Library Management System: Synopsis ON
Library Management System: Synopsis ON
Library Management System: Synopsis ON
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) of Indira Gandhi National Open University
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. System Analysis 4. Feasibility Study 5. Software and Hardware Requirement Specifications 6. System Design 7. Coding 8. Table Design 9. Form screen swot 10. Code Efficiency 11. Optimization of code 12. Validation checks 13. Implementation and Maintenance 14. System Security measures Cost Estimation of the project Reports 15. PERT CHART, GRANT CHART 16. Future scope 17. Bibliography
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The objective of the proposed system would be to overcome the problems faced in the manual system. A unique code is generated for each book, transaction & member etc, so that Data retrieval & access can be made much faster & easier. In computerized system, the user can do things in a much easier way as compared to manual system such as viewing, modification, searching, removal of data & generating important reports etc.
Mathematical, accounting and logical errors would get automatically rectified in the proposed system. Reports can be generated on the click of a button. Design of the proposed system must take the following into consideration.
The software should have the provision to enter all the data regarding books present in the library. Also a table should be created for entering the Date of Purchase, Party Name and Quantity. It should also incorporate the information of all types of Members in the university. Members are allowed to a free loan of one week. Each transaction of a particular book should be recorded so as to maintain a ledger of transactions of a particular book. On a search regarding the availability of the book, the database should be able to represent accordingly. A Member can be given number of books equal to the total number of cards issued to the Member.
Project Categories
OOP Language based our front end is fully oops based (object oriented programming language. These futures are: 1. Inheritance 2. Polymorphism 3. Encapsulation 4. Overriding 5. Overloading 6. Data Hiding
System requirements specification must reflect the actual applications to be handled by and system and including system objectives flowcharts, inputoutput requirements, file structure and costs. The specification must also describe each aspect of the system clarity, consistently and completely. Thus system requirement specifications are the key information for programming, testing and implementing the projects. The specification of hardware and software is as follows: Language: ASP.NET WITH C# ASP.NET WITH C# is an object oriented, Event driven and most popular programming language. It is a product provides enhanced features of OOPS.. Modules are nothing just a collection of several sub, function, even procedures. I selected ASP.NET WITH C# due to its easiness and its enhanced Feature & Data manipulation using advance features ASP.NET WITH C#. Hardware: Processor RAM Hard disk Monitor Software: Back End: Through File Handling (I/O Streams) Operating System: Windows 98,NT : Pentium 533 Mhz. : 64mb : 5Gb : SVGA color with 640 x 480
This form ask the user about his / her identification, if the user is valid then he /she can enter in the project or software otherwise you will get message like invalid user or password try again.
Authentication table
Fill the Member information Form Input the Member information and output to save the Member in the database table.
Input the information About the Member and Output, data will save or maintain in database tables. This input module contain whole information about the Member like his / her id, name of the Member, total no of cards, date of birth etc. when we save the record it will be save in the Member table we can search the Member records in future when it demand.
Member Table
Fill the Purchase Form Purchase Module is also role a vital part in this project, through this input form we can maintain the records of purchasing the book, and also enquiry about the book information, and the out is to save the data in database table, in future we can search the records. Input the Accession no, dateofpurchase, partyname, Noof books. Output Data save in the Member table
Output table
Temporary Books in Stock In this module we maintain the temporary book sign in stock, we input the information about the tem book and maintain it in database table, when it required to search the information we can search the record form this table, Output of this module is to save the data in database table purchase table.
Book Stock
User Request
Issue Book
User Request
If Book Return
Book purchasing
If Existing
Book Book
User Request
Member ship
Validating Member
If New member
Storing Data
User Request
Issue Process
If Existing Member
Stock Validating
User Request
Returning of Books
If Existing
Member Updation
Member Audit
Cost Edition Source DOF Publisher POP Subject Author Title Accession Number Pages Language Stock Remarks Issued Class No_ofCards Std_nm Add ress _N M DOB
Book_n m
Issue Return
M Students
Software does not deal with financial data. Data file could show error if the input data is not according to the Defined type. This software is not added with the web site of the Library.
An Operating System is set of program that acts as a translator between you and the computer in order to help you perform your tasks with ease Window based OS has become now a popular OS on Micro Computers.
RDBMS used:
RDBMS:INTRODUCTION:Relational Database Management System has permitted every segment of commercial world. They are required as the backbone of any information system. Presently almost all popular industrial Database Management System supports Relational Model although many extensions of this model have been in existence. Some of these extensions include advanced features such as objects, very large object etc. PROJECT CATEGORY RDBMS:Relational Database Management System has permitted every segment of commercial world. They are required as the backbone of any information system. Presently almost all popular industrial Database Management System supports Relational Model although many extensions of this model have been in existence. Some of these extensions include advanced features such as objects, very large object etc. RDBMS Technology are growing at a very fast pace, especially in the Client Server level of Databases. The logical design will also help in design of Server site Database application. The Client site
development require various application development tools which may be available with the DBMS such as report writers, form designers, ERDiagramming tolls etc. or it may be using a particular programming environment such as Visual Basic.
A Database System is essentially sophisticated, computerized record keeping system, a repository for a collection of computerized data files. A Database system maintain information and makes that information available on demand, for this purpose a database system provides set of facilities to perform such operations. For example, adding new empty files in database, inserting new data in existing files, retrieve data, update data, delete data, query the database etc. ADVANTAGES The most important advantage of the database is to maintain the integrity i.e. it ensures that changes made to the database by the authorized users do not result in a loss of data consistency and guard against accidental damage to the database. The Definitions Related to Relational Model:RDBMS is a system in which, at a minimum: * The data is preserved by the user as relations(and nothing but
relations): * The operators are at the users disposal, for example, for data retrieval the operators that generate new relations from old, include at least SELECT, PROJECT and JOIN. How Does SQL work? SQL is a language oriented specifically around relational Databases. It eliminates a lot of the work you would have to do if you were using a general-purpose programming language, such as C. To build a relational Database in C, you would have to start from scratch. You would have to define an object called a TABLE that could grow to have
any number of rows, and then create step-by-step procedures for putting values in it and retrieving them. If you want to find some particular rows, you would have to enumerate each step of process like this: 1) Look at a row of a table. 2) Perform a test to see if it is one of the rows you want. 3) If so, store it somewhere until a whole table is examined. 4) See if there are any more rows in the table. 5) If there are more rows, go back to step 1. 6) If there are no more rows, output all values store in step 3. Forms of SQL In a sense, there are three SQLs: Interactive, Static and Dynamic. For the most part, the forms operate the same way, but they are used differently. Interactive SQL is used to operate directly on a database to produce output for human utilization. In this form of SQL, you enter a statement now, it is executed now, and you can see the output (if any ) immediately. Static SQL consists of SQL consists of SQL statements hard-coded as part of an application or code module. The most common form of this is Embedded SQL, where SQL code is interspersed in the source code of a program written primarily in another language, such as C or Pascal. Enabling these other languages to deal with SQLs structure and its style of data management does require some extensions to Interactive SQL. The output of SQL statements in Embedded SQL is passed off
to variables or parameters usable by the program in which it is embedded. Dynamic SQL is also part of an application or code module, but the specific SQL code to be executed is generated at runtime rather than coded in advance. Some extensions to Static SQL are required to make this possible.
A Database Management system is a software system that allows access to data contained in a database. The objective of the DBMS is to provide a convenient and effective method of defining, storing, and retrieving the information contained in the database. The DBMS interfaces with application programs, so that the data contained in the database can be used by multiple applications and users. The database system allows these users to access and manipulate the data contained in the database in a convenient and effective manner. In addition the DBMS exerts centralized control of the database, prevents fraudulent or unauthorized users from accessing the data, and ensures the privacy of the data.
An organization is establish to undertake one or several operations or projects. Typically, it is an environment with a single administrative control. All organizations have some basic, common functions. Typically an organization needs to collect, process, store, and disseminate data for its human, financial, and material resources and functions. The function
performed by and organization depend on its nature and purpose and could include some of the following: payroll, accounts receivable and payable, sales reports and forecasts, design and manufacturing, course offerings, course enrollment
VISUAL BASIC:Visual Basic is a programming language used to create Windowsbased applications. Visual Basic makes it very easy to get the user interface portion of your application up and running. A Visual Basic application consists of forms, controls, classes and procedures. Forms are windows upon which you build your user interface and controls are the building blocks of the user interface. Controls, also called active Controls, are interface tools, such as labels, text boxes and command buttons, that you use to display information to the user, gather information from the user, and respond to user actions. Classes are templates from which you can create your own objects at run time. Procedures are small routines you write that are callable from anywhere in your application. These routines will perform a function for you that you write once but can call many times. An application is made up of forms, modules and classes. A form is made up of properties, events and controls. Controls are also made up of properties and events. Features of Visual Basic
Visual Basic is a superset of the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language, which is included with most office products.
Provides the ability to develop and test applications using an interpretive run function. 4. Object-based application is possible using class modules. 5. Rapid application development (RAD).
Allows for the creation of COM components such as ActiveX controls, DLLs, and Execs. 7. Includes good debugging facilities. 8. Have many wizards that help automate repetitive tasks.
VISUAL BASIC APPLICATION COMPONENTS: Projects A Visual Basic project is a collection of forms, controls, references to automation information. servers, application creation settings and version
Forms A form is a window thats displayed on the Windows desktop or inside an NDI form. A form generally has many different controls placed upon
it. The form, its controls and the code associated with the form are all stored together on the disk in a file with an .FRM extension. Controls A control is a tool used to display information or retrieve information from the user. Examples of controls are boxes, buttons, graphics, labels and grids. Controls come in two forms: Standard controls and custom controls. The standard controls are always present in the toolbox. The custom controls are brought into the Visual Basic environment and extend the toolbox. Code Modules Code, or source code, is written to make controls and forms respond to user interaction. Code is made up of variable declarations, constants, procedures or function declarations, statements, calls to the Windows API, loops, conditional constructs and so on. Code modules are stored in ASCII text files with a .BAS extension. These are sometimes called standard modules. Class Modules Class module allows you to create your own objects. Theyre the prototype for these objects, defining their properties and methods. Property Pages Property pages are used within the context of user controls. These pages are used to view and change the properties of user controls in an easy to understand format.
Data Report Pro complete program that helps you define reports, save their definitions to disk and run these reports against database to create final printouts. DATA Report Pro is banded report writer treats all outputs as bands of data. Each band has its own processes and settings that you can manipulate in order to create the report layout and behavior you need. 1. The Header and Footer band. 2. The Detail band. 3. Title band. 4. Page Header and Footer. 5. Group Header and Footer. 6. Grand Total. 7. Summary. The Header and Footer bands contain information that appears at the top and bottom of every page of the report. This could be reports titles, Page numbers, print date and so on. Every report has a header and a footer band. The detail band contain the actual print lines. The Detail band is the report version of a data table record.
DATA REPORTS PRO FIELDS: Within each band, you place fields to be displayed. Various fields included in crystal report project are: DATABASE FIELD:
Use this option to select a field from the attached database. You can select any field in any table. You can select the same field more than once.
TEXT FIELD: Use this option to create a text field for your report form. After you create the text field, you can manipulate the format, font, and color the same way you can in a database field. FORMULA FIELD: Use this option to create a new formula field or edit an existing formula field. Select this menu item and you can see a list box showing all the formula fields defined for this report. If you double Click one of the fields in the list, you see the formula editor with the selected formula name you can see the formula editor ready for you to create a new formula. SUMMARY FIELD: Use this option to insert a field that contains the text that uniquely identifies each group. This is a good tool to use place a caption at the beginning of each group. A group must be inserted into the report before this option can be executed.
The Project at present contains only those options, which are mostly used. The project can be further expended to contain all aspects that a used in maintaining the transaction of M/S Sri HANUMAN Traders. This complete project can be used by any company wherever these type of transaction held, since VB is an easy and having a lots of in-built features, thus if in future one like to change or Add some extra feature without rewriting and redesigning of the database is possible. It contains appropriate documentation and reusability nature, which will also help in operating by a Novice. This project cant produce any Balance sheet/ Statement Transaction like other financial software does. It doesnt keep information for cash transaction as well as Bank details individually.
Reference/Bibliography Turbo ASP.NET WITH C# by Robert Lafore Let us ASP.NET WITH C# by Yashwant Kanitkar ASP.NET WITH C# Program Design by James P. Cohoon/Jack W. Davidson Software Engineering, A practiioner Approach Press Man System Designing of Madira 2000 for SDL (Internal Document of the Tandon Claretedene Micro System Pvt. Ltd)