Technical Guide 8 Calibration of Stop-Watches: Measurement Standards Laboratory
Technical Guide 8 Calibration of Stop-Watches: Measurement Standards Laboratory
Technical Guide 8 Calibration of Stop-Watches: Measurement Standards Laboratory
Technical Guide 8 Calibration of Stopstarted at the beginning of the third "pip" while noting the time of day given by the clock. At some later time, a second call is made and the stopwatch is stopped on the third "pip" and the new time of day noted. The relative time error in the stopwatch is determined by dividing the difference between the time interval shown on the stopwatch and the time interval determined from the talking clock readings. For example: if the recorded talking clock times are 11.05 am and 11.05 am on the following day and the stopwatch records a time interval of 24hrs 0min 0.98 second then the relative error in the stopwatch is -5 (86400.98-86400)s/86400s = 1.1 x 10
The measurement of time using a simple stopwatch or laboratory timer is often an important parameter in many laboratory or industrial measurements such as flow measurement, process timing, chemical measurement and radiological exposure control. Modern stopwatches using quartz crystals as a time base are probably more accurate than required for most of these measurements. To ensure reliable measurement, or for traceability requirements, it is important that the accuracy and functionality of these clocks is proven and checked regularly. This is particularly true when the application affects health and safety or impacts significantly on productivity. For traceability, International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) has approved the use of the MSL talking clock for this purpose.
Figure 1. Photograph of a stopwatch
This technical note describes the simple procedure required for the traceable calibration of a stopwatch using the MSL talking clock. The calibration is simple. However, this guide is intended to assist users with calculating an uncertainty of measurement, choosing a calibration period and to answer some of the questions often asked about the use of the talking clock for calibrations.
Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand FAX 64 (0) 4 931 3117 email:
that this uncertainty included two events (both the starting and the stopping of the stopwatch). .
Figure 2 Graph showing the time required between calls to the talking clock versus the accuracy required from the calibration for the first and last uncertainties shown in Table 2.
Once the uncertainty of measurement is known and the desired accuracy of the calibration is determined, it is possible to calculate the shortest time interval between calls to the talking clock. The graph in figure 2 shows the time for time required between calls to the talking clock versus the accuracy required from the calibration for a stopwatches with 0.36 and 0.94 second uncertainties.
Table 2 shows the uncertainty for some different combinations of stopwatch resolution for a random start and stop measurement and a predictable start and stop measurement. Most other measurements will fall somewhere between these two extremes.
Table 2 Table showing the measurement uncertainty for different combinations of stopwatch resolution and reaction times.
Reaction times for the measurement start and stop 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25
Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand FAX 64 (0) 4 931 3117 email: