BONZAI British Oriented Nazi Zionist Anatomy Incinerator
BONZAI British Oriented Nazi Zionist Anatomy Incinerator
BONZAI British Oriented Nazi Zionist Anatomy Incinerator
Humanity Un-stumped Equality
Never Ending War Story
Near Over
Abundance .e($ishness 0omp(acency Apathy 2ependence )hen startin- over with Bonda-e )yt(er or-anized these items in a circ(e: I was $ascinated with this because to me it seemed to e3p(ain what we are -oin- throu-h as a country ri-ht now4 where peop(e are more interested in how they can somehow soa5 the system to -et their $ree ride4 than bui(din- anythin-. 0(ear(y we are on the (e$t side o$ this cyc(e4 somewhere in the se($ishness4 comp(acency4 apathy or dependence side.
7ecently I found an article entitled 8An American $ragedy9 dated /2,/:,-; !y <ames =uinn# a financial 'riter and senior director of strategic planning for a major university. >ost of the article is a!out disgraced investment guru *ernie >adoff# !ut a good chun" of it concerns the $ytler cycle and e4actly 'here =uinn thin"s 'e are in the cycle. Here6s 'hat =uinn has to say+ 8$he follo'ing quote attri!uted to 3cottish history professor Ale4ander $yler in /?;?# seems to portray an accurate reflection of 'hat has occurred during our 2--@ years of e4istence as a democracy. 8A democracy is al'ays temporary in natureA it simply cannot e4ist as a permanent form of government. A democracy 'ill continue to e4ist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the pu!lic treasury. rom that moment on# the majority al'ays votes for the candidates 'ho promise the most !enefits from the pu!lic treasury# 'ith the result that every democracy 'ill finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy# 'hich is al'ays follo'ed !y a dictatorship.9 8$he average age of the 'orld6s greatest civiliBations from the !eginning of history# has !een a!out 2-- years. Curing those 2-- years# these nations al'ays progressed through the follo'ing sequence+ rom !ondage to spiritual faithA rom spiritual faith to great courageA rom courage to li!ertyA rom li!erty to a!undanceA rom a!undance to complacencyA rom complacency to apathyA rom apathy to dependenceA rom dependence !ac" into !ondage
8$hese 'ords 'ere 'ritten t'o years !efore (eorge 5ashington !ecame our first %resident. $here is so much truth in these 'ords it ma"es me shudder# especially since 'e are clearly in stage ?. An honest appraisal of our country6s do'n'ard spiral is necessary to !egin the process of redemption. 5e have continually voted ourselves increased !enefits# dependent upon the printing presses of the ederal 7eserve to sustain our country6s ponBi scheme. 5e have pa'ned our future and the !ill 'ill eventually come due.
From bondage to spiritual faith (1760 to 1769) Ding (eorge III !ecomes Ding of England )urrency Act# 3ugar Act# 3tamp Act# =uartering Act# $o'nshend Act passed !y %arliament
3ons of &i!erty formed !y <ohn Adams# 3amuel Adams# %aul 7evere# <ohn Hancoc"# %atric" Henry# among others. From spiritual faith to great courage (1770 to 1783) *oston massacre 3amuel Adams organiBes the )ommittees of )orrespondence %arliament passes the $ea Act *oston $ea %arty $he irst )ontinental )ongress *attle of *un"er Hill $homas %aine pu!lishes Common Sense 7evolutionary 5ar rages for si4 years *ritish surrender at Eor"to'n $reaty of %aris ends 7evolutionary 5ar From courage to liberty (178 to 186!) )onstitutional )onvention )onstitution ratified !y /. states (eorge 5ashington elected %resident *ill of 7ights passed ugitive 3lave Act passed &ouisiana %urchase 7o!ert ulton invents steam!oat 5ar of /;/2 >onroe Coctrine %resident Andre' <ac"son !attles !an"ers 'hich leads to the %anic of /;.? U.3. >e4ican 5ar )alifornia gold rush )ompromise of /;F Cred 3cott Cecision A!raham &incoln elected %resident )onfederate states secede from the Union Emancipation %roclamation )ivil 5ar rages for four years Union is restored /.th Amendment a!olishes slavery From liberty to abundance (1866 to 1969) )ivil 7ights Act of /;:: irst $rans-)ontinental 7ailroad Ale4ander (raham *ell invents the telephone Industrial 7evolution (eneral Electric founded 3panish American 5ar U.3. 3teel founded Airplane invented Automo!ile invented ederal 7eserve created 5orld 5ar I (reat Cepression Ne' Ceal programs implemented !y C7 (olden (ate *ridge completed 5orld 5ar II
Holocaust Atomic !om! used to end 'ar 'ith <apan >arshall %lan re!uilds Europe G <apan U3 emerges from the 'ar as the only great economic po'er )old 5ar Dorean 5ar Interstate high'ay system !uilt )ivil 7ights >ovement <ohn . Dennedy assassinated Hietnam 5ar (reat 3ociety programs implemented )ivil 7ights Act of /1:0 >artin &uther Ding assassinated Neil Armstrong 'al"s on the moon From abundance to complacency 7oe vs 5ade %resident Ni4on resigns in disgrace Oil em!argo 7onald 7eagan elected %resident >ilitary !uildup and ta4 cuts all of the 3oviet Union (1970 to 1989)
From complacency to apathy (1990 to "000) (ulf 5ar *ill )linton elected %resident 3toc" mar"et !oom (ridloc" !et'een )ongress G %resident leads to !udget surpluses %resident )linton acquitted in impeachment trial From apathy to dependence ("001 to "007) (eorge 5. *ush elected %resident Nasdaq stoc" !u!!le !ursts 1,// attac" Alan (reenspan lo'ers rates to /I Invasion of Afghanistan Cepartment of Homeland security created Invasion of Iraq Hurricane Datrina Home prices dou!le inancial derivatives gro' to over J/-- trillion From dependence bac# into bondage ("008 to $$$$) Housing prices collapse inancial firms collapse (overnment and ederal 7eserve intervene to prop up the 'orld'ide financial system (overnment !ailouts of financial firms and auto manufacturers ederal 7eserve G U.3. $reasury commit over J; trillion of ta4payer funds *arrac" O!ama elected %resident Immediate !orro'ing G stimulus pac"ages e4ceeding J/ trillion are discussed ederal 7eserve lo'ers rates to !elo' /I9 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
I tend to !elieve the a!ove is pretty accurate# !ecause 'e can see right no' that the U3 government under O!ama-7eid-%elosi is ma"ing an unprecedented po'er gra!# !y increasing spending dramatically# and increasing their socialistic hold over American life. $he current Cemocratic %arty leadership is the most radically leftist,socialist 'e have ever had. One of their recent actions 'as to !asically repeal the 'elfare reform 'hich 'as enacted in the /11-s# and 'hich 'as so successful too. O!ama6s ne' !udget document !latantly outlines his goals to punish high producers !ecause they have !ro"en the rules# 'hich is as >ar4ist a plan as I have ever seen. $he question I have had for some time is 'hether this 'ill continue through the entire cycle of *ondage# 3piritual aith# )ourage# &i!erty# A!undance# 3elfishness# )omplacency# Apathy# Cependence# then starting over 'ith *ondageA or 'hether concerned and "no'ledgea!le individuals can someho' halt the decline and "eep us from going into a ne' period of !ondageL )learly 'e see the American pu!lic !eing apathetic and 'illing to allo' the U3 government to ta"e over more and more of our lives# and thus !ecoming more and more dependent. And yet# at the same time# I see outrage and a !uilding frustration !y a large segment of the population# 'ith protest events Mthe recent spate of $ea %arty eventsN# petitions# and a plethora of columns in the conservative press# decrying the po'er gra!. 5ill it !e enoughL )an 'e prevent a ne' period of !ondageL
Bob Hurt %.O. *o4 /0?/2 )lear'ater# & ..?::-0?/2 M?2?N ::1-FF// %hone App Hisit >y Home %age O Email >e O Hisit >y *log reads tag &earn to &itigate 'ith <urisdictionary M*uy No'N 3tay informed 'ith &a'men E-letter M3u!scri!e ree No'N Conate to my &a' 3cholarship und.
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to me
$his is an automatically generated Celivery 3tatus Notification.""6991:;;/.pirit<Intent<=recedence<de<>ure<0onstitution<or<+omans<"6< ?amin-<the<.ystem<de</acto !
A constitution is a set o$ $undamenta( princip(es or estab(ished precedents accordin- to which a state or other or-anization is -overned.@"A )hese ru(es to-ether ma5e up4 i.e. constitute4 what the entity is. #hen these princip(es are written down into a sin-(e co((ection or set o$ (e-a( documents4 those documents may be said to comprise a written constitution. 0onstitutions concern di$$erent (eve(s o$ or-anizations4 $rom soverei-n states to companies and unincorporated associations. A treaty which estab(ishes an internationa( or-anization is a(so its constitution in that it wou(d de$ine how that or-anization is constituted. #ithin states4 whether soverei-n or $ederated4 a constitution de$ines the princip(es upon which the state is based4 the procedure in which (aws are made and by whom. .ome constitutions4 especia((y written constitutions4 a(so act as (imiters o$ state power by estab(ishin- (ines which a stateBs ru(ers cannot cross such as
fundamental rights.
(enerally# every modern 'ritten constitution confers specific po'ers to an organiBation or institutional entity# esta!lished upon the primary condition that it
Human rights
are common(y understood as Cina(ienab(e $undamenta( ri-hts to which a person is inherent(y entit(ed simp(y because she or he is a human bein-.C@"A *uman ri-hts are thus conceived as universa( Dapp(icab(e everywhereE and e-a(itarian Dthe same $or everyoneE. )hese ri-hts may e3ist as natura( ri-hts or as (e-a( ri-hts4 in both nationa( and internationa( (aw.@1A )he doctrine o$ human ri-hts in internationa( practice4 within internationa( (aw4 -(oba( and re-iona( institutions4 in the po(icies o$ states and in the activities o$ non<-overnmenta( or-anizations4 has been a cornerstone o$ pub(ic po(icy around the wor(d. )he idea o$ human ri-hts @6A states4 Ci$ the pub(ic discourse o$ peacetime -(oba( society can be said to have a common mora( (an-ua-e4 it is that o$ human ri-hts.C 2espite this4 the stron- c(aims made by the doctrine o$ human ri-hts continue to provo5e considerab(e s5epticism and debates about the content4 nature and usti$ications o$ human ri-hts to this day.
the Fuestion o$ what is meant by a Cri-htC is itse($ controversia( and the sub ect o$ continued phi(osophica( debate.@7A &any o$ the basic ideas that animated the movement deve(oped in the a$termath o$ the .econd #or(d #ar and the atrocities o$ )he *o(ocaust4 cu(minatin- in the adoption o$ the Gniversa( 2ec(aration o$ *uman +i-hts in =aris by the Gnited Nations ?enera( Assemb(y in ":79. )he ancient wor(d did not possess the concept o$ universa( human ri-hts.@8AAncient societies had Ce(aborate systems o$ duties... conceptions o$ ustice4 po(itica( (e-itimacy4 and human $(ourishin- that sou-ht to rea(ize human di-nity4 $(ourishin-4 or we((<bein- entire(y independent o$ human ri-htsC.@!A )he modern concept o$ human ri-hts deve(oped durin- the ear(y &odern period4 a(on-side the ,uropean secu(arization o$ >udeo<0hristian ethics.@;A )he true $orerunner o$ human ri-hts discourse was the concept o$ natura( ri-hts which appeared as part o$ the medieva( Natura( (aw tradition that became prominent durin- the ,n(i-htenment with such phi(osophers as >ohn %oc5e4 /rancis *utcheson4 and >ean<>acFues Bur(amaFui4 and $eatured prominent(y in the po(itica( discourse o$ the American +evo(ution and the /rench +evo(ution. /rom this $oundation4 the modern human ri-hts ar-uments emer-ed over the (atter ha($ o$ the twentieth century. ?e((in- as socia( activism and po(itica( rhetoric in many nations put it hi-h on the wor(d a-enda.@9A A(( human bein-s are born $ree and eFua( in di-nity and ri-hts. )hey are endowed with reason and conscience and shou(d act towards one another in a spirit o$ brotherhood. HArtic(e " o$ the Gnited Nations Gniversa( 2ec(aration o$ *uman +i-hts DG2*+E@:A http://en.wi5ipedia.or-/wi5i/0onstitutionIAct4I":91 )he 0anadian 0harter o$ +i-hts and /reedoms is a bi(( o$ ri-hts. )he 0harter is intended to protect certain po(itica( and civi( ri-hts o$ peop(e in 0anada 9
the po(icies and actions o$ a(( (eve(s o$ -overnment. It is a(so supposed to uni$y 0anadians around a set o$ princip(es that embody those ri-hts.@6A@7A )he 0harter was preceded by the 0anadian Bi(( o$ +i-hts4 which was introduced by the -overnment o$ >ohn 2ie$enba5er in ":!K. *owever4 the Bi(( o$ +i-hts was on(y a $edera( statute4 rather than a constitutiona( document. )here$ore4 it was (imited in scope and was easi(y amendab(e. )his motivated some within -overnment to improve ri-hts protections in 0anada. )he movement $or human ri-hts and $reedoms that emer-ed a$ter #or(d #ar II a(so wanted to entrench the princip(es enunciated in the Gniversa( 2ec(aration o$ *uman +i-hts.@8A *ence4 the -overnment o$ =rime &inister =ierre )rudeau enacted the 0harter in ":91. Gniversa( 2ec(aration o$ *uman +i-hts )he pursuit o$ human ri-hts was a centra( reason $or creatin- the GN. #or(d #ar II atrocities and -enocide (ed to a ready consensus that the new or-anization must wor5 to prevent any simi(ar tra-edies in the $uture. An ear(y ob ective was creatin- a (e-a( $ramewor5 $or considerin- and actin- on comp(aints about human ri-hts vio(ations. )he GN 0harter ob(i-es a(( member nations to promote Cuniversa( respect $or4 and observance o$4 human ri-htsC and to ta5e C oint and separate actionC to that end. )he Gniversa( 2ec(aration o$ *uman +i-hts4
in =aris by the Gnited Nations ?enera( Assemb(y in ":79. )he ancient wor(d did not possess the concept o$ universa( human ri-hts.@8A Ancient societies had Ce(aborate systems o$ duties... conceptions o$ ustice4 po(itica( (e-itimacy4 and human $(ourishin- that sou-ht to rea(ize human di-nity4 $(ourishin-4 or we((<bein- entire(y independent o$ human ri-htsC.@!A )he modern concept o$ human ri-hts deve(oped durin- the ear(y &odern period4 a(on-side the ,uropean secu(arization o$ >udeo<0hristian ethics.@;A )he true $orerunner o$ human ri-hts discourse was the concept o$ natura( ri-hts which appeared as part o$ the medieva( Natura( (aw tradition4 became prominent durin- the ,n(i-htenment with such phi(osophers as >ohn %oc5e4 /rancis *utcheson4 and >ean<>acFues Bur(amaFui4 and $eatured prominent(y in the po(itica( discourse o$ the American +evo(ution and the /rench +evo(ution. &u(tinationa( companies p(ay an increasin-(y (ar-e ro(e in the wor(d4 and have been responsib(e $or numerous human ri-hts abuses.@81A A(thou-h the (e-a( and mora( environment surroundin- the actions o$ -overnments is reasonab(y we(( deve(oped4 that surroundin- mu(tinationa( companies is both controversia( and i((<de$ined.@citation neededA &u(tinationa( companiesB primary responsibi(ity is to their shareho(ders4 not to those a$$ected by their actions. .uch companies may be (ar-er than the economies o$ some o$ the states within which they operate4 and can wie(d si-ni$icant economic and po(itica( power. No internationa( treaties e3ist to speci$ica((y cover the behavior o$ companies with re-ard to human ri-hts4 and nationa( (e-is(ation is very variab(e. >ean Zie-(er4 .pecia( +apporteur o$ the GN 0ommission on *uman +i-hts on the ri-ht to $ood stated in a report in 1KK6: In Au-ust 1KK6 the *uman +i-hts 0ommissionBs .ub<0ommission on the =romotion and =rotection o$ *uman +i-hts produced dra$t Norms on the responsibi(ities o$ transnationa( corporations and other business enterprises with re-ard to human ri-hts.@87A )hese were considered by the *uman +i-hts 0ommission in 1KK74
but have no binding status on corporations and are not monitored.[55] A (ie to(d O$ten enou-h becomes the +ea(ity'$eature<ta-'$eature=re(m$u Rietnam IraF #ar"Ohut93bPO9'$eature=re(ated Bush bro5e every (aw in the boo5s o$ the G. 0onstitution and GN 0harter"9;K8"/)o<Gnited<Nations;:987K"/)o<Gnited<Nations<A-ain Now I (ay me down to s(eep i$ I shou(d die be$ore I ... .ay a-ain the purpose o$ $inancin- the Gnited Nations ?(oba(ization "K"=0Z*,K'$eature Ban5ed into submission )ruth 5i((s truth saves .ave yourse($ and the wor(d http://video.-oo-("";6691"676:1:17:KS Rideo ?one Rideo +ep(aced$-muN7ns
In this lecture !y >ichel )hossudovs"y# he !lo's a'ay the smo"escreen put up !y the mainstream media# that 1,// 'as an attac" on America !y RIslamic terroristsR. $hrough meticulous research# he has uncovered a military-intelligence ploy !ehind the 3eptem!er // attac"s# and the cover-up and complicity of "ey mem!ers of the *ush Administration. According to )hossudovs"y# the R'ar on terrorismR is a complete fa!rication !ased on the illusion that one man# Osama !in &aden# out'itted the J0- !illion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. $he R'ar on terrorismR is a 'ar of conquest. (lo!alisation is the final march to the RNe' 5orld OrderR# dominated !y 5all 3treet and the U.3. military-industrial comple4. 3eptem!er //# 2--/ provides a justification for 'aging a 'ar 'ithout !orders. 5ashingtonQs agenda consists in e4tending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.3. corporate control# 'hile installing 'ithin America the institutions of the Homeland 3ecurity 3tate.>8K'$eature /ema 2etention 0amps &arsha(( %aw$<imp(ementin-<martia(<(aw<coup/ www.:"".)OO1K" www.O>tas5.>ustice" Obstruct >ustice truth and source 5i((
*y not E4posing