Case 2:12-cv-02497-KJM-EFB Document 2 Filed 10/04/12 Page 1 of 3
Case 2:12-cv-02497-KJM-EFB Document 2 Filed 10/04/12 Page 1 of 3
Case 2:12-cv-02497-KJM-EFB Document 2 Filed 10/04/12 Page 1 of 3
Mary E. McAlister California Bar Number 148570 Liberty Counsel P.O. Box 11108 Lynchburg, VA 24506 (434) 592-7000 (telephone) (434) 592-7700 (facsimile) Email Attorney for Plaintiffs
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO DIVISION DAVID PICKUP, CHRISTOPHER H. ROSIK, PH.D., JOSEPH NICOLOSI, PH.D, ROBERT VAZZO, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND THERAPY OF HOMOSEXUALITY (NARTH), AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELORS (AACC) JOHN DOE 1, by and through JACK AND JANE DOE 1, JACK DOE 1, individually, and JANE DOE 1, individually, JOHN DOE 2, by and through JACK AND JANE DOE 2, JACK DOE 2, individually, JANE DOE 2, individually; Case No.:____________ Plaintiffs v. EDMUND G. BROWN, Jr. Governor of the State of California, in his official capacity; ANNA M. CABALLERO, Secretary of the State and Consumer Services Agency of the State of California, in her official capacity, KIM MADSEN, Executive Officer of the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, in her official capacity; MICHAEL ERICKSON, PH.D, President of the California Board of Psychology, in his official capacity; SHARON LEVINE, President of the Medical Board of California, in her official capacity. Defendants. PLAINTIFFS MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION
/s/ ____________________________ Mary E, McAlister California Bar No. 148570 Mathew D. Staver* Stephen M. Crampton* LIBERTY COUNSEL Attorneys for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 11108 Lynchburg, VA 24502 Tel. 434-592-7000 Fax: 434-592-7700 * Application to appear Pro Hac Vice pending