33 0401 UTIL Underground Pipe Installation

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PHYSICAL FACILITIES CONSULTANTS HANDBOOK Specifications Division 33 0401 Installation of Underground Pipe

PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 Requirements A. All requirements of the Project Specification and Drawings shall govern the work of this Section.


Scope A. Work Included: Perform all work necessary and required for the construction of the Project as indicated. Such work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Excavation Shoring Pipe Installation Pipe Coating and Wrapping Testing Flushing Fills Compaction Grading Pre-cast trench and / or tunnel installation.


Regulations and Standards A. All work shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and all local and State agencies having jurisdiction. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as permitting work that is contrary to such rules, regulations, and codes. All work in public property shall conform to applicable rules and regulations of all agencies and authorities having jurisdiction. All work shall comply with Owner safety rules and regulations. Related Specifications: U-310000 Earthwork.

B. C. D. 1.04 Soils A. 1.05

For excavation purposes the soil shall be considered to be loose sand.

Protection A. Furnish, place, and maintain all supports, shoring, and sheet piling which may be required for the sides of the excavation or for protection of adjacent existing improvements. The adequacy of such systems shall be the complete responsibility of the Contractor. 33 0401 Page 1of 5

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PHYSICAL FACILITIES CONSULTANTS HANDBOOK Specifications Division 33 0401 Installation of Underground Pipe
1. Furnish and install all shoring and bracing as required to insure the existing structures such as piping and valve pits remain fully supported by undisturbed soil at all times. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to design, install, and remove excavation shoring in such a manner as to insure that the existing structures are not damaged.


Crossing of Potable Water Lines and Sewers: Where potable water lines cross sewers, the water lines shall be placed at least twelve inches (12) above and perpendicular to the sewer. Where this is not possible, the sewer must be constructed of water works grade cast iron pipe and installed with a minimum of thirty-six inches (36) vertical separation. Where water lines run parallel to sewers there shall be a horizontal separation of at least ten feet (10). At no time may a sewer joint be within eight (8) feet of any potable water joint.

PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 The contractor shall furnish and install the underground pipe, sewers and concrete trenches. shown in project drawings. A. Chilled water (CWS/CWR) Pipe shall be carbon steel per section 4.01 of U-331115-pipe and pipe fittings. 1. Underground pipe shall be furnished factory coated with Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating to provide corrosion protection. Coating shall be applied to clean pipe in accordance with manufacturers established procedures. Thickness of coating shall be manufacturers standard but not less than 20 mils. Acceptable brand names are Scotchkote 6233 or Dupont Nap Gard Mark X7-2501 epoxy coating. At each end 4 surface shall be left uncoated. After field welding, these uncoated surfaces shall be blast cleaned to near white metal and brush painted with Scotchkote 323 or Nap Gard 7-1861 two part epoxy. Alternative coating systems shall require pre-approval of the Owner. Welded joints shall be field coated with the brush coated with epoxy, as per item 1. per all manufacturers requirements and recommendations.

2. B. C. 2.02 Fills A.

Exterior underground water main systems shall be per Section 331113. Sanitary and Storm Sewers Systems shall be per Section U-333010.

Fill and Backfill: Suitable earth removed from the excavation, free of rocks, boulders, stones, bricks, batts, plaster, mortar or other debris. Brown sandy clays shall be considered stable and may be used for backfill. Pipe Bedding: Coarse sand 30% passing a No. 50 sieve and 3% or less passing a No. 100 sieve. Clean Sand and gravel that contains less than 5% Fines and is free of silt, roots, organic material, debris or rocks larger than 3/4 diameter and thoroughly compacted is to be used for backfill under the Precast Trenches and Tunnels. Backfill under roads and sidewalks: All backfill under new or existing roadways, sidewalks etc. that is eighteen inch (18) above the pipe shall be approved #53 gravel.

B. C.


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PHYSICAL FACILITIES CONSULTANTS HANDBOOK Specifications Division 33 0401 Installation of Underground Pipe
2.03 Topsoil A. Topsoil shall be fertile, friable, natural soil, relatively free from subsoil, and free of lumps exceeding 2 inches in diameter, stones, rubbish, vegetable matter and roots.


Concrete Patch A. All concrete patches shall be to Purdue Class 4A Specifications, copies of which are on file in the Office of the Superintendent and all other applicable sections of these specifications. Sidewalks, curb and gutter, floor slabs, if applicable, shall be replaced to match existing.

PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 Existing Conditions A. Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected the site and satisfied himself as to actual grades and levels and the true conditions under which the work is to be performed.


Excavation A. Make excavations to dimensions and elevations indicated on Drawings. Owner will not pay for excavations carried below indicated grades without Owner's/Engineer's written authorization. Where unauthorized excavations are made below indicated elevations under slabs, restore to proper elevations as specified for compacted backfill; and if under footings, restore with compacted engineered fill. Excavation for formed concrete shall be sufficient width to allow for convenient construction and removal of forms. Excavation for below grade walls shall be sufficient to allow for application of waterproofing and drainage materials indicated. Excess excavated material and material determined unsuitable for use as fills or topsoil shall be disposed off the site. Where unmarked utility lines or other underground obstructions or piping may be uncovered within the work area, notify the Owner/Engineer or the agencies or service utility companies having jurisdiction thereof, and take necessary measures to prevent interruptions of service if live. Should such lines or services be damaged, broken, or interrupted through the Contractor's own negligence, those services shall be repaired immediately and restored by him at his own expense. Abandoned lines, meters and boxes, obstructions or piping, shall be removed, plugged, or capped in accordance with the requirements and approval of the agencies affected, or as directed by the Owner/Engineer.

B. C.


Installation A. B. Pipe welding, testing and flushing shall be carried out as outlined in Section U-331115 Pipe and Pipe Fittings. Sewer installation, testing and flushing shall be carried out as outlined in Section U33010 Site Sanitary and Storm Systems.


Fills 33 0401 Page 3of 5

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PHYSICAL FACILITIES CONSULTANTS HANDBOOK Specifications Division 33 0401 Installation of Underground Pipe
A. B. The placement of fills shall be done under the supervision of the Soils Engineer. Bedding and backfill for pipe shall consist of a four inch layer of sand placed and tamped in the trench to provide a uniform bedding for the conduit. The entire trench shall be evenly backfilled with sand as the bedding in six inch compacted layers to a minimum height of six inches above the top of pipes. The remaining trench shall be evenly and continuously backfilled and compacted in uniform layers with suitable excavated soil. Fills shall be spread in uniform lifts of not more than 8 inches in un-compacted thickness. Prior to commencing compaction, fills shall be brought to water content that will permit proper compaction by either aerating the material if it is too wet, or spraying the material with water if it is too dry. Thoroughly mix each lift before compaction to assure uniform distribution of water content. Bring all fills to suitable elevations above grade to provide for anticipated settlement and shrinkage thereof. Backfill under new or existing roadways, walks etc. to specified depth shall be approved #53 gravel placed in 4" lifts and compacted to 95% density.




Compaction A. B. All fills shall be compacted using equipment capable of compacting each lift its full depth. Moisture during compaction operations shall be maintained at optimum content. The compacting equipment shall be approved equipment of such design, weight and quantity to obtain the required density in accordance with soil compacting specifications. Water distributors equipped with a suitable sprinkling device shall be used to add moisture to the soil if required. Compaction operations shall be continued until the fills are compacted to not less than 95% of the maximum density as determined in accordance with ASTM-D1557. Any areas inaccessible to a roller shall be consolidated and compacted by mechanical tampers. The equipment shall be operated in such manner that hardpan, cemented gravel, clay, or other chunky soil material will be broken up into small particles and become incorporated with the material in the layer. Compaction by flooding is not acceptable. Excavation shall be sized so that compaction equipment has sufficient operating clearance to achieve specified compaction throughout all areas of fill.


D. E.


Grading A. All areas covered by the Project, including excavated and filled areas and adjacent transition areas, shall be uniformly graded so that finished surfaces are at the elevation noted. Areas to receive future topsoil shall be graded to allow for such material. Finished surfaces and surfaces to receive paving and aggregate base shall be reasonably smooth, compacted, and free from irregular surface drainage and shall not vary more than 0.10 foot from the established grade. Ditches, gutters, and swales shall be finished to permit proper surface draining.


Quality Control A. The Owner/Engineer will engage and pay for the services of a recognized Testing Laboratory specializing in Soil Mechanics for the making of tests of material to determine their suitability for fills, maximum density and optimum water content, the preparation of 33 0401 Page 4of 5

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PHYSICAL FACILITIES CONSULTANTS HANDBOOK Specifications Division 33 0401 Installation of Underground Pipe
the materials for fills, the continuous inspection and supervision of the excavating, the placing of the fills, and the making of in-place density test for each compacted layer of fills. B. C. The testing firm shall have a bonafide representative present to observe and test the entire engineered fills operation. An average of two (2) test per 6 inch lift of each area will be required. However, the exact number of tests will depend on the weather and at the discretion of the Soils Engineer. Testing firm shall test and approve all materials used in engineered fills operation. Should tests indicate the required density was not attained, Contractor shall remove fills to depths required and as determined by the test and repeat operations until said density is attained. The Owner/Engineer, upon the recommendation of the Testing Laboratory, will have the power of rejection of materials, equipment or operating procedures which are not suitable to produce the results specified. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Testing Laboratory and shall allow the Soil Engineer ample time to conduct tests. Operation of equipment shall be discontinued when the operation interferes with testing. END OF SECTION 330401




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