Medical Lab Technology Curriculum

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Allied Health Sciences Board of Studies

1. Lt. Gen (Retd) Syed Abdul Ahad Najmi 2. Dr. Mian Amer Masud 3. Dr. Muhammad Maqsud Alam Bukhari 4. Dr. Salman Faridi 5. Col. (Retd) Dr. Pervaiz Saleem Qureshi 6. Dr. Sheima Baig 7. Dr. Jawaid Iqbal 8. Col. (Retd) Dr. Farooq Khattak 9. Col. (Retd) Dr. Azra Javed 10. Muhammad Hussain Khan 11. Dr. Ahsen Farooq 12. Dr. Fauzia Zahid Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Secretary

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Preface National Institute of Medical & Social Sciences (NIMSS) Islamabad is in process to provide state of art teaching in the field of medicine, dentistry, nursing, allied health sciences and post graduate studies. Considering the wide gap between the professional knowledge of the medics and the nurses/paramedics, it is deemed essential to commence paramedic technical courses. The College of Allied Health Sciences/NIMSS in collaboration with National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) intends to start one year certificate course (G-1) for Lab technicians, X-ray technicians and physiotherapists in February 2012. This is an exit program which desirably can be vertically integrated to the Second Year Diploma Program (G-2), onwards to Third Year Associate Degree (G-3) and finally to Fourth Year BSc Degree (G-4). The paramedics qualifying through these courses will meet the national as well as global demand for employment available both at the primary health care centers and tertiary health care centre. The curricula have been designed to meet the international standards. It is based on credit hours with pivotal emphasis on acquiring competency based knowledge and skills, 60 % has been assigned to practicum being the major component of the curricula. Further, with advantage of the Institute of Online Learning (IOL) available to NIMSS, the distant learning for the theory interactive lectures has been designed. The students will be issued Laptops through which they will be able to learn/ acquire knowledge while at home. In addition, the practicum have been planned to be conducted close to the students home. These curricula will facilitate the lesser privileged individuals to benefit from the program.

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A team of experts representing Karachi, Quetta, Lahore and Islamabad were involved for the last three months. A group of specialist doctors and experienced technologists were involved in designing the curricula. In particular we would like to acknowledge the experts from the Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College Karachi, including Dr. Farah Deeba, Dr. Saad Saleem, Mr. Nasir Mansoor, Ms. Uzma Usman, Dr. Bushra Rehan and Dr. Jawaid Iqbal. Also intimately involved were Dr. Sheima Baig, Col. (Retd) Dr. Pervez Saleem Qureshi, Dr, Ahsen Farooq, Dr. Fauzia Zahid, Col. (Retd) Dr. Azra Javed, Mr. Qazi Habib, Ms. Sabeen Abid, Mr. Sanaullah Sanai and Mr. Jawad Akbar. We extend our gratitude to ED NAVTTC Mr. Tariq Shafi Chak and his team in particular Mr. Shahid Tarrar, Mr. Mohammad Nasir Khan and Ms. Rehana Tiwana, without their guidance and support the course may not have been a reality. We welcome valid suggestions to add value to this endower.

___________________ Dr. Mian Amer Masud CEO

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Rationale The purpose of this document is to introduce and implement structured training in clinical laboratory procedures with quality assurance. Subsequent to approval by the academic council of NIMSS, it will be forwarded to NAVTTC, after necessary authorization the curriculum will be formally inducted. Program Description The Medical Laboratory Technician program encompasses the performance and evaluation of scientific tests on body fluids. The results of laboratory tests determine the presence of disease, aid in treatment, and monitor therapy. This is a dynamic profession that changes as new medical knowledge is discovered. Medical Laboratory Technicians (MLT), have the technical expertise necessary to perform a wide variety of routine and specialized tests on patient specimens to help the physician in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. To do this, the MLT uses the latest biomedical instruments, often interfaced with computers to generate accurate, reliable tests results. It is the goal of this course of study to equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform competently in a medical laboratory in all areas of laboratory diagnosis. Students who graduate from this program of study are also equipped to sit for the American Society of Clinical Pathology International certification examination for Medical Laboratory Technician. Health Care Problem Negligence in laboratory procedures can lead to erroneous diagnosis and in turn incorrect treatment.

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Importance of the Problem The qualitative challenge includes; the deterioration in maintaining requisite laboratory standards along with professional obligations. Quantitatively the magnitude of the problem is directly proportional to inadequate training and inappropriate attitude and inversely proportional to knowledge. Educational goals Overall - By the end of training trainees students will be able to perform adequate clinical laboratory techniques properly with quality assurance. Specifically the training will: Provide the instructive and clinical experience necessary to acquire knowledge in medical laboratory technology subjects. Ensure that, upon completion of the program, students are competent at the career entry level and have the knowledge and background to successfully prepare them for employment. Inculcate a sense of duty and professionalism while interacting with patients, their relatives, colleagues and other health care providers. Communicate effectively and professionally. Prepare them for team work. Impart sufficient technical knowledge to prepare them for employment. Understand the significance of continuing education. Impart professional honesty.

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General Competencies By the end of this program, the student should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the history of the clinical laboratory and the Professionalism desired in clinical laboratory personnel. Exhibit behavior consistent with the ethical practice of clinical laboratory medicine. Maintain confidentiality of all patients and test results. Demonstrate an appreciation for the special knowledge and talent of other members of the health care team. Explain the transmission of the AIDS (HIV) and Hepatitis HVB, HVC virus and state how the virus affects the Immune system. In addition to the HIV virus, name other pathogens that could be transmitted by blood or body fluids and demonstrate procedures to safely handle these specimens. Evaluate quality control values and fulfill the requirements of national and international laboratory standards. Safely process clinical specimens according to established procedures. Perform pipetting techniques with accuracy and safety. Operate basic laboratory equipment, such as microscopes, centrifuges and Spectrophotometers and automated analyzers safely and according to established procedures, using only necessary supplies to maximize resources. Correctly demonstrate standard isolation techniques, using only necessary supplies to maximize resources. Exhibit an understanding of safety hazards in the laboratory and demonstrate the proper techniques to avoid accidents.

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Take vital signs and perform POCT. Perform basic laboratory procedures in chemistry, hematology, urinalysis, immunohaematology, immunology and microbiology. Explain accreditation and certification. Identify and use basic medical terminology as it applies to the clinical laboratory. Use basic metric systems for laboratory procedures.

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Skill levels
The skill level will be divided in to two; level I for initial six months and level II denotes competencies covered during second half of training. Skill Level I Demonstrates proficiency in basic lab skills. Demonstrates knowledge of the essential components of equipment. Demonstrates competency in working with chemicals and equipment. Knows the procedure for incidence reporting of any untoward event like accidental spills, pricks or injury. Skill Level II Be able to work independently. Demonstrates knowledge about hematology, chemical pathology, microbiology and basic histopathology tests. Demonstrates sufficient knowledge about specimen dealing from reception to reporting. Demonstrates quality control. Demonstrates knowledge of requirements pertaining to retention of pathology specimens and records. Demonstrates proficiency in handling and processing of infectious specimens. Demonstrates full ability in disinfection, sterilization, waste management and incineration. Demonstrate computer data management.

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Educational Strategies:
On line Lecture On line Discussion Audio-Visual materials Demonstration Laboratory Practice Field Trips

Scanlon, Valerie; Sanders, Tina, Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, Fourth Edition, 2003, FA Davis Company. Linne, Jean Jorgenson; Ringsrud, Karen Munson, Clinical Laboratory Science; The basics and routine techniques, Fourth Edition, 1999, Mosby. Stepp, Craig; Woods, Maryann, Laboratory Procedures for Medical Office Personnel, 1998. Pommerville, Jeffrey, Alcomos Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology, Seventh Edition, 2005. Manual of laboratory medicine, Fourth Edition. Eds. Farooq A Khan, Suhaib A, Tahir AA, Agha Babar, Abbasi SA, Shahid J, Khadim MT, Aamer Ikram

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Program Requirements, Examinations and Grading

Student Evaluation Measurement Formative: Quizzes after every lecture, 25% Discussion questions in chat room 25% Training assignments & Presentation 25% Tracking of Training by learning management system (LMS): 25% Real Time onLine Tracking System Summative: Face to Face: After each semester during face to face session written examinations will be given over lecture material and the accompanying laboratory exercises, and will comprehensively assess the student's knowledge of concepts, principles, techniques and procedures as related to the instructional material. SCT: Script Concordance Test to measure a students progress in Problem Solving .The student will be required to explore internet and retrieve articles from professional journals. Measurement of Practical work OSCE: Objectively Structured Clinical Exams Points are awarded for the successful completion of exercises as related to the specific objectives for each exercise through OSCE.

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Peer & Self Assessment: Students Self Assessment form Peer Assessment checklist a) 70 % of final grade 1. Formative Test: 2. Summative Examination: 3. Peer and self assessment: b) 30% of final grade 1. Completion of work OSCE 2. Two practical exams 3. Review of Safety Manual all exercises and study questions must be organized and turned In at end of the term, preferably in a binder or notebook, for validation by the Instructor. 70% 20% 10% 50% 50%

Determination of Final Grade

Note:Incomplete assignments will receive grade "I. A student must have a passing average (70% or above) and have completed at least 80% of the course work.

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Attendance Policy
Attendance is required at all times and arrival by the beginning of the class period is expected. Roll call will be taken at every class and practicum meeting. The student is required to notify an instructor if an absence is anticipated. If absences exceed 10 %, the student will be dropped from the course unless there are EXTREMELY extenuating circumstances. A student who is fifteen (15) minutes late is considered tardy. Three (3) tardies constitute one absence. It is the student's responsibility to keep track of his/her attendance record and all assignments, materials, examinations, etc., missed. Failure or Dismissal from this Course Grading Scheme A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 59% and below A. A minimum grade of D (60%) is required in both the lecture and laboratory components of this course to remain on the program. B. Any student may be dropped from this course due to excessive absences and/or consistently failing to meet class assignments, for disruptive conduct during lecture or lab or for displaying conduct detrimental to the ethics of laboratory practice. C. The instructors and lecturers understand that learning in group situations can be beneficial. However, each student is expected to demonstrate his/her own competency by doing his/her own work. Any student caught cheating in examinations, will be subject to disciplinary action, and possible withdrawal from the program.

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Program Evaluation:
Research & Evaluation department will evaluate the program on the basis of student success rate and following feedbacks ABCredit/ Contact hours: Same as accepted internationally for face to face, on-line and Practicum Student Evaluation: Evaluation system is a confidential avenue for submitting honest, constructive feedback about the instructors and courses iTrainer evaluation iiiiiivCLecturer/Faculty evaluation Course evaluation PGY-1 Survey

Faculty Evaluation: iSelf assessment form iiiiiPeer Assessment checklist Course evaluation

Special Laboratory Requirement

A. All laboratory exercises must be read before attending the laboratory period. B. Safety Regulations Blood, urine, and other biological specimens possibly containing pathogenic organisms Will be used in this course; therefore, the following precautions must be observed:
1. Proper Hand washing Procedure a. Wet hands and apply a small amount of an antiseptic soap (3-5 ml).

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b. Vigorously lather hands and rub together for at least 15 seconds. c. Wash well between fingers and up the wrists. d. Rinse well with a moderate stream of water in a downward motion. e. Dry with a paper towel and use the towel to turn off the faucet.

Dry Skin adequately to avoid dermatitis. Alcohol hand rinse or foam products may also be used for decontaminating the Hands whenever clean running water are not available. Frequent hand washing can be very damaging to the skin's normal protective Mechanisms by damaging or cracking skin, altering its pH, or changing its normal Flora. Recent studies suggest that frequent application of hand lotion may reduce this damage; lab personnel, therefore, are encouraged to use it. This may be difficult, however, as one should avoid applying hand lotion immediately after washing, right before giving direct patient care, or right before handling of sensitive instruments or equipment. Lotions might interfere with the residual action of the antimicrobial hand washing products.
2. Standard Precautions

Since medical history and examination cannot reliably identify the infectivity of all patients' blood and body fluids, standard precautions should be followed for all Patients. The concept of standard (universal) precautions was first introduced in 1987 by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to decrease the occupational risks of blood-borne diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis B to healthcare workers. The application of standard precautions is continually evolving; all body fluids may soon be handled with the same precautions as blood. This further application is already occurring in some labs, and is known as Body Substance Isolation.

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Job description:
Junior Laboratory Technician: This is the beginning level, the technician works in a learning capacity while performing a range of lab technician assignments under close supervision. Job Qualification: One year Certificate in Medical Lab Technology Knowledge, Skills, abilities: Some knowledge in the area listed is required at the entry level, developing knowledge is required at the intermediate level, Considerable knowledge is required at experienced level, and thorough knowledge is required at the advanced level Knowledge of Laboratory test and analyses. Knowledge of Lab terminology and equipment. Knowledge of Lab safety precautions and hazard. Ability to perform Phlebotomy. Ability to perform handling samples and their proper transportation. Ability to communicate effectively. Ability to maintain record Knowledge of methods of preparing stains, media, solution. Responsible to dispatch report to the patient.

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Course Outline
Duration: Orientation Course # OC-011 OC-012 OC-013 1Year Subject Basic Computer Skill English Ethics

Semester I
HGC-011 HGC-012 HGC-013 LTC-010 LTC-011 HGC-018 HGC-015 HGC-017

Public Health Care System & First Aid Anatomy & Physiology Medical Terminology Elementary Chemistry Lab Safety infection control and, Patient Sampling (Phlebotomy) Applied Computer Skills I Sub Total Islamic Studies English I Total Credit Hrs

Credit Hrs
2(1-1) 3(1-2) 3(1-2) 2(1-1) 3(1-2) 3(1-2) 16(6-10) 1(1-0) 1(1-0) 18(8-10)

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Semester II
HGC-018 LTC-012 LTC-013 LTC-014 LTC-015 LTC-016 LTC-017 LTC-018 HGC-017

Applied Computer Skills II Blood Banking Physiology and Body fluids Hematology &Clinical Hematology Body fluids and Clinical Chemistry Elementary Histopathology and Cytology Elementary Microbiology and Parasitology Elementary Virology and Immunology Principles of Laboratory Quality Management Sub Total English II Total Total of Semester I & II

Credit Hrs
2(0-2) 2(1-1) 2(1-1) 2(1-1) 2(1-1) 4(2-2) 3(1-2) 1(1-0) 18(8-10) 1(1-0) 19(9-10) 37(17-20)

Percentage Theory = 41 % and Practical = 59 % (Excluding Islamic Studies and English)

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Note 1:

i. OC represents Orientation Courses and carries no weightage ii. HGC represents courses as per approved syllabus for HEC iii.PTC represents technical courses with following description:

Note 2:

According to Higher Education Commission (HEC) rules of credit hrs 1 credit hr is equal to 1 hr of face to face session/lecture every week for 18 weeks. Therefore 1 credit hr is equal to 18 hrs of face to face session/lectures. For internet learning 1 credit hr is equal to 3 hrs of internet session which will include 1.3 hours of lecture and 1.7 hrs of reading material, presentation, chat room discussion, quizzes.

Theory = 1 Credit hr = 18 hrs of lecture

Practical = 1 Credit hr = 36 hrs of Practicum

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Modules Learning Units (LU)


Course Description Public Health Care System & First Aid

PUBLIC HEALTH CLASS 1 = 18 hrs First Aid

Learners Desired Outcomes Recommen ded Methodolog y Practic um



Skill Developed

Work Place


Scheduled Dates

Module.1 -B Public Health

(LU-1) Introducti on to Public Health

1. Definition of Health and Wellness 2. Scope of Public Health 3. Policies & Ethics 4. Essential Services 5. Behavioral Sciences 6. Communication 7. Needs / Assessments 8. Determinants of Health Goals

Awareness / Knowledge of Public LMS Health in a community and the impact on human behavior, conceptual approach for primary health behavior for prevention of illness disease and other health conditions, role of community participation, provides incentive for consumers by development of programs.

Class Room, White Board

Able to construct ideas for development and programs of public health involving community regarding various disease,


1 Hr

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(LU-2) Health Infrastruct ure

(LU-3) Environm ental Factors affecting health in a communit y and occupatio nal health safety

1. Role of AHP at different levels of health delivery system 2. Organizational Organ gram of the health infrastructure 3. Steps to achieve the goal / slogan Health for all by the Year 2020 4. Leading health indicators 5. Programming of Needs impact based module 6. Regional Health Indicators 1. Composition of a Healthy Environment 2. Air Pollution Categories as noises/ water/ factories/ mills etc 3. Different types of waste disposable

LMS The job description of the AHP will be more specified and authentic health delivery system will be a door step. Awareness to disease with communication to the relevant department will be more specified. Engaging community leaders or interested peoples who would be involved in improving health. Maintain cohabitation among the provinces and districts. Awareness to the public to utilize preventive measures to avoid hazards of environmental pollution, methods for the proper disposal of the waste, hazards in use of electronics / chemical material, LMS

Class Room, White Board

He will be able to recognize health indicators effectively and reporting to the concerned authorities


1 Hr

Class Room, White Board

He will be able to guide people in safe disposal of the waste, he will be able to display charts on the methodology of waste disposal


1 Hr

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4. 5. 6.

7. (LU-4) An account of water bourn diseases along with different sources of water and the impurities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


outside and hospitals Importance of ventilation Hazards of over crowding Airborne diseases both communicable and non communicable Diseases related to occupation in factories Natural sources of water Artificial sources of water Impurities of water Purification of the water Types of water bourn diseases with prophylactic measures Importance of hand wash both and methodology in the hospitals

precautionary measures in factories, display of charts related to various disease hazards. Importance of precautionary measures to be taken for health safety.

Public awareness on hazards of impure water. Methodology to purify water, this will help to evaluate the impact and control on health status.


Class Room, White Board

H will be able to demonstrate and also do himself in appropriate form of hand wash as recommended by WHO, will be able to control water bourn diseases by informing the people of methods related to water purification


1 Hr

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(LU-5) Waste Managem ent

and at home on WHO guidelines. 1. Introduction to the types of waste material 2. Introduction to different types of waste bourn diseases 3. Different methods of waste disposal and collection / transportatio n / recycling 4. Reuse of used medical materials in hospitals and nursing homes 5. Use of incinerators in the hospitals 6. Hazards leading to the

Improvement in the environmental hygiene leading to prevention of spread of Waste Bourne diseases, reutilization of waste after recycling in different forms, prevention of labor class from various health hazards related to working area, use of proper methodology for destroying the medical disposable material i.e syringes / gloves / Empty IV Fluids Bags / Urine Bags / Royal stubs etc


Class Room, White Board

Able to Class differentiate between infectious toxic and non toxic waste, he will be able to provisionally diagnose waste bourn diseases, he will be able to use proper methods to destroy medical waste material.

2 Hrs

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infectious diseases due to improper waste disposal 7. Precautionar y measures to be taken by factories for waste disposal 8. Precautionar y measures to be taken by the laborer in factories and at construction sites (LU-6) Communi cable and Non Communi cable diseases 1. Introduction to Communicab le and Non Communicab le Diseases 2. Difference between Communicab The role of AHP is to aware the public of both communicable and non communicable diseases and to take precautionary measures at different levels and to educate LMS Class Room, White Board He will be of the knowledge of both communicable and non communicable diseases and can give the guidelines to the Class 3 Hrs

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le and Non Communicab le Diseases 3. Types of Diseases / sources / routes 4. Precautionar y Measures 5. Public awareness through proper communicati on by media / banners / posters/ workshops (LU-7) EPI (Expanded program of immunizat ion) 1. Definition of EPI 2. Epidemiologi cal Importance of EPI 3. Types of EPI as per lay down policy of WHO 4. Diseases preventable

the community for adopting measures to prevent from these diseases.

community for the prevention from these diseases.

AHP will be LMS knowledgeable regarding the EPI program and will help in implementation by working as a leader, the successful EPI program will decrease infant / child / morbidity and mortality rate,

Class Room, White Board

EPI program will be very helpful to AHP in awareness to the community and its implementation through community leaders for a health society; he will be well


2 Hrs

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through EPI 5. Advantages and Disadvantage s of EPI 6. Cold chain process with preservation of vaccine in a specified temperature 7. Role of EPI in prevention of pandemics / endemics/ epidemics 8. Display of Organogram in form of Chart at the working site for public awareness 9. Proper EPI cards format to be designed with proper registration

prevention of epidemic and endemics, door to door service will be provided by maintaining the record, follow up of the infant child EPI will be maintained as per policy.

equipped with the knowledge of various diseases preventable through EPI. Schedule EPI Cards will add to public to awareness, the important role of EPI in prevention of endemic, epidemic and pandemic.

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(LU-8) Family Planning and reproducti ve health

1. Introduction of family planning 2. Needs and Assessment 3. Methods of family planning 4. Reproductive Health lessons in community groups 5. Pre marriage counseling in specified centers for family planning 6. Importance of breast feeding in family planning 7. Pre natal and post natal checkup to avoiding mishaps with proper

LMS Overview of the public health commitment to vulnerable population including child care, aging, person with disabilities and socio economically disadvantaged population, it will decrease the morbidity and mortality in child birth leading to healthy mother and healthy child.

Class Room, White Board

He will know the Class basic advantages and needs of family planning, will guide the couples on reproductive health by given the community lessons along with educating with family planning methods, pre marriage counseling will be helpful in reproductive health and importance of breast feeding family planning.

2 Hrs

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booklet for follow up (LU-9) Epidemiol ogy 1. Epidemiological Principles 2. Terminology of Epidemiology 3. Population Perspectives 4. Health Indicators 5. Public Health Surveillance 6. Types of Epidemiological Research 7. Vital Statistics LMS Epidemiological survey will impact on mortality and morbidity from various acute chronic and physical disease condition which will be reflect the epidemiological and demographic transitions occurring in different areas in country, screening for early detection of diseases for social and medical management of diseases thus decreasing the mortality and morbidity rate, it will help in community orientation and the public health worker will be able to grasp and communicate the Epidemiology of a disease including Class Room, White Board He will be able to provide informative indicators of a community reflecting the health care system which can further fill up the gap in the health care. The heath indicator statistic will be based on demographic epidemiological surveys and data. Class 1 Hr

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rates, risk factors, disease determination, causation and public health surveillance (LU-10) Public Health Worker Preparedn ess and Disaster Managem ent 1. Essential role of public health worker in preparedness for and response to natural or terrorism related disasters 2. Management of the casualties at site with evacuation to the hospital 1. Role of Primary Health care in curative / preventive/ therapeutic / diagnostic areas The AHP with the LMS cooperation of the public and trained paramedics for First Aid will be able to manage the site and evacuate the causalities to the nearest secondary and treasury care hospitals. Class Room, White Board He will be able to do the situational analysis and take necessary managerial measures in the event of disasters. Class 2 Hrs

(LU-11) Primary Health Care

A public health worker (AHP) following the roles of PHC will help in leadership/ epidemiological surveillance/ community


Class Room, White Board

The AHP will be able to implement the Eight Elements of primary health care at various level in a community in the


2 Hrs

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2. History of primary health care and its important role 3. The Eight Elements of PHC 4. PHC as health informative and indicator of a country 5. Health Education for methods and techniques in prevention and control of local endemic diseases and role of paramedics 6. Formulary of the basic essential drugs (EDL) required as per WHO

participation/ disease prevalence. Role of communication in behavioral sciences, record of health indicators, population growth.

light of need and assessment.

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Assessment Public Health Learning Units Topics LU-1 to LU-11 Theory Days / Hrs Workplace Days / Hrs Recommended Formative Assessment 1. MCQS based on objectives a) True / False b) Fill in the blanks c) Choose the correct answer d) Modify the sentence 2. Short Assignments on topics 3. Maintenance of Log book 4. Maintenance of the record and graphic chart displayed in BHU / RHU 5. Inter sector knowledge of any endemic and epidemic through communication 6. Demonstration of chlorinemetry of water in specified village with gastrointestinal disorders Recommended Methodology Audio Visual Presentation White board with Flip charts presentation s. Observatory Visits to BHU/RHU/MCH Visit to water filtration plants /dept. visit to incinerator for hospital waste disposal, visit to health care international agency and observe the health programs being conducted in specified areas under the supervision of foreign health agencies. Scheduled Dates

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Modules Learning Units (LU)



Topics Learners Desired Outcomes Recomm ended Methodo logy Practicu m Skill Develope d Work Place Duratio n Scheduled Dates

9. Definition Module.1- (LU-1) Introducti 10. Responsibilities A 11. Policies / First Aid on to Protocols First Aid 12. Record 13. Referral 14. Assessment

Respondent action will be defined according to policy with proper referral and onsite First Aid Treatment

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

(LU-2) Techniqu es and Equipme nts used in First Aid

7. Introduction to First Aid Equipments in Emergency 8. Use of the Equipments in proper way 9. Maintenance of the equipments

Use o f the right equipment with proper method as per emergency reporting for First Aid i.e. causality handling

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

Will be versed with meaning of first aid in medical emergenc e handling and disposal He will be able to identify and the importan ce of medical instrume nts as air way, vital signs, splints, bandages,

Training Site

1 Hr

Training Site

2 Hrs

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(LU-3) Types of First Aid Emergen cies / Casualtie s Reportin g

1. Introduction to all topics related to life saving procedures i.e. Breathing and Circulation / Resuscitation for adult and child / Choking summary charts for both adult and child 2. Importance of open airway for cardio respiratory maintenance 3. Handing of unconscious adult and child 4. Resuscitation chart for both adult and child 5. Choking due to foreign body etc for both adult and child

The AHP will be able to differentiate and diagnose the type of causality reporting and with the assistance of the chart displace will provide the required treatment. He will be able to restore cardio pulmonary system and take necessary measure for referral to the tertiary care.

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

cardiac crash trolley He will Training impleme Site nt A.B.C on unconsci ous patient. Handling of an unconsci ous patient, treatment and handling of chocking patient by hewer method.

4 Hrs

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(LU-4) Resuscita tion (CPR)

7. Definition 8. Methods 9. CPR Techniques 10. Methodology of BLS / ALS 11. BLS through A.B.C 12. Vital Sign Monitoring 13. Cardiac crash trolley 14. Referral

Will be able to resuscitate in a sequence with monitoring of the vital signs in both digital method and manual. Will be able to utilized cardiac crash trolley, Will be able to sustain the cardio palmary system for referral to concerned department.

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

(LU-5) Circulato ry System and Respirato ry System

8. Brief Introduction to Hearth and Repertory System 9. Types of Emergencies related to Hearth and respiratory system 10. Cardiac Shock / Hearth failure /

Will be able to Restore breathing / relieve pain and normalize the cardio pulmonary system with referral to specialist concerned.

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

The AHP will be capable to position the patient and perform CPR in steps along with use of cardiac crash trolley and helping hands. He will be able to asses patient head to toe examinati on and will follow the subject of

Training Site

4 Hrs

Training Site

4 Hrs

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infarction etc 11. Status asthmatics 12. Choking / Drowning / inhalation of Fumes etc 13. Head-to-toe Assessments steps in the format of S.A.M.P.L.E

(LU-6) Wounds and Bleeding / Use of bandages

1. Brief Hematology related to Human Anatomy 2. Bleeding Disorders and types of wounds 3. Mild and Severe Bleeding 4. Crush injuries 5. Cuts and Grazes 6. Abdominal and Vaginal bleeding 7. Management of Various types of bleeding sites

Control of bleeding site to minimize shock along with reassurance To patient and relatives, necessary arrangements in case of blood transfusion required call the concerned specialist for further management.

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

S.A.M.P. L.E. Immediat e CPR will be performe d to restore A.B.C to comply with the need of oxygen to the patient. He will Training be skilled Site to use the type of bandages in accordan ce to the bleeding site, assessme nt of external and internal bleeding,

3 Hrs

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8. Different form of Bandages used at different sites and types of bleeding in accordance to severity of injury. (LU-7) Bone Joint and Muscle Injuries 8. Brief introduction to skeletal system 9. Various injuries to joints and bones 10. Dislocation of joints 11. Backache / sciatica 12. Types of springs 13. Methods of supporting the injured bone site 14. Splints / Bandages used for bone injuries 15. R.I.C.E and I.A.C.T methodology 1. Brief introduction to Assessment of place and degree of injury, control of bleeding if any, minimize the shock by reassurance and analgesic will support the fractured sites by the use of splints and bandage for further treatment. Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions Hands on

applicatio n of bleeding control sequence, use of pressure bandages. Assessme Training nt will be Site done and treatment will be based on R.I.C.E or I.A.C.T to the relative joint or born injury. 3 Hrs

(LU-8) Nervous

Conscious level evaluation, clear

Audio / Visual

Hands on

He will Training be able to Site

3 Hrs

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System Emergen cies

nervous system 2. Level of consciousness 3. Head injuries 4. Types of strokes 5. Seizures in adult and child 6. Systematic Diseases effecting CNS 7. Spinal injuries 8. Headache / migraine 9. Diseases of meningies 10. Management

airway, prevention of Aids Presenta colonic / tonic tions convulsions, checking of reflexes maintains air entry, assessment of neurological deficit. Handling of spinal injury with referral to specialist. IV infusion with monitoring of neurological sign and symptoms including level of consciousness / reflexes / ophthalmic reaction.

(LU-9) Environ mental injuries

1. Brief anatomy of skin and vital areas 2. Types of burns and scalds 3. Electrical and

Assessment of the degree of the environment injury, maintenance of body fluent and temperature, relief of

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

immediat e stabilize the patient with immobili zation and clear airway along with treat shock with checking of the CNS system as a whole along with spinal injuries stabilizati on. Assessme Training nt of type Site and depth of bourn, immediat e

3 Hrs

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Chemical Burns 4. Rule of 9 (Nine) to Determine the area of burn 5. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 6. CS Spray injuries 7. Frostbite / Hypothermia 8. Heath exhaustion / Heat Cramps / Heat Stroke 9. Sun burns 10. Prickly heat / body rash

pain, measures to relief the pain on the burn site by medication,

(LU-10) Foreign Body Injuries

1. Sensory Organs 2. Types of splinters 3. Site of injury 4. Inhaled foreign object 5. Swallowed foreign object

Will be able to assess the status of foreign body injuries and to take measures to prevent further damage, possible removal of the foreign body with specialized

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

treatment of the shock by medicatio n, use of anti doubt in poisoning subject to availabili ty, thermal injury patient to be removed from the site and referred for tertiary care. Care of Training the Site bleeding with use of antiseptic measures, removal of the

3 Hrs

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instrumentation, control bleeding by maintaining I.V fluids

(LU-11) Poisonin g bites stings

1. Types of various poises affecting the body system 2. Swelled poisons 3. Chemical / inhaled poisons 4. Insect bites / stings 5. Ticks / snake / animal bite 6. Rabies / Dog Bites 7. Use of various anti dotes 8. Drug reactions / poisoning 9. Chart to be maintained for treating effects of poisoning

Assessment and Identification of piousness material, comforts and reassurance, recording of the vital signs, treatment of poison accordingly, drug poisoning / drug allergy to be highlighted and anti dote to be given accordingly, assurance of availability of drugs used to be present in emergency.

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

foreign body if accessibl e ,avoid interferen ce to major damage to avoid bleeding Reassura Training nce to the Site patient, first aid care according to the type of poison inhaled, anti-dote to be given subject to availabili ty, stabilize the patient and then refer.

3 Hrs

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(LU-12) Miscellan eous Emergen cy First Aid

First Aid in miscellaneous emergencies for management of fever/ headache / abdominal pain/ vomiting / diarrhea/ allergy / vertigo etc

With brief introduction to miscellaneous emergency he will be able to provide first aid to relief the symptoms

Audio / Visual Aids Presenta tions

Hands on

Training He will be able to Site handle minor ailments reporting in the medical health centre and will be knowledg eable to refer to the concerne d specialist as required.

3 Hrs

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Assessment First Aid Learning Units Topics LU-1 to LU-12 Theory Days / Hrs Workplace Days / Hrs Recommended formative assessment 1. MCQS based on objectives e) True / False f) Fill in the blanks g) Choose the correct answer h) Modify the sentence 2. Identification of First Aid Equipments i.e Splints / Airways / Bandages / Fluids / Monitor 3. Short Assignments on Management of Various First Aid Procedures in reporting emergencies 4. Maintenance of Log book 5. Monitoring of cardio pulmonary vital signs 6. Steps of BLS / ALS 7. Steps on road traffic accident at site Recommended Methodology Audio Visual Presentation Scheduled Dates

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Anatomy & Physiology


1. Understanding the structure of the human body and its regional and systemic organization. 2. Understanding the human body function at the cellular, tissue and system level. Learning Objectives a. To understand the descriptive anatomical and physiological terms b. To describe anatomical regions, sections & planes. c. To introduce various systems of human body and their functions, including circulatory system, nervous system, digestive system, respiratory
system, excretory system, gynecology and obstetrics and endocrinology.

d. To introduce various sub-divisions of anatomy. e. To introduce osteology, orthrology (joints), neurology, mycology (muscles) and visceral anatomy.

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Distribution of Credit Hours HGC-012 (ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY)

Credit Hours: 3(1+2) [Theory 1 credit hour = 18 hours and Practical 1 credit hour =36 Hours]

Theory: 18 hrs Anatomy Physiology = = 9 hrs 9 hrs

Practical: 72 hrs Anatomy Physiology = = 01 hr for 4 days/wk 01 hr for 4 days/wk

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Modules Learning Units(LU)
LU 1: Anatomy: Introduction to Anatomy


Learners should be able to achieve these Outcomes/Objectives

1. Understand the definition of the anatomy of human body. 2. Understand the different branches of Anatomy 3. Understand the anatomical and fundamental positions 4. Understand the regions, sections, planes, and basic terminologies.

Module I

1. Definition and the sub-divisions of Anatomy 2. Anatomical and fundamental positions 3. The descriptive anatomical regions, sections, planes and basic terminologies

Duration hours per week 2 Hours

Workplace Days/hours Lab 4hrs/day

Recommended Methodology Multimedia Lectures

LU 2: Anatomy: Osteology

1. Introduction to Skeleton and description of bone and cartilage. 2. Skeletal bones identification and structural details (upper and lower extremities )

2 Hours 1. Understand the different parts of skeleton, Cartilages, and bones 2. Understand, identify, give structural details, and demonstration of different bones of the human body (upper
and lower extremities )

Lab 4hrs/day

Multimedia Lectures

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LU 3: Anatomy: Osteology and Arthrology

1. Skeletal bones identification and structural details of Skull, thorax, vertebral column, 2. Definition and classification of joints

1. Understand, identify, give structural details, and demonstration of skull, thorax and vertebral column 2. Understand the different types of joints of human body and structural details .

2 Hour

Lab 4hrs/day

Multimedia Lectures

LU 4: Anatomy: Arthrology

1. Description of joints 1. Understand and identify joints 3 Hours of upper limb with their of upper limbs and learn their anatomical structures functions and movements. 2. Description of joints of lower limb with their anatomical structures 2. Understand and identify joints 3. Description of joints of lower limb and learn their functions and movements. of spine with their anatomical structures

Lab 6hrs/day

Multimedia Lectures

3. Understand and identify joints of spine and learn their functions and movements.

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Learning Topics Units(LU)

LU 1: Physiology: 1. Introduction physiology (human body, cell, skin)

Module II


1. Introduction to physiology. Definition, the functioning of human body structure and function of cell 2. Understand the functioning of the 2. Structure and cell and types of cell function of Skin and temperature regulation 3. Understand the different layers of of skin skin, their functioning, and its temperature regulation

Duration hours per week 1. Define physiology and understand 2 Hours

Learners should be able to achieve these Outcomes/Objectives

Workplace Days/hours Lab 4hrs/day

Recommended Methodology Multimedia Lectures

LU 2: Physiology: Nervous System

1. Introduction to 2 Hours 1. Understand the different nervous system, neural cells and its divisions parts of nervous system, its cells 2. Brief description of and differentiate between CNS, with structure and neural cells and other human function of brain and body cells Spinal Cord

Lab 4hrs/day

Multimedia Lectures

2. Understand and differentiate between CNS and PNS 3. Understand, identify, give structural details, and demonstration of CNS with brief functioning details of CNS

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LU 3: Physiology: Nervous System

3. Brief description of PNS, with Cranial Nerves (names and functions), and Spinal Nerves [major nerves (names and functions)].

2 Hours 1. Understand, identify, give structural details, and demonstration of PNS with brief functioning details of PNS 2. Understand, identify, give structural details, and demonstration of cranial and spinal nerves 3. Understand and differentiate between CNS and PNS

Lab 4hrs/day

Multimedia Lectures

LU 4: Physiology: Circulatory System

1. Introduction to Circulatory System 2. Structure and function of circulatory system 3. Heart rate and Blood pressure Regulation and Assessment of heart sounds 4. Composition and function of blood

3 Hours 1. Understand the functioning and structural details of the circulatory system including heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries 2. Understand the composition of blood and identify the different components blood, clotting factors, and their values 3. Differentiate and describe the heart rate, blood pressure, and heart sounds and describe their importance

Lab 6hrs/day

Multimedia Lectures

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Lesson Plan
LU 1 Topic Duration depends on previous knowledge Anatomy: Introduction to Anatomy 1. Anatomical and 2. The descriptive anatomical regions, sections, planes and basic terminologies 2. Understand the regions, sections, planes, and basic terminologies. 2 lessons fundamental positions (2 hours) Learning outcomes topic, the learner should be able to: 1. Understand the anatomical and Materials required have their own workbooks and pens 1. Worksheets (depending Classroom/ Able to assist movements in different planes on the previous knowledge anatomy lab 2. PowerPoint Presentations for illustrating different sections and planes 3. Anatomical Atlas for Demonstrations Learning place Skills After completing this NOTE: Participants should

fundamental positions of the students)

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LU 2


Duration depends on previous knowledge

Learning outcomes topic, the learner should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the different parts of skeleton, Cartilages, and bones

Materials required have their own workbooks and pens 1. Worksheets (depending on the previous knowledge of the students) 2. Anatomical Atlas for Demonstrations

Learning place

After completing this NOTE: Participants should

Anatomy: Osteology

1. Introduction to Skeleton and description of bone and cartilage. 2. Skeletal bones identification (upper and lower extremities )

3 lessons (3 hours)

Anatomical Lab Able to understand and explain the anatomical names of human skeleton (upper and lower extremities)

2. Identify, give structural details, and 3. Whole Human Skeleton and Separate Bones (single) demonstration of different bones of the for demonstrations limbs of human body.

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LU 3


Duration depends on previous knowledge

Learning outcomes topic, the learner should be able to: 1. Identify, give demonstration of different bones of the head and spine and

Materials required have their own workbooks and pens 1. Worksheets (depending of the students) 2. Anatomical Atlas for

Learning place

After completing this NOTE: Participants should

Anatomy: Osteology and Arthrology

1. Identification and 3 lessons structural details of head, neck and vertebral column. 2. Joints and its types (3 hours)

Anatomical Lab Able to understand and explain the anatomical names of human skeleton (head, neck, and vertebral column)

structural details, and on the previous knowledge

their structural details. Demonstrations 2. Identify the major its components. 3. Whole Human Skeleton separate joints for Demonstrations.

structures of joint and and Separate Bones and

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LU 4


Duration depends on previous knowledge

Learning outcomes topic, the learner should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the different joints of upper limb and their movements

Materials required have their own workbooks and pens 1. Worksheets (depending on the previous knowledge of the students) 2. Anatomical Atlas for

Learning place

After completing this NOTE: Participants should

Anatomy: Arthrology

1. Description of with their anatomical structures 2. Description of joints of lower limb with their anatomical structures 3. Description of joints of spine with their anatomical structures

5 lessons

1. Classroom 2. Anatomical Lab

Able to understand and explain the anatomical names of joints of human skeleton.

joints of upper limb (5 hours)

2. Demonstrate the different joints of lower limb and their movements 3. Demonstrate the different joints of spine and its movements.

Demonstrations 3. Whole Human Skeleton and Separate Bones and separate joints for demonstration. 3. Cadavers

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LU 1 and 2


Duration depends on previous knowledge

Learning outcomes topic, the learner should be able to: 1. Demonstrate and identify the different parts of brain and spinal cord

Materials required have their own workbooks and pens 1. Worksheets (depending on the previous knowledge of the students) 2. Anatomical Atlas for

Learning place

After completing this NOTE: Participants should


1. Demonstration of 3lessons spinal cord 2. Demonstration of Cranial and Spinal Nerves (major nerves).

1. Classroom 2. Anatomical Lab

Able to explain the parts and functions of brain and spinal cord with relation to nerves.

Nervous System structure of Brain and (3 hours)

2. Identify different spinal nerves

Demonstrations 3. Brain 4. Spinal Cord 5. Cadavers

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LU 3 and 4


Duration depends on previous knowledge

Learning outcomes topic, the learner should be able to: 1. Demonstrate and identify the different parts of Heart 2. Demonstration of correct methods of measuring heart rate, blood pressure.

Materials required have their own workbooks and pens 1. Worksheets (depending of the students)

Learning place

After completing this NOTE: Participants should

Physiology: Circulatory System

1. Structure circulatory system 2. Heart rate and Blood pressure monitoring and heart sounds

2 lessons (2 hours)

1. Anatomical

Able to identify the structure of heart and explain and monitor the heart rate and blood pressure

on the previous knowledge Lab 2. Classroom. 2. Anatomical Atlas for Demonstrations 3. Cadavers 4. B.P. apparatus 5. Stethoscope

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Learning Units Human Body And Disease (Anatomy / Physiology Theory Days/hours Module - I Workplace Days/hours Class Recommended formative assessment Examples Recommended Scheduled dates methodology Multiple Choice After every Questions module Best Choice Questions Viva After every Multiple Choice module Questions Best Choice Questions Viva

Anatomy LU1 LU4

Module - I


MCQS; Q.1. Branches of Anatomy a. Gross anatomy b. Clinical anatomy c. Embryology d. Surface anatomy Q.12. are:

Q.2. Ankle joint : a. Is a condylar type of synovial joint b. Deltoid ligament has superficial and deep parts c. Posterior tibiotalar is a deep part of deltoid ligament d. Supplied by deep peroneal and tibial nerves Q.3. Joint in which each joint surface is both

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convex in one plane & concave in other is: a. Saddle joint b. Type of synovial joint c. Plane joint d. Ball & socket joint Q.4. Bones of foot: a. There are 7 tarsal bones b. Navicular bone is boat shaped c. Calcaneus form heel of bone d. There are 15 phalanges BCQS Q.1. Anatomy is the study of: a. Is a branch of biology and medicine and the study of internal functions of the human body b. Is a branch of biology and medicine that is the consideration of the structure of living things c. Is the study of bones and muscles of human body only d. Is the study of bones and joints of the human body Q.2. Frontal axis is an imaginary line around which rotation occur in _________ plane:
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a. Sagittal plane b. Coronal plane c. Frontal plane d. Transverse plane Q.3.Which one is example of synovial hinge type of joint a. Symphisis pubis b. Sternoclavicular c. Elbow d. Radioulnar Q.4. Anatomical snuff box. a. Is bonded anteriorly by tendon of extensor policis longus. b. Is bonded posteriorly by tendon of extensor policis brevis c. Contain basili vein in roof d. Contain cephalic vein in roof.

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. Learning Units Human Body And Disease (Anatomy / Physiology

Theory Workplace Days/hours Days/hours Module - I Class

Recommended formative assessment Examples

MCQS; Physiology LU1 LU4 Module - I Class Q.1. Human Physiology a. Is concerned with the specific characteristics and mechanisms of the human body that make it a living body b. Is the sub division of physiology c. Is to explain the physical and chemical factors that are responsible for the origin, development, and progression of human life d. Is confined to explain the mechanism is diseased conditions

Recommended Scheduled dates methodology Multiple Choice After every Questions module Best Choice Questions Viva

Multiple Choice After every module Questions Best Choice Questions Viva

Q.2. The cell a. Membrane thickness is 7.5 to 10 nanometers b. Membrane is composed almost entirely of proteins and lipids c. Membrane contain cholesterol Page 58

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molecules only d. Membrane has lipid bilayer Q.3. Peripheral nervous system is basically classified into. a. Autonomic and sympathetic nervous system b. Somatic and autonomic nervous system. c. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. d. A and C both are true. Q.4. Following conditions are results in heat production: a. Heat production increases in response to decrease body temperature. b. Vasodilation of skin blood vessels. c. Thyroxine secretion. d. Vasoconstriction of skin blood vessels. BCQS: Q.1. Myelin sheet: a. Is a carbohydrate layer. b. Is only a lipid layer. c. Is only a protein layer.

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d. Acts as an insulator. Q.2.Two major parts of cell are a. Nucleus and cell b. Cell and cytoplasm c. Nucleus and cytoplasm d. Nucleus and cell membrane. Q.3. All are the functions of blood except. a. Transportation b. Regulation c. protection d. secretion 4. The process for the clearance of blood from the waste product is called: a. Filtration. b. Dialysis. c. Reabsorption. d. Secretion.

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Medical Terminology


Name of course: Medical terminology Course Description: This course will provide students with a basic medical terminology vocabulary for use in the health care setting. Course Objectives: Describe how medical terms are created. Use basic medical suffixes and prefixes accurately. Defines directional terms and anatomic planes of the body. Identify selected body systems structures and their related word parts. Use system word parts, prefixes, and suffixes to build and define words. Define medical terms related to selected diseases. Define selected diagnostic and surgical procedural terms for each body system. Define other selected medical terms and related to color and medical specialties. Recognize selected abbreviations related to each body system. Spell, pronounce, and use specific medical terms.

Competencies gained after completion of course: This knowledge will enable them to become successful communicators (especially in the health care setting). Thru the course and semester projects students will learn ways to become active community members and life-long learners.

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Module Module 1 (First Semester) Learning Units Topics (LU) LU 1 1. Word building. Building Medical 2. Word roots, Vocabulary combined Forms, Prefixes & Suffixes. 3. Combining word parts to write medical Terms. 4. Pronunciation of medical terms. LU 2 1. Body fluids and The blood and composition of other body fluids blood 2. Abnormalities of the formed elements of blood. 3. Morphologic abnormalities of Erythrocytes. 4. Blood coagulation and Immune System. 5. Hemoglobinopathies and additional word parts. Learners should be able to achieve these Theory Outcomes Days/hours Identify the role and recognize example 2 Hr of word, roots, prefixes, suffixes & combining forms. Demonstrate correct usage of the combining vowel. Recognize the importance of spelling and correctly pronounce medical terms using phonetic system. Demonstrate the important role of body fluids. Recognize the meaning of word parts and use them to write hematologic terms. Describe several important processes and characteristics of blood. Indentify the function and principal conditions that effect erythrocytes, and blood platelets. Accurately spell medical terms Correctly pronounce medical terms. Write the meanings of the abbreviations. 2 Hr Workplace Days/hours 4 Hr

4 Hr

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LU 3 The Circulatory and Lymphatic System.

1. Cardio vascular pump and blood circulation. 2. Cardio vascular diagnostic procedure. 3. Lymphatic system.

LU 4 The Respiratory System 1. Respiration and its functions. 2. Composition of the Respiratory System 3. Respiratory diseases or disorders.

Recognize the names of the structure of cardio vascular system and define terms. Demonstrate understanding of the significance of the lymphatic system and analyze associated terminology. Write the meaning of word parts associate with the circulatory system and use the word part to build and analyze terms. Differentiate terms as being relate to diagnosis anatomy, surgery, therapy, or radiology. Accurately spell the terms. Correctly pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviations. Recognize names of the structure of respiratory system and define terms associated with these structures. Write the meaning of word parts associated with the respiratory system and use the word parts to build and analyze terms. Differentiate terms as being related to the diagnosis anatomy, surgery, therapy, or radiology. Correctly pronounce the term. Know the meaning of the abbreviations.

2 Hr

4 Hr

1 Hr

2 Hr

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LU 5 The Digestive System.

1. Composition of the Digestive System. 2. Accessory organs of digestion.

LU 6 The Urinary System 1. The urinary tract and renal disorders. 2. Composition of Urinary System 3. Genito urinary infections and urinalysis. LU 7 1. Composition of bone. The Muscular and 2. The skeleton. skeletal system 3. Joints. 4. Muscles and supporting structures.

Describe the structure and functions of the digestive system. Recognize and define the meaning of the terms and use the word parts to write terms related to the digestive system. Recognize the role of pancreas in diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia. Differentiate terms being related to diagnosis anatomy surgery, therapy, or radiology. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Describe the structure and function of urinary tract. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms related to urinary system. Recognize the diagnostic importance of urinalysis. Categorize the terms as an anatomical, surgical, diagnostic or radiological. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Know the meanings of the abbreviations. Recognize the major bones of the body. Describe the functions of bones, Muscle and supporting structures. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms related to the skeletal and muscular system.

1 Hr

2 Hr

2 Hr

4 Hr

3 Hr

6 Hr

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LU 8 The Nervous System and Psychological disorder 1. Composition of the Nervous System 2. The Central Nervous System. 3. The Peripheral Nervous System and the Sense Organs.

LU 9 The

1. Structure and function of the skin. Integumen 2. Associated skin tary structures. System 3. Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical and therapeutic terms.

LU 10 The Endocrine System

1. Composition of Endocrine System. 2. The Pituitary Gland. 3. Harmones released by

Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Recognize the location of different types of vertebrae. Describe the structure of the Nervous System and understand their relationship. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms concerning the Nervous system. Demonstrate the understanding of several disorders of the sense organs. Accurately spell the terms. Correctly pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviation. Demonstrate understanding of the structures and functions of the skin. Write the meaning of word parts pertaining to the Integumentary system and use them to build and analyze Medical Terms. Recognize the functions of structures associated with the skin. Accurately spell the terms. Correctly pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviations. Understand the relationship between pituitary gland and other glands. Identify the relationship of glands and

1 Hr

2 Hr

1 Hr

2 Hr

1 Hr

2 Hr

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the Neurohypophysis. 4. The functions of the Adenohypophysis other endocrine tissues and Homeostasis. LU 11 1. The female Genitalia. The Reproductive 2. The composition of System Female Reproductive System. 3. Menstrual cycle and pregnancy. 4. Male Genitalia 5. The composition of male Reproductive System. 6. Sexually Transmitted diseases.

target organs. Identify several disorders caused by hormonal Write the meaning of word parts pertaining to the endocrine system and use them to build and analyze medical terms. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of Abbreviations. Describe the structure and function of female and male genitalia. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms pertaining to the reproductive system. Understand relationship between menstrual gents of cycle and pregnancy. Describe several types of sexually transmitted diseases. Know the causative agents of sexually transmitted disease and recognize the difficulty of treating those caused by viruses. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of abbreviation.

2 Hr

4 Hr

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Lesson Plan
LU Topic Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min)
1. 2.

LU 1 Building Medical Vocabulary

Word building. Word roots, combined Forms, Prefixes & Suffixes.

20 min 40 min

Learning outcomes after Materials required NOTE: completing this topic , the Participants should have learner should be able to their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. Identify the role and 2. A-V Display recognize example of 3. Online presentation. word, roots, prefixes, suffixes & combining forms. Demonstrate correct usage of the combining vowel. Demonstrate correct usage of the combining vowel. Recognize the importance of spelling and correctly pronounce medical terms using phonetic system. 1. White board. 2. A-V Display 3. Online presentation.

Learning Place / Practical (LMS) Online Exercises Online Presentation

1 lesson (60min) Combining word parts to write medical Terms. 2. Pronunciation of medical terms.

40 min 20 min

Online Exercises Online Presentation

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Duration depends Learning outcomes after on previous completing this topic , the Knowledge learner should be able to 1 lesson (60min) Demonstrate the important role of body fluids. Recognize the meaning of word parts and use them to write hematologic terms. Describe several important processes and characteristics of blood. Correctly pronounce medical terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviations. Recognize the meaning of word parts pertaining to the various abnormalities of blood cell and use them to build and analyze medical terms. Accurately spell medical terms Correctly pronounce medical terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviations.

LU 2 The blood and other body fluids

1. Body fluids and 30 min composition of blood 2. Abnormalities 30 min of the formed elements of blood.

Materials required NOTE: Participants should have their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. 2. A-V Display 3. Online presentation.

Learning Place / Practical Online Exercises Online Presentation

1 lesson (60min) 1. Morphologic 20 min abnormalities of Erythrocytes. 2. Blood 20 min coagulation and Immune 20 min System. 3. Hemoglobinopa thies and additional word parts.

Online Exercises Online Presentation

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Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min) 60 min

LU 3 The Circulatory and 1. Cardio vascular Lymphatic System. pump and blood circulation.

1. Cardio vascular diagnostic procedure. 2. Lymphatic system.

1 lesson (60min) 40 min 20 min

Learning outcomes after Materials required NOTE: completing this topic , the Participants should have learner should be able to their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. Recognize the names 2. A-V Display of the structure of 3. Online presentation. cardio vascular system and define terms. Write the meaning of word parts associate with the circulatory system and use the word part to build and analyze terms. Differentiate terms as being relate to diagnosis anatomy, surgery, therapy, or radiology. Accurately spell the terms. Correctly pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviations. 1. White board. Demonstrate 2. A-V Display understanding of the 3. Online presentation. significance of the lymphatic system and analyze associated terminology.

Learning Place / Practical Online Exercises Online Presentation

Online Exercises Online Presentation

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Differentiate terms as being relate to diagnosis anatomy, surgery, therapy, or radiology. Accurately spell the terms. Correctly pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviations. Online Exercises Online Presentation

LU 4 The Respiratory System 1. 2. 3. Respiration and its functions. Composition of the Respiratory System Respiratory diseases or disorders

1 lesson (60min) 20 min 20 min 20 min

Recognize names of the structure of respiratory system and define terms associated with these structures. Write the meaning of word parts associated with the respiratory system and use the word parts to build and analyze terms. Differentiate terms as being related to the diagnosis anatomy, surgery, therapy, or radiology. Correctly pronounce the term. Know the meaning of the abbreviations.

1. White board. 2. A-V Display 3. Online presentation.

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Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min)

LU 5 The Digestive System.

1. Composition of the Digestive System. 2. Accessory organs of digestion.

30 min 30 min

Learning outcomes after Materials required NOTE: completing this topic , the Participants should have learner should be able to their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. Describe the structure 2. A-V Display and functions of the 3. Online presentation. digestive system. Recognize and define the meaning of the terms and use the word parts to write terms related to the digestive system. Recognize the role of pancreas in diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia. Differentiate terms being related to diagnosis anatomy surgery, therapy, or radiology. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms.

Learning Place / Practical Online Exercises Online Presentation

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Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min)

LU 6 The Urinary System 1. Composition of Urinary System 2. The urinary tract and renal disorders.

30 min 30 min

1 lesson (60min)

Genito urinary infections and urinalysis.

60 min

Learning outcomes after Materials required NOTE: completing this topic , the Participants should have learner should be able to their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. Describe the structure 2. A-V Display and function of urinary 3. Online presentation. tract. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms related to urinary system. Categorize the terms as an anatomical, surgical, diagnostic or radiological. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Know the meanings of the abbreviations. 1. White board. Recognize the 2. A-V Display diagnostic importance 3. Online presentation. of urinalysis. Categorize the terms as an anatomical, surgical, diagnostic or radiological. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Know the meanings of the abbreviations.

Learning Place / Practical Online Exercises Online Presentation

Online Exercises Online Presentation

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Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min)

LU 7 The Muscular and skeletal system 1. Composition of bone. 2. Joints.

30 min 30 min

1 lesson (60min) 1. The skeleton. 60 min

Learning outcomes after Materials required NOTE: completing this topic , the Participants should have learner should be able to their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. Recognize the major 2. A-V Display bones and joints of the 3. Online presentation. body. Describe the functions of bones and joints. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms related to the skeletal and muscular system. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. 1. White board. Use the word parts to 2. A-V Display build and analyze terms 3. Online presentation. related to the skeleton system. Recognize the location of different types of vertebrae. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms related to the skeletal and muscular system. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Recognize the location of different types of vertebrae.

Learning Place / Practical Online Exercises Online Presentation

Online Exercises Online Presentation

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1 lesson (60min)

Muscles and supporting structures.

60 min

Use the word parts to build and analyze terms related to the muscular system. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms related to the skeletal and muscular system. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Recognize the location of different types of vertebrae
Describe the structure of the Nervous System and understand their relationship. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms concerning the Nervous system. Demonstrate the understanding of several disorders of the sense organs. Accurately spell the terms. Correctly pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviation.

1. White board. 2. A-V Display 3. Online presentation.

Online Exercises Online Presentation

LU 8 The Nervous System and Psychological disorder

1 lesson (60min) 1. Composition of the Nervous System 2. The Central Nervous System. 3. The Peripheral Nervous System and the Sense Organs. 20 min

1. White board. 2. A-V Display 3. Online presentation.

Online Exercises Online Presentation

20 min 20 min

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Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min)

LU 9 The Integumentary System 1. Structure and function of the skin. 2. Associated skin structures. 3. Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical and therapeutic terms.

20 min 20 min 20 min

Learning outcomes after Materials required NOTE: completing this topic , the Participants should have learner should be able to their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. Demonstrate 2. A-V Display understanding of the 3. Online presentation. structures and functions of the skin. Write the meaning of word parts pertaining to the Integumentary system and use them to build and analyze Medical Terms. Recognize the functions of structures associated with the skin. Accurately spell the terms. Correctly pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of the abbreviations.

Learning Place / Practical Online Exercises Online Presentation

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Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min)

LU 10 The Endocrine System 1. Composition of Endocrine System. 2. The Pituitary Gland. 3. Harmones released by the Neurohypophys is. 4. The functions of the Adenohypophy sis other endocrine tissues and Homeostasis.

15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min

Learning outcomes after Materials required NOTE: completing this topic , the Participants should have learner should be able to their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. Understand the 2. A-V Display relationship between 3. Online presentation. pituitary gland and other glands. Identify the relationship of glands and target organs. Identify several disorders caused by hormonal Write the meaning of word parts pertaining to the endocrine system and use them to build and analyze medical terms. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of Abbreviations.

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Duration depends on previous Knowledge 1 lesson (60min)

Learning outcomes after completing this topic , the learner should be able to
Describe the structure and function of female genitalia. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms pertaining to the female reproductive system. Understand relationship between menstrual gents of cycle and pregnancy. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms. Know the meaning of abbreviation. Describe the structure and function of male genitalia. Use the word parts to build and analyze terms pertaining to the male reproductive system. Describe several types of sexually transmitted diseases. Know the causative agents of sexually transmitted disease and recognize the difficulty of treating those caused by viruses. Accurately spell and pronounce the terms.

LU 11 The Reproductive System 1. The female Genitalia. 2. The composition of Female Reproductive System. 3. Menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

20 min 20 min 20 min

Materials required NOTE: Participants should have their own workbooks and pens 1. White board. 2. A-V Display 3. Online presentation.

Learning Place / Practical Online Exercises Online Presentation

1 lesson (60min) 1. Male Genitalia 2. The composition of male Reproductive System. 3. Sexually Transmitted diseases. 20 min 20 min 20 min

1. White board. 2. A-V Display 3. Online presentation.

Online Exercises Online Presentation

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Learning Units M1-LU 1: Building Medical Vocabulary 2. Theory ( hrs-days) Workplace (days) 1. Recommended formative assessment A _______ is the main body of the word. a) Suffix b) Prefix c) Root The combining form of cyst is __________. a. cyst/a b. cyst/e c. cyst/o Hemophilia is ______. Deficiency of red blood cells. A blood disorder. Deficiency of white blood cells. A blood clot that forms in a blood vessel in the heart is called _____. Thrombus. Isotope. Macrophage. The one who studies cells is called _____. Psychologist Hematologist. Cytologist. Recommended methodology 1. MCQs 2. Terminology review Exercises. 3. Online assessment exercises. Scheduled Dates

Week 1 & Week 2

M1-LU 2: The blood and other body fluids

3 hrs

IOL (3 days)

1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. c. 3. a. b. c.

1. Label the Given Diagram. 2. Reinforcement exercise. 3. MCQs 4. Online Assessment Exercise.

Week 3 & Week 4

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M1-LU 3: 4 Hrs The circulatory and lymphatic system. IOL

1. Give meaning of the following abbreviations ; i) C P R -------------------ii) E C G -----------------iii) M I --------------------iv) S A --------------------v) C T --------------------2. Match suffixes in the right column to their correct meaning: a. atomy A. membrane b.phobia B. swelling c.---edema C. artificial Opening d.meter D. abnormal fear e,-- ium E. instrument to Measure 3. True/False statements: i) Defibrillator is an instrument to cause fibrillation. T/F ii) A narrowing of the aorta or its orifice is called aortic stenosis. T/F iii) Lymphadenoma is an enlarged lymph node. T/F iv) A primary disease of the heart muscle is termed as cardiomyopathy. T/f

1. Internet assignment 2. Online assessment 3. MCQs

Week 5 & Week 6

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M1- LU 4: The Respiratory system

3 Hrs


1) Match the following structures with 1. MCQs their functions: 2. Label the 1.pharynx A. given Communicat diagram. ion with 3. Internet paranasal presentation. sinus 2.alveoli B. contains vocal cords. 3.nose C. where blood picks up oxygen. 4.bronchus D. where tonsils are located. 5.larynx E. one of the two branches of trachea. 2) Give meanings of the following suffixes : a) algia ----------------------b) capnia ---------------------c) centesis -------------------d) ectasia --------------------e) iasis ----------------------3) Give one answer for each of the following MCQs: a) Air or gas in the pleural cavity is ---------------------. i) Pneumothorax

Week 7

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M1-LU5: 3 Hrs Digestive System IOL

ii) Pleuropneumonia iii) pulmonary edema 1.Complete the table by writing a word part or its meaning in each blank : 1. Suffix meaning 1. cele ------------------------2. clysis ------------------------3. megaly ---------------------4. --------------- digestion 5. --------------bad 2) Select one correct answer for each of the following MCQs: 1. Loss of appetite for food is called ---------------. i. Euphoria ii. Dyspepsia iii. Dysphagia 2. Stomatitis is the inflammation of ---------------. i. Stomach ii. Intestines iii. Mouth Enteral means pertaining to ---------------i. Digestive tract ii. Stomach iii. Intestines

2) Review exercise 3) Internet assignment

Week 8


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4. --i. ii. iii. M1-LU6: Urinary system

Polydipsia is ---------------greater than normal lipids excessive vomiting excessive thirst 1. MCQs 2. Terminology review exercise 3. Label the given diagram. 4. Online assessment. Week 9 & Week 10

1) Write words for: (i) Difficult urination ---------------(ii) without urine ---------------------(iii)inflammation of bladder --------(iv) .inflammation of urethra -------(v) ketones in urine -----------------2) complete the following words that begin with intra- ; a) within the cell is intra - --------b) within the vein is intra - -------c) within the chest is intra- ------d) within a lung is intra- ----------.

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M1-LU7: The muscular and skeletal system.

1) Match the column ; 1.ab------a. Change or next 2.infra----b. joined; together 3.supra---c. backward 4.retro----d. situated below 5.syn------e. away 6.meta----f. above 2) Give words for ; a) joint inflammation --------------b) any disease of muscle ----------c) Formation of bone -------------d) muscle hernia -------------------3) choose one answer for each of the MCQs; A. abnormal hardness or heaviness of bones is --------------. i) Osteopenia ii) osteosclerosis iii) osteoid B. lateral curvature of the vertebral column is called --------i) pagots disease ii) scoliosis iii) osteoid

1. MCQs 2. Working practice review exercises. 3. Label the given diagram. 4. Online assessment exercises. 5. Terminology review exercises.

Week 11 & Week 12

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M1-LU8: The Nervous System and Psychological disorders

1. Match prefixes with their meanings; 1.di1. Against 2. Hemi2. Two 3. inter3. Half 4. Contra4. Between 2) True/False statement ; a) the Gray matter that covers the cerebrum is called cerebral cortex. T/ F b) Paralysis of one side of body is called hemiplegia. T/F c) Pain of many nerve is called polyneuralgia . T/F
A. True and False Statement: i) Hidr/o means sweat. T/F ii) Heat stroke & Sun stroke are examples of hypothermia. T/F iii) A partial or total absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes is called albinism. T/F B. Write the meaning of Following abbreviations: i) BX ii) SLE iii) UV iv) FANA C. Write the meaning of combining forms listed below: i) Albin/o---------ii) Lethy/o----------

1. MCQs 2. Online assessment exercises. 3. Terminology review exercises.

Week 14

M1-LU9: The Integumentary System

1. MCQs 2. Online assessment exercises. 3. Terminology review exercises.

Week 15

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iii) Seb/o-------------iv) Xer/o----------------

M1-LU10: The Endocrine System

A. Match glands with the harmonies they secrete. Thyroxin Pituitary Insulin Thyroid Growth pancreas harmonies Choose one answer for each of the following MCQs. A. Which type of term is mastectomy? i) Anatomical ii) Diagnostic iii) Radiological iv) Surgical B. Enlargement of the adrenal gland is: i) Adrenitis ii) Adenoma iii) Adrenomegaly iv) Adrenalectomy C. Hormones that produce masculine sex characteristics are: i) Androgens ii) Prolactins iii) Estrogens iv) Triiodothyronines

1. Label the given Week 16 Diagram. 2. Terminology review exercises. 3. Online assessment exercises.

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M1-LU11: The Reproductive System

A. Match prefixes with their meanings: Ante---None Ecto----Many Multi---First Neo----Before Nulli----After Post-----Outside Primi----new Choose one answer for each of the following MCQs. A. An infection involving more or less the entire female genital tract is: i) Oophoritis ii) Salpingitis iii) Pelvic inflammatory disease B. Another name for an extrauterine pregnancy is: i) Ectopic pregnancy ii) False pregnancy iii) Pseudocyesis Write the meaning of Following abbreviations: 1. ARC------------2. GU--------------3. IUD--------------4. LMP------------5. PID----------------

1. MCQs 2. Terminology review exercises. 3. Internet assignment. 4. Online assessment exercises.

Week 17 & Week 18

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Modules Learning Units(LU) LU- 1

Elementary Chemistry

Skill Work place Duration developed Class room 2 hrs. To observe the concept Lab 3 hrs of chemistry useful in real life situation Scheduled dates After every topic

Elementary Introduction Chemistry to chemistry

Learners Recommended Practicum desired outcomes Methodology Student should be Activity What is able to learn about chemistry Rotation in Branches of what is chemistry Lecture and how the chemistry chemistry science of lab Application of chemistry is chemistry Define Mass, studied . Volume , Density, Specific gravity a. Basic a. Characterist ic of atoms. b. Valency c. Atomic mass d. Molecular mass Student should be able to . understand the basic concept of atoms and molecules Lecture Activity : Practice to take out atomic and molecular mass of different elements

LU-2 Atoms and Molecules

Class room 2 hrs. Learner should be able to know the valency and atomic and molecular mass of different elements 4 hrs

After every topic

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Learning Units(LU)


Learners desired outcomes

Recommended Methodology


Skill Work place Duration Scheduled developed dates After every topic

Learner should 1. Define Lecture LU- 3 chemical action. be able to understand the chemical actions, Presentation Chemical 2. Types of Reaction and chemical reaction their types . And also know chemical about chemical equation Exothermic equation Endothermic reactions. 3. chemical Equation Parts of chemical Equation

Learner Class room 2 hrs. should be Lab 6 hrs. able to Observe examples understand about of exo & endo thermic reaction in chemical reactions lab and EXO formulas .Combustion of methane gas * combination of water with quick lime (CaO) . Activity: ENDOTHERMIC. *Addition of sodium carbonate to sodium chloride *Decomposition of Calcium carbonate * Writing chemical equation and practice balanced the equation.

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Learning Topics Learners Recommended Units(LU) desired outcomes Methodology Lu -4 Define Acids . Student General properties should be able ACIDS, of acids to identify Lecture BASES & Example of Acids acid base, SALTS salts and their Presentation Action of properties different And also know indicators on How base titrated acids with acidand vice versa. Define Bases General properties of Bases Example of Bases Action of different indicators on Bases Define salts Kinds of salts Example of salts Neutralization Titration


Skill Work place Duration Scheduled developed dates After every topic.

Class room 4 hrs. Learner should be and Practice able to different acid understand Lab 6 hrs , base different reactions acid base reaction Perform titration And mechanism process of titration.


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Learning Topics Learners Recommended Units(LU) desired outcomes Methodology . Student LU- 5 1. Types of should be able chemical bond to understand Lecture CHEMICAL the types of BOND 2. characteristic bond and Presentation of covalent bond Ionic bond and difference b/w Metallic bond the ionic and Difference b/w covalent bond. covalent and ionic bond.

Practicum Activity

Skill developed

Student Making should be structure of able to Lab diff compound make structure of different compounds .

Duration scheduled dates After every topic Class room 2 hrs. 5 hrs.

Work place

LU- 6

1. Define Solution

SOLUTIONS What is solute What is solvent Examples Saturated Solution Unsaturated Solution

Learner should be Lecture able to understand solution , solute, Presentation solvent.

Class room 3 hrs. Activity Dissolve solute in solvent By dissolving solutes in Lab different solvent observe the solubility 6 hrs.

After every topic

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Learning Topics Units(LU) LU- 7 Define Matter

Learners Recommended desired outcomes Methodology . Learner should be able to learn about Lecture STATES OF States of matter MTATER Characteristic of the different solid , states of Presentation Liquid matter & how Gases matter Plasma transform itself from one state to another.

Skill Work Duration developed place Activity: By To observe practical Class room 3 hrs. different learner characteristic should be of matter by to 6 hrs. evaporation, differentiat condensation, e b/w boiling point different & melting states of point . matter


scheduled dates After every topic

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LEARNING UNIT LU- 1 Introduction to chemistry What is chemistry Branches of chemistry Application of chemistry Define Mass, Volume , Density, Specific gravity TOPICS RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.Chemistry is a branch of which deals with composition and properties of matter and chemical changes involved it ( T/F ) 2.The study of carbon containing substance is called Organic chemistry. 3. The chemistry of elements and their compound except carbon hydrogen compound called Inorganic Chemistry 4. Chemistry of living organism is called Biochemistry. 5. The study of changes occurring in the nuclei of the atoms accompanied by emission of radiation called Nuclear chemistry 6. Industrial chemistry deals in different chemical process involved in manufacture of
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SCHEDULES DATES After every topic

Class room

Fill in the blanks

Page 92

synthetic product 7.The quantity of matter contained in a body called Mass 8.The space occupied by the body is Volume 9.Mass per unit volume is called density

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TOPICS LEARNING UNIT LU-2 Atoms and Molecules



Basic Characteristic of atoms. Valency Atomic mass Molecular mass

1. Atoms join together to form compounds and molecules 2. Atoms are the basic building block of matter. 3. Each electron has negative charge. 4. Each proton has positive charge 5.The nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons . 6. The power of an element to combine with other elements is known as Valency 7. The sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms present in a molecule is called Molecular mass 8. Atomic mass of an element

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expressed in gram is called Gram atomic mass. Substances that can not be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical reactions are called atoms. compounds. elements. molecules

LEARNING UNIT LU- 3 Chemical Reaction and chemical equation

TOPICS 1. Define chemical action. 2. Types of chemical reaction . Exothermic Endothermic reactions. 3. chemical Equation Parts of chemical Equation

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.A process in which one or more chemical substance react to form one or more substance is called chemical reaction ( T / F ) 2.Reactions in which heat is not evolved called Exothermic reaction (T/F) 3.Reactions in which heat is absorbed is called Endothermic reaction ( T / F )





Class room

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4. There are two parts of chemical equation ( T / F ) 5.The substance which reacts in chemical reaction are called products ( T / F ) 6. An equation in which the number of atoms of each element is the same on both side called Balance equation ( T / F ) . 7. energy needed for chemical reactions in the body is provided by the break down of : RNA DNA ATP( ) ADP

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TOPICS Define Acids General properties of acids Example of Acids Action of different indicators on acids Define Bases General properties of Bases Example of Bases Action of different indicators on Bases Define salts Kinds of salts Example of salts Neutralization Titration

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.Acids are : They have sour taste. They turn blue litmus red They give out Hydrogen gas when reacted with metals All of above ( ) 2.Which of the following are more acidic solution: pH 4 ( ) pH 5 pH 7 pH 14 3.All the acids are not soluble in water ( T/ F ) 4. Acids have a pH level below 7 ( T/F) 5. Which of the following statement is true concerning acids and bases: Acid & bases do not react with each other. Acid mixed with bases neutralizes each other ( )


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Acid mixed with bases make stronger bases. Acid mixed with bases make stronger acids 5. Bases are sometimes called alkali (T/F 6.NaOH and KOH are strong bases (T/F) 7. Salt is formed by the complete or incomplete replacement of the hydrogen ion of an acid by a basic radical

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Learning unit Lu -4 ACIDS, BASES & SALTS

Topics Define Acids General properties of acids Example of Acids Action of different indicators on acids Define Bases General properties of Bases Example of Bases Action of different indicators on Bases Define salts Kinds of salts Example of salts Neutralization Titration

Recommended formative assessment 8. A process in which an acids react completely with base to produce a salt and water is known as neutralization ( T / F ) 9. A titration measures the amount of a solution of known concentration required to react with a measured amount of a solution of unknown concentration. (T / F ) 10. The compound that is produced by any neutralization reaction is CO2. ( T/ F ) 11.The equivalence point in a titration is the point when the indicator changes color. ( T/ F )

Theorydays /hours

Learning place CLASS ROOM

Recommended methodology Fill in the blank True and false

Schedule dates After every topic

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TOPICS 1. Types of chemical bond 2. characteristic of covalent bond Ionic bond and Metallic bond Difference b/w covalent and ionic bond.

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.The attractive force which bonds atoms together is called a chemical bond ( T / F ) 2. Atoms can only forms chemical bond by either gaining or losing electron (T/F) 3.A hydrogen bond is stronger than ionic or covalent bond ( T / F) 4. Covalent bonds involving sharing electrons ( T / F ) 5. A triple bonds involves three and three electrons ( T/ F ) 6. Ionic compounds are generally solid at room temperature. ( T / F ) 7. A pure covalent compound conduct electricity (T / F ) 8. The ionic bonds are formed by the transference of electrons from one atom to another ( T / F ) 9. A covalent bond which is formed b/w similar atoms is called Polar bond ( T/ F )




SCHEDULED DATES After every topic

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TOPICS 1. Define Solution What is solute What is solvent Examples Saturated Solution Unsaturated Solution

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. In a solution , solute is a substance which is dissolved and solvent is the substance doing the dissolving ( T / F ) 2. An increase in particle size will increase the rate of solution of a solid in liquid ( T / F ) 3. A homogenous mixture of two or more substances is called solution 4. A saturated solution contains dissolved solute in equilibrium with un dissolved solute ( T / F )





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TOPICS Define Matter States of matter Characteristic of solid , Liquid Gases Plasma

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. When solid changes into liquid is called : Evaporation Vaporization ( ) Melting 2.When a solid changes directly into gas called: Sublimation Evaporation ( ) 3. When a liquid changes into solid called Melting Freezing ( ) Condensation 4. Which states hold its own shape Solid Liquid ( ) Gas 5.Liquid expand in all direction to take the shape of the container it is in ( T/ F ) 6.Which states of matter are not able to hold their own shape: Gases Liquid Liquid and Gases ( )


SCHEDULED DATES After every topic DULE

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Patient Sampling (Phlebotomy), Infection Control and Lab Safety


1. Acquaint self with the organization and function of the medical laboratory Learning objectives o Explain the function of a medical or clinical laboratory o Draw an organizational chart of a typical hospital laboratory o Describe the functions of the different levels of laboratory personnel o List the major departments and a test that would be performed in each department Competencies 2. Discuss the role and responsibilities of a Medical Laboratory Technician Learning objectives a. List personal qualities that are desirable in a medical laboratory professional b. Describe the educational requirements for medical technologists and medical laboratory technician c. Explain the relationship between the medical laboratory professional and the patient Document laboratory actions and clerical functions using medico-legal guidelines

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Competencies 3. Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to phlebotomy Learning objectives a. Identify normal anatomy and physiology of the veins and capillary. b. Demonstrate skill in selection of veins and recognizing problems. Competencies
3. Demonstrate proficiency in collecting blood specimens for laboratory testing.

Learning objectives What you will learn as you master the competency: a. Demonstrate blood specimen collection. b. Demonstrate obtaining blood cultures. c. Demonstrate the use of a Lancet or a Micro lance for a Micro draw or an Infant Heel Stick.

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Learning Units(LU) LU-1 INFECTION Introduction CONTROL of infection & control and LAB lab safety SAFETY Modules Learners Recommended Practicum Skill Work Duration Scheduled desired outcomes Methodology developed place dates Demonstration Student Define infection . Student should Lecture . Class 2.5 hrs. After every be able to of Lab safety should be room control & lab topic safety. understand the Multimedia Hazards and able to basic concept presentation. precautions know the Lab 2 hrs. Lab safety of infection use of control and Video gloves, Procedures. Presentation Lab safety apron, Use of Personal protocols along mask, with Lab hazards. protective Disposal of materials followed sharps, by the safety spilling , guide lines splash of chemicals Importance of Hand Washing . Student should Lecture , be able to know and Video understand the presentation importance and steps of hand washing in clinical lab Demonstration Student Class of procedure should be room of Hand able to washing perform Lab proper hand washing procedure 1 hrs. 7.5 hrs. After every topic Topics


HAND WASHING Steps of Hand washing

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Learners Recommende Practicum Skill Work Duration desired outcomes d developed place Methodology LU -3 Describe Learner should be Lecture Demonstration Student Class room 2 hrs Disposal of infectious and non able to understand of handling of should be Infectious infectious waste. the infectious and Multi media sharps, needle able to Lab 7.5 hrs. Infection waste and non infectious presentation, , syringes and perform control sharps Handling of waste. their safe handling of & lab safety sharps. . And also Video discarding sharps and know the presentation techniques. their Safe Handling of handling of disposal syringes sharps and (how to capped or their disposal. un capped the syringes.) Disposal of sharps, needles, syringes


Learning Units(LU)


Scheduled dates After every topic

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Learners Recommende Practicum Skill Work Duration desired outcomes d developed place Methodology LU-4 1.Introduction of The leaner should . Lecture Demonstration The learner Class room 2 hrs. Phlebotomy Phlebotomy. be able to a. Visual of Physical should be Phlebotomy (Patient understand : Presentation techniques & able to Lab 2 hrs. Venipuncture identify the sampling) Cappillary . The role of Good phlebotomist in communicatin site for puncture. clinical lab. g skills with blood the patient. drawing & 2.Pschyology of also Blood Drawing. a. the different develop methods of blood good drawing. communica ting skills with the patient during the procedure.


Learning Units(LU)


Scheduled dates After every topic

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Learning Topics Learners Recommended Units(LU) desired outcomes Methodology LU- 5 1. General Lecture , . Learner Introduction of requirements of should be able presentation, materials materials during to know the video requirement of presentation phlebotomy. materials in 2. Use of blood drawing procedure & syringes , use of needles, syringes, vacutainer etc needles , multiple vacutainer , butterfly wings etc. LU- 6 1. Define blood , . The learner Lecture Anticoagulants serum , plasma. should be able Multimedia to differentiate presentation b/w the 2. different color Anticoagulants top tube and its usage. & its role. 3. Use of different color top tube.

Skill Work Duration scheduled developed place dates Demonstration Learner Class 2 hrs. After every of materials should be room topic require in able to blood understand Lab 5 hrs. collection. the use of Identify & material usage of during blood different collection syringes, and also multiple identify usage of diff vacutainer, syringes, Butterfly vacutainer, needle. butterfly. Identification of different color top tube with its respective anticoagulant and usage. A student Class should be room able to identify Lab different anticoagulan t tubes & its usage 2 hrs. 3 hrs. After every topic.


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Learning Topics Learners Recommended Practicum Skill Work Duration scheduled Units(LU) desired outcomes Methodology developed place dates 1. General . The learner Lecture Demonstration Student Class room 2.5 hrs. After every LU- 7 preparation. should be able Video of blood should be topic to know the presentation drawing by both able to Lab 30 hrs. Procedure of Blood drawing 2. Performing procedure of methods: perform the venipuncture both methods Venipuncture. phlebotom step by step. of blood y Capillary drawing very puncture. independen 3. Performing clearly step by tly. the capillary step. puncture. LU- 8 Sources of error during drawing procedure. 1. Identification The student should be able to of patient. know the sources 2. Quantity of of error occur blood during phlebotomy. 3. Labelling error 4. Skin reaction ( Hematoma, Petechia) 5. Recollection of Blood sample Lecture . Multimedia presentation. Video Presentation .Demonstration Phlebotomi Class room 4 hrs. of Sources of st should Error. know the Lab 15 hrs. sources of error in case of improper blood drawing. After every topic.

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Learning Units(LU)


Learners desired outcomes

Recommended Methodology


Skill developed

Work place

Duration scheduled dates After every topic

The phlebotomi .Performance st should be Lab able to evaluation collect a checklist. (Procedure , quality blood Purpose, specimen objective , following Equipment, bio safety Safety Precautions.) guide line


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Learning unit Topics Recommended formative assessment Theory days/hours Learning place Class room Recommended Methodology True & False Schedule dates After every module

LU-1 Define 1.Routine precaution of daily practice Introduction of infection (hand washing Personal protective , infection control & lab cleaning of equipment) will reduce the control and lab safety. transmission of infections.(T/F) safety 2.Gowns & gloves should not worn in Lab safety common areas such as nursing stations , Procedures. eating area etc ( T/F) 3.The use of gloves is an effective Use of substitute for hand washing (T/F ) Personal 4. In a hospital routine precautions are protective responsibility of doctors and nurses only materials (T/F) followed by 5. Mask and goggles must worn for care the safety activities such as care of patient who guide lines have a cough or vomiting ( T/F) 6. The objective of routine precaution is to prevent the spread of infection within hospital From Patient to Patient From patient to staff From staff to patient From Staff to staff All of above

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7.Using the principle of dirty to clean one should remove protective equipment in the following order: Mask/gown/goggles/gloves Gloves ,gown , goggles, mask (T) Gown, mask, goggles , gloves Goggles, mask, gloves , gown 8. Handwashing is the most preventive method to prevent the spread of infection ( T/ F) 9. Disinfection kills all orgs ( T/ F ) 10.The majority of cold germs are spread through hand to hand contact (T / F )

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Learning unit LU-2

Topics Importance of Hand Washing

Hand Washing Steps of Hand washing

Recommended formative assessment 1. The use of gloves is an effective substitute for hand washing ( T/ F ) 2. You must wash your hands after removing your mask ( T/ F ) 3. Alcohol based hand rinse SHOULD NOT be used Prior to patient contact If the finger nails are chipped If the patient has respiratory infection If hands are visibily dirty ( T ) 4. Hand washing removes germs picked up at work ( T /F) 5.After washing hands & rinsing well turn off taps with your hands ( T/F )

Theory days/hours

Learning place Class room

Recommended Methodology True & False

Schedule dates After every module

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6.The most imp procedure for the prevention of infection from germs & viruses is Wearing gloves Properly bagging used linen Effective hand washing Wearing protective eye wear 7.The following statement is true about effective hand washing: Keep elbow lower than hand when washing & rinsing. Use friction to clean B/w fingers , palms,nail bed , back of hands & wrist ( Wash for 30 Sec Use a paper towel to turn off light switch. 8. How many germs are there on hand at any given time 5000 ( ) 50,000 500

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Learning unit


Recommended formative assessment

Theory days/hours

Learning place

Recommended Methodology

Schedule dates

LU -3 Describe infectious Disposal of and non infectious Infectious waste waste. and sharps Handling of sharps. Safe Handling of syringes (how to capped or un capped the syringes.) Disposal of sharps, needles, syringes

Class room True and false 1. Most sharps injuries are as result of carelessness in handling or in disposal ( T/F ) 2. The most effective method of reducing needle stick injury has been the use of self blunting type devices (T/ F) 3. Sharps or needles should be discarded in Sharp containers ( T/ F) 4. Needle should not bend , recapped , or remove from syringes T/ F) 5. Infectious waste do not require to labeled biohazard or color code ( T/ F)

After every module

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Learning unit


Recommended formative assessment

Theory days/hours

Learning place

Recommended Methodology

Schedule dates

LU-4 Phlebotomy (Patient sampling)

1.Introduction of 1. Actual and reliable lab Phlebotomy. test depend upon having quality blood specimens (T/ Venipuncture Cappillary puncture. F) 2.Pschyology of Blood 2. If only few drops of blood required, the sample Drawing. can be collected by venipuncture ( T/ F) 3. Blood drawing can be done by two methods ( T / F) 4. Venipucture is used when large amount of blood needed for the test ( T /F ) 5. Capillary method is used when small amount of blood is required for the test ( T / F ) 6. Good communication skill is not necessary for phlebotomy ( T / F )

Class room True and false Fill in the blanks

After every module

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7. The person who obtain blood from the patient in lab is called Phlebotomist 8. Always wear gloves during blood drawing procedure 9. The ring finger of a child / adult use for the capillary method 10. Do not use thumb or index finger for capillary method as these are most sensitive ( T / F )

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Learning unit


Recommended formative assessment 1.Lancets, needle , & syringes must be sterile & dry .

Theory days/hours

LU- 5 1. General Introduction of requirements of materials materials during phlebotomy.

Learning Recommended place methodology Class room True and false Fill in the blanks

Schedule dates After every module

2. The vaccum tube system 2. Use of syringes , needles, vacutainer etc consist of four parts ( T / F ) 3.Multiple sample needles used when more than one tube of blood from a patient . (T/F) 4. The color of the vacuum tube stopper indicates the additives in the tube . ( T / F) 5. The opening through the center of the needle shaft is called the gauge . 6. The guage of the needle used for the venipunture is usually 20- 22 gauge .

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Learning Unit LU- 6 Anticoagulants

Recommended formative assessment 1. Define blood , 1. Which of the following serum , plasma. statements is true concerning human blood : The blood of all 2. Anticoagulants & normal human its role. contains Red & white cells , Platelet , 3. Use of different Plasma. ( ) color top tube. Some human beings normally lack the ability to produce plasma . Proteins are not a normal components of human blood . 2. Erythrocyte is another name for. 1. Red cell . ( ) 2. White cell 3. Platelet 3.Which of the following blood components provide the major defense against invading bacteria and viruses 4. Red cell . 5. White cell( ) 6. Platelet


Theory days/hours

Learning Recommended methodology place Class room True and false Fill in the blanks

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4. The relatively clear liquid medium which carries the other cell of blood is called 7. Lipid . 8. Plasma( ) 9. Antibody. 5.Which of the following are likely to increase in number when bacteria attack the body 10. Erythocytes 11. leukocytes( ) 12. thrombocytes 6. Green top tubes contain sodium or lithium heparin used in chemistry ( T/ F ) 7. Red color tube does not contain a anticoagulant ( T/ F) 8. Which of the following will be used when a serum sample is required 1. EDTA 2. Heparin 3. Sodium Citrate 4. Clot activator ( )

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LEARNING UNIT LU- 6 Anticoagulants

TOPICS 1. Define blood , serum , plasma. 2. Anticoagulants & its role. 3. Use of different color top tube.

RECOMMENDED THEORY FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT DAYS/HOURS 9. which of the following samples will be utilized for plasma electrolytes? 0. 1. 2. 3. EDTA Heparin ( ) Sodium Citrate Clot activator


10. All of the following test can be performed on an EDTA SAMPLE Except 1. White blood cell count 2. ESR 3. Differential 4. Glucose ( )

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Learning unit LU- 7 Procedure of Blood drawing

Topics 1. General preparation. 2. Performing the venipuncture step by step. 3. Performing the capillary puncture.

Recommended formative assessment 1. Which of the following collection methods will result in the BEST SAMPLE for analysis by the laboratory: 1. Syringe and butterfly 0. Vaccum collection system () 2. Cappillary puncture on finger 3. Capillary puncture 2. Which of the following identifiers would be appropriately accurately identify the patient: 1. Patient name and identification number. ( ) 2. Patient name and room number 3. Physicians name and room number 4. Patient and physicians name.

Theory days/hours

Learning place Class room

Recommended Methodology True and false

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3.If you cannot locate the vein within one minute , release the tourniquet and allow blood to flow freely for 1 2 min before tightening the tourniquet again ( T /F) 4. Never tell a patient that drawing blood will hurt ( T / F) 5.Which of the following is the correct way to finish up a venipuncture procedure: 1. Release tourniquet , remove needle, apply pressure,Release tube from holder. 2. Release tube from holder , release tourniquet, remove needle, apply pressure. 3. Remove tourniquet, release tube from holder, remove needle, apply pressure. ( ) 4. Release tourniquet , remove needle, release tube from holder , apply pressure.

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Recommended formative assessment LU- 8 1. Identification of patient. 1. Leakage of blood into the tissues due to the needle partially being Sources of error 2. Quantity of blood inserted into a vein will result during drawing 1. Hemoconcentration procedure. 3. Labelling error 2. Lymphostasis 3. Infection. 4. Skin reaction ( 4. Hematoma ( ) Hematoma, Petechia) 2. If left the tourniquet more than the recommended time period 5. Recollection of Blood which of the following analytes will be falsely increased in the blood: sample 1. Sodium 2. Potassium ( ) 3. Glucose 4. LDH. 3. Hemoconcentration is / may be due to Having patient pump fist repeatedly( ) Releasing tourniquet after 1 min Cleansing site with alcohol Drawing from medial cubical vein 4 Proper labeling on sample is essential requirement (T/ F ) 5. Multiple pricks indicates good practice of blood drawing ( T / F )

Learning unit


Theory days/hours

Learning place Class room

Recommended Methodology True and false Fill in the blanks

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HGC - 018
Name of course:

Applied Computer Skill - I

HGC-018 Applied Computer Skills


Overall objective of course: This survey course provides students with an overview of computer technology topics Hardware, software, networking, Internet, data management, system design, ethical issues, mobile computing, programming, and careers in computer technology. It is designed as a first course for students pursuing a degree in the computer field Competencies gained after completion of course: This course will develop students knowledge of: a. Technical terminology related to computers, electronic communications, and applications software. b. Electronic systems, communications networks, and applications in use today. c. The societal impact of Information Systems. d. The functions of an operating system, including allocating system resources, and media and file management. e. Control structures and development issues associated with computer programming. f. Bibliographic resources to identify and synthesize current information.

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Modules Module 1: Introducti on to computer Science Learning Topics Units(LU) LU1 Introduction Learners desired outcomes Use correct terminology associated with information Technology Recommended Methodology Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Practicum Skill developed Students should able to the importance of Information technology in Education Work place Online Classrooms, Lab Duration 1 Hr schedul ed dates After every topic


Describe an Information System using examples from business, education, and personal use History of Students able to Online Lecture. Computer know the brief Science history of Multimedia information presentation. 1. Abbacus technology 2. Generation Video 0f Computers Demonstration 3. Languages CPU and Memory Define CPU in terms of manufacturer, model number, speed, maximum addressable Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Activity: Students will prepare a research document

1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week

Module 2: Introducti on of Hardware


Students should be able to understand the history and Background of Computer Science Students able to know structure of CPU and importance

Online Classrooms Lab

1 Hr

After every topic

1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week 2 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week Page 126 After every topic

Online Classrooms Lab

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RAM, and bus size


of Memory on the Importance of CPU.


Data storage device

Use correct terminology associated with information processing & Data storage Compare input and output devices found with a variety of PCs sub-notebooks, notebooks, laptops, desktops, and etc List and describe classes of software available for use today

Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Demonstration Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Demonstration Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Demonstration Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation.

Activity: Students will work on Microsoft Access Activity: Students will gather the list of I/O devices


Input/output device

Students able to understand the data processing and storage devices Students able to understand the input and output devices Students will able to understand the softwares and its applications Students able to understand the OS and types of

Online Classrooms Lab Online Classrooms Lab Online Classrooms Lab Online Classrooms Lab

1 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week 1 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week 2 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week 3 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Page 127

After every topic

After every topic

Module 3: Introducti on to Software


Standard & Application Softwares

After every topic

Module 4: Operating Systems


What is Operating Systems: Standards OS Windows

Identify common elements in a graphical user interface. Compare and

After every topic

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Linux Macintosh

Module 5: Networks


Network basic Network Standards Section of Networks The Internet and the World Wide Web & Web Page

contrast operating systems to include graphical user interface and nongraphical user interface environments. Identify media, hardware, software, and procedural components linking networks systems Evaluate options for connecting to the Internet. Send e-mail, and identify resources available on the Web. Discuss current ethical issues from personal, business, and education perspectives. Describe how spreadsheet packages are used in a variety of settings.

Video Demonstration

Operating Systems


Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Demonstration Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Demonstration Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Demonstration


Module 6: LU10 Informatio n Systems in Education

Introduction to Education Application

Students able to understand the Networks and types of networks Students able to understand the Internet and Communica tion System Students able to understand the education application and their structures i.e. LMS

Online Classrooms Lab Online Classrooms Lab Online Classrooms Lab

2 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week 2 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week 2 Hr

After every topic

After every topic

After every topic

1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week

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Module 7: Database


Introduction to database Productivity Software -Spreadsheets Databases

Describe how presentation graphics packages are used in a variety of settings. List the advantages and disadvantages of database systems. List the advantages and disadvantages of database systems. Develop strategies necessary to retrieve electronically published articles.

Online Lecture. Multimedia presentation. Video Demonstration

Students able to understand the Database and types of database.

Online Classrooms Lab

1 Hr 1 Hr/Day For 4 Day/week

After every topic

Practicum: Students will work on the Microsoft Offices (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access) and Adobe Photoshop as practicum 1 Hour for 4 days a week.

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Learning Units LU1 Introduction to computer Science Theory Workplace Days/hours Days/hours Module 1 Online Class Recommended formative assessment Exmaple Recommended Scheduled dates methodology Multiple Choice After every module Questions Best Choice Questions Viva Multiple Choice After every module Questions Best Choice Questions Viva


Module 1

Online Class

MCQs 1. CD-ROM stands for ________ a. Compactable Read Only Memory b. Compact Data Read Only Memory c. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory 2. VGA is a. Video Graphics Array b. Visual Graphics Array c. Volatile Graphics Array d. Video Graphics Adapter 3. IBM 1401 is _____________ a. First Generation Computer b. Second Generation Computer c. Third Generation Computer d. Fourth Generation Computer

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4. WAN stands for a. Wap Area Network b. Wide Area Network c. Wide Array Net d. Wireless Area Network 5. Chief component of first generation computer was a. Transistors b. Vacuum Tubes and Valves c. Integrated Circuits d. None of above

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HGC - 015
Summary: Modules

Islamic Studies
Learning Units(LU) NA Topics . Introduction . Course outlines . Method and procedure regarding classes . Assessment criteria

Learners should be able to achieve these Outcomes a. Clear understanding regarding their input to the subject Theory Days/hours 01 hr. Workplace Days/hours NA Credits NA

MODULE 1 (Orientation)

01 hr.

MODULE 2 (Semester 1)

Learning Unit 1

1.Preservation of the Holy Quran

By the end of the lesson students should be able to, 1. Outline the main stages of compilation of the

04 hours

2. Preservation of the Quran Ahadith of the Holy 2. Outline the main stages of compilation of Hadith Prophet(s.a.w.) 3. Reasons to why both were preserved 3.Selection from the 4. Importance of their preservation Holy Quran 5. Quranic concept about the world and its nature 6. Relationship of man with this world 4. Selection from the 7. Teachings of the Holy Prophet(s.a.w.) to Hadith of the Holy understand his status Prophet (s.a.w.)

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Learning Unit 2

1.Rights of Allah and - The different kinds of rights and then the Rights of His creation: expected duties towards others - basic demands of belief Theory & Practice 2.Companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) 3.Stories of the Prophets Ibrahim(a.s.), Yousaf(a.s) and Isa (a.s.)

04 hour

- Main lessons from the lives of the Prophets (a.s.) - Importance of the Muslim contribution to the science

4.Muslims contribution to science

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Learning Units 3

1.Relation with non Muslims

- Main teachings of Islam regarding behaving

04 hours

towards other religions - Limitations and restrictions with permissions 2.Freedom of thought granted in Islam in few aspects of life and living in Islamic - Brief introduction of Islamic world and its importance perspective - Identify some benefits which other can get from 3.Muslim world : Past us as individuals and future 4.Merits of serving humanity in Islam

Learning Unit 4

1.Modern issues in medical science and the Islamic point of view

Know the principles to apply them on newly born issues in medical science 04 hours Know the basic teachings with importance 1 hour/week of the pillars of Islam 4 days/month

2.Pillars of Islam

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Semester Plan:
Unit 1

week: 01 Topics 1. Introduction

2. Moral teachings of the Holy Quran

week: 02 Moral teachings of the

Holy Prophet(S.A.W)

week: 03 Health and disease ,an Islamic framework

week: 04 Nursing in the Islamic history

Lecture Notes and reading material Tests

Will be given during the class

Will be given during the class

Will be given during the class Quiz/Writt

Will be given during the class Quiz

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Unit 2

week: 05 Topics
Preservation of the Revelations

week: 06

week: 07

week: 08

Nursing and the rights 1.Nursing and the rights of fellow Contemporary issues in the modern Medical science and beings (Huquq ul Ibad) of fellow beings Religious Views (Huquq ul Ibad)

Lecture Notes and reading material Tests Unit 3

Will be given during the class

Will be given during the class

Will be given during the class

Will be given during the class

Unit 1 test


Students presentations

week: 09 Topics Reason and revelation

week: 10
Faith and practice: an analytical approach

week: 11 Relations with Non Muslims (teachings and practice)

week: 12
Nursing profession and Modesty

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Lecture Notes and reading material

Will be provided in the class

Will be provided in the class

Will be provided in the class

Will be provided in the class


Mid term exam


Unit 4 week: 13 Topics

Pillars of Islam :significance in the practical life

week: 14
1.Muslims contribution in the Medical field 2.Pillars of Islam: Description and Significance

week: 15
1.Social norms and the Nursing 2. Selected supplications

week: 16 End of Term exam

Lecture Notes and reading material Tests

Will benProvided Before Lecture

Will be Provided Before Lecture Final Term exam

Unit 4 test

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HGC - 017
Course Name: Rationale

English - I


Students level of understanding, and analytical skills should be enhanced. They will be able to communicate in English in a better way. Aim To provide opportunities for students to enhance their comprehension, grammar, listening, speaking and writing skills. Objectives The main objectives of this course are; Students will be able to comprehend English. They will be able to converse in English in a better way. Students will be able to write different reports in their required field.

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Modules Module 1 (orientation course) Module 2 (1st semester) Module 3 (2nd semester) Module 2 (1st semester) 1. Communicat ion Skills 1. Introduction to communication skills. 2. Types of effective communication 3. Techniques of effective communication. 1. Learn about the needs of effective communication. 2. Learn about the importance of effective communication. 3. Learn about different types of effective communication. 4. Learn / understand about the various techniques of effective communication. 5. Apply their knowledge in different situation. Learning Units(LU) Topics Learners should be able to achieve these Outcomes Theory Days/hours Workplace Days/hours

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Module 2 (1st semester)


1. Vowel & Consonants 2. Forms of Sentences 3. Compound Sentences 4. Preposition 5. The Present Tenses (2hrs) 6. The Past Tenses (2hrs) 7. Future + Revision (2hrs)

By the end of the lesson students should be able to, 1. Differentiate between Vowel & Consonants sounds. 2. Explain different forms of sentences. 3. Complete the given exercises with the help of Conjunctions. 4. Use correct preposition in the given sentences. 5. Recall the basic rules of present tenses. Convert the given sentences from one tense to other. 6. Revise the rules of past tenses. Use the past tense in its correct context. 7. Learn the rules of future tense. Revise all the tenses. Convert one tense to another. 8. Learn about all the 7 punctuation makes. Use them correctly in the given exercises. 9. Differentiate between different parts of speech. Use them correctly in the given exercises. 10. Write the correct verb according to its subject. 11. Differentiate between prefix suffix & root words. Complete the given exercises about prefix, suffix & root words.


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Module 2 (1st semester)

3.Comprehensio n

1. Comprehension passages from the given in books. 2. English grammar & composition by Wren & Martin. 3. Junior English Grammar. 4. http://www.teach tv/printables/087 6281420121.ptf 1. Paragraph writing 2. Essay writing

1. Comprehend the given passages. 2. Revise the given passage. 3. Answer the given questions. (Oral & Written) 4. Search the past tense from the passage. 5. Rewrite the given passage in their own words.


Module 2 (1st semester)


1. Write a paragraph/essay on the given topic. 2. Differentiate between paragraph and essay writing. 3. Use different grammar components in each given topics. 4. Differentiate between essay.


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Lesson Plan
LU Topic Duration depends on previous knowledge 1 LESSION (60 MINTS) 60 min Learning outcomes After completing this topic, the learner should be able to: 1. Learn about the needs of effective communication. 2. Learn about the importance of effective communication. 3. Apply their knowledge in different situation. 1. Learn about the needs of effective communication. 2. Learn about the importance of effective communication. 3. Apply their knowledge in different situation. Materials required NOTE: Participants should have their own workbooks and pens 1. Online presentation Learning place

LU 1. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Introduction to communication skills.

Learning Management System (LMS)

LU 2. COMMUNICATION SKILLS (CONTINUED) Introduction to communication skills.

1 LESSION (60 MINTS) 60 min

1. Online presentation Learning Management System (LMS)

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1 LESSION (60 MINTS) Types of effective communication Vowels and Consonants 20 min 40 min

1. Learn about the importance of effective communication. 2. Learn about different types of effective communication. 3. Apply their knowledge in different situation. 4. Differentiate between Vowel & Consonants sounds.

1. 1. 2. 2.

Learning Online presentation Management Work sheets System (LMS) White board Text book (English Grammar and composition by Wren & Martin)


1 LESSION (60 MINTS) Techniques of effective communication Comprehension 30 min 30 min

1. Learn / understand Online presentation about the various Work sheets techniques of White board effective communication. 2. Apply their knowledge in different situation. 3. Comprehend the given passages. 4. Revise the given passage.

Learning Management System (LMS)

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5. Answer the given questions. (Oral & Written) LU 5. COMPREHENSION & GRAMMAR Comprehension Forms And Sentences 1 LESSION (60 min) 20 min 40 min 1. Use different grammatical components in given topic. 2. Comprehend the given passages. 3. Revise the given passage. 4. Answer the given questions. (Oral & Written) 1. Write a paragraph on the given topic. 1. Work Sheets 2. White Board 3. Oral presentation Learning Management System (LMS)


1 LESSION (60 min) 60 min 1 LESSION (60 min) Paragraph writing Compound sentences 40 min 20 min

Learning Management System (LMS)

1. Write a paragraph on the given topic. 2. Demonstrate different forms of sentences. 3. Differentiate between simple

Learning Management System (LMS)

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and compound sentences. LU 8. & COMPREHENSION Comprehension 1 LESSION (60 min) 60 min 4. Comprehend the given passages. 5. Revise the given passage. 6. Answer the given questions. (Oral & Written). 1. Work Sheets 2. White Board 3. Oral Presentation Learning Management System (LMS)

LU 9. COMPOSITION Essay Writing

1 LESSION (60 min) 60 min

1. Differentiate between paragraph and essay writing. 2. Write essay on given topics. 1. Differentiate between paragraph and essay writing. 2. Write essay on given topics. 3. Use correct preposition in the sentences. 4. Use different

1. Work Sheets 2. White Board 3. Online Presentation

Learning Management System (LMS)


1 LESSION (60 min) Essay Writing Preposition 30 min 30 min

1. Work Sheets 2. White Board 3. Online Presentation

Learning Management System (LMS)

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grammatical components in given topics. LU 11. GRAMMAR The Present Tense 60 min 1 LESSION (60 min) 1. Revise the rules of Present Tenses. 2. Use the Present tense in its correct context. 1. Work Sheet 2. A-V Presentation 3. PowerPoint Presentation. Learning Management System (LMS)

LU 12. GRAMMAR The Past Tense LU 13. GRAMMAR The Future Tense LU 14. GRAMMAR Revision Exercise of Different Tenses

1 LESSION (60 min) 60 min 1 LESSION (60 min) 60 min 1 LESSION (60 min) 60 min

1. Revise the rules of Past Tenses. 2. Use the Past tense in its correct context. 1. Revise the rules of Future Tenses. 2. Use the Future tense in its correct context. 1. Demonstrate the rules of all the tenses for enhancement in the communication skills.

1. Work Sheet 2. A-V Presentation 3. PowerPoint Presentation. 1. Work Sheet 2. White Board 3. Revision work Sheet (Online)

Learning Management System (LMS)

Learning Management System (LMS)

1. Work Sheet 2. White Board 3. Revision work Sheet (Online)

Learning Management System (LMS)

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LU 15. COMPREHENSION Comprehension LU 16. COMPOSITION Essay Writing

1 LESSION (60 min)

60 min 1 LESSION (60 Min) 60 min

1. Comprehend the given passages. 2. Revise the given passage. 3. Answer the given questions. (Oral & Written) 1. Differentiate between paragraph and essay writing 2. Write essay on given topics. 1. Learn about the needs of effective communication. 2. Learn about the importance of effective communication. 3. Learn about different types of effective communication. 4. Learn / understand about the various techniques of effective

4. Work sheet 5. Website (Online Comprehension)

Learning Management System (LMS)

1. Work Sheet 2. White Board 3. Online Presentation

Learning Management System (LMS)

LU 17 COMMUNICATION SKILLS & COMPREHENSION Online Comprehension Communication skills

1 LESSION (60 min) 30 min 30 min

1. Work Sheet 1. White Board

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communication. 5. Apply their knowledge in different situation. LU 18. COMPREHENSION Revision (Online Comprehension + tenses ) 1 LESSION (60 min) 60 min 1. Work Sheets 2. White Board 3. Online Comprehension 4. Work Sheet (Revision) Learning Management System (LMS)

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Learning Units LEARNING UNIT 1 Communication Skills Theory hours Workplace Days Recommended formative assessment A. True/False statements: - There are only three channels for interpersonal communication. T/F - Avoiding of argument is a part of effective communication technique. T/F - Communication Skills are important in our daily life. T/F - Body language is a part of effective Communication. T/F - It is easy to acquire communication Skills. T/F B. MCQs i) There are ------- types of communication skills. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 i) The responding step of listening: 1. is the result of remembering. 2. is nonverbal. 3. is verbal. 4. can be verbal or nonverbal Recommended methodology LU 1:QUIZ (MCQS) LU1: ASSIGNMENT LU1: PRESENTATION LU 2: EXERCISE LU1: QUIZ LU3:ASSIGNMEN T LU2: EXERCISE LU3: ASSIGNMENT LU4: ASSIGNMENT LU2: EXERSISE LU 4: ASSIGNMENT LU3: EXCERSISE Week 11 Scheduled dates Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

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2. Logic and reasoning are key to 1. message understanding 2. receiving a message 3. responding to as message 4. critical listening 3. Which of the three components are parts of the human communication process? 1. Message, recording, feedback 2. Noise, feedback, jargon 3. Message, noise, feedback 4. Feedback, message, critiquing


Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16


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How many sounds are there in English language? a. 44 b. 26 c. 42 There are form of sentences a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 There are main tenses. a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 In future tense use __ a. Will b. Are c. Had The sample present tense is used to ____ a. Express a habitual action and general truth. b. Express a general truth. c. Express a habitual action. d. Non of these There aren't ___________ people here. 1. Much 2. Many 3. a lot 4. some

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You should ___________ your homework. 1. Make 2. Do 3. Work 4. Give LU 3: COMPREHENSION 1. Rewrite the given passage in your own words. 2. Answer the MCQs from the given Passage. 3. Answer the given questions from the comprehension passage. 1. Write the Paragraph/Essay on the given topic.


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Blood Banking Physiology and Body Fluids


1. Conduct routine urine analysis Learning objectives 1- State the clinical usefulness of performing a routine urinalysis 2- Discuss the collection storage of urine specimens. 3- Discuss the underlying principle limitation and clinical significance of reassuring volume output and specific gravity 4- Discuss the underlying principle limitation and clinical significance of urine protein pH nitrite , glucose , glucoside esterase blood bilrubin, urobiliogen , and ketone 5- Identify the common and pathological sediments found in urine 6- State the common and pathological types of urinary calculi 7- Develop a flow chart for the analysis of urinary calculi Competencies 2- Conduct routine test for water, electrolytes and acid base balance. Learning Objectives a. Determine electrolytes sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium.

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b. Calculate anion gap c. Calculate osmolarity d. Apply the principles of safe laboratory practice.

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Learning Units(LU) LU-1 Introduction BLOOD to Blood BANKING banking and & BLOOD its services TRANSFUSION SERVICES Modules Learners Recommended desired outcomes Methodology . Learner should be able Lecture , 1. Background of to understand Multi media blood banking the basic Presentation, 2. Importance of concept & blood bank. importance of Video 3. definitions blood bank presentation related to blood blank ( Donor, Recipient, Transfusion services, Urticarial reaction, Unit of blood ) 4. Donor Selection & informed consent Topics Practicum Demonstrate the obtaining donor history procedure ACTIVITY: Obtain donor history Work Duration Scheduled place dates After every Learner Class topic 04 hr should be room able to understand Lab 02 & fill the medical history form for donor selection. Skill developed

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Learning Units(LU)


Learners Recommended Practicum Skill desired outcomes Methodology developed Learner should be able to know the ways to protect from risk Lecture Multi media presentation Video presentation


Describe the risk factors in blood bank for health worker

ACTIVITY : Rotation in Learner Blood bank should be Lab able to identify risk factor in blood bank Practicum Skill developed

Duration Scheduled dates After every topic Class room 02hr 04hrs

Work place


Learning Units(LU) LU- 3


Learners Recommended desired outcomes Methodology

Work place


Scheduled dates After every topic

Describe the basic Lecture requirements of blood storage BLOOD Student should be Presentation Blood BANKING & storage and able to know basic Describe the BLOOD mechanism of transport TRANStransport storage and mechanism of FUSION transport of blood blood bag SERVICES

By ACTIVITY : observatio n Class room 03 hr. Rotation in Learner Blood Bank should be Lab able to understand the 05 hr. mechanis m of storage and transport of blood bag

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LU- 4

Maintaining blood donor record

Blood donor Blood donor record record

Student should be able Lecture to know the requirements of blood donor record keeping.

ACTIVITY: Learner Class room Demonstratio should be 03 hr. n of able to fill Lab procedure of the record record book and keeping of preparatio 05 hr. blood n of blood donor card donation And preparation of blood donor card.

After every topic

Learners Recommende Practicum Skill Work Duration desired outcomes d developed place Methodology LU-5 Learner Lecture Demonstration Student Class room 02 hr. should be able Blood Describe the steps of blood should be BLOOD collection of blood collection to understand Multimedia collection Lab 10 hr. able to BANKING procedure of procedure of the procedure presentation procedure perform donor in details & BLOOD donor of blood from donor . blood TRANScollection Video collection FUSION presentation procedure SERVICES


Learning Units(LU)


Scheduled dates After every topic

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Learning Units(LU)

LU-6 BLOOD BANKING & BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICES Screening blood for transfusion transmitted infections

Learners Recommende Practicum desired outcomes d Methodology Learner should Lecture 1.Testing Donor be able to Blood identify Multimedia ACTIVITY: the presentation Serological different Perform ABO ly to confirm blood Video & Rh blood the ABO & Rh group and presentation group . gp of the also able to know donated blood Prepare chart about the . for transfusion transfusion Transmission Screening infection transmissib for transfusion le infection transmitted infection. (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis,Malaria


Skill developed

Work place

Duration Scheduled dates After every topic.

Class room 02 hr. Lab Student should be able to perform ABO & Rh blood grouping & preparation of screening chart 04 hr.

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Learners Recommended Practicum Skill Work Duration desired Methodology developed place outcomes LU-7 . Describe Learner should Student 01 hr Pre transfusion compatibility be able to Demonstration should be Class room BLOOD testing & cross testing understand the Lecture of Cross match able to BANKING match between basic concept of Multimedia perform Lab 04 hr & BLOOD samples of compatibility & presentation and TRANSdonor blood non interpret FUSION with the compatibility the results SERVICES a. recipients b/w donor of cross blood recipient blood match LU- 8 Issuance of blood bag. Describe the Learner should procedure of be able to know Lecture. blood issuance. the steps of blood issuance procedure Class room 01 hr Student 02 hr Prepare should be Lab checklist of able to blood issuance identify the procedure. steps of blood issuance. ACTIVITY :


Learning Units(LU)


scheduled dates After every topic

After every topic

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LEARNING UNIT LU-1 Introduction to Blood banking and its services TOPICS RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT
1.Blood Bank and transfusion services collect, process , store & provide human blood for Transfusion 2. Staff working in blood bank do not at risk of accidental injury ( T / F ) 3. To protect themselves , staff need to know Importance of hand washing Use of gloves Use of personal protective equipment All of above ( ) 4. Person whose blood is collected for transfusion called Donor 5. Sterile plastic bag in which a fixed volume of blood is collected in asuitable amount of anticoagulant called unit of blood . 6. Potential donors should be atleast 17 yrs old ( T / F )


SCHEDULE DATES After every topic

1. Background of blood banking 2. Importance of blood bank. 3. definitions related to blood blank ( Donor, Recipient, Transfusion services, Urticarial reaction, Unit of blood ) 4. Donor Selection & informed consent

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LEARNING UNIT LU-2 Protecting Health care workers.


RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. Proper disposal of sharps reduces the sharp injuries ( T/ F ) 2. For blood bank staff there is no need of personal protective precaution (T/F) 3. Reactive or positive screening bag should be dispose off properly ( T / F ) 4. Decontaminate all working area to prevent from the infection ( T/ F )


SCHEDULE DATES After every module

Describe the risk factors in blood bank for health worker

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LEARNING UNIT LU- 3 Blood storage and transport

TOPICS Describe the basic requirements of blood storage Describe the transport mechanism of blood bag

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. The viability of blood cells in blood for up to 28 35 days when stored at 2 8 O C. ( T / F ). 2. the label on the blood pack should mention the expiry date ( T/ F) 3. Store food or drink in refrigerator using for blood bag storage. ( T / F ) 4. Avoid unnecessary opening of refrigerator use for blood storage purpose. ( T / F ) 5. Blood bags can be store in freezer. ( T / F ) 6. Blood packs should be stored upright to allow for the separation of plasma and red cells ( T / F ) 7. To transport blood always use a cool insulated box with sufficient freezer packs. ( T / F ) 8. It is not necessary to maintain record after issuance of blood packs ( T / F )





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LEARNING UNIT LU- 4 Blood donor record

TOPICS Maintaining blood donor record Blood donor record

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.It is the responsibility of the staff to maintain proper blood donor record. ( T / F ) 2. Written consent is not necessary for donor. ( T / F ) 3. Relevant medical history is require before procedure of blood donation.( T / F )


SCHEDULE DATES After every topic

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TOPICS LEARNING UNIT LU-5 Blood collection procedure of donor

Describe the steps of blood collection procedure of donor in details

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE THEORY LEARNING ASSESSMENT DAYS PLACE /HOURS 1. Blood collection set consisting of a sterile plastic bag with anticoagulant ,IV tubing and large gauge 18 or 19 needle ( T / F ) 2. It is not necessary to fill complete history form of Donor before starting the procedure ( T / F ) 3. Health check of Donor include: Basic physical examination Weight of the person Temperature Blood pressure Pulse rate All of above ( ) 4. A donor must be left un attended when donating blood ( T / F ) 5. Raise the pressure b/w 60 80 mm Hg to enable the veins to be seen and felt. ( T / F ) 6. Clean the required part of the arm with tap water (T/ F )



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7. One single blood bag pack contain 450ml of blood ( T/ F ) 8. Blood donor should be bled in pleasant , hygienic with privacy (T/F ) 9. The anticoagulant used in blood collecting bag is CPDA ( citrate phosphate adenine ) ( T / F )

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LEARNING UNIT LU-6 Screening blood for transfusion transmitted infections


RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1.Screening of all blood donation should be mandatory for testing HIV, Hep B, C, syphilis ( T /F ) 2. Blood are reactive in screening test can be used for transfusion purpose ( T / F ) 3. All screen reactive units should be clearly marked ( T / F ) 4. Screen reactive unit should be disposed safely ( T/ F ) 5. Person who is gp A express A antigen on their red cell (T/F) 6. A person who is gp AB has anti A and Anti B antibody in their serum (




1.Testing Donor Blood Serologically to confirm the ABO & Rh gp of the donated blood . Screening for transfusion transmitted infection. (hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, Syphilis,Malaria

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T/F) 7. Discrepancies in ABO grouping can be caused by faulty techniques ( T / F) 8. The same blood sample as used for ABO blood grouping is not used for Rhesus ( Rh ) grouping ( T/ F )

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LEARNING UNIT LU-7 Pre transfusion testing & cross match

TOPICS Describe compatibility testing between samples of donor blood with the recipients blood

RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1. The purpose of compatibility testing (cross matching ) is to prevent a transfusing reaction ( T / F ) 2. Several techniques are not available for cross matching blood to detect ABO incompatibility ( T/ F ) 3. Never use donor red cells that appear Partially hemolyzed, or have an abnormal odour ( T / F ) 4. Cross match is use to give an indication of blood group compatibility b/e donor and recipient ( T/ F )




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LEARNING UNIT LU- 8 Issuance of blood bag.


RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1 Inspect the condition of blood and not to issue it if there is a sign of clots in bag ( T / F ) 2. It is responsibility of lab staff to ensure the correct blood is issued ( T/F ) 3. it is not necessary to maintain the record after issuing the blood ( T/ F ) 4.Blood Pack has been damaged or leaking should not be issue ( T / F ) 5. Blood may be return within half an hour of issuance ( T / F )




Describe the procedure of blood issuance.

Class room

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Classification of fungi Difference between yeast and molds Fungal habitat Medically important fungal infect ion in human ( cutaneous, sub cutaneous, systemic infection Lab method to identify fungal isolates TOPICS







Define Parasites Types of parasites Effect of parasites on host Important parasites and their disease e.g. protozoal infection (




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Trichomonas, Entamoeaba, Gardia etc ) Helminth Infection ( worms) Arthopod Infection ( Mosquito, Tsestse fly, Ticks etc LEARNING UNIT XV) Viruses TOPICS General Characteristic & components of viruses Classification Replication Effects Disease Virus Like agents Culturing Introduction to the newly emerging viral disease. RECOMMENDED FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 1 THEORY DAYS/HOUR MODULE 1 LEARNING PLACE CLASS ROOM RECOMMENDED METHODOLOGY MCQS SCHEDULE DATE

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Hematology and Clinical Hematology


1. Conduct Blood Collection and the use of appropriate anticoagulants Learning Objectives. 1. Identify the appropriate anticoagulants for hematological investigations 2. Acquire blood letting Skills 3. Observe safe work practices Competencies 2. Outline the process of hematopoesis Learning Objectives 1. Outline the theories of hematopoesis 2. Identify the various factors that affect hematopoesis 3. Identify the varied blood cells in peripheral blood 4. Classification of blood cells Competencies 3. Perform Complete Blood Count (CBC) using manual and automated methods.

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Learning Objectives 1. Use knowledge of dilutions to dilute blood samples with specific reagents. 2. Estimate hemoglobin concentration in blood 3. Explain the principle of hemocytometer 4. Calculate red blood cell indices Competencies 4. Differentiate anemia based on morphological characteristics and indices. Learning Objectives 1. Outline the concept of hemoglobin formation within the maturing red cell. 2. Outline the structure and function of hemoglobin 3. Characterize anemia based upon morphological classification 4. Interpret laboratory findings in various anemia to suggest confirmatory test.

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Body Fluids & Clinical Chemistry


1- Process appropriate sample for clinical chemistry Learning objective a. Receive samples b. Determine the suitability of the sample c. Verify the identification of the sample d. Prepare sample for testing (centrifugation and separation) e. Dispatch sample to relevant section f. Assign unique identification and register sample g. Describe the types of Specimens used in routine clinical chemistry testing h. Discuss the underlying principle and limitations of the methods Competencies 2. Conduct routine Clinical Chemistry testing for electrolyte and acid base balance and renal, gastrointestinal and hepatic function. Learning Objectives. a. Describe the types of Specimens used in routine clinical chemistry testing b. Discuss the underlying principle and limitations of the methods

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c. Determine electrolytes, blood gases, urea, creatinine, uric acid, lipase, amylase, alkaline phosphatase gamma GT , ALT, AST, Bilirubin, protein and albumin, d. Calculate creatinine clearance e .Apply the principles of safe laboratory practice f Apply the principles of quality assurance. Competencies 3. Interpret clinical chemistry results for electrolyte and acid base balance and renal, gastrointestinal and liver function Learning Objectives a. State the functions of the kidney, liver, GI tract and pancreas b. Relate the main components of the nephron with urine formation c. Summarize the pathology of the common kidney diseases of glomerular and tubular origin d. State and compare the relative blood level of the major non protein nitrogen compounds e. Summarize the source and metabolism of urea, creatine and uric acid f. Discuss underline principles limitations and reference range of the routine methods of measuring urea creatine and uric acid in body fluids. g. State the clinical significance of measuring urea, of creatine and uric acid h. Determine if patients results are normal using reference interval

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Competencies 4. Conduct routine Clinical Chemistry testing for the endocrine and cardiac systems. Learning Objectives a. Describe the types of specimens used in routine clinical testing b. Determine test CKMB, LDH, GPT, Troponin T, AST, Thyroid function test , reproductive and adrenal function, test for diabetes c. Apply the principles of safe laboratory practice. d. Apply the principle of quality assurance e. Determine if patients results are normal using normal reference interval.

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Elementary Histopathology and Cytology


1. Apply the principles of microscopy and physical and chemical staining to laboratory analyses Learning Objectives 1. Define the principles of microscopy 2. Illustrate the use of light microscopy 3. Describe the principles of staining. 4. Differentiate between a physical and a chemical stain Competencies 2. Prepare cytology specimen for examination Learning Objectives 1. List the steps in processing of specimen 2. Outline the relevance of recording, labeling and specimen preparation 3. Employ the use of fixation, staining, cleaning and mounting to produce a stained slide. Competencies 3. Identify and evaluate the morphology of cellular material stained

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Learning Objectives 1. Name normal cellular componens 2. Identify normal cell 3. Differentiate between normal and abnormal cell.

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Elementary Microbiology and Parasitology


1. Acquaint self with the scope of microbiology and microorganisms Learning objectives a. State the accomplishments of the scientific pioneers of microbiology b. Describe the three domains and five kingdoms used to classify all living things c. Compare prokaryotic cells to eukaryotic cells in regard to nuclear membrane, presence of organelles and mechanism of reproduction, ribosome size and complexity of cell wall d. Apply the scientific rules of binomial nomenclature e. Describe the composition and function of the parts of a bacterial cell f. Compare the cell wall of the gram positive and gram negative bacteria g. Discuss the phases of a typical growth curve h. Acquire common terminology used in microbiology Competencies 2. Analyze methods used to cultivate and identify microorganisms Learning objectives a. Describe the necessary components of serological testing b. Discuss the functions of the Gram Stain reagents
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c. Explain the differences between simple, differential and special stains d. Explain the difference between acidic and basic dyes e. Describe the shapes and arrangements of bacteria f. Classify bacteria based on temperature, oxygen, pH requirements and energy/carbon sources g. Differentiate between the types of media used to isolate bacteria h. Recognize the essential macronutrients required for bacterial growth i. Explain the effects of a hypotonic or a hypertonic solution on a bacterial cell j. Demonstrate proper safety habits and use of tools in the laboratory k. Discuss the criteria used to identify bacteria in the laboratory l. Determine identification of bacteria using proper laboratory tests Competencies 3. Compare methods used to control the growth of microorganisms Learning objectives a. List the types of organisms that have a high, moderate and low resistance to physical and chemical methods of growth control b. Demonstrate the effectiveness of antibiotics on bacteria c. Demonstrate thermal death time for a variety of organisms d. Describe the effects of chemicals on bacterial growth

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e. Discuss the practical importance of a growth curve of a bacterial population f. Discuss the physical methods used to control the growth of bacteria g. Compare different chemical methods used to control the growth of bacteria h. Describe the various antimicrobial agents used to control bacterial growth within a host i. Discuss factors that affect the death rate of microbes Competencies 4. Examine the methods microorganisms use to cause disease Learning objectives a. Describe bacterial resistance mechanisms that allow bacteria to survive in the presence of antimicrobial agents b. Explain the terms relating to the host-parasite relationship of bacteria and humans c. Describe the microorganism located on a human host d. Discuss the mechanisms of pathogenicity of bacteria


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5- Investigate the characteristics, habitat and diseases caused by medically significant gram positive organisms Learning objectives a. b. Employ laboratory methods and bacterial characteristics to identify gram positive bacterial isolates Describe the diseases caused by medically significant gram positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Enterococcus, Group A and Group B Streptococcus c. d. Competencies 6. Investigate the characteristics, habitat and diseases caused by the medically important gram negative organisms Learning objectives a. Discuss the characteristics and diseases caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis b. Recognize the organisms responsible and the diseases caused by the enterobacteriaceae c. Describe the symptoms and etiologic agent of whooping cough and Legionnaires disease c. Describe the diseases caused by the curved negative rods such as Campylobacter, Vibrio and Helicobacter d. Employ laboratory methods and bacterial characteristics to identify gram negative bacterial isolates Competencies Name the complications that may occur due to certain gram positive bacterial infections such as Group A Streptococcus Associate the bacteria responsible for diseases such as diphtheria, food poisoning,

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7. Examine the characteristics, habitat and diseases caused by unusual microbes Learning objectives : a. Discuss the symptoms of Opportunistic Infections. b. Discuss the identification of spirochetes responsible for Lyme disease, relapsing fever and syphilis c. Describe the symptoms and organisms responsible for tetanus, gangrene and botulism mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia d. Describe the diseases caused by mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia Competencies Investigate the characteristics, practical classification and diseases caused by fungus Learning objectives a. Explain the difference in morphology of yeast and molds b. Discuss the growth requirements of fungi c. Classify fungi according to the diseases it can produce d. List the fungi that are classified as dermatophytes e. Describe the symptoms of cutaneous, subcutaneous, and systemic fungal infections f. Employ laboratory methods and fungal characteristics to identify fungal isolates Competencies 9. Examine the various kinds of parasites and their associated diseases

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Learning objectives a. Describe the three classifications of parasites b. Describe the four categories of protozoa c. State the developmental stages of helminths d. Differentiate between a cyst and trophozoite of a protozoan e. Discuss the disease, route of transmission and life cycle of parasites such as Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, Trichomonas, Trypanosoma, Plasmodium, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, tapeworm, pinworm, scabies and lice f. Employ laboratory methods and morphologic characteristics to identify parasites

Competencies 10. Explore the importance of microorganisms in public health, environment and industry Learning objectives a. Investigate emerging pathogens and current trends in microbiology b. Explore scientific web sites on the Internet c. Present researched information in an understandable format

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Elementary Virology and Immunology


1. Explain the principles involved with antigen and antibodies reaction. Learning Objectives 1. Discuss the concept of antigens, antibodies structure and function 2. Discuss and differentiate primary and secondary immune response in vivo. 3. Recognize antigen/antibody reactions and their application to immunohematology 4. Explain the principle of agglutination , fixation, precipitation and hemolysis Competencies 2. Classify ABO and Rh blood group system Learning Objectives 1. Discuss the theory involved in the performance of ABO testing methods 2. Discuss the importance of the Rh system in compatibility testing Competencies 3. Investigate the Agglutinin test

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Learning Objectives a. Discuss the principle and application of the Coombs test Competencies 4. Determine the safety of blood components for transfusion Learning Objectives a. Discuss the importance of serological testing of blood components prior to transfusion. b. Discuss the phases of the compatibility test Competencies 5Analyze the cells and tissues of the immune system.

Learning Objectives a. Describe the functions of cells and tissues of the immune system b. Differentiate between primary and secondary lymphoid organs

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Principles of Laboratory Quality Management


1. Discuss the role of quality assurance in the clinical laboratory Learning objectives What you will learn as you master the competency: a. Explain the importance of quality assurance in the laboratory b. Discuss the use of standards and controls to ensure quality c. Explain the difference between accuracy and precision

2. Discuss laboratory safety rules that must be followed to guard against chemical, physical, and biological hazards. Learning objectives What you will learn as you master the competency: a. Describe the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety laws b. Discuss classifications of laboratory hazards c. State basic rules for laboratory safety d. Explain blood-borne Pathogens Standard and the Standard Precautions e. Explain exposure control plan

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f. Explain the impact of HIV and HBV on safety in the health care setting

3. Practice professional and ethical conduct, stress management and interpersonal communication skills Learning objectives What you will learn as you master the competency: a. Adhere to professional and ethical conduct b. Adopt stress management c. Maintain interpersonal communication skills

4. Assess quality of results using quality control and quality assurance principles Learning objectives What you will learn as you master the competency: a. Identify potential interfering substances b. Assess quality of results using quality control and quality assurance principles

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Medical Lab Practicum

Competencies 1. Apply principles of infection control and laboratory safety Learning objectives What you will learn as you master the competency: a. Practice infection control using isolation techniques and aseptic techniques b. Apply methods for disease prevention c. Practice laboratory safety using standard precautions d. Adhere to the use of personal protective equipment, biohazard waste disposal and the chemical hazards and material safety data sheets Competencies 2. Practice professional and ethical conduct and interpersonal communication skills Learning objectives a. List personal qualities that are desirable in a medical laboratory professional b. Maintain professional and ethical conduct c. Practice interpersonal communication Competencies

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3. Perform pre-analytical processes and specimen processing in each laboratory department Learning objectives a. Acquaint self with the use of laboratory equipment including laboratory glassware and microscope b. Adhere to infection control and laboratory safety c. Perform pre-analytical and specimen processing in basic hematology d. Perform pre-analytical and specimen processing in hemostasis: coagulation e. Perform pre-analytical and specimen processing in urinalysis f. Perform pre-analytical and specimen processing in basic chemistry g. Perform pre-analytical and specimen processing in basic microbiology h. Perform pre-analytical and specimen processing for blood bank Competencies 4. Perform initial testing phases using laboratory instrumentation, information systems, and supplies Learning objectives What you will learn as you master the competency: a. Perform initial testing phases on laboratory specimens in hematology b. Perform initial testing phases on laboratory specimens in coagulation c. Perform initial testing phases on laboratory specimens in urinalysis
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d. Perform initial testing phases on laboratory specimens in chemistry e. Perform initial testing phases on laboratory specimens in microbiology f. Perform initial testing phases on laboratory specimens for blood bank Competencies 5. Assess quality of results using quality control and quality assurance principles Learning objectives a. Identify potential interfering substances b. Assess quality of results using quality control and quality assurance principles Competencies 6. Document laboratory actions and clerical functions using medico-legal guidelines Learning objectives a. Acquaint self with laboratory actions for documentation b. Adhere to protocols, medico-legal guidelines, and correcting entries c. Perform clerical functions using protocols and laboratory guidelines d. Acquaint self with computer functions such as laboratory information systems and laboratory instrumentation

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