Projetion of Straight Line Problem
Projetion of Straight Line Problem
Projetion of Straight Line Problem
1) A line AB, 50mm long ,has its end A in both H.P. and the V.P. it is inclined at 30 to the H.P. and at 45 to the V.P. drow its projections. 2) A line PQ 75 mm long ,has its end p in the V.P. and the end Q in the H.P. the lne is inclined at 30 to the H.P. and at 60 to the V.P. drow its projection. 3) The top view of 75 mm long lineAB measures 65 mm, while the leight of its frant view is 50 mm.its one end A is in H.P. and 12 mm in frant of VP drow the projection of AB and determine its inclination with the HP and the VP. 4) A line AB, 65 mm long, has its end a 20 mm above the HP and 25 mm in the front of VP the end B is 40 mm above HP and 65 mm in the front of the VP .drow the projection of AB and show its inclinations with the HP and the VP. 5) A line AB, 90 mm long , is inclined at 45 to the HP and its top viewmakes an angle of 60 with VP the end A is in the HP and 12 mm in frant of the VP drow front view and find its true inclination with VP. 6) A line AB, 90 mm long is inclined at 30 to the HP. Its end A is 12 mm above HP and 20 mm in front of VP. Its FV measures 65 mm. Draw the top view of AB and determine its inclination with the VP. 7) A line AB, inclined at 40 to VP has its end 50 mm and 20 mm above HP. The length of its FV is 65 mm and its VT is 10 mm above HP. Determine the true length of AB, its inclination with HP and its HT. 8) The distances between the end projectors of line AB is 70 mm and the projectors through the traces are 110 mm apart. The end of line is 10 mm above HP. If the top view and the front view of the line make 30 and 60 with xy line respectively . Draw the projection of line and determine traces, inclination and true length. 9) The end projectors of line AB are 22 mm apart. A is 12 mm in front of the VP and 12 mm above HP. The point B 6 mm in front of VP and 40 mm above HP. Locate the HT and VT of the line and also determine its inclination with the VP and HP. 10)A straight line AB, 60 mm long, makes an angle of 25 to HP and 55 to the VP. The end A is in VP and 20 mm above HP. Draw the projection of line AB. 11)A line BC, 80 mm long is inclined at 45 to HP and 30 to the VP. Its end B is in HP and 40 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projection of line and determine its traces. 12)FV of line measures 70 mm and makes an angle of 30 with XY.the end A is in the HP and VT of line is 10 mm below XY. The line is inclined at 45 to the
VP. Draw the projection of line and find its true length and true inclination. Also locate HT. 13)A line CD, 90 mm long, measures 72 mm in FV and 65 mm in TV. Draw the two views of the line if it fully lies in first quadrant. Find the true inclination of the line. Assume point C at suitable distances from the planes. 14)The end A of line AB is 100 mm above HP and 30 mm in front of VP. The end B is 50 mm below the HP and behind VP. The Length of line is 80 mm. Draw the projection of line and locate traces. Measure inclination with Planes. 15)The TV of line CD measures 80 mm and makes an angle of 55 withXY . End C is in VP and HT of the line is 25 mm above XY. The line is inclined at 30 to the HP. Draw the projection of line and locate traces. 16) A line CD, inclined at 25 to HP, measures 80 mm in TV. The end C is in first quadrant and 24 mmand 14 mm from HP and the VP respectively. The end D is at equal distances from both the planes. Draw projection, find TL and true inclination with the VP. Locate the traces. 17)A line EF is contained by plane perpendicular to the HP and inclined at 60 to the VP. The line is inclined to the HP at 45 . The length of line is 65 mm. The end F is on the HP and 20 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of the line and locate its traces. What is the inclination of the line with VP? 18)A line measures 95 mm. The projectors through its VT and the end A are 35 mm apart. The end A is 25 mm above HP and 15 mm in front of VP. The VT is 8 mm above HP. Draw projection of line and determine the HT and inclinations of the line with HP and VP. 19)A line AB, 100 mm long, is inclined at 50 to HP. The end A is 10 mm above HP and end B is 65 in front of VP. Draw projection of line if its FV measures 90 mm. Locate traces and find inclination of the line with the VP. 20)A line PQ=120 mm has its end Q, 20mm above the HP and 15 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projection of line if its TV and SV measures 95 mm and 110 mm respectively. 21)An end of a line, measuring 70 mm in FV, is on the HP.FV of line makes 30 to XY and the VT is 15 mm below the HP. Draw the projection of line if it is inclined at 30 to the VP. Find TL and . Also locate the HT. 22)A straight line CD, laying fully in the first quadrant, is inclined at 30 to the VP and 45 to the HP. Its LHSV measures 50 mm. The midpoint P of line is 35 mm from both the planes. Draw the three views of the line and find its TL. 23)The sides AB and AC of ABC lie in the HP and VP respectively. The point A is in the PP and 25 mm in front of the VP. The point C is 40 mm above the HP and 50 mm from the PP. The length of AB is 80 mm. Find the length of the other sides of the triangle.
24) The projectors through the HT and VT of line are 100 mm apart while those its ends are 65 mm apart. An end of the line is 15 mm above the HP. The HT is 40 mm in front of the VP and VT is 75 mm above HP. Draw the FV and TV of the line. find its TL. Also find inclinations that line makes with planes. 25) Two electric lamp posts, each 11 m high, produce shadows oa and ob lengths 8 m and 4 m respectively on the ground, of a 6 m high pole. Op. The angle between the shadows is 70 . Determine graphically the distance between the bulbs and also from the pole top to each bulb. Take a suitable scale. 26)A point on the pole is 1 m above the floor and 1m in front of a wall ; while the lower end is on the floor, 1.2 m from the same wall. It leans against corner of the wall and is inclined to the ground at 60