Tinnitus Today December 1999 Vol 24, No 4
Tinnitus Today December 1999 Vol 24, No 4
Tinnitus Today December 1999 Vol 24, No 4
Tinnitus Today
"To promote relief, prevention, and the eventual cure of tinnitus for
the benefit of present and future generations"
Since 1971
Education -Advocacy - Research - Support
In This Issue:
Alten1ative Management
of Tinnitus, Part I -
Vitamins and Minerals
A Worldwide Look
at Tinnitus
ATA Self-Help Group Guide
Progress Through Research
A Sound Pollution Solution
Sound therapy - this is a relatively
untapped lifestyle enhancer. You're
providing yourself with a much healthi-
er environment-a break from "sound pollution." It's a
whole new way to relax and soothe your senses. The
sounds of nature have a way of bringing you to a different
place- a place where you'll revel in a great night's sleep; a
place where your concentration can be heightened and a
place where the stress of the day vanishes almost instant-
ly. Simply turning on a Marsona Sound Conditioner from
Ambient Shapes can bring these pleasing sounds and
serenity to your life.
You see, sound conditioning makes
your surroundings as tranquil as a light
spring rain or night time at a mountain
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mind can take you. Sound Conditioners from Ambient
Shapes provide the stimulus, your body relaxes and your
mind goes where it wants to be. Let yourself be taken
away and let tranquility finally be a part of your life
whether you're having difficulty sleeping, keeping on
track while working at home or the office, surviving the
unpleasantness of Tinnitus or trying to make it through
your stressful day. This could be the simplest answer to
your toughest problems.
\ Three popular units offer you the
sounds that mother nature intended
for us to hear. One is perfect for the
home or office while the others are small and portable
enough to be taken with you when travelling.
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Editorial ond Advertising offices: American Tinnitus Association, P.O. Box 5, Portland, OR 97207 503/2489985, 800/6348978 tinnitus@ato.org, http:j /www.ota.org
Editorial and Advertising offices: American
Tinnitus Association, P.O. Box 5, Portland, OR
97207, 503/ 248-9985, 800/ 634-8978,
tinnitus@ata.org, http:/ / www.ata.org
Executive Director: Steve Laubacher, Ph.D.
Editor: Barbara Thbachnick Sanders
Tinmtus 7bday is published quarterly in March,
June, September, and December. It is mailed
to American Tinnitus Association donors and
a selected list of tinnitus sufferers and profes-
sionals who treat tinnitus. Circulation is
rotated co 80,000 annually.
The Publisher reserves the right to reject or
edit any manuscript received for publication
and to reject any advertising deemed unsuit-
The Journal of the American Tinnitus Association
Volume 24 Number 4, December 1999
Tinnitus, ringing in the ears or head noises, is experienced by as many
as 50 million Americans. Medical help is often sought by those who have
it in a severe, stressful, or life-disrupting form.
Table of Contents
able for Tinnitus 7bday. ACceptance of advert is-
ing by 7bday docs not constitute
endorsement of the advertiser, its products or
services. nor does Tinnitus Today make any
A Worldwide Look at Tinnitus
by Dhyan Cassie, M.A., CCC-A
claims or g1.1arantees as to the accuracy or
validity of the adveniser's offer. The opinions
expressed by contributors ro Tinnitus Thday are
not necessarily those of the Publisher, editors,
staff, or advertisers. American Tinnitus
Association is a non-profit human health and
welfare agency under 26 USC SOl (c)(3).
Copyright 1999 by American Tinnitus
Association. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
without the prior written permission of the
Publisher. ISSN: 0897-6368
Executive Di rector
Steve Laubacher, Ph.D., Portland, OR
Board of Directors
Paul Meade, Tigard, OR, Chairman
Joel Alexander, Park Ridge, NJ
James 0. Chinn is, Jr., Ph.D., Manassas, VA
Claude H. Grizzard, Sr .. Atlanta, GA
w. F. S. Hopmeier, St. Louis, MO
Gary P. Jacobson, Ph.D., Detroit, Ml
Sidney Kleinman, Chicago, IL
Stephen Nagler, M.D., Atlanta, GA
Kathy Peck, San Francisco, CA
John Nichols, Scottsdale, AZ
Dan Putjes, New York, NY
Susan Seidel, M.A., CCC-A, Thwson, MD
Tim Sotos, Lenexa, KS
Jack A. Vernon, Ph.D., Portland, OR
Megan Vidis, Chicago, l l
Honorary Directors
The Honorable Mark 0. Hatfield,
U.S. Senate, Retired
Tony Randall, Ne,, York, NY
William Shatner. Los Angeles. CA
Scientific Advisors
Ronald G. Amedee, M. D,, New Orleans, LA
Robert E. Brummett, Ph.D., Portland, OR
Jack D. Clemis, M. D., Chicago, lL
Robert A. Dobie, M.D., San Antonio, TX
John R. Emmett, M.D., Memphis, TN
Barbara Goldstein, Ph.D. , New York, NY
John w. House, M. D., Los Angeles, CA
Gary P. Jacobson, Ph.D., Detroit, Ml
Pawcl J . Jastreboff, Ph.D., Atlanta, GA
Will iam H. Martin, Ph.D., Ponland, OR
Douglas E. Mattox, M.D., Atlanta, GA
Mary B. Meikle, Ph.D., Portland, OR
Stephen Nagler, M.D., Atlanta, GA
J. Gail Neely, M.D., St. Louis, MO
Gloria E. Reich, Ph.D., Portland, OR
Robert E. Sandlin, Ph.D., El Cajon, CA
Alexander J. Schleuning. 11, M.D.,
Portland, OR
Michael D. Seidman, M.D.,
West Bloomfield, MI
Abraham Shulman, M.D., Brooklyn, NY
Robert Sweetow, Ph.D., San Francisco, CA
RichardS. 'JYier, Ph. D., Iowa City, !A
11 Alternative Management of Tinnitus
by Michael D. Seidman, M.D.
14 Winning by a Landslide
by Cathie Glennon
14 Mid-Atlantic Regional Tinnitus Conference
15 Progress Through Research
by Cheryl McGinnis
16 ATA Self-Help Group Guide
17 Support Network Involves Many
by Cheryl McGinnis
18 Celebrating Virginia!
by John Nichols
19 A Moment to Remember
by Rachel Wray
20 Meet ATA's New Scientific Advisory Committee Members
22 A Reprieve from the Ringing
by Joseph Woods
Regular Features
4 From the Executive Director
by Steve Laubacher, Ph.D.
5 From the Editor
by Barbara Thbachnick Sanders
7 Letter s to the Editor
23 Questions and Answers
by Jack A. Vernon, Ph.D.
25 Special Donors and 'fributes
Cover: ' Symphony in Blue and Gold, (acrylic, 22.5 x 15"), by T Oughton. Inquiries to the
Indigo Gal1ery, 504 S. Main Street, P.O. Box 728, joseph, Oregon 97846-0728, (541) 432-5202.
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus Thday/ December 1999 3
by Steve Laubache" Ph.D.
As we leave summer and
enter fall and winter,
thoughts always turn to
change. This year with the
approach of the year 2000
we are even more acutely
tuned into the passage of
time and new beginnings.
I know that all of us here
at the American Tinnitus
Association have change
on our minds as we reposition our association
to meet the needs of our readers and members.
ATA's Board of Directors has made a strong
commitment to make ATA the leader in address-
ing all of the issues that emerge from tinnitus.
As evidence of this we have added three new
staff positions in the last month. We now have a
full-time person working to insure that each
request for information is filled within a week of
receiving the request. We have also hired a new
person to head up our Research and Support
programs. This will enable us to keep up with
scientific advances and pass that news on to our
members and the general public. Finally, we
have added a person to head up our Information
and Resource program and our Government
Affairs program. This will help us respond to
the thousands of calls that we receive asking for
information and help, and keep us on top of
legislative efforts to fund research into the
causes, treatment, and cure of tinnitus.
Just as exciting is our effort to begin to plan
for the next three years of operation. Our Long
Range Strategic Planning will help ATA set goals
in a number of areas including education, advo-
cacy, research, and support. Of course, these
goals wil1 also carry a price tag. That is why we
are endeavoring to significantly increase our fund
raising and public information capabilities. These
planning efforts have already begun at the staff
and Board level. In early 2000, we will take all of
4 Tinnitus 1bday/ December 1999 American Tinrutus Association
the ideas generated to the Strategic Planning
Committee, who will try to reconcile and balance
what will surely be ambitious goals. If you are
interested in serving on this committee, I encour-
age you to write to Cheryl McGinnis/Strategic
Planning Liaison here at the ATA headquarters in
Portland. (Include your name, address, and
phone number.) Briefly list your background,
your relationship to ATA if any, and why you
think you should be selected for membership on
the committee. We will seriously consider your
We are all very excited about our future and
remain open to your continued support. Best
wishes for meaningful holidays. IB
20th European Instructional
Course on "Tinnitus and its
April 9-12, 2000
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, UK
The 20th annual course addresses the
causes, scientific background, investigation,
and management of tinnitus with case discus-
sions, practical demonstrations, and workshop
sessions. The course is suitable for otologists,
audiological physicians, scientists, technicians,
and hearing therapists who are involved in
clinical or research work on tinnitus. The
course has CME accreditation.
Course fee: 660.00 residential, 580.00
Registration: Julie Whittington, Conference
Nottingham Limited, Shire Hall, High
'Pavement, Nottingham NG1 1HN, United
Tel: 0115 915 1383
Fax: 0115 915 1378
From the Editor
by Barbara Tabachnick Sanders
I genuinely do not like to
fly. Yes, it's intrinsic to our
way of life and I do it.
But, I don't like it. The
growl of unfamiliar
engines, the abrupt turbu-
lence, and my ignorance
about what keeps that much metal up in
the air make me feel out of control. I sit
through every flight in what I hope is con-
stant telepathic communication with the
pilot and the co-pilot. I carefully scan my
allotted patch of sky out the window just in
case I see something that would need to be
reported to the cockpit. It's exhausting,
believe me, flying the plane with only a side
window view.
'TWo months ago, I flew to New Orleans with
fellow ATA staff Steve Laubacher, Pat Daggett,
and Cheryl McGinnis for ATA's Tinnitus Public
Forum. I did my job on the way there: I kept the
plane airborne with my white-knuckled attention
to the situation.
The Tinnitus Public Forum was very well-
attended, and even for me well-worth the trip.
Our panelists, Drs. Mary Meikle, Richard Harlan,
Michael Seidman, and Stephen Nagler, presented
an outstanding hour of tinnitus commentary. The
panelists then answered another hour's worth of
questions with help from the wise and wonderful
Jack Vernon who was in the audience.
As for the presentations, Dr. Meikle's research
revealed that people without hearing loss experi-
enced greater tinnitus distress than those with
hearing loss when first examined. Looking closer,
Meikle found that the normal hearing subjects
were generally younger than the hearing- .
impaired subjects and were in most cases deahng
with sudden-onset tinnitus. Also, most of the
normal hearing subjects were still working and
therefore more affected by tinnitus-related sleep
Dr. Harlan's brand new ATA-funded research
is unfolding and exciting: he is in the process of
determining if an increase in GABA (a chemical
already found in the brain) will reduce the
perception of tinnitus and hyperacusis, a super-
sensitivity to sound.
Dr. Seidman has a Bachelor's degree in nutri-
tion and a medical degree in otolaryngology. He
blends those discipbnes for his tinnitus patients
and offered our audience a taste of alternative
treatments for tinnitus and for general good
health. (See Dr. Seidman's article, p. 11.)
The audience was intrigued (and entertained)
by Dr. Nagler's presentation on the philosophy of
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, or TRT. Nagler
spoke with the wisdom of an experie?ced
tus clinician and from his own expenence w1th
the therapy that helped him overcome his tinni-
tus. His explanation of the "directive counseling"
component ofTRT had its own soothing effect.
He explained that when patients understand the
mechanisms of their tinnitus, when they learn
what they can expect from a treatment, when
they recognize that their negative attitudes
towards their tinnitus perpetuate the intrusive-
ness of the tinnitus, and when their hea1th
providers are skilled in tinnitus care and. are
caring, then the healing process has not JUSt
begun - it is well underway. The whole forum
seemed like directive counseling in action.
When the presentations and the Q&A session
concluded, dozens waited for one-on-one time
with the doctors who graciously stayed. Many
people there expressed interest in a
local support network (none currently eXlsts m
New Orleans). And we expressed our eagerness
to help.
I was back on a plane the next day, bound for
home. The turbulence was unnerving from New
Orleans to Denver. We landed in Denver in the
dark (which made it hard for me to check outside
for obstacles) then changed planes for the last leg
of the journey. Within minutes of takeoff for
Portland, I felt a tumble of dreaded turbulence.
We climbed through it, leveled off for a moment,
and climbed again into more turbulence. We
dropped down out of its way, then tried to nudge
our way back up. Still turbulent. We dropped
down a little and leveled off Then the captam
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus Thday/ Dccember 1999 5
Letters to the Editor
From time to time, we include letters
from our members about their experi-
ences with "non-traditional'' treatments.
We do so in the hope that the informa-
tion offered might be helpful. Please read
these anecdotal reports carefully, consult
with your physician or medical advisor,
and decide for yourself if a given treat-
ment might be right for you. As always,
the opinions expressed are strictly those
of the letter writers and do not reflect an
opinion or endorsement by ATA.
Hyperocusis and Earmuffs
I've had constant tinnitus for at least 20 years.
To date, I appear to have no hearing loss. At ran-
dom times, I have hyperacusis [a super-sensitivi-
ty to sound] so loud that the sound of newspaper
pages being turned causes me ear pain.
Several years ago, I bought the Howard Leight
Thunder 29 earmuffs with a noise reduction
rating (NRR) of 29 dB. I've found it very helpful
in keeping the noise of vacuum cleaners, garbage
disposers, and neighbor's power mowers from
worsening my tinnitus. When my husband is
going to indulge in a hobby that I find painfully
noisy, he hands me my earmuffs and "domestic
harmony is preserved." I often use the earmuffs
in conjunction with earplugs if I anticipate a
loud noise exposure. Their new earmuff product,
called the "Leightning," has an NRR of 31 and is
noticeably quieter than my old Thunder 29,
perhaps because my Thunder 29 is on its third
set of replacement pads.
A caveat: On long car trips, my hyperacusis
can be triggered when I use both earplugs and
earmuffs. Long-duration use of hearing protection
devices is associated with onset of hyperacusis
often enough in my case that I would caution
anyone who has both tinnitus and hyperacusis to
not overuse these devices.
Raynelle Feinstein, PO. Box 1125, Cottage
Grove, OR 97424, pmfeinstein@earthlink. net
Patches for Tinnitus
I have had tinnitus for 27 years. After reading
Mr. Perkins' Letter to the Editor (in the March
1999 Tinnitus 'Ibday), I decided to try wearing the
'fransderm Sc6p patch behind one of my ears.
(I have tinnitus in both ears.) It did make my
tinnitus go away, however I experienced severe
dizziness, disorientation, and a dry mouth. I could
only wear it for two days. (It is interesting that
this medicine is usually used to stop dizziness.)
My doctor suggested that I cut the patches in
half since a whole one was clearly too strong for
me. Now I wear half a patch for three days at a
time on one side and then another half patch for
three days on the other side. It sometimes make
the tinnitus quieter for me.
Mi17ie Card, ATA member
Stop Caffeine!
After I noticed a sudden ringing in my right
ear, I was diagnosed with tinnitus by two different
doctors. Both told me that there was nothing any-
one could do about it. I started making inquiries
myselfby phone, reading medical information in
magazines and newspapers, and talking to anyone
who knew anything about tinnitus. "Stop Your
Intake of Caffeine" grabbed my attention in a
magazine. So I cut out 100% of my caffeine intake
including teas, soft drinks, and even decaffeinat-
ed coffee (which actually has a small amount of
caffeine in it). For some reason, it seemed to help
me. My tinnitus started to ease off. From ringing
in the ear, I started having buzzing. As the days
went by, the buzzing faded away until it com-
pletely disappeared. I don't know if my tinnitus
was temporary and would have disappeared any-
way, but I feel compelled to share this informa-
tion with you.
Mirtha Wincele, 1344 Bayview Circle, Weston,
FL, 33326, 954- 389-0881
A Tribute to Bob Johnson
I first became aware of ATA and the Kresge
Hearing Research Lab (now the Oregon Hearing
Research Center) through good friends living in
Oregon. Subsequently, I visited Oregon and in
1982 underwent tests at Kresge. Dr. Robert
Johnson supervised the tests.
I last met with Bob some years ago when I
revisited Oregon. I called him and he generously
gave me a little of his precious time over lunch.
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus Thday! December 1999 7
A Worldwide Look at Tinnitus
The 6th International Tinnitus Seminar, September S-9, 1999
by Dhyan Cassie, M.A., CCC-A
Coordinator of the Tinnitus
Management Clinic, College of
New JerseYt Ewing, NJ
The 6th International
Tinnitus Conference was
held in a most glorious set-
ting in Cambridge, England.
The stately grounds and
hallowed buildings are impressive and con-
tributed to the secure feeling that tinnitus diagno-
sis and measures for relief are being treated with
great seriousness backed by scholarly research.
Upon entering the conference, we greeted
friends with the names of Susan Gail Billy and
Gloria. On leaving we bade fare;,ell
Grazyna, Bridgette, and Oddbjorn - people from
around the world who are involved in unlocking
the mysteries of tinnitus. Physicians, psycholo-
Letters (continued)
Apart from the profound impression I have of
Bob as a warm, caring, and compassionate profes-
sional, the documented results of his in-depth
tests had a significant effect upon the Australian
Veteran's Affairs Department. Because of his
report, the Australian VA accepted my sen-
sorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and recruitment
as war-caused disabilities and awarded benefits
and entitlements to me. Clearly 1 have always
owed Bob a tremendous debt of gratitude.
The purpose of this letter is to offer my
sincere condolences to his family, friends, and
colleagues. I have only just become aware of his
passing from the Special Friends Fund listed in
the back of Tinnitus Tbday. Thank you, ATA, for
the grand work you are doing - in research and
for individuals. Ron P Lawlo1: CI-S. Witton,
Perm., 'IYustee Co., GPO Box 4270, Sydney NSW
Australia 2001
(Editor's Note: Bob Johnson, Ph.D., was Chairman of
ATA's Board of Directors from 1985-1994.)
8 Tinnthts Tbtkty! December 1999 American Tinni tus Association
gists, audiologists, researchers, and others trav-
eled to Cambridge to learn and share.
The conference lasted from Sunday evening
to Thursday noon and yet there was not enough
time for us to hear all of the presenters. Often we
had to choose between two very interesting talks
given in different rooms. Fortunately all the talks
were presented in written form a few days before
the conference and Jonathan Hazell, the event's
coordinator, was able to provide the complete
book to us before we left.
We learned that tinnitus research is being
carried out in such prestigious institutions as the
Oregon Hearing Research Center in Portland,
Oregon; Universtatas Halle Nassan Ohren Klinik
in Thbingen, Germany; Institute of Hearing
Research in Nottingham, UK; Emory University
School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia; Uppsala
University in Uppsala, Sweden; and Harvard
Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.
Several studies compared tinnitus to chronic
pain, which has been studied extensively.
Chronic pain that appears without any known
cause is in most cases generated by abnormal
function of the central nervous system. Hearing
disorders that were normally regarded as having
been caused by injury to the inner ear (such as
injury caused by excessive noise exposure) have
now been shown to include noticeable changes
and increased sensitivity of the brain's auditory
nervous system. These findings support the
hypothesis that the physical location of the
abnormalities that cause severe tinnitus is not
the ear or even the auditory nerve but the brain's
auditory cortex.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) research
using the Jastreboff neurophysiological model
was presented and analyzed. TRT is based on a
model that all systems in the brain are intercon-
nected and many of them are strongly linked.
The auditory system, limbic system (part of the
brain that controls emotions), and autonomic ner-
vous systems, together with the area in the brain
involved in memory and attention, interact to
produce a tinnitus signal. The clinical goal of
TRT is to habituate the reactions of the limbic
system and the autonomic nervous systems.
The secondary goal is to achieve habituation of
the perception so that tinnitus ceases to have
an impact on the patient's life. Sound therapy
provides significant help in that process.
A study at Harvard Medical School demon-
strated that functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) for patients with one-sided
tinnitus provides an objective way to measure
this kind of tinnitus. Another study at Eaton-
Peabody Laboratory, Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Infirmary, showed that fMRI provides a means
for studying tinnitus in humans by enabling
brain activity to be spatially mapped in a non-
invasive way.
Dr. R. J. Salvi, from the Hearing Research Lab
at the University of Buffalo, identified patients
who could alter the loudness of their tinnitus by
ATA Board Member Susan Seidel and
maneuvers, then
used positron
emission tomog-
raphy (PET
scans) to identi-
fy the regions of
the brain that
were activated
when these sub-
jects reported a
change in the
loudness of their
ATA EYeeutiue Director Steve Laubacher
in Cambridge.
tinnitus. He
found that these patients showed widespread
brain activity when exposed to tone bursts, plus
aberrant activity in limbic areas that may con-
tribute to the emotional impact of tinnitus in
these patients. Once again, research is showing
that the limbic system might be involved. These
new means of neuro-imaging (fMRl and PET)
will likely play a valuable role in tinnitus
research in the new millennium.
An interesting presentation by P.A. Gabriels
from Karrinyup, Western Australia, emphasized
that continual or intermittent tinnitus is a good
warning sign for musicians that they might be
damaging their hearing. Although a routine hear-
ing test might not reveal a hearing problem, a
test called Otoacoustic Emissions can measure
changes when a temporary change in hearing
occurs after noise exposure. This can alert
musicians (and other noise-exposed individuals)
to impending permanent damage and explain
why they have tinnitus. The results from this test
should reinforce in the musicians' minds the
need to wear hearing protection even when they
have good results on all other tests.
Ginkgo biloba surveys were discussed by
S. Seidel from the Greater Baltimore Medical
Center and S. J. Drew from the Medical School,
Birmingham, England. Although Seidel found
positive results through her survey, other resu1ts
were inconclusive.
A study at Sal1gren's University Hospital in
Sweden stressed that intervention must occur
when patients have depressive and anxiety-
related symptoms, as these symptoms can also
enhance tinnitus suffering.
Intensive patient-counseling and positive
reinforcement were stressed in several talks.
The patient must understand the symptom and
develop a tool to manage the tinnitus noise by
interrupting the "feedback loop" between his or
her emotions and tinnitus. A study in Switzerland
emphasized a holistic approach to removing hin-
drances which tend to interfere with tinnitus
An ear, nose, and throat physician from India
told me that very few rural people complain of
tinnitus. They have a saying that to hear tinnitus
is to hear the gods speaking to them. That is
something to think about!
Selwyn Hall, Cambridge University
The American Tinnitus Association, through
its research funds, has helped support many of
the studies presented at this international confer-
ence. The advances that we have achieved wiU
provide a momentum that will carry us into the
21st century with a new level of understanding.
We were all encouraged to see such prestigious
institutions and such great minds from around
the world accepting this challenge. a
American Tinnitus Association Timwus 7bday/ Deccmber 1999 9
Dynamic Tinnitus Mitigation (DTM)
home-use systems $99 and $149
M i t i ~ n s
DTM-6 audio CD system including Tinnitus Management Workbook
New FDA-cleared DTM treatment systems are endorsed
by the world's foremost expert in tinnitus masking,
prominent doctors, and tinnitus sufferers.
DTM home-use tinnitus treatment systems are endorsed by the world's
foremost expert and founder of the field of tinnitus masking, Dr. Jack Vernon,
and by other prominent experts, medical doctors, and tinnitus sufferers. In
Dr. Vernon's words,
1 can unequivocally state that you have created the
best tinnitus masking sound with which I am experienced." Dr. Stephen
Rouse, a prominent ear, nose, and throat specialist who suffers from severe
tinnitus, said,
1 am writing you to voice my unrestrained enthusiasm for
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Hearing care professionals and international distributors:
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10 Tinnitus Today/ December 1999 American Tinnitus Association
by Michael D. Seidman, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Dept of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Co-Chair of
the Complementary/ A ltemative Initiative, Medical Director -
Tinnitus Center; Henry Ford Health System, 6777 W. Maple Rd.,
W. Bloomfield, MI 48323, Office: 248-661-7211, Lab: 313-876-
1016, E-1'nail: Mseidlmjk@aol.com
Complementary and alternative medicine
(CAM) practices are diverse. They represent a
potpourri of interventions that vary based upon
the culture and background of their community
of origin. Acupuncture is considered mainstream
in Asian countries but is clearly considered alter-
native in the U.S. Similarly, herbal medicine is
practiced widely in Europe, Pakistan, and Tndia
while its use in America is limited. Thus, what is
considered alternative here is often mainstream or
the primary therapy in other parts of the world.
There is an astounding increase in both use
and acceptance of complementary and alternative
medicine by the American population. According
to the Journal of the American Medical Associa-
tion, 40% of people in the U.S. have used some
form of alternative therapy. However, it is estimat-
ed that more than 70% of Americans who use
CAM do not tell their conventional physicians
that they do. This probably has many derivatives
including the fact that most physicians in the U.S.
tend to distrust these forms of intervention. Since
most physicians do not have much experience
with alternative therapies, their opinions are not
usually based on first-hand knowledge. I believe
that skepticism is healthy and prudent. I also
believe that as physicians we must be willing
to consider all types of medical management -
complementary and alternative included - for
the health and well ness of our patients.
The alternative therapies presented below
represent additional avenues of therapy to try in
the pursuit of relief from the often intolerable
symptom of tinnitus.
Part I -Vitamin and Mineral Therapies
Because there is not one cause of tinnitus,
there is likely not one cure. However, it is consid-
ered imperative that people with tinnitus adhere
to an excellent diet based on all food groups and
that they reduce or eliminate their use of caffeine,
alcohol, salt, and simple sugars.
There are also many specific nutrients that
have been suggested to benefit tinnitus patients.
The leading vitamin candidates are the B-complex
supplements. Deficiency in these vitamins has
been shown to result in tinnitus. By adding these
vitamins to the diet, it is possible that the tinnitus
can be treated.
Since there is no hard science about dosages
for tinnitus relief, the dosages stated throughout
this article are suggestions only. The recom-
mended length of time to try these therapies
is 3-6 months.
B Vitamins
Most B-complex vitamins cannot be stored in
the body and must be replaced daily from food
sources or supplements. B vitamins help main-
tain healthy skin, eyes, muscle tone, and support
the functions of the liver and central nervous
system. They are also extremely important in
helping to deal with depression, stress, and
anxiety. The variety of B vitamins are normally
taken together, but occasionally one B vitamin is
used to treat a particular disorder. Deficiency in
B vitamins can result in weakness, low blood
counts, skin and hair problems, nervousness,
poor night vision, tinnitus, and hearing 1oss.
Vitamin B-complex supplements appear to be
effective in some patients with tinnitus by pro-
viding a stabilizing effect on the nerves. Only
anecdotal evidence is available regarding this
treatment method.
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
for B-1 is 1.5 mg per day. Some patients have
noted that vitamin B-1 supplements relieve their
tinnitus. The mechanism of action seems to be
via a stabilization of the nervous system, espe-
cially in the inner ear. Daily dosages ranging
from 100 to 500 mg have been used.
Vitamin B-3 (Niacin, niacinamide, nicotinic
Vitamin B-3 is essential for the proper
breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Vitamin B-3 also supports circulation, healthy
skin, and aids in the functioning of the central
nervous system.
Niacin, at any dose, can result in a flush
or pins-and-needles-like sensation, a natural
reaction that is harmless, but that can be uncom-
fortable. A non-flush form of niacin exists that
is better tolerated by some patients. However,
patients who use the non-flush form of niacin
have a greater incidence of liver problems so I
usually do not recommend it.
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus 7bday/ December 1999 11
There is no accepted standard niacin dosing
for tinnitus. crypica1ly, though, I recommend
beginning at 50 mg twice per day. If there is
no improvement after two weeks, the dose is
increased by 50 mg at each interval to a maximum
dose of 500 mg twice per day. If there is no appre-
ciable response in 3-4 months, then it is not likely
that niacin will be ofbenefit. Higher doses can be
used, but the patient is advised to have liver ftmc-
tion tests. (Doses exceeding 1000 mg per day can
cause liver toxicity.) High amounts should be
used with caution by those who are pregnant and
those who have stomach ulcers, gout, glaucoma,
diabetes, and liver disease.
There is no clinical proof for the effectiveness
of niacin in treating tinnitus. However, there are
numerous anecdotal reports of response to niacin
to treat tinnitus. 2,3
Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin, cyanocobalamin)
There may be some correlation between the
decline in vitamin B-12 levels and the increasing
prevalence of tinnitus in the elderly. Also, a study
by Shemesh, et al., showed a high prevalence
(47%) of vitamin B-12 deficiency in patients with
chronic tinnitus. This deficiency was more wide-
spread and severe in the tinnitus group that was
associated with noise exposure. This suggests a
relationship between vitamin B-12 deficiency
and dysfunction of the auditory pathway. Supple-
mental B-12 was found to provide some reliefin
several patients with severe tinnitus.
The RDA for vitamin B-12 is 2 meg. for adults,
2.2 meg. for pregnant women, and 2.6 meg. for
nursing mothers.
Because B-12 is poorly absorbed
when consumed, a suggested daily dose is 1000
meg. Vitamin B-12 is better absorbed if it is dis-
solved under the tongue, and best absorbed if it is
given by injection.
Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B-6 is water soluble and cannot be
stored in the body. It is involved in the breakdown
of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and in the
manufacturing of hormones, red blood cells, and
enzymes. Vitamin B-6 is also required for the pro-
duction of serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter that
controls our moods, appetite, sleep patterns, and
sensitivity to pain.3
Supplemental vitamin B-6 is used as a treat-
ment for nausea, morning sickness, depression,
and tinnitus. Foods that are highest in vitamin B-6
12 Tinnitus 1bday/ December 1999 American Tinnitus Association
include brewers yeast, carrots, chicken, eggs, fish,
avocados, bananas, and whole grains. The RDA
for vitamin B-6 is 2 mg per day, but most B-com-
plex formulas contain between 10 to 100 mg of it.
Vitamin B-6 is one of the few vitamins that
can be toxic. Doses up to 500 mg per day are
uncommon but safe. However, doses above 2000
mg per day can lead to irreversible neurological
Folic Acid (folate)
Folic acid is a water soluble nutrient belong-
ing to the B-complex family that seems to have a
stabilization effect on the nervous system. This
might explain the anecdotal evidence regarding
the supplementation of folic acid in certain
patients to alleviate their tinnitus. The dosages
range from 400 to 800 meg per day and usually
required two to four months to achieve results.
Zinc is a mineral involved in the function
of more than 100 important enzymes. Mild defi-
ciency causes growth retardation in children.
More severe deficiency is associated with growth
arrest, infertility, poor wound healing, behavioral
changes, taste and smell disorders, and tinnitus.
Studies have shown a high content of zinc in
the inner ear. This finding prompts speculation
on the role of zinc in inner ear function. A corre-
lation between low zinc levels and tinnitus has
been reported.
In an uncontrolled trial by
Gersdorff et al., zinc given in closes ranging from
10 to 25 mg was found to reduce tinnitus.
RDA of zinc in adults is 15 mg per clay.) Ochi,
et al., demonstrated that patients suffering from
tinnitus had a significant decrease in zinc levels,
and that supplementary closes of 34-68 mg of zinc
over two weeks significantly decreased tinnitus.
Excellent results were also found with combining
niacin with 25 mg zinc gluconate twice a day.
Zinc therapy, when prescribed in high doses
(90-150 mg per day), is often accompanied by
blood tests to monitor copper levels. Copper and
zinc compete for absorption, so chronic ingestion
of zinc may result in a copper deficiency.
Calcium supplementation has been shown to
improve tinnitus symptoms in certain patients. In
conjunction with magnesium, calcium also plays
a vital role in the regulation of electrical impulses
in the central nervous system. Some patients
have experienced improvement in their tinnitus
after starting a regimen of vitamin and nutrient
supplementation that included calcium.
ranged from 1000 to 1500 mg per day for several
Magnesium is essential for the function of
enzymes and is critical for cell development. This
mineral is also required for nerve conduction and
transport of small molecules across the cell; defi-
ciency could result in a variety of abnormalities
and medical problems, including tinnitus.
In a study by Attias, et al., 300 young healthy
male military trainees were repeatedly exposed
to high levels of noise. Each recruit received
either 167 mg of magnesium or a placebo daily.
Permanent hearing loss was significantly more
frequent and more severe in the placebo group
than in the magnesium group.
People in large cities are exposed to potentially
damaging loud noise on a daily basis. Studies have
shown that noise exposure causes magnesium
to be excreted from the body. It is possible that
supplementing with magnesium could reduce
noise-induced ear damage and thus reduce the
likelihood of new onset tinnitus. Few studies have
documented that magnesium relieves tinnitus
symptoms, but many patients have experienced
relief with this method. A suggested dose is 250-
1000 mg per day.
Manganese is a mineral that supports the
immune system, regulates blood sugar levels, and
is involved in the production of energy and bone
The RDA for manganese is 2 mg per day.
Since the average daily intake of manganese from
food sources is 2-9 mg, deficiencies of this mineral
are relatively unusual. Foods high in manganese
include avocados, blueberries, nuts and seeds,
egg yolks, whole grains, legumes, and green leafy
vegetables. Anecdotal evidence has shown a
reduction of tinnitus in certain patients after
supplementation with manganese.
Dr. Seidman's article will conclude in the next issue
ofTinnitus Today with ".Alternative Management of
Tinnitus, Part II - Herbal Remedies. H
l. Delva M: Vitamin B12 Replacement: Th B12 or not to Bl2
Canadian Family Physician 1997; 43: 917-922.
2. Tolonen M, Vitamins and Minerals in Health and Nutrition.
E Horwood: New York, 1992.
3. Sheehy T, editor: Vitamin Deficiency and 7bxicity. Medcom,
Garden Grove, CA, 1985.
4. Shemesh Z, Attias J, Ornan M: Vitamin Bl2 Deficiency in
Patients with Chronic Tinnitus and Noise-Induced Hearing
Loss. American Journal o[Otola1yrrgology 1993; 14: 94-99.
5. National Research Council (U.S.): Subcommittee on the
Eleventh Edition ofRecommended Dietary Allowances.
National Academy Press. Washington. D.C., 1997.
6. Balch J, Balch P: Prescription for Nutritional Healing.
2nd Edition, Balch Publishing, 1997.
7. Ochi K, Ohashi T. Kinoshita H: Serum Zinc Levels in
Patients with Tinnitus and the Effect of Zinc Treatment.
foumal of the Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan 1997;
100 (9): 915-9.
8. Paaskc P, Kjems G, Pedersen C: Zinc in the Management of
Tinnitus. Annals of0to7 Rhino/ Laryngo/1991; 100: 647-649.
9. Letters to the Editor. Tinnitus 7bday. p. 6, Sept. 1997,
,June 1999.
10. Attias J, Weisa, G, Almog S, Shahar A, Wiener M, et al:
Oral Magnesium intake reduced permanent hearing loss
induced by noise e.xposure. Am J Otolaryngology 1994;
I S: 26-32.
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American Tinnitus Association Tinmtus Thday/ December 1999 13
by Cathie Glennon, Director of Resource Development
've seen the results of a major land-
slide here in Oregon. Just looking at
it you can imagine the earth slip, the
thousands of cubic yards of wet earth,
rocks of all sizes, and trees begin to slide.
Around here, landslides have caused
houses to fall halfway down hillsides.
Once a landslide starts, there is no way
of stopping it.
A person doesn't often witness such power.
We're riding a landslide right here at ATA,
although it is a landslide with far more positive
consequences. This landslide is one of exciting
focus and movement toward our mission and
deepening support for the organization.
This is an extremely exciting time for the
American Tinnitus Association. With new staff
members hired, each harboring rich talents and
great ideas about how we can reach our goals,
and with a re-energized Board of Directors, ATA
is taking a new look at how we can educate
people to avoid getting tinnitus, provide services
to people who have tinnitus, and support
research to eventua1ly eliminate tinnitus. If
you're an ATA. member, you are an important
part of what's happening around here too.
And still the landslide grows. The Board of
Directors and staff are staging the first time ever
Annual Campaign. This fund raising campaign,
happening right now, invites donors to give
special gifts beyond annual membership. Our
Board of Directors, our staff, and other close
agency volunteers are all making a financial
commitment to ATA's Annual Campaign. Our
goal: a tinnitus-free future. Such generosity has
been wonderful to see.
An envelope and additional information are
at the center of this Tinnitus 7bday. Please add
your support to the Annual Campaign and be
part of the winning landslide! Cl
Mid-Atlantic Regional Tinnitus Conference
Voorhees, New Jersey
8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
April 1, 2000
What's New in Tinnitus Research and Management
Guest Presenters
Steve Laubacher, Ph.D., Executive Director ATA
Richard Salvi, Ph.D., University ofBuffalo
Stephen Nagler, M.D., F.A.C.S., Atlanta, GA
Max L. Ronis, M.D. , F.A.C.S. , Philadelphia, PA
James Sumerson, M.D. , F.A.C.S., Voorhees, NJ
This one-day conference is patient-oriented.
Professionals will receive current information
regarding tinnitus research and treatments.
+ Current research and what it means for the
+ Overcoming Sleep Difficulties
+Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
+ Causes of Tinnitus - Overview
+ Hypnosis and the 'Iteatment of Tinnitus
+ ... plus display booths
14 Tim1itus Thday/ December 1999 American Tinnitus Association
Registration (Deadline: March 10, 2000)
Name ----------------------------------
Address ________________________________ _
Phone ________________________________ __
Please enclose $15 per patient, $25 per couple,
$45 per professional (CEUs offered)
Fees include lunch
Make checks payable to:
Mid-Atlantic Regional Tinnitus Conference
Mail registration form and check to:
Mid-Atlantic Regional Tinnitus Conference
Ceill Institute, Staffordshire Professional Center
Building A, Suite 100
1307 White Horse Road
Voorhees, New Jersey 08043
For more information, contact:
Dhyan Cassie
by Cheryl McGinnis, Director of Research and Support
I had a wonderful opportunity to meet with
dedicated researchers and clinicians who serve
on the Scientific Advisory Committee during my
first two days with .ATA. (I spent my first day with
ATA on a plane to New Orleans for the Scientific
Advisory Committee meeting.) The focus of this
committee is to increase ATA's responsiveness to
the research needs of individuals with tinnitus
and to providers who treat tinnitus patients (see
"Meet ATA's New Scientific Advisory Committee
Members," p. 20). Th this end, the committee col-
lects research requests, conducts grant reviews,
and recommends grant awards. Tinnitus Thday
readers will continue to receive summaries of
research funded by ATA and results from these
funded research projects as they are completed.
One such completed project is from Xi Lin,
Ph.D., Chief, Section on Neurobiology at the
House Ear Institute in Los Angeles, California.
Dr. Lin conducted a $40,500 ATA-funded research
project entitled, "A cellular model for quinine-
induced tinnitus." Dr. Lin reports on his findings:
Quinine is a compound found in the bark of
the cinchona tree. It is used in many tonic drinks as
an _additive for its taste. Clinically, it is widely pre-
scnbed to treat malaria and leg cramps. Overdose of
quinine has widespread side effects, including severe
tinnitus and high frequency hearing loss. However,
the mechanism of quinine-induced tinnitus is
unclear to date. Many plausible theories speculated
that an increased "nerve spiking" rate probably
undalies tinnitus.
In a grant application submitted to the
American Tinnitus Association, we proposed an
alternative theory: that quinine abnormally prolongs
the duration of the nerve spikes, which amplifies the
signal in the auditory nerve, which ultimately results
in tinnitus. In the past year, we examined the effect
of quinine on the function of both spiral ganglion
~ e u r o n s and hair cells, which are two key cell types
m the ear responsible for turning the mechanical
vibration of sound in the air into nerve impulses. We
specifically investigated how quinine interacted with
important cellular components on the membrane of
neurons and hair cells.
Our results demonstrated that when the func-
tions of potassium channels were blocked, quinine
broadened the time duration of each spike carried by
the audttory nerve. Consequently, more calcium ions
were allowed to enter the nerve to trigger abnormally
amphfied responses in the brain. We hypothesize
that ultimately the stronger signal is sent to the high-
er auditory centers in the brain, which then results
in tinnitus perception.
Data gathered in our experi-
ments should give us hints
on the mechanism of some
forms of tinnitus and sugges-
tions for new therapeutic
targets for the design of
tinnitus-relieving drugs. For
example, certain potassium
channel openers that are
already being used clinically
to treat high blood pressure
Xi Lin, Ph.D. and angina could be tested
to see if they shorten the
time span of the auditory nerve spikes. This would
presumably reduce tinnitus as well. B
by P J. Haybach, R.N., M.S.; editor; Jerry
Underwood, Ph.D.; published by Vestibular
Disorders Association, 336 pages, 1998
$24.95 (for ATA members), $27.50 (for non-
The author offers a fine layman's lesson on
the auditory system, then clearly outlines
symptoms of Meniere's (dizziness, fullness in
the ears, t innit us, hearing loss), the
and its aftermath, and the known medical,
dietary, and surgical treatments. Also includ-
ed: precise drawings, resource directory, and
Meniere's Disease - What You Need to Know is
a reassuring, comprehensive guide for people
who have or suspect they have Meniere's.
Th order, please use the order form on the
inside back cover of Tinnitus Tbday.
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus 1bclay! December 1999 15
ATA's self-help group leaders and locations in lished throughout the year and will be listed in
the U.S. are listed below. The list is offered as subsequent issues of Tinnitus Tbday. If you would
assistance to individuals interested in participat- like to start a group in your area please write,
ing in self-help activities. New groups are estab- e-mail, or call ATA.
Steve Ratner, BC-mS
Susan Rezen, Ph.D. ,
John J. Nichols
Tinnitus Group of
Linda Beach
10450 E. Desert Cove Ave.
Palm Beach County
Worcester State College
South Jersey Tinnitus
Scottsdale AZ 85259 57978 Brook Bound Ln.
486 Chandler St.
Support Group
Worcester MA 01602
(480) 860-5758 Boynton Beach FL 33437
(508) 929-8551
Ceill Institute
email: (800) 732-9217
1307 White Horse Rd.
(561) 495-2002 day
Seeking new leader
Voorhees NJ 08043
Charles Fleming (561) 734-4853 evening MICHIGAN
(856) 346-0200 and
8220 E. CaUe Potrero
Frank Agosta
MaryAnn Halladay
Thcson AZ 85715-2906 PO Box 92174
(856) 429-5055 and
(520) 885-1049
Reginald Thomas
Warren MI 48090-017 4
Lynn Wolf
1467 E. 55th Pl.
(810) 979-4370
(856) 665-5165
Chicago IL 60637
Jack Berman
Dhyan Cassie MA, CCC-A
(773) 761-6599
19625 Greenwald Dr.
College of New Jersey
Southfield MI 48075
Dept Lang Comm Sci
Malvina Levy, MA
Georgia Smith
(248) 352-1646
2000 Pennington Rd.
SF Hearing & Speech Ctr
Ewing NJ 08628-0718
1234 Divisadero
728 E. 7lst St.
MINNESOTA (609) 771-2822
San Francisco CA 94115
Tndianapolis IN 46220
'freva Crane
Lainie Ganley
(415) 921-7658
(317) 255-9216
International Hearing
Seeking new leader
No. Jersey Tinnitus
Nelly A. Nigro Foundation
Support Group
10755 Holman Ave. #4
Patty John
701 25th Ave. S
Holy Name Hospital
Los Angeles CA 90024
6440 Lively Ln.
Minneapolis MN 55454
718 Thaneck Rd.
(310) 474-9689
Evansville 1N 47720
(612) 339-2120
Teaneck NJ 07666
Mari Quigley
(812) 424-4903
Brad Kuhlman, Ph.D.
(201) 833-7177
1161 Packers Cir. #lQQ
St. Cloud Hospital
Suzanne Hohorst Meth,
Thstin CA 92780
Elmer Jennings
1 NW-Rehab Pain
(714) 505-6861
707 S. Lightner
NW Covenant Med Ctr
Larry Strom Wichita K.S 67218
1406 6th Ave. N
24 Jardine St.
IN BALANCE-Vestibular (31 6) 682-6033
St. Cloud MN 56303
Dover NJ 07801
Wellness Support Group e-mail: elmerjen@gte.net
(320) 255-5679
(973) 989-3634
PO Box 1135
Earl J Schmidt
Los Gatos CA 95031-1135 80 Woodhill Rd.
(408) 395-7334
Dou glas Kees
St. Cloud MN 56301-5132 Myrna Calkins
"l.rww.best.com/N lyceum/
PO Box 470
(320) 252-5448 1409 Girard Blvd. SE
Thibodaux LA 70302
Albuquerque NM 87106
(504) 447-9041
(505) 268-87.54
Charles Abegg
NEW YORK Richard L. Marr 2339 Gilrose
PO Box 481624
Ann DePaolo
St. Louis MO 63114 Lisa Kennedy
Denver CO 80208-1624
1109 Kathryn Rd.
(314) 428-8171 Long Island Tinnitus
(303) 292-6408 and
Silver Spring MD 20904
pager (314) 510-5966 Group
Donna Brown
(301) 622-9672
Marie Richter, MS, CCC-A
808 Garden Dr.
(303) 469-1 683 and
Seeking new leader
Hear America, Inc.
Franklin Square NY 11010
Luann Kirsch Susan J. Seidel,
1 2352 Olive St. Blvd.
(516) 486-6746
(303) 980-4226 MA/CCCA
St. Louis MO 63141 Elayne Myers
Greater Baltimore Med Ctr
(314) 514-7800 40 Pennyroyal Rd.
6701 N. Charles St.
Edna K. Young
Malta NY 12020
Diane Bootz
Thwson MD 21204
(518) 899-4885
8004 Joffre Dr.
(410) 828-2142
1808-C NW O'Brien Rd.
Jacksonville FL 32210
Lee's Summit MO 64081 Harvey Pines
(904) 389-5465 MASSACHUSETTS
(816) 246-4644 Canisus College Psych
Betty Fisher
Dierdre Anderson, MA
2001 Main St.
644 Woodridge Dr.
Holy Family Hospital
David A. Barber
Buffalo NY 14208
Fern Park FL 32730
70 East St.
157 E. Gardengate Way
( 407) 645-4024
Methuen MA 01844
(716) 888-2517
(978) 687-0156 x2225
Carson City NV 89706-0941
(775) 882-8814
16 Tinnicus 1bday! Decembcr 1999 American Tinnitus Association
by Cheryl McGinnis,
Director of Research and Support
Support to members is what
the American Tinnitus
Association strives to pro-
vide. The combined efforts
of ATA's members, Board,
committees, and staff
contribute to the benefits
gained from all of the pro-
grams ATA provides. Our Self-Help Network is an
example of a program that our members provide
to one another with assistance from the ATA staff.
Past issues of this journal reveal that when
you get to know one support group, you've done
just that - become familiar with just one support
group! Each group is unique; the uniquenesses
reflect each group's interests, members, frequen-
cy of meetings, numbers, and leader. The list of
tinnitus support group leaders and telephone
support contacts is 200 + strong with even more
members interested in starting groups in their
areas. That's a lot of uniqueness!
My involvement with ATA is new, just over
one week at the time of this writing. (By the time
you read this issue of Tinnitus 7bday I will have
been here a couple of months.) I suspect I am
not the only one new to the American Tinnitus
Association. Many of you reading this may be
new to ATA, too, and may wish to know how to
access this network. Here's how: Each new ATA
member receives a regional list of ATA Self-
Help/Support Netv.rork leaders and volunteers.
If, however, you need a new list or one from a
different locale, call or write us for it. If you are
an aficionado of the Internet, you can look to our
Web page (www.ata.org) and peruse the self-
help/ support network entries. Individuals who
are interested in volunteering as leaders or tele-
phone contacts can contact us either by phone,
e-mail, regular mail, or the ATA Web site. We in
turn have resource material to assist volunteers
as they start new groups. These materials include
suggestions for meeting topics, organizational
tips, and samples of public service announce-
ments for your local newspapers.
In the next few months, the ATA Board
and staffwill be looking at all ofthe factors that
influence our future. With direction from this
planning process and feedback from our mem-
bers and support volunteers, I look forward to
strengthening the Self-Help Network, imple-
menting improvements where they're desired,
and sharing the strengths that exist with all of
you. In the meantime, we welcome questions
and comments about any of the ATA programs
and encourage you to contact us. B
Judy Brivchik
Lee Gulley Marsh a Johnson, MS,
75 Hershey Ave.
Deborah Saun ders
4318 Thll Gate Ln. CCC A
Lancaster PA 17603
22610 Powell House
Bellbrook OH 45305 OR Tinnitus/ Hyperacusis
(717) 393-4279
Katy TX 77449
(937) 848-7079 and Treatment Center
Ed Chorle
(281) 347-7927
Ruth Bradshaw 545 NE 47th #212 (41 2) 781-9102 and
Milly Walker, MA, CCC A
(937) 783- 4613 Portland OR 97213
Phyllis Praisner
2001 Wynchwood Dr.
Sharon Hepfn er, M.A,
(503) 233-5925
(412) 823-9124
Austin TX 78746
meetings at:
(512) 327-3004
Univ ENT Specialists
Pittsburgh Hrg/ Spch/ Df
222 Piedmont Ave. #5200
Ed Bailey 1945 5th Ave.
Cincinnati OH 45219
5805 Miller Rd. Pittsburgh PA 15219
David M. Smith
(513) 475-8443
Hermitage PA 16159-6820
Northern Virginia Tinnitus
Christina Hewitt
(724) 346-5828
Carmen Colon
Support Grp
27 Trail Edge Cir.
Gail B. Brenner, MA,
Caparra Thrr Tinnitus
6501 Byron Ave.
CCC-A Springfield VA 22150
Powell OH 43065
Tinnitus Assoc of
(703) 866-3025
(614) 885-4140
Diepa 1325
Larry Mau rer
Jefferson Bldg.
Caparra Terr PR 00920
9680 Glenstone Dr.
1015 Chestnut St. lf300
(809) 782-6221
Becky Blankenship
Kirtland OH 44094
Philadelphia PA 19107
'Thuma Ear & Balance Ctr.
(216) 256-8023
(215) 413-0800
1616 13th Ave. lf100
Huntington WV 25701
(304) 522-8800
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus '1bday/ December 1999 17
Celebrating Virginia!
by John Nichols, Phoenix Support Group Coordinator and
ATA Board Member
Virginia Fitzgerald was born on October 3,
1914. She raised three children and worked
many years for the Boy Scouts and for Brigham
Young University. In 1968, Virginia was in an
automobile accident and suffered whiplash. She
expetienced horrible head noises immediately
following the accident, and felt that she was
going mad. Specialists examined her and found
that she had tinnitus. She was relieved to know
that she was not going crazy and was determined
to live a normal life as best she could.
One morning in 1982, newly retired Virginia
was watching a television program that focused
on senior citizens. One of the program's guests
was Gloria Reich, who was then the Executive
Director of the ATA. After the program, Virginia
wrote to Gloria and learned for the first time
about ATA's support groups. Virginia wasn't ready
Q. What's the most effective and
affordable tinnitus masker
on the market today?
A. The Tinnitus Relief Svstem
Recommended by ENTs and Audiologistv worldwide.
"The most effective and enjoyable, clinically-proven
tinnitus relief product on the market todai'
Mldleal LaRouere, M.D.
Michigan Ear Institute
Provides Tinnitus Relief 15 Different Selections
Relieves Stress Portable
Induces Sleep Money-Back Guarantee
"The Tinnitus Relief System has
provided me a great deal of relief
and a period of relaxation I have
not received from other sources.
Barbara Rakish, Madison, MS
"Anhough there is no cure for
tinnitus yet, your system is the
next best thing for tinnitus relief
in my opinion. Thanks!"
Rick Stem, Lincoln, NE
For a free CD or for more information call:
or check us out on the web:
18 Tinnitus Thday/ December 1999 American Tinnitus Association
to start one just yet, but she tucked the informa-
tion away for another time.
When Virginia moved
to Phoenix in 1985,
she decided she was
ready and contacted
the ATA again. In
February of 1986, with
ATA's help and
Virginia's tenacity, the
Phoenix Tinnitus
Support Group met for
the first time. Eight
people attended that
first meeting. Fifty
came to the second
Our group has been meeting regularly since
then - almost 14 years now - largely due to
Virginia's persistence and dedication. Over the
years, she also provided a "lifeline" telephone
service to more than 1,800 people who were
struggling with tinnitus. Without her, many might
not have survived. I know because I am one of
those many.
Virginia retired from our group in 1995 and
turned over the group responsibilities to me. As a
lawyer who was forced to retire at age 54 due to
severe tinnitus, I find that helping others takes
my mind off of my tinnitus. I have personally
helped over 600 new people cope with their
tinnitus since taking over the group.
The entire group membership and I are
very grateful to Virginia Fitzgerald - now grand-
mother of 17 and great-grandmother of 30!
Without her pioneering efforts, continued inspira-
tion, and leadership, the Phoenix Tinnitus Group
would have ceased to exist long ago. She is our
guardian angel. Thank you, Virginia. You are a
real gift.
And Happ Birthday! B
A Moment to Remember
by Rachel Wray
Director of Advocacy and
Information & Resources
Do you remember the
day you fell in love? The
minute you first became a
parent? How about the
moment in life when you
felt proudest? Happiest?
Now this question: do you remember when
you first got tinnitus?
Since I came to the American Tinnitus
Association in early September, I have been con-
tinually amazed by the number of people who
can pinpoint the year, the month, the day, even
the precise quarter of an hour when they first
experienced phantom noise in their ears. Dozens
of people have told me their stories: a Fourth of
July party in 1976, a construction job in '92, a
tour of duty in the Korean War .. .. Perhaps I've
just spoken to people blessed with keen memo-
ries, but I suspect not. I suspect many of you
know when tinnitus came into your lives; I sus-
pect it is a milestone that you mark as carefully
as weddings and births, anniversaries and deaths.
Certainly others don't know why they have
tinnitus or from where it could stem, and all the
reminiscing in the world simply cannot fill in the
blanks. But from both kinds of tinnitus patients
- those who remember, those who don't - I
hear a similar urgency to answer other kinds of
questions: Why aren't there warning signs on
portable stereos or industrial equipment? How
can we teach young people about the dangerous
effects of excess noise? What am I entitled to for
this unintentional but still hurtful effect on my
ears? And why don't we, as a society, take a
greater interest in protecting one of our most
important resources, our hearing?
As the new director of ATA's expanded advo-
cacy department, these queries thrill me, for they
all hinge on the question underlying all activism:
what can I do? An event, a milestone, occurred
and profoundly changed your lives, and now
something - however that something is defined
- has to be done. And you're calling ATA because
you know inherently that you can make positive,
influential changes in the world to ensure that
others don't have to experience the same debili-
tating tinnitus.
ATA wants to help you make changes, too-
in your lives and in the lives of others. Our
advocacy department will help you contact your
mayor or representatives or President. We'll put
you in touch with lawyers, experts, and like-
minded individuals. We'll brainstorm with you
to figure out how to get warning signs on machin-
ery or where to go for information about Social
Security disability payments. We can't promise
that we'll have all the answers, but we do have
the same urgency as you: the need to do some-
thing, anything, to lessen the effects of excess
noise in our society, to raise awareness of the
severity and scope of the ailment, and to help
you help yourselves.
ATA has never before devoted so much staff
time to advocacy-related issues, and I look forward
to making this department responsive to the
needs and ideas of tinnitus patients. But be
warned: I'll depend on your desire to induce
change as much as you'll depend on me. If you're
like so many of the ATA members I've spoken
with over the past few months, you remember
when and maybe even how you got tinnitus, and
you know how you've felt every day since. Now
imagine what a milestone it would be to take the
first steps to preventing tinnitus, or to help others
understand what it is and what it has meant for
you. That's a moment you'll never forget. II
Dennis Fitzgerald, M.D., is conducting a
blinded study with the use of zinc, niacin,
lipoflavinoid, and Ginkgo biloba extract for
adults in the Washington, D.C. area who have
bilateral (two-sided) tinnitus.
You may be eligible to participate if you are
21 years of age or older and have had constant
tinnitus for at least one year. Patients with
Meniere's disease and fluctuating hearing loss
are excluded from the study.
Dr. Fitzgerald is conducting this research
study in his office at:
Physicians Office Building
106 Irving S t r e e t ~ Suite 4600 N
Washington, D.C. 20010
Please contact Research Coordinator,
Rachel Graham, at Integratrials Clinical
Research (703-524-2505 or intrials@erols.com)
for more information. a
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus TOday/ December 1999 19
Meet ATA's New Scientific Advisory
Con1n1ittee Men1bers
Michael Seidman, M.D.
Dr. Seidman is an otolaryngolo-
gist at the Henry Ford Hospital
in Detroit, Michigan. One of
the new members of
Scientific Advisory Committee,
he approaches tinnitus (and an
hearing disorders) with the
training of a medical doctor
and with a personal interest
in nutrition as a means of
healing. We recently asked him how he is able to
blend conventional medicine with complementary
(or alternative) medicine. How do his patients
react when he asks them about their vitamin
intake? And what do his colleagues say? He
replied: "Forty percent of the American popula-
tion is taking vitamins and herbs and trying other
so-called alternative treatments for their health
problems. If we as doctors are not asking the ques-
tions of our patients, then we're not treating our
patients. As for other doctors, I don't know what
they think. (Maybe I'm not listening to them!)
But I am the co-chair of the Complementary/
Alternative Initiative at Henry Ford Hospital, so
they must think that what I'm doing is okay."
As for serving on Scientific Advisory
Committee, he says, "I'm truly honored to be a
member of this brain trust. The committee mem-
bers are highly skilled and motivated people with
good ideas. I also believe that while a cure for
tinnitus is inevitable, we need to be receptive to a
variety of treatment options for tinnitus in the
meantime. I think that being open-minded is the
only way to be."
Mary Meikle, Ph.D.
Dr. Meikle's passion for tinni-
tus-centered research plus her
long affiliation with ATA made
her election to the Scientific
Advisory Committee a natural
choice. We asked Dr. Meikle
how she sees her role as an
ATA Scientific Advisory
Committee member. She
replied, "I have many goals
for this committee and for ATA. I believe one very
important one is to promote clinical research that
is done by people who have demonstrated good
20 Tinnitus TOday/ December 1999 American Tinnitus Association
basic research techniques. I also
feel that it's important for ATA to allocate its
resources wisely, to make sure the budget is
really well thought out. Although tinnitus is
closely linked to hearing impairment, I feel
research emphasis should be directly linked to
Gloria Reich, Ph.D.
Dr. Reich, the former
Executive Director of
the American Tinnitus
Association, is now an ATA
Scientific Advisory Committee
member, and clinical associate
professor in the Department
of Otolaryngology at Oregon
Health Sciences University.
She comments about this
unusual transition and her vision for the future.
"I know that many of you have experienced
the transition to retirement. I have the unique
opportunity to continue to serve the organization
that was my first priority for 25 years. The
Scientific Advisory Committee has always been a
source of advice on long-term research planning
for the ATA. For example, a few years ago, the
committee suggested that ATA should sponsor
research into the mechanisms of tinnitus and
into finding better treatments for tinnitus. Those
suggestions have guided acceptance of
research grants up to the present time.
"I feel that ATA has been going in the right
direction witl1 research. It was particularly
gratifying to listen to at least ten presentations
at the recent International Tinnitus Seminar in
Cambridge that came from ATA-supported
research. ATA's Scientific Advisory Committee
should consider its charge to be to advise the
Board about which types of research will get the
biggest bang for the buck, and to select the best
of these for ATA funding." 9
Nex.t Issue: Meet new ATA Scientific Advisory
Committee members RichardS. 7Yler; Ph.D., and
Douglas Mattox., M.D.
Now, masking Tinnitus
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ATA Bibliography Update
The 1999 Tinnitus Bibliography Supple-
ment is now available with references to 281
new articles. This supplement to the original
bibliography is available for $10 ($15 for
non-members). The complete bibliography,
including the new additions, is available for
$40 ($75 for non-members). Individual article
references from the Proceedings of the Fifth
International Tinnitus Seminar 1995, are now
included in this update. See the order form on
the inside back cover of this issue.
Proceedings of the VIth International Tinnitus
Seminar, 1999, has been publish ed and can be
ordered over the Internet (www.tinnitus.org).
ATA is not handling the sale of this book;
however we can provide you with a copy of
the order form if you do not have access to
the Internet. Call Pat Daggett at 800-634-8978,
ext. 215. 1m
Q. What's the most effective and
affordable tinnitus masker
on the market today?
A. The Tinnitus Relief Svstem
Recommended by ENTs a11d Audiologists worldwide.
"The most effective and enjoyable, clinically-proven
tinnitus relief product on the market
Mlc:heal LaRouere, M.D.
Michigan Ear Institute
Provides Tinnitus Relief 15 Different Selections
Relieves Stress Portable
Induces Sleep Money-Back Guarantee
"The Tinnitus Relief System has
provided me a great deal of relief
and a period of relaxation I have
not received from other
Barbara Rakish, Madison, MS
"Mhough there is no cure for
tinnitus yet, your system is the
next best thing for tinnitus relief
in my opinion. Thanks!"
Rick Stern, Lincoln, NE
For a free CD or for more information call :
or check us out on the web:
American Tinnitus ASsociation Tinnitus TOday/ December 1999 21
A Reprieve From the Ringing
by Joseph Woods
ong ago, growing up in the piney woods of
South Thxas, I spent many long, lazy after-
noons along the creek at the back of our
family home. I really enjoyed the quiet, the gen-
tle sounds of nature, the small waterfalls, the
sounds of the wildlife.
All of that changed one afternoon in the
late 1960s on a gunnery range while training for
Vietnam. (I joined the Navy Reserves in order to
avoid the draft and the war. But being young and
stupid, I realized too late that reservists were
being sent to Vietnam.) We were not provided
with ear protection on the gunnery range. And
when we boarded the bus for the return trip to
the base, I realized that I could not hear a thing
except for the ringing in my ears. Most of my
hearing returned the next day, but the ringing
has continued to this day.
Returning to the states after my tour of duty
in Southeast Asia, 1 began a search for the quiet
that I longed for. And I am happy to say I found
an excellent way to get a reprieve from the ring-
ing. In the spring of 1976, I learned a type of
meditation that I have enjoyed twice a day, every
day since that time. During meditation, my inner
dialogue stops and a vast wonderland of inner
peace fills me. When I meditate, the ringing in
my ears becomes a distant memory and I enjoy
the quiet as much as I did as a boy along that
quiet Thxas creek.
Ifyou would like to try to meditate, sit quietly
on a couch or in a comfortable chair. Start to
become aware of your breath. Do not lay down or
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22 Tinnitus Thday/ December 1999 American Tinnitus Association
have any support for your head. (You might fall
asleep.) Visualize your energy as a large wheel
starting to slow down. As thoughts fill your head,
let them go. When I do this, I drift off into a
silent world and I am able to relax. I meditated
several times before I was able to enter a silent
world, but I enjoyed the relaxation from the first.
When I meditate,
the ringing in my ears
becomes a distant
memory ....
You might feel a little dizzy when you first
rouse yourself out of meditation. This is normal
and a breath of fresh air or cold water on your
hands or face will clear your head. For me, each
meditation period lasts about 30 minutes. After I
come out of my meditation, the calming effect
lasts for hours.
I am careful to wear ear protection when I
am around loud noises to keep the tinnitus from
getting worse. And I always carry earplugs in my
watch pocket just in case. But when I want a
break from my tinnitus and the stressful world
in general, meditation offers me the quiet that
I need. B
Mr. Woods can be contacted at P.O. Box 1455, Cedar
Crest, NM 87008, 505-281-2718, Seesfar2@aol.com
Don't miss "Silent Night 1999," a European
glass ornament offered by Joy to the World
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Jack Vernon's Personal Responses to Questions from our Readers
by Jack A. Vernon, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Oregon
Health Sciences University
'TWo gentlemen,
who have asked
to remain anony-
mous, indicate that their
tinnitus increases when
they take Viagra. They ask
if others have observed
the same effect.
We have received
no other such
reports, but then
patients might be reluc-
tant to comment about their use of that drug.
(I did not ask the two gentlemen if the result
was worth the price.) In that so many American
males use Viagra, and that so many American
males also have tinnitus, it must be the case that
some male tinnitus patients have used Viagra.
I ask those of you who have used Viagra to give
us a report on its effect upon your tinnitus.
Please be assured that your comments will be
held in the strictest confidence.
Dr. G. from Brazil writes to ask what
can be done about musicians and the
potential hearing damage to which they
exposed themselves.
This is a very difficult question. The
musicians with whom T have had
interactions are very reluctant to use ear
protection and refuse to give up their profession
regardless of the consequences. I routinely
recommend musician's earplugs because they
might provide adequate protection while also
making it possible for the musicians to hear
sufficiently well to properly perform. Those who
actually try the musician's earplugs say that the
music sounds better. Dr. G., it would be a very
good idea to measure the musician's hearing once
a month in order to provide objective evidence of
the effects of the loud exposures.
Mr. S. from Virginia indicates that he
recently attended a stockcar race at
Indianapolis where he used form-fitted
earplugs and earmuffs. During the three hours of
the event he experienced no discomfort but after-
wards his tinnitus was increased. He asks if he is
flirting with permanently increasing his tinnitus?
I think the chances are very good that con-
tinuing to attend auto races may very well
permanently increase your tinnitus. You
had a temporary effect the first time but repeated
performances could produce an undesirable
tinnitus increase and perhaps some hearing loss
as well. Knowing that you enjoy auto racing, I
would suggest that you try something other than
the passive protection of earplugs and earmuffs.
I suggest active noise cancellation. This technology
samples incoming low-frequency sound then
reverses the phase and plays it back against itself
which effectively eliminates the sound. One
device I know about is the ProActive 3000 head
set from Noise Cancellation Technologies, Inc.
(One Dock Street, Stamford, CT. 06902, 203-961-
0500). This unit is sold on a 30-day money-back
guarantee. I have not tried the ProActive 3000 at
an auto race but I have tried it on an airplane.
I've found it very effective for canceling out low-
frequency rumbling sounds while also providing
some passive protection from the higher frequen-
cy sounds with the device's earmuffs. If you give
active noise cancellation a trial, let us know the
Mrs. B. from Illinois indicates that she
cannot understand why her tinnitus can
be so loud and yet her physician cannot
hear it. After all, he can hear a baby's heartbeat
before birth. Why then can he not hear loud
A baby's heart beat is an objective sound
- one everyone can hear - whereas your
tinnitus is a phantom sound that can only
be heard by you. It is a lot like pain. No matter
how severe your pain is, it can only be experi-
enced by you and not by others. Pain is a phan-
tom experience, like tinnitus, but that does not
make it any less real to the person who feels it.
American Tinnitus Association Tinnitus 'Ibday! December 1999 23
from California asks about dental
dnlhng. She asks if she can prevent
damage to her ears or any increase in
her tinnitus by being put to sleep with general
anesthesia for the dental work. She also asks if
earplugs will be helpful.
The problem with the dental drill is that
much of its sound is conducted to the ears
via bone conduction. Wearing earplugs will
only partially protect your ears and general anes-
thesia will only prevent your awareness of the
sound. I recommend that you ask your dentist
to drill in short spurts, five seconds on and
ten seconds off. Sound damage to the ears is a
time/intensity function. And although we cannot
control the intensity, we can control the time.
Ms. C. in California writes to indicate that
her father has hyperacusis but without
tinnitus. She wants to know about the
treatment for hyperacusis.
Most hyperacusis patients do have tinnitus,
so what you describe is unusual and that
arouses my suspicions. You see, there is
some confusion between hyperacusis and recruit-
ment. Hyperacusis patients find all but the
very quietest sounds to be uncomfortably loud.
Recruitment, on the other hand, is a fast groV\rth
?f in the pitches where there is hearing
1mpa1rment. I assume that your father is elderly,
and I would recommend that he have his hearing
tested, and especially tested for recruitment. If,
as I suspect, he suffers from recruitment there
are hearing aids that provide special attenuation
(called compression) in the recruiting areas. Such
a procedure could make life much nicer for your
Mr. I. from California states that his
tinnitus started some years ago as a con-
sequence of construction work and a
24 Tinnitus Thday/December 1999 American Tinnitus Association
fondness for hard rock music. Gradually he
adjusted to his tinnitus and it was of little bother.
Recently at a basketball game, a ball hit him
directly in his tinnitus ear which caused a signifi-
cant increase in his tinnitus. He asks, "Since I
have to play a masking sound very loud to mask
the tinnitus, will that damage my hearing? And is
this increase in my tinnitus permanent?"
In my experience, your tinnitus increase is
temporary but it can take weeks or even
months to return to normal. Did the blow
to your ear cause a rupture in the eardrum? If
that is the case, healing may take longer and your
ear should be examined by an otolaryngologist. If
your hearing has decreased as the result of tym-
panic membrane (eardrum) damage, that could
be the cause of the tinnitus increase. For the time
being, I suggest that you avoid the loud masking.
Mr. L. in Virginia descr. ibes an interesting
situation with his hearing. He has poor
hearing, one ear being worse than the
other. Interestingly, when he has an ear infection
in the better ear, his hearing improves and the
tinnitus decreases. He asks if he is going to lose
his hearing.
Association is
working every
day toward
these vital goals.
Your Annual
support will
help make this
future a reality.
now making
an additional
donation to
this special
campaign. Your
gift beyond your
basic member-
ship support is
truly a gift to
all of us who
want to make
tinnitus a thing
of the past.
se the
to send your
donation to
ATA's Annual
nd join
us in
of a tinnitus-free