NTG North Nechells Minutes 16 Oct 2012
NTG North Nechells Minutes 16 Oct 2012
NTG North Nechells Minutes 16 Oct 2012
Nechells Neighbourhood Tasking Group 16 October 2012 at 1400 hours The POD, Oliver Street, Nechells West Midlands Police Sgt Dave Bates in the Chair (DB) Inspector Paul Dutton (PD) West Midlands Fire Service Bill Atwell (BW) Mark Clifton (MCl) Mark Crookes (MC) Friends of Sara Park Noran Flynn (NF) Education Action Zone John Street (JS) Free@Last Birmingham City Council Kay Thomas (KT)
Val Woodward, Pamela Pinski, Natasha McNair, Margaret Morcom, Pat Whyte Action WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Introductions were made and the Chair welcomed all to the meeting.
NOTES OF LAST MEETING MC referred to the notes of the last meeting and requested that it be noted that Gary Bullock had emphasised that there had been attacks on traffic enforcement officers resulting in patrols being made jointly with the police. He also asked that it be noted that he had made reference to an email he had received from Councillor Mosquito in relation to the problems discussed around Al Hijra school. NF said that the date of the POD lunch was 21 December. The notes of the previous meeting were agreed. Any issues arising from the notes would be picked up during the meeting.
NECHELLS a) Action Updates Boy Racers The Chair referred to an update provided by AM as requested from the last meeting. The issue was being monitored through the Birmingham Operational Group(POG) and the manager for Road Safety Partnership for West Midlands had been tasked with the overview and to hold agencies to account. The Group was aware of the level of community concern. BCC had been commissioned to review highway solutions and options including highway restrictions, increased street furniture and average speed cameras to deter racing and spectators were being considered. The results of the review were due in the next few weeks. Injunctions were still being issued and patrols continued. So far 100 drivers
had pleaded guilty and had been disqualified from driving, 2 drivers found guilty of driving while disqualified had received prison sentences and a further 200 prosecutions were pending. As an interim measure the Parkway was being closed one way between 9-11pm. BA said that RTA statistics had been requested but there had not been any accidents as had been the case when the racing was happening on Landor Street. The Chair said that with the involvement of partners and through the road safety route now being taken it was hoped that a long term solution would be forthcoming. Distraction burglaries no further incidents reported since April. Remove from actions. Suspect Vehicle Update for next meeting Crime Safety NF reported that she had arranged crime safety sessions for parents, the elderly and schools with Sgt Khan and would update at the next meeting. She also requested any safety messages for inclusion in the POD Post. Smoke Alarms MCl confirmed that he had provided schools with information and would let DB have the information. b) New Issues Church Lane Street Drinkers problem highlighted. Update to next meeting Nechells Parkway, children throwing stones at vehicles The Chair advised that additional patrols were being undertaken and when those responsible had been identified work, the police would work with housing and take action. JS said that referrals could be made to him and some diversionary work could be undertaken with the young people involved. PB to provide details to JS. There was some discussion regarding the lack of youth provision in the Nechells area and that in view of the anti social behaviour issues this was a vital service that was missing. It was noted that in other areas of the City projects such as Young Fire Fighters courses and the Safe Haven Project provided excellent diversions to young people and had a real impact on their futures. The Chair advised that the Offender Management Team worked with ex/offenders but instigators of lower level asb were left to the police neighbourhood teams to deal with. It was suggested that Community First funding could be used to fund activities. It was agreed that the lack of youth provision in the Nechells part of the Ward be raised with AM and she be requested to investigate the possibility of a Safe Haven project or similar. Youth Services representative to be invited to the next meeting to provide details of provision in the Ward.
Remove DB NF
Crime Statistics JS referred to the briefings circulated but queried the extent of the crimes recorded as he did not feel that a true picture of all reported crime was being provided. The Chair explained that there were strict rules regarding what was recorded and under what heading but that the crime on my street website brought up all crime in an area and he could provide that information or details of spikes in crimes which might be more useful than statistics. JS said that he wanted to be able to discuss and report back the main issues from the meeting but this was difficult when all crimes/issues were not included in the briefings. He also felt that details of drug related matters would be useful. DB undertook to bring a summary of drug enforcement activity to future meetings. Community Priority Boy Racers & youth service provision 4. SMALL HEATH a) Action Updates Environmental Issues The Chair undertook pursue RD for an update from the issues raised at the last meeting. MC said that there was still a problem with black bags of rubbish being dumped along the Coventry Road and in Sara Park. The rubbish in the Park was business waste rather than residential. Parking Issues/ Al Hijra School The Chair reported that Al Hijra school had made arrangements for security personnel to patrol outside the school to prevent cars being parked on the zig zag markings. The police continued to undertake patrols during the afternoon and PC Ben Freckenham was the school liaison officer. Parking tickets had also been issued around Regent Park School and this had improved the parking situation. The parking issues along the Coventry Road that had improved were becoming a problem again and staff from Stepping Stones had recently been blocked in due to inconsiderate parking. Pritchett Tower The Chair reported that the issues with the camera in Pritchett Tower had been investigated by the manufacturer and no fault had been identified. It was therefore considered, given the experiences with other cameras, that there was an issue with the control box. An exercise was therefore being undertaken across the LPU to identify all control boxes and match them with the cameras. Pritchett Tower was a priority and would be the first to be sorted out when the problem had been identified. A civil injunction had been taken out against one tenant and a closure order was being considered for another tenant to enable his visitors to be excluded from the block. A group of youths were also causing asb issues and this was being looked at. MC expressed his disappointment at the length of time taken to address the domehawk camera problem and that it was still not resolved. In response to questions the Chair said that the code number had been provided to AM and it was hoped that the company responsible for checking the boxes would be able to do so within the week. If it was a simple issue a new box could be
found and the problem resolved, if not it might take longer. The City Council owned the cameras and was ultimately responsible, however a private company was responsible for repairs. The Chair undertook to update on issues affecting Pritchett Tower at the next meeting. MC referred to the many issues affecting Pritchett Tower that had not been addressed by housing and the continued absence of an officer at the tasking group meant that the matters were not being addressed. The Chair said that every effort would be made to ensure a housing officer attended the next meeting. b) New Issues Sandfields Avenue, Garage Site/ Boulton Road shop MC reported this as a site where drug dealing was taking place. The Chair said that proactive action was being taken and undertook to update at the next meeting. Talfourd Street, Cosmos Club The Chair said that in response to complaints the police had been in discussion with the owner of the newly opened Cosmos Club and had been working with licensing, trading standards and environmental health officers. Police officers had been and would continue to monitor the club and surrounding roads. The Chair agreed to contact WMFS with a view to a fire inspection and he undertook to provide an update at the next meeting. Green Lane Mosque Festival Day MC referred to an application made by the Mosque for a festival day in Sara Park on 26 October. Concerns had been expressed regarding public safety, car parking, policing etc. The Chair said that the neighbourhood team had not been formally approached but he would ensure a police presence on the day. He added that he would link with traffic enforcement with regard to potential parking problems and would talk to the Mosque to ensure there were sufficient stewards available.
DIGBETH AND HIGHGATE a) Action Updates Horton Square The Chair said that the majority of the issues had been associated with students from St Albans School. There had been an agreement with the school and a letter sent to parents that required a signature to ensure that pupils returned straight home from school and did not hang around Horton Square. Any breach of the agreement would result in disciplinary action being taken by the school. The Chair undertook to provide an update to the next meeting. MC said there were still asb issues associated with Horton Square. It was agreed that the item could not be removed from the actions without input from a local resident, therefore Eddie Howard, Chair of the Housing Liaison Board to be invited to future meetings.
New Issues Bradford Street, Speeding Vehicle enforcement requested Shawbury Grove The Chair confirmed that the police were dealing with complaints of asb and Sgt Snape was seeking resident representation for the Group from the Highgate/Digbeth area.
WARD COMMUNITY PRIORITIES The following Ward Priorities were agreed; Boy Racers Youth Work Across the Ward Parking in Small Heath/ around schools
PARTNER UPDATES/ ANY OTHER BUSINESS a) Tasking Group Public Meeting The public meeting had been arranged for 5 December at 7pm and the venue had been confirmed as the WMFS HQ, Vauxhall Street, Nechells. MC reiterated his concerns regarding the lack of funding to support the event. He felt that the Group was not recognised and that this was the reason key partners did not attend the meetings. PD gave an undertaking that he would refer any issues that could not be resolved to the LDG and would address the issue of attendance by key partners. With regard to funding he also undertook to investigate what was available. PD suggested that partners provide performance details at the start of each meeting and update on the areas of work being undertaken in the Ward and what was proving successful.
b) Firework Safety NF advised of a fire work safety exercise that she was holding with the Parents Forum and children on 1 November from 9.30am to 11.30am and asked if it would be possible for the Fire Service to attend with a fire engine.