G95 Manual

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Its Free Crunch Time http://www.g95.


Key G95 Features

Free Fortran 95 compliant compiler. Current (October 2008) g95 version is 0.92. GNU Open Source, GPL license. Operation of compiled programs can be modied by a large list of environment variables, documented in the compiled program itself. TR15581 Allocatable dummy arguments, derived type components. F2003 style procedure pointers, structure constructors, interoperability F2003 intrinsic procedures and modules. Dummy arguments of type VALUE in subroutine are passed by value. Comma option in OPEN, READ, and WRITE for denoting decimal point. Square brackets [ and ] may be used for array constructors. IMPORT statement, used in an interface body to enable access to entities of the host scoping unit. MIN() and MAX() for character as well as numeric types. OPEN for Transparent or stream I/O. Backwards compatibility with g77s Application Binary Interface (ABI). Default integers of 32 bits or 64 bits available. Invoke SYSTEM() command. Tabbed source allowed. Symbolic names with $ option. Hollerith data. DOUBLE COMPLEX extension. Varying length for named COMMON. Mix numeric and character in COMMON and EQUIVALENCE. INTEGER kinds: 1, 2, 4, 8. LOGICAL kinds: 1, 2, 4, 8. REAL kinds : 4, 8, (16 is experimental). REAL(KIND=10) for x86-compatible systems. 19 digits of precision, value range 104931 . List-formatted oating point output prints the minimal number of digits necessary to uniquely distinguish the number. VAX style debug (D) lines. C style string constants option (e.g. hello\nworld). \ and $ edit descriptors. VAX style system intrinsics (SECNDS etc.) Unix system extensions library (getenv, etime, stat, etc.) Detect non-conformant or non-allocated arrays at run-time - see Table IV at: http://ftp.aset.psu.edu/pub/ger/fortran/test/results.txt Detection of memory leaks - see Table V at: http://ftp.aset.psu.edu/pub/ger/fortran/test/results.txt Traceback of runtime errors. Smart compile feature prevents module compile cascades. F compatibility option. See http://www.fortran.com/F. G95 can be built as an F compiler. Program suspend/resume feature available for x86/Linux. Obsolete real loop index requires compiling with -freal-loops. Quick response by developer on bug reports is typical. Builds with GCC 4.0.3 to 4.1.2 release versions. Available for Linux/x86, PowerPC, 64-bit Opteron, 64-bit Itanium, 64-bit Alpha. Available for Windows/Cygwin, MinGW, & Interix. Available for OSX on Power Mac G4, x86-OSX. Available for FreeBSD on x86, HP-UX 11, Sparc-Solaris, x86-Solaris, OpenBSD, NetBSD, AIX, IRIX, Tru64 UNIX on Alpha. Fink versions are also available. Binaries of stable and current versions for most platforms are available at http://ftp.g95.org. 1

Supports the CONVERT= specier in OPEN statements to specify endian conversion. Legal values are big endian, little endian, native and swap.

Every now and then, I get to meet someone that Ive exchanged email with about g95. The most frequent comment that I get in these situations is what an extraordinary job that I am doing alone. I always laugh and point out that Ive never done it alone. The number of people who have actively helped with g95 is probably close to a thousand or so. The assumption is that the person doing writing the code is doing all the work, when in reality people who distill crashes down to a dozen lines of code are in fact performing an extremely valuable service, one that is frequently overlooked. Writing something as complicated as a modern fortran compiler is not something you do by yourself. I know. Like most things, g95 was born out of frustration. I wrote my PhD thesis code in fortran 77 using g77. Fortran is such a wonderful language for numerical computation it is a quick and dirty language for people who care more about the answer than writing the program. My thesis code had a lot of fairly sophisticated data structures in it linked lists, octrees, sparse matrices, supporting nite element grid generation, solving Poissons equation, multipole expansions, conjugate gradient minimization and lots of computational geometry. Because I was using fortran 77, the code ended up very clunky and could have benetted immensely from dynamic memory allocation and derived types. And my thesis was winding down and I needed a new challenge. Beyond the convenience of more advanced language features, Ive also been greatly inspired by the work of Bill Kahan. The thing I came away with after reading many of Bills papers has been the idea that even though numerical calculations are tricky, ways can be found to do things such that errors are reduced to the point where no one cares about them any longer. The user is often at the mercy of the library author at this point. Although the compiler is the cool part, it is the libraries that have always interested me more. The actions of the compiler are fairly strictly dened by the standard, and it is in the library that innovation and experimentation can roam free. Even when it was in a fairly primitive state, there were already more bells and whistles in the library compared to other vendors. The corele resume feature is something Id wanted for years before actually getting the chance to implement it. Its been a lot of fun writing g95, and I look forward to maintaining it in the decades ahead.

Andy Vaught Mesa, Arizona October 2006

G95 itself is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). For all the legal details, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. The runtime library is mostly GPL and contains an exception to the GPL that gives g95 users the right to link the g95 libraries to codes not covered under the GPL and to distribute linked combinations without causing the resulting programs to be covered by the GPL, or become aected by the GPL in any way.

Installation Notes
Unix (Linux/OSX/Solaris/Irix/etc.): Open a console, and go to the directory in which you want to install g95. To download and install g95, run the following commands: wget -O - http://ftp.g95.org/g95-x86-linux.tgz | tar xvfz ln -s $PWD/g95-install/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-g95 /usr/bin/g95 The following les and directories should be present: ./g95-install/ ./g95-install/bin/ ./g95-install/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-g95 ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/ ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/f951 ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/crtendS.o ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/crtend.o ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/crtbeginT.o ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/crtbeginS.o ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/crtbegin.o ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/cc1 ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/libf95.a ./g95-install/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/libgcc.a ./g95-install/INSTALL ./g95-install/G95Manual.pdf The le cc1 is a symbolic link to f951 in the same directory.

The -mno-cygwin option allows the Cygwin version of g95 to build executables that do not require access to the le cygwin1.dll in order to work, and so can be easily run on other systems. Also the executables are free of restrictions attached to the GNU GPL license. To install a Cygwin version with a working -mno-cygwin option, you will need the mingw libraries installed, available from the Cygwin site at http://www.cygwin.com. Download the binary from http://ftp.g95.org/g95-x86-cygwin.tgz to your root Cygwin directory (usually c:\Cygwin). Start a Cygwin session, and issue these commands: cd / tar -xvzf g95-x86-cygwin.tgz This installs the g95 executable in the /usr/local/bin directory structure. Caution: Do not use Winzip to extract the les from the tarball or the necessary links may not be properly set up.

The g95 binaries for the MS-Windows environment are packaged as self-extracting installers. Two versions are currently available. Windows 98 users should use the g95 package built using gcc 4.0.4, at http://ftp.g95.org/g95-MinGW.exe. Windows NT, XP and 2000 users have the option to use either the same package or one built with gcc 4.1.2, available at http://ftp.g95.org/g95-MinGW-41.exe. The free MinGW/Msys system provides the GNU GCC les needed by g95, which include ld.exe (the linker), and as.exe (the GNU assembler) from the binutils package, available at http://www.mingw.org. 4

The installer script handles two kinds of installation. If no MinGW is found, it installs g95 along with some essential MinGW binutils programs and libraries in a directory selected by the user. Include the install directory in your PATH, and set the environment variable LIBRARY PATH to point to your install directory. If installing the g95-MinGW-41.exe package, use G95 LIBRARY PATH instead. If installing the g95-MinGW-41.exe package, (which wont work on Windows 98 and Windows ME) set the environment variable G95 LIBRARY PATH=path-to-MinGW/lib The g95-MinGW-41.exe package will not conict with gfortran or gcc. If MinGW is already installed on your system, installing g95 in the root MinGW directory, (generally C:\mingw) is recommended to avoid potential conicts. If the installer detects MinGW, it attempts installing in the MinGW le system. Include the MinGW\bin directory in your PATH, and set the environment variable LIBRARY PATH=path-to-MinGW/lib On Windows 98 and Windows ME this generally requires editing the system autoexec.bat le, and a reboot is needed for the changes to take eect. Windows XP Users Note: MinGW currently allows a mere 8 megabytes for the heap. If your application requires access to more memory, try compiling with: -Wl,--heap=0x01000000. Use larger hexadecimal values for --heap until your program runs.

Running G95
G95 determines how an input le should be compiled based on its extension. Allowable le name extensions for Fortran source les are limited to .f, .F, .for, .FOR, .f90, .F90, .f95, .F95, .f03 and .F03. The lename extension determines whether Fortran sources are to be treated as xed form, or free format. Files ending in .f, .F, .for, and .FOR are assumed to be xed form source compatible with old f77 les. Files ending in .f90, .F90, .f95, .F95, .f03 and .F03 are assumed to be free source form. Files ending in uppercase letters are pre-processed with the C preprocessor by default, les ending in lowercase letters are not pre-processed by default. The basic options for compiling Fortran sources with g95 are: -c Compile only, do not run the linker. -v Show the actual programs invoked by g95 and their arguments. Particularly useful for tracking path problems. -o Specify the name of the output le, either an object le or the executable. An .exe extension is automatically added on Windows systems. If no output le is specied, the default output le is named a.out on unix, or a.exe on Windows systems. Simple examples: g95 -c hello.f90 Compiles hello.f90 to an object le named hello.o. g95 hello.f90 Compiles hello.f90 and links it to produce an executable a.out (on unix), or a.exe (on MS Windows systems). g95 -c h1.f90 h2.f90 h3.f90 Compiles multiple source les. If all goes well, object les h1.o, h2.o and h3.o are created. g95 -o hello h1.f90 h2.f90 h3.f90 Compiles multiple source les and links them together to an executable le named hello on unix, or hello.exe on MS Windows systems. 5

Option Synopsis
g95 [ -c | -S | -E ] [-g] [-pg] [-O[n] ] [-s ] [-Wwarn ] [-pedantic] [-Idir ] [-Ldir ] [-D macro[=value]... ] [-U macro ] [-f option ...] [-m machine-option ...] [-o outfile ] infile Compile & assemble | Produce assembly code | List source Debug options Optimization level, n = 0, 1, 2, 3 Strip debug info Warning switches Include directory to search Library directory to search Dene macro Undene macro General compile options Machine specic options. See GCC manual Name of outle

G95 Options
Usage: g95 [options] le... -pass-exit-codes --help --target-help -dumpspecs -dumpversion -dumpmachine -print-search-dirs -print-libgcc-file-name -print-file-name=lib -print-prog-name=prog -print-multi-directory -print-multi-lib -print-multi-os-directory -Wa,options -Wp,options -Wl,options -Xassembler arg -Xpreprocessor arg -Xlinker arg -save-temps -pipe -time -specs=le -std=standard -B directory -b machine -V version -v -M -### -E -S Exit with highest error code from a phase. Display this information. Display target specic command line options. (Use -v --help to display command line options of sub-processes). Display all of the built in spec strings. Display the version of the compiler. Display the compilers target processor. Display the directories in the compilers search path. Display the name of the compilers companion library. Display the full path to library lib. Display the full path to compiler component prog. Display the root directory for versions of libgcc. Display the mapping between command line options and multiple library search directories. Display the relative path to OS libraries. Pass comma-separated options on to the assembler. Pass comma-separated options on to the preprocessor. Pass comma-separated options on to the linker. Pass arg to the assembler. Pass arg to the preprocessor. Pass arg to the linker. Do not delete intermediate les. Use pipes rather than intermediate les. Time the execution of each subprocess. Unavailable on some platforms (MinGW, OSX). Override built-in specs with the contents of le. Assume that the input sources are for standard. Add directory to the compilers search paths. Run gcc for target machine, if installed. Run gcc version number version, if installed. Display the programs invoked by the compiler. Produce a Makele dependency lines on standard output. Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed. Pre-process only; do not compile, assemble or link. Compile only; do not assemble or link. 6

-c -o le -x language

Compile and assemble, but do not link. Place the output into le. Specify the language of the following input les. Permissible languages include: c, c++, assembler, none; none means revert to the default behavior of guessing the language based on the les extension.

Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically passed on to the various subprocesses invoked by g95. In order to pass other options on to these processes the -Wletter options must be used. For bug reporting instructions, please see: http://www.g95.org. By default, programs compiled with g95 have no optimization. The n in -On species the level optimization, from 0 to 3. Zero means no optimization, and higher numbers imply more aggressive optimization. Specifying optimization gives the compiler the license to change the code in order to make it faster. The results of calculations are often aected in subtle ways. Using -O is the same as -O1. Signicant speedups can be obtained specifying at least -O2 -march=arch where arch is your processor architecture, ie pentium4, athlon, opteron, etc. Further Fortran typical options are -funroll-loops, -fomit-frame-pointer, -malign-double and -msse2. For information on all the GCC options available when compiling with g95, see: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.1/gcc.

Preprocessor Options
G95 can handle les -cpp -no-cpp -D name[=value] -U name -E -I directory that contain C preprocessor constructs. Force the input les to be run through the C preprocessor Prevent the input les from being pre-processed Dene a preprocessor macro Undene a preprocessor macro Show pre-processed source only Append directory to the include and module les search path. Files are searched for in various directories in this order: Directory of the main source le, the current directory, directories specied by -I, directories specied in the G95 INCLUDE PATH environment variable and nally the system directories.

Fortran Options
-Wall -Werror -Werror=numbers -Wextra Enable most warning messages. Change warnings into errors. Change the comma-separated list of warnings into errors. Enable warnings not enabled by -Wall. These are -Wobsolescent, -Wunused-module-vars, -Wunused-module-procs, -Wunused-internal-procs, -Wunused-parameter, -Wunused-types, -Wmissing-intent and -Wimplicit-interface. Cross-check procedure use and denition within the same source le. On by default, use -Wno-globals to disable. Same as -fimplicit-none. Warn about using an implicit interface. Warn about truncated source lines. Warn about missing intents on format arguments. Warn about obsolescent constructs. Disable a comma separated list of warnings indicated by numbers. Warn about variables used before initialized. Requires -O2. Warn if an internal procedure is never used. Warn about unused variables. Warn about unused module types. Not implied by -Wall. Warn about unset variables. Warn about unused module variables. Useful for building ONLY clauses. Warn about unused module procedures. Useful for building ONLY clauses. 7

-Wglobals -Wimplicit-none -Wimplicit-interface -Wline-truncation -Wmissing-intent -Wobsolescent -Wno=numbers -Wuninitialized -Wunused-internal-procs -Wunused-vars -Wunused-types -Wunset-vars -Wunused-module-vars -Wunused-module-procs

-Wunused-parameter -Wprecision-loss -fbackslash -fc-binding -fd-comment -fdollar-ok -fendian=value -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -ffixed-line-length-80 -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-huge -fimplicit-none -fintrinsic-extensions -fintrinsic-extensions= -fmod=directory -fmodule-private -fmultiple-save -fone-error -ftr15581 -std=F -std=f2003 -std=f95 -i4 -i8 -r4 -r8 -r16 -d8

Warn about unused parameters. Not implied by -Wall. Warn about precision loss in implicit type conversions. Interpret backslashes in character constants as escape codes. This option is on by default. Use the -fno-backslash to treat backslashes literally. Print C prototypes of procedures to standard output. Make D lines executable statements in xed form. Allow dollar signs in entity names. Force the endian-ness of unformatted reads and writes. The value must be big or little. Overrides runtime environment variables. Assume that the source le is xed form. 132 character line width in xed mode. 80 character line width in xed mode. Assume that the source le is free form. Allow very large source lines (10k). Specify that no implicit typing is allowed, unless overridden by explicit IMPLICIT statements. Enable g95-specic intrinsic functions even in a -std= mode. Include selected intrinsic functions even in a -std= mode. The list is comma-separated and case insensitive. Put module les in directory. Set default accessibility of module-entities to PRIVATE. Allow the SAVE attribute to be specied multiple times. Force compilation to stop after the rst error. Enable the TR15581 allocatable array extensions even in -std=F or -std=f95 modes. Warn about non-F features. See http://www.fortran.com/F. Strict Fortran 2003 checking. Strict Fortran 95 checking. Set kinds of integers without specication to kind=4 (32 bits). Set kinds of integers without specication to kind=8 (64 bits). Set kinds of reals without specication to kind=4. Set kinds of reals without kind specications to double precision. Set kinds of reals without specication to kind=16. Implies -i8 and -r8.

Code Generation Options

-fbounds-check -fcase-upper -fleading-underscore -fonetrip -fpack-derived -freal-loops -fqkind=n -fsecond-underscore -fshort-circuit -fsloppy-char -fstatic Check array and substring bounds at runtime. Make all public symbols uppercase. Add a leading underscore to public names. Execute DO-loops at least once. (Buggy FORTRAN 66). Try to layout derived types as compactly as possible. Requires less memory, but may be slower. Allow real variables in DO-loops. Set the kind for a real with the q exponent to n. Append a second trailing underscore in names having an underscore (default). Use -fno-second-underscore to suppress. Cause the .AND. and .OR. operators to not compute the second operand if the value of the expression is known from the rst operand. Suppress errors when writing non-character data to character descriptors, and allow comparisons between INTEGER and CHARACTER variables. Put local variables in static memory where possible. This is not the same as linking things statically (-static). 8


-funderscoring -max-frame-size=n -finteger=n -flogical=value -freal=value -fpointer=value -fround=value


-ftrace=frame will insert code to allow stack tracebacks on abnormal end of program. This will slow down your program. -ftrace=full additionally allows nding the line number of arithmetic exceptions (slower). Default is -ftrace=none. Append a trailing underscore in global names. This option is on by default, use -fno-underscoring to suppress. How large in bytes that a single stack frame will get before arrays are allocated dynamically. Initialize uninitialized scalar integer variables to n. Initialize uninitialized scalar logical variables. Legal values are none, true and false. Initialize uninitialized scalar real and complex variables. Legal values are none, zero, nan, inf, +inf and -inf. Initialize scalar pointers. Legal values are none, null and invalid. Controls compile-time rounding. value can be nearest, plus, minus and zero. Default is round to nearest, plus is round to plus innity, minus is minus innity, zero is towards zero. Initialize numeric types to zero, logical values to false and pointers to null. The other initialization options override this one.

Directory Options
-I directory -Ldirectory -fmod=directory Append directory to the include and module les search path. Append directory to the library search path. Put module les in directory

Environment Variables
The g95 runtime environment provides many options for tweaking the behavior of your program once it runs. These are controllable through environment variables. Running a g95-compiled program with the --g95 option will dump all of these options to standard output. The values of the various variables are always strings, but the strings are interpreted as integers or boolean truth values. Only the rst character of a boolean is examined and must be t, f, y, n, 1 or 0 (uppercase OK too). If a value is bad, no error is issued and the default is used. For GCC environment variables used by g95, such as LIBRARY PATH, see the GCC documentation. G95 STDIN UNIT G95 STDOUT UNIT G95 STDERR UNIT G95 USE STDERR G95 ENDIAN G95 CR G95 INPUT CR G95 IGNORE ENDFILE Integer Integer Integer Boolean String Boolean Boolean Boolean Unit number that will be pre-connected to standard input. No preconnection if negative, default is 5. Unit number that will be pre-connected to standard output. No pre-connection if negative, default is 6. Unit number that will be pre-connected to standard error. No preconnection if negative, default is 0. Sends library output to standard error instead of standard output. Default is Yes. Endian format to use for I/O of unformatted data. Values are BIG, LITTLE or NATIVE. Default is NATIVE. Output carriage returns for formatted sequential records. Default TRUE on non-Cygwin/Windows, FALSE elsewhere. Treat a carriage return-linefeed as a record marker instead of just a linefeed. Default TRUE. Ignore attempts to read past the ENDFILE record in sequential access mode. Default FALSE. 9


String Boolean


Boolean Boolean Boolean Integer String Integer Boolean Boolean Boolean Integer Boolean Boolean


Boolean String




Boolean Integer Integer


Integer String String String

Directory for scratch les. Overrides the TMP environment variable. If TMP is not set /var/tmp is used. No default. If TRUE, all output is unbuered. This will slow down large writes but can be useful for forcing data to be displayed immediately. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, print lename and line number where runtime errors happen. Default is TRUE. If TRUE, stop codes are propagated to system exit codes. Default TRUE. Print optional plus signs in numbers where permitted. Default FALSE. Default maximum record length for sequential les. Most useful for adjusting line length of pre-connected units. Default is 50000000. Separator to use when writing list output. May contain any number of spaces and at most one comma. Default is a single space. Last power of ten which does not use exponential format for list output. Default 6. Use a comma character as the default decimal point for I/O. Default FALSE. For formatted output, print otherwise unprintable characters with \-sequences. Default FALSE. Suppress bell characters (\a) in formatted output. Default FALSE. Number of ticks per second reported by the SYSTEM CLOCK() intrinsic. Zero disables the clock. Default 100000. If TRUE, seeds the random number generator with a new seed when the program is run. Default FALSE. If TRUE, prints zero values without a minus sign in formatted (non-list) output, even if the internal value is negative or minus zero. This is the traditional but nonstandard way of printing zeros. Default FALSE. If TRUE, dumps core on abnormal program end. Useful for nding the locus of the problem. Default FALSE. How to initialize allocated memory. Default value is NONE for no initialization (faster), NAN for a Not-a-Number with the mantissa 0x00f95 or a custom hexadecimal value. Maximum number of still-allocated memory segments to display when program ends. 0 means show none, less than 0 means show all. Default 25. If TRUE, shows the maximum number of bytes allocated in user memory during the program run. Default FALSE. Maximum request size for handing requests in from fastbins. Fastbins are quicker but fragment more easily. Default 64 bytes. Amount of top-most memory to keep around until it is returned to the operating system. -1 prevents returning memory to the system. Useful in long-lived programs. Default 262144. Extra space to allocate when getting memory from the OS. Can speed up future requests. Default 0. Whether the program will IGNORE, ABORT, DUMP or DUMP-QUIT on SIGHUP. Default ABORT. Unix only. Whether the program will IGNORE, ABORT, DUMP or DUMP-QUIT on SIGINT. Default ABORT. Unix only. Whether the program will IGNORE, ABORT, DUMP or DUMP-QUIT on SIGQUIT. Default ABORT. Unix only. 10


Integer Boolean Boolean String String Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean String Boolean


On x86 Linux, the number of seconds between checkpoint corele dumps, with zero meaning no dumps. If TRUE, print a message to stderr when process is checkpointed. Default TRUE. Round small numbers to zero instead of going into denormalized numbers for the MMX oating point unit. Set oating point rounding mode. Values can be NEAREST, UP, DOWN, ZERO. Default is NEAREST. Precision of intermediate results. Value can be 24, 53 and 64. Default 64. Only available on x86 and compatibles. Raise a oating point exception when denormal numbers are encountered. Default FALSE. Raise a oating point exception on an invalid operation. Default FALSE. Raise a oating point exception when dividing by zero. Default FALSE. Raise a oating point exception on overow. Default FALSE. Raise a oating point exception on underow. Default FALSE. Raise a oating point exception on precision loss. Default FALSE. Whether masked oating point exceptions should be shown after the program ends. Default FALSE. Overrides the default unit name for unit x. Default is fort.x If TRUE, unit x is unbuered. Default FALSE.

Runtime Error Codes

Running a g95-compiled program with the --g95 option will dump this list of error codes to standard output. -2 End of record -1 End of le 0 Successful return Operating system errno codes (1 - 199) 200 Conicting statement options 201 Bad statement option 202 Missing statement option 203 File already opened in another unit 204 Unattached unit 205 FORMAT error 206 Incorrect ACTION specied 207 Read past ENDFILE record 208 Bad value during read 209 Numeric overow on read 210 Out of memory 211 Array already allocated 212 Deallocated a bad pointer 213 Bad record number in direct-access le 214 Corrupt record in unformatted sequential-access le 215 Reading more data than the record size (RECL) 216 Writing more data than the record size (RECL) 217 Unknown error code 11

Fortran 2003 Features

G95 implements several features of Fortran 2003. For a discussion of all the new features of Fortran 2003, see: http://www.fortranplus.co.uk/resources/john reid new 2003.pdf. The following intrinsic procedures are available: COMMAND ARGUMENT COUNT(), GET COMMAND ARGUMENT(), GET COMMAND() and GET ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE() Real and double precision DO loop index variables are not implemented in g95. Square brackets [ and ] may be used as an alternative to (/ and /) for array constructors. TR 15581 - allocatable derived types. Allows the use of the ALLOCATABLE attribute on dummy arguments, function results, and structure components. Stream I/O - F2003 stream access allows a Fortran program to read and write binary les without worrying about record structures. Clive Page has written some documentation on this feature, available at: http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~cgp/streamIO.html. IMPORT statement. Used in an interface body to enable access to entities of the host scoping unit. European convention for real numbers a DECIMAL=COMMA tag in OPEN, READ and WRITE statements allows replacement of the decimal point in real numbers with a comma. MIN() and MAX() work with character as well as numeric types. A type declaration attribute of VALUE for the dummy argument of a subprogram causes the actual argument to be passed by value. F2003 style structure constructors are supported. F2003 style procedure pointers are supported. F2003s move alloc() intrinsic is supported. F2003 IEEE support is about half implemented. F2003s BIND(C) construct, ISO C BINDING module providing easier C interoperability.

Interfacing with G95 Programs

While g95 produces stand-alone executables, it is occasionally desirable to interface with other programs, usually C. The rst diculty that a multi-language program will face is the names of the public symbols. G95 follows the f2c convention of adding an underscore to public names, or two underscores if the name contains an underscore. The -fno-second-underscore and -fno-underscoring options can be useful to force g95 to produce names compatible with your C compiler. Use the nm program to look at the .o les being produced by both compilers. G95 folds public names to lowercase as well, unless -fcase-upper is given, in which case everything will be upper case. Module names are represented as module-name MP entity-name. After linking, there are two main cases: Fortran calling C subroutines and C calling fortran subroutines. For C calling Fortran subroutines, the Fortran subroutines will often call Fortran library subroutines that expect the heap to be initialized in some way. To force a manual initialization from C, call g95 runtime start() to initialize the fortran library and g95 runtime stop() when done. The prototype of g95 runtime start() is: void g95 runtime start(int argc, char *argv[]); The library has to be able to process command-line options. If this is awkward to do and your program doesnt have a need for command-line arguments, pass argc=0 and argv=NULL. On OSX, include -lSystemStubs when using g95 to run the linker and linking objects les compiled by GCC. F2003 provides a number of features that allow easier interfacing with C. The BIND(C) attribute allows fortran symbols to be created that are more easily referenced from C (or other languages). For example: SUBROUTINE foo(a) BIND(C) This form creates a symbol named foo without any underscore name-mangling. All characters are forced to lowercase. A similar form is: SUBROUTINE foo(a) BIND(C, name=Foo1) This causes the name of the symbol to be Foo1. Within fortran, the subroutine is still referenced by the usual foo, FOO or any other case combination. C programs pass arguments by value, where fortran passes them by reference. F2003 provides the VALUE attribute to specify dummy arguments that are passed by value. An example would be: 12

SUBROUTINE foo(a) INTEGER, VALUE :: a ... A subroutine dened like this is still callable from fortran as well with the restriction that dummy arguments are no longer associated with actual arguments, and changing a dummy argument will no longer change an actual argument. Global variables can similarly be accessed. The following subroutine prints out the value of the VAR variable, which would otherwise be inaccessible to fortran: SUBROUTINE print it INTEGER, BIND(C, name=VAR) :: v PRINT *, v END SUBROUTINE Where fortran considers types to have dierent kinds, C denes everything as distinct types. In order to specify the same object, F2003 provides an intrinsic module ISO C BINDING which contains mappings from fortran kinds to C types. When USEd, the following PARAMETERs are dened: c c c c c c c c c int short long long long signed char size t intptr t float double Integer kind for Cs int Integer kind for Cs short Integer kind for Cs long Integer kind for Cs long long Integer kind for Cs char Integer kind for Cs size t Integer kind of the same size as C pointers Real kind for Cs float Real kind for Cs double

There are many other things in ISO C BINDING as well. Using this module, one can write a program: SUBROUTINE foo USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO C BINDING INTEGER(KIND=C INT) :: int var INTEGER(KIND=C LONG LONG) :: big integer REAL(KIND=C FLOAT) :: float var ...

Using the Random Number Generator

REAL INTENT(OUT):: harvest CALL random number(harvest) Returns a REAL scalar or an array of REAL random numbers in harvest, 0 harvest < 1. Seeding the random number generator: INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: sz INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: pt(n1) INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: gt(n2) CALL random seed(sz,pt,gt) sz is the minimum number of default integers required to hold the value of the seed; g95 returns four. Argument pt is an array of default integers with size n1 sz, containing user provided seed values. Argument gt is an array of default integers with size n2 sz, containing the current seed. Calling RANDOM SEED() without arguments initializes the seed to a value determined by the current time. This can be used to generate random sequences that are dierent for each invocation of the program. The seed is also initialized to a time-based value on program start if the G95 SEED RNG environment variable is set to TRUE. If neither of these conditions are true, RANDOM NUMBER() will always generate the same sequence. The underlying generator is the xor-shift generator developed by George Marsaglia. 13

Predened Preprocessor Macros

The macros that are always dened are: G95 0 G95 MINOR 91 FORTRAN 95 GNUC 4 The conditional macros are: unix windows hpux linux solaris irix aix netbsd freebsd openbsd cygwin

Corele Resume Feature

On x86 Linux systems, the execution of a g95-compiled program can be suspended and resumed. If you interrupt a program by sending it the QUIT signal, which is usually bound to control-backslash, the program will write an executable le named dump to the current directory. Running this le causes the execution of your program to resume from when the dump was written. The following session illustrates this: andy@fulcrum:~/g95/g95 % cat tst.f90 b = 0.0 do i=1, 10 do j=1, 3000000 call random number(a) a = 2.0*a - 1.0 b = b + sin(sin(sin(a))) enddo print *, i, b enddo end andy@fulcrum:~/g95/g95 % g95 tst.f90 andy@fulcrum:~/g95/g95 % a.out 1 70.01749 2 830.63153 3 987.717 4 316.48703 5 -426.53815 6 25.407673 (control-\ hit) Process dumped 7 -694.2718 8 -425.95465 9 -413.81763 10 -882.66223 andy@fulcrum:~/g95/g95 % ./dump Restarting ............Jumping 7 -694.2718 8 -425.95465 9 -413.81763 10 -882.66223 andy@fulcrum:~/g95/g95 % Any open les must be present and in the same places as in the original process. If you link against other languages, this may not work. While the main use is allowing you to preserve the state of a run across a reboot, other possibilities include pushing a long job through a short queue or moving a running process to another machine. Automatic checkpointing of your program can be done by setting the environment variable G95 CHECKPOINT with the number of seconds to wait between dumps. A value of zero means no dumps. New checkpoint les overwrite old checkpoint les. 14

Smart Compiling
Consider a module foo whose source code resides in a le foo.f95. We can distinguish between two types of changes to foo.f95: 1. Changes that alter the usage of foo, e.g., by changing the interface to a procedure; 2. Changes that do not alter the usage of foo, but only its implementation, e.g., by xing a bug in the body of a procedure. Both kinds of changes will generally aect the contents of the object le foo.o, but only the rst type of change can alter the contents of foo.mod. When it recompiles a module, g95 is smart enough to detect whether the .mod le needs updating: after changes of type 2, the old .mod le is retained. This feature of g95 prevents unnecessary compilation cascades when building a large program. Indeed, suppose that many dierent source les depend on foo.mod, either directly (because of a USE FOO statement) or indirectly (by using a module that uses foo, or by using a module that uses a module that uses foo, etc). A change of type 1 to foo.f95 will trigger a recompile of all dependant source les; fortunately, such changes are likely to be infrequent. The more common changes of type 2 cause a recompile only of foo.f95 itself, after which the new object le foo.o can be immediately linked with the other existing object les to create the updated executable program.

G95 Intrinsic Function Extensions

ACCESS INTEGER FUNCTION access(filename, mode) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: filename CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: mode END FUNCTION access Checks whether the le lename can be accessed with the specied mode, where mode is one or more of the letters rwxRWX. Returns zero if the permissions are OK, nonzero if something is wrong. ALGAMA REAL FUNCTION algama(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION algama Returns the natural logarithm of (x). ALGAMA is a generic function that takes any real kind. BESJ0 REAL FUNCTION besj0(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION besj0 Returns the zeroth order Bessel function of the rst kind. This function is generic. BESJ1 REAL FUNCTION besj1(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION besj1 Returns the rst order Bessel function of the rst kind. This function is generic. BESJN REAL FUNCTION besjn(n,x) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION besjn Returns the nth order Bessel function of the rst kind. This function is generic. 15

BESY0 REAL FUNCTION besy0(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION besy0 Returns the zeroth order Bessel function of the second kind. This function is generic. BESY1 REAL FUNCTION besy1(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION besy1 Returns the rst order Bessel function of the second kind. This function is generic. BESYN REAL FUNCTION besyn(n,x) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION besyn Returns the nth order Bessel function of the second kind. This function is generic. CHMOD INTEGER FUNCTION chmod(file,mode) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mode END FUNCTION chmod Change unix permissions for a le. Returns nonzero if an error occurs. DBESJ0 DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dbesj0(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION dbesj0 Returns the zeroth order Bessel function of the rst kind. DBESJ1 DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dbesj1(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION dbesj1 Returns the rst order Bessel function of the rst kind. DBESJN DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dbesjn(n,x) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION dbesjn Returns the nth order Bessel function of the rst kind. DBESY0 DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dbesy0(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION debsy0 Returns the zeroth order Bessel function of the second kind. DBESY1 DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dbesy1(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION dbesy1 Returns the rst order Bessel function of the second kind. 16

DBESYN DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dbesyn(n,x) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION dbesyn Returns the nth order Bessel function of the second kind. DCMPLX DOUBLE COMPLEX FUNCTION dcmplx(x,y) END FUNCTION dcmplx Double precision CMPLX, x and y may be any numeric type or kind. DERF DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION derf(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION derf Returns the double precision error function of x. DERFC DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION derfc(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION derfc Returns the double precision complementary error function of x. DFLOAT DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dfloat(x) END FUNCTION dfloat Convert a numeric x to double precision. Alias for the DBLE intrinsic. DGAMMA DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dgamma(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION dgamma Returns an approximation for (x). DLGAMA DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dlgama(x) DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION dlgama Returns the natural logarithm of (x). DREAL DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION dreal(x) END FUNCTION dreal Convert a numeric x to double precision. Alias for the DBLE intrinsic. DTIME REAL FUNCTION dtime(tarray) REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: tarray(2) END FUNCTION dtime Sets tarray(1) to the number of elapsed seconds of user time in the current process since DTIME was last invoked. Sets tarray(2) to the number of elapsed seconds of system time in the current process since DTIME was last invoked. Returns the sum of the two times. ERF REAL FUNCTION erf(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION erf Returns the error function of x. This function is generic. 17

ERFC REAL FUNCTION erfc(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION erfc Returns the complementary error function of x. This function is generic. ETIME REAL FUNCTION etime(tarray) REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: tarray(2) END FUNCTION etime Sets tarray(1) to the number of elapsed seconds of user time in the current process. Sets tarray(2) to the number of elapsed seconds of system time in the current process. Returns the sum of the two times. FNUM INTEGER FUNCTION fnum(unit) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit END FUNCTION fnum Returns the le descriptor number corresponding to unit. Returns 1 if the unit is not connected. FSTAT INTEGER FUNCTION fstat(unit, sarray) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sarray(13) END FUNCTION fstat Obtains data about the le open on Fortran I/O unit and places them in the array sarray(). The values in this array are extracted from the stat structure as returned by fstat(2) q.v., as follows: sarray(1) Device number, sarray(2) Inode number, sarray(3) le mode, sarray(4) number of links, sarray(5) Owner uid, sarray(6) Owner gid, sarray(7) device type, sarray(8) le size, sarray(9) Access time, sarray(10) Modication time, sarray(11) Change time, sarray(12) Block size, sarray(13) Allocated blocks. FDATE CHARACTER(LEN=*) FUNCTION fdate() END FUNCTION fdate Returns the current date and time as: Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy. FTELL INTEGER FUNCTION ftell(unit) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit END FUNCTION ftell Returns the current oset of Fortran le unit or 1 if unit is not open. GAMMA REAL FUNCTION gamma(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION gamma Returns an approximation for (x). GAMMA is a generic function that takes any real kind. 18

GETCWD INTEGER FUNCTION getcwd(name) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: name END FUNCTION Returns the current working directory in name. Returns nonzero if there is an error. GETGID INTEGER FUNCTION getgid() END FUNCTION getgid Returns the group id for the current process. GETPID INTEGER FUNCTION getpid() END FUNCTION getpid Returns the process id for the current process. GETUID INTEGER FUNCTION getuid() END FUNCTION getuid Returns the users id. HOSTNM INTEGER FUNCTION hostnm(name) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: name END FUNCTION hostnm Sets name with the systems host name. Returns nonzero on error. IARGC INTEGER FUNCTION iargc() END FUNCTION iargc Returns the number of command-line arguments (not including the program name itself). IERRNO INTEGER FUNCTION ierrno() END FUNCTION ierrno Returns the last system error number (corresponding to the C errno). ISATTY LOGICAL FUNCTION isatty(unit) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit END FUNCTION isatty Returns .true. if and only if the Fortran I/O unit specied by unit is connected to a terminal device. ISNAN LOGICAL FUNCTION isnan(x) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION isnan Returns .true. if x is a Not-a-Number (NaN). This function is generic. LINK INTEGER FUNCTION link(path1, path2) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: path1, path2 END FUNCTION link Makes a (hard) link from path1 to path2. 19

LNBLNK INTEGER FUNCTION lnblnk(string) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: string END FUNCTION lnblnk Alias for the standard len trim function. Returns the index of the last non-blank character in string. LSTAT INTEGER FUNCTION LSTAT(file, sarray) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sarray(13) END FUNCTION LSTAT If file is a symbolic link it returns data on the link itself. See the FSTAT() function for further details. Returns nonzero on error. RAND REAL FUNCTION rand(x) INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: x END FUNCTION rand Returns a uniform pseudo-random number such that 0 rand < 1. If x is 0, the next number in sequence is returned. If x is 1, the generator is restarted by calling srand(0). If x has any other value, it is used as a new seed with srand. SECNDS INTEGER FUNCTION secnds(t) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: t END FUNCTION secnds Returns the local time in seconds since midnight minus the value t. This function is generic. SIGNAL FUNCTION signal(signal, handler) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: signal PROCEDURE, INTENT(IN) :: handler END FUNCTION signal Interface to the unix signal call. Return nonzero on error. SIZEOF INTEGER FUNCTION sizeof(object) END FUNCTION sizeof The argument object is the name of an expression or type. Returns the size of object in bytes. STAT INTEGER FUNCTION stat(file, sarray) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sarray(13), status END FUNCTION stat Obtains data about the given file and places it in the array sarray. See the fstat() function for details. Returns nonzero on error. SYSTEM INTEGER FUNCTION system(cmd) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cmd END FUNCTION system Invoke an external command in the cmd string. Returns the system exit code. TIME INTEGER FUNCTION time() END FUNCTION time Returns the current time encoded as an integer in the manner of the UNIX function time. 20

UNLINK INTEGER FUNCTION unlink(file) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file END FUNCTION unlink Unlink (delete) the le file. Returns nonzero on error. %VAL() When applied to a variable in a formal argument list, causes the variable to be passed by value. This pseudo-function is not recommended, and is only implemented for compatibility. The F2003 VALUE attribute is the standard mechanism for accomplishing this. %REF() When applied to a variable in a formal argument list, causes the variable to be passed by reference.

G95 Intrinsic Subroutine Extensions

ABORT SUBROUTINE abort() END SUBROUTINE abort Causes the program to quit with a core dump by sending a SIGABORT to itself (unix). CHDIR SUBROUTINE chdir(dir) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: dir END SUBROUTINE Sets the current working directory to dir. DTIME SUBROUTINE dtime(tarray, result) REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: tarray(2), result END SUBROUTINE dtime Sets tarray(1) to the number of elapsed seconds of user time in the current process since DTIME was last invoked. Sets tarray(2) to the number of elapsed seconds of system time in the current process since DTIME was last invoked. Sets result to the sum of the two times. ETIME SUBROUTINE etime(tarray, result) REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: tarray(2), result END SUBROUTINE etime Sets tarray(1) to the number of elapsed seconds of user time in the current process. Sets tarray(2) to the number of elapsed seconds of system time in the current process. Sets result to the sum of the two times. EXIT SUBROUTINE exit(code) INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: code END SUBROUTINE exit Exit a program with status code after closing open Fortran I/O units. This subroutine is generic. FDATE SUBROUTINE fdate(date) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: date END SUBROUTINE fdate Sets date to the current date and time as: Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy. 21

FLUSH SUBROUTINE flush(unit) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit END SUBROUTINE flush Flushes the Fortran le unit currently open for output. FSTAT SUBROUTINE FSTAT(unit, sarray, status) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: unit INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sarray(13), status END SUBROUTINE fstat Obtains data about the le open on Fortran I/O unit and places them in the array sarray(). Sets status to nonzero on error. See the fstat function for information on how sarray is set. GERROR SUBROUTINE gerror(message) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: message END SUBROUTINE gerror Returns the system error message corresponding to the last system error (C errno). GETARG SUBROUTINE getarg(pos, value) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: pos CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: value END SUBROUTINE Sets value to the posth command-line argument. GETENV SUBROUTINE getenv(variable, value) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: variable CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: value END SUBROUTINE getenv Retrieves the environment variable variable, and sets value to its value. GETLOG SUBROUTINE getlog(name) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(OUT) :: name END SUBROUTINE getlog Returns the login name for the process in name. IDATE SUBROUTINE idate(m, d, y) INTEGER :: m, d, y END SUBROUTINE idate Sets m to the current month, d to the current day of the month and y to the current year. This subroutine is not very portable across implementations. Use the standard DATE AND TIME subroutine for new code. ITIME SUBROUTINE itime(tarray) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: tarray(3) END SUBROUTINE itime Returns the current local time hour, minutes, and seconds in elements 1, 2, and 3 of tarray, respectively. 22

LSTAT SUBROUTINE lstat(file,sarray,status) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sarray(13), status END SUBROUTINE lstat If file is a symbolic link it returns data on the link itself. See fstat() for further details. LTIME SUBROUTINE ltime(stime,tarray) INTEGER :: stime INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: tarray(9) END SUBROUTINE ltime Converts system time, stime, to local time, given in tarray, an integer array with 9 elements. The elements of tarray are: tarray(1) Seconds tarray(2) Minutes tarray(3) Hours past midnight tarray(4) Day of month tarray(5) Number of months since January tarray(6) Years since 1900 tarray(7) Number of days since Sunday tarray(8) Days since January 1 tarray(9) Daylight savings indicator: positive if daylight savings is in eect, zero if not, and negative if the information is not available. RENAME SUBROUTINE rename(path1, path2, status) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: path1, path2 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: status END SUBROUTINE rename Renames the le path1 to path2. If the status argument is supplied, it is set to nonzero on error. SECOND SUBROUTINE second(time) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: time END SUBROUTINE second Returns the processs runtime time in seconds. SIGNAL SUBROUTINE signal(signal, handler, status) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: signal PROCEDURE, INTENT(IN) :: handler INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: status END SUBROUTINE signal Interface to the unix signal system call. Sets status to nonzero on error. SLEEP SUBROUTINE sleep(seconds) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: seconds END SUBROUTINE sleep Causes the process to pause for seconds seconds. SRAND SUBROUTINE srand(seed) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: seed END SUBROUTINE srand Re-initializes the random number generator. See the srand() function for details. 23

STAT SUBROUTINE stat(file, sarray, status) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: sarray(13), status END SUBROUTINE Obtains data about the given le and places it in the array sarray. See fstat() for details. Sets status to nonzero on error. SYSTEM SUBROUTINE system(cmd, result) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: cmd INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: result END SUBROUTINE system Passes the command cmd to a shell. If result is supplied, it is set to the system exit code of cmd. UNLINK SUBROUTINE unlink(file, status) CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: status END SUBROUTINE unlink Unlink (delete) the le file. On error, status is set to nonzero.


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