Pediatrics Case Sheets

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Informant : Name : Age Sex : Address


In chronological order

Patient was relatively well - .__ days back and then developed so and so complaint explain that in detail and conclude presenting illness with negative history.


(a) Any H/o similar complaints in the past. (b) Any H/O childhood infection, joint pains or sore throat. (c) Any H/o TB, Allergies, Asthma, exanthematous fevers like measles etc. and any cardiac illness: or neonatal jaundice or meningitis or seizures


Any H/o consanguinity among parents, Any H/o similar complaints in the family.
PERINATAL HISTORY S. No. Prenatal 1 2 Booked case/not No. of antenatal checkups Natal Term / Not Hospital / Home Any complicadelivery tions Like jaundice Post Natal

DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY Gross Motor Age 3 months 5 months 8 months 9 months Milestone Neck holding Sitting with support Sitting without support Standing with support

3 4

TT immunization Type of delivery Asphyxia by mother Fe and Folic sup- Any instrumenplementation tation (forceps Vacuum Any maternal Birth weight = illness during pregnancy HTN IUGR DM CHD (TGA) Cried immediately after birth or not Intake of any drugs other than Vitamin/Calcium suppliments seizures etc.

10 months Walking with support 11 months Crawling (Creeping) 12 months Standing without support 13 months Walking upstairs 18 months Walking without support 24 months Running 36 months Riding tricycle

DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY Fine Motor Age 4 months 5 months 7 months 9 months Milestone Grasps a rattle or rings when placed in the hand Bidextrous grasp Palmar grasp Pincer grasp

LANGUAGE 1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 36 months Turns head to sound Cooing Monosyllables BisyRables Telling a story

SOCIAL 2 months 3 months 6 months Social smile Recognizing mother Smiles at mirror image Calories (Kcal) 345 350 350 25 - 50 50 - 100 550 60 120 150 - 200 180 70 900 400

Breast Feeding Started at _______ months Exclusively breast fed for ________ months Supplimentary feeding started at _____age Started weaning at _____age What is the regualt diet of the child Calculate the calorie & protein values. Dietary in-take during the last 24 hours and see if there is any deficit. 1 Chapati 85 Cal | 1 Biscuit 32 Cat | 1 Bread 62 Cal Ex : Consider l cup = 200 ml 200 gm 1 glass = 250 ml 250 gm I tsp = 5 ml __ 5 gm 1 Katori = 100 ml = 100 gm If dietary in take of a child is : Morning : (1 cup milk + 1 tsp sugar) + (1/2 chapati) + (4 Biscuits) = 325 (135 + 20) 1/2 (84) 4 (32) Lunch : (1 Katori rice) + (1/2 katori green leafy veg + 1 gm Oil) = 369 (340) (20 + 9) Evening : (1 Cup milk + 1 tsp sugar) + (1 Chapati) = 240 (135 + 20) (85) Night : (2 Chapatis) + (1 Katori tuberous veg + 2.5 gm oil) = 252 2 (85) (60 + 22) Daily caloric in take = 1186 If Required Calories for this child = 1500 Deficit = 314 Advice the mother to supplement nutritional food to overcome the deficit SOCIO ECONOMIC HISTORY No. of family members : Occupation/education & Income of parents No. of earning members in the family. Own/Rented house. Type of house Type of water supply, sewage disposal No. of members in a single room. (To rule out overcrowding). Per Capita Income = Total Income / No. of family members IMMUNIZATION HISTORY Child is immunized or not, according to the schedule. Mention about the BCG scar on left arm.

Food stuff Rice Wheat Pulses / Legumes Leafy Vegetables Roots and Tubers Ground nuts Apple Banana Meat Egg Cow Milk Ghee and Oil Sugar

Protein (g) 6.5 11.0 22 - 25 2.0 - 2.5 1.0 - 2.0 25.0 0.2 1.0 20 13.0 3.5 -

GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION A ____yr. male/female patient c/c/c. with attitude posture (N)/not, appearance (N)/toxic, moderately/poorly built. well/badly nourished lying on the bed. Anthropometry : ______________ Wt._____ kg ( Wt. Formulae= (1) Weight = Age in months+9 (from 3months to 1 year) 2 (2) Weight = (Age in years x 2)+8 (from 1 to 6 years) (2A+8) (3)) Weight = (Age in years x 7) -5 ________________ (from 7 to 12 years) (7A-5)/2 2

(N) _______corresponding to that age Ht ________cm ( Height Formulae = (1) Height = (Age in years x 6 ) +77 (cm) (Up to 12 Years) (2) Height = (Age in Years x2.5) + 30 (in) (Up to 12 Years) (N) ________corresponding to that age Head Circumference : Measured along the line joining prominent parts of supraorbital ridges and occiput. ( Add 6cm per year up to 2 years) __________________ Dines Formula for HC = Length in inches + 9.5 2 2.59

Mid Arm Circumference : Measured at mid point between olecranon process and acromian. (Till 5yr of age only) Chest Circumference : Measured at the level of nipples. Upper Segment Lower Segment Ratio : Upper segment - from vertex to symphysis pubis. Lower segment - Symphysis pubis to heel. Vitals Pulse: _____/min. Rhythm, Volume, Force. BP ____/ ____mm Hg Weight Height Head Temp. _____ F (Kg) (cm) Circumference (cm) Respiratory rate ____/min At 3 50 33-35 Type of Respiration Birth Abdominal - Infants Abdomino - Thoracic in young children 5 6 65 42-44 Months 1 Year 10 75 45-47

HEAD TO TOE EXAMINATION Head and Spine : Shape, bossing, fontannels, sutures, facies. Eyes : Any abnormalities like widely placed, ptosis, cataract, bitot spots, pallor, icterus. Ears : Any abnormalities like low set ears, size and shape variations. Nose : Any abnormalities in size. shape Mouth : Orodental hygiene, teeth, bleeding gums, tongue. Neck : Any mass etc., any lympha-denopathy. Thorax: Any scars/sinuses. widely placed nipples. shape & symmetry Abdomen : Shape, countour of skin, any distension. umblicus position. Genitals : (Normal)/not Limbs : Pedal edema Skin Appendages : Hairs. Nails (clubbing, koilonychia).

SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION Respiratory System : 1. Inspection : (i) Shape : (N) Circular Pigeon shaped (Pectus carinatum) - Rickets, condrodystrophy, Noonan syndrome. Funnel shaped (Pectus excavatum) - Marfan's syndrome. Noonan syndrome, mucosal neuroma syndrome. Barrel shaped - Emphysema (ii) Symmetry (N) Bilaterally symmetrical (iii) Respiratory Movements : Both the sides, front and back. Look out for accessory muscles and retractions (in collapse) and bulging (empyema) of ICS. (iv) Apex Impulse : (N) in 4th It. ICS lateral to mid clavicular line. (v) Position of Trachea : Prominence of tendon of sternomastoid over the deviated side of trachea is Trail's sign. (vi) Any scars, sinus, dilated / engorged veins. 2. Palpations : Inspectory findings confirmed Respiratory movements are assessed. Apex beat Tracheal position. Vocal fremitus - in - Consolidation , in- pleural effusion. 3. Percussion : Direct percussion over the clavicles. Indirect with two hands in all the areas of chest. Front : Supraclavicular Infraclavicular Supra scapular Mammary Inframammary Infra scapular Supraaxillary Infra axillary Inter scapular 4. Auscultation Breath Sounds : Vesicular : Inspiration > Expiration no pause Bronchial : Inspiration = Expiration with pause. Bronchovesicular : Expiration much louder with no pause (Br. Asthma). Vocal Resonance : - in Consolidation - in Pleural effusion - Pneumothorax Collapse, emphysema Adventitious Sounds : - Wheeze or rhonchi Br. Asthma. - Crackles, creptitations - consolidation, bronchitis, bronch-iactasis. - Pleural rub - Early stages of pleural effusion. Back : (Normal) - note : Resonant - Dull : Consolidation - Stony dull : Pleural effusion - Hyper resonant : pneumothorax.

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