM-
god whose Hebrew name signifies a mixture of masculine and femi-
nine. EL is, essentially, the masculine, forceful aspect of the ELOHIM.
As the supreme deity of the Olympian pantheon, Jupiter/Zeus is
the archetypal symbol of the (mostly) benevolent, fatherly sovereign.
This is the Divine Provider, the highest manifestation of the intimate-
ly personal, human concept of "god". Which is to say, Jupiter/Zeus
stands just below the higher deity forms which are impersonal and
As the non-sequentialized potentials of Binah/Saturn descend
into the realm of sequence, the first level of sequentialization they
encounter is similarity. Similarity is an attractive Force which binds
the Binah-potentials together by virtue of their alikeness and com-
monality. This primal Force is typified by its qualities of love, mercy,
inclusiveness and expansiveness. This sequentialization of the Binah-
potentials by virtue of their similarity, causes them to form Individual
groupings. At this level though, these Individuals are more united
than they are separate -- in Gedulah, separation is a quality defined by
degree of alikeness, not by degree of difference.
As we rise upwards, Gedulah marks the most rarified aspect of
the Individual-self. Conversely, as the universal Being descends into
manifestation, Gedulah marks the most primitive beginnings of
Individuation. In Qabbala, Individuation has four basic stages: assim-
ilation, differentiation, expression and personalization. The personal-
ization is represented by the spheres Malkuth, Yesod, Hod and
Netzach, through which the Individual-self takes on concrete physical
form. The expression is symbolized by the radiant solarity of
Tiphareth. The differentiation is symbolized by the exclusivity of
Geburah where the Individual learns to constrict its boundaries and
define itself by virtue of what it is not. The assimilation is symbolized
by Gedulah/Jupiter, for here the Individual is an expansive thing, ca-

pable only of inclusiveness.
The ability of our Individual-consciousness to broaden its focus
and encompass 'other' within its definition of 'self', is a higher, more
potent power than its concurrent ability to bring those boundaries into
the sharply limited focus of a physically manifest personal-self. In
other words, the primal attractive force of loving kindness -- because
it works through alikeness and threads of commonality!!! -- is even
more powerful than the secondary repulsive force of severity and dif-
ferentiation. The power experienced in the Geburah/Mars Temple is
as nothing when compared to the power of loving kindness to be expe-
rienced in the Gedulah/Jupiter Temple.
In the Western Hermetic Tradition, Jupiter is associated with the
major arcana Tarot card, X: Wheel of Fortune. This card symbolizes
the cyclic force of change, typically called destiny, fortune or luck. In
very concrete terms, Gedulah/Jupiter is that finger of change which
ceaselessly touches the body of the present-moment.
The force of change (i.e., loving kindness, inclusiveness, expan-
siveness) works through alikeness. Change/future is always connect-
ed, as if by a thread, to the what-has-been/what-is, establishing a cer-
tain recognizable continuity of events (i.e., evident causality). The
present is related directly to the past by virtue of these threads of com-
monality/causality upon which change is ceaselessly wrought.
Exercising our free will within the confines of our present-moments'
now-ness, we can self-consciously establish the what-is and to a great
extent determine what threads of commonality are available for
change to touch. But, as sequentialized Individuals, we have no
power over which among those threads change will actually touch,
nor do we have power over how and why change will touch them.
As we each know from personal experience, we have free will to
either accept or rebel against the ceaselessness of change. From with-
in the confines of our present-moments' now-ness, we either face for-
ward into that change and meet it gladly, or we look back to our what-
has-been and cling to its comforting illusion of changelessness, or we
try perhaps to balance ourselves somewhere in between these poles.
But whatever we do, we are powerless to alter the fact that change is
ceaseless. Even looking back, we are swept forward.
In essence, our Individual free will extends only within the lim-
its of our present-moment experience of now-ness. The
Gedulah/Jupiter force of change is what forms our now-ness, it is
what draws our now forward through sequence. Within the confines
of our now, our one true power is our innate ability to determine how

we ride the ever-cresting wave of change -- our ability to orient our-
selves in such a way that change becomes for us a creative, positive,
lovingly kind Force. This is our ability to consciously move forward
with our now.
Forwardness to the Individual is the expansion of self, for as the
Individual passes through the realm of sequence, it encompasses with-
in itself all the sequence it's passed through. The Individual-self
encompasses its past within the now-ness of its present-moment. In
other words, the Individual grows. Indeed, growth is a primary ex-
pression of the aliveness which typifies all sequentialized Individual
The Individual does not die in the same way that the personal-
and physical-selves do. The Individual passes through sequence until
it matures and comes to encompass the whole infinity of sequence.
This encompassing of the whole is a sort of death in that the end is
thereby encompassed, but it is the opposite of physical death's finali-
ty. It is instead, a passage into all of Life, with a capital 'L'.
Gedulah / Jupiter is the primary manifestation / Individuation of
Life and stands right at the lower threshold of the encompassing of the
whole. Gedulah receives the descending Binah-potentials and
expands with them. In other words, this is the lower side of the inter-
face of the non-sequential and the sequential. Our perspective is from
within the realm of sequence and we are looking upwards, perceiving
the effects of the Binah-potentials entering our sequentialized realm.
We experience this entry as the force of change which defines the for-
wardness of our present-moment now-ness.
The non-sequentialized Binah-potentials are infinite in number,
so from within the realm of sequence, the process of sequentialization
is never completed -- its duration is infinite. Thus change (our per-
ception of the Binah-potentials entering our realm of sequence), is
ceaseless, for since the Binah-potentials are infinite in number, they
will always be descending into the sequential realm.
We sequentialized beings witness the Creation from front-row
seats, as it were. The lovingly kind force of change is the Creation,
happening in right-now real-time and we are planted smack dab at the
center of the action. The Creation doesn't just happen around us, it is
happening within us and it is we who are being ceaselessly Created.
Paul Foster Case wrote, in his Pattern on the Trestleboard, state-
ment #4: "From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I
draw all things needful, both spiritual and material." The infinite
number of descending Binah-potentials are the Limitless Substance --

out of which our bubble of now-ness is formed and from which we
therefore draw all things needful (a Gedulah/Jupiter process of assim-
ilation, change and growth).
Our Gedulah/Jupiter meditation will focus on Case's statement.
We will begin by rising through the six Temples we've already visited.
We will do this as if we were putting on a ritual robe. Each
Temple/sphere we pass through, we will gather to ourselves and wear
as a part of our own bodies.
The figure at right illustrates what
we will be doing. Please note that the The Luminous Body
proper orientation requires a sort of
backing-into the Tree of Life symbol.
Another way of looking at it, is that you 1
must step into the Tree from behind it
and then step off the two-dimensional 3 2
page, wearing it like a garment.
As we rise from Malkuth (10) up to
Yesod (9), we will visualize Malkuth as 5 4
a dense, earth-colored sphere and place 6
it at the arches of our feet. We will
stand with our feet planted firmly in
Malkuth and rise to Yesod.
As we rise from Yesod up-and- 8 7
over to Hod (8), we will visualize Yesod 9
as a violet sphere and place it at the bot-
tom of our pelvic cavity. Our feet
planted in Malkuth and Yesod's glow
filling our pelvic cavity, we rise to Hod.
As we rise from Hod over to
Netzach (7), we will visualize Hod as
an orange sphere and place it at our
right hip. With Malkuth at our feet,
Yesod at our groin, and Hod permeat-
ing our right hip, we rise to Netzach.
As we rise from Netzach up to Tiphareth (6), we will visualize
Netzach as an emerald-green sphere and place it at our left hip. With
Malkuth at our feet, Yesod at our groin, Hod at our right hip and
Netzach permeating our left hip, we rise to Tiphareth.
As we rise from Tiphareth up-and-over to Geburah (5), we will
visualize Tiphareth as a radiant golden sun and place it at the center
of our chest. With Malkuth at our feet, Yesod at our groin, Hod at our

right hip, Netzach at our left hip, and Tiphareth shining at our solar-
plexus, we rise to Geburah.
As we rise from Geburah over to Gedulah (4), we will visualize
Geburah as a vivid red sphere and place it at our right shoulder. With
Malkuth at our feet, Yesod at our groin, Hod at our right hip, Netzach
at our left hip, Tiphareth at our solar-plexus, and Geburah permeating
our right shoulder, we rise to the Gedulah Temple. Gedulah is
brought into this luminous body as a sphere of bright sky-blue and is
placed at the left shoulder.
In the Gedulah/Jupiter Temple, we will focus sharply upon what
it feels like to be wearing this luminous body. Our visualization will
shift to that of the pictured Tiphareth-Diamond and we will con-
sciously radiate our Individual Light through the mist of descending
Here in Gedulah Temple, these Binah-potentials are symbolized
by water. The central fountain and the four corner pillars each emit
the Waters of Mercy. The sequentialized cyclicity of the Waters of
Mercy cause the appearance of an upper- and a lower-Waters. The
four Elemental-poles of the upper-Waters meet to form a great thun-
der cloud which rains down upon the lower-Waters and sends down
bolts of Life-giving lightning into the atmosphere between these
Waters. The lower-Waters spring forth and rise upwards to meet the
rain and lightning descending from the upper-Waters. Once met, the
homogenous Waters, upper now commingled with lower, fall togeth-
er into manifestation.
Standing as radiant Individual Diamond-stars, situated at the
point of now-ness where/when the upper- and lower-Waters com-
mingle, we will focus upon the rainbow we form within the ever-
changing, ever-transient Water vapor. We will draw from this
Limitless Substance all things needful to us in our now-ness, and ride
consciously with the ever-cresting wave of right-now real-time
change. Our focus will be nose-to-nose with the descending infinity of
Binah-potentials and we will explore the cutting-edge feel of what it
means to be constantly Created . . . to be ceaselessly re-Created.
The spherical rainbow refracted by the vapor of the Waters of
Mercy is the equivalent of our luminous bodies. The rainbow demon-
strates Individuation-by-similarity, for even though its colors are cre-
ated by different spectra of light, it is still a unified, coherent, inter-
related whole.
Each color becomes the next color in the sequence by degrees of
alikeness -- red passes along the commonality/causality of yellow and

by an infinite succession of degrees, it becomes green. The rainbow,
like our luminous body, is one of an infinite number of Individual
microcosmic manifestations of the macrocosm. An Individual micro-
cosmic body directly mirrors the overall structure of the macrocosm,
but it does not contain the whole infinity of possibilities encompassed
by macro-cosm.
Our Gedulah Temple meditation will end with a simple ritual of
"high magic" -- we will consciously descend into our luminous body,
consciously filling it and causing it to be. As we return to Malkuth we
will be wrapping ourselves in this garment and forming with it our
daily life circumstances. It is "high magic" because our daily life is in
fact, the present-moment, real-time, highly sequentialized manifesta-
tion of our luminous body.

Begin as usual: pass through the Cave Entrance, along the Tunnel
passage, up the ten steps, and into the Malkuth Temple where I stand
awaiting your arrival.
When all the participants have arrived, I will gather us together
and cast a ritual circle.
Once our circle is cast, we will spend several moments together in
the center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle and bring-
ing our awareness of the presences of the other participants into focus.
As you look around the circle, try to sense the unique presence of each
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus to the East
quarter altar -- our gateway to Gedulah. Upon the altar, we see the
square fountain of the Waters of Mercy. Standing within this spray of
Water is the radiant, central Diamond from the Tiphareth Temple.
Behind the
altar, we see the
same curtain and
symbol we en-
counter at the Cave
As I light the
candles upon the la
altar, we speak, as
with a single voice,
the phrase: "El,
please guide me to
In answer to
our prayer, the He-
brew letters la
(AL) appear near
the top of the cur-
tain, as if written
with light.
The upward
pointing white tri-
angle shines forth,
as does the middle

sphere on the right-hand pillar, and a soft light glows behind the cur-
When we see this illumination, I reach forward and draw the cur-
tain aside.
This reveals a realm of purest, upwardly rushing Water and we
are swept up by it. We rush upwards to Yesod, remembering to form
our Malkuth-sphere at the arches of our feet.
Briefly we are aware of our passage through the Yesod Temple as
we are swept towards Hod. We picture Malkuth at our feet and add
a Yesod-sphere at our groin.
As we pass from Hod to Netzach, we add a Hod-sphere at our
right hip. Passing still upwards, we add a Netzach-sphere at our left
hip, then a Tiphareth-sphere at our solar plexus, and then a Geburah-
sphere at our right shoulder. This brings us into the Gedulah Temple
and we add a Gedulah-sphere at our left shoulder. When we have all
arrived in the Gedulah Temple, we will pause for a few moments of
orientation . . .

At the appropriate moment, I will bring our circle together and

we will focus sharply upon the presences of the other Individual par-
ticipants. Notice the subtle differences which distinguish one
Individual from another and then pointedly shift your attention to the
similarities which render each recognizable as an Individual. See how
the luminous body of one (though Individually unique) is alike the
luminous body of each of the others.
Next we will look just as sharply within ourselves. Turn your
attention inward and sense, as deeply as possible, what it feels like for
you to wear your luminous body. Flow along the commonality
/causality thread of your luminous body's radiance and merge with
your Tiphareth-Diamond self. Stand, as illustrated, at the meeting
place where the upper- and lower-Waters commingle.
We will then spend several minutes in private meditation upon
Paul Case's statement #4: "From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless
Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material." Try,
as you meditate, to place yourself firmly in the present-moment now-
ness. From within that now-ness, face directly into the ever-cresting
wave of change and try your best to reorient yourself so that instead
of it washing over you, you wash down with it. Seek out your place
within the ever-cresting wave of change and flow with it.
Feel yourself as a radiant being, stationed precisely at that point
in time-space where/when the future penetrates the present. As you

radiate into the ever-changing, ever-new Limitless Substance of Water
vapor, draw from it what is needful to the ceaseless reCreation of your
luminous body. Observe the threads of commonality/causality which
sustain the continuity of your luminous body. Though it exists with-
in the medium of ever-newness and is ceaselessly reCreated, it still
manifests a specific continuity -- it is continuously this thing you rec-
ognize as your luminous body.
Examine, explore and learn by direct experience all that you can
of this realm of ever-new now-ness.
At the appropriate moment I will bring our focus together and we
will begin the ritual of conscious descent into Malkuth. I utter the
word Gedulah and sphere 4 of our luminous bodies shines forth
strongly at the left shoulder.
I utter the word Geburah and we are transited to the Geburah
Temple. We bring our Gedulah bodies into Geburah and sphere 5 at
our right shoulder shines forth. Take a moment to sense how the
power of Geburah, since you've touched Gedulah, now has about it a
sense of inspiration. See how the Gedulah force of Loving Kindness
fills and gives a nobility of purpose to the form of your Geburian pow-
erfulness. Let Loving Kindness permeate all of your powerfulness.
I utter the word Tiphareth and we are transited to the Tiphareth
Temple. As before, we bring our higher Gedulah-Geburah bodies into
Tiphareth and sphere 6 becomes a radiant sun which fills our chest
cavities. Sense how the quality of your radiations are changed by the
Gedulah-inspiration and the inspired Geburah-powerfulness.
I utter the word Netzach and our Gedulah-Geburah-Tiphareth
bodies are transited to the Netzach Temple. As sphere 7 shines forth
at your left hip, sense how your emotional realm is changed and
matured to a higher nobility by your having brought your higher body
consciously down into it.
I utter the word Hod and we are transited to the Hod Temple. As
sphere 8 shines forth at your right hip, sense how the presence of your
higher body refines and clarifies your powers of intellection and rea-
I utter the word Yesod and we are transited to the Yesod Temple.
As sphere 9 shines forth and fills your pelvic cavity, sense how your
higher body coalesces and becomes the coherent personality you man-
I utter the word Malkuth and our Gedulah-Geburah-Tiphareth-
Netzach-Hod-Yesod bodies transit gently to the Malkuth Temple.
Sphere 10 forms itself solidly at our feet and we stand firmly planted

upon it. We stand, wearing our whole luminous body in Malkuth.
Sense what wearing your luminous body in Malkuth feels like for you
We will close with a short meditation on Paul Case's statement
#10: "The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh."
At the appropriate moment, I will draw us together and, holding
hands, luminous body joined to luminous body in a circle, we will
offer up our prayers of thanks. Then I will release the circle casting
and we will bid our goodbyes.
As you leave the Malkuth Temple, do so with great self-con-
sciousness. Concentrate upon your luminous body and consciously
move with it, down the stairs, through the tunnel and out the Cave
entrance. Take the awareness and sensation of your luminous body
with you as you return to normal physical awareness. When you are
firmly back into your physical body, take a few minutes more to your-
self and visualize your luminous body surrounding and permeating
you. As you get up and go about your business, try to keep this
awareness of your luminous body with you for as long as you can.

Follow-up Work

As always, write down some notes summarizing your experience.

In the days immediately following your Gedulah meditation, take
time periodically to visualize your luminous body. Remember to wear
it and while wearing it, examine those threads of commonality /
causality which connect your luminous body to the circumstances of
your daily life. Acquaint yourself thoroughly with your luminous
Don't hesitate to project your personal shield if working with
your luminous body makes you feel at all vulnerable. Your shield and
your luminous body are quite compatible and the one will augment
the other.
Return regularly to the Gedulah Temple and pursue there the
work of fine tuning the self-crafting of your Individuality.
Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the now and with the threads of
causality connecting past with future. Set your imagination free and
experiment with the manipulation of those threads of causality.
Working directly with the causal threads that permeate and sus-
tain the universe is a very high form of magic called "Causality Magic".
Only an Individual who is well along the path of self-crafting and who
has truly learned the lessons of Geburah, is allowed access to this high
a magic. In other words, one is led to this higher ability only by suc-
cessfully passing through the lessons of Geburah -- there is no other
entry than that, for there is no such thing as a short cut to the higher

Prior to our modern, scientific age, our conception of the cosmos
was derived from direct observation of the night sky by the unaided
human eye. To those seeking to understand it, the cosmos was a Di-
vine thing whose observable phenomena reflected the mysterious
"body" or structure of deity. But due to the lack of more advanced
scientific apparatus, assumptions were made by those early observers
that today we would laugh at. Nonetheless, the astrological symbol-
ism we use today stems directly from that ancient age of symbol-
Up until the late 1700's, Saturn was known as the outermost plan-
et of our solar system. The ancients thought that beyond Saturn there
was an "abyss" -- an empty, dark region in which there were no other
"planets". On the other side of this "abyss" there was thought to be
another order of existence symbolized by the "fixed stars" of the zodi-
acal constellations. And beyond Saturn, beyond the abyss, and
beyond even the celestial zodiac, the ancients thought that there lay an
utterly unknowable realm -- the infinite blackness of space itself.
When we think of the
1 (Prime Mover)
universe in this modern
2 (Zodiac)
day, we know for certain
that Saturn is not the out-
ermost planet and we 3
know that there are other 5
planets surrounding the 7
stars that make up our 8
familiar constellations. 10
Distance seems the only Personal
"abyss" between us and
those other realms. Individual
To us, the universe is
an astrophysical phenom-
enon, a rational and ulti-
mately understandable
occurrence; but to the Deity
ancients, the universe was
a symbol of the Divine. So, for our modern minds to understand the
meaning of symbol-Saturn, we have to let go of our modern scientific-
knowledge of the universe and surround ourselves instead with the
ancient's symbolic-knowledge.

The Roman god Saturn (Greek god Kronos) is "Father Time", the
great limiter. He is a "father" to symbolize that he is a conduit for the
Celestial Seed. In other words, the realm of Saturn focuses the celestial
influences of the zodiac into the lower realms symbolized by the plan-
ets. He also confers mortality, allotting a specific duration of time to
each thing within his realm of influence. His focus is sun-ward --
downward and inward, toward his planetary offspring. As the inter-
face of the universal and the personal, he is at once strict and com-
passionate, unrelenting yet considerate.
The Hebrews (and much of the rest of the world) however, char-
acterized Saturn as female instead of male and gave it the name
"Shabbatai". This word means "peace, rest, cessation" and is derived
from the same root as the word "Sabbath". Thus Saturn/Shabbatai is
associated with the 7th day of Creation -- the Sabbath, which for the
Jews occurs on the day we call Saturday (Saturn's day).
The true depth of the Hebrew symbolism is found in Sat-
urn/Shabbatai's association with the sphere of Binah (pronounced
"Bee-nuh") which translates as "understanding". In the Hebrew sys-
tem, Binah /Saturn is placed on the far side of the "abyss", and is there-
fore less personal than the Roman god Saturn.

(The Unity)

1 Supernal
(Saturn) 3 2 (Zodiac)

(Mars) 5 4 (Jupiter)

(Sun) 6 Individual
(Merc..) 8 7 (Venus)

9 (Moon)

10 (Earth)

Binah, instead of being a masculine seed, is a female womb. She
carries and gives form to the Celestial seed, passing it to lower realms
in that way.
Here, the masculine aspects are encompassed by the feminine. In
other words, Binah carries within her the same aspects we saw in mas-
culine Saturn/Kronos, but she sets those aspects into a slightly differ-
ent context.
Binah is called the "Mother". She is said to have two faces: the
"Dark Sterile Mother" and the "Bright Fertile Mother". In essence, the
"Dark Sterile Mother" is the limiting-Binah that we see as we raise our
consciousness upward. It defines the limits of being as we humans
know it and marks the edge of a realm foreign to our normal experi-
ence of things. This is how Binah appears to us when our perspective
is from below the "abyss", looking upwards.
The "Bright Fertile Mother" on the other hand, is what Binah
looks like when we have crossed the "abyss" and are looking down-
wards. From this perspective, one sees that the Divine Seed fills Binah
and is given form, and that it ceaselessly passes down into the realm
of sequence.
The duality implied by these titles connects us back to the earlier
conception of the cosmos which places a personal-Saturn on the near
side of the "abyss" -- instead of placing a universal-Saturn on the far
side of the "abyss" as do the Qabbalists. In practice, Binah/Saturn
straddles the "abyss" and exists on both of its sides. The lower mani-
festation of Binah is only an appearance, a dark reflection of the upper
Binah, but it is, nonetheless, what leads us across the "abyss" to that
higher Binah.
Despite the image it elicits, the "abyss" is not a spatial thing. It is
called by this specifically spatial word because that is our nearest
human corollary. What it symbolizes is the experiential gulf separat-
ing the sequential and non-sequential realms. To the rising human
consciousness, it appears to be vast and empty because we have no
frame of reference to understand what lies within and beyond it. It is
dark because our sequentialized consciousness is not capable of per-
ceiving the non-sequential Light.
Rising from the sequential realm of Individualized conscious to
the non-sequential realm is called "crossing the abyss". This crossing
requires a radical shift of experiential perspective. This shift concerns
four essential, intimately related categories of experience:
#1) Type of Consciousness. Despite what grand things we think
of ourselves, humanoid consciousness is only one type of conscious-

ness in a universe filled by an infinite number of different types of con-
sciousness. The differentiation of consciousness into types is an aspect
of sequentialization. Crossing the abyss therefore, requires a letting go
of the specifically human limitation of consciousness, and a merging
with the infinitude of other, non-humanoid types of consciousness.
As other types are experienced, the boundaries of the human con-
sciousness expand to include a broader range of perspectives.
Eventually the differences blur and the underlying commonality of
consciousness itself leads one to merge with its infinite wholeness.
The simultaneous experience of the whole infinity of types of con-
sciousness, human and non-human, is what is meant by the phrase
"become more than human". Ultimately, it is a non-sequential experi-
ence, or rather, it is an experience of the non-sequential realm. Though
it may take the average human quite a long sequence of experiences to
achieve, the ultimate encompassing-of-the-whole happens all at once,
in a single quantum leap, as it were.
There are many exercises which can aid one in achieving this
shift, specifically those having to do with transference of conscious-
ness. This is a meditational technique where one first isolates one's
own consciousness and then sends it out into another object or crea-
ture. In other words, one transfers one's consciousness into the other
thing and seeks to merge with the other thing's experience of con-
For example, if you wanted to experience what a specific tree
experiences and perceive the universe as that tree perceives it, you
would transfer your conscious awareness into the body of the tree and
then try to merge your consciousness with its consciousness. At first
you will experience the tree from a human perspective, but as you let
go of the differentiation which separates your human-ness from the
tree's tree-ness, your awareness will naturally follow the lines of com-
monality and merge with that of the tree itself. The difference between
experiencing the tree from a human perspective and from a perspec-
tive that is truly merged with that of the tree itself, is unmistakable --
you will know it when you experience it!
The same technique may be applied to any object or creature at
hand. It is important --for both your own well-being and for any
chance at success -- that you approach this sort of work with a deep,
deep respect and reverence for life and for the sovereignty and priva-
cy of others! If your actions are invasive or abusive, you will pay a
steep karmic price. You must guide yourself by a strict code of per-
sonal ethics and never stray from it.

#2) Time-Space. Time and space are manifestations of sequen-
tialization. In the non-sequential realm, consciousness experiences the
whole passage of sequence -- physical, astral and mental time-space --
within a singular, all-inclusive now. At this level, consciousness per-
vades everything and experiences everything simultaneously. There
is certainly a cognizance of sequentiality, but there is not a direct se-
quential involvement with it.
An illustration can be drawn from the human body: Our con-
scious awareness pervades our physical body and causes it to be, but
is not intimately involved in the functions of all of the body's various
organs. Likewise, the non-sequential pervades the sequential realm
and causes it to be, but is not directly involved with the enacting of
each moment in that infinite sequence.
This is not to say that that the non-sequential consciousness can-
not reach down into the realm of sequence and directly experience its
minutia, for quite the contrary is true. The non-sequential conscious-
ness however, ceases to be non-sequential when it reaches down into
the realm of sequence. In fact, the realm of sequence is nothing other
than the reaching down of non-sequential consciousness -- it is this
reaching down which causes sequentialization, and it is non-sequen-
tial consciousness which is itself sequentialized. In other words, the
sequential realm is the body of the non-sequential.
Crossing the abyss requires that one step out of direct involve-
ment in the minutia of time-space-sequence. This stepping out follows
the lines of commonality which unite the two realms. The macrocos-
mic thread of causality which concerns the shift in time-space per-
spective is that of now-ness. The quality of now-ness is the same for a
sequentialized consciousness as it is for the non-sequential conscious-
ness. The only difference between these experiences of now-ness is in
their quantity. The quantity of the sequentialized now, is infinitely
small and the quantity of the non-sequential now is infinitely large,
but they both share the same essential quality of now-ness.
In short, the experience of now-ness is the doorway through
which one steps and the pathway one follows across the abyss.
Meditations and experiences which increase your understanding of
now-ness are helpful in this process. Specifically those which increase
the quantity of your now.
#3) Definition of Self. We have seen and directly experienced in
the seven previous meditations that there are several levels of Self. At
the physical, personal and Individual levels that we have explored,
there has always been a sense of our essential I-ness. By I-ness, I mean

that sense of autonomous, sovereign self we all have in common
though we experience it, each in our own unique ways.
The I-ness we experience at the physical and personal levels of
self has the same quality as that of the Individual self, but is of a small-
er quantity. The Individual self truly encompasses the experiences of
many, many personal and physical incarnations and so its sense of I-
ness is of a larger quantity, but it is, nonetheless, of the same quality.
Crossing the abyss between our sequentialized experience of I-
ness (tied directly to our experience of now-ness!) and a non-sequen-
tial experience of I-ness is very similar to the aforementioned shift in
time-space perspective. There is a similar stepping out of direct
involvement with the minutia of sequentialized I-ness and one follows
the line of commonality established by the quality of I-ness shared by
every level of consciousness.
Here, meditations which increase the quantity of your experience
of I-ness are most helpful. First are meditations which lead to the
recovery of the storehouse of the Individual's memory of all its
incarnations. This expands the quantity of the Individual's I-ness to its
maximum. Next come meditations which unite the Individual's I-ness
with that of other Individuals of a human-type consciousness. This
results in awareness and I-ness which encompasses many Individuals
simultaneously. These follow lines of commonality and together, that
number of connected Individuals constitute what I call a "Greater
Self". There is still the same quality of I-ness , but the quantity of the
I-ness is expanded by a significant order of magnitude. Eventually the
humanoid Greater Selves unite with the infinite number of other
Greater Selves and experience the true Unity of Being.
Actually that last sentence is incorrect in that it conveys the idea
that the experience is sequential. Unfortunately, these sequential
words and our sequential process called thinking, both preclude the
possibility of accurately describing a non-sequential experience! To
describe it, I must sequentialize it and present in in a specific order,
but the experience itself happens without order and sequence.
When the I-ness of the humanoid Greater Self is experienced
(symbolized here by Binah/Saturn), one simultaneously unites with
all the non-humanoid Greaters and becomes directly cognizant of the
Unity. The Unity shares the same essential quality of I-ness as every
one of Its manifestations, but Its quantity of I-ness is infinite.
#4) Thinking. Thought, as we know it, is a sequential process.
But in the non-sequential realm consciousness does not think sequen-
tially. There, instead of one thought following another thought, all

thoughts exist together and without separation. The non-sequential
consciousness therefore experiences the entire infinity of thought as a
unified whole.
Crossing the abyss requires that one let go of sequentialized
thinking altogether. Deep meditations upon the nature of mind and
upon the processes of thought are therefore helpful.
Truly, it is impossible to satisfactorily describe the non-sequential
realm. I fear that continuing the attempt would only add further con-
fusion. All I can say is that it's best to look for yourself and only then
will you truly understand -- hence the Hebrew title of this sphere,
Binah / Understanding.
Paul Case wrote, regarding Binah/Saturn: "#3) Filled with
Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment,
along the path of liberation." The guidance he speaks of here is a very
real thing! Quite simply, our guide is our own Greater Self. This
guide speaks to our inner ear with the voice of our own conscience and
subtly guides us through every moment of our sequentialized exis-
Our Binah/Saturn meditation is designed to simulate several
aspects of the actual abyss crossing. Our Temple this time, has two
parts. The first part symbolizes the lower Binah and what a sequen-
tialized consciousness can understand of it; thus it is stationed below
the abyss. The second part symbolizes the upper Binah and the non-
sequential realm itself.
Our journey from the Malkuth Temple to the first part of our
Binah Temple, will be a passage through utter darkness. The first part
of the Binah Temple is constructed from very simple symbols. You
will recognize three of the four pillars from the Gedulah Temple. One
casts no shadow and is completely white; one casts a gray shadow;
and one casts a black shadow. These three pillars stand upon a set of
three triangular slabs: one black, one gray, and one white.
At the center of the first part of our Binah Temple, there sits a
large black sphere, resting upon a gray tripod. This sphere is both
utterly black and at the same time radiant -- it is the source of the light
which causes the pillar's gray and black shadows. This black sphere
symbolizes our direct connection to the guidance of our Greater Self.
Therefore a portion of our meditation will be spent communing,
through this sphere, with our own personal guide.
A dark realm surrounds the first part of our Binah Temple. The
Temple itself sits right at the edge of a great, utterly black ocean. This
ocean represents the abyss which we will symbolically cross.

The abyss is infinite. This means that at a very practical level
there is only one way to cross it. Many have tried swim across, boat
across, fly across, and even walk across; but due to the infinite breadth
of the abyss, these options take, quite literally, forever. The only way
to cross an infinity is to become the infinity. In other words, the way
across the abyss is to merge with the abyss.
To facilitate your experience of the abyss, I have chosen to use the
symbolism of water. In this infinite black ocean, there is no differenti-
ation. Each molecule of water is the same as every other molecule.
Within this ocean the potential for differentiation is everywhere pres-
ent. Here are all the ingredients for life, but they are not placed into
sequence and thus exist here in a formless, seemingly chaotic state.
After a time of communing with our Greater Self through the
black sphere, we will enter the ocean of infinite blackness and cross it
by merging our consciousness with it. Using the water symbolism, we
each enter the ocean as a distinct current of water which eventually
becomes an homogenous part of the whole ocean. Each of the four
categories of experience mentioned above can be related to this water
#1) Type of consciousness. Begin by focusing upon your own
type of water -- that which distinguishes you as a specific current.
Follow the lines of commonality between your current and the
homogenous ocean of water.
#2) Time-space. Begin by focusing upon your own experience of
now-ness -- both its quality and its quantity. Follow the lines of com-
monality between your small quantity of now and the quantity of now
symbolized by the infinite ocean. The quality of now-ness is your con-
nection to the homogeneity of the ocean, for it is shared by every one
of its molecules simultaneously.
#3) Definition of Self. Begin by focusing upon your own sense of
I-ness, both its quality and quantity. Follow the lines of commonality
established by the quality of I-ness and merge your I-ness with the
water which immediately surrounds you. Keep expanding the param-
eters of your I-ness and increase its quantity till you have merged with
the whole ocean of I-ness. The idea here is to expand your definition
of Self till you feel and experience that you are the whole ocean. At
that moment, there is no 'other', there is only I.
#4) Thinking. Begin by recognizing that you are thinking and
that you are experiencing things sequentially. One evidence of this is
the fact that you are seeing visual symbols. These symbols are a part
of your sequentialized thought process. The line of commonality con-

necting sequential thought to non-sequential consciousness is essential
meaning. In other words, follow the essential meaning behind your
thoughts and behind the symbols you encounter, and simultaneously
let go of their sequentialized forms. Use the undifferentiated black-
ness of the ocean's water to support this letting go. Let your eyes rest
in its pure blackness and its lack of visual symbols. And in a similar
manner, let its homogeneity rest your mind from differentiated
thought entirely.
For the purposes of this meditation, I suggest you pursue
whichever line of commonality is the easiest for you to follow. Once
you have succeeded by whatever means (and to whatever degree) in
merging your consciousness with this symbolic ocean of infinite
potential, try to sense its opposite shore. Then try to locate the second
part of our Binah Temple which lies upon that far shore.
The environment surrounding the second part of our Binah
Temple is noticeably brighter. Just like the first part, the second part
of the Temple is very simple. You will notice that some of the black
and white polarities have been reversed. Most importantly, the sphere
at the center of the second part of the Temple is white instead of black.
When the opposite shore is sensed and the second part of the
Temple located, we will then step out of the abyssal ocean and stand
before the white sphere. This stepping out of the ocean is radically dif-
ferent from our initial stepping into the ocean. When we step out of it,
we step out as the ocean. We do not step out as differentiated, se-
quentialized parts of the ocean. In other words, it is as your all-encom-
passing Greater Self that you stand before the white sphere.
Within the white sphere you will be able to view the entire infi-
nite realm of sequence. It appears from beginning to end simultane-
ously and you experience it within a singular now and with the
knowledge that it is encompassed within your singular I.
We will take the opportunity to look into the white sphere and
cast our consciousness far enough into the realm of sequence for us to
see the Individual Self we are "currently" manifesting. Similar to our
Tiphareth Meditation, we will gaze down at our Individual, personal
and physical selves. From Binah however, this vision is not of a sin-
gular incarnation, but of a nearly infinite number Individual
manifestations, each with their personal and physical incarnations.
Our meditation will conclude with the identification of our "cur-
rent", familiar Individualities and we will each descend into the
Tiphareth Temple and consciously inhabit our Individual Selves.
Then we will descend through Yesod to the Malkuth Temple.

Since this is the last in our series of eight meditations, I will close
with a short blessing ritual in the Malkuth Temple, celebrating the cul-
mination of our work.

Begin as usual: pass through the Cave Entrance, along the Tunnel
passage, up the ten steps, and into the Malkuth Temple where I stand
awaiting your arrival.
When all the participants have arrived, I will gather us together
and cast a ritual circle.
Once our circle is cast, we will spend several moments together in
the center of the Malkuth Temple, holding hands in a circle and bring-
ing our awareness of the presences of the other participants into focus.
As you look around the circle, try to sense the unique presence of each
At the appropriate moment, I will bring our focus to the East
quarter altar -- our gateway to Binah. Upon the altar, we see an obsid-
ian black sphere, resting on a small tripod.
Behind the altar, we see the same curtain and symbol we en-
counter at the Cave Entrance.
As I light the
candles upon the
altar, we speak, as
with a single voice,
the phrase: "I-H-V-
H Elohim (pro-
nounced "yawd-
hay-vawv-hay eh- ,yhla hvhy
low-heem"), please
guide me to Binah."
In answer to
our prayer, the
Hebrew letters
appear near the top
of the curtain, as if
written with light.
The upward point-
ing white triangle
shines forth, as does
the topmost sphere
on the left-hand pil-

lar, and a soft light glows behind the curtain.
When we see this illumination, I reach forward and draw the cur-
tain aside. This reveals a realm of utter darkness -- a complete black-
ness that is, somehow, also radiant. I gather together the radiance of
this darkness and hold it aloft like a lantern to light our way.
The lantern illumines only the darkness immediately surround-
ing us and reveals no details within the seemingly infinite darkness.
We step together through the archway and into the darkness, and are
led blindly forward by our lantern's meager illumination.
As we move through the darkness, we shed our physical and
astral bodies, travelling eventually with only our mental bodies. The
darkness has a timelessness to it, but finally we reach the first part of
our Binah Temple.

After a moment of orientation, I will direct our awareness to the

Temple's central black sphere. We will then spend several minutes
communing with the guidance radiating from the sphere.
At the appropriate moment, I will turn our attention to the ocean

of blackness. We will then descend the Temple's three steps and enter
the dark water. Several minutes will be devoted to the process of
merging with this infinite ocean.
At the appropriate moment, I will direct your attention to the
opposite shore and the second part of our Binah Temple. As you arise
from the ocean, do your best to arise as the ocean and stand before the
Temple's central white sphere.

We will spend several minutes gazing into this sphere. At first,

we will examine the sequential realm in its wholeness. Then we will
gaze into the sphere and locate our Individual manifestations.
At the appropriate moment, I will utter the word Tiphareth. This
gently transits us along the lines of causality which tie our Greater
Selves to our "current" Individualities. We consciously descend into
the realm of sequence and find ourselves standing together in our
familiar Tiphareth Temple. Take a moment at this juncture to fully
sense your familiar Individual Self and review its connection to your
Greater Self.

I will then utter the words Yesod and Malkuth. As we transit
from Tiphareth, through Yesod, to Malkuth, concentrate upon con-
sciously inhabiting your personal self. Fully sense your familiar per-
sonality and life circumstance, and review its connection to your
Individual and Greater Selves.
At the appropriate moment, I will gather us together in the
Malkuth Temple for a short blessing ritual. During this time, please
focus upon your luminous body of spheres. Visualize Malkuth as an
earthy colored sphere at the arches of your feet; Yesod as a violet
sphere filling your pelvic cavity; Hod as an orange sphere at your right
hip; Netzach as an emerald green sphere at your left hip; Tiphareth as
a yellow sun filling your chest; Geburah as a red sphere at your right
shoulder; and, Gedulah as a blue sphere at your left shoulder. Now
add Binah/Saturn as a black sphere at your right temple and let its
radiance permeate the right hemisphere of your brain. To finish, we
will add a gray sphere at the left temple and a sphere of white bril-
liance at the crown. This completes the luminous body and concludes
our meditation series.
We will close with a group prayer of thanks. Then I will release
the circle casting and we will bid our goodbyes.
As you leave the Malkuth Temple, try to remain aware of your
luminous body and of your connection to your Greater Self. When
you have completed your return to your physical body, take a few
more moments of quiet time to fully sense your luminous body and to
once again reaffirm your connection to your Greater Self. Then con-
sciously and fully return to your normal waking consciousness. This
may take some internal down-shifting, as it were, but it is important
that you return to a normal state after each contact with your Greater

Follow-up Work

As always, write down some notes summarizing your experience.

In the days immediately following your Binah meditation, review
your experiences with your Greater Self and listen closely for the guid-
ing voice of your conscience. When you interact with others, con-
sciously allow your awareness of your connection with all things to
permeate and bless your interaction.
Return regularly to the Binah Temple for further explorations of
the Abyss. The true crossing is an accomplishment that takes lifetimes
to perfect. This is not, by any means, to say that you will not achieve
it in your present lifetime. Rather, it says "take heart!" For depending
upon your efforts in past lifetimes and, most especially, upon your
efforts in your present life, anything is possible.
Oddly enough, when the time is right, you will succeed in truly
crossing the Abyss. Time's rightness however, is something you have
a certain amount of power to effect. The process of self-crafting and
the pursuit of the meditations regarding your human-ness, your now-
ness, I-ness, and sequentialized thinking, will all help to mature your
time to ripeness. But ultimately, the timing of your crossing is not
within your Individual control -- it is only when the universe concurs
that time then reaches its true rightness.
This is a process unique to each person. There is no external guid-
ance available -- only that provided internally, by your own Greater
Self. It is essential therefore, that you develop the discipline of obedi-
ence to your conscience, for it is the voice of your Greater Self. By fol-
lowing its dictates, you will deepen your contact with your true guide
and it will never fail you.
Be sure to ground yourself thoroughly back into your normal
waking consciousness when you are through with each meditation on
the Abyss. Experiences of the non-sequential realm take time
(sequence!) to fully integrate themselves into your life, so patience,
conscientiousness and care are recommended in this regard.


In the four years that have passed between the original creation
of the Eight Temples Meditation Project and the publication of this lit-
tle book, well over 100 people (that I'm aware of) have pursued these
meditation rituals. Many of them have written to me, describing their
experiences or asking for clarification. For me, this exchange has been
educational and I would like to share with you some of the things I've
learned from those who have since done this work.
The most frequently asked question has concerned the level of
ability necessary to pursue this work. The answer is simply, none. Of
the original participants, I alone was the only trained magician. And
of the many that have pursued the Project since, only a minority have
had any significant training. The only prerequisite is a desire to par-
ticipate in this work and the only faculty you'll need is your creative
This has been a special concern for students of Franz Bardon's
"Initiation Into Hermetics". Many are leery of entering into a side
practice that would jeopardize their progress, and rightly so, but the
Eight Temples in no way presents a conflict. In fact, I designed the
Project with this specifically in mind and created it as a compliment to
the work of "Initiation Into Hermetics". The Project especially sup-
ports the work of self-analysis and subsequent self-transformation that
forms the heart of initiation.
Another common question has been whether or not a participant
must have prior knowledge of qabbalah. While it certainly doesn't
hurt, it is not necessary. The qabbalistic terminology is not crucial to
the successful pursuit of this Project and each of the terms I do use is
Not long ago, I was discussing with a friend the difficulty of
deciding which book to suggest as a bare-bones introduction to qab-
balah for the beginner (a question I'm frequently asked). To my great
surprise, this friend replied, "Well, the Eight Temples Project, of
course!" He went on to say that out of all the books he'd read on the
subject, the Eight Temples was the most helpful because it was experi-
ential. It didn't just fill his mind with a bunch of difficult terms and
complex concepts and then leave it at that. Instead, it presented him
with an opportunity to experience qabbalah as a living, breathing, use-
ful thing.

Until that moment, I hadn't seen the Project in this light, but now
I see the wisdom of his words. In the time since that conversation, I've
conferred with a couple of the original participants and asked what
they thought of the Project as an introduction to qabbalah. Since nei-
ther had much knowledge of qabbalah prior to the Project, they both
claim that the Project was their introduction to qabbalah! Their expe-
rience with the Project not only introduced them to qabbalah, it also
ignited a sincere interest in qabbalah that thrives to this day.
I've also taken the opportunity to review the correspondence I've
received from subsequent participants and it's evident that the same
has held true for the majority of them. It appears that the Project
serves as an excellent, experiential introduction to qabbalistic con-
Perhaps the third most commonly asked question is whether or
not the entire script of each meditation ritual needs to be memorized.
The answer is no, the entire script does not need to be memorized, but
the salient points do. It is especially important that you memorize the
sequence of events so that you don't have to refer back to the script in
the middle of the meditation ritual.
It is equally important that you visualize each event. For
instance, when the Hebrew letters are scripted to appear at the top of
the archway curtain, it is vital that you visualize this occurring. Or
when it is scripted for me to cast the ritual circle, you should visualize
my doing so. [For a description of a circle casting, please refer to the
Geburah meditation ritual.]
You should also spend ample time beforehand, reading through
the introductory material and memorizing the Temple and Altar
images for each meditation ritual.
Another important issue that has arisen (this one from partici-
pant's experiences, instead of their questions) has to do with when is
the best time to perform the meditation rituals. While it was absolute-
ly necessary for their creation to occur in sync with the Full Moon, it
has proven to be far better if they are performed in sync with the New
Moon. Generally, this is a time of introspection which is much more
conducive for your initial working of each meditation ritual.
As you read through the Project, it is apparent that even though
it was designed as an eight month course, it can well become a life's
work. What I suggest is that you perform all eight meditation rituals,
one per month on each New Moon, for eight months in a row. Then,
after you've been introduced to all eight Temples, go back and inde-
pendently pursue the work of each Temple to its fullest. This is where

the Temples manifest their greatest value - with the self-directed, in-
depth work.
I await you in the Eight Temples!

Rawn Clark
(May 2002)


an Astral Moon
An e-mail discussion group with the topic of "Hermetic
Philosophy", was the setting in which I encountered K. Despite living
hundreds of miles apart, we became fast friends and began an e-mail
correspondence which thrives to this day.
In early November of 1995, my friend K proposed that we begin
a magical project together. He spoke of building "the Astral Temple,
where one may repair to Work." He said, "What does it matter that we
are separated by mere miles? Let's collect a merry band, from the far
corners of netdom if need be, and put together the 'coven' we've all
been waiting for! What do you think?"
I took to the idea immediately!
Our first step was to discuss and clarify the parameters of our
project. Why were we going to do this? How were we going to do
this? What is our goal?
From these and other questions, we concluded that this was an
"experiment". Our primary goal was to achieve a "shared astral expe-
rience". Even though we held hopes that "shared" might mean jointly
experiencing exactly the same visual, acoustic and tactile details; we
still resolved to, as much as possible, set aside these and other precon-
ceptions, and approach this project in the true spirit of experimenta-
We agreed to establish an astral locale and to meet there togeth-
er. After each meeting, we would independently write a report
describing our own experiences, and then e-mail them to each other.
Throughout November and most of December, 1995, we went
about establishing our astral locale. It came naturally to us both to
visualize an outdoor setting, and for a little over a month we traveled
there separately, each conducting our independent explorations. We
reported our individual impressions of the place via e-mail, but did
not meet there together till the night of December 21st, 1995 -- New
Moon, followed by the Winter Solstice.
Six months and a dozen joint meetings later, having learned
countless lessons along the way and having realized our most basic
goals, we opened our experiment to include a third person ("V").
Another six months of meetings and even more lessons later, we were
back down to two.
Marking our first anniversary of astral meetings, we resolved to
open our experiment again; so in January of 1997, we included a new
third-person ("T"). This was so successful that we opened to include a

fourth person ("M"), only two months later, in March.
Since this is an experiment, and since we feel we have met with a
good degree of success, I thought that a report summarizing the
progress of our work would be of interest to other practitioners who
similarly find themselves separated by miles but joined strongly by
mutual interests. What follows then, are my comments upon our spe-
cific experiment and some of the practical lessons we've learned.

1: Methodology
Consensus process: We have no established hierarchy other than
that which evolves naturally when unique individuals with a variety
of talents, work together. Our decisions are made by a very unstruc-
tured process of group agreement. Bottom line is, we proceed only in
directions that we have all agreed upon.
Shared commitment: We each share a basic commitment to pur-
suing this experiment through whatever twists and turns it may lead.
An engaged and motivated interest in the project, seems essential to
active participation.
Attitude of experimentation: We are engaged in this project to
learn. We are not working to prove or disprove a particular personal
agenda or dogma. Instead, we are working through trial and error,
and with open minds, to learn what we can about astral meeting.
Innovation, and the challenging and testing of our most basic assump-
tions, are the tools that we nurture. At the same time, wanting to
ensure a high degree of consistency in our experiment, we have estab-
lished the following controls.
Secrecy regarding astral locale: For very practical reasons, we
have established a rule of confidentiality. We each agree not to share
the details of our astral locale with anyone outside of our working cir-
cle. This is necessary because a description of our meeting site is the
equivalent of an open invitation to join us! By maintaining this confi-
dence, we retain control over who we share our astral locale with.
Following consensus process, no one is invited to join us without the
express agreement of all participants.
Communication by e-mail: Since we live so far away from each
other, we rely almost exclusively upon e-mail communication. This
means that only people with e-mail capability are currently participat-
ing. We find that e-mail: #1) simplifies the logistics of seeing that
everyone gets a copy of every communication; #2) facilitates the
archiving of our correspondence; and #3) makes last-minute schedul-

ing an acceptable option.
Meeting schedule: We meet regularly at 10pm (Pacific Time) on
the most mutually convenient night, as close to the actual New and
Full Moons as we can manage. Our meetings last anywhere from 30
minutes to well over an hour. This establishes a predictable, yet not
overwhelming, schedule of a minimum two meetings per calendar
month. Often we meet for the Solstices and Equinoxes, or for person-
al reasons, so there are also months when we meet more than just
twice. There was even a month when we managed to meet only once!
Our basic commitment though, is to do our best to meet at each Full
and New Moon. There is a special magic in attuning this way to so
natural a rhythm as the Lunar cycle, and I highly recommend it! Not
only has it established an easy rhythm for our meetings, it has also
provided them a more powerful ritual context.
Independent reports: After a meeting, we each write a report
describing our experience. There are only two rules regarding our
reports: Rule #1) To maintain the control of independent reporting,
we avoid reading the reports from other participants until we have
completed writing our own. Rule #2) We do our best to submit our
reports within three days of meeting. There are no rules pertaining to
the format of our individual reports, and in fact, they vary widely in
length and style. We encourage each other to be confident in our own
peculiarities of self-expression!
Comparative discussion of reports: When all the reports from a
given meeting have been submitted, we often (though not always)
indulge in a critical comparison of them. We look for areas of com-
monality between our individual experiences, and assess the progress
of our experiment. This process of critical analysis has frequently led
to very important changes in our working methods. It is responsible
for leading us to each of the most important lessons we've mastered
regarding the evolution of our experiment. Experience has taught us
that at each turn, we should examine what is and is not working, and
then creatively modify our methods in accordance. Firmly rooted in
the belief that each individual's experience is an equally valid compo-
nent of the overall group-experience, we are never demeaning in our
analysis of each other's reports. We nurture a working atmosphere of
creativity by treating each other with a generous respect.
Archiving of reports and discussions: We save every bit of cor-
respondence relative to our project for a number of reasons. First of
all, it constitutes a detailed record of our experiment. Secondly, it pro-
vides us with a valuable perspective. Thirdly, our compendium of

notes is required reading for new participants, and serves as both invi-
tation and road map. We now publish a journal of each year's notes
and issue updated supplements as needed (i.e., when new participants
have joined us). These are distributed only to active participants. Our
fourth reason for archiving our correspondence, is that we've learned
it's a very satisfying thing to do. It provides us with a very tangible,
evolving symbol of our otherwise intangible efforts, and this has had
surprisingly positive effects upon our motivation when we've faced

2: Establishing The Astral Locale

Assessment of needs: Before we chose our specific astral locale,
we discussed our individual and joint needs. Assuming we were to
actually succeed in meeting astrally, what sort of work would our
locale need to accommodate? Would we eventually involve other
people or would we need space only for two? These and other ques-
tions led us very quickly to choose a locale that was adaptable.
Natural setting vs. human-made structure: As I mentioned ear-
lier, our choice was a natural, outdoor setting. We made this selection
instinctively and without really understanding its consequences. Our
desire was for a space with an "unlimited potential", but in finding
such a setting, we encountered a different sort of limit -- our inability
to encompass the illimitable!
The infinitude of details inherent in a natural setting over-
whelmed our ability to arrive at a concise description of our locale.
This is an important point, especially in the beginning, because (as
experience has proven to us) the more concisely the details of the
meeting place are known, the easier it is to reach a truly mutual expe-
A simple structure is easy to describe since there are a limited
number of details to consider. But try to describe a natural, outdoor
setting and you will find yourself making very general statements that
offer more possibilities to the imagination than actual definitions. Our
natural response to this situation has been to focus most of our work
around specific sites within our larger locale. For instance, we spend
much of our meeting time within the confines of a ritual circle that we
have established. Our Circle has evolved to a consistent size, com-
posed of a limited number of details, and is a place where we find it
easy to attain a mutual focus.

Personally, I have established the habit of transiting first to an
easily defined location within the confines of our overall astral locale.
For this purpose, I employ an enclosure with a limited number of
details with which I am intimately familiar. Once I have firmly estab-
lished my presence there, I then venture outside and into the infini-
tude of Nature. Adopting this incremental progression from a stable,
solitary environment into one which involves the greater vagaries of
relationship, has been the key to my learning how to consistently
maintain a grounded presence throughout an astral meeting.
My advice to one initiating an experiment such as this, is that you
begin with a simple, though significantly meaningful, focal point for
your meetings. An example would be our ritual Circle, or perhaps a
simply built, though elegant, temple of some sort. Whatever suits
your fancy, let its emphasis be upon simplicity at first. When you have
succeeded at meeting in this easily defined locale, then venture out-
doors, using your experiences inside your temple as the touchstone
"reality" which you will then seek to duplicate amidst more natural
Though it may require a bit more effort to manifest, a natural set-
ting offers invaluable lessons, unattainable from within human-made
confines. Quite simply, the inclusion of Nature opens the astral locale
to The Mystery. I suggest that you experiment with a locale that ulti-
mately offers both options.
Discovering vs. creating: Our choice of a natural setting imme-
diately raised the question of whether we were going to create this
locale or discover it. Two things factored into our decision. The first,
was that we didn't want a human-made nature-substitute! We want-
ed Nature's own unique imprint, not just our best approximation. The
second consideration was the very sure impression we both shared,
that our locale existed prior to our arrival. Our very first experiences
instilled a deep respect for our chosen locale -- for its sense of unique
self-awareness. So we chose to explore our locale before undertaking
any alterations to it, as a sign of our heart-felt respect. I have come to
doubt that any other approach would work in the face of Nature!
We continue to explore even now, and are always making new
As witnessed by our Circle, we have also indulged in slightly
modifying our natural environment, to suit our particular needs. I say
slightly, because our Circle existed as an outline in the grass, prior to
our arrival, and all we have done is fill it in with details that help us
focus. Had we chosen to begin with a limited structure (as I have

advised you to do), we would have had to start with creating our
Temple or Circle; and then shifted to exploration, only when we had
emerged into the outdoors. However it is approached, the tool appro-
priate to Nature is exploration; and the tool appropriate to a focusing
structure, is creation.
Imaging -- establishing the mental foundation: Hindsight is a
wonderful luxury. With it, I can distill from our many trials and
errors, a set of instructions based upon what eventually worked for us.
For brevity's sake, I will focus upon what did work, and leave the
amusingly fruitless parts to your imagination!
Step One: Clarify a mental image of your initial locale. If you are
following my recommendation of starting with a defined structure,
then define that structure in as minute detail as you can. Consider the
measurement of its dimensions, the color and texture of its surfaces,
the significance of each of its aspects, etc. Be as specific as your cho-
sen locale will allow.
Experiencing -- establishing the astral reality: Step Two: Once
you have the mental image defined, step into your locale and begin
experiencing its details. This is accomplished by simply giving your
astra-mental awareness a body that can function within your astral
locale. Then focus your attention upon sensing all the details of your
astral locale first-hand.
This will give astral substance to your mental image and build an
intimate relationship between yourself and your locale. These first
experiences with your locale should be solitary sessions, focused sole-
ly upon your individual impressions.
Describing and naming: Step Three: As you develop your per-
sonal relationship with the locale, communicate your impressions to
the other participants who are also engaging in solitary exploration.
Gradually integrate each participant's description, until you each
arrive at an experience of the same details in your solitary ventures.
Step Four: When your solitary experiences match, try meeting
together as a group.
Step Five: When your group meetings reflect a commonality of
events as well as of environmental details, you should finalize the
group-description of your locale and give it a name. Stabilize your
environment in this way, and you will find it easier to consistently
attain a high degree of commonality in your group experiences. As
you make changes in your environment or discover new facets of it, be
certain that all participants share an awareness of them.

3: Reaching The Established Astral Locale
Drawing a map with words: Your description of your astral
locale is a map which can guide anyone to your meeting place, so pre-
serve its confidentiality well. Treat it like you would a secret pass-
word, and reveal it only to those whom you intend to invite into your
group's work.
To reach your locale, begin by bringing its description and name
into your mind, and concentrate on building a mental connection.
Creative visualization: Boiled down to its simplest terms, you
reach your astral locale by consciously placing yourself within its set
of details. This is done through the creative visualization of your
locale's environment and the shifting of your awareness firmly into it.
Experience has shown that there are any number of ways to accom-
plish this. Each one of the participants in our experiment, has prac-
ticed a slightly different technique, but common to them all is that we
start with the mental connection and build from there.
Mental and astral travel: In analyzing the various techniques
we've employed, I see them as falling into two distinct categories. The
simplest approach is that of mental travel, in which one sits quietly
and projects only one's mind to the astral locale. The more complex
approach involves consciously projecting one's astral form to the
locale. Astral travel produces a much richer experience and opens one
to levels of sensory perception impossible without the astral body; but
it is by far, a more difficult density of presence to attain with consis-
tency. Therefore I recommend that you begin with the easier mental
projection, and work gradually toward the goal of an astral presence.
Dealing with distractions: As you shift your awareness away
from your physical body and towards your astral locale, you will
invariably encounter distractions. The most primary distraction is a
wandering mind. For example, you sit to focus on your locale's details
and find yourself considering your grocery list instead. When this
occurs, it is important to avoid indulging in a frustration-based reac-
tion. Instead, approach this sort of distraction as an opportunity for
the creative strengthening of your mental discipline.
The first step in overcoming a distraction of any sort, is to recog-
nize that you are indeed distracted. Briefly define what distracts you,
and then willfully turn your attention away from the distraction and
back towards the details of your astral locale. Consciously exercising
your power to choose your mind's focus, directly strengthens your
mental discipline. With practice, it becomes an easy matter to return

your attention to its original focus and to then keep it there undis-
turbed by extraneous thoughts.
While your mind is focused elsewhere, you will still receive occa-
sional sensory messages from your physical body. Loud noises; sud-
den changes in light intensity; strong aromas; bodily discomforts; the
need to sneeze, belch, cough, fart, etc.; and most especially, being
physically touched by another person or animal; are examples of
physical distractions. Many of these items can be avoided by choosing
your meditation space wisely, but even the most isolated quiet-room
cannot free you from sensing this annoying itch or that cramped mus-
When a physical distraction imposes itself upon your awareness,
respond as with a mental distraction and begin by first recognizing the
distraction. If what has distracted you is the sound of someone break-
ing and entering, then by all means terminate your meditation and
address the distraction directly! If it is only something on the par of a
passing car's headlights, then release your focus upon it and return to
your meditation. Each such distraction will require a moment of deci-
sion in which you must gauge its importance and determine your
response. It is often less distracting in the long run to scratch that itch,
than to struggle with ignoring it. Whatever the specific circumstance,
it is important to approach a distraction calmly and to immediately
regain control over your choice of focus.
Each successful dealing with a distraction increases the strength
of your internal discipline. To a certain extent, this results in fewer
actual distractions, but it will never totally free one from having to
deal with them. Experience has shown me that the key to maintaining
a consistent density of presence throughout an astral meeting, is not
found in the avoidance of distractions; but rather, is to be found in cre-
atively addressing those distractions. Now, when I am presented with
the need to cough for instance, I am able to process the distraction with
a specific portion of my awareness and I am generally not required to
shift my whole focus back to my physical body. If I then cough as my
body is urging me to, it does not significantly interrupt my astral expe-
rience. Trial and error experimentation has taught me to process dis-
tractions very swiftly, and in such a manner that they no longer detract
from my chosen focus.
The final category of distraction that I will note, concerns astral
travel specifically. When one separates one's astral form from one's
physical body, the physical body itself experiences an initial fear.
Quite simply, it is the fear of death, as experienced at the cellular level

of biologically inherited instinct. The astral separation so closely mim-
ics the process of physical death, that the physical body responds with
an initial panic. At first this is a barrier to successful astral travel, as it
tends to draw one immediately back into the physical. Treated with
the same directness and creativity that I have suggested regarding
mental and physical distractions, this barrier is eventually overcome.
With repeated practice, your physical body will learn that its fear
is generally unnecessary. I say generally, because in your astral trav-
els, you may find that certain experiences re-ignite this physical fear
response. The consciousness of the solitary physical body (i.e., from
which you have separated your mental and astral bodies) is relatively
primitive and animalistic. Very like a domesticated pet, the physical
body's consciousness learns to trust and to release its instinctual fear
only after experiences have affirmed for it the trustworthiness of its
master. Such trust is always weighed against instinct and so it is never
Increasing your astral presence: Travelling with your astral
body opens you to a range of sensory perception very similar to what
you experience with your physical body. Mental travel on the other
hand, allows only for sight and a form of mental hearing, and there is
a marked absence of spontaneous tactile sensations. Therefore, to
increase your astral presence at your locale, concentrate upon using
your astral senses to perceive your astral surroundings. Feel the astral
floor/ground beneath your astral feet; feel the movement of your
astral limbs; sense the temperature and smell of the astral air; touch
the different astral surfaces around you. In this way, you will clarify
your surroundings and increase the intimacy of your contact with
An aspect of the astral sensoria which does not have a physical
parallel, is what I call the "astral speak/feel". This organ of perception
is tied primarily into the astral organs of sight and hearing.
Speak/feel allows one to look at an astral object and receive from it an
audio-visual communication that is filled with intimate details, feel-
ings, thoughts, etc. I find that using this specifically astral sense,
increases my astral presence dramatically. With practice, I have found
it easy to tie all my astral senses into the speak/feel, increasing the
range of information perceived to include touch and smell as well. At
each level of the speak/feel, the information perceived is felt emo-
tionally; and at the same time, processed intellectually.
Speak/feel is an organ of communication -- of perception and
expression. One can, with practice, learn to project one's own unique

speak/feel message, and converse in this way with the astral sur-
roundings. One of my most blissful memories is of a speak/feel con-
versation with a meadow of grasses -- I perceived such indescribable
joyousness! I recommend a speak/feel conversation with your astral
locale as the most potent way to increase your astral presence.

4: Experiencing The Astral Locale

Projection vs. "reality": There is one unavoidable question inher-
ent in this sort of experiment. In fact, it forms the very foundation of
our approach. The question we each ask ourselves every time we ven-
ture to our astral locale is: Are my experiences and perceptions mere-
ly delusions, projected by my active imagination; or do they reflect
actual events and things?
Moved by this question, several occult Traditions have devised
techniques for testing or proving an astral or mental vision. Beyond
the fact that they introduce an element of challenge and focus one's
attention upon this central question, I don't think they are themselves
proof from self-delusion. Repeated experiment and the experiences
which result, are what truly teach one to discern a self-deluded pro-
jection from a genuine experience of your astral locale.
I know of no better, more powerful an aid to answering this ques-
tion than receiving a second, or third, or fourth, opinion! When we
share the reports of our group meetings, we get a chance to see if our
experiences in any way matched those of the other participants.
Instances of commonality have led us to perfect our methods, result-
ing in less self-delusion and greater mutuality evinced in our reports.
The high degree of commonality that we have achieved satisfies
us presently. From these successes, we are learning to trust our
process and our results -- but like the domesticated pet I mentioned
earlier, our trust is by no means absolute and we question it at every
In the beginning of our experiment, I focused closely on discern-
ing my projections from the astral reality. I ended up spending a cou-
ple of meetings completely obsessed with the issue, and these were the
most delusional of all! I learned quickly that my very correct attitude
of questioning was unfortunately being applied at an incorrect stage.
It seems that the proper stage for analysis is actually after an astral
meeting. During the meeting itself, it was clear that I should trust and
experience whatever came, and save the critical dissection for the dis-
cussion of our reports. For it was clearly from the post-report discus-

sions that we were learning the lessons which were bringing us closer
to a truly mutual experience. I determined to "act now, analyze later",
and have been so impressed by the results of this approach that I hold
to it even now.
One of the greatest barriers to achieving a non-projected experi-
ence is too tight a hold on your preconceptions. Your expectations as
to what will or will not happen can easily lead you into a self-deluded
projection. This is especially true when you experience things that
don't fall within your frame of reference. A natural response is to
begin translating them into symbols which fit your understanding.
This tends to, at the very least, limit your experience -- and once you
reach the limits of your understanding, removes you to your own
expectation-based fantasy.
Levels of commonality: An area which has tested nearly every
one of our preconceptions has been our search for commonality in our
meetings. We learned that discerning commonality in an astral setting
is a far different matter than when judging it in a physical setting. In
a physical setting we make broad assumptions, based upon the evi-
dence of our trusted physical senses, that when several individuals
come together, they experience commonality in their perceptions.
There is a subtle and generally unquestioned agreement that each per-
son present sees the same surroundings. In our astral setting howev-
er, this basic degree of commonality is missing and we are relying on
our less trusted astral and mental senses.
Upon closer examination, the commonality that we assume
occurs in a shared physical setting, breaks down when each of the
individuals present describes what they perceive. Vast differences
will be seen between the descriptions of both the surroundings and the
events. This reveals how utterly personal, perception really is. As
each person views a particular feature or experiences a particular
shared event, it will raise a unique set of thoughts and emotional
responses. In effect, we each see a common universe, but in divergent
ways. Our perceptions often diverge radically when it comes to our
emotional impressions and our subsequent thought processes.
Experience has taught us to look for three levels of commonality
in our meetings:
Level One: Meaning -- This is the most basic level of commonal-
ity and also the most difficult to analyze rationally. For example: in
one meeting I ritually cast our circle, using standard techniques shared
by Wiccan and Hermetic traditions. This was perceived differently by
each of the other participants .

T, who had the least familiarity with myself and with the tech-
niques I was employing, perceived it as candles being lit at each quar-
ter of our circle and as a general feeling of "things coming together."
Even though there was no agreement on the flow of events, nor upon
any of the minute details, the meaning of her experience certainly
matched my real-time actions.
Over and over, we have learned the lesson that we each perceive
astral events through the lens of our own unique internal symbol-lan-
guage. Analyzing our reports has meant that we've had to learn each
other's language and idiom, and then translate, often intuitively, into
the language of essential-meaning shared by all. At this level, we have
achieved at least 90% commonality in our meetings over a two year
Level Two: Flow of events -- Here, not only is there a sharing of
essential-meaning, but also the rhythm and sequence of events is
shared. For example, the same ritualized circle casting was perceived
by M (with whom I am closely acquainted) as a series of specific
actions that enlivened and ignited our circle. Even though she had
very little familiarity with the specific techniques I employed, she
clearly described the sequence of my ritual casting and its essential
meaning. She did not however, perceive the details of what I was
doing. At this level, we have achieved a 60% commonality in our
meetings over a two year span.
Level Three: Minute detail -- This is the most comprehensive
and easily analyzed level of commonality. It is also the least common
in our meetings, occurring perhaps only 30% of the time. For exam-
ple, my ritual circle casting was perceived by K in minute detail, 90%
of which matched my real-time actions. Unlike my relationship with
T and M though, K and I speak a more similar internal symbol-lan-
guage, having both studied and practiced some similar magical tradi-
tions. In short, the greater the similarity between the symbol-lan-
guages of the participants, the greater the degree of commonality in
perception of events.
Synchronizing time and place: When we want to meet with
someone physically, we simply state a place and time for our ren-
dezvous, and at the correct time we arrive at the chosen location. It's
a very straight forward proposition in the physical world, but in the
astral realm, time and place are vagaries determined by intention and
attention, rather than the certainties of physical laws.
Syncing place in the astral realm is simply a matter of intention-
ally visualizing the same astral locale. However, it does little toward

reaching a commonality of experience to meet at the same place but at
different times! Carefully syncing the astral time of your meeting will
greatly increase your chances for commonality.
In a natural setting, this is fairly easily achieved through all par-
ticipants visualizing the same season, time of day and phase of the
moon. In a man-made, indoor setting, you must build in some feature
which will help you determine the time -- perhaps a clock of some sort
or a window through which you can view the sky.
Working together at the same moment in physical time aids in
the syncing of the astral time, and is by far the best course to pursue.
However, it is not essential. Experience has proven that it is possible
to project back in physical-time terms, to the ever-present astral
moment of meeting, and then engage in a real-time experience of
K was the first of our group to explore this possibility. One
month, he had missed our Full Moon meeting and decided to attend
on the following evening. He projected his awareness to our astral
locale with the intention of arriving at the moment, 24 hours earlier,
when our Full Moon meeting began. To everyone's surprise, his
report of that meeting displayed no less commonality than usual! We
had all perceived his presence, even though it was a projection from a
time yet to occur in our experience. He likewise had accurately per-
ceived our meeting and had even engaged in shaping the real-time
flow of events within a time that had already occurred.
This practice works best when going back in time to a meeting
that has passed, but is less advantageous when a meeting has yet to
occur and one is attempting to reach forward in time. While either
journey through time is possible in the astral and (even more so) in the
mental realms, the possibility of self-delusion seems to increase the
further into the future one strays.
My advice is that you first develop the discipline of working
together in real-time before experimenting with astra-mental time
A final aspect of syncing in astral time is noting the passage of
time during the meeting. Astra-mental time does not flow with the
inexorable regularity of physical time. The measure of astra-mental
time is dependent upon the intensity of the ideas and emotions the
experience encompasses. It is therefore uneven, irregular and unpre-
dictable, unlike physical time. At first this fact can be disorienting as
you find only half an hour of physical time has passed during an astra-
mental experience encompassing many "hours" of events. By noting

the physical time you began your meeting and the physical time you
returned to full bodily consciousness, and then comparing it's length
to the perceived passage of astra-mental time, you will eventually
come to understand the connection between these two different
aspects of time. This discipline will greatly increase your ability to
sync with others in astra-mental time.
Working together: Learning how to come together astra-mental-
ly, though a great and rewarding labor in its own right, is only the first
step. The second, even more challenging step is to learn to work
together effectively within your astra-mental environment. Once we
had mastered the first step to our satisfaction, the question arose:
"What now?" The answer was obvious: "Do something."
The first action we undertook that went beyond simply arriving
together at the same astra-mental time-place, was to pursue a joint
focus upon a simple object. For us, this object was a specific bird's
feather, one that we were all familiar with and could therefore visual-
ize with equal clarity of detail. Any simple object will do as long as all
the participants agree upon the details ahead of time.
We have come to call this our "feather focus" and we usually
begin our meetings with a few minutes sitting around our feather,
focusing upon it in unison. This has the effect of bringing us together
into very close mutual proximity to the exact same moment of astra-
mental space. Not only are we intentionally syncing at the levels of
meaning and flow of events, but also very clearly at the level of minute
Even though the differences between our initial striving to reach
the same astral-mental moment, and our subsequent feather-focus, are
subtle, they are nonetheless significant. They represent a more proac-
tive group-approach to the astral locale.
A very natural result of any group of people binding its attention
upon a common focus, is the multiplication of energy. This is very
noticeable at the astra-mental level and can produce significant phys-
ical effects if the level of energy generated exceeds the personal limits
of the participants. We've each succeeded in making ourselves physi-
cally nauseous, dizzy, or overloaded with vibrant energy, at one point
or another during this project! Each time we experienced this sort of
physical discomfort, it was due to our exceeding our own limits of tol-
erance. From this we have learned to protect ourselves and to care-
fully stretch our limits in small increments.
I recommend that you approach this natural multiplication of
energy very consciously and with a moderate degree of caution. Begin

by joining hands in a circle at your astral locale and cast your attention
to a mutually agreed upon object. When you are all well focused
together, take careful note of the group's energy level as well as your
own personal level.
Now gently and mutually begin to circulate a current of energy
clockwise (deosil) around your hand-held circle. Maintain a personal-
ly comfortable level of energy flow for a few minutes, one that does
not stretch your limits.
Another way of putting it, is that you should allow only a com-
fortable amount of the group's energy to reach you. If there is more
energy available than you can comfortably handle, then consciously
limit what you accept into your own astra-mental body. This is sim-
ply a matter of conscious intention; of willing it to be so and making it
When you have acclimated yourself to this comfortable level,
then open yourself to a little more of the group's energy and slowly
stretch your limits of comfort. As your limits stretch, so will your abil-
ity to consciously work with this energy toward creative ends.
Once you agree, as a group, that you have reached a state where
you can work directly with the group energy you raise, plan a specif-
ic task for that energy. An example might be a simple sharing of heal-
ing energy, or perhaps a more complex ritual of some sort. I suggest
you start simply and work your way up to the more complex options
as the need arises.
Create uses for your group's energy that satisfy real and present
needs. This guarantees that you will be able to gauge your effective-
ness by verifying whether or not there were any tangible results. For
example, choosing a vague project such as world peace, while certain-
ly noble, guarantees that you will have little upon which to gauge the
effectiveness of your group working. Practicality and innovation will
more thoroughly engage your group's interest.
Possibilities: There are immense possibilities inherent in an
astral locale simply due to the fact that it is built of the astra-mental
substance. This substance has infinite potential and offers us the
opportunity to explore whatever possibility we can imagine.
At its most basic level, an astral locale offers an immense oppor-
tunity for learning about the universe and the self. It is a realm which,
if nothing else, supports the enacting of cathartic psycho-dramas
which can reconnect one to an inner source of deep personal wisdom.
It is an ideal setting in which to carry out ritual workings and
even long-range magical projects. For example, it could serve as a

valuable supplement to a correspondence course in magical training in
which actual lodge-work was impossible.
The possibilities are truly limited only by the imagination! The
tool of imagination and its natural process of limiting the astra-mental
substance, is what allows us the ability to realize the astra-mental sub-
stance's potentials. Creative innovation is by far the most productive
tact when pursuing this sort of work.

5: Introducing New Participants

When K and I had reached a satisfactory success in our astral
meeting project, we decided to open our experiment and include at
least one other person in our workings. We felt it was time to see what
effect a third person would have upon our overall experiment and
upon the astral locale itself.
The whole process was very gratifying and greatly enriched our
astral-meeting experience. Even though the first person we invited
left the group (amicably) only six months later, we felt that the bene-
fits that came from enlarging our group were worth the effort
involved. Since that time, we have successfully integrated two other
participants into our group, bringing our current number of active
participants to four.
Our three efforts at opening our group have taught us some valu-
able lessons. We found that there are four basic factors to consider: 1)
Finding one's place in an already established group dynamic is a diffi-
cult and often intimidating task. Great care needs to be taken in
warmly welcoming a new participant. 2) Likewise, it is often difficult
for an established group dynamic to open itself to the change which a
new face brings. The group must remain acutely aware of its tenden-
cy toward inertia and actively embrace the opposite pole of openness-
to-change. 3) There are logistic considerations such as making sure the
printed materials reach the new participant and that they are informed
of meeting times, techniques, etc. 4) Each new participant will natu-
rally cause the astral locale to change slightly. Just as the original
group shapes the locale, so also will the addition of a new perspective
to some extent re-shape that locale. A balance must be struck between
respecting the established locale and openness to growth.
Our experiences quickly led us to establish a well defined process
for introducing new participants. It has worked successfully both of
the times we've followed it, so I recommend it to you.

The role of guide: Central to our process of integrating a new
participant into our group is the concept of sponsorship. Each candi-
date has one person from the established group who will act as initial
liaison and guide. This guide is the candidate's entry into the group
dynamic; and likewise, the guide is the group's entry into the in-
evitable change of it's own dynamic.
The guide is responsible for getting the introductory material (a
copy of our Journal) to the candidate and in every other way facilitat-
ing their inclusion into the group meetings. However, this role should
terminate once the candidate has successfully met with the group at
the astral locale. It is not meant to be a long-term hierarchical role;
instead, it's to be one of advocacy and warm welcoming. Once wel-
comed though, the candidate becomes an equal participant.
In our experience, the role of guide was necessary for only the
first two months after the initial invitation to join. Despite its brevity,
it is still a crucial role. I advise against opening your group to new
participants if there are no members of your group willing to commit
the time and effort required for this role. In that case, it is best to wait
till someone is available for the task.
Selection and invitation: When a member of our group propos-
es someone as a candidate, we must all agree upon their inclusion
before we offer that person an invitation. I must confess that in prac-
tice, the person who proposes the candidate ends up acting as the pri-
mary guide for that candidate.
I have proposed two candidates -- one who stayed with us for six
months and one who has been with us for almost a year now -- and I'm
considering two others. What they all share is a strong interest in the
idea of our astral meeting project and that is my primary criteria for
candidacy. For example, M repeatedly stated her interest and
inquired for over a year as to the project's progress. The other two I'm
considering for inclusion in our group have expressed a similar con-
sistency and depth of interest in the project.
Other important questions are: Am I personally interested in
working on such an intimate level with this person? Would they real-
ly benefit from participation? Does this person realistically have the
free-time available in their busy lives to commit to the project?
Once group consensus has been reached on a candidate, the
guide proffers an invitation. If accepted, the candidate is sent a copy
of our Journal-to-date. This is a detailed record of our work and opens
with a description of our astral locale.

Solitary exploration: As the candidate reads our Journal's
descriptions, they will naturally begin to formulate a mental picture
of, and an emotional relationship with, our astral locale. This marks
the beginning of a phase of solitary exploration wherein the candidate
attempts to more and more clearly reach the astral locale on their own.
The candidate works at building a personal connection with the locale.
First two-person meeting: Should the candidate have difficulty
reaching the astral locale, or conversely, when the candidate has suc-
cessfully reached the locale, a meeting at the astral locale between the
candidate and the guide should be arranged. At least one two-person
meeting should be attempted before attempting a full-group meeting.
If there are problems, then a series of two-person meetings should be
pursued until the difficulties are resolved.
First group meeting: Once the two-person meeting goes well, it
is time for the candidate to attempt joining in the regular full-group
meeting. The established group should take care that the candidate
does not exceed their limits and become overwhelmed by the group's
energy. Likewise the candidate should remain conscientious of their
own limits and not exceed them.
When and if the candidate succeeds in joining the group meeting,
they cease to be a candidate (assuming no one raises an objection) and
they become an equal participant.

I hope my words encourage you to engage in a similar work. The
rewards far, far outweigh the effort required! And the work, though
it may sound overwhelming and complex, is really quite an easy labor.
December 21st, 1997 marked two years of meeting at our astral
locale. Our project continues to evolve and we are presently moving
toward a more relaxed approach to our meetings. In many ways, we
are letting go of the "project" part of our work and simply focusing on
the "work" part.

Abyss: 115-117, 119-123, 127, Earth: 7, 11, 15, 23, 24, 32, 33,
129. 67, 83, 84, 94, 95.
Adonai: 11, 17. Earth Pentacle: 86, 92-95.
Aethyr: 83, 84, 87, 89, 91, 93, 94. Eheieh: 11.
Aethyr Wheel: 85, 87, 88, 90-92, El: 11, 101, 107.
94-96. Elements: 5, 15, 20, 24-26, 33-35,
Air: 15, 20, 24, 33, 62, 83, 84, 93. 83, 85, 93.
Air Knife: 85, 93, 95. Elohim Gibor: 11, 90.
Astral matrix: 31, 32. Elohim Tzabauth: 11, 48, 49.
Equilibrium: 67, 69, 70, 86.
Banish: 84, 85, 87, 92, 95. F
Beneath an Astral Moon: 6, 135. Fire: 15, 20, 22, 24, 25, 33, 83, 84,
Best time to perform the medi- 88, 93, 94.
tations: 132. Fire Wand: 85, 93-95.
Binah: 7, 11, 79-83, 101, 103, 105, Follow-up Work: 26, 40, 52, 64,
116, 125. Color Plate: 176. 76, 98, 112, 129.
Bright Fertile Mother: 117. Force: 45, 46, 55, 56, 58, 79, 83,
Broadsword: 70, 86, 87, 89-92, 86, 93, 101, 103.
96. Form: 45, 46, 55, 57, 58, 79, 83,
86, 93, 101.
C Franz Bardon: 5, 131.
Cave: 16, 17, 37, 39, 49, 52, 59, Frequently asked questions:
62, 71, 75, 89, 97, 107, 111, 125. 131.
Chesed: 80, 101.
Chokmah: 11. G
City of Gold: 69, 70, 76. Gabriel: 23, 95.
Cross of Equated Forces: 15. Geburah: 11, 79, 89, 101, 102,
104, 108, 110, 128, 132. Color
D Plates: 172-173.
Dark Sterile Mother: 117. Gedulah: 11, 79, 80, 83, 101, 107,
Diamond: 69-72, 74-76, 96, 98, 121, 128. Color Plates: 174-175.
105, 107, 108. Gnomes: 24.
Greater Self: 120-122, 127-129.
Guardian: 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 60,
62, 95.

H 128. Color Plates: 161-163.
Haniel: 25, 95. Mansions of the Moon: 36.
Hebrew: 9, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23, 25, Mars: 11, 45, 57, 67, 79-81.
37, 49, 55, 59, 67, 71, 90, 101, Mercury: 11, 34, 45, 46, 67.
107, 116, 121, 125, 132. Mikael: 22, 95.
Hebrew Alphabet: 12. Moon: 11, 32, 35, 46, 60, 67.
Hermes' Library: 47.
Hermetic: 6, 9, 81, 84, 102. N
Hod: 11, 34, 45, 49, 55, 67, 79, Netzach: 11, 34, 45, 55, 59, 67,
101, 104, 108, 110, 128. Color 79, 101, 104, 108, 110, 128.
Plates: 166-167. Color Plates: 168-169.

IHVH Adonai: 11, 71, 72, 75. Pachad: 80.
IHVH Elohim: 11, 125. Pattern on the Trestleboard: 45,
IHVH Tzabauth: 11, 59, 62. 103.
Individual-Self: 67, 68, 70, 74, Paul Case: 45, 47, 51, 55, 103,
76, 79, 81, 83, 86, 98, 101-103, 108, 111, 121.
112, 119, 120, 123, 127, 128. Pentagram: 83, 87.
Initiation: 5, 68, 131. Personality: 27, 32, 33, 35, 39,
Initiation Into Hermetics: 5, 131. 40, 45, 46, 52, 64, 67-70, 72, 74,
Invoke: 84, 94. 76, 98, 119, 123, 128.
Pillars: 46.
Jupiter: 11, 45, 57, 67, 79, 80, Q
101, 102. Qabbalah: 6, 9, 15, 45, 81, 101,
Kether: 11. R
Raphael: 20, 62, 95.
Luminous Body: 104, 106, 108, S
110-112, 128. Salamanders: 22.
Lunation cycle: 33. Saturn: 7, 11, 57, 67, 68, 79, 81,
101, 115.
M Self-crafting: 35, 41, 52, 64, 68,
Malkuth: 7, 11, 15, 19, 31, 34, 37, 70, 76, 98, 112, 131.
39, 49, 51, 52, 57, 59, 62, 67, 69, 72-fold Name of God: 47.
71, 74, 75, 88, 89, 96, 101, 104, Shabbatai: 116.
107, 108, 110, 121, 123, 125, Shaddai: 11, 37.

Sun: 11, 32, 34, 61, 62, 67. Z
Sylphs: 21. Zodiac: 11, 33, 69, 70, 75, 76,
T Zone girdling the Earth: 15.
Time: 8, 56, 69, 70, 76, 80-82, 86,
102, 119, 120, 122, 129.
Tiphareth: 11, 34, 67, 71, 79, 80,
86, 89, 96, 98, 101, 104, 107,
108, 110, 123, 127, 128. Color
Plates: 170-171.
Tools of the Elements: 85.
Tree of Life: 6, 7, 9, 45, 67, 68,
Tunnel: 16, 18, 37, 39, 49, 52, 59,
62, 71, 75, 89, 97, 107, 111, 125.

Undines: 25.
Unity: 46, 120.

Venus: 11, 34, 45, 46, 55, 57, 58,
62, 67.
VII: The Chariot: 81, 82, 83, 87.

Water: 15, 20, 24, 25, 33, 62, 83,
84, 93, 94, 105, 108, 122.
Water Chalice: 85, 93-95.
Wiccan tradition: 84.

X: Wheel of Fortune: 102.

Yah: 11.
Yesod: 11, 31, 37, 46, 52, 67, 69,
72, 74, 75, 79, 96, 101, 104, 108,
110, 123, 128. Color Plates:

Malkuth: Entrance

Malkuth: Tunnel

Malkuth: Temple

Malkuth: Air Altar Malkuth: Fire Altar

Malkuth: Earth Altar Malkuth: Water Altar

Yesod: Altar

Yesod: Temple

Hod: Altar

Hod: Temple

Netzach: Altar

Netzach: Temple

Tiphareth: Altar

Tiphareth: Temple

Geburah: Altar

Geburah: Temple

Gedulah: Altar

Gedulah: Temple

Binah: Altar


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