About Aasara
About Aasara
About Aasara
About AASARA Aasara (Senior Citizens Welfare Programme) has started functioning from 30th August, 2007. Under the supervision of Commissioner & Special Officer, GHMC and inaugurated Aasara Call Centre-1253 with a great vision to extend the services to the Senior Citizens and to provide a sustainable organizations of their own to evolve suitable processes. The Call Centre is functioning with the support of HelpAge India as a nodal agency. Identity cum Privilege cards are being issued to the senior citizens after duly obtaining information in the prescribed format along with age, residential proof, and two passphort size photos. Nearly 38084 are proudly carrying these ID cards in the city of Hyderabad. Numbers of camps are going on all over the city, including in old and interior places and slum areas for health check up, eye testing, blood camps, supply of spectacle, Wheel Chairs etc. Helpline (1253): Any Senior Citizen or one on behalf of a Senior Citizen can make a call to AASARA Helpline No. 1253 to record his / her problems or complaints. The AASARA Helpline receives calls between 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM on all days. Helpline Support Services: One social Worker and one Project Coordinator from HelpAge India will attend to the grievances received through helpline immediately and redress the issues with the help of Volunteers and Local Senior Citizen Associations. Any Senior Citizen or one on behalf of a Senior Citizen can make a call to AASARA Helpline No. 1253 to record his / her problems or complaints.
Number of grievances registered in the call center Number of grievances redressed Number of Applications received for ID cards Number of ID cards issued Helpline services received Redressed
Aasara Senior Citizens Identity / Privilege Card: Identity cum Privilege cards are being issued to the senior citizens at free of cost after duly obtaining information in the prescribed format along with age, residential proof, and two passphort size photos.
The Following are the facilities being extended through Aasara Identity Card
Free entry into parks for activities like yoga, pranayama etc. Provide preference for the Senior Citizens in public places/GHMC service center Conducting medical camps for Senior Citizens. Establishment of Day Care Centers for the Senior Citizens. Encouraging voluntary services to provide various support services to Senior Citizens. Providing counseling for the needy. Arranging wheelchairs in parks and GHMC office. Solving the issues through the helpline on priority basis. Facilitating Old Age Pensions (OAP) as per Government forms Providing police protection. Medical concession through IMA and APNA. Shelter assistance in home for elderly. Identity/ Privilege Cards Issued (Age wise classification) Age No. of Persons
60.65 22777
9571 4727
76.80 1664 81.85 562 86.90 146 91.95 34 96.100 7 ---------39488 -----------
Aasara news letter providing all the information related to activities and also discusses issues related to the senior citizens. Aasara news letter has been like mouth peace of senior citizens in Hyderabad- So far six issues brought out quarterly. Aasara news
letter been tool for various campaigns to bring awareness among the senior citizens on issues related to senior citizens.
Senior Citizen Associations / Residential welfare Associations: The Senior Citizen Associations / Resident Welfare Associations play a pivotal role in promoting and strengthening activities of Aasara by extending the support through local volunteers. All the senior citizen associations in the twin cities were brought under Aasara umbrella to share their views and to work together to achieve the desired needs of the elderly. Day Care Center: The Day Care Centers have an important role in the lives of senior citizens and for the society. These centers help to develop the social relations among the senior citizens. They would act like mini cultural centers to spread the message of health, happiness among the senior citizens. The unity, strength and happiness among the senior citizens would have the impact on children and youth. The day care center will be a focal point for implementing the Aasara activities like Eye Care Camps, etc., through its volunteers. This would help the Senior Citizens to reach the poor and needy. It is proposed to open at least 5 Day Care Centers in each circle
Application from senior Citizen association requesting day care center along with resolution on the accommodation availability to start the Day Care Center
Activities: a. b. Meeting the recreational needs by providing TV, music system and cultural activities. Providing physical activity through thread mill, and mental abilities by providing indoor games (chess, caroms, etc) as well as yoga, pranayama, etc. Facilitating pensions for the elderly and persons with disabilities. Helping in improving talent in the respective fields of their interests -literature, light music, painting, etc. Creating awareness on health and nutrition. Enlightening on social problems such as child labour, illiteracy, HIV, etc.
c. d.
e. f.
Meeting the medical needs through a panel of doctors from Allopathy, Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Unani & Physiotherapy treatments. Facilitating birthday celebrations. Visiting other homes for elderly. Conducting seminars on ageing. Participating in community activities. Providing services through panel of professionals.
h. i. j. k. l.
Volunteers: General and Professional Volunteers are being registered under Aasara to extend the support for the Senior Citizens. The General Volunteers includes Rtd. Officials, youth, women and other interested persons Professional Volunteers like doctors, Advocates, Counselors, physiotherapists, Physiatrist, Rtd police officials, Revenue officials etc.,
Volunteers Meeting:-
Every Second Friday the Volunteers Meeting is being organized between 3.00 to 5.00 Pm at Face to Face Meeting hall with specific agenda on the activities of Aasara. Volunteers are taking active role and participating in all Aasara activities with lots of commitment and zeal towards the welfare of the senior citizens. These monthly volunteers meeting created a platform for the senior citizens and to the volunteers to understand the issues of senior citizens, raise the issues related to senior citizens, share the life experiences of each other and to get aware of the welfare schemes for senior citizens and their rights. These meetings also created an opportunity to build a greater senior citizens network in the city. This volunteers meeting is a very good entry point for the people who wants to involve in the Aasara activities and program. During these volunteers meetings Aasara team will update the activities and up coming programs to the senior citizens. This meeting also gives an opportunity to the senior citizens to interact with the GHMC officials directly for queries and clarifications. Eye Health Care :
Total Camps Conducted:-
No. of camps conducted No. of persons screened No. of cataracts identified No. of persons identified for spectacles
Health Camps in Oldage Homes:Dr.Ranga Reddy Lions Eye Hospital came forward to conduct free Eye Health Checkup to all the inmates of OldAge Homes by providing free spectacles and free medicines as sponsored by Seth Gulab Rai Charitable Foundation. 150 Old Age Homes proposed to cover during June and July, 2009.
Aakar Asha is conducted its 6th free surgical rehabilitation camp on 25th January,2009 in association with Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, AASARA and Indira Kranthi Patham. The persons identified at the screening camp will be referred for surgery on 13th to 15th February, 2009 at Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills through Dr.BharatendraSwain, Plastic surgeon. Total Screenings Surgeries Conducted ------------103 31
extending their support services at senior citizens' doorstep is a remarkable achievement. Partnership with the ARDSI ARDSI : The Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Society of India, ARDSI, is a secular, non-profit, national, voluntary organ-ization, dedicated to improving the quality of life of persons with dementia. The lack of an organized support group in Hyderabad for persons with dementia and their families, motivated a committed group of neurologists, psychiatrists, healthcare professionals and caregivers to start ARDSI Hyderabad Deccan, as the local chapter November 2008. A successful collaboration between AASRA and ARDSI Hyderabad Deccan was initiated in January. The collaboration commenced with conducting awareness sessions at the senior citizens forums affiliated to AASRA. It will be extended to include memory screening camps and induction training for volunteers. LVPEI / Lions Eye Hospitals The pilot project taken up by Aasara in coordination with LV Prasad Eye Institute / Lions Eye Hospitals has proved to be a good beginning in promotion of Eye healthcare. Eye health and general camps are being conducted in association with LVPEI / Lions Eye Hospitals. Aakar - Asha Foundation Aakar-Asha Foundation has conducted its sixth free surgical rehabilitation camp on 25th January 2009, in association with Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation - AASARA and Indira Kranthi Patham. IMA / APNA (Indian Medical Associations / Andhra Pradesh Private Hospitals and Nursing Home Associations)
The activities of Aasara have helped for easy convergence with related organizations and provided base to negoiate with IMA and APNA for the benefit of senior citizens. In this context, upto 20% concession has been approved by both APNA & IMA. OLDAGE HOMES - Health Camps * Seth Gulab Rai Charitable Foundation, Hyderabad conducted a free Eye Health Checkup camp for all the inmates of Old Age Homes and provided free spectacles medicines in association with Dr. Ranga Reddy Lions Eye Hospital, Secunderabad. * 47 Oldage Homes covered and 1584 number of inmates were examined for both diabetic and eye health. 650 spectacles were provided free of cost. APSCCON & FAPSCO: Andhra Pradesh Senior Citizen Confederation and Federation of Andhra Pradesh Senior Citizens Organizations - both state level bodies, are implementing various activities for elder persons in association with Aasara. Goldage Foundation, Saroor-nagar: The foundation has been the venue for bedside assistance training programme. MNJ Institute of Oncology: MNJ Institute has provided bedside assistance training services and also screening of cases which were referred by Aasara. Aasara News letter Aasara news letter providing all the information related to activities and also discusses issues related to the senior citizens. Aasara news letter has been like mouth peace of senior citizens in Hyderabad- So far six issues brought out quarterly and planning lo increase the frequency to bimonthly. Aasara news letter been tool for various campaigns to bring awareness among the senior citizens on issues related to senior citizens, also news letter is being the easiest way to reach the information to all the senior citizens in all corners of the city. It is in the process of increase the number of pages to provide more information related lo Aasara activities.
Aasara is in the process of expending its activities to reach the Senior Citizens in the city, Aasara Committee constantly meeting and reviewing the activities and plans. To work more independently and to organize them selves through Aasara, members in the core group
initiated the process and after the approval of Commissioner and Special Officer, registered the Aasara under societies registration Act, with registration number 114/2009 dated 503-2009. Aasara committee also opened bank account at SBH, operated by Mr.Kanna Babu, President, Aasara (AC (IT&AASARA)) and Mr.Bhagawanulu, Treasurer, and Mr.Y.Raja Rao, Secretary Aasara.
Aasara committee nominated some members for the Aasara news letter committee to look after the issues related to Aasara news letter. Nominated members of the Aasara news letter, 1.P.L.Menon, 2.B.Rama Rao, 3.Deshpande, 4.Margarate reeves, 5.M.A.Sattar Khan.
Mobile Medical care: One Mobile Medical care unit Ambulance was provided by HelpAge India to Aasara. This vehicle is being utilized for the conduct of Health camps and Rehabilitation elder persons in oldgAge Homes etc.
doctor can attend at home and support for immediate medical aid to the elders at home itself and later according to the advice of the community doctor elder can be shifted to nearby or suitable hospital on his advice, and the doctor should inform the concern hospital about the diagnosis and also medication extended so far to reduce the diagnostic costs. The community Doctor concept is basically for the Senior Citizens Association within the boundary and to promote the confidence among the family members in emergency needs.
Rehabilitation of Persons with disabilities
Conducting of integrated disability camps in every circle of GHMC. Issuing the disability medical certificates, RTC / Railway passes on concession. Facilitating loans for disabled persons. Facilitating and issuing wheel chairs, artificial limbs, walking sticks and doing surgical corrections operations. In the last 5 camps, 3000 RTC and Railway passes and 5000 medical certificates were issued.
Activity Plan for 2010-11: To sustain the community based organizations of Senior Citizens a detailed activity plan Month wise/Activity wise prepared as per the suggestions made during the Aasaracommittee meetings. Towards well coordination and preparation for the activities Aasara prepared an activity plan till March 2010.
GHMC commissioner decided on july 2 nd 2010 to Aasara will be decentralized and start the activities in the areawise. To take the first intiative from GHMC in India to Formation of Circle level Aasara committee. Special Commissioner issued the letters to all Deputy municipal Commissioers to organized the circle level meetings and elect the circle level committees.
Ref:- Minutes of the Aasara Committee meeting held on 02-07-2010 In Panwar Hall, GHMC. ***** The general body meeting of Aasara Committee was held on 02-07-2010 in Panwar Hall, GHMC, which was headed by the Special Commissioner, GHMC, where in a decision was taken to establish Two Tier Aasara Committees initially one at the Head Office and other at circle levels in order to have adequate representation and better coordination even at local level activities in the circles. The structure of circle level Aasara Committee Nominated Posts: Additional Commissioner(UCD),GHMC Deputy Municipal Commissioner of the circle Project Officer(UCD) of the circle Representative from Local SCA s Representative from Local SCA s is as follows, Chief Advisor President Organizing Secretary - 1 Organizing Secretary - 2 Organizing Secretary - 3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The following posts shall be filled by the Senior Citizens/ N.G.Os /FAPSCO/APSCCON and other citizens serving the cause. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vice President Aasara Member Secretary Aasara Member Joint Secretary Aasara Member Treasurer Aasara Member Joint Treasurer Aasara Member Executive Committee Members- Minimum 5 members (Aasara Members, Volunteers, Reps from Oldagehomes, NGOs etc.).
This committee shall be elected or selected based on the competition and 1/3rd of the above committee shall be filled with women candidates. Therefore the Deputy Municipal Commissioners are directed to conduct a meeting involving all the Senior Citizens Welfare Association in your jurisdiction for formulating an Aasara Committee in your circle and furnish the proceedings of the formation of the committee before 23rd July, 2010 without fail. Sd/Addl.Commissioner(UCD), GHMC To All Deputy Municipal Commissioners, GHMC.