Ashutat 2

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Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

There is no set number of people in a rank. Always start from the center, just behind the two rear priests and add on from both sides, in accordance to your gender, as seen in diagram 17, below. That is, gender next to gender.

Diagram 17 Congregation setup

Description for floor of the temple


'"" a'" a ~

The Prayer






q \:7"')

can vary in size.

Color: Pa Ashutat birba (the prayer temple) walls are all black (aswud "'f\.~".) with hieroglyphcis in gold (zahab ."'~"'\:7)and a choice of other colors to make it beautiful. The carpet is to be red (edum You should use the primary colors, which are red (edum t."O), blue (azrug "'. q"n) and yellow (asfur "'f\.~" q). These 3 primary colors represent the 3 suns and the foundation of all other colors. You should use these colors in your decor as your ancient Egiptian ancestors did.




Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Arrangements: The arrangements of Pa Ashutat (the prayer temple) are shown in diagram 14.


Direction: East, West, North, and South belong to Pa Neteru "the deities". Decor: There is a sun altar to the east for the Deity Asaru or Atum for The Red Sun. The gold dendera and color on the ceiling is for the High Sun of Haru or Atun. And the west is a blue moon altar for the Setting Sun of Aset or Amun. That is all symbolic, for in reality the planet moves. The description of Pa Ashutat Birba ('Ai "" qC7 "") does not apply to the Malun (C""L,,"",I:!!!I) or "lodge" where there are specific furnishings that are all Egiptian and have symbolic meanmgs.

""~"""' ~ a""a

Pa Ashutat birba (the prayer temple) setup as seen in diagram 14, shows you a rectangular room with two platforms containing three steps east and west. The three circles represent the three priests that oversee the prayer. Then, the repeated rows of circles are staggered so that no one is blocking the view of the congregation to the priesthood. The arrangement of the ranks and the number of people are determined by the size of the congregation. The arrangement is also in accordance with gender. Example: males stand immediately beside males and likewise with females. It is not males in the front, females to the back, and the priesthood can be made up of either males or females leading the congregation. All genders are equal in Nuwaupu. 56


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Always start from the center directly behind the two priests in the rear. Then, you may add on from both sides in accordance with the gender plan, that is - gender next to gender. If it opens with a family, the father is to the right, the child/children in between, with the oldest sons nearest to the father and the oldest daughter, nearest to the mother. If someone joins this rank, beside the father, there should stand a male, and beside a mother, there should stand a female, either adults or children (child).



Diagram 18 The Prayer Temple Setup The ceiling of the temple showing the golden ankh



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Now, once the congregation has washed and entered the temple they take the sitting position. In the event that you are in a wheel chair, you can also enter the ranks. You do not have to take your position in the back the same applies with elders in the chairs. Once pa atned kajubaat (~IT\ IT\EiJl!:!:!ltt 61T\1:"C7IT\""EiJ), "the two ushers" one being a "male" esh (t ) and a "female," (t,,~ ) eshuw, has assembled, the ushers then announce: hen hadur pa waabaat, (~tl!:!:!l ~IT\ t" q ~ IT\ ~""""C7"""" EiJ) "here come the priests." (said 3x's times). Then, enter the three priests, chanting pa zakurane, "the remembrance." All can join in with them.

2> 't

q /~d!~ ) ~

Remembrance Zakurane Is A chant to be memorized and chanted. It is a part of what we call in Nuwaupic, Ghaanun (jlT\lT\l!:!:!l"l!:!:!l) "chanting" a""; . ~ "" EiJT\ q"o I 1t...l "" ~ "" I!:!:!l t q """" EiJ ta Ashutat, pa tarug i1a pa neteraat (repeated 19x's) which means l)Jrayer, the road to the deities"
Sf "" "" """


Yaa Aun


Sf "" "" I!:!:!l EiJ t Yaa Neteru




,Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat

The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians ---

i- '" Aun Yaa '" '" ~I!!!I

i-"'''' I!!!I i'"a Yaa Neteru

Yaa Aun

i'" q~

i- '" '" '" ~I!!!I

i- '" '" I!!!I i'" Yaa Neteru

a i'" q ~ a", q



I!!!I i'"a i'" q~ Ashutat, pa tarug ila pa neteru 19x's A SECOND TIl\1E)

'"~~ a'" a . ~ '"

*'..J.'" (repeated ~ '"

Th~ chanting ends when the high priest says: HUUUUUUUU L!!UUUHI, KULL ATHA FI kuluwm, (,,;p.'\~~~~~~~~~'"'\-'~~' ~~LL o,,",L,,",~O) meaning, "Huhi, all are in all"



All of this is said as the congregation has assembled and is in the sitting position. When the Zakurane is finished, Pa Wah Waab (~'" "The First Priest" Says: ~ '" 'ii\'


Ena hazi wagut Ii baka Ashutat.


_____ Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians Surely it's time for Morning Prayer.

NOTE: The Same is done for each prayer only you replace baka (O"'~"') with meht (ct'ii\'fq) if it is the noon prayer; replace this with ushat C",-; ;t fq ). if it is the shadow prayer. For Example:

Ena Hazi Wagut Li Meht Ashutat Surely It's Time For Noon Prayer

Ena Hazi Wagut Li Ushat Ashutat __ Surely It's Time For Shadow _H o_u,.".r J __ P_r . fl"er

The Reply From The ISTAJMAA' "CONGREGATION" Each Time Is:

C~!L;"'1: ", c

Bi Pa Neteraat, Zi Kaluo Wagut Li Ashutat. By Way Of The Deities, It Is Time For Prayer. The entire congregation is still in the sitting position.



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

After the above recitation is completed, Pa A'ia Waab, "The High Priest" then takes his/her position at the tip of the tetrahedron facing the congregation, and each of the other priests. The first priest and the second priest take their positions facing the high priest, as well as each other; about three feet apart with their backs towards the congregation. Then all three priests say, while stepping forward with their right foot, toe to toe, to touch each other says:
i'"1!!!f i'"1!!!f I!!!f '"

a~ ~

a "'..l i'"t:


I!!!f "'..l1:"Ji'".ljL

I:"J '" Cl ..l

'" '" I!!!f "-I

a a i'"1!!!f


~ '"

Enen Taled Du Nalgeyua Wa Natfegua Gabla Antuten We three do meet and agree before thee

Diagram 19 Priests' first position Then they bring their right foot back to the position of the heel to heel with their toes separate. 61


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Diagram 20 Priests' second position Then they reach forward, placing their right hands, palms, thumbs touching pinkies, and middle fingers meet, forming a three-sided tetrahedron, together and they say:

Fi twmum hathum = in perfect harmony



Diagram 21 Priests' second position



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

At the point of saying harmony, they say:

6"'~"'~ 6"'~",~ 6"'~"'~ , 6"'~"'~ C C C 6"'~"'~ 6"'~"'~C, 6"'~"'~C 6"'~"'~





to face the

congregation KALUN

after the first waab (priest) states: KULUWM KULUWM, ( 6"'~ ",~c 6"'~"'~ "ALL IS ALL," - being he is already facing the Kalun Kalun turning counter clockwise to the congregation

Kuluwm, followed Kuluwm, sides.

congregation, the second waab (priest), says: Kuluwm by the third waab (priest) says: Kuluwm turning counterclockwise,

with their hands to their

Now, with all three priests facing the congregation they take the position of the Neteru, putting their left pinky finger at the solar plex, with their other fingers closed, and the right hand extended in front of them, with their palm facing the audience, fingers closed, thumb out as shown in the diagram below, and they all recite together the Prayer of Asaru, with their eyes looking upward.



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians


1 I

Diagram 22

Figure 36 The High Priest Zozer

Figure 37 Pa Neter Asaru



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat __ The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa Ashutat Shil Asaru


"" "-t ; ""; ..l "" The Prayer of Osiris ; U"-t



q "-t )

I!:!!I ~ "-t


0*' I!:!!I "" I!:!!I "-t a i"1!:!!1 ;

Nuk ta'ur rug min antuten yaa enosaat I fly up from you oh mortals 2. "" I!:!!I"-t *' a i"C ..l ~ Anuki tem Ii pa Ta I am not for the Earth 3. "" I!:!!I"-t *' ~ ~ Anuki Ii pa le-ul I am for the sky 4. I!:!!I"-t ~


*' ~ "" a ""

*' ~ """

- "-t~

~ ""~ "" t"J ; "-t

*' ~ ""

~ ""

~ i"-

Nuk halagtu i1a pa le-ulaat I have soared to the skies, t"J "" 0' ""..J. ; "-t ~ "" "-tl!:!!l Nuk gabaltu pa le-ulaat amma bikun I have kissed the skies as a falcon. 5. I!:!!I ~ "-t ..J. i" - "-t..J. "" "" ;


""00"" ~ ~

6. "" I!:!!I ~ *' ~ "" 0"" "-t ~"-t Anuki pa mahuy shil neteru



1!:!!Ii" i" ;

q "-t



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

I am the essence of deities,

Pa re shil neteru The sun of deities

8. ~'"

7. ~ '"

q '" ~~..l ~

",a'" q"

Q"na", q",n,.,...l ~~..l ~,.a,.q"

q ~~..l q '"

Pa mustaraseel shil neteru The messenger of deities

9. "'~" ~~ ~~ ~ '" ~"'~" Anuki fi pa nawur shil Re I am in the light of Re

10. ~'" ~"'~"


nawur shil "',. ~ Pa '"'"~"..l Re kalun daakulnee The light of Re is entering me

Anuki hayuh zi nasuf I am life itself

11."'~"~~ ~"''9'''~.~~",n"~

The above recitation is called Pa ashutat shil Asaru, "The Prayer of Osiris." It is said once, and all who know it may follow along in a low voice. Then the three waabaat priests) say the supplication, linking the heavens (Sahu- the Orion star constellation which the Greeks called Ouranos (Orion) (the Old Testament Job 9:9) And the Hebrew called Keseel, with Ta, the Earth, with their hands held in front of them and palms up, slightly extended.

(~"''''C7'''''' a



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Diagram 23 Priests' third position Pa wah waab natug: (~IT\ ~IT\~ the first waab (priest) says:

I!!:!IIT\ f,;"-It"J)

~ IT\ C71T\ ~ IT\ q 1t. ...l ~ "-I~ "-I 1T\...l1!!:!l1t.f,;IT\~ Pa baka Re shil Khufu kalun Alnitak The morning Sun of Cheops, is Alnitak Pa atnah waab natug: (~IT\ IT\ f,;1!!:!I1T\~ I!!:!IIT\ f,;"-It"J) the second waab (priest) says: ~ IT\ u...l1T\ q 1t. ...l ~ IT\~ 1T\...l1!!:!l1t....lIT\C Pa a'ia re shil khafre kalun alnilam The high sun of Khafre is Alnilam


~ 1T\...l"-II!!:!I



r- ~1T\...l"-II!!:!I

Pa talah wa,ab natug: (~IT\ f,; 1T\...l1T\~ I!!:!IIT\ f,;"-It"J), the third waab (priest) says:




Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

~IT\ '''IT\a qt *'..l ot~~"'lT\qt o*,~ IT\ IT\ ~

a Pa ushat re shil Menkuare kalun mintaka


The shadow hour sun of Menkure is Mintaka Alnilam, Alnitak and Mintaka, the three inner stars, called the Orion belt points straight at Aldeberan on to Pleiades, and the foot or foundation is in Sept (Sirius). Then they all say together:

..l*' ~ IT\~ IT\ a"'o

*'..l ~"'..l..l, Li pa hatum shil kull, = for the sake of all

Then the congregation chants together in an audible voice:



fiiiiiiiiiiiiin = existence

Then all the priests drop their hands back to the sides and turn counter clockwise, with their backs to the congregation.

Diagram 24 The three priests turn coun terclockwise



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

And pa wah waab (the first priest) raises his hands and says: Abgum, ("'ot"J"-,C) = stand, to the congregation. And all rise and stand with their hands to their sides.

The Three Priests

Diagram 25 The Congregation



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

When one stands in this position, it is to ask permission to assume the responsibility of successor over all living things on Earth. This Pa Baagum Istamzaab. (~ o tt"'t"'J"lC*'Ilf9ttC1lttttO) "The Standing Position." 1: PA BAAGUM ISTAMZAAB, (~tt "The Standing Position" position is called



ott"'t"'J"lC *,Ilf9ttC1lttttO)

Diagram 26 Tama-reyeun (

q ti- f""lE!)

f9ttC tt -

"A TamareanlEgiptian"



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

While in the standing position, pa a'la waab, the high priest, says: Yaa Fatuhat, Yaa Neteru

And the congregation and all the priests recite together in an audible voice, which continues on into:

-9''''''' ~tatq",

~'" a'" ~ a"'o ~ ~"''''a~ ~"'L"'~ fl9~L ~"'''' a"'~'" ~.

~'" ~"'LL ~tatq",-~", ~"'a~"'a ",~a"'at~

!\Ai '" ~ '" '"

-9' "''''



!\Ai '"


~ '" a~ a~'" a .

!\Ai '"

Yaa neteru wa kull neteru-hu, yaa fatuhat. Antuten fatahtum bi pa faatuh: wa pa faatuh kalun fi pa faatuh shil faatuhuk, yaa fatuhat. Oh, deities and all his deities, oh opener. You have opened by way of the opening: and the opening is in the opening of your opening, oh opener. Pa wah waab (priest) then says:



~"'L"'~ 0 .

"'-9''''.~''' ~"'~",~~~~ ~~ ~"'L"'~O. ~'" ~"'O



Enen ayadna kawunfin shil Kuluwm, fi Kuluwm, wa ham fi Kuluwm. 71


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

We have confirmed existence of All, in All, and those inside All. Then he/she continues:

t~.~~a~""O 1t:.L~ ~~ Lt""L~~ a ~1t:. ~ ~ ~~L""I!!!! ~ q t UL. ~

Arfur yodaatkum ila pa le-ulaat fi ash kalun pa re all. . Raise your hands to the skies in which is the sun above. The congregation, (~~


1t:.!\.a~1: O~U ) pa istajmaa'

Then the congregation raises their hands towards the sky, looking up at the sky giving praise to the Neter Shu (I!!!!tat q ~"") who represents the third element, Nefu (I!!!!t~...,air). Shu's name means "to raise", for he is the Neter who holds up the sky. While all are in this position, with their arms toward the sky, we give praise to Nefu (I!!!!t~...,) which transports the air, seeds for growth, to sustain the body. This position represents when the Neteru rose to life the first human being, 1. Latum, 2. Turn, 3. Temu, the triad of names, and showed him the height of man in the universe. Thus, all the 360 degrees of knowledge in the universe was made available to him (Holy Tablets, chapter nine, 17:28; chapter 8, 1:19-23). POSITION

q~~~..., q 1t:.!\.a O.~~C7) ~



RAAFUR ISTAMZAAB (~~ "The Raising Position"



Pa Ashutat Shi! Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer oftlte Ancient Egiptians

.~ I II /


Diagram 27

Tama-reyeun (;

Pa a'la waab "the high priest" says:


qt'9'~~ )




6 '<~~~ '" ~ ~~ ~"''9''<~

Enen kullna nanfenua tawuhaat Ii hayuh We all give thanks for life. The istajmaa' three times:
1) ~~

(~!l~"'1:C"'U )




'9''<~ ~"'C'<.


IIAi '"

Li hayuh; hamud ila pa neteraat



Pa Ashutat ShiL Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

For Life;praise to the deities 2) L-fft, ~It i1"'~ ~ItO"''' I!!I '"; f'" q It It ; f Li hayuh; hamud i1a pa neteraat For Life;praise to the deities 3) L -fft, ~ It i1 "'/II\' /II\' 0 '" It I!!I '"; f'" q It It ; f Li hayuh; hamud i1a pa neteraat For life: praise to the deities. Then pa a'ia waab "the high priest" says: ~"'~~~~ ~1t1!!l~f'"I!!I"'1t ;It~~ltlt; ~~ !L1t~"';. Enen kullna nanfenua tawuhaat Ii sabut. We all give thanks for health. And the istajmaa'

-fft,LIt ~


-fft, It L

~ It


(congregation) answers three times:

L~ !Lit /11\'''' ; I!!I '"; f'" q It It ; f

/II\' It 0 "'..

-fft, Lit

~ It

Li sahut hamud i1a pa neteraat For health, praise to the deities. 2) L -fft, !Lit~ '" ; I!!I '"; f'" q It It ; f /II\'It 0 '""'.. -fft, Lit ~ It

Li sahut bamud i1a pa neteraat For health, praise to the deities.



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians I\.Jt~"<~


I!!!lfi t qJtJt ~ t
Li sahut hamud ila pa neteraat. For health, praise to the deities. Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says:

Enen atha kull fi kuluwm We are all in all THE HIGH WAAB CONGREGATION: (PRIEST) SAYS TO THE

Akhfud yodaatkum ila pa ta wa pa moyaat takhuth Lower your hands to the Earth and the waters beneath. Raazug Istamzaab, (~Jt qJtJtft"<t"'J *'I\.fiJtOftJtJtO) "The Providing Position," with your hands in front of your knees as shown in diagram 29. This is Pa If you have a bending problem, you do not have to bend all the way down, merely point your hands to Ta, the Earth. In this position we give praise to Ta "Earth", the first element represented by Geb (t"'J f"c7) the son of Shu (~"<) and the husband of Nut (I!!!l"<~), Mother Nature fpr providing the produce. We also give praise to the second element Mu (0"<)



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians by



beneath us who is represented t~I!!!I"-I the twin sister of Shu ("-I). f9),



In this position, the first human being realized that Neteru were greater than even he could imagine in his most vivid thoughts when he beheld the intricacy of a spider's web, the intellect of an ant which prepares for the future, and the profound delicacy of a butterfly's wing. POSITION

q """"."-It"J ~nf9



""0.""""0' )
q "".




"The Providing Position"

While the congregation is in this position with their hands towards the Earth with their palms in front of their knees with their arms down, pa a'ia waab (the high priest) says:


f'"t":I ~

1!!!I""I!!!I~tl!!!l"-l"" I!!!I f9. """"

Enen kullna nanfenua tawuhaat Ii razeginaat We all give thanks for provisions.

f9"" ~ ~

"" "" f9 ~ ~



f9 "" ~ "" f9 ~ f Enen~ kullna"" nanfenua ~ tawuhaat Ii9sahut We all give thanks for health.
The Istajmaa' (congregation) answers:






I!!!I""I!!!I~~"-I"" I!!!I f9 """"

Enen kullna nanfenua tawuhaat Ii razeginaat, We all give thanks for provisions,

f9"" ~ ~

"" "" f9 ~ ~

q "".

f'"t":I ~



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians



~~LL~~ L-fft, {l~~~I


Enen kullna nanfenua tawuhaat Ii sahut. We all give thanks for health. Pa raazug -fft,{ll "'C.~~C7) istarnzaab, (~ ~ tIthe providing position." I ij)l;' n \ y


I tlj


Diagram 29


q t-9-t),
Then the high Waab (priest) says: Arfur(~ q~~ q ) = "rise" POSITION 4: PA TAAWUH -fft,{ll ~C.~~C7)

(I ~C~(Egiptian)


ISTAMZAAB (~~ "The Thanking



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

The congregation rises with their palms facing forward in front of their chests as shown on figure four, and all say to themselves:


- -~ ~ .., 1~ ~ ~"





Diagram 30 The thanking position


(aItO It -

q tf t), (Egiptian)

In this position you recite the following.

Olt...l'" ~. 0 ~ O !LIt~... ~It . q ~...llt .. aIt ~ItO It It .~ !Lit ~"'I!!Y ~~ ~ It !LIt~ . ...l - .It It a . t ...l
Malukdumkum sahu hadur ila ta kamaa zi sakun fi pa sahu le-ulaat. Thy kingdom Orion come to Earth as it resides in the Orion skies. POSITION 5: PA HAAYUH ISTAMZAAB "thelivingposition"




Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Then Pa A'la Waab (the high priest) says: Kull ashur (~"'...l...l tt ", q) = All step Then the congregation steps with their right leg forward as their hands remain held up in front of their chest and say to themselves:

~",~ ~-att",~O"'...l Ott...l'" ~.",0 ~",O Iltt~",



Nuk Bi-mashuymul Ashur Fi Malukdumkum I willfully step in thy kingdom Orion. Pa Haayuh Istamzaab, (~ tt "The Living Position."

~{\; tta.ttttCl)

Diagram 31

Tama-reye (; ttOttq "Egiptians"

t~t ),



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians 6: PA





JAATHUW ISTAMZAAB (~'" "The Kneeling Position"

Then Pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Kull Ajthuw (~"'...l...l "''lA",~) = "All Kneel" The congregation then kneels downward, onto their left knee with their right leg bending in front of them, and their hands forward saying:





Nuk bi-tawud a-tahur wasulalkum I humbly await your arrival.




Istamzaab, (~'" "The Kneeling Position"

Diagram 32


f'"";1!!!I) "An Egiptian"





Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

POSITION 7: PA SHAAWUKH ISTAMZAAB {~IT\ IT\IT\~",",~ *'{\.f9IT\CftlT\lT\C7) "The Prostrating Position" Then Pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Kull Ashwukh




) = "All Prostrate"

The congregation then prostrates to the ground. Note: Your left knee is to remain in position on the floor as your right leg is brought down to equal it. This would prepare you for the prostration, now with your hands forming a "tetrahedron"; your thumbs touching one another and your pointer finger touching one another, as shown on diagram thirty three, you place your face gently down to the ground with your lips touching the thumbs and your pointer finger between the brow. Your face never touches the ground, merely the back of your hands.

Diagram 33

Tama-reyeun (f9IT\CIT\q ""'I!!I )


This position is symbolic of the fetal position, in which a child develops while in the mother's womb. It is also a sign of man stretching forth from creation or birth coming out of a shell, the



Pa Ashutat ShiL Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

first degree of awareness or awakening. This is symbolic of Re being birthed out of the primeval egg. This is a position of humility and submission. While in the prostrating position you say to yourself, not out loud:

antuten Ii hayuhee I thank you for my life.

~"'i-~tt Nuk ahmedu

l!!J'" ~

'"~ e t. ",

'" l!!J '" atl!!J a


l!!J'" ~ ",~e t.", {\",~"'att

Nuk ahmedu antuten Ii sahutee I thank you for my health.

l!!J"'~ ",~et.", '" i-", ", ~ q'"

"'l!!J~"'atl!!J L1t:. *"'LL

Nuk ahmedu antuten Ii jull shayu ukhra I thank you for everything else.


a ",ell "''''


JAALUS ISTAMZAAB 0") "The Sitting Position"

n "''''L'''{\

Then "Pa A 'La Waab (the high priest)" says: Arfur ('" q~", q ) = "rise"



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

The congregation then rises up from the prostrating position, to the eighth position sitting with their hands in front of them on their lap, and say:
l!!!f~~ ~-;~~~.

Nuk bi-tawud a-tabur wasulalkum I humbly await your arrival.

Pa Jaalus Istarnzaab

'l~~..!~I'*'I'-; ~C.~~O')
Tbe Sitting Position

Diagram 35

Tama-reyeun (; tf\Qtf\ - H'"t ~I!!!I "An Egiptian"

This posItIon represents when the winds of Nefu (air) was breathed into humans. Here we acknowledge the presence of the force, which created us, - "Hu" (~~), "the force of creative will" and the four races who created and grew us: 1. Neteru, 2. Elul, 3. Anurmaqi, and 4. Nommos. THIS ENDS PROSTRATION ONE. 83


Pa Ashutat Shit Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat __ The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians





Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Starting the second prostration. -Pa a'ia waab, "the high priest" says again: Abgum (A\on"-,O


And the congregation stands up, with their hands to their sides. POSITION 1: PA BAAGUM ISTAMZAAB (1IAiA\ ) "TheStandingPosition"

oA\A\n"-,O ~naA\O.A\A\o

Pa Baagum Istamzaab

oA\ A\n "-,0 ~na A\O.A\A\O)

The Standing Position

Diagram 38 Tama-Reyeun

(a A\OA\-

"An Egiptian"



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

While in the standing position, Pa a'la waab, "the high priest" says:


. .sr~~ I!!!ltfqtq"-t

Yaa Haayuh, Yaa Neteru Oh living, oh deities And the congregation and the priests recite together in an audible

.sr~~ I!!!ltfq q"-t ~~ o"-tLL I!!!ltfq q"-t- ~"-t . t t .sr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .sr -t~ . " tl!!!lfq"-tfqtl!!!l"-tC ~ II,O.,~ ~~ II,O.,~"-t~ o~L"-t1!!!l ~1t:. 1t:.L"-to . .sr~~

Yaa neteru wa kull neteru-hu, yaa haayuh. Entuten hayahtum bi pa haayuh: wa pa haayuh kalun fi pa haayuh shil haayuhuk, yaa haayuh. Oh deities and all his deities, oh living. You have lived by way of the living: and the living is in the living of your living, oh living. Pa a'la waab, the high priest then says:

tl!!!ltl!!!l~A~ o"-tLL Enen atha kull fi kuluwm We are all in all.

Then he/she continues:

~1t:. o"-tL"-t~C

~q~"-tq .sr~.~~fqo"-tC 1t:.L~ Lt"-tL~~fq ~1t:. ~ o~L"-t1!!!l qt UL.

fAI~ fAI~



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Arfur Yodaatkum lIa pa Le-Ulaat Fi Ash Kalun pa Re A'l. Raise your hands to the skies in which is the sun above. Pa Istajmaa' (~11\ ~IL(311\1: Ol1\u ) The congregation The congregation then raises their hands towards the sky, looking up at the sky while all are in this position with their arms towards the sky, and says: POSITION 2: RAAFUR ISTAMZAAB (~11\ 11\0.11\ 1\ ) "The Raising Position" 1a PA

q 11\11\~'" q ~IL(3

Diagram 39

q;-'9- ;-11\11\

Tama-Reyeaat ((311\011\"Egiptians"

a ),


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa a'la waab, "the high priest" says:


a"'~ ~ '"'" t3 ~ -!ft. ~


~ ....,~~


'" .sr ....,~

Li Hayub

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat We all give thanks for life. And the istajmaa' answers three times:
1) I!!!l f" ~~ ~'"

(-!ft.fLt3"'1: C"'U)


Li Hayub, Hamud I1a Pa Neteraat. For life, praise to the deities. 2)

I!!!l f"

a f" q '" '"



t3 .

~"'C....,. ~~'" ~'"

~ '"

Li Hayub, Hamud I1a Pa Neteraat. For life, praise to the deities. 3)


a f" q'" '" t3 .

~~ ~'"

~",.sr""'~ ' ~"'C""'. ~~'"

Li Hayub, Hamud Ila Pa Neteraat. For life, praise to the deities. Then Pa a'la waab, "the high priest" says:
f"1!!!l ~ ~ ....,~~ I!!!l'"

a f" q '" '"

.sr....,~' ~"'C....,. ~~'" ~ '"

t3 .

a'" ~ ~ '" '" t3

~ -!ft. fL'" ~...., t3

Li Sabut

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat We all give thanks for health.



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

And the istajmaa'


(~{\. a tT\ :C tT\u ) answers three times: 1

L~ {\'tT\'ii\"~a ' l!!!!tatq~




Li Sabut, Hamud I1a Pa Neteru For health, praise to the deities. 2

L~ l!!!!tatq~

{\'tT\'ii\"~a .




Li Sabut, Hamud I1a Pa Neteru For health, praise to the deities.


L~ l!!!!tfi)tq~





Li Sabut, Hamud I1a Pa Neteru For health, praise to the deities. Then Pa a'ia waab, "the high priest" says:

tl!!!!tl!!!! tT\.AtT\ ~~LL ~~

Enen Atba Kull Fi Kuluwm We are all in all.


Pa a'ia waab, the high priest says to the congregation:

tT\~~~ .yo.Q..tT\tT\a~~C ~ tT\ C.Q..yoT\T\a a tT\~ """'-h t t

~LtT\ ~tT\ fi)tT\ ~tT\

Akbfud Yodaatkum I1a Pa Ta Wa Pa Moyaat Takbutb Lower your hands to the Earth and the waters beneath. This is Pa Raazug Istamzaab,



~{\.a tT\CfttT\tT\O') "The Providing

Position," with your hands in front of your knees as shown in diagram thirty-five. 89


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

If you have a bending problem, you do not have to bend all the way down, merely point your hands to the Earth. POSITION

q"''''.'''t"J 1t.rta "'0."''''0)




1STAMZAAB (r.Ai '" "The Providing Position"

While the congregation is in this position with their hands towards Pa Ta (The Earth) with their palms in front of their knees with their arms down, pa a'ia waab, "the high priest" says:

a",~~","'a L1t. q"'.~1t.~"''''a Enen Kunna Nanfenua Tawubaat Li Razeginaat

We all give thanks for provisions.





Enen Kunna Nanfenua Tawubaat We all give thanks for health. And the istajrnaa'

a'"~ "'~ '"'"a L1t.rt"'~" aLi Sabut (1t.rt "'1: Q "'U ~




) answers:


Enen Kunna Nanfenua Tawuhaat We all give thanks for provisions

a"'~~"'''' ~ L1t. q"'. ~1t.~"'''' ~ Li Razeginaat



a",~~"''''~ L1t.rt"'~"a Enen Kunna Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Sabut

We all give thanks for health.





Pa Ashutat ShU Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Pa Raazug Istamzaab (1\Ai tT\ 1t.{lfiJtT\Cl\tT\tT\O') "The Providing Position"

q tT\tT\l\""'~




'\ l

"I \ f

! \

Diagram 40

Tama-Reyeun (; tT\CtT\-

q ti' t""'1!!!l
Then pa a'la waab, "the high priest" says: Arfur (tT\

"An Egiptian"

q~,,",q) = "rise"
; tT\tT\~~

POSITION 4: Pa Taawuh Istamzaab (1\Ai tT\ 1t.{l; tT\Cl\tT\tT\O'), "The Thanking Position"



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

The congregation rises with their palms facing forward in front of their chests as shown in diagram thirty-six, and all say:

Malukdumkum Sahu Hadur Ila Ta Kamaa Zi Sakun Fi Pa Sahu Le-Ulaat Thy kingdom Orion come to earth as it resides in the Orion skies
'q?'"~ is ~~~
t'llJ . ~
"',' ,c::.1


:<"t~ ,"","



/ / f .
.( .

t t

qt-9' t'-tl!!!f


Diagram 41 The Thanking Position


(a "'0"')

"An Egiptian" POSITION

~{\ a "'0."''''

HAAYUH ISTAMZAAB 0'), "The Living Position"




Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Then pa a'ia waab, "the high priest" says: Kull Ashur ( ~"oLL "'"o q ) = "all step" Then the congregation steps with their right leg forward as their hands remain held up in front of their chest and say:

~"o~ ~-e"'"ofO"oL e"'L"o ~ ."00 ~"o0 ll"'~"o



Nuk bi-mashuymul ashur fi malukdumkum I willfully step into thy kingdom Orion. Pa Haayuh Istamzaab, (JA<'" "'''' 0'), "The Living Position"

~ll (3 ",eft


.j",DI lVla...U

. n\

Diagram 42

Tama-Reyeun!!!I ) "An Egiptian"


* "''''.A''o~ ~n(3",eft"''''O' )








Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Kull Ajtbuw (~"'LL ""'1:.h ",~) = "all kneel" The congregation then kneels downward, onto their left knee with their right leg bending in front of them, and their hands forward saying:




Nuk bi-tawud a-tabur wasulalkum I humbly await your arrival. Pa




Istamzaab (~"'" "The Kneeling Position"


Diagram 43


q i"1Li""-I~)


"'0"'" -

"An Egiptian" 94


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer o/the Ancient Egiptians

7: SHAAWUKH ISTAMZAAB. (~~~"'~ ~n.fiJ ~C.~~O' ) "The Prostrating Position" Then pa a'la waab, "the high priest" says: Kull Ashwukh




) = "allprostrate"

And the congregation then prostrates to the ground, mother earth. NOTE: your left knee is to remain in position on the floor as your right leg is brought down to equal it. This would prepare you for the prostration; now, with your hands forming a "tetrahedron," your thumbs touching one another and your pointer finger touching one another, as shown on diagram fourty four. You place your face gently down to the ground with your lips touching the thumbs and your pointer finger between the eyebrows. Your face never touches the ground, merely the back of your hands.

Diagram 44




"An Egiptian"


Pa Ashutat Shi! Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

While in the prostrating position, you say to yourself, not out loud:

Nuk Ahmedu Antuten Li Hayuhee I thank you for my life.

n",~",", i"i" 8

I!!!l i!i "'"'

'" ~ 0i"" "'"'

Nuk Ahmedu Antuten Li Sahutee I thank you for my health.

I!!!l"'"'i!i'~Oi"""'"' "

"'1!!!l~",",~i"I!!!l ~~


~ '" .sr "'"' "'"' fb q'"

Nuk Ahmedu Antuten Li jull Shayu Ukhra I thank you for everything else. POSITION


"'0."''''0' )



* ",,,,~,,,",n

"The Sitting Position"

Then pa a'ia waab, "the high priest" says:

The congregation then rises up from the prostrating position, to the eighth position, sitting with their hands in front of them on their lap, and say:



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians



Nuk Bi-Tawud A-Tahur Wasulalkum I humbly await your arrival.

Pa Jaalus Istamzaab (~IT\

1: 1T\1T\..l"'f\.

~f\. ~ IT\C1l1T\1T\ ) "The Sitting Position" 0

Diagram 43

Tama-Reyeun ( ~ IT\C IT\-

q ,,".sr t'"

I!!!l )




Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians






Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Starting the third prostration. Pa a'ia waab, the high priest says again: Abgum = "stand" And the congregation stands up, with their hands to their sides. POSITION 1: PA BAAGUM 1STAMZAAB

Pa Baagum Istamzaab

(~'" 0'" "'l:":J"'0 1t.n; "'04"''''0 )

The Standing Position

Diagram 45

Tama-reye (Egiptian)

While in the standing position, pa a'l~ waab, the high priest says: Yaa Akhur, Yaa Neteru

.If '" '" '" ~ ",

q. .If '" '" I!!Y "Oh Last Oh Deities"


to; to q",


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

And the congregation and the priest recite together in an audible


-9-A\A\ I!!!li"ai"q~ ~A\ ~~..!..! I!!!li"ai"q~- ~~. -9-A\A\ A\~~q. A\l!!!lfiJ~atl!!!l A\~A\qfiJ~C ~ ~A\
A\A\~ ~ q: ~A\ ~ A\ A\A\~ ~ q ~A\..!~1!!!l ~~ ~ A\

A\A\~ ~ q ~..! A\A\~ ~ q~ ~.

-9-A\A\ A\~ ~ q .

Yaa neteru wa kull neteru-hu, yaa akhur. Antuten akharturn bi pa aakhur: wa pa aakhur kalun fi pa aakhur shil aakhuruk, yaa akhur. Oh deities, and all his neteru, oh last. You have lasted by way of the lasting: and the lasting is in the lasting of your lasting, oh last. Pa a'ia waab, the high priest then says:

i"1!!!l i"1!!!lA\,A,A\~~..!..! ~ ~
Enen Atha Kull Fi Kuluwrn We are all in All

~~..! ~~ C

A\q~~q -9-~t=A\A\fiJ~~C ~..!A\ ~A\ ~..!A\A\fiJ ~~ A\ ~A\~~1!!!l~A\ qi" u..!


Arfur Yodaatkurn I1a Pa Le-Ulaat Fi Ash Kalun Pa Re All. Raise your hands to the skies ill which is the sun above. The congregation then raises their hands toward the sky. POSITION 2: PA RAAFUR ISTAMZAAB Pa Raafur Istarnzaab The Raising Position


qA\A\~~_q ~flaA\C.A\A\O'


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

1'1 I' , II


Diagram 46


Tama-reye (Egiptian)

Pa a'la waab, the high priest says:

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat We all give thanks for life. And the istajmaa' three times:

Li Hayuh

~f\. {iJ It1:0 Itu (congregation) answers ~IT\C'<. 1t:..LIT\~IT\

l!!!:I~a~qlT\IT\ a

.L~ ~IT\.y.~

Li Hayuh; Hamud Ila Pa Neteraat For life; praise to the deities



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

~IT\C". Li Hayuh; Hamud Ila Pa Neteru For life; praise to the deities

2)..l~ ~1T\-9-~

~..l1T\ lJAIlT\ I!!!l~;~q"

3)..l~ ~1T\-9-~ ~IT\C". Li Hayuh; Hamud Ila Pa Neteru For life; praise to the deities

~..l1T\ lJAIlT\ I!!!l~;~q"

Then pa a'ia waab, the high priest says: ~1!!!l~1!!!l o"..l..l1!!!l1T\ 1!!!l1T\1!!!l~~I!!!l"1T\ ;~~~IT\IT\; ..l~ !l1T\~"; Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Sahut We all give thanks for health. And the istajmaa' (congregation) answers three times:

1) ..l~ !l1T\~"; ~IT\C". Li Sahut Hamud Ila Pa Neteru For health praise to the deities !l1T\~"; ~IT\C". Li Sahut Hamud Ila Pa Neteru For health praise to the deities

~..l1T\ lJAIlT\ I!!!l~;~



~..l1T\ lJAIlT\ ~~;~q"

3)..l~ !l1T\~"; ~IT\C". Li Sahut Hamud Ila Pa Neteru For health praise to The deities

~..l1T\ lJAIlT\ I!!!l~;~q"

The pa a'ia waab, the high priest says:



Pa Ashutat ShU Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer o/the Ancient Egiptians

Enen Atha Kull Fi Kuluwm We are all in all Pa a'la waab, the high priest says to the congregation:

Akhfud Yodaatkum Ila Pa Ta Wa Pa Moyaat Takhuth Lower your hands to the earth and the waters beneath. Below is pa raazug istarnzaab, "the providing position", with your hands in front of your knees as shown in figure forty-seven. If you have a bending problem, you do not have to bend all the way down, merely point your hands to the earth. POSITION 3: PA RAAZUG ISTAMZAAB (~'" Position

q"''''.''''E;"J 1t:.ll;",a.",~C7), he Providing T

While the congregation is in this position with their hands towards Pa Ta "The Earth", with their palms in front of their knees, with their arms down, pa a'ia waab, the high priest says:


t~t~ o""~L~'" ~~~~t~""",;"'~~"'''';

Li Razeginaat.

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat We all give thanks for provisions.

L 1t:. ll"'~"";

t~t~ o""LL~'" ~~~~t~""",;"'~",,~"'''';

Li Sahut

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat We all give thanks for health. 103


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians (congregation) answers:

And the istajrnaa'

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Razeginaat We all give thanks for provisions,

Enen Kullna Nanfenua Tawuhaat Li Sabut We all give thanks for health.

j--- ...




'- I) . --""",

Pa Raazug

J _....

\. ".
I, I


~l/ : , J
I (.,


J q

"The Providing Position"

~11\ 11\ 11\ 'in


, \ ,


I \

I: )






ulagrarn 47

Tarna-reye (Egiptian)

Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Arfur (~~~'i~) = rise 104


Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians .

POSITION 4: PA T AAWUH 1STAMZAAB "The Thanking Position" and the congregation rises with their palms facing forward in front of their chest as shown on figure 48, and all say:

Diagram 48 The Thanking Position

Tama-reye (Egiptian)

Malukdumkum Sahu Hadur I1a Ta Kamaa Zi Sakun Fi Pa Sahu Le-Ulaat Thy kingdom Orion come to Earth as it resides in the Orion skies.


C~L~~.~C~~C ~~~~ ~~.~q ~L~ a~ ~~C~~ .~ ~~~~~ ~~ 1\Ai~ ~~~~ Lt-



HAAYUH ISTAMZAAB ~~a~C.~~O') The Living Position 105





Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Kull ashur = all step Then the congregation steps with their right leg forward as their hands remain in front of their chest and say:

~~~ ~-C~~~C~L C~L~~.~C~~C !L~*~.



Nuk Bi-Mashuymul Ashur Fi Malukdumkum I willfully step in thy kingdom Orion. Pa Haayuh Istarnzaab

"The Living Position"

Diagram 49

Tama-reye (Egiptian) ISTAMZAAB




n ~~A





Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer of the Ancient Egiptians

Then pa a'la waab, the high priest says: Kull Ajtbuw (~""..l...l. "''l.A ",,~) = all kneel The congregation then kneels downward onto their left knee with their right leg bending in front of them, and their hands forward saymg:





Nuk Bi-Tawud A-Tabur Wasulalkum I humbly await your arrival

~l\I",a.",,,,C7 )"The



Istarnzaab (~'" Kneeling Position"

'l "''''A''''~

Diagram 50

Tama-reye (Egiptian)



Pa Ashutat Shil Pa Gadum Tama-reyeaat The Prayer a/the Ancient Egiptians

7: SHAAWUKH ISTAMZAAB, (~~~'""~ ~ILa~C.~~O' ) "The Prostrating Position" Then pa a'ia waab, the high priest says: Kull Ashwukh prostrate



And the congregation then prostrate to the ground, mother earth. NOTE: Your left knee is to remain in position on the floor as your right leg is brought down to equal it, this would prepare you for the prostration, now wi th your hands forming a "tetrahedron," your thumbs touching one another and your pointer fmgers touching one another, as shown on diagram fifty one you place your face gently down to the ground with your lips touching the thumbs and your pointer fingers between the brow. Your face never touches the ground, merely the back of your hands.

Diagram 51

Tama-reye (Egiptian)

While in the prostrating position you say to yourself, not our loud:

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