Samaveta Pranayama PDF

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Topic 1

Pranayama: Samaveta Pranayama

Within us t here are various Iorms oI energy
which per meat e and sur r ound our bodies.
These are closely connect ed with our health,
t hi nki ng and the way we react to the ext ernal
world. Some oI these energi es are well known:
nervous energy, chemical energy and so on.
Yet t here are some which are not normally
perceived in t he everyday liIe oI most peopl e.
It is these subtle Iorms as well as t he grosser
Iorms oI energy that the practices oI pranayama
seek to harmonize and manipulate. The met hod
oI gai ni ng mast er y over t hese ener gi es
( pr anas) i s an i ndi r ect one, cont r ol and
mani pul at i on oI r es pi r at i on, t hough t he
control oI energy that we derive I r om oxygen
dur i ng breat hi ng is direct.
Thi s subject oI pr ana and pr anayama will be
Iully discussed in t he next lesson
. In this topic
we will describe one oI t he simplest practices
oI pr anayama called samaveta pranayama.
The Sanskri t wor d% -,0,C*#, means ' to-
gether' . Ther eI or e samaveta pranayama is a
practice where one breat hes t hr ough bot h the
nostrils. This mi ght seem to be an obvious and
inconsequential statement, but t he practice is
so named to distinguish it I r om ot her tech-
niques oI pr anayama where t he Ilow oI air is
directed in one nostril by physically or mentally
prevent i ng t he Ilow in t he ot her nostril.
Sit in a comIortable position, preIerably in one
oI the meditative asanas
. II at this stage you
Iind these meditative asanas uncomIort abl e
you can sit in a chair or against a wall with t he
Ieet outstretched. The essential t hi ng is t hat
the spine remai ns erect. II necessary, wrap a
blanket ar ound you iI t he at mospher e is cold.
Close the eyes.
Start to practise yogic breat hi ng
Try to make t he movement oI t he abdomen
and t he chest as rhythmical as possible, so that
as you inhale t here is a wavelike mot i on I r om
the abdomen to t he chest and as you exhal e
t here is a wavelike mot i on I r om t he chest to
t he abdomen. Don' t strain but try to br eat he
as deeply as possible, expel l i ng and i nhal i ng
t he maxi mum amount oI air.
Keep your eyes closed t hroughout the practice.
Cont i nue in this way Ior a Iew mi nut es.
Now you will begin t he practice oI samaveta
pranayama. At t he end oI inhalation, hold t he
breat h Ior a second or so, without straining.
Then breat he out. Your breat hi ng should be
as slow as is comIort abl e.
Exhale as much air as possible and then inhale.
Again hold t he breat h Ior a short time and
t hen exhale. Cont i nue in this way Ior as long
as you have time.
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Over a peri od oI weeks slowly increase t he
time oI breat h ret ent i on Irom a second or so
to a maxi mum oI ten seconds. Do not hold t he
breat h Ior l onger t han is comIort abl e. Thi s is
i mport ant . With practice the time oI breat h
ret ent i on will increase automatically.
Thi s is an excellent practice in pr epar i ng t he
lungs Ior mor e advanced practices oI pr ana-
yama. At t he time oI ret ent i on t he amount oI
oxygen taken up by t he blood and t he amount
oI carbon di oxi de which is di scharged by t he
blood into the lungs is increased. When peopl e
breat he quickly and shallowly t he exchange
between t he circulating blood and t he lungs is
very small. The increased exchange dur i ng
samaveta pr anayama helps to revitalize t he
body and i mprove t he health.
Book I, Lesson 3, Topic 3
Topic 5 oI this lesson Ior the Iirst two simplest
positions. For details on classical meditative
asanas reIer to Book I, Lesson 7, Topic 2.
Book I, Lesson 1, Topic 4

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