1 Solar Power Plant HMI FinalX
1 Solar Power Plant HMI FinalX
1 Solar Power Plant HMI FinalX
DC Input: DC voltage range, MPP 500-820 V DC voltage 400-1,000 V max. DC current 1,060 Amps Voltage ripple USS <3% Width / Height / Depth 2,700/1,8001) /600 [mm] Inv - DC/AC Cubicle ca. 1,700 kg Weight (Basis version) AC Output: 510 kVA Nom Power at Inverter contactor 0.9 ind. to 0.9 kap. Cos phi 283 V AC voltage (+/- 10%) No Optional 400 VAC (with trafo) 50/60 Hz Frequency (- 5 % / + 3 %) <3% Current THDi at nom. power 0.99 Power factor Efficiency (Max/Euro/CEC) 98.3 % / 98.4 % 98.2 %
1) Fans: +270 2
For large-scale and megawatt PV plants: Stable and reliable Very high efficiency > 98% Active earthing Excellent availability Easy to maintain Lifetime of more than 20 years Single source solutions in a TKS-C Container include: PV.500 Central inverter Metering & monitoring components Communications infrastructure Transformer & swith gear
live status data from the central inverter and the solar field can be shared with grid users
PV inverters can provide stabilizing reactive power using one of four different methods
the FRT (Fault Ride Through) capabilities are configurable for voltages and currents an innovated FGPA solution allows for detailed customization for all grid codes
APRIL 2012
PV.ClimatE: weather transmitter This sensor is used to record nine different weather parameters: wind speed rainfall duration wind direction amount of rain air temperature rain intensity air humidity dew point air pressure
PV.PyranO: radiation sensor package The pyranometer CMP11 is a sensor for measuring the exact global and diffused radiation from the sun. It also senses and records ambient and module temperature. The pyranometer is used for performance ratio calculations and its radiation data can be used for yield survey.
PV.SuN: radiation package The NES SOZ-03 is a very precise radiation sensor, its reference cell consists of the same silicon as the solar modules (crystalline / amorphic silicon). It also records ambient and module temperature. The NES SOZ-03 is used as a reference to the solar modules.
PV.IcX: combiner box used for crystalline and thinfilm solar modules PV.IcX can monitor up to 16 single strings. It records all data with a one minute value of resolution and is quite precise, measuring with an accuracy of 0,50% for A and VDC. Faulty generator strings, shadowing, contamination of dirt and failures can be quickly detected.
PV.GuarD: software for the effective monitoring of PV power plants With PV.GuarD you can supervise all your PV power plants by remote monitoring from anywhere in the world, independent of your inverter manufacturer. This universal monitoring software provides quick access to all your critical operational data. One software for all your PV power plants, analyse and compare energy yields, measure performance and efficiency, yield prognosis and adjustable alarming.