Conference Handbook: The Heritage School, Kolkata
Conference Handbook: The Heritage School, Kolkata
Conference Handbook: The Heritage School, Kolkata
Conference Schedule...............................3 Committee and Executive Board.............3 Rules and Procedures..............................4 Rules on Paper Work...............................7
27th January 8.00 am - Opening Ceremony 8.30 am - Committee Begins 12.30 pm - Lunch for All Delegates 1.00 pm - Committees Restart 3.30 pm - Committee Suspended
28th January 8.00 am - Committees Begin 12.30pm Lunch for All Delegates 1.00pm - Committee Resumes 2.30pm - Committee Ends 2.45pm - Closing Ceremony and Prize Distribution 3.30pm Dismissal
All delegates must act in a respectable manner and must maintain decorum at all times, failing which, The Chairperson or any member of the Executive Board has all rights to debar the concerned delegate. Delegates MUST show courtesy and respect to the members of the Board as well as fellow delegates. The Chairperson or any member of the Board can call to order any delegate at any time.
The following items cannot be carried or consumed in The Committee Tobacco Products Drugs Weapons Cell phones/ipods/mp3 players Story books/novels
All acts of theft or vandalism will be reported to the school administration immediately and shall result in cancellation of participation.
order, and ensure and enforce the observance of these rules. The Chairperson may temporarily transfer his/her duties to the Deputy Chairperson at will. The Executive Board may also advise delegations on the course of debate. In case of a dispute, the decision of the Chairperson will be final and binding. The Directors of Committee shall keep tab of score sheets and speaker-lists and shall coordinate among the Members of logistics and the Executive Board. The directors may also MINUS points if they find any delegate misbehaving or not obeying orders of the Executive Board. In case of any QUESTIONS TO THE CHAIR, the same shall be answered by the Directors and the Deputy Chair with advice by the Chair (if needed). ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Laptops/ Tablets may be used in the Committee room during formal debate. Such devices CANNOT be used outside the Committee room at any time, or on THE HERITAGE SCHOOL campus. Any misuse of Laptops/Tablets to view material other than those relevant to committee shall be confiscated according to normal school procedure. Members of Logistics shall help with Chargers and other support required. QUORUM: Quorum for the conference is set at 10 percent of the members of the committee. A roll call will be taken as and when the board deems necessary. In case quorum fails, the committee session will be suspended at the discretion of the Executive Board. ROLL CALL: A delegate may be either PRESENT or PRESENT AND VOTING. If a delegate is present and voting he/she HAS to vote on the final resolutions and directives passed by the committee and cannot abstain votes. On, the other hand a delegate who is present may abstain on voting. OPENING, SUSPENDING, ADJOURNING AND CLOSING DEBATE: At the start of committee, after roll call has taken place, a delegate may motion to open debate. A motion for suspension of debate is in order whenever the committee has to break for lunch or tea or at the end of the first day of conference. A motion to adjourn debate is in order at the end of such a break. A delegate may propose a MOTION TO ENTERTAINMENT only on the last day of conference AFTER all agendas and resolutions have been passed following which MOTION TO END DEBATE shall be passed.
After the agenda has been set, the Directors shall open the GENERAL SPEAKERS LIST. This list shall remain open thought the session of the committee except when interrupted by the discretion of the Chairperson to move on to motions, caucuses, discussion on amendments, passage of resolutions and directives. A delegate may at all time motion to REOPEN THE GENERAL SPEAKERS LIST. All those wishing to speak, may do so by raising their placards, however if not recognized, they may also send a message to the Chair for the same. General Speakers List: Speaking Time: When the speakers list has been opened, the time allotted to each speaker is automatically deemed to be one minute and thirty seconds. Yields: A speaker who has time left after finishing his/her speech may yield the remaining time in the following ways:
Point of personal privilege: Whenever a delegate experiences personal
discomfort which affects his or her ability to participate in the proceedings, he or she may rise to a Point of Personal Privilege. Delegates should use this power with the utmost discretion. If used in a corrupt manner this point shall be confiscated from that delegate throughout committee proceedings.
Point of Order: During the discussion of any matter, a delegate may rise to a
Point of Order if he/she feels that any statement/fact/figure quoted by a speaker is FACTUALLY WRONG.
Point of Parliamentary Inquiry: When the floor is open, a delegate may rise to
a Point of Parliamentary Inquiry to ask the Executive Board the rules of procedure/ the agenda at hand/ the topic at discussion or any other questions. He/she may also send a message to the chair.
*PICTURE OF COUNTRYS FLAG/COTE OF ARMS* Country represented: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Topic: Innovative measures to improve the global phenomenon of GLOBAL WARMING. Name: Julia Roberts
*Conclusion *
Introduction: A draft resolution is introduced on the floor in committee when it receives the approval of the Executive Board. For a resolution to be approved, it must have not more than 4 sponsors/authors, and signatories numbering not less than one-tenth of the strength of a committee. Draft resolution may be introduced by one of the delegates in committee once it has been approved, and has been copied and distributed. Every committee can pass more than 1 resolution, if he delegates so wish.
The Draft Resolution must be formatted in the following manner: Committee: name of the committee organ in which the resolution is introduced Topic: the topic area of the committee that the resolution has been written on Sponsors: list of countries that have authored the resolution (not more than 4) Signatories: list of countries that have signed the draft (those who wish to discuss it) Preambulatory Clauses: The preamble of a draft resolution states the reasons for which the committee is addressing the topic and generally highlights past international action on the issue. Each clause begins with a preambulatory phrase and ends with a comma. Preambulatory clauses can include: -References to the UN Charter; -Citations of past UN resolutions or treaties on the topic under discussion; -Mentions of statements made by the Secretary-General or a relevant UN body or agency; -Recognition of the efforts of regional or nongovernmental organizations in dealing with the issue; -General statements on the topic, its significance and its impact. Sample Perambulatory Phrases: each perambulatory clause MUST start with a perambulatory Phrase. Affirming Aware of Confident Declaring Deeply convinced Expecting Fulfilling Fully believing Guided by Having considered Having examined Noting with regret Noting further Reaffirming
Alarmed by Bearing in mind Contemplating Deeply concerned Deeply disturbed Expressing its appreciation Fully alarmed Further deploring Having adopted Further Having Having studied Noting with deep concern Noting with approval Realizing
Approving Believing Convinced Deeply conscious Deeply regretting Expressing its Fully aware Further recalling Having considered Devoted attention Keeping in mind Noting with satisfaction Observing Recalling
Operative Clauses: Operative clauses identify the actions or recommendations made in a resolution. Each operative clause begins with a verb (called an operative phrase) and ends with a semicolon. Each operative clause MUST BE NUMBERED. If a clause requires further explanation, sub clauses by letters or roman numerals can also be used. After the last operative clause, the resolution ends in a period (shown by the use of a full stop). Sample Operative Phrases: Each Clause must begin with an Operative Clause. Accepts Authorizes Condemns Considers Designates Emphasizes Expresses its appreciation Further invites Further proclaims Further resolves Proclaims Regrets Solemnly affirms Takes note of Affirms Calls Confirms Declares accordingly Draws the attention Encourages Expresses its hope Deplores Further recommends Has resolved Reaffirms Reminds Strongly condemns Further reminds Approves Calls upon Congratulates Deplores Trusts Endorses Designates Further reminds Further requests Notes Recommends Requests Supports
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Directive: A Directive orders that an official action be taken. It is more directand should be used several times throughout the conference. A directive can be passed by the committee at anytime to order the executive board to provide information/ proof/source of any information. A directive can also be passed to ask the Board to call some EXTERNAL PERSON into the committee for inquiry/negotiation etc. Each directive will require 3 signatories to be brought up for debate in committee and must be passed with a 2/3rd majority. The Executive Body shall make sure that all directives are passed.