N S C Teacher Preparation Program Lesson Plan Format: Description of Classroom

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Description of Classroom:
Resource Room Serving 5th grade:

Students have been working on different styles of writing

Content Objective(s):
Students must know a written opinion piece expresses a point of view supported by reasons and information. Students must know reasons are logical arguments drawn from facts that support the author's opinion Students must compose a written opinion using reason and evidence to strengthen their point of view

Language Objective(s):
I know there are opposing views to any argument I can group reasons and information together in a logical way

Nevada Standards:
W.5.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information RF.5.4:Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension

Key Vocabulary:

argument judgment opinion perspective persuasive techniques point of view reasons

Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
x x Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background x x Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice x x Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups

x x

Links to past learning Strategies incorporated

x x x x x x

Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading x Writing x x

Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement

x x

Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral

x x x x

Teaching Strategies: Whole Group Teacher modeling Group brainstorming **THIS LESSON MAY BE BROKEN INTO 2 DAYS IF NEEDED** Warm Up Activity: Review the importance of nutrition and making healthy choices Lesson Sequence:
1. Teacher will read the passage MILK to the class 2. Students will discuss the details given in the article including why milk is a nutritious choice. 3. Hand out the Flow Maps 4. Discuss the details for writing an opinion piece: the students will all be writing the opinion that milk should be required for children 5. Teacher will introduce the opening statement for the writing: All children should be required to drink milk. 6. Students will write the opening statement on their flow map 7. Students will brain storm ideas and FACTS from the passage on the reasons that children should be required to drink milk. 8. Students will fill in their flow maps with 3 ideas and supporting facts in argue their opinion in milk drinking 9. Students will brain storm a closing sentence for their opinion paper 10. Teacher will model how to create an opinion paper from the information on their flow map. 11. Teacher will stress the importance of including details directly from the writing

Teacher will use modeling to assist in the writing process

Supplementary Materials: Passage: MILK Flow Map Review/Assessment:

Students will hand in completed writing assignment


Form: 005 JDC 4/22/08

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