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01 Salesquote Modeling

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BPM 11g Foundation Training

Process Modeling

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Naming Convention ................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Creating the BPM Project for Quote Process ............................................................. 2 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 Creating the high-level outline of the BPMN process.................................................. 5 Adding conditional split for Business Practices Review Step.................................... 10 Adding parallel paths for approvals ............................................................................... 12 Adding loops for redo of Quote .................................................................................... 16

1.1 Introduction
Note: The solution for this chapter can be found in c:\bpm\solutions\01-modeling.
The first exercise is based on building the Sales Quote Process model. You first create an outline of the process flow as a BPMN model using the Oracle BPM Studio. Oracle JDeveloper with the BPMN Editor extension is called Oracle BPM Studio. Implementation details are added in a later exercise. The Sales Quote scenario is as follows: The business process implements a solution for Sales Representatives to submit Sales Quotes and manage all the approvals within a particular Sales organization. A quick recap on the business process definition and its flow is detailed below. The Business Process is triggered by a Sales Representative creating a Task to Enter the Quote details in the Enter Quote interactive step. The next step is to determine the list of approvers for the Quote using business rules and also to determine whether additional review by Business Practices is required. This is accomplished through the Determine Approval Rules step. After the rules have been evaluated, the next step is to check whether Business Practices Review is required and if yes go through the Business Practices Review step. The Quote then has to get approved for the deal structure and terms. After the Business Practices Review has been completed, the process instance moves to the Approve Quote and Approve Terms activities that are executed in parallel. The Approve Quote activity is executed by approvers in the Approvers role and the Approve Terms by individuals that have been assigned the Contracts role in the organization.

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Once these 2 steps in the business process have been completed successfully, the process instance moves on to the Finalize Contracts step and waits for its final approval by an individual in the Contracts role. The complete flow is shown in the figure below.

1.2 Naming Convention

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The folder and the application should be called SalesQuoteLab The project and the composite should be called QuoteProcessLab The process should be called RequestQuoteLab The UI project folders should all end with Lab, e.g. EnterQuoteUILab The UI EAR should end with Lab

1.3 Creating the BPM Project for Quote Process

1. 2. 3.

Open BPM Studio and select the Default mode when you start JDeveloper. Go to File New to launch the New Gallery wizard. In the New Gallery window, select Applications under General in the Categories panel and select BPM Application in the Items panel.

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4. 5.

Click OK. Specify the Application Name SalesQuoteLab, the folder name is also set to SalesQuoteLab. Confirm the Directory location is where you want to create the application.


Click Next

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Enter QuoteProcessLab for the Project Name. BPM is selected by default for Project Technologies

8. 9.

Click Next. Select the Composite Template Composite with BPMN Process. This creates your composite application with a BPMN process.

10. Click Finish.

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1.3.1 Creating the high-level outline of the BPMN process

The Create BPMN Process wizard starts automatically.

Select From Pattern Manual Process.

2. 3.

Click Next Specify the name for the Process RequestQuoteLab. Click Finish.

This creates a RequestQuoteLab process with a Start Event (thin circle) and End Event (thicker circle) of type None with an Interactive Task of type User Task in between. The Start Event of type None signifies that there is no external event triggering the process. The first activity after the Start Event creates the process instance. In addition, a default swim lane Role gets created and the swim lane points to the default logical role Role.

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Note: In BPM Studio, the swim lanes in the BPMN process point to logical Roles. A logical role represents a process participant (user or group) and needs to be mapped to physical roles (LDAP users/groups) before the process is deployed. This will be addressed in Lab 2 . The Interactive Task refers to a step that is managed by the workflow engine. The Performers represent the business users who need to carry out the Interactive Task. The associated Task (work to be performed) is shown in the inbox of the assigned Performers when the Interactive Task is triggered. The actual work is performed only when the Performer executes on his Task. The Task is presented to the Performers through a browser based worklist application. In BPM Studio, the Performer is set to the Role associated with the swim lane into which the Interactive Task is dropped.


Right click on the User Task step, select Properties and specify name Enter Quote Details for the step. Click OK.

Now, change the name of the default role Role to SalesRep by going to QuoteProcessLab/ Organization node.

In the left navigation bar, select BPM Project Navigator to view the contents of the BPM project. Right-click on Organization node and select open. This opens up the Organization pane.


Highlight the default role named Role and use the pencil icon to edit it to be SalesRep. Click OK.

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Click on the + sign to add the following Roles Approvers, Business Practices and Contracts. Save and close the Organization window.


The performer or assignee for the Enter Quote Details User Task is now set to the SalesRep Role.

Ignore the yellow triangular warning symbol with the exclamation for now. It indicates that certain configuration information is missing for the activity. You will visit this during the Implementation lab.

10. Right-click on the process diagram just below the SalesRep swimlane. Choose the

Add Role option.

11. Select Business Practices from the list of options available. Click OK.

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12. If the Component Palette is not visible, select it from View->Component Palette.

13. You will be placing some activities on the process canvas after the Enter Quote Details

user task so drag the End event out to the right to make some room.
14. Click on User Task from the BPM Component Palette in the Activities section.

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Important: Note that you can use a drag-and-drop action or a click-and-drop action to place items in the process canvas from the component palette. The click-and-drop action from Component Palette to process canvas works a bit differently than other drag-and-drop actions you have to release the mouse button after the click to select the component in the palette (instead of holding down the mouse button) and then click in the process canvas to drop it.

15. Drop this new User Task after the existing Enter Quote Details user task by

hovering on the center of the connector between Enter Quote Details and End until the connector turns blue. Then click the mouse button to drop the Task.
16. Name this User Task, Business Practices Review and click OK. The connection

lines are automatically created.

17. Drag the new Business Practices Review user task to the Business Practices lane.

The performer or assignee for the Business Practices Review user task is set to Business Practices role.

18. Create two more lanes for Approvers and Contracts. 19. Drag the End activity to the far right side of the Contracts lane. 20. Drag & drop 3 User Tasks on to the process diagram, one following the other, and

name them Approve Deal, Approve Terms and Finalize Contracts respectively. Remember to place them on the connector line and drop them when the line turns blue so the connections are made automatically for you.
21. Move the Approve Deal to the Approvers Lane. 22. Move the other 2 User Tasks Approve Terms and Finalize Contracts to the

Contracts Lane.
23. Finally add a Service Task right after the Finalize Contracts User Task from

the BPM Component Palette and name it Save Quote. The modified diagram should look something like this:

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1.3.2 Adding conditional split for Business Practices Review Step

You now have a high-level outline of the process. You can now start adding the conditional branching to include the scenario where the Business Practices Review step can be completely bypassed.

Click & drop an Exclusive (XOR) Gateway from the Gateways Pane and add it to the process right before (to the left of) the Business Practices Review step and not on top of a connector.


In the Properties Editor set the Name to Is Business Practices Review required?

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24. Click OK. 25. This Is Business Practices Required? gateway will have 2 outgoing branches the

conditional one leads to Business Practices Review and the default branch directly joins with the Approve Deal step.
26. First, select the connector coming from Enter Quote Details (currently connected to

Business Practices Review) and drag it to the gateway.

27. Next, right-click on the gateway and select Add Conditional Sequence Flow and

click on Business Practices Review.

28. Finally, right-click on the gateway again and select Add Default Sequence Flow

and click on Approve Deal.

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BPM 11g Foundation Training 29. Right-click on the outgoing connections and select Properties. Name the

conditional path Yes and the default path No.

1.3.3 Adding parallel paths for approvals

Now you need to modify the process flow further to make Approve Deal and Approve Terms steps as parallel and concurrent activities. This can be achieved through a Parallel (AND) Gateway.

Click & drop a Parallel Gateway from the Gateway Pane and place to the right of the Approve Deal step in the process (not on a connector). In the Properties Editor set the Name to Approvals. Click OK.


This creates a pair of Parallel Gateways to indicate the parallel split and parallel join (merge).

Right-click on the Parallel Merge Gateway to bring up the Properties Editor and set the Name to Approvals Merge.

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Rewire the outgoing connections from both the Is Business Practices Review Required? Gateway and Business Practices Review steps to point to the Approvals Gateway.

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On the Approve Deal step, select the connector coming from the activity. Rightclick and choose the delete option to delete the sequence flow going out of Approve Deal step. Drag the Approve Deal User Task and drop it on the connector between the Approvals and Approvals Merge Gateways.



Right-click on the Approvals Gateway and select the Add sequence flow to converging gateway option to create a parallel path.

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8. 9.

Delete the outgoing sequence flow from Approve Terms step. Now drop the Approve Terms step to the newly created parallel path between Approvals and Approvals Merge gateways.

10. Rewire the connections such that the outgoing default sequence flow from the

Approvals Merge gateway is now pointing to the Finalize Contracts step.

11. Move the user tasks into their appropriate swim lanes if necessary.

Now, the modified process diagram looks like the figure below:

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1.3.4 Adding loops for redo of Quote

There is one last modification to be done before we complete the outline. The Business Practices Review, Approve Deal and Approve Terms user tasks can have 2 possible outcomes APPROVE or REJECT. The APPROVE outcome continues the process along the main path, also called the happy path. On the other hand, the REJECT outcome should redirect the process back to the Enter Quote Details activity so that the Sales Representative can refine the quote and resubmit. The Exclusive (XOR) Gateway is required to create a loop.

Click & drop an Exclusive Gateway just after the Business Practices Review step and name it Business Practices Outcome. Drag the outgoing sequence flow from Business Practices Review to Business Practices Outcome gateway.


The outgoing business exception path from the newly added Exclusive Gateway should redirect the process flow to the Enter Quote Details step.

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Select the Business Practices Outcome gateway, right-click and add the conditional path to Enter Quote Details step. Name the conditional path as Business Practices Rejected.


Select the Business Practices Outcome gateway again, right-click and add the default path to the Approvals gateway. Name the default path Business Practices Approved.

Similarly, the process flow should go back to the Enter Quote Details step if the Approve Terms or Approve Deal outcome is REJECT.

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Drag & drop an Exclusive Gateway to just after the Approvals Merge step and name it Approvals Outcome. Place it on the connector and drop it when the connector turns blue to set the connections automatically. Draw a default sequence flow from Approvals Outcome gateway to Finalize Contracts step. Name this branch Approved. Draw a conditional sequence flow from Approvals Outcome gateway to Enter Quote Details step. Name this branch to Deal or Terms Rejected. The completed process outline looks like the following diagram.




12. Save the process.

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