Department of Planning and Community Development: Organizational Chart

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Department of Planning and Community Development: Organizational Chart

Gwendolyn Hallsmith Planning and Community Development Director

Audra Brown

Clancy DeSmet

Planning and Zoning Assistant

Planning and Zoning Administrator

Glenn Moore Building Inspector

Kevin Casey

Community Development Specialist

Eric Scharnberg GIS/Web Site

Luke Rafferty Drew DeVitis VISTA Volunteers

Department of Planning and Community Development: Responsibilities and Current Projects

Mission: To serve the community by facilitating the creation and preservation of a healthy, safe,
sustainable, and high quality living environment through the management of an effective, on-going planning and implementation process.

Snapshot of 2012 Achievements: City Council Goal: Promote and encourage a mix of single and multi-family residential growth. Zoning Revision & Growth Center Designation Continued with zoning revision to bring zoning into compliance with Growth Center designation and
Master Plan. Prepared annual report on Growth Center activity for State of Vermont. Convened team in cooperation with CVRPC for zoning revision.

21st Century Design Competition

Recommendation of the Barriers to Housing Task Force Drafted Design Competition Guidelines Advertised and accepted submissions Organizing award ceremony November 20th

Permits and Development Review ___ zoning permits issued, __ required DRB approval, __ required DRC review. __ were issued
administratively. __ sign permits. ___ zoning violations issued, ___ warnings. ___ new units created, ___ units lost Development Assistance: Senior Center, CCV, Fred Connor

Housing Initiatives Applied for Housing Preservation Grant from USDA Worked on policy for Individual Development Accounts Ongoing support of the Housing Task Force Drafted Housing Replacement Ordinance Drafted Zoning increasing density in Growth Center GIS Services Preparation of Growth Center maps Preparation of Floodplain and Floodway maps Worked with Assessor on updated parcel maps City Council Goal: Become a nationally known bike and pedestrian friendly city.
Organizing Bike Summit November 7, 2012 Obtained grant for more bicycle racks downtown

Department of Planning and Community Development: Responsibilities and Current Projects

City Council Goal: Create an environment where businesses thrive throughout Montpelier.
Drafted Guide to Starting a Business in Montpelier. Participation in Vermont Business Expo. Compiled list of green job employers in the city. Drafted zoning that reduces regulatory barriers to locating businesses in Montpelier (parking requirements, mixed use, creative economy incentives) Drafted grant application to National Endowment of the Arts to foster a creative economy in the city. Technical assistance to Local 64, a new incubator space. Applied for CDBG planning grant for arts and music space on Barre Street in partnership with CALM. Repackaging and remarketing the Montpelier Business Loan Fund (MBLF) to be more attractive to small scale tech entrepreneurs.

City Council Goal: Make significant progress on three major outstanding capital projects: District Heat, Transit Center and Montpelier/Berlin Bike Path. Major Development Projects Completed construction of Turntable Park. Continued work on the district energy project: customer recruitment, agreements, design. Senior Center and housing completed.

City Council Goal: Provide comprehensive, accessible and useful information to constituent groups about the City government and the community. Montpelier CAN! Ongoing support to 12 Neighborhood Associations throughout the city, Held regular meetings with CAN team leaders, Provided residents with winter preparedness information, Blackboard, Alerts, Communications Worked to implement Blackboard emergency communication system. Maintained and integrated Alerts system with Blackboard Purchased integrated permitting software. Regular updates to enVision stakeholders. Web Site Redesign Continued to improve web site upgraded search and filing features. Integrated web site redesign with planning, assessor and Clerk information systems

Department of Planning and Community Development: Responsibilities and Current Projects

Gwendolyn Hallsmith, Director Planning and Community Development
Responsibilities include land use and comprehensive planning for the city, strategic direction for the department, coordination with City Manager and other departments, staff support to City Council, Planning Commission, enVision committees, District Energy Committee, Energy Team, grant writing and management, staff supervision, oversight of development projects. Master Plan & Zoning Revision Planning Commission & City Council Conservation Commission District Energy project Montpelier CAN! REACH project supervision Food System Council Staff Supervision: CRS, CLG, Development Review, Community Development

Zoning and building permit intake Permit issuance on simple projects Basic mapping requests Payroll and Accounts payable Information management Meeting Preparation: packets to DRB and DRC Kevin Casey Community Development Specialist Responsibilities include development assistance, housing support, grant writing and management, state and federal compliance, loan application evaluation, and general community development. Federal Program development Revolving Loan Fund Housing Trust Fund Housing Task Force Housing Preservation Grants Development Assistance: CVCLT projects, business locations. Glenn Moore Building Inspector and Health Officer Inspection and enforcement Eric Scharnberg Web/GIS Specialist (1/2 time) Responsibilities include maintenance and updating web site, mapping community resources, coordinating with regional and state GIS repositories, and support to other city departments for mapping needs. Web Site maintenance and redevelopment GIS mapping: Assessors office, 911, Master Plan, development assistance Historic District maps Public information maps

Clancy DeSmet Planning and Zoning Administrator

Responsibilities include development review, ordinance review and drafting, staff support to review boards, historic preservation, and floodplain management. Development Review Board Design Review Committee Historic District Grants: Certified Local Government administration Floodplain Regulation: Community Rating System management Growth Center application assistance Zoning permit intake

Audra Brown Planning and Zoning Assistant Responsibilities include administrative support for department staff, management of program documents and information, reception, customer service, and entry level zoning, grant management, and community development support.

Department of Planning and Community Development: Preliminary Goals for 2013

Master Plan & Zoning Revision 1) Implement the master plan for a sustainable city with high participation by city residents 2) Conduct Neighborhood meetings to obtain feedback on zoning drafts. 3) Continue adoption process of enVision Action plan by stakeholder organizations Community and Economic Development 1) Convene Creative Economy stakeholders. 2) Update business loan program. Major Development Projects 3) Complete District Energy and Carr Lot projects. 4) Relocate businesses displaced by bike path. Montpelier CAN! 1) Maintain support for Neighborhood Associations, support their activities 2) Distribute winter emergency information 3) Assist city with meetings on zoning Web Site Redesign 1) Implement survey system for citizen feedback 2) Complete ADA accessibility project Grant Writing and Management 1) 2) 3) Continue efforts to obtain funding for implementation of city plans and policies Expand funding sources for sustainability grants Initiate new community development projects to support CD Specialist position

Permits and Development Review 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Continue efforts to streamline permit process Implement new permit software Raise awareness among property owners about necessary permits and design review Provide timely technical assistance to applicants Begin process of linking past permits to on-line information

Staff Development 1) 2) Hold annual staff retreat and continue staff training and development Support and sustain teamwork and cross-training for high quality public service

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