Parent Letter 10/12
Parent Letter 10/12
Parent Letter 10/12
All homework is due by Friday, October 19th: Complete the Free-Choice Spelling sheet (only the sheet needs to be returned). Practice your word wall words for our weekly Thursday test. Continue your BOOK IT reading! (Shoebox library books help with fluency.) Social Studies- Prepare for the farm with your Producer/Consumer poster. Our new Spelling Words are: (The pretest will be Weds due to Thursdays farm trip) pick pack tack back sack sick big is they walk Our new Word Wall Words are: it can make they walk big his ~~~~~~~Please note the following and mark your calendar:~~~~~~ Oct. 16th- Room 42 Parent Meeting 6:00-7pm I hope to see you there! Oct. 18th- Upland Hills Farm trip (8:30-2:30) Please wear an Edison T shirt on our trip! Oct. 31st- day of school due to Teachers Inservice- Dismissal will be at 11:42 We will be having a Halloween party in the AM. (Helpers will be needed!) BOOK-IT forms are also DUE! Oct. 25th- Book Buddies begins! We will be working with Mrs. Kohanovs 5th graders! Nov. 6th-9th- Parent-Teacher Conferences Your scheduled time will be coming home soon. Please consider the PTA Reflections information that came home earlier in the week. (It was a red slip of paper.) Its a great way to showcase our childrens talents. Plus, ALL children who enter get a gold medal! A great BIG thank you goes out to Gabrielles parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson for all of their hard work on our older back computer! Now that were up and running, well have TWO computers (possibly three) with internet connection- - perfect for Accelerated Reader testing! Thanks so much!! For Thursdays trip to the farm: Please keep all electronics/toys at home. I will be providing activities for the children on the bus to keep them engaged during the loooong bus ride. Today, your children went to Miss Vs room for Science. Miss Viinikainen is one of our other first grade teachers and she and I will be switching for Science and Social Studies instruction. By switching our classes, we will each be able to go more deeply into the lessons, offering more of a hands-on, thoughful approach to that area of the curriculum. Should you have any Science questions, feel free to let her know. I found a single key on the floor in our classroom this week. If its yours, let me know! At our WORD WORK center, the children would benefit more greatly if they could hear the ipods a bit better. These small devices are fun, but their volume is minimal in a busy classroom. I would like to purchase split-connectors to be used when two children are playing on each of our three ipods. Each splitter costs about $8 and we will need at least three of them. I know we just sent money in for the farm trip, but if you could make a small donation toward this endeavor, the children would be so grateful. They love ipod time! Looking forward to the week ahead, Mrs. Cronce