Sponsorship Letter RVM 2012

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MOTHER IGNACIA HEALING CENTER Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) Bagumbong, Novaliches, Caloocan City Tel No.

: 930-39-02
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
Greetings of Peace, Love & Joy! As a way of celebrating of the Christmas season, the MOTHER IGNACIA HEALING CENTER organizes an annual event for less fortune children in our society like those who live in the streets. These children rarely, if at all, experience what other children look forward during Christmas parties and gifts. This year, we will be holding this day-long event on December 28 at our premises in Bagumbong, Novaliches. Depending on how much funds we are able to gather, we usually invite around 250 to 350 children and their families. The event starts with breakfast, followed by the celebration of the Holy Mass. Then, we treat them to a hearty lunch which we obtain from restaurants familiar to the children because of advertisements. In the afternoon, we hold a program which includes games with prizes and gifts for the children. After serving snacks, the event culminates in the distribution of packages containing various goods and necessities to the families. We invite you to join us in this effort to bring happiness to these less unfortunate children, at least for a day. After all, we often hear that Christmas is for children. We will be delighted if you will be our sponsor and help us by donating cash* or goods or other necessities that will be distributed as gift packages for the children. We anticipate your generous response and give our gratitude in advance. God bless you. For more information about this affair, please contact Mrs. Menchu Mateo at Tel No. 633-8464 or Atty. Mimi Gumaru at Tel No. 636-7526 or the Mother Ignacia Healing Center at Tel No. 930-3902. You may also visit www.facebook.com/annualchristmasoutreach Truly Yours in Christ,


Ernest S. Tagle Chairperson RVM 2012 Annual Affair of the Mother Ignacia Healing Center for Street Children (0926)6888706 TeleFax: 438-7200 ernesttagle@yahoo.com

Jeremiah A. Mateo Co-Chairperson RVM 2012 Annual Affair of the Mother Ignacia Healing Center for Street Children (0926) 6445122; jeremymateo20@gmail.com

I would like to sponsor the 12th Annual Affair of the Mother Ignacia Healing Center for Street Children.
Please answer the form below and return it to the solicitor or you may Scan & Email to 28thofdecember@gmail.com

Name of Sponsor/ Product Name:_______________________________________________ Company Name: _____________________________________________________________ Company Representative:_________________________ Position: ___________________ Contact Number: _________________________ Fax number: ______________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ Business Address: _________________________________________________________ Name of Solicitor: ____________________________________________________________


Cash Cheque In Kind/ Products

Please Specify: QTY





Note: Email a Soft Copy of your Business Logo in the email address stated above if you wish to be included in our Facebook Account.

*Thank You Very Much! Your sponsorship and participation will go a long way to ensure the success of the event.*

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