NCP - Activity Intolerance
NCP - Activity Intolerance
NCP - Activity Intolerance
Date A U G U S T Cues Need A C T I V I T Y E X E R C I S E P A T T E R N Nsg. Dx Activity intolerance related to imbalance oxygen between supply and demand secondary to hemolytic anemia Hemolytic anemia is characterized by the premature destruction of red cell. RBCs carry oxygen,in this case, red blood cells are destructed altering the proper circulation and distribution of oxygen. Energy expenditure requires oxygen and can make patient easily exhausted. Objectives That within my 8 hours span of nursing care, patient will be able to avoid exhaustion as manifested by: a) Identify negative factors affecting activity intolerance and eliminate or reduce their effects when possible b) Use identified techniques to enhance activity tolerance c) Maintain physiologic signs of tolerance Nsg Interventions 1. Establish rapport. To promote cooperation. 2. Assess general energy levels and activity tolerance. Some patients have peak energy levels after naps, nursing schedule should be scheduled accordingly to prevent exhaustion. 3. Provide long uninterrupted periods of rest and relaxation. Healing damaged liver cells and generating new ones requires metabolic expenditure, providing rest reduces the energy required for movement and increases the energy available for healing. 4. 85 Provide or Evaluation After 8 hours span of care, my patient was able to avoid exhaustion as manifeted by: a) Identified negative factors affecting activity intolerance and reduce their effects when possible. b) Use identified techniques to enhance activity tolerance such as placing frequently used objects of reach. c) Maintain physiologic sign of tolerance
.Subjective: Medyo hago na mulihok kay dli na ko ing-ana kabaskog,labaw na dri(hospital) tungod pud 19, siguro ni sa 2010 akong sakit bah 3PM Objective: Fatigue Weakness Palor CRT >2 seconds
encourage a quiet environment. To promote effective rest. 5. Provide information on energy conservation techniques. Fatigue is often the most profound manifestation of hepatitis. Setting priorities for activity and keeping frequently used objects within reach help conserve energy. 6. Assist patient in identifying realistic goals for engaging in activity. Patient may need assistance in balancing the desire for activities with the need of rest. 7. Identify activity needs versus desires Identify causative or precipitating factors. 8. Adjust activities to prevent overexertion 86
reduce intensity level or discontinue activities that cause undesired physiologic changes 9. Assist with activities and provide/monitor clients use of assistive devices such as oxygen tank to protect from injury.