Intrusion Detection System
Intrusion Detection System
Intrusion Detection System
1. Introduction
Intrusion detection is the act of detecting unwanted traffic on a network or a device. An Intrusion Detection System(IDS henceforth) can be a piece of installed software or a physical appliance that monitors network traffic in order to detect unwanted activity and events such as illegal and malicious traffic, traffic that violates security policy, and traffic that violates acceptable use policies. Many IDS tools will also store a detected event in a log to be reviewed at a later date or will combine events with other data to make decisions regarding policies or damage control. [2] Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device that attempts to detect intrusion into a computer or network by observation or audit. An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) goes one step further and not only detects attacks but attempts to prevent them as well. The goal of intrusion detection is to monitor network assets to detect anomalous behavior and misuse. This concept has been around for nearly twenty years but only recently has it seen a dramatic rise in popularity and incorporation into the overall information security infrastructure. Commercial development of intrusion detection technologies began in the early 1990s. Haystack Labs was the first commercial vendor of IDS tools, with its Stalker line of host-based products. Currently, market statistics show that IDS is amidst the top selling security vendor technologies and should continue to rise. [6]
Intrusion Detection System 3.4 Types of Events A NIDS can detect many types of events, from benign to malicious. Reconnaissance events alone are not dangerous, but can lead to dangerous attacks. Reconnaissance events can originate at the TCP layer, such as a port scan. Running services have open ports to allow legitimate connections. During a port scan, an attacker tries to open connections on every port of a server to determine which services are running. Reconnaissance attacks also include opening connections of known applications, such as Web servers, to gather information about the servers OS and version. NIDS can also detect attacks at the network, transport, or application layers. These attacks include malicious code that could be used for denial of service (DoS) attacks and for theft of information. Lastly, NIDS can be used to detected less dangerous but nonetheless unwanted traffic, such as unexpected services (i.e., backdoors) and policy violations. [6] [2]
4. Wireless
Because wireless technologies have become so popular, and with the nature of wireless communication blurring the borders between networks, special consideration is required. A wireless IDS is similar to an NIDS because the same types of network-based attacks can occur on wireless networks. However, because WLANs have other functionality and vulnerabilities, a WLAN IDS must monitor for network- based attacks as well as wireless specific attacks. For WLANs, Wireless sensors may be standalone devices that are used to monitor all wireless traffic but without forwarding the traffic. Sensors may also be built into wireless APs to monitor traffic as it connects to the wired network. [1] The location of a WLAN sensor is important because its physical location affects what a sensor can monitor. A sensor should be able to monitor traffic from devices that can connect to the wireless network. This could involve having several sensors that extend past the normal field of operations. WLAN devices operate on one channel at a time, but can choose from several. Consequently, a WLAN sensor can listen on only one channel at a time. Sensors can listen to either one channel or to several channels by changing them periodically, as one would change channels on a television. Several sensors may be used for listening to several channels at once.
4.1 Components
A wireless IDS contains several components, such as sensors, management logging databases, and consoles, as does a NIDS. Wireless IDSs are unique in that they can be run centralized or decentralized. In centralized systems, the data is correlated at a central location and decisions and actions are made based on that data. In decentralized systems, decisions are made at the sensor.
7. IDS Management
7.1 Maintenance
IDS maintenance is required for all IDS technologies. Because threats and prevention technologies are always changing, patches, signatures, and configurations must be updated to ensure that the latest malicious traffic is being detected and prevented. Usually a graphical user interface (GUI), application, or secure Web-based interface performs maintenance from a console. From the console, administrators can monitor IDS components to ensure they are operational, verify they are working properly, and perform vulnerability assessments (VA) and updates.
7.2 Tuning
To be effective, an IDS must be tuned accurately. Tuning requires changing settings to be in compliance with the security policies and goals of the IDS administrator. Scanning techniques, thresholds, and focus can be tuned to ensure that an IDS is identifying relevant data without overloading the administrator with warnings or too many false positives. Tuning is time-consuming, but it must be performed to ensure an efficient IDS configuration. Note that tuning is specific to the IDS product.
8. IDS Challenges
It is important to remember that an IDS is only one of many tools in the security professionals arsenal against attacks and intrusions. As with any tool, all IDS have their own limitations and challenges. Much depends on how they are deployed and used, but in general, IDS should be integrated with other tools to comprehensively protect a system. Even more importantly security should be planned and managed. Personnel must be trained to have healthy security habits and to be wary of social engineering. IDS technologies continue to evolve. As limitations are realized, new detection tools are being developed. Host Based Security Systems (HBSS) are also rising in popularity.
8.1 Attacks
8.1.1 Tools Used in Attacks As the world becomes more connected to the cyber world, attackers and hackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, especially in the use of automated tools to penetrate systems. At the same time, cybercriminals are becoming more organized and can engineer highly coordinated and intricate attacks. The following are general types of tools that attackers utilize: Scanning Tools: These tools allow attacks to survey and analyze system characteristics. These tools can determine the OS used by network devices, and then identify vulnerabilities and potential network ports to use for an attack. Some tools can also perform slowly timed surveys of a target system in order to not trigger an IDS. Remote Management Tools: Remote management tools are used often by systems administrators to manage a network by managing and controlling systems devices from a remote location. However, the same tools can be used by attackers to similarly take control of target devices, sometimes covertly. Additionally, attackers have been creating various types of malware to carry out attacks. Malware can include Trojan horses, Root kits, Backdoors, spyware, keystroke loggers, and botnets.
Intrusion Detection System 8.1.2 Social Engineering Despite the existence of sophisticated technical tools, social engineering remains one of the most effective methods of attacks to infiltrate systems. The most carefully secured system in the world using the latest technologies can be broken when employees are tricked into revealing passwords and other sensitive information. Besides physically securing systems, security professionals must ensure that staff and personnel are trained to recognize social engineering techniques such as phishing attacks. Personnel should also develop safe habits such as locking computer screens when idle, being careful when discarding notes that have sensitive information, and heeding warnings given by browsers when perusing Web sites. However, the problem is exacerbated when organizations using different networks must share potentially sensitive information. Trust between the organizations not to reveal one anothers data can become a large issue. 8.2 Challenges in IDS 8.2.1 IDS Scalability in Large Networks Many networks are large and can even contain a heterogeneous collection of thousands of devices. Sub-components in a large network may communicate using different technologies and protocols. One challenge for IDS devices deployed over a large network is for IDS components to be able to communicate across sub-networks, sometimes through firewalls and gateways. On different parts of the network, network devices may use different data formats and different protocols for communication. The IDS must be able to recognize the different formats. The matter is further complicated if there are different trust relationships being enforced within parts of the network. Finally, the IDS devices must be able to communicate across barriers between parts of the network. However, opening up lines of communication can create more vulnerability in network boundaries that attackers can exploit. Another challenge in a large network is for the IDS to be able to effectively monitor traffic. NIDS components are scattered throughout a network, but if not placed strategically, many attacks can altogether bypass NIDS sensors by traversing alternate paths in a network. Moreover, although many IDS products in the market are updated to recognize attack signature of single attacks, they may fail to recognize attacks that use many attack sources.
Intrusion Detection System 8.2.2 Vulnerabilities in Operating Systems Many common operating systems are simply not designed to operate securely. Thus, malware often is written to exploit discovered vulnerabilities in popular operating systems. Depending on the nature of he attack, many times if an operating is compromised, it can be difficult for an IDS to recognize that the operating system is no longer legitimate. Moving forward, operating systems must be designed to better support security policies pertaining to authentication, access control, and encryption. 8.2.3 Limits in Network Intrusion Detection Systems NIDS analyze traffic traversing network segments at the network layer. At that level, attacks can be observed when it may be difficult if only observing at an application level. However, there may be traffic passing within the network that may not be fully visible to the NIDS. This happens especially when secure encrypted tunnels and VPNs are deployed. Unless it knows how to decrypt and re-encrypt data, such traffic remains fully opaque to the NIDS. Secure sockets layer (SSL) traffic over hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) connections can be used by attackers to mask intrusions. Another limitation to NIDS manifests as bandwidth rates increase in a network. Especially when the amount of traffic also increases, it becomes a challenge for NIDS to be able to keep up with the rate of traffic and analyze data quickly and sufficiently. Finally, in a large network with many paths of communication, intrusions can bypass NIDS sensors. 8.2.4 Signature-Based Detection A common strategy for IDS in detecting intrusions is to memorize signatures of known attacks. The inherent weakness in relying on signatures is that the signature patterns must be known first. New attacks are often unrecognizable by popular IDS. Signatures can be masked as well. The ongoing race between new attacks and detection systems has been a challenge. 8.2.5 Challenges with Wireless Technologies Wireless technologies are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in modern networks; however, this new technology comes with its own set of challenges. Wireless networks are inherently open and viewable by all network scanners. There are no physical barriers between data sent through the air. As such, it is relatively easy to intercept data packets in a wireless network.
Intrusion Detection System One of the challenges with wireless is that the new technology comes with its own set of protocols for communication that break the traditional OSI layer model. IDS must learn new communication patterns. Also, as open as wireless communication is, devices on such networks rely on established trust relationships between identified systems; however, if one system is already compromised before rejoining a network, it may be difficult for the IDS to detect intrusive activity from a trusted source. 8.2.6 Over-Reliance on IDS IDS themselves may be used improperly within an organization. In general, an IDS is an important tool for security administrators to detect intrusions and attacks on a system. It is even more important for administrators to properly secure the system in the first place. When administrators focus too much on relying on IDS to catch intrusions, they can overly focus on symptoms of networks vulnerabilities rather than fixing the root causes of the security issue. Over-reliance on IDS can become a problem especially when commercial IDS vendors overhype features in the race to sell products on the market. Sometimes IDS capabilities claims are over exaggerated and should be tested with skepticism. Administrators should thoroughly check IDS output and use competent judgment when analyzing reports. It is important to recognize that the IDS is only one tool in an administrators arsenal in properly securing a network. Using an integrated approach to security, administrators should come up with an overall plan, properly lock down systems, and leverage multiple types of tools such as firewalls, vulnerabilities scanners, and more. [6]
9. IDS Tools
9.1 eEye Retina
9.1.1 Abstract Retina Network Security Scanner provides vulnerability management and identifies known and zero day vulnerabilities, plus provides security risk assessment, enabling security best practices, policy enforcement, and regulatory audits. 9.1.2 Features Network Security Scanner: Enables prioritized policy management, patch management, and vulnerability management Network Vulnerability Assessment: Identifies network security vulnerabilities, missing application updates, and zero day threats Network Discovery and Policy Assessment: Discovers all devices, operating systems, applications, patch levels, and policy configurations Vulnerability Management: Enables prioritized policy management, patch management, and vulnerability assessment Fast and Accurate Scans: Accurately scans a Class C network of devices, operating systems and applications in ~15 minutes. Policy Compliance: Identifies and simplifies corporate and regulatory requirements. [5]
10. Conclusion
Intrusion detection and prevention systems are important parts of a wellrounded security infrastructure. IDSs are used in conjunction with other technologies (e.g., firewalls and routers), are part of procedures (e.g., log reviews), and help enforce policies. Each of the IDS technologiesNIDS, LAN IDS, NBAD, and HIDSare used together, correlating data from each device and making decisions based on what each type of IDS can monitor. Although IDSs should be used as part of defense in depth (DiD), they should not be used alone. Other techniques, procedures, and policies should be used to protect the network. IDSs have made significant improvements in the past decade, but some concerns still plague our security administrators. These problems will continue to be addressed as IDS technologies improve. Government funding and corporate interest helped to develop their concept into a tangible technology that eventually found its way into the mainstream of network security. Intrusion detection has indeed come a long way, becoming a necessary means of monitoring, detecting, and responding to security threats. From theory to practice, and finally to commercially viable tools, IDS technology has gone through countless changes. Nonetheless, the use of intrusion detection as a means of deterring misuse has ultimately become commonplace. Moreover, IDS has become essential. Regardless of how intrusion detection technology evolves, one thing is for sure - it is now an important and integral component of information security.
11. References
1) [15/3/2012] 2) [5/3/2012] 3) [20/3/2012] 4) [20/3/2012] 5) _detection/index.php [18/3/2012] 6) [19/3/2012]