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Vatican's Crimes List From WWW Vaticancrimes Us

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Vatican's worst enemy can't & won't be stopped: He's exposing the corrupt Catholic Church worldwide



2012 (119)

November (4)

63 charges of sexual abuse against yet another Cat... Update from International Tribunal into Crimes of ... Urgent human rights alert: Provocateur calls for... Complaint: European Commission Covered Up Vatican ...

September (6)

The Great Fall of the Catholic Church is days away... Direct Actions to Commence Against Vatican Officia... Two Priests in Hawaii Accused of Sexual Abuse Religious Sect Leader told Daughter in Law that Se... New York Roman Catholic Priest Sympathizes with a ... PUBLIC WARNING: You are Entering a CRIME SCENE

August (16)

10,000+ British Children Stolen, sent to Australia... The Government's Response in Magdelene Laundries M... Catholic Charities Exposed: Caught Child Trafficki... Religion Behind Adoptions and Relief Funds Catholic Charities: More Catholic Church scandals ... Over 1.5 million U.S. unwed moms forced to give up... Hidden History: 70,000 Stolen Babies in "Operation... Exposing the "Salvation Army" , its finances and t... Global actions to stop Crimes by Catholic Church a... Catholic Church behind theft of 70,000 babies in V... The Lucrative Business of 'BABY-SELLING': Exposing... United Church and crimes against the innocent The Great Destruction of the Vatican (the Great Ha...

Black Ops program escalates against Church Crimes ... "Smoking Gun" Genocide Document hidden by Anglican... Church-run maternity homes forced adoptions for si...

July (13)

Canada's Stolen Babies: Catholic nuns force women ... Canada: Catholic Nuns steal babies from unwed moth... Newborn Babies Stolen in Canada's Catholic Hospita... Pope sues German magazine over Vatileaks cover: Th... Remains of religious residential school children f... Catholic Church Scandal: Torture orphans by placin... Catholic Church Scandal: Quebec orphans used in cl... Historic criminal conspiracy lawsuit filed against... Canada's Duplessis Orphans used in Vatican's MK Ul... July 4th: Live streaming of the Historic lawsuit b... Warning letters being posted globally outside of C... First class-action Lawsuit against Vatican, Pharma... Canada's "Truth and Reconciliation" Committee Expe...

June (13)

Just retribution will soon manifest against the Va... Cult Leader Kills Wife and 4 Year Old Child in the... PUBLIC NOTICE to CEASE and DESIST from Aiding a Cr... The Vatican Included in the 66.6% of Cadavers that... Kevin Annett Interview in Conciencia Radio with Al... An Update from the ITCCS: We Will Name and Detain ... Creflo Dollar Arrested for getting "Physical" duri... The Forgiveness Fallacy: Why Do We Tolerate the De... Exposing Religious Lies: Cannibalism and Religion UPDATE: Mass Graves at Brantford Philadelphia Jury on Priest Abuse Case Requests 19... Historic Initiative to Support Sexually Abused Vic... Guide on How to Document, Publish, Arrest and Expe...

May (13)

Child Raping Catholic Priests and their Protectors... The Vatican and Government are destroying Earth: M... Pope's Silence Kindles Protest in Italy for Missin... Catholic Church Scandal: 15 yr. old missing girl k... Government Cover up in Ireland Evident Regarding M... The Vatican Inquisition Strikes Back 8,500 Confidential Archives Exposed by Sexual Abus... Evil Exposed: Vatican behind ALL Government Laws, ... Emanuela Orlandi Abducted for Sex Parties says Pri... Former Priest Defrocked for Sexual Abuse was Hired... Pope and Catholic System has until September 2012 ... Kevin Annett: When Seeing Leads to More than Belie... STATISTICS OF THE MONEY GIVEN TO THE CATHOLIC CHUR...

March (3)

Eugenics in Canada: Children experimented on by Un... Collusion: The dark history of the Duplessis Orpha...

Anonymous brings down the Vatican website, targeti...

February (2)

A request from Kevin Annett and the International ... Vatican to begin paying property tax in Israel

January (49)

Child Abuse inquiry reveals at least 105 pedophile... 1 in 5 children in the Netherlands suffered sexual... Canadian Priest Charged with Two Sexual Assaults Vatican signs 3 peace treaties this week, yet lead... Catholic Priests in Hong Kong Accused of Child Sex... 38 Cases of Sexual Abuse by Priests in New Zealand... Catholic Church admits to Atleast 200 Pedophile Pr... Thousands, stolen as babies by nuns, to protest in... Kevin Annett Honors Netgracia with an Interview TO... Another Hero Falls by Kevin Annett It's Falling... It's Burning!!! Catholic Processions Exploit Children and Puts The... Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Da... Exorcism is a Lie and is used to Manipulate People... More Nun Abuse in USA Discovered: St. Colmans Vict... 'Indignados' Occupy the Vatican at St. Peter's Squ... Children's Safety not a Priority in Catholic Schoo... Priest Headmaster of a Catholic Boy's School Accus... 7 Catholic Monks in Somerset are Investigated for ... Mother Teresa Pedophile Apologist A nun with 87 Charges Related to Sexual Child Abus... John Paul II, a Hypocrite! Supported Death to Jews... Wars in the Name of Religion... This system's End ... Signs of the End of Religion ~ It's Destruction wi... Italy's Yearly Contributions to the Vatican: Shock... Sisters of Mercy Sued for Failing to Warn Families... Jewish Organ Trafficking Ring Exposed: Serial Orga... A Rabbi Caught on Video Trying to Meet a 13 Year O... Jewish Rabbi Yaakov Hopfer Enables Child Molesting... Group of Jewish Rabbis Arrested for Selling Human ... In My Own Words: A True Story of Physical and Emot... The Vatican's Corrupt Ways Began with it's First P... 48 Catholic Schools Closing in Philadelphia: 4 Hig... Fire Killing 92 Kids in Catholic School Remains a ... Separation of Church and State a Request by US Pre... Saudi Islamic Women Sentenced to Lashing by Religi... Newfoundland Catholic Priest Charged with 38 Sex O... Thoughts on this Week's Latest Panic Rabbis Caught in Child Organ Trafficking Crimes Catholic Priest in Pennsylvania Resigns after bein... Pope Benedict Asleep during Mass 219 Children Died at Home for Unwed Mothers Run by... Truth of ALL Matters in Notice of Fraud: Fiat Just... 128 Boys in Iceland taken from their Families to b... Iceland's Former Catholic Bishop Sexually Harassed...

2011 (271)

Roman Catholic Bishop Released after being Arreste... Rabbi Rosenbaum, One of Five Jewish Leaders Arrest... 44 People Busted in New Jersey including Rabbis an... 85 Orthodox Jews Arrested for Kidnapping, Child Ab...

December (52)

Religious Rituals: Albinos Murdered for Big Profit... Proposed Laws to Censor Internet Islam Religion: Brutal Female Genital Mutilations Religion Exposed: Muslim Men are Encouraged to Bea... Brutal Religious Rituals Exposed: Female Genital M... 1,018 Children died in Croatian Camp Guarded by Ca... Catholic Church Profits from Fake "Exorcisms" in A... 5,000 Women Murdered Every Year in "Honor" Killing... Muslim Women Murdered, Many Buried Alive in Honor ... Attawapiskat Woman Speaks of Abuse in Indian Board... St. Joseph's Orphanage in Ireland a Place of Abuse... Pregnant Nuns secluded in Utah at Saint Ann's Nunn... Victim of Magdalen Asylum for Wayward Girls book E... 20,000 children abused by Catholic Priests & Nuns ... Nuns and Liquor Company Cover Up: 1999 Article Rep... Child Trafficking: The untold history of hospitals... Africa: Mass Murder and Torture of Children in the... Netgracia Radio Interview: Lawyer Jonathan Levy Fi... Catholic Residential Institutions where Sexual Abu... Human Remains found on Catholic-owned Land kept Hu... Catholic Church is trafficking children in Sri Lan... The Catholic Church Exposed: Slavery, Babies for S... Archdiocese Sees the End of their Schools and Pari... Record Settlement Amounts being Paid out by the Ca... 110 Children Killed by Bishop Performing Exorcism ... Thousands of African Children deemed "Child Witche... The Documentary the Nuns did not want the world to... Film Exposes Religious Brutal Stonings in Iran for... Over 450,000 Children Stolen by Church and State Pope Continues to Protect Priests and Bishops Accu... Lily O'Brien, a Survivor of Ireland's Catholic Chu... Death and Abuse as a Result of Witch Hunts Today 70, 000 Nigerian Children Abused and Murdered in t... Salvation Army run by Protestan Church Accused of ... Nun at Mother Teresa's Missionary Arrested for Chi... Bishop Eddie Long Takes a Break after Sex Scandal Hell was invented by the Church to Instill Fear sa... Mike Milotte's Banished Babies Book Second Edition... Slovenia Catholic Church Ordered to Pay Eur 50,000... Nuns Sued for Intent to Profit from Land gifted fo... Families in Africa Cheated out of their money by R... Catholic Church Fails AGAIN to Notify Authorities ... Ex Priest, Kevin Annett Defrocked for Exposing Chu... More than 50,000 Children died in Residential "Sch...

Clergy Abuse Case Barred by 3 Year Statute of Limi... Boarding School Survivor Speaks Out 310 Maltese Children Taken from their Parents to A... Canadian Media's Clear Tactic to Discredit Kevin A... Kevin Annett Announces at Occupy Toronto Find of C... Child Trafficking Scheme by Priests and Nuns Expos... DON'T Dare leave your Child Alone with a Clergy Me... Priest Repellent: Keep Pedophiles Off!

November (19)

Children's Bones found on Church-Run Residential S... Evidence of Mass Murder uncovered on Indian Reside... Children's Bones Found at Canada's Oldest Indian R... Legal Action Against the Vatican for Money Launder... Sexual, Physical & Emotional Abuse in Religious Gr... Canada: Mohawks Look to Excavate Mass Graves in Re... Chief Italy Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco Charged wit... Catholic Church Sexual Abuse in Curaao, Netherlan... Maria Celeste of Telemundo, What Would One Day in ... Vatican to Publish Secret Archives of Armenian Gen... US and Vatican Attempting to Censor Internet German Priest Indicted for Sexual Contact with Chi... Over Half a Million Abused Children in Residential... Vatican Profits from Placing Unwed Mothers in Ment... Catholic Nun Accused of Embezzling $850,000 from I... Clergy Sex Abuse Victims Strike to Demand European... Mass Execution of Children by Church and State in ... Penn State Dismisses Coach Paterno for Sexual Abus... Hunger Strike Against Clergy Abuse In Italy has be...

October (32)

Catholic Church generating astronomical profits fr... Occupy protest closes London's St. Paul's Cathedra... Occupy Vatican: Finance fraud and mass murder of t... Catholic Church & Christopher Columbus sparked the... Catholic Nuns Torture, Starve, Murder thousands of... Occupy Wall Street Protests: The root cause is the... Occupy The Vatican: Sack Rome! The Pope protects c... Vatican Rules the World: Enormous investments with... Hinduism Exposed: 6-year old girls used in temple ... NYCPD Detective Exposes How the Catholic Church Ex... Catholic Church Steal Thousands of Babies in Spain... Catholic Church involved in Baby Trafficking in Ar... Spain's Stolen Children: Catholic Church Caught Ch... 300,000 Kidnapped by the Catholic Church in Spain:... Video: 300,000 Newborns Stolen by Catholic Nuns an... Canada: Natives Speak Out against Genocide Committ... Uganda: 50,000 Children Stolen, Made Sex Slaves in... 300,000 Babies Stolen by Nuns and Priests in Spain... The Land we "Occupy Together" is land the Church a... Chile Could Try Ex-priest Sanctioned By Vatican Abuse Survivors express support of digging up mass...

VATICANS STEALS OVER 3,300 CHILDREN IN OPERATION... United Church steals land and sells to US logging ... Mass grave digging continue in Canada: Latest news... Brutal murder committed unto 50,000+ kids by Churc... Rape, murder and genocide of over 50,000 children ... Catholic order, Congregation of the Holy Cross, to... Organized deportation of children covered up by Ch... Survivors begin digging for human remains at Relig... Dig for Childrens Remains Begins at Canadas Olde... Unmarked graves opened at Canada Residential schoo... Papal Cold Shoulder?

September (7)

ITCCS posts Banishment Orders at Catholic,United C... Catholic Church In Switzerland: 146 Abuse Victims,... Boston Globe defends Irish govt in church battle o... Monitoring the inevitable destruction of the Great... Alert: Vaccine experiments being conducted on Cana... Pope accused of crimes against humanity by victims... Pedophile priest victim to walk to Vatican to dema...

August (24)

Vatican accused of withholding documents Vatican's Corrupt Financial Agreements and Specia... Catholic Church: World's Biggest Stock Broker Expo... Religion Crimes: Staggering Accumulation of Wealth... Ex-Monsignor Exposes Global Money Crimes and Riche... Costa Rica protests against the Catholic Church: S... WikiLeaks Co-founder Talks: Catholic Church - Worl... Catholic Church Money Fraud: Millions seized from ... Catholic Church: Money crimes, money laundering an... Money Crimes: Catholic Church Tax Exemptions & Gol... Tax payments to churches? Think again! Religion mo... Unmasking the Catholic Church's Money Crimes: Vati... Financial Crimes and Scandals of the Catholic Chur... Catholic Church Under Investigation for Accepting ... Catholic Church Crimes: 2000 years of Wealth accum... Vatican Cover Up: Catholic Church Money Laundering... PYC Announces Global Wheres Public Money Going T... Pedophile Polygamous Leader Warren Jeffs charged a... Convicted priest Charles Pulis was absolved in 200... Catholic Church generating astronomical profits fr... Red Cross and the Vatican 'helped thousands of Naz... 'Vatican helped nazis evade conviction after holoc... Stage gives Corrupt Privileges to Catholic Church ... Groups refuse to contribute to Redress Compensatio...

July (24)

Documentary "Sinners" details the horror endured b... Documentary "Sinners" details the horror endured b... Three Nuns Murder a Rich Couple for their Money an... Sisters of Mercy steal yet another baby from unwed...

Catholic Church orchestrates Operation Peter Pan: ... Polish nun jailed for child abuse Orphans tied to beds and given 1-year expired milk... Catholic Church Involved in Transnational Organize... Remembering yet another "Mysterious" Orphanage Fir... Forensic Digs at Unmarked Graves to Begin to indic... Sisters of Mercy finally leaving town after abusin... Catholic Church & CIA stole 14,000 from Cuba in Op... Catholic Bishop petitions to Pope for lying about ... Vatican's pedophilia advisor arrested for pedophil... Abuse charges close Russian Orthodox orphanage, te... Catholic Priest William Casey accused of abusing a... Clergy Abuse Victims at Nazareth House Meet Belfas... Catholic Church, CIA Drugs And Mind Control Experi... Magdalene Laundries not exclusive to Ireland, The ... Upcoming Magdalene Laundries Documentary to Air on... Catholic Church involved in Rituals of Sacrificing... Nun abuse exposed: Forced Labour used in Ireland's... Site of Magdalene Laundry Grave sold by Nuns for ... Impact of Pedophile Priest Sex Abuse Scandal Felt ...

June (13)

Evidence of Pope and Nazi collusion: Vatican suppo... Vatican Crimes Exposed: Roman Catholic Church, Fed... Roman Catholic Church connections with Hitler (Vid... Vatican Money Corruption: Roberto Calvi {The Pope'... Stolen Babies in Religious Maternity Homes (Butter... Native Children in USA suffered torture and abuse ... The Book No Pope Would Want You to Read Nigerian children accused of witchcraft shunned, t... Hundreds of Children Abused, Tortured in "Exorcism... Religious Orphan Trains in USA - A devious scheme ... Corrupt Canadawide Scheme: Nuns Coerced Women to G... 173 countries forward millions of dollars yearly t... Thousands of Native Americans Abused in Religious ...

May (15)

Why is the Crown of England Afraid of this Man? Urgent Alert: Kevin Annett Jailed, Barred from re-... Clergy Abuse Victims: 'This Isn't Over' Help Bring The Pope To Jail for Crimes Against Hum... PROTEGEATUSHIJOS. NO MAS ABUSOS!! BASTA YA!!! Recently Beatified Pope Sold Poison to Nazis to ... Amnesty International Director Details How Catholi... Amnesty International Director Confirms Catholic C... POPE JOHN PAUL II SOLD CYANIDE-GAS TO NAZIS TO MUR... Ireland's Ryan Report is the Church and State Plot... Nuns trafficking babies in Spain boast lucrative p... TeleGracia brings to light baby trafficking from I... Corrupt Adoption Business Administered by Nuns in ... John Paul II: World's Worst Terrorist (Video) Crimes against Children committed by Church and St...

April (3)

Genocide of Canadian aboriginals at 25 million; 50... URGENT ALERT: HELP BRING "THE POPE" TO TRIAL Testimonies can assist in persecuting Joseph Ratzi...

March (1)

Charges initiated against Pope for crimes against ...

February (25)

Exorcist Priest and Abortion Scold Falls From Grac... Irish Church 'on brink of collapse' Child sex case to proceed We Need Freedom From Religion Not Just Freedom of ... Suppression notes left off paperwork - judge CATHOLIC priest Fr Frank Bwalya fathers a child My 28-year battle against the paedophile priests Robert Chesal's picture Map Hilversum, Netherlands... Swiss diocese suspends priests in sex abuse probe Cardinal Ad Simonis accused of protecting abuser p... Retired priest to face District court trial Zambia opposition leader let off the hook Priest charged with embezzling over 1 mln Vatican official instructed US bishop to withhold ... Deacon: Bill targets Catholic Church: Professional... Vatican official instructed US bishop to withhold ... Deacon: Bill targets Catholic Church: Professional... Hitler aide Bormann 'escaped to Latin America' Dutch bishops admit they did not warn diocese of p... Adult Victims of Clergy Abuse Denham case reopened UPDATE: Venice priest faces more sex abuse charges... European theologians call for end to priestly celi... Dutch Catholic order to pay sex abuse damages Church abuse victims secure compensation

January (56)

German abuse victims reject compensation offer Monastery sex abuse cases in Switzerland claim 40 ... Sex abuse victims reject Church payout offer Sex charge priest worked as chef in Stone home Catholic Priest gets bail in rape charge Dutch commission announces 350 child abuse reports... Dutch Cardinal Adrianus Simonis testifies as witne... Dutch cardinal testifies in Catholic abuse case Priest accused of raping man Dutch cardinal testifies in child abuse case Ex-Coventry and Cheadle priest faces sex abuse cha... Catholic priest in court charged with sexual offen... Catholic abuse victims offered firm payout Experts say Fairfield U avoids black eye in Perlit... Clergy sex misconduct case moves ahead; Sex abuse ...

2010 (619)

Garabedian on culture of secrecy in Catholic Churc... Rape trial of former Queensbury priest set to star... Vatican letter no surprise Clergy sex abuse victims urge action Sex abuse taints previous pontiff Plan to make John Paul II saint opposed Documents reveal Vatican abuse cover-up Church sex abuse case before Middelburg court Child sex abuse and church failures 'great scandal... Beloved companions John Paul II and Fr. Marcial Ma... Former city priest jailed for downloading child po... Vatican edict in 1997 rejected calls to report pri... Rome told bishops not to report abuse Not all cheer sainthood path for Pope John Paul II... Survivors slam child policies Belgian Report Shows that Hundreds of Infant-Rapin... Three Nuns involved in 2005 exorcism case in Roman... Priest jailed for downloading indecent photos Eight Months Prison Sentence For Shamed Catholic P... Roman Catholic priest jailed over child pornograph... Priest from St. Louis area accused in Bangladesh Malta priest accused of sex abuse dies after churc... Jesuit priest gets bail in scarf controversy Number of Austrian Catholics leaving church increa... INTERNATIONAL TRAFFICKING OF PEDOPHILE PRIESTS New nun child sex abuse case in Belgium Belgian activist priest admits sexual abuse Priest abuse ignored by Belgium church New nun child sex abuse case in Belgium Irish Protesters demand end to government collusio... Vatican Confirms Report of Sexual Abuse and Rape o... Belgian man alleges abuse by nuns at foster home Elderly Belgian priest admits abusing cousin aged ... Belgian activist priest admits sexual abuse Priest steps down amid sex scandal Ireland's 'Orphans' Search for Their Past Hasta nios de dos aos, vctimas de curas pedfil... The Almanac of Evil - 4th Century The Alamanac of Evil - 3rd Century The Almanac of Evil > Chapter 2 (100-200 ce) The Almanac of Evil (History)

December (13)

Bruce Arnold: Pope's message on abuse is nonsensic... Germans quit the church in their thousands Pope stirs up victim fury with child sex comments Popes child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage am... Tens of thousands of German Catholics cancelled th... Vatican Bank hit by financial scandal... again Catholic priests NGO raided

Priest steps down amid sex scandal East Sussex sex abuse fear vicars allowed to work Victim reveals Sussex vicar sex abuse ordeal Ex-judge to investigate Sussex church abuse 'faili... WikiLeaks: Sex abuse scandal left rift in Vatican-... Former priest found guilty of child abuse

November (8)

The Silencing of Free Speech on Public Airwaves in... The Vatican & Government attempt defame the work o... Vatican government is a 'train wreck': Experts Radio NetGracia Interviews Organizers of the Oct 3... Child Trafficking Survivors Sue Catholic Religious... Sex abuse reform call following Father Sultana rev... The video of a priest having sex with an employee ... The Italian clergy and the controversial statement...

October (41)

Sex assault trial of former Dublin priest begins Retired priest accused of indecent assaults Vatican crimes: 23,000 children in New York endure... Dutch prosecutors were wrong to drop Catholic abus... Vatican is accountable for sexual abuse says pries... Abuse survivors welcome WA scheme 'Father Jim' the Catholic priest extradited to Bri... Ex-priest stands trial on sex abuse charges Protesters decry sex abuse law Catholic Church seeks limit on sex abuse payouts i... Pope's apologies don't match deeds Belgium: Amid sex scandals, de-baptism gains favor... Belgium: Amid sex scandals, de-baptism gains favor... Kilburn: Sex Abuse Film Shows during Pope's Visit Pope's visit: pontiff should not be 'honoured' wit... Belgian Church 'fears' US-style pedophile lawsuit ... Victims Angry as Belgium Responds to Church Abuse Canadian and World Peodophilia Police question Belgian priest wanted in Canada ab... Belgian Church moves on abuse but victims still un... Plymouth pupils used Facebook to accuse 'abuse' pr... Documentary Presents Portrait of Scandal Stunning flood of claims held in secret diocesan a... Australian priest gets 20 years in jail for sexual... TV anchor: I was sexually abused by Catholic pries... Catholic Church in Belgium details widespread sexu... Catholic crisis: child abuse victim speaks out What did the Pope know about abuse in the Church? Victims of paedophile priests aim to confront Pope... JU$TICE: Coverup of Pedophile Priest Crimes Bought... Sinead O'Connor: 'The Vatican is a nest of devils'... Book recalls 19th century claims of abuse by pries... Blog focuses on church's alleged sexual abuse Rev. Charles Schultz, ousted from job, back in Ari...

Inquiry uncovers widespread sexual abuse by Belgia... Priest Sex Abuse:Abuse by church figures in Belgiu... Vatican Crimes:Pervasive Abuse Found in Belgian Ch... An Open Letter and Appeal to world governments an... Radio NetGracia interviews Dr. Jonathan Levy, plai... Victim saw 'sex abuser priest' on television Study: 60 percent of parishes had priest accused o...

September (93)

Pope Benedict XVI: Truly the Vicar of Christ on Ea... Clergy sex scandal takes toll on victims' lawyers Vatican Bank 'investigated over money-laundering' Protest against Pope's visit to Britain Pope facing wall of protest on visit to Britain Does the Vatican Hold Your Mortgage? Priest sex abuse linked to 13 suicides in Belgium Report: Child Abuse Widespread In Belgium's Cathol... The Case of the Pope Belgian court rules church raid was illegal but go... Church sex abuse victims call on Pope to take acti... Belgian child abuse report exposes Catholic clergy... Papal visit: clerical sex abuse victims speak out Report Airs Abuse in Belgian Church Fresh child sex abuse allegations rock Catholic Ch... Johann Hari: Catholics, it's you this Pope has abu... British Government issue apology for not investiga... The Pope: Witness for the prosecution Belgian court bins church paedophile raids evidenc... Belgium church abuse detailed by Adriaenssens repo... The woman leading the fight against clerical abuse... Belgian report lists 475 pedophilia cases in Catho... Child abuse widespread in Belgian Church - report Priest Sex Abuse Investigation Going Ahead in Belg... Investigation Reveals Hundreds of Clergy Abuse Cas... Belgian Report: Suicides Tied to Priest Abuse Belgian abuse probe to continue despite ruling EXCERPT: Servants of Paraclete segments of Sons of... Belgian cardinal admits mistakes in sex abuse case... Canon law has allowed abuse priests to escape puni... Public believes taxpayers should not fund papal vi... 64-year-old priest accused of having improper rela... Former Tennessee priest faces more sex abuse charg... Six Convicted of Sexual Crimes at Portuguese Child... Thursday's intriguing people Lawyer wants Dutch cardinal's evidence on sex abus... Tapes show cardinal sought sex abuse victim's sile... Church Abuse Scandal Flares Up as Victim Releases ... Church Abuse Scandal Flares Up as Victim Releases ... A victim describes the aftermath of alleged abuse ... "What the Pope Knew" Reported by CNNs Gary Tuchma... Ex-priest 'exposes' clergy's sex secrets Clergy sex group blasts 'near-certain' upcoming me...

Danneels tapes (2): mea culpa Not So "Deplorable" After All Pope must act on bishop who covered up admitted cr... Belgian cardinal hides sex abuse case Leaked Danneels tapes with Catholic sex abuse vict... Belgian Church Leader Urged Victim to Be Silent Catholic Cardinal Scandal:Belgian sex abuse tapes ... Catholic Church Sex Scandal:Godfried Danneels, Bel... Priest Sex Abuse Cover-up:Belgian Cardinal Danneel... Priest Sex Abuse Case:Belgian cardinal urged victi... CATHOLIC CHURCH SAID USING TIME LIMIT TO SUPPRESS ... Pedophile priest: Evil priest shielded by Catholic... Priest Sex Abuse Scandal:Danneels tried to hush up... Dramatic drop in number of Irish priest vocations Priest Sex Abuse:Belgian cardinal offered to hush ... Child Sex Abuse:Church must face scrutiny for chil... Scotland's own 'IRA priest' who escaped justice 37... German priest charged with raping girl Bishops 'should do time' for sex abuse cover-ups Catholic Priest Charged With Raping 14-Year-Old Tw... Cover-up of priest's role in IRA to be confirmed Catholic Priest Charged with Rape of 14-year-old Catholic Priest Charged With Rape of 14-Year-Old G... Lawyers: Other suits aimed at Vatican to continue Catholic Killers Founder of Haitian School for Boys admits to engag... Octogenarian Dutch priest heard in child sex abuse... Pedophile priest Wilfred Dennis on trial - again Belgian appeals court rules to let magistrate cont... Popular priest accused of rape Women Take On Gender Apartheid in the Catholic Chu... Belgian clerical abuse inquiry to proceed Martin didn't tell bishops of Rome's resign rebuff... Court rules to allow Belgian clergy abuse inquires... Peter Tatchell: Why we oppose the Pope's state vis... Superior not told of complaints against priest Anne Rice Explains Why She Left The Church Lawyers: Other suits aimed at Vatican to continue Church inquiry may shift A Sudbury man alleges boyhood abuse at the hands o... Sexy Fathers Victim Gets GH6,000 Woman alleges police inaction Victims groups want Cardinal Law out of basilica p... Former priest jailed on sex charges Australia looks to Ireland for answers on clerical... John E. Guiniven: In church scandal, 'sorry' isn't... BBC to mark Pope's UK visit with documentary on cl... 'Clergy sex abuse not just an American problem' 3 myths about sex abuse Catholic priest numbers set to fall in wake of sca...

August (66)

Mum calls on Church to end abuse silence Priest blames 12yo for sex abuse Why Im giving up Catholicism 900 abuse allegations against Dutch clergy: commis... Church and state colluded to free 'IRA bomber prie... Irish priest scandal: Second lawsuit filed against... Australian church investigates clerical abuse conn... Don't try to downplay clergy sex-abuse issue Vicar convicted over hundreds of fake marriages at... Taking on Bishop Morlino K'mal nun skips court due to illness' Former Catholic priest released from prison Priest accused of drowning six-week-old boy during... Graceless: A Vatican paper on clergy sex abuse tak... Priest sex abuse: Accused priest denies assaulting... Where Is the Vatican's Outrage About Child Molesta... The Vaticans Gay Priests Sex abuse claim for 5m against Catholic order fac... Bishops urged to challenge Vatican over response t... Vatican:UK Catholic child protection agency critic... Children at risk as sex abuse program delayed Nun rape case: key witness admits incident not rep... Gay priest scandal rocks Vatican Church inquisition a warning to nuns Priest Sex Abuse:Child sex accused priest given a ... Canon Law and John Paul Ii, the Vatican & Benedict... Vatican Rocked By New Scandal Involving Partying P... Catholic priests filmed having casual sex Catholic Church faces investigation into kiddy fid... Priest accused of sexual abuse in Kansas still wor... In abuse cases, church rules arent enough call ... Priest Child Sex Abuse: Priest gets suspended sent... Pedophile Priest: Suspended prison term for priest... Catholic Church:A Catholic mom on Vatican's strate... New Vatican sex abuse rules viewed as bizarre, not... Another blow for victims of clergy sexual abuse Vatican's New Rules Stir Controversy:Little Praise... Vatican: Church needs a sense of proportion and a ... Catholic Church: What is it with the Roman Catholi... edmontonjournal.com July 17, 2010 Be the first to ... Rome Fiddles, we burn Priest Sex Abuse:Critics Blast New Priest Abuse Gu... The Vatican:Uproar over Vatican's grave crimes lis... Catholic Church:Church misleads sex abuse victims Vatican:Catholics angry as church puts female ordi... Vatican :Shocking: Details of Catholic Priest Cove... Pedophile priest:Police probe new claims of sexual... Ex-priest awaits extradition hearing on abuse clai... Former priest jailed for sex offences Former priest jailed on sex charges Victims groups want Cardinal Law out of basilica p... SNAP Urges Guam: Prosecute Old Child Sex Crimes No...

Church admits liability for school sex abuse Child sex abuse rocks Qld churches Toowoomba church admits sex abuse liability No apology for Qld victims of sex predator clergy Bill on child abuse by clergy has hearing Germany's Top Bishop Admits Mishandling Sex Abuse ... Bishop admits ignoring abuse cases German bishop acknowledges abuse scandal mistakes Vatican Rules: Ordaining Women Priests a Crime Lik... YOUR SAY:Protecting its assets rather than childre... Romeo Catholic Priest Still In Jail The Popes Duty Priest reinstated after abuse conviction Belgian cardinal quizzed for 10 hours over abuse a...

July (28)

Ex-priest sentencing leads to applause in court Pope Benedict before papacy: Too slow to act again... Vatican: Amid Church Abuse Scandal, an Office That... Priest gets 20 years for "evil" sex crimes Priest Sex Abuse Case: 20 year's jail for child ab... Australia priest jailed for child sex attacks Priest behind bars for child abuse 'Sadistic' priest jailed for abusing 39 boys 'Sadistic' Catholic priest jailed for abusing boys... Catholic cleric abused children aged as young as f... Vatican Cover-up:Church Office Failed to Act on Ab... Victims were little bastards, pedophile priest Joh... Report: Cardinal Praised Bishop for his Willingnes... Australian priest admits child sex abuse, testifie... Paedophile priest 'felt pity on victims' BREAKING NEWS:UN: Vatican child rights report 13 y... Priests warned over child abuse Priest removed in Italy after confessing to child ... Belgian Raiders Went to National Archives Vatican embroiled in three rows over church abuse ... Church Raid in Belgium Raises Dark Questions In Rare Memo, Vatican Rebukes Cardinal Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up Priest a monster, says sex abuse victim Belgium trumps Vatican on chuch abuse probes More on the Vatican's secret secret Priest accused: In his secret life: Apartment, bar... The Belgians Make Washington Look Bad

June (126)

Vatican: Pope reprimands cardinal over sex abuse c... Vatican : Pope causes outrage for condemning churc... Family cries out for justice over girl raped by Ca... youtube.com 06/26/2010 Link Sad indeed and... Tombs of RC cardinals drilled by Belgian police se... Belgian police raid church offices in sex abuse in...

Official says police raid home, office of retired ... Belgian police raid home of archbishop in child se... Catholic Priest In Jail For Causing Unlawful Harm ... Belgian Catholic offices raided in sex abuse probe... Vatican:Sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Church Vatican: Sex Abuse Investigation Targets Belgiums... Vatican: Church, celibacy and child exploitation Police raid home, office of Belgian bishop in sex ... Catholic headquarters in Belgium focus of police r... Catholic abuse investigation in Belgium Police raid offices, home of retired archbishop Catholic church accused of fraud in US, allowing a... Catholic Priest Maciel accused of sexually abusing... Vatican Crimes: Church, celibacy and child exploit... Vatican: Accused bishop won't take back resignatio... Austrian Catholics ramp up quest for church reform... Secret Mixa files detail alcohol and sex abuse German RC Church confirms damning report on bishop... German bishop under fire in leaked Church report FACTBOX - Sex abuse scandals in the Catholic Churc... Women are also victims of clergy sex abuse Bolivian Priest Found Guilty of Sexual Assault in ... Abuse case legal costs top 140m Walter Mixa, German bishop and ally of the Pope, f... Vatican asked to investigate Chilean priest sex ab... Bolivian Priest Found Guilty of Sexual Assault in ... Analysis: Sex abuse crisis in Europe much like in ... Ex-priest faces sex abuse charges in Italy Italian priest charged with sex abuse Mexican man to sue Legion of Christ for fraud Italian priest charged with molesting youngsters Ex-priest indicted for sex abuse in Italy Eminent Italian ex-priest to stand trial for abuse... Women are also victims of clergy sex abuse Archbishop Philip Wilson of Adelaide should clarif... . Accused priest was 'tipped off' Child Sex-Assault Victims Put Church on Official N... German bishop wants his job back; Sex abuse victim... FORGIVE the Pope? Priest Sex Crime Victims Want to... Accused priest faces child sex committal hearing A convert to Catholicism, woman says she was abuse... Bishop says he was pressured into resignation Scandals may dent wealthy Catholic order's funding... Clerical sex abuse 'robs us all of our innocence' Pope is focus of 2010 clergy sex abuse scandal sto... Vatican Insurers See No Evil Broken Rites Australia helps victims of church-rel... Ex-Powys vicar jailed for child abuse offences MSNBC trivializes Pope Benedicts Apology for Cler... No Mea Culpa, But the Pope Makes a Plea for Forgiv... Trust in clergy lower after sex abuse crisis -Criminal Charges in Mexican Clergy Sex Abuse Case...

Keeping the blinkers on Institutional coverup makes 'predator priests' wor... Priest abuse scandal energizes Catholic dissidents... Bishop leaked woman's details Sex abuse crisis gives new momentum to dissidents Abuse victims say want more than apology from pope... Church Abuse: Victims Demand Action From Pope Melbourne Irish priest denies abuse charges Did you know about the Sex Crimes Cover-Up By Vati... Three US clergy sex abuse victims head to Europe The priest as a predator Church remained silent about child porn conviction... Mexican leg. demands investigation of alleged cove... The Vatican: Deaf To Pedophilia Catholic priest jailed over paedophile porn Catholic abuse scandal hits head of German Church Criminal Charges in Mexican Clergy Sex Abuse Case German Archbishop Caught up in Catholic Abuse Scan... Lawyer urges Italian bishop be charged in child ab... Danish police forced to drop most clerical abuse c... Top archbishop investigated over sex abuse Belgiums Catholic Church Struggles to Regain Trus... Melbourne priest accused of sexual assault German archbishop accused of hiring abusive priest... Danish police drop church sexual abuse probe Criminal Charges in Mexican Clergy Sex Abuse Case German Archbishop Zollitsch accused over sex abuse... Top archbishop investigated over sex abuse Top German bishop accused over job for abuse pries... Swiss Bishops Say Big Rise In Reported Abuse Cases... Factbox: Sex Abuse Scandals In The Catholic Church... Charges filed against Germany's top bishop Swiss say 104 victims of clerical abuse have stepp... German archbishop in sex abuse inquiry Archbishop investigated for abetting sex abuse Head of German Catholics in probe over sex abuse c... German Catholic priest to be probed over sex abuse... Police drop most sex abuse cases against Catholic ... Abuse survivor hits out at RC Church Legionaries of Christ denounced Abuse Tracker Pope Put in Hot Seat Priest told of abuse: woman Irish archbishop quits over 'sexual misconduct' Archbishop quits after abuse claims Pope accepts resignation of abuse accused cleric i... Irish bishop in Nigeria resigns after scandal Italian bishop accused of sex abuse cover-up Still breathing Pope 'failed to defrock priest despite being asked... Vatican Prosecutor Has Harsh Words for Priest Chil... Report Outlines Abuse Claims at German Jesuit Scho...

Brazil: Lawyer for accused priest seek his release... Girlfriends of priest send letter to Pope Abuse victims frustrated at delay in priest's sent... Report outlines sex abuse cases Abuse victims seek more church transparency Report outlines hundreds of sex abuse claims at Ca... Italy's bishops reveal priest abuse figures First Responses: How Do You Feel About Obama Sidin... Catholic Bishops Disclose Priest Sex Abuse Stats Italy priest abuse stats reveal 100 cases in 10yrs... Visiting SJF priest accused of harassing nun Report Outlines Abuse Claims at German Jesuit Scho... Map of Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Cases Worldwide Homosexualist Activist Priest Arrested for Sex Abu... Bishop: 100 cases in 10 yrs for Italy priest abuse... A betrayal of trust

May (94)

Polish priest seeks release in Brazil abuse case Porn Priest Back In Court Polish priest held in Brazil on pedophile charges Zakopane priest arrested on Brazil pedophilia char... Progressive Adrian nuns under Vatican's scrutiny Polish priest detained in Brazil sex-abuse case Victims frustrated by Adelaide archbishop Priest turns residence into erotic dungeon Brazil judge orders arrest of Polish priest for al... Authorities: Priest Turned Parish Home into "Eroti... Polish priest turns himself in to authorities in s... Adelaide Archbishop denies sex-abuse knowledge Italy bishop testifies in priest sex abuse case Bishop did not believe allegations over abuser p... PROSECUTE: Removing SOL on All Sex Crimes More Imp... Pope Benedict's Record Speaks for Itself in Fight ... Are bishops Vatican employees or officials? Bishops work for the Vatican: Real aim is to disow... Police investigate clergy abuse claims Claimed knowledge about pedophile priest Letter to the Editor: George W. Bush, pope seem to... Church abuse victims deserve compensation without ... Church confessions of abuse 'should be reported' Claimed knowledge about pedophile priest Vatican asks U.S. court to dismiss suit Police investigate clergy abuse claims Vatican Adopts An Old And Tired Defense Strategy I... Police investigate clergy abuse claims Put rein on sex-abuse priests, church told 2 Australian priests accused of sex abuse continue... www.washingtonexaminer.com 05/16/2010 Link C... Brazil church says sex abuse by clergy is a crime 270 new abuse allegations in Belgium Priest sex scandals on rise in Belgium

Spanish order probed for alleged sex abuse Flood of new complaints vs pedophile priests in Be... Mexican priest scorned but religius order seeks to... Austria probes youth sex abuse allegations Priest w/New Victims in Africa Served Mass w/Pope ... German Bishop Resigns For Slapping Children Catholic Church's 'zero tolerance' doesn't apply t... Bringing the Vatican to Justice Catholic cardinal accused of coverup Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Popes closest... Vatican cardinal attacks fellow cardinal for 'cove... Jigsaws, closets, and bishops covering up Catholic bishops who shelter abusers go unpunished... Monsignor, 72, faces sex abuse allegation Pope accepts German bishop's resignation Leading bishop accused of abuse The other Church scandal: priests siring children Catholics sent predator priest to remote village Pope's ally facing paedophilia claims Pope accepts resignation of German bishop in abuse... Link 05/08/2010 BERLIN A German bishop who... Pope accepts resignation of German bishop accused ... Vatican hit by sex scandal as Cardinal is accused ... Sex abuse priest has his jail sentence reduced Prosecutors Investigate German Bishop State orders arrest of priest over rape Catholics returned convicted priest to Sierra Leon... The Long Scandal: A History of Abuse Spanish order reports alleged abuse case German seeks compensation from church for 'abuse' Spanish church says monk suspected of child abuse Clerical Sexual Abuse: The Case of Fr. Marcial Mac... Catholic sex abuse scandals uncovered in Africa German bishop knowingly shipped pedophile priest t... Chile Shaken by Sex Abuse Allegations against Reve... THE HIDDEN VICTIMS OF SEX CRIMES BY CHRISTIAN PRIE... Pope and Church hierarchy have refused to bring tr... archibischop accused of covering up priest's sexua... Abuse Case Offers a View of the Vaticans Politics... Catholic order to be overhauled after founder's ab... fourth witness in priests abuse case Pedophile priest victim feels pain of justice deni... Tainted German priest stopped from working in SA -... More ripples appear for Catholic Church Austrian Church victims call for government invest... Austrian group records jump in church abuse claims... Diocese responds to sexual abuse lawsuit involving... Guest column: Church hierarchy should come clean Brazil: Priest charged with 8 abusing boys Report: Austrian cardinal accused of sex abuse sta... Brazilian priest on pedophilia charge Vatican official left abusive priest in pastor job...

Pedophile priest victim calls for church inquiry A new type of terror approaches Convicted Irish priest active in the Netherlands Cardinal Suspends Investigation of Abuse Allegatio... Scandal again challenges Catholic Church Rome priest on trial for abuse in Vatican backyard... Pedophile priest was volunteer in Dutch church Sweden's Catholic leader takes blame for abuse sil...

April (105)

Chilean cardinal pledges full abuse investigation Belgian Cardinal Accused of Ignoring Abuse Reports... Leaders meet as Church sex abuse cases grip Chile 2 ex-priests: we reported Belgian bishop sex abuse... Catholic nuns also abused children Fallout Continues in Priest Scandal Abuse Belgian Catholic bishop admits molesting boy Belgian bishop resigns over abuse of boy Belgium Bishop Resigns After Admitting Sex Abuse Belgian bishop quits over child sex abuse Sex abuse cases rock Catholic Church Mexico City Archbishop Norberto Rivera named in L.... D.C. parish grapples with sex-abuse charges agains... German bishop accused of child beating resigns Catholic Sex Abuse Scandal Fallout Spreads In Euro... Brazil Catholic priests face child abuse allegatio... Church pedophilia scandal grows in Latin America The Bishop's Silence - German Abuse Victim Accuses... Brazil priest detained after pedophilia accusation... Brazil: Priest Detained After Abuse Accusations Philippine church to move US priest over sex scand... Priest says he was pressurised into taking blame f... Colm O'Gorman: Honesty and justice would be better... Cardinal: Pope John Paul II approved letter on shi... Drummond: It's time for the Vatican to wake up Indian priest faces jail term for sex abuse John Paul backed praise for hiding abuse: Cardinal... Priest involved in sex case has left job in Italy Predator priests sent around globe, some to RP Probe shows 30 abusive priests shuffled around g... Pope engineered cover-up of child sex abuse, says ... Church in worst credibility crisis since Reformati... French bishop praised for shielding priest Cardinal praised bishop's silence over abuse pries... Dutch priest accused of sex abuse in Sri Lanka Top cardinal: 'Bishops, protect pedophile priests'... Vatican response: Sexual abuse policy leaves many ... Vatican confirms Cardinal's 2001 letter praising F... Snapshots of Catholic priests accused of abuse Comments by Cardinal on Sexuality Create a Stir Pedophile Priests and the "Geographical Cure" 5 most damning films about Catholic child abuse

As other see it: Catholic church still failing on ... Atheist Richard Dawkins backs campaign to arrest P... Priest accused of child porn possession media must stop bogus reporstabout catholic church... In Germany, 56% lose trust in Church Danish church investigates priest as scandal grows... Church's fear of scandal led to cover-ups Priest caught with child porn Abuse victim faults pope, demands compensation Church swamped by priest abuse claims Number of church abuse cases rises Historic sex abuse cases investigated Bishop: Africa Also Suffers Sex Abuse by Priests Italian clerical sex abuse victims allege cover-up... Bishop: Abuse in Africa too Catholic Church Abuse Scandal: Silence Is Not An A... Abuse scandal means tough checks for future pope More than 13,000 call church abuse hotline: offici... Nearly 2,700 call German church abuse hot line Priest Accused of U.S. Abuse Still Working in Indi... Pope's immunity could be challenged in Britain FACTBOX - Sex abuse scandals in the Catholic churc... Catholic abuse scandal edges closer to pope In Mexico, Catholic order is haunted by past Catholic abuse scandal edges closer to pope New Questions About Pope Benedict's Role In Sex Sc... The Catholic Church: A Safe Haven For Criminals? How a Molesting Case Emerged Decades Later Pope has immunity in abuse trials: Vatican churchs new sex abuse hotline flopdded whith call... Vatican was told 50 years ago to act against paedo... Bishops across Europe admit mistakes, reach out to... Vatican told of pedophile priests in 1963 Denmark's Catholic Church to Investigate Abuse Cas... Bishop Mixa accused of abusing children Twenty German priests in sex abuse case Catholic Church's Klasnic Pick Causes a Stir Hundreds of cases of clerical abuse reported Priests & Pedophilia: What Authoritarian Religion,... DiManno: A church sex scandal where the truth is c... The storm buffeting God's Rottweiler 20 Trier diocese priests accused of sex abuse Holy Week from Hell: Vatican braces for more abuse... Verona deaf school ex-pupils tell Italian TV of se... French priest under investigation in sex case New sex charges against French priest Victims of Sex Abuse to Sue Vatican Victims of Catholic clergy sex abuse in Italy form... Anger and disappointment in Ireland as the Pope's ... Pope Benedict accused of ignoring abuse allegation... Swiss Catholic Church investigating 10 abuse cases... Doctor says he warned officials about priest accus...

Fresh abuse claims in Pope's former Munich diocese... Doctor: Church ignored warnings about molester Catholic Church sex abuse scandals around the worl... Sex abuse scandal nears Vatican Danish rights group urges Catholic secrecy review German Catholics fume at pope's silenceBy Simon St... German Catholics urge pope to speak on sex scandal... Congregation hits out at child abuse priest Catholic Abuse Controversy Grows With Link To Pope... International Probe Targets Secretive Catholic Gro... Pope Remains Silent on Sex Abuse Scandal

March (32)

Germans abandon Catholic Church Pope accused of mishandling case of German paedoph... Church, deaf students square off on Italian TV French bishops 'ashamed' of priests who molest Pope 'failed to act' over abuse Abuse Scandals Ripples Spread Across Europe New abuse allegation against suspended priest in P... US: Abuse scandals total cost approaches $2.2 bil... Former chorister makes sex abuse claim against Geo... Sex Abuse Scandal Silence, shame and sexual abuse Benedicts Fragile Church German nuns investigated for sex abuse Claims of abuse flood Munich diocese Church Adds More Abuse Cases to Its Inquiry in Ger... Former chorister makes sex abuse claim against Geo... Victims of Catholic clergy sex abuse in Italy form... Church Adds More Abuse Cases to Its Inquiry in Ger... Silence, shame and sexual abuse German nuns investigated for sex abuse German archbishop says Church covered up sex abuse... Pope's sex abuse letter 'does not address cover-up... Revealed: Derry priest at centre of abuse cover-up... Pope 'let molesting priest resume work' Roman Catholic Church sex scandals Munich Diocese Faces ''tsunami'' of Abuse Claims Brazlian Catholic Priest Caught In Videotaped Sex ... Merkel: Sexual abuse in Germany 'despicable' PJ Browne: It's simple Cardinal Brady, you've comm... Man says he was abused by nun Sex Scandal Embroils Catholic Church in Brazil Papal Usher and Choir Singer Accused of Involvemen...

February (6)

Jesuits: 3rd priest involved in German abuse scand... Lira Catholic priest accused of defilement Promiscuous Spanish priest sacked German Priest Resigns Over Sex Abuse Case Dutch priests accused of child sex abuse

Paedophile Priests in Chile

January (7)

2009 (141)

Priest Sex Abuse: Gabriel Byrne Tells of Childhood... Priest Gets Conditional Discharge in Mamaroneck Fo... Priest Who Fondled Mamaroneck Parishioner Avoids J... Defense Lawyers for Salinas Priest Argue That Lapt... Chilean Priest, Girlfriend, Charged with Abuse of ... Catholic Church Sex Abuse: The Case Against McQuai... Priest Sex Abuse $12.7 Million Priest Sexual Abuse...

December (63)

Priest Sex Abuse: Sex Victim: 'They Would not Serv... Clerical Abuse: Northern Ireland Victims Fight Bac... Clergy Abuse is Issue in Many Denominations... Cle... Sex Abuse Convict Wants Court Hearings Closed to P... HAITI: Saviour Faces Court on Sexual Abuse Charg... Priest Predicts 'Worst Week' for Church Priest on Sex Abuse Charges Get Bail 'Plague' of Sex Abuse in Church Alleged Abuse Report to Highlight Tawdry Saga...Priest Sex... Victims of Clerical Abuse... Priest Sex Abuse Vaticans New Defense on Child Molestation Charges... Report Into Sex Abuse Cases Set...Priest Sex Abuse... One Chapter of Abuse Report Withheld...Priest Sex ... Most of Report Can be Published...Priest Sex Abuse... Court Orders Partial Release... Priest Sex Abuse Abuse Report to be Published... Priest Sex Abuse High Court to Rule on Publication of Abuse Report.... Dublin Abuse Report to be Published Ruling on Child Sex Abuse Report Ready...Priest Se... Church Frustrated Attempts to Locate Paedophile Pr... What did Bishops Know, do, About Abusive Priests?.... It's Impossible to Gloss Over the Crime of Rape...... Haiti Program Founder's... Clergy Sex Abuse Group Challenges Diocese... Priest Sex Abuse Feds Seek to Hold man Charged... Priest Sex Abuse What is the Vatican, exactly?... Clergy Sex Abuse Timeline: Priest Sex Abuse Case In The Courts Vatican defense: Only 5% of Clergy Sex Abusers..... Jesuits Break Silence on Priest... Priest Sex Case... High Court Abuse Report Hearing... Priest Sex Abus... The Pope's Visit to Britain is Nothing to Celebrat... The Bleeding of American Catholicism... Clergy Sex... Haitian Charity Founder, Accused of Abuse... Clerg... Catholic Priest Assigned to Organization Accused..... Priest Sex Abuse:A Haunted Heart Sorry Does not Even Come Close Deliver us From Evil Deliver us From Evil

Along Came a Spider: What the Pope Doesnt See Accused nun Seeks Probe Into Leakage of Narco CDs Narco-tape Shows Priests, nun Admitting to Crime Former Priest Pleads Guilty, Could get 18 Months f... Concerns Over Church Child Abuse Guidelines Sacrificial Altar boy Abhaya Case Narco Tests Show Confession of Priests... Whatever the Priests may Have Said -- Ireland was ... I Have no Tolerance for Child Abuse and as a Catho... In Vaticans Backyard, Italy Grapples With Priest ... I'm Guilty Admits Extradited Catholic Priest Charl... I Survived the Brothers' Reign of Terror -- and 46... More Bathurst School sex Abuse Charges Cash Donated is Paying for Sex Abuse Cases Priest Peter Julian Brock Accused of Sexual Abuse Peru Arrests Priest Accused of Molesting Child Priest Demands Freeze on Recruiting Clergy Priest Demands Freeze on Recruiting Clergy Bitter Words for Church in Salute to Abuse-Probe J... Archdiocese Removes Priest Pending Outcome of Inve... PRIEST SEX CASE Three Priests Involved in Genocide Priest's Card Game Turned to sex, Court Told Athanase Seromba Convicted and Sentenced to Life I... Lauded Priest in Brazil Accused of Abusing Boys

November (77)

So, This Was Not a Paedophile Ring? Report: 'Dublin Catholic Church hid Abuse" Abuse Victims Unite in Call for 600m Extra Compen... Accused Priest Released on Bail Sydney Priest 'Groomer' Caught on Webcam, Court To... A Sydney Priest Accused of Grooming a 13-year-old ... Rwanda Genocide Suspect Arrested in DR Congo Priest Faces Jail for Abusing Schoolboys Devil in Dog Collar Priest Faces Jail for sex Ab... Porn Phone Priest Flees Temple A Search For Links Between U.S., Irish Church Abus... Former Walsall, Birmingham and Coventry Catholic P... The Tears and Recriminations When a Young man Disc... Ireland may Censor Dublin sex Abuse Report Ireland may Censor Dublin sex Abuse Report I-Team has Obtained a Confidential Memo Recently S... Sex Abuse Priest 'Allowed Back Into Fold' Clerical Child Abuse Inquiry Bill Jumps From 2.5m... Archbishop Nichols and Facebook- the Leader of a C... Abuse Report to go to High Court Sinners Have Shamed Land of Saints and Scholars Report Abuse or Lose job, Employees of State Warne... Priest Faces Court on Child Sex Charges Demand for Counselling up After Ryan Medjugorje Priest, Under Investigation, Defrocked

Bishops in Dublin Protect Priests Accused of Child... Release Date of Abuse Report is Delayed Ireland Braces Itself for Another Report on Cleric... Gangland Associate of 'General' Pens Play About Cl... PMO Looking into CBI's 'Vulgar' Language Against n... The Pope Deprived of the Dignity of the Priest- Pe... The Pope Deprived of the Dignity of the Priest- Pe... Ireland: Report Shows `Horrific Acts of Depravity'... Ireland Braces for new 'Horrifying' Child Abuse Re... Priests, nun Charged with Murder 17 Years ago RCMP Seek Victims in Priest Sex Abuse Case Catholic Priest Faces six More Sexual Assault Char... Catholic Priest Dragged Court Over Missing Funds Church Apologises to Child Abuse Victims Kizito Confessed to Sodomy, Says Former Charity Tr... Catholic Priest Pleads Guilty to 29 Sex Offences Young man Accuses Priest of Sexual Harassment Ex-priest Accused of Abusing Sydney Girl Indian Priest Accused of sex Abuse in US "Deliver Us From Evil": The Amorality of the Catho... Mexico's Religious Figures Drawn Into Drug Wars Catholic Church Still at Odds With the Rest of our... Pope Dismisses Bishop who was Extorted for Being H... Father Thomas Doyle, J.C.D., C.A.D.C. Speaks About... Dublin Archbishop's Nifty Footwork Over Child Abus... Call to Address Child Abuse Revelations in 'Broad ... 'The nun Said Nothing and Just Thumped me in the S... 'The nun Said Nothing and Just Thumped me in the S... Dublin Archbishop's Nifty Footwork Over Child Abus... Former Priest Faces 29 Sex Abuse Charges Dublin Inquiry into how 19 Senior Clergy Handled S... Scandal Noticeably Hurt Lugo in Paraguay Original Article 06/29/09 (Angus Reid Global Mon... Honoured Priest Accused of Abusing Males Sex and the Priestly: Father Cutie Renews Celibacy... MORE THAN 90% CATHOLIC PRIESTS HAVE CHILDREN-PRIES... Ex-Student Sues, Claims he was Molested by 2 Pries... Original Article 06/10/09 Daniel Fogarty One o... Priest Grassi Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison on C... Argentine Priest Convicted of Sexually Abusing Boy... (UK)Ex-Midland Priest Faces Extradition Over Child... (AUS)Priest Jailed for Five Counts of Indecent Ass... Original Article 06/10/09 A PEDOPHILE priest w... (AUS)Lambasting for Pedophile Priest Roman Catholic Priest on Trial for Rape A Brief History Of: Celibacy (IRL)Priest Takes Leave After Allegation of Sexual... Priest Jailed for Child Sex Abuse Claimant Demands 20 Years Sentence for Priest Gras... Priest Admits Abusing Young Boys Alaska Priest Named in Abuse Lawsuit Full Publication of Clerical Child Sex Abuse Repor...

April (1)


THE VATICAN EXPOSED BY THEIR WORST ENEMY Axel Cooley Interviews Kevin Annett, President of ITCCS
Exposing crimes against children in religious institutions

BEWARE: Religion has Bewitched the Nations Pope Ratzinger Mocked LIVE before 103 Countries by his Worse Enemy! US AND VATICAN ATTEMPTING TO CENSOR THE INTERNET
Right now, a law is being debated in the US Congress. Under this new law, the US would force Internet providers to block any website on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even failing to sufficiently police their users' activities. The Vatican is heavily backing the new law that would allow them to control information they wouldn't want the world to know. To sign petition:


The Man Christ Jesus prophesied the soon destruction of the Vatican.
Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus (The Man Christ Jesus - 666), the worst enemy of the Roman Papacy, has arrived to unmask this corrupt religious system, lying priests who disguise themselves and abuse children. I, the Man Christ Jesus, am going to shut their mouths and unmask every one of them. You will see the Papacy fall. You will see it!

God at the White House speaks out against the Vatican THE MAN CHRIST JESUS SAYS: ALL PRIESTS ARE LIARS, DECEIVERS, ABUSERS! Breaking News: Protest Against the Vatican in Milan
Vatican Crimes & Protect Your Children Foundation are honored to support the ABUSE NETWORK organizing the historic protest June 2:

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Protect your children

Exclusive Interviews:

Nuns and baby trafficking:

Evidence on You Tube:


Global Report:

Recommended Book:

Download PDF File

The FBI & The Catholic Church

Steve Rosswurm explores the joint war waged by Hoover (FBI Director) and the Catholic hierarchy against forces considered threats to their organizations, values, and nation.

Crime Solicitations:

"Crimen Sollicitationis", a startling 39-page document implemented in 1962, which establishes the procedures to be followed when a priest was accused of taking advantage of confession penance for sexual purposes, and ways to conceal such violations
Latin Official Document English Official document Spanish Official document

Latest News:

Religious Sect Leader told Daughter in Law that Sex with Him would Save her Marriage

Exposing the "Salvation Army" , its finances and tax evasions: It's all about MONEY!

Catholic Church behind theft of 70,000 babies in Vietnam "Operation Babylift"

63 charges of sexual abuse against yet another Catholic Nun in Ireland Warning letters being posted globally outside of Catholic Parishes: "You're entering a crime scene where children are in danger"

The Documentary the Nuns did not want the world to see!

First class-action Lawsuit against Vatican, Pharmaceutical firms, Crown of England, Churches of Canada for crimes against children

Complaint: European Commission Covered Up Vatican Bank Money Laundering of World War Two Era Assets

Church-run maternity homes forced adoptions for single mother's in Canada

The video of a priest having sex with an employee of his parish

Download Book: Hidden No Longer: Genocide in Canada, Past and Present

Published by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

Rabbit Proof Fence:

A book based on a true story concerning the author's mother, as well as two other mixed-race Aboriginal girls, who ran away from the Moore River Native Settlement, north of Perth, to return to their Aboriginal families, after having been placed there in 1931.

Documentary: Abuse of Trust:

Discover what happened behind closed doors in the Archdiocese of Dublin

The Thick Dark Fog:

The story of how Walter Littlemoon confronted the thick dark fog of his past. Forced to forget his native identity- beaten, humiliated and abused in an Indian Residential School.

Twist of Faith:

The powerful true story of a firefighter who confronts the trauma of boyhood sexual abuse by a Catholic priest.

Magdalene Laundries:

Magdalene Laundries was a giant laundry business run by Nuns (Sisters of Mercy) who forced young women into these asylums, torturing and using them for free labor.

Sex in a Cold Climate:

This historical documentary is a deeply disturbing portrait of Magdalene Asylums run by Catholic nuns in Ireland. The Asylums were often run by abusive and even sadistic nuns.

Documentary Hand of God: 10,000 Children Sexually Abused by Catholic Priests:

Filmmaker gives a glimpse of what his own brother lived in the hands of a priest

Roman Catholic Cover Up:

For decades, priests sexually abused minors parish after parish, while superiors covered it all up. Orders for this cover up were written in Rome at the highest levels of the Vatican. A church document remained a secret 40 years until now. Watch news reports below: (CBS): Roman Catholic Cover Up (CNN): Vatican Secrets
Here are some of the largest known payouts to victims since the crisis erupted in 2002:

Click for some examples of costs already incurred

Irish Cardinal to Stay on Despite Abuse Concerns:

Grand Jury Report, Suffolk County Supreme Court:

Pastors, Priests and their Parishes: Priests as Perpetrators; A Diocesan Breach of Trust

Independent Board of Inquiry Regarding St. Anthony's Seminary:

November 1993

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Vatican Crimes Banished Babies (new)

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Types of Religion Crimes:

Illegal Adoptions


Sacrifice of Children

Child Labor Exploitation

Child Pornography

Child Sexual Abuse

Vaccine Trials

Unmarked Graves


Female Genital Mutilation New!

Exorcisms New!

Religious Rituals New!

Honor Killings New!

Forced Child Marriage New!

Dumping Grounds New!

Known Organized Schemes:

Stolen Generation

Child Migrants Programme

The Forgotten Australians

Mexico: Casitas del Sur

Spain:Stolen Kids in Franquism

Orphan Trains

The Baby Scoop Era


Nun Crimes

Money Crimes

Other Corruption

Operation Peter Pan

Islamic Crimes New!

Jewish Crimes New!

Argentina: Dictatorship Stolen Children New!

Religious Abuse in:

Industrial Schools

Canadian Residential Schools

USA Boarding Schools

Mental Institutions New!

Magdalene Laundries

Orphanages & Reformatories

Wage Homes

Mother and Baby Homes

Criminal Religious Orders:

Learn about the tortures and assassinations committed by religious orders. Click Here Now!

Learn why there are so many catholic religious orders worldwide >>>

The Knights of Malta

The Missionaries of Charity

The Jesuits

Sisters of Mercy

Sisters of Nazareth de Paul

Sisters of Charity

Christian Brothers

Sisters of Good Shepherd

The Vatican's End is Near:

The Man Christ Jesus ascertains that He will unmask the corruption of the entire religious system which throughout the ages has used the Lord's name in vain to commit crimes against humanity.

Contact us:

If you, or someone you know, have a testimony or evidence on any of these topics that you would like to share with us, please contact us at:



This platform has been made possible thanks to Dr. Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda, The Man Christ Jesus, who has made his worldwide communication powerhouse available for informing the public about these truths.


The Virus Of Religion

Benedict XVI Responsible for Crime Wave:

As shocking as these statements may seem, there is a clear chain of evidence that backs them up. Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, bears a unique personal responsibility for the entire mess.

Outrageous? Impossible? Crazy? Consider the following historical items and connect the dots yourself.

Click here to view Timeline

More Vatican Corruption:

Click here to view the atrocities committed by the Vatican throughout history - the organization responsible for the most abominable crime wave the world has ever witnessed.

Clergy Abuse Research Study:

The Nature and Scope of the Problem of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States An astonishing Research Study Conducted by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Download the Executive Summary. See Full Report.



Hidden From History: The Canadian Holocaust:

The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginals

Report on the Investigation of the Diocese of Manchester:

Attorney Generals Report, Manchester New Hampshire

Westchester County Grand Jury Report:

Concerning Complaints of Sexual Abuse by Members of the Clergy

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BBC Documentary: Sex Crimes and the Vatican

Watch the BBC pedophilia documentary the Roman Papacy did not want the world to see. Much bickering and uproar took place about it being shown, illustrating how the Church controls the State. This BBC documentary demonstrates the sex abuse by Catholic priests showing appalling evidence of the Vatican-organized cover-up abuse worldwide.

Unmarked Graves of Children dug up in Canada: Murdered by Church & State Ireland's Cloyne Report Exposes Years of Abuse Covered Up by Catholic Church Catholic Church Trafficked 14,000 Cuban Children to the US Amnesty Int'l Confirms Vatican Protects Pedophile Priests

Nuns: Cold Blooded Killers marching with Croatian Nazis Legionaries Belgian priest claims child abuse was 'a game' RTE One: Would You Believe on Clerical Sex Abuse Thousands of Irish Children Stolen & Subjected to Abuse by Nuns Top Catholic Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing His Own Sons Australia:Call for bishop's resign amid new abuse allegations Vatican Crimes Videos
powered by

150,000 Kids Stolen in Great Britain by Catholic Church Vatican Scandal: Catholic priest abuses Indigenous Children in Alaska Breaking "The Silence" of Catholic Sex Abuse in Alaska Villages Woman Fights Against Priest Sex Abuse

100,000 Canadian Orphans used as Human Experiments by the Vatican Vatican Secrets and Child Sexual Abuse Celibacy doctrine of demons. Priest = Pedophilia Salinas Priest Accused In Molestation Case To Stand Trial Priest Sex Abuse $12.7 Million Priest Sexual Abuse Settlement Mormon Religion Exposed: Was Joseph Smith truly a "prophet" Pope Begs for Forgiveness for Sexual Abuse: Sorry is NOT enough! Vows Of Silence -- Marcial Maciel, the Pedophile More Priest Crimes Revealed: Priest Mentioned in Boy's Suicide Note Priest Accused of Sexual Assault is HIV Positive Priest Crimes Committed Worldwide: Pedophile Priests in Chile

Prostitution ring busted in the Vatican Nigerian pimp involved Catholic Church Sex Scandals Have Been Around for 2000 years UNREPENTANT: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide of Aboriginals GLOBAL NEWS REVEALING VATICAN CRIMES

Part 1:Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin Part 2: Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin Appendices: Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin Vatican Crimes in Ireland -NEW! Vatican Runs Deficit Amid Weak Donations U.S. Nuns Facing Vatican Scrutiny Contraindication: Papal Honor for Abusive Prelate BENEDICT XVI NOT WELCOME IN IRELAND A Secret Shame: Inside the Latest Scandal to Rock the Catholic Church 11/26/09:'Litany of abuse' in Dublin Archdiocese 11/17/09:Irish Priest Accused of Rape Due in U.S Court 11/16/09:Zimbabwe Catholic Priest Rapes Maid 11/07/09:Full Publication of Clerical Child Sex Abuse Report May Take Years 10/30/09:No Time for Love, Laughter and Warmth of Family Life 10/30/09:Clerical Abuse Victims Seek a Ryan-Style Inquiry in Northern Ireland 10/30/09:Clergy Abuse Survivors Call Diocese Settlement Offer a "Second Rape" 10/30/09:Catholic Church Hit With Another Abuse 10/30/09:Abuse Victims Call for Full Inquiry 10/29/09:Priest is Accountable for his Behavior 10/29/09:New York Times Refused to Publish 10/29/09:Catholic Church Hit With Another Abuse Claim 10/28/09:Retired N.B. Priest Pleads Guilty to Sex Offences 10/28/09:New Details in Minister Sex Abuse Case 10/28/09:Melbourne Catholic Priests Warned to Ignore Letter on Child Abuse 10/28/09:Feds: Haiti Abuse Suspect Sought Boys While in US 10/28/09:Ex-Fairfielder Accused of Abusing Haitian Boys Drops Bond Bid 10/28/09:Counselling Line Extends Hours 10/27/09:Priest Among Dozens Held in Spain 'Marriage Scam' 10/27/09:Abuse Charges Force Irish Bishop Out of Ministry 10/26/09:Vatican Probing Child Sex Abuse Allegations Against Archbishop 10/26/09:Accused Priest Formally Defrocked 10/25/09:The Church Must Bow Down to Law of the Land 10/25/09:Clergyman Linked to Rwandan Genocide Seized in Italy 10/25/09:Archbishop Accused of Sex Assault on Teenager 10/25/09:Archbishop Accused of Sex Assault

10/25/09:Abuse Claim Against Archbishop 10/24/09:Sex Case Cripples Haiti Charity, Sponsors Worry About Children 10/23/09:Former Ontario Priest Awaits Extradition on Sex Charges 10/23/09:Ex-Windsor Priest Faces Extradition From D.R. 10/23/09:Duarte's Arrest 'Devastating' to Local Catholic Community 10/23/09:And Churches Wonder Why Fewer People Attend 10/22/09:Italian Police Arrest Priest for Role in Rwanda Genocide 10/22/09:Child Sex Abuse Report Won't be Made Public for Several Weeks 10/21/09:Priest on Sex Charges 10/21/09:Government Delays Publication of Dublin Abuse Report 10/21/09:Cover-ups Exposed in Dublin Report Will Shock Most 10/21/09:Child Abuse: They Poisoned my Mind Against my Own Mother 10/21/09:Child Abuse Report 'Will be Painful' 10/21/09:Andrews Defends Delay in Abuse Report Publication 10/20/09:Senator Cruz Wants Guam Archdiocese To Clean Its Own House 10/20/09:Northern Ireland Victims Fight Back 10/20/09:For Sex Abuse Victims, Predators May Not be Wearing a Collar 10/20/09:Clerical Abuse: Northern Ireland Victims Fight Back 10/20/09:Clergy Abuse is Issue in Many Denominations; Needs More Reporting 10/19/09:Sex Abuse Convict Wants Court Hearings Closed to Public 10/19/09:HAITI: Saviour Faces Court on Sexual Abuse Charges 10/18/09:Priest Predicts 'Worst Week' for Church 10/18/09:Priest on Sex Abuse Charges Get Bail 10/18/09:'Plague' of Sex Abuse in Church Alleged 10/17/09:Abuse Report to Highlight Tawdry Saga of Cover-Ups 10/16/09:Victims of Clerical Abuse and Minister Welcome Court Decision on Report 10/16/09:Vaticans New Defense on Child Molestation Charges: Finger-Pointing 10/16/09:Report Into Sex Abuse Cases Set to be Published Next Week 10/16/09:One Chapter of Abuse Report Withheld 10/16/09:Most of Report Can be Published After Judge's Ruling

Ruthless Global Mandate Replaces Crimens Sollicitiatonis to Handle Priest Sex Crimes
On April 30, 2001 the Vatican the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) secretly issued the Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela, or Safeguarding the Sanctity of the Sacraments which replaced the Crimen Sollicitationis with a policy even more secret and ruthless than before. This document now ordered a global mandate where all priestly sex crimes are to be placed under the CDF, which usually will authorize the bishops to conveniently conduct trials themselves. However, clerical homosexuality is not even mentioned. Click here to view PDF document


(ABC) Documents Detail Trail Of Church Abuse

(ABC) The Pope & Abuse Scandal: Has He Cleaned Up The Church?

(ABC)12.7 Million Priest Sexual Abuse Settlement

(ABC)Reporter Gets Slapped by then Cardinal Ratzinger

(CBS) Katie Couric Eye To Eye

(CBS) Rampant Abuse In Irish Schools (CBS) Victim on Church Sex Abuse (CNN) Catholic Church Gay Scandal

(CNN) Catholic Priest's Gay Sex Tryst Caught On Tape

(CNN) Vatican Secrets Anderson Cooper

(KCRA) Former Priest Accused of Moe Molestation (KMR6) Priest Sex Abuse Victim Speaks Out

(KXLY4) Former Priest Admits To Molesting Teenagers (NBC26) Green Bay Diocese Taken to Court for Sex Abuse

(Salem News) Sex Abuse Victims Awarded

(WBRE) Scranton Diocese Settles Sex Abuse Suit (WBZ4) Catholic Sex Abuse: Letters Fuel Crisis

(WCNC) Priest accused of molestation returns to Charlotte

(WPRI) Priest Accused of Abuse Is HIV Positive

(WPTV) Malta Priest Scandal

Video "The First Pope" by Martita Roca

VaticanCrimes.us brings you the latest news from around the world, exposing the deceit, corruption, torture and gruesome crimes committed by the largest organized crime group in existence: THE VATICAN. Learn the startling truth behind the biggest crime cover-up in history, and discover details of their conniving plots and secrets being brought to light worldwide, every day. Join us as we document the accelerated advancements in the collapse of the Papal States, piecing together alarming proof that we are, in fact, living the days of its fall as prophesied. The Man Christ Jesus, Jose Luis De Jesus is on Earth and He is here to destroy this evil system with the Spirit of His mouth (His Message) (2 Tes. 2:8) _________________
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